BP 220 Booklet
BP 220 Booklet
BP 220 Booklet
b.3.4 Road Pavement Crown of the roads shall have a slope of not
Major, minor roads and motor court for less than 1.5 to 9 percent. (See Figure 4:
economic and socialized housing projects Road Grade Slope)
shall be paved with asphalt with minimum
thickness of 50 millimeters or concrete with
minimum thickness of 150 millimeters and a Grades and vertical curbs shall conform to
minimum compressive strength of 20.7 Mpa the design requirements of the Department
at 28 days. Sidewalk or alley shall be of of Public Works and Highways (DPWH).
macadam finish. Figure 4 : Road Grade (Slope)
5. Setback/Yard
The minimum setback of dwelling unit both
c. Lot Frontages(Amended per Board
for economic and socialized housing project
Res. No. 824, Series of 2008)
shall be as follows:
a. Front Setback 1.5 m.
The minimum lot frontages for various types
b. Side yard 1.5 m (from the building line)
of housing both for economic and socialized
housing projects shall be as follows: c. Rearyard 2.0 m.
d. Abutments May be allowed per For elevated reservoir, structural design
requirements of the National Building Code shall comply with accepted structural
of the Philippines standards or the National Building Code of
the Philippines. The elevated reservoir or
water tank capacity must be 20% average
6. Water Supply daily demand plus fire reserve.
Alternative sources of water supply may be
availed of such as collected rain water and
Whenever a public water supply system
other devices with water impounding
exists, connection to it by the subdivision is
Provision for fire protection shall comply
Each lot and/or living unit shall be served
with the requirements of the Fire Code of
with water connection (regardless of the
the Philippines. Whichever is applicable, the
type of distribution system). Water supply
Local Government Unit shall provide each
provided by the local water district shall be
community with fire hydrants and a cistern
potable and adequate. It shall be
that are operational at all times
complemented/ supplemented by other
sources, when necessary, such as communal For a multi-storey building, a water tank shall
well, which may be located strategically for be provided if the height of the building
ease and convenience in fetching water by requires pressure in excess of that in the
residents and at the same time not closer main water line. Capacity should be 20%
than 300 meters from each other. average daily demand plus fire reserve.
b. Ceiling Heights
e. Abutments
1) Minimum ceiling height for habitable
Abutments on the side and rear property rooms shall be measured from the finished
lines may be allowed provided the following floor line to the ceiling line. Where ceilings
requirements shall be complied with: are not provided, a minimum headroom
clearance of 2.0 meters shall be provided.
(See Fig. 5: Minimum Ceiling Heights)
1) Open space as prescribed in the table
Table 10: Private Open Space Requirements
Fig. 5: Minimum Ceiling Heights (See Fig. 7: Door Openings)
f.1 Handrails on stairs shall not be less than Fig. 9 : Winding and Circular Stairways
0.80 meter or more than 1.20 meters above
the upper surface of the tread, measured
vertically to the top of the rail from the
leading edge of the tread. (See Fig. 8:
Stairway Design)
c. Sanitary Requirements
All sanitary systems, equipment and
installation shall conform with the provisions
of the latest edition of Sanitation Code of the
Philippines and its Implementing Rules and
Regulations and National Plumbing Code.
d. Construction Materials
The use of indigenous materials for site
development and construction of dwellings
shall be encouraged, as long as these are in
conformity with the requirements of these
Rules and ensures a building life span of at
least 25 years, or in correspondence to loan
terms payment.