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SHSAT Model Test 2

Part 1- Verbal
5 scrambled paragraphs, 45 total questions
Suggested time: 75 minutes

Scrambled Paragraphs
Each scrambled paragraph below consists of a lead sentence and five additional
sentences that can be arranged to form a well organized and grammatically correct
paragraph. Choose the order that will form the best paragraph. Each correct paragraph is
worth two points, with no partial credit given.

Paragraph 1
Lead: Pigeons are perhaps the most visible wild animal in New York City and other
temperate urban areas.
______ Q. Another reason is that pigeon chicks, or squabs, grow remarkably fast.
______ R. It only takes about four weeks for a newly hatched squab to fledge, or grow a
full set of adult feathers and learn to fly.
______ S. Despite the prominence of adult birds, baby pigeons are very rarely observed
by humans.
______ T. Once a young bird has fledged, it takes only another five or six months until
it is ready to raise a family of its own.
______ U. One reason for this is that parents choose to nest in inaccessible corners, such
as crannies high on elevated subway lines, which are largely invisible to most
SHSAT, Full Length Sample Test 2

Paragraph 2
Lead: Today, most fabrics are dyed using a variety of chemicals created by scientists in
______ Q. An example was saffron yellow, sometimes called “the color of chiefs”,
which was made from the tiny, pollen-bearing anthers of a particular type of
______ R. In ancient Rome, Tyrian purple dye was worth its weight in gold and
completely purple togas could legally be worn exclusively by victorious
______ S. In the past, dyes were made with a wide variety of natural substances that
came from plants, animals, and minerals.
______ T. Obtaining some of these substances was difficult and time consuming, which
made some colors very expensive.
______ U. Even more exclusive was Tyrian purple, a brilliant reddish-purple made with
great effort and some danger from the mucus secretions of a marine snail.

Paragraph 3
Lead: Society changes faster than many people realize, and one of the best ways to
understand this is to learn about people who lived in the past.
______ Q. For one thing, Edison began working full time when he was twelve.
______ R. Today, working instead of going to school at such a young age would be
illegal as well as unusual, but at that time, it was common to become an
apprentice instead of pursuing formal education.
______ S. For example, Thomas Edison, famous for inventing electric lights, record
players, and movies, had a childhood that would be considered extraordinary
today, but was fairly usual in the 1860s and 1870s, when he was a boy.
______ T. As such, he traveled, alone, across much of the United States using Morse
code to send and receive messages using technology that was exciting and
______ U. Edison followed this path, and when he was only sixteen, he completed his
apprenticeship and became an itinerant telegraph operator.

New York Academics 2
SHSAT, Full Length Sample Test 2

Paragraph 4
Lead: Superstitions are found most abundantly where people engage in risky or
dangerous activities, especially ones where the outcome is not fully controlled by the
individual participating.
______ Q. Instead, it is referred to as “The Scottish Play” in hope that by controlling
language, luck can also be controlled.
______ R. One good example is theater: a successful play depends on a large number of
things going well, and only a small number of them are controlled by any
given actor.
______ S. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that actors are a particularly
superstitious bunch.
______ T. Another common custom is never saying the name of Shakespeare’s play
Macbeth out loud.
______ U. Perhaps the superstition that is best known outside of theatrical circles is
wishing someone good luck by saying ‘Break a leg’.

Paragraph 5
Lead: Roberto Clemente was a famous baseball player, but his name is known even by
many people who don’t follow the sport.
______ Q. His fame was finally cemented by his tragic death in a plane crash at the age
of 38; he was bringing badly needed humanitarian aid to Nicaraguan
earthquake victims.
______ R. At a time when baseball still suffered from deeply ingrained racism,
Clemente became the first Latino player to win the Most Valuable Player
______ S. For example, he was only the eleventh man to get at least 3,000 hits in the
major leagues and he played in two world series, helping his team win each
______ T. Some of his notoriety comes from his many achievements on the ball field.
______ U. However, his fame goes beyond what would be expected from his baseball
career alone.

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SHSAT, Full Length Sample Test 2

Logical Reasoning
Questions 11-20

For each of the following questions, select the best answer from the given
choices. Bubble in the letter corresponding to your answer on the answer sheet. Your
answer should be based only on the given information.

11. A poll was done at Fairview High School to determine the relative popularity of
five foods (peanut butter, cherries, asparagus, ice cream, and mushrooms).
I. Peanut butter was more popular than asparagus.
II. Cherries were less popular than exactly two foods.
III. Asparagus was more popular than ice cream.
IV. The 2nd most popular food begins with a vowel.

What is the most popular food at Fairview High School?

A. asparagus
B. cherries
C. ice cream
D. mushrooms
E. peanut butter

12. In a particular game, a letter that is repeated two times is worth +3 each time it
appears, a letter that is repeated three times is worth -1 each time it appears and a
letter that appears once is worth -2. Any letter that appears more than three times
causes the sum to be multiplied by 2 (per letter, not per appearance). How much
is the word Mississippi worth in this game?
F. 10
G. 8
H. 12
J. 2
K. 16

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13. How many squares of any size are in the figure? (Assume that all shapes that
appear to be squares, are in fact squares.)

A. 9
B. 10
C. 12
D. 16
E. 14

14. Yekaterinburg, Russia is ten time zones ahead of New York City. That is, when
it is 8 am in New York, it is 6 pm that same day in Yekaterinburg. A plane takes
off in New York City at 5 pm New York time and lands in Yekaterinburg at 12
noon Yekaterinburg time. How long could the flight have been?
F. 15 hours
G. 9 hours
H. 7 hours
J. 11 hours
K. 13 hours

15. You are making seating assignments for a dinner party. There are 12 guests and
two round tables that each seat six people.
I. George and Timothy won’t sit at the same table and Timothy should not
be seated next to Elizabeth.
II. Peter should not be seated next to Elizabeth and Elizabeth should not be
seated next to Kevin.
III. George and Meg want to sit next to each other and Meg wants to sit next
to Joyce.
IV. Lucas and Amy won’t sit at the same table, and Amy wants to sit next to
Which of the following must be true?
A. Elizabeth and Timothy must sit at different tables.
B. Amy can not sit next to Meg.
C. Peter must not sit next to Kevin
D. Lucas can sit at the same table as George.
E. Joyce can sit at the same table as Timothy.

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Use the following information to answer questions 16 and 17.

Mark, Felicity, Laura, and Jonathan each have one pet and participate in one sport.
The pets are a finch, a ferret, a chinchilla, and a turtle.
V. The gymnast is male and does not have a bird.
VI. The basketball player has a chinchilla.
VII. Jonathan swims and has pet turtle.
VIII. Felicity plays baseball
16. Who has the ferret?
F. Felicity
G. Mark
H. Jonathan
J. Laura
K. can not be determined

17. What sport does the finch owner play?

A. basketball
B. baseball
C. swimming
D. gymnastics
E. can not be determined

18. A six-sided die has one shape on each face. What is the smallest possible
number of different shapes that may be on the die, if no adjacent sides may have
the same shape?
F. 1
G. 2
H. 3
J. 4
K. 5

19. If Christopher gets a summer job, then he will get a bike. If he gets a bike, then
he will not walk to school next year. Which statement must be true?
A. If Christopher gets a bike, then he had a summer job.
B. If Christopher walks to school next year, then he did not have a summer job.
C. If Christopher’s mom drives him to school next year, then he did not have a
summer job.
D. If Christopher gets a bike, then he will not get a summer job.
E. Christopher would rather ride a bike to school than walk.

20. If the day two days before tomorrow is a Wednesday, what day of the week was
it five days ago?
F. Monday
G. Sunday
H. Saturday
J. Thursday
K. Friday

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SHSAT, Full Length Sample Test 2

Reading Comprehension
Questions 21-50
Read each passage and answer the questions that follow it. Base your answer
only on the information contained in the passage. For each question, select the one best
answer from the choices provided.

Human construction has literally 1820s. As a result, the first company

changed the shape of New York City in founded to dig the canal went bankrupt
ways that may be surprising to many of and future investors were scared away
its residents. Many acres of new land from the project. Eventually, the
have been created, hills and valleys have Federal, State, and City governments
been leveled, and waterways have been decided that the canal should be a public
both created and destroyed. These project. They took the floundering
changes have taken place over hundreds project over in 1873.
of years and continue into the present By this time, the land the canal
day. would eventually cut through was being
One of the most significant used for farming and manufacturing.
changes made to the geography of the The productive nature of the land greatly
city was the creation of the United States complicated the legal process because no
Ship Canal, which connects the Harlem one wanted to destroy healthy businesses
River and the Hudson River. However, and the businesses themselves filed
you are unlikely to ever see that name on many lawsuits to prevent their lands
any map. People have grown so from being taken away. However, these
accustomed to the canal that nearly efforts were ultimately unsuccessful.
everyone thinks of it as a natural portion Digging commenced in 1888
of the Harlem River, and it is even with the expectation that the project
labeled as the Harlem River on official would be completed in a mere two years.
maps. Unfortunately, nature did not agree with
Although it may seem natural this timetable. Unusually bad weather
today, building the canal was never slowed construction initially, and then a
inevitable and the process took 112 huge mass of solid bedrock took over.
years, starting in 1826 with the first At this time, the powerful machinery we
attempts to get funding and legal rights rely on today did not exist and so
of way for the project. Actual laborers had to slowly remove the solid
construction spanned from 1888 to 1938. rock with a combination of hand drills,
As you might expect from the 62 dynamite, and shovels.
year gap from the time people began After seven years of continuous
planning the project to the time when work, the canal was finally opened with
shovels actually hit dirt, there were great fanfare. It was immediately
considerable legal and financial hurdles popular with ships’ captains, but it was
to overcome before construction could not yet finished. When it opened, it was
start. First, there was a long period of only ten feet deep and 150 feet wide. It
economic malaise that began in the late took another 31 years of regular

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dredging to enlarge the canal to its final G. bad weather was the main
dimensions: 15 feet deep and 350 feet reason that the canal took so long
wide. to build
H. people take the changes to
21. Which of the following would our environment for granted to
be the best title for this passage? the extent that we confuse man-
A. The Harlem River Canal made structures for natural ones
B. Shaping New York City J. the United States Ship Canal
C. A Canal Interferes with is the most important structure
Farming built in New York City
D. Despite Difficulties, the K. the farms destroyed to make
Harlem River Canal is Built the canal were among the most
E. Canal Finally Finished after productive in New York State
112 Years!
25. The word floundering in the 4th
22. Which factors slowed the paragraph most nearly means
construction of the canal? A. a type of fish
F. an economic recession, B. struggling
lawsuits, bad weather, and the C. confused
underlying geology D. corrupt
G. an economic recession, a E. finished
government takeover, lawsuits,
and bad weather 26. According to this passage,
H. lawsuits, poor engineering, F. as soon as building a canal
bad weather, and underlying was proposed, the idea became
geology extremely popular
J. lobbying by ships’ captains, G. digging canals is harmful to
an economic recession, and a the environment
government takeover H. humans have physically
K. lack of knowledge about how enlarged New York City
to build a canal, excessive J. building The United States
bedrock, and farming interests Ship Canal was inevitable
K. regular dredging is necessary
23. How many more years did the to maintain the canal
pre-construction work take than
the actual construction? On the one hand, ferns are
A. 4 common plants, found on every
B. 112 continent except Antarctica. To many
C. 50 people, they don’t look very interesting
D. 62 and it is easy to take them for granted.
E. 12 On the other hand, there are aspects of
their life cycle that are little-known and
24. The passage implies that quite startling to most people.
F. the government always Ferns are sometimes considered
considers shipping more “primitive” plants because the species
important than manufacturing that are alive today have many traits in

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common with fossilized specimens from you. Ferns may appear quiet, even
as early as the Devonian period, roughly boring, but there is more to them than
400 million years ago. Although ferns meets the eye.
have well-developed vascular systems,
with xylem and phloem, they lack 27. The author’s feelings about ferns
flowers, fruit, and even seeds. They can best be described as
reproduce with spores and an unusual A. inspired
stage called the gametophyte. B. bored but knowledgeable
If you look on the underside of C. curious and interested
the fronds of many ferns, you can see D. myopic
small brown bumps called sori. If you E. fatigued but patient
tap on a frond with sori, you may see a
fine brown powder float out of them. 28. The main purpose of this
That powder is composed of spores, or passage is most likely to
the reproductive units of the fern. You F. make ferns seem like aliens
might think that spores are actually G. argue that ferns are more
seeds, but you would be wrong. If you interesting than all other plants
plant a seed, it will grow into something H. convince the reader to grow
that looks very much like the parent ferns from spores
plant. However, if you plant a spore, it J. reveal surprising information
will grow into something called a about a particular group of plants
gametophyte. K. explain that ferns evolved a
Mature ferns vary greatly in size; long time ago
some can fit easily in the palm of your
hand while others can be more than 70 29. The word sori in the third
feet tall, however no matter what the paragraph refers to
mature fern looks like, the gametophyte A. a reproductive organ of ferns
is very small. Many are only one cell B. the part of a fern that will
thick and they are generally smaller than grow into a gametophyte
a human thumb nail. Most of them are C. a small, heart-shaped leaf
shaped roughly like a Valentine’s Day D. the fern’s spores
heart. E. small, brown bumps caused
When the gametophyte is fully by disease
grown it produces both egg and sperm
cells (a single individual is both male 30. When the gametophyte is fully
and female). If an egg cell is fertilized, grown, it
it will grow into a new fern that F. is more than 70 feet tall
resembles the original plant. In this G. is usually less than an inch
way, ferns alternate generations between long
large, obvious plants that we easily H. produces eggs or sperm
recognize and tiny, inconspicuous plants J. is always heart-shaped
that few people ever notice. K. is indistinguishable from any
This alternation of generations is other fern
stranger than many of the traits that
science fiction aliens posses, and it can
be found in a park or a backyard near

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31. A seed differs from a spore in Alex, took part in a decades-long

that language study. During this study, his
A. seeds are always much larger keepers demonstrated that he understood
than spores surprisingly complex concepts. For
B. seeds germinate far more instance, if his trainers asked him, “What
readily than spores do object is green and three-corner?” he
C. a seed grows into a plant that could reliably pick out the green triangle
closely resembles the parent from a wide array of objects, including
while a spore grows into a plant green squares and blue triangles. He
that bears little resemblance to didn’t just understand language; he was
the parent also able to form sentences that had real
D. seeds always come from meaning. One of his trainers noted that
flowering plants while spores if Alex said, “Wanna grape!” and you
never come from flowering gave him a piece of banana, you would
plants end up wearing that banana.
E. seed plants are terrestrial in Although their intelligence
origin, while spore plants are makes African Gray parrots appealing as
aliens pets, that same intelligence also makes
keeping them much more challenging
32. Ferns posess than keeping a cat or dog. They need a
F. xylem, phloem, sori, fronds, great deal of social stimulation and
and spores regular intellectual challenges to keep
G. xylem, fruits, sori, fronds, them from growing bored. Listening to
and gametophytes music, having toys to pull apart, and
H. phloem, flowers, vascular getting out of their cages daily are all
systems, and spores important to pet parrots, but those things
J. fruits, flowers, sori, fronds, are not enough. For a pet African Gray
and spores to be happy and satisfied, it must also be
K. vascular systems, seeds, given problems to solve, choices to
flowers, and fronds make, and lots of time with its human
companions. A bored, lonely, and
African Gray parrots are about unhappy parrot is not a pleasant
14 inches tall with an 18 inch wingspan. companion: they tend to scream, bite,
They are a solid, medium gray all over and pluck out their own feathers. In
except for a burst of orange feathers in other words, they act a little bit like you
their tails and a white patch around their would expect a four-year old child to act
eyes. Very young individuals have solid if you left it alone in a playpen for hours.
black eyes while older birds have a The intelligence of African Gray
yellow ring in an otherwise black eye. parrots sets them apart from most other
They are handsome, but unexceptional, animals and puts them in a category with
in their appearance. Their intelligence, chimpanzees, dolphins, and maybe even
however, is startling. human toddlers. They are highly social
In captivity, African Grays can creatures with the capacity to be
learn dozens, or even hundreds of words, affectionate, even loving, with human
snippets of music, and a wide variety of companions, but they are also
other sounds. One famous bird, named challenging to live with.

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33. The author’s feelings about J. suggest that we should make

keeping African Gray parrots as high-quality daycare for parrots
pets could be best described as available
A. intrigued, but with serious K. highlight the cruelty that is
doubts inherent in using playpens
B. positive and curious
C. entirely dubious 37. This reading passage would be
D. unreservedly optimistic most likely to be found in
E. vaguely concerned A. a book of short biographies of
famous animals
34. Which of the following is not B. a high school science text
mentioned to describe the book
intelligence of African Gray C. a novel about a protagonist
parrots? who is considering getting a pet
F. forming simple sentences parrot
G. listening to music D. a letter from an uncle who
H. understanding verbal owns an African Gray parrot to
questions his niece
J. a desire to solve problems E. a website that contains
K. their handsome appearance information on animals that
people sometimes keep as pets
35. Which of the following is
evidence that Alex understood 38. This passages suggests that there
the words that he used? is a connection between
A. He screamed and plucked his F. being a good pet and being
feathers when he was bored. handsome
B. He responded negatively G. intelligence and language use
when given a food different from H. language use and being a
the one he requested. picky eater
C. He combined words that he J. keeping parrots and taking
had been taught to describe new care of four-year olds
objects. K. listening to music and
D. He was able to sing several plucking feathers
bars of his favorite songs.
E. He enjoyed pulling apart toys. Lynne Cox is an extraordinary
coldwater distance swimmer. Shattering
36. The reference to a four-year old world record times is the least of her
child in the 3rd paragraph is most accomplishments; much more
likely intended to impressive is her ability to swim, and
F. argue that parrots and human swim well, in waters that are so cold
children are extremely similar they would kill virtually any other
G. make the bird’s behavior human being within minutes. Her
more understandable tenacity, drive, and unusual physical
H. argue that getting a pet bird is characteristics have made her
a better option than having remarkable accomplishments possible.

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The first time she broke a world swimming fast for an hour a day, lifting
record, Lynne Cox was 15 years old. weights 5 days a week, and walking
She swam across the English Channel in around 30 miles per week. She even had
9 hours and 57 minutes, breaking both special dental treatments to reduce the
the men’s and women’s world record risk of the cold water damaging her
times. Her world record for swimming teeth.
the English Channel has since been During the swim itself, Lynne
broken many times, but she has not Cox was nearly knocked unconscious by
defended it recently, probably because large blocks of ice in the water and she
she is busy attempting other, more had trouble gauging how her body was
unusual challenges. dealing with the cold because of nerve
One of Cox’s most famous damage from practice swims in similarly
swims was a political, as well as a cold water. When she finally completed
physical, challenge. In the context of the her 25 minute swim in the Antarctic
Cold War, she swam across the Bering Ocean, and climbed onto an Antarctic
Strait from an island in Alaska to an beach she was greeted by penguins. She
island in the Soviet Union. Although the had also proved that the human body is
two islands were only 2.3 miles apart capable of surviving much colder,
and many people on one island had close harsher conditions than anyone had
relatives on the other island, political thought possible.
conditions kept them strictly separated.
Getting permission to attempt the swim 39. According to this passage,
took Cox 11 years. The swim itself took Lynne Cox attempts her cold
two hours, and required that she be water swims in order to
immersed in turbulent, 40oF water the A. bring people together and
whole time. Despite the frigid prove that the human body is
temperatures, she wore only a bathing capable of astonishing feats
suit, a swimming cap, and goggles. This B. be considered the best
swim caught people’s imagination swimmer in the world
worldwide and may have helped thaw C. avoid having to defend her
the Cold War; the presidents of both English Channel title
nations were able to agree that she had D. show how foolish the Cold
accomplished something wonderful. War was
The swim also illustrated how close the E. earn a living, since she does
two countries really were. not have other career
Fifteen years after crossing the opportunities available to her
Bering Strait, Cox attempted her most
physically challenging swim to date. 40. While training for her Antarctic
She swam 1.2 miles from a ship in the swim, Cox did not
Antarctic Ocean to a beach on Antarctica F. swim for an hour a day
itself. The water was just about 32 oF, or G. lift weights
the temperature at which fresh water H. get special dental treatments
freezes. Preparing for this test took two J. immerse herself in ice water
years. Her training included gaining daily
weight (so that she would have more K. gain weight
body fat to provide insulation),

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41. According to this passage, the of Broadway and Broome Streets in New
dangers of cold water ocean York City. In this building two
swimming include important elements of skyscrapers came
A. nerve damage together for the first time: weight-
B. shark attacks bearing metal structural elements and an
C. gaining weight elevator.
D. becoming involved in a Cold When the Haughwout Building
War was built in the 1850s it was fashionable
E. getting lost for buildings to be covered in cast iron
decoration. It is one of the most
42. The word turbulent in the 3rd spectacular examples of this style. A
paragraph most nearly means cast iron façade can be exceptionally
F. turgid beautiful and it is also relatively
G. macabre inexpensive compared to many other
H. boisterous forms of ornamentation because the
J. choppy columns, arches, and other elements
K. tortured could be cast in a factory instead of
laboriously hand-carved. Although the
43. According to the passage, one cast iron arches and columns were
difficulty that Lynne Cox did not traditionally designed to look like they
have to overcome is helped hold the buildings they were on
A. debilitating illness up, they normally served no structural
B. extreme cold purpose. In fact, their great weight
C. rough water sometimes put a strain on buildings.
D. political opposition In the case of the Haughwout
E. swimming injuries Building, this strain was particularly
acute because the building’s design
44. A suitable title for this passage called for large windows to let in as
would be much light as possible. These windows
F. Lynne Cox: An Exceptional greatly weakened the masonry walls of
Swimmer the building that would normally bear all
G. Swimming Across the Bering of the weight and therefore helped push
Straight the engineers to a creative solution that
H. Record Breaker at 15 foreshadowed the skyscraper. The
J. Swimming with Penguins solution was to reinforce the masonry
K. Swimming: More Political walls with metal structural elements.
Than You Think No, it wasn’t the same as the slender
steel skeletons that true skyscrapers
Today, the word skyscraper possess, but it was a significant step in
evokes a shimmering glass and steel that direction.
tower that is 40, 50, or even 160 stories At the time that the Haughwout
tall. However, a strong argument can be Building was constructed, technology
made that the one of the immediate was developing that allowed elevators to
ancestors of the skyscraper is only 5 operate safely. Elevators themselves
stories tall. It is called the Haughwout were nothing new- there are reports that
Building and it still stands at the corner the ancient Greek scientist Archimedes

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built one in 236 B.C., but they had never 47. In comparison with Archimedes
been popular for use by humans because elevator, Elisha Graves Otis’
of the danger of falling if the elevator elevator was probably
cable broke. This changed when Elisha A. smaller and more compact
Graves Otis developed a mechanism that B. built with better workmanship
would stop an elevator car from falling if C. able to move faster
the cable broke. Even though the five D. much more complex because
story building didn’t strictly need it, the of added safety features
owner of the Haughwout Building E. more revolutionary and
wanted to have the prestige and notoriety surprising to the general public
that went with having the first passenger
elevator in the world. In this way, two 48. Cast iron decoration was often
of the most important elements of the used on buildings in the 1850s
skyscraper came together for the first because
time. F. the columns and arches
helped hold the building up
45. The passage suggests that there G. it made the buildings stronger
is a relationship between and more fire resistant
A. masonry walls and H. it was beautiful and less
Archimedes expensive than many other
B. cast iron facades and large options
windows J. more practical forms of
C. safe, reliable elevators and decoration had not been invented
tall buildings K. it was prestigious because it
D. heavily ornamented buildings was the most expensive form of
and snapping elevator cables decoration available
E. skyscrapers and buildings
under 5 stories tall 49. Which of the following best tells
what this passage is about
46. The builders of the Haughwout A. why a metal skeleton is an
Building used metal-reinforced essential characteristic of
masonry in order to skyscrapers
F. build what was then the tallest B. why elevators, particularly
building in the world safety elevators, are important to
G. be the first to build a skyscrapers
skyscraper C. how two important elements
H. build a structurally sound of skyscrapers first came together
building despite the presence of in a single building
an elevator shaft D. a description of the most
J. build a structurally sound historically important building in
building with large windows and New York City
a heavy iron facade E. the historical development of
K. be at the cutting-edge of the elevator

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50. This passage would be most H. a book on contemporary

likely to be found in architecture
F. the art and architecture J. a book on European
section of a newspaper architectural history
G. a pamphlet published by The K. the introduction to a book
Skyscraper Museum about ancient buildings

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SHSAT, Full Length Sample Test 2

Mathematical Achievement
Questions 51-100
Suggested Time: 75 minutes

For each question, select the best answer. You may perform calculations
in the booklet. You may not use a calculator or scrap paper.

Figures, except for graphs, may or may not be drawn to scale.

(Graphs are drawn to scale.)

3 9 J. 75
51.   K. 57
4 8
A. 55. The mean of 3 positive integers
is 30. What is the largest
B. possible number in the group?
2 A. 86
1 B. 87
4 C. 88
27 D. 89
D. E. 90
E. 56. If 5x + 5y = 75, then x + y =
F. 35
G. 25
52. 300% of 0.4 is
H. 70
F. 0.012
J. 15
G. 0.12
K. can not be determined
H. 1.2
J. 12
57. Ghislane spends $25 on a book
K. 120
bag and then spends 40% of the
money she has left on lunch. If
53. 3(23 + 8) – (4)(5) =
she has $12 after lunch, how
A. 28
much money did she start with?
B. -1
A. $92.45
C. 220
B. $59.20
D. 22
C. $37.00
E. -17
D. $47.00
E. $45.00
54. The product of 15 and 3 is how
much less than the quotient
when 720 is divided by 6?
F. 302
G. 708
H. 115

New York Academics 16
SHSAT, Full Length Sample Test 2

58. 78% of students in the 8th grade D. 1

passed their history test. If 273 E. 27
students passed, how many did
not pass? 62. Grahme buys x pencils for a
F. 350 total of y dollars. The total cost
G. 77 is less than $10.00. He pays
H. 213 with a $10.00 bill. Which of the
J. 33 following expressions correctly
K. 196 describes the amount of change
he should receive?
59. What is the next number in the y
following pattern? F.
$10 x
2, 5, 10, 17, 26, ___ $10
A. 37 G.
B. 35 x
H. $10 - y
C. 39
J. $10 - xy
D. 31
K. $10(y-x)
E. 33
63. Oscar is n years old now. Ernie
is 4 years older than Oscar was 3
years ago. Bert is twice Ernie’s
current age. Express Bert’s age
in terms of n.
A. 2n – 3
B. 7 - n
C. 2(n + 1)
D. n + 9
E. 12 – 2n

64. One third of 93 is equal to

All angles in this figure are right F. 31
angles, and all lines are straight G. 9
lines. What is the perimeter? H. 243
F. 130 cm J. 729
G. 120 cm K. 103
H. 65 cm
J. 115 cm 65. What is the smaller angle
K. 215 cm between the hands of a clock at
61. What is the difference between A. 75o
the sum of the prime numbers B. 90 o
less than 10 and the product of C. 285 o
the square integers less than 10? D. 270 o
A. 53 E. 255 o
B. 18
C. 19

New York Academics 17
SHSAT, Full Length Sample Test 2

66. Ahmed’s favorite drink is a 70.

mixture of orange and grapefruit
juice in a 3:4 ratio. If he wants
to fill a 14 pint container with
his favorite drink, how many
pints of grapefruit juice will he
F. 4 pints
G. 8 pints Line AB is parallel to line CD.
H. 6 pints What is x + y equal to?
J. 7 pints F. 150 degrees
K. 9 pints G. 360 degrees
H. 180 degrees
67. 66 is 40% of y. What does y J. 90 degrees
equal? K. 270 degrees
A. 26.6
B. 200 71. Cherries cost $3.49 per pound.
C. 106 3
How much does 2 pound of
D. 165 4
E. can not be determined cherries cost? (Round to the
nearest dime.)
68. 8 x 1012  4 x 108 = A. $10.40
F. 4 x 104 B. $8.50
G. 2 x 101.5 C. $6.00
H. 4 x 1012 D. $9.60
J. 2 x 104 E. $3.90
K. 4 x 1020

69. Two trains start from the same

place and move in opposite
directions. One moves at 33mph
and the other moves at 27mph.
How long does it take for them
to be 480 miles apart?
A. 8 hours
B. 5 hours
C. 10 hours
D. 7 hours
E. the answer can not be

New York Academics 18
SHSAT, Full Length Sample Test 2

72. 75. Two rectangles are similar. One

rectangle has sides that are 6 ft
and 2 ft long. The other
rectangle has a side that is 3 ft
long. What is the length of the
second side of the second
A. 3 ft
B. 6 ft
C. 9 ft
D. 1 ft
E. the answer can not be

Line AB is parallel to line CD. 76.

Angle y has 120 degrees and
angle z has 110 degrees. How
many degrees are in angle x?
F. 30
G. 40
H. 50
J. 60
K. 70

73. 112 is between which two What is the length of side BC of

numbers? this triangle?
A. 9 and 10 F. 7
B. 10 and 11 G. 5
C. 12 and 13
D. 111 and 113 H. 7
E. 112 and 114 J. 5
K. 2
74. A certain type of carpet costs
$27 per square yard. How much 77. Drew is d years old. Gabriella is
would it cost to completely 6 years younger than Drew.
carpet a room that is 12 feet Jessie is 23 years younger than
wide and 15 feet long? twice Gabriella’s age. In terms
F. $4860 of d, what is Jessie’s age?
G. $1620 A. 2d - 35
H. $540 B. 2d - 23
J. $180 C. (d-6) - 23
K. $90 D. 6(d - 23)
E. 2d-29

New York Academics 19
SHSAT, Full Length Sample Test 2

78. 400 is what percent of 20? 2

F. 200000% D.
G. 20000% 1
H. 2000% E.
J. 200%
K. 20%
82. 3x + 2y = 33
2x + 3y = 42
What is the value of x + y?
F. 75
G. 9
H. 18
J. 24
K. 15

In terms of x, what is the area of 83. There are 50 drops in a splash, 3

splashes in a glug, and 7 glugs in
the rectangle?
a jar. How many drops are in
A. 4x – 2 half a jar?
B. 8x – 4 A. 525
C. 4x – 2x B. 1050
D. 3x2 – 2x C. 60
E. 4x2 – 2x D. 435
E. 280
80. 49 - 25 =
84. The sum of all of the distinct
F. 24
factors of 12 is equal to
G. 24
F. 15
H. 2
G. 4
J. 2 H. 27
K. 5 J. 15
K. 28
81. The numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 are
each written on an index card. 85. If an apartment sold for
The 4 cards are put into a bag $250,000 in 1995 and $300,000
and 2 of them are drawn at in 2005, what is the percent
random. What is the probability increase in the sales price?
that the sum of the two cards A. 83%
drawn is greater than 5? B. 20%
2 C. 17%
A. D. 53%
1 E. 25%

New York Academics 20
SHSAT, Full Length Sample Test 2

ab A. 16
86. If a  b is equal to , then
ab  a B. 7
5  2 is equal to C. 0
3 D. 9
F. E. 12
G. 90. A square and an equilateral
5 triangle have equal perimeters.
7 If one side of the square is 6 cm,
8 how long is one side of the
J. 15 triangle?
K. 9 F. 9 cm
G. 6 cm
87. A tank measures 5 in x 2 in x 8 H. 8 cm
in. A larger tank has dimensions J. 10 cm
of 10 in x 4 in x 16 in. The K. the answer can not be
volume of the larger tank is how determined
many times greater than the
volume of the smaller tank? 91.
A. 6 Annual Profit of Acme Widgets
B. 4 $80,000
C. 8
D. 10
E. 2

88. At first, Terrance had four times
as much money as Jenny. After
Terrance spent $86 and Jenny
made $31, they had the same
amount of money. How much 1 2 3 4 5 6

money did Terrance have at Years since com pany w as founded

first? What is the difference between the

F. 156 greatest annual profit and the least
G. 117 annual profit for Acme Widgets?
H. 70 A. $30,000
J. 120 B. $45,000
K. 55 C. $25,000
D. $20,000
89. If A and B each stand for one E. $50,000
digit, and the following problem
is worked correctly, then what
does A + B equal?

New York Academics 21
SHSAT, Full Length Sample Test 2

92. At a summer camp, campers 95. Find the median of the odd
were given a choice between perfect squares between 1 and
archery, canoeing, and 100 (inclusive).
orienteering. The campers chose A. 49
those activities in a 2:3:2 ratio. B. 36
If 168 campers chose archery, C. 16
how many were there all D. 25
together? E. 81
F. 1176
G. 588
H. 840 96. If 3x + 4y = 2x + 6y, then the
J. 240 ratio of x to y is equal to
K. 350 F. 6:1
G. 3:4
93. Nipper caught n mice last week. H. 1:2
Hudson caught 5 fewer mice J. 2:3
than Nipper. Socks caught one- K. 4:3
third more mice than Hudson.
In terms of n, how many mice 97. If x is an integer, which of the
did Socks catch? (Each cat following must be even
caught at least one mouse.) A. x(x-2)
4n  20 B. 5x + 7
A. C. 12x - 8
B. n - 5 2x
C. 12n - 20 x 1
D. 2n + 7 E. x – 7
E. 5n – 1.3
98. Two packages of socks and 3
94. A 25 liter container is filled with packages of shirts cost $54.50.
a mixture of 25% grape juice Three packages of socks and 2
and 75% cranberry juice. If 5 shirts cost $50.50. How much
liters of the mixture are removed does one shirt cost?
and replaced with pure grape F. $10.00
juice, how many liters of G. $12.50
cranberry juice are now in the H. $8.50
container? J. $21.00
F. 15 K. $105.00
G. 18.75
H. 10
J. 16.25
K. 12

New York Academics 22
SHSAT, Full Length Sample Test 2

99. A fence encloses a hexagonal

field. There is a fence post at
every vertex (corner) of the field
and every 4 feet along the length
of the entire fence. If the sides
of the fence measure 16 ft, 24 ft,
20 ft, 24 ft, 28 ft, and 12 ft, how
many posts are there altogether?
A. 25
B. 31
C. 16
D. 21
E. 35

100.The formula F = 1.8C + 32 can

be used to convert temperatures
between Fahrenheit and Celsius,
where F equals the temperature
in Fahrenheit degrees and C
equals the temperature in
Celsius degrees. If it is -8oC,
what is temperature in
F. -17.6 o
G. 43.2 o
H. 25.8 o
J. 17.6o
K. -25.8 o

New York Academics 23

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