Intl Banking 36 PG
Intl Banking 36 PG
Intl Banking 36 PG
International Banking
Forex, Exports, Imports, DGFT, RBI, LC, FEDAI etc.
International Banking
Foreign Exchange
Foreign It includes all Currency, deposits, Credits and Balances payable in Foreign
Exchange currency. It also includes Drafts/TCs, LCs and Bills of Exchange payable in
Foreign currency. In nut shell, all claims payable abroad is Foreign
On the other hand, Foreign Currency is narrow term which includes hard
currency say Pounds, Dollars etc.
Forex Market It comprises of individuals and entities including banks across the globe
without geographical boundaries. Forex market is dynamic and it operates
round the clock. Exchange rate of major currencies change after about
every 4 seconds. It opens from Monday to Friday except in Middle east
countries where it is closed on Friday and opens on Saturday and Sunday.
Discount is Sale Transactions:
always deducted Spot Rate (+ )Higher premium OR (-) Lower discount
from Spot Rate to
arrive at Forward (So that currency may become cheaper while buying and dearer while
Rate) selling
3M Offer Rate
(It implies that we have to quote Sale rate of Euro)
Formula of Direct Quote will apply
3M Offer rate = 1.3190+.0049=1.3239 (Higher premium is added in
higher spot rate)
Indirect Quotes
Suppose, in the above example, if situation is like this that we have to
quote Buy Rate of USD (instead of Euro), then this will be indirect
quotation. We will like to buy more USD for 1 Euro. Then Maxim Buy High,
Sell Low will apply i.e. 1Euro = USD 1.3190
Forward Rates Euro 1 = USD$1.3180/3190
when Currency Forward differentials:
is at Discount 1M = 24/19, 2M= 26/20, 3M=33/25 (It implies Discount)
Direct, Indirect Cross Rates
and Cross Rates Cross rate is price of currency pair which is not directly quoted. It is arrived
at from price of two other currency equations.
1. Suppose bank has to Quote GBP against INR, but in India, GBP is
not quoted directly. In India,
1USD =48.10 and GBP/USD is quoted as 1GBP= USD1.6000.
Therefore 1 GBP = 48.10X1.6 = 76.96
While selling USD, bank will Quote Higher Rate i.e. 1 USD = 48.15
While selling GBP, bank will Quote Higher Rate i.e. 1 GBP = 1.5985 USD
Cross Rates Suppose, In India, 1USD=42.8450/545 and in UK, 1USD=.7587/.7590
where two EURO. The customer intends to remit Euro and he desires to know 1 Euro
markets are = ? INR.
involved and
one of them is We will Sell USD to buy Euro in International Market and then, we will Sell
international Euro to our customer.
market Calculation
Sell rate of 1USD = .42.8545 (Direct Quote)
(Sell High i.e. While selling USD, get more INR)
We will buy Japanese Yen and sell USD and then, JPY will be sold to the
customer. The rate to be applied is:
48.2600/90.50 = .533260 per JPY
Rate per 100 JPY = 53.3260 + Margin @.15%(.0799) = 53.4059 (say
For customers the exchange rate is quoted in two decimal places i.e. Rupees and paisa. e.g. 1
USD =Rs. 55.54.
Bill Buying Rate Bill Buying rate is applied when bank gives INR to the customer before
receipt of Foreign Exchange in the Nostro account i.e. Nostro account is
credited after the purchase transaction. In such cases.
Examples are:
Export Bills Purchased/Discounted/Negotiated.
Cheques/DDs purchased by the bank.
Spot Rate + Forward Premium (or deduct forward discount) – Exchange
TT Selling Rate Any sale transaction where no delay is involved is quoted at TT selling rate.
It is desired in issue of TT, MT or Draft. It is also desired in crystallization of
Export bills and Cancellation of Forward purchase contract.
Spot Rate + Exchange Margin
Bill Selling Rate It is applied where handling of documents is involved e.g. Payment against
Import transactions:
Spot Rate + Exchange Margin for TT selling + Exchange margin for Bill
Q. 1
Bank received MT of USD 5000 on 15th Sep. The Nostro account was already credited. What
amount will be paid to the customer: Spot Rate 34.25/30. Oct Forward Differential is 22/24.
Exchange margin is .80%
TT buying Rate will be applied
34.25 - .274 = 33.976 Ans.
Q. 2
On 15th July, Customer presented a sight bill for USD 100000 for Purchase under LC. How
much amount will be credited to the account of the Exporter. Transit period is 20 days and
Exchange margin is 0.15%. The spot rate is 34.75/85. Forward differentials:
Aug: .60/.57 Sep:1.00/.97 Oct: 1.40/1.37
Bill Buying rate of August will be applied.
Spot Rate----34.75 Less discount .60 = 34.15
Less Exchange Margin O.15% i.e. .0512 =34.0988 Ans.
( Transit period is rounded to next month since currency will be cheaper as it is buy transaction)
Q. 3
Issue of DD on New York for USD 25000. The spot Rate is IUSD = 34.3575/3825 IM forward
rate is 34.7825/8250
Exchange margin: 0.15%
TT Selling Rate will Apply
Spot Rate = 34.3825 Add Exchange margin (.15%) i.e. 0.0516
TT Selling Rate = Spot Rate + Exchange Margin = 34.4341 Ans.
Q. 4
On 12th Feb, received Import Bill of USD-10000. The bill has to retired to debit the account of
the customer. Inter-bank spot rate =34.6500/7200. The spot rate for March is 5000/4500. The
exchange margin for TT selling is .15% and Exchange margin for Bill selling is .20%. Quote rate
to be applied.
Bill Selling Rate will be applied.
Spot Rate + Exchange margin for TT Selling + Exchange margin for Bill selling =
34.7200+.0520+.0695 = 34.8415 Ans.
Buy Transactions
Quote rates applicable to lower month (if currency is at premium) and same month (if currency
is at discount) due to the reason that currency becomes cheaper and Buy low and Sell High
Sale Transactions
Quote rates applicable to Same month (if currency is at premium) and lower month (if currency
is at discount) due to the reason that currency becomes dearer and Buy low and Sell High
Forward contracts can be booked by Resident Individuals up to USD1lac.
Buy On 22.7.2013,
Transactions- Spot Rate is 35.6000/6500 Forward 1M=3500/3000 2M=5500/5000
Currency at 3M=8500/8000
Discount Transit Period ----20 days Exchange Margin = 0.15%.
Find Bill Buying Rate & 2 M Forward Buying Rate
Transit Period is
rounded off to Solution
same month in Bill Buying Rate (Ready) : Bill Date +20 days = 11.8.2013
which due date Spot Rate = 35.6000 Less Forward Discount 1M (0.3500) Less Exchange
falls Margin 0.15% (0.529)
i.e. 35.6000-.3500-.0529(0.15% of 35.2500) = 35.1971
2 M Forward Buying Rate: = Transaction date +2M +20 days =11.10.13
3 Month Forward Buying Rate will be applied.
Spot Rate = 35.6000 Less Forward Discount of 3M (.8500) Less Exchange
Margin (.0521)
i.e. 35.6000-.8500-.0521(0.15% of 34.7500) = 34.6979 Ans.
Cancellation of
Deal Cancellation of Buy contract is done at TT selling rate and cancellation of
Sale contract is done at TT buying rate.
A bank purchased export bill of USD 50000 at Rs. 42.66, which was dishonored for non-
payment. How much amount will be recovered from exporter, if Spot rate is 42.2000/3000.
Exchange margin is 0.15%.
TT selling rate will be applied to recover the amount
TT Selling rate= Spot rate +Exchange margin
=42.3000+0.06345 = 42.36345= 42.3625 (Rounding off to nearest .0025)
Amount to be debited to customers’ account =50000*42.3625 =2118125 --------------Ans.
Per Cent and Per 1% is on part of 100 whereas per mille is 1 part of thousand
Dealers Authorized dealers are called Authorized Persons. The categories are as
AP category 1 -----AD banks, FIs dealing in Forex transactions.
AP category 2-----Money changers authorized to sell and purchase
Foreign currency notes, TCs and Handle remittances.
AP category 3----Only purchase of Foreign currency and Travelers
Cheques. These were earlier called “Restricted Money Changers.”
Let us borrow from one center and lend at other center at higher rate. In
USA, rate of interest is 6% whereas in Germany, rate of interest is 3% for
EURO. We will borrow from Germany and lend in USA where
1EURO =1.5 USD
= 1.5 x 3 x 90
A foreign correspondent intends to fund his Vostro Account maintained with Mumbai branch of
SBI. What rate will be quoted if 1 USD = 44.23/27 and margin is 0.08%
Solution : TT buying rate will quoted
44.23-.035 = 44.195 ---------------------------------------Ans.
If Swiss Franc is quoted as USD = CHF 1.2550/54 and in India, USD =INR43.50/52, how much
INR will exporter get for his export bill of CHF 50000.
Solution :
Swiss Franc will be bought from customer and sold for USD in overseas market and USD will be
bought in local market.
Rate will be as under:
1 USD = 1.2554 CHF and 1USD=INR 43.50
1CHF=43.50/1.2554 = 34.6503
Amount as paid to exporter = 34.6503*50000=17,32,515/- ----------------Ans.
If Swiss Franc is quoted as USD = CHF 1.2550/54 and USD =INR43.50/52, how much INR will
Importer pay for his import bill of CHF 50000.
Solution :
Swiss Franc will be sold to the customer after it is bought against USD in overseas market.
For this purpose, we will have to buy USD from local market i.e. Buy rate and Sell the same in
the international market to buy CHF. CHF will then be sold to the customer.
Q.5 What rate will be quoted for repatriation of FCNR deposit (spot rate or TT rate)
Ans. No rate as the amount is to be paid in Foreign currency itself.
Forex Dealing It is a service branch which deals Buying and Selling Operations of the
Room bank. It manages Foreign currency Assets and Liabilities and also
operations manages Nostro accounts.
Difference between Futures and Forward Contracts
Forward Contract Futures
It is OTC (Over the Counter) Product It is Exchange traded product
It can be for any odd amount It is always for Standard amount
It can be for any Odd period It is always for Standard period
Delivery is essential Delivery is not must
Margin is not essential It is based on Margin requirement and
Marked to market
Options Option is Right to buy or sell an agreed quantity of currency or commodity
without obligation to do so. The buyer will exercise the option if market
price is in favor or otherwise option may be allowed to lapse.
Call Option
Right to buy at fixed price on or before fixed date.
Put Option
Right to sell at fixed price on or before fixed date.
Final day on which it expires is called maturity.
If Strike price is below the spot price, the option is In the money.
If Strike price is equal to the spot price, the option is At the money.
If Strike price is above the spot price, the option is Out of money.
If Strike price is more the spot price, the option is In the money.
If Strike price is equal to the spot price, the option is At the money.
If Strike price is less than spot price, the option is Out of the money.
American Option
Option can be exercised on any day before expiry.
European Option
Option can be exercised on maturity only.
Swap Foreign Exchange transactions where one currency is sold and purchased
Transactions - for another simultaneously.
Swap Deal may involve:
1. Simultaneous purchase of spot and sale of forward or vice versa.
2. Simultaneous sale and purchase, both forward but for different
maturities. It is called “Forward to Forward Swap”.
Conditions of Swap Deal:
There should be simultaneous buying and selling of same foreign
currency of same value for different maturities.
The deal should be concluded with the understanding between the
banks that it is Swap Deal.
Buying and Selling is done at same rate. Only Forward margin
enters into the deal as a Swap difference.
PNB approaches UCO bank to quote its Swap rate for spot to 3months.
UCO bank has to sell spot and buy forward. Swap deal is at forward
differential of Rs. 1.40/1.35. UCO bank will sell spot and buy forward at a
discount of Rs.1.40 (Higher discount at purchase). Swap Difference will be
at Discount of Rs.1.40.
Correspondent Banking
It is a relationship between two banks which have mutual accounts with each other:
What is Swift?
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications. There are 8300 members of the
society. Financial messages are sent through Swift. The messages are automatically
authenticated through BKE (Bilateral Key Exchange). It is operational 24 hours and 365 days.
Swift has now introduced new system of authentication system wherein banks are required to
have authentication key exchanged between them through a set format by use of RMA
(Relationship Management Application). This is called BIC or Bank Identifier Code).
It is US payment system being operated by Federal Reserve Bank. It handles majority of
domestic payments. All US banks maintain account with Federal Reserve Bank and are allotted
ABA numbers to identify senders and receivers of payments.
CHAPS – London
Clearing House Automated Payment System
It is UK based Settlement System. It handles receipts and Payments in UK.
It has 16 member banks and 400 Indirect members.
The full form of TARGET is Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross Settlement Express
Transfer System. It is Euro Payment System which comprises of 15 national RTGS systems
working in EUROPE. It process high value payments from 30000 participating institutions
across Europe.
RTGS plus has over 60 participants. It is a German Hybrid clearing system and operating as a
European oriented RTGS and Payment system.
RTGS & NEFT in India
Real Time Gross Settlement is a payment system for Interbank transfer with minimum Rs. 2.00
lac. This system is managed by IDRBT, Hyderabad, which connects all banks to Central server
maintained by RBI. The network is INFINET (Indian Financial Network)
Timings are:
8:00AM to 8:00PM
NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer) is mainly used for low amount transactions. However,
there is no minimum and maximum limit. The timings are: 8:00AM to 7:00PM. There are 12
batches daily. The time period is B+2.
Who is Resident A person who resides in India for more than 182 days during preceding
Indian? Who is financial year is Resident Indian. A person who is not resident is Non-
Non- Resident Resident.
Who is NRI? A person who is citizen of India but resides outside India owing to:
Employment, Business, vocation-------indicating indefinite period of
stay outside.
Work abroad on assignment with Foreign Govt., UNO, and IMF etc.
Deputation officially.
Study abroad.
PIO - Persons of PIO is a person who is citizen of any other country (Except Pakistan and
Indian Origin Bangladesh), but he at any time:
Held Indian Passport
He or his grand-parents or grand grand-parents were Indian citizens
by virtue of constitution of India or under Indian Citizenship Act.
The person is spouse of Indian Citizen.
OCB – Overseas OCBs are firms, Cos, Society owned directly or indirectly to the extent of at-
Corporate least 60% by NRIs.
Bodies It also includes overseas trusts where at-least 60% irrevocable beneficial
interest is held by non-residents directly or indirectly.
NRE Deposit Only non-resident Indians can open following NRE accounts with banks:
Accounts Fixed Deposits & Recurring Deposits
SB and CA Deposits
FCNR- B FCNRB accounts can also be opened by NRIs. The conditions of NRE
accounts deposits as explained above are also applicable on FCNR-B deposits with
the following additional features:
Only FD 1-5 years tenure can be opened.
The amount is kept in Foreign Currency and repaid in the Foreign
6 currencies i.e. GBP, USD, Euro, JPY, CAD. AUD are eligible
currencies for opening the account.
No exchange risk for the customer. The bank bears the risk.
Interest on the basis of 360 days in a year
Half yearly intervals of 180 days
Interest exemptions from I.T.
Operating by P/A not permitted.
The amount of Principle and Interest is freely repatriable
Joint account with Indians can be opened as Former or
The rate of interest and tenor applicable to these accounts will
be decided by Reserve Bank of India.
Rupee Loans Demand Loan or Overdraft is allowed against FDR. There is no maximum
against limit of loan against pledge of FDR (Which was 100 lac earlier). The loan
NRE/FCNRB can be availed for :
FDRs Personal purpose.
Purchase of property.
or Survivor with on “Either or Survivor” basis subject to the following conditions:
non- resident
Such account will be treated as resident bank account
Cheques, instruments, remittances, cash, card belonging to the NRI
close relative shall not be eligible for credit to this account
The NRI close relative shall operate such account only for and on
behalf of the resident for domestic payment
Where due to any eventuality, the non-resident account holder becomes
the survivor, it shall be categorized as NRO account
Investments by NRIs are allowed to invest in India on Repatriation basis as well as on Non-
NRIs in India Repatriation basis. NRI can purchase Equity Shares, Preference shares
and Convertible Debentures in Indian companies subject to conditions
under following categories:
1. Foreign Direct Investments.
2. Portfolio Investment
3. Purchase and Sale of Shares on Non-Repatriation basis.
4. Purchase of other securities of Indian Companies.
5. Exchange Traded Derivatives.
Besides above, NRIs are permitted to invest in:
Units of UTI and Mutual Funds
Company Deposits – Minimum 3 years’ period.
Share in Proprietorship firm/partnership firm provided the firm is not
engaged in Agriculture and Plantation activity or Property business.
Acquiring of Immovable property not being Agriculture, Plantation or
Farm House.
NRI can acquire IP by way of :
Purchase out of funds received in India
By way of gift from resident in India or outside India.
By way of Inheritance from a person resident outside India.
The Income from the property or sale proceeds of the property can be
repatriated outside India up to monetary limit of USD1 Million per financial
year provided all the applicable taxes are paid.
NRIs can invest in Govt. securities, treasury bills on non- repatriation
basis. However, NRI cannot invest in Small saving Schemes including
Loans to NRIs NRI can avail the following loans:
1. Rupee Loans in India
- Up to up to any limit subject to prescribed margin.
- For personal purpose, contribution to Capital in Indian
Companies or for acquisition of property.
- Repayment of loan will be either from inward remittances or
from local resources through NRO accounts.
2. Foreign Currency Loans in India
- Against security of funds in FCNR-B deposits.
- Maturity of loan should not exceed due date of deposits.
- Repayment from Fresh remittances or from maturity proceeds of
3. Loans to 3rd Parties provided
- There is no direct or indirect consideration for NRE depositor
agreeing to pledge his FD.
- Margin, rate of Interest and Purpose of loan shall be as per RBI
- The loan will be utilized for personal purpose or business
purpose and not for re-lending or carrying out
Agriculture/Plantation/Real estate activities.
- Loan documents will be executed personally by the depositor
and Power of attorney is not allowed.
4. Housing Loans to NRIs : HL can be sanctioned to NRIs subject to
following conditions:
- Quantum of loan, Margin and period of Repayment shall be
same as applicable to Indian resident.
- The loan shall not be credited to NRE/FCNR account of the
- EM of IP is must and lien on assets.
- Repayment from remittance abroad or by debit to NRE/FCNR
account or from rental income derived from property.
Portfolio RBI has permitted NRIs to invest in PIS subject to following conditions:
Investment Investment on repatriation as well as non-repatriation basis.
Scheme for NRIs Purchase/Sale of shares and debentures
Through Regd. Brokers
Amount is routed through designated branch.
Only delivery based transactions
Investment on Repatriation basis can be made out of inward
remittances or out of NRE/FCNR deposits.
Investment on Non-Repatriation basis can be made out of NRO
deposits besides NRE/FCNR deposits.
Documentary LC is a document:
Letters of Credit Issued by Buyer’s bank at his request.
(LC) Carrying undertaking to pay to the seller
Upon presentation of documents evidencing shipping of goods.
In compliance with terms and conditions.
ILC is Inland Letter of Credit and FLC is Foreign Letter of Credit. The
parties to LC are as under:
Notifying Bank advised. It acts as agent without responsibility to
pay unless it confirms.
Negotiating Bank Bank in Exporter Country which makes payment
or Nominated Bank to exporter or accepts Bill of Exchange.
Confirming Bank In Exporter’s country. It may be advising bank
also if it adds confirmation. This bank will be
responsible for default, if any.
Reimbursing Bank The bank which reimburses the negotiating
bank. (Usually, it is the bank having Nostro
account of Opening Bank.
UCP – 600 It is a publication of ICC (international Chamber of Commerce). It does not
Uniform Custom apply by default. There must be special mention in LC about applicability of
and Practice of UCPDC – 600. It has 39 articles. Some of the important are here under:
Documentary Negotiating Bank/Issuing Bank gets Reasonable time for
Credit acceptance/refusal of Documents which is 5 Banking days after
Bank to deal with documents and not with goods. Bank not to check
quality of the goods. However shipping documents must contain the
particulars of commodity shipped which should match with LC.
Bank is not concerned with underlying contract of buyer and seller.
Courts refrain from passing injunction on complaint of importer
regarding any discrepancy of goods.
Amount of Bill may differ from LC amount ±10% (Tolerance limit)
Quantity of Bill may differ from LC specification ±5% (Tolerance
Documents are original if it carries original signatures, stamp mark
and label of issuer.
Documents must be presented for negotiation within 21 Calendar
days from date of Shipment. It becomes stale thereafter.
If expiry of LC falls on Public holiday, under such situations
documents can be submitted on Preceding banking day.
Types of LC LC Type Features
Revocable It is an LC which can be amended or cancelled
without consent of all parties. UCPDC 600 does not
allow issue of such LC.
Irrevocable It is LC which cannot be cancelled or amended
without consent of all parties.
Confirmed LC If confirmed by some bank in exporter country.
Transferable LC It can be transferred in Full or part by advising bank at
the request of issuing bank. ONLY ONCE
Red Clause LC It enables the beneficiary to avail pre-shipment credit
Green Clause Besides pre-shipment, advising bank can allow
Letter of Credit advance for storage and shipment.
Revolving LC Where bills are negotiated and LC is automatically
Back to Back LC Beneficiary Uses LC to open another LC in favor of
local suppliers.
Standby LC It is issued in lieu of Guarantee. It is substitute of
guarantee and is used in countries like US where
guarantees are not used.
If nothing is mentioned, LC will be Irrevocable, non-transferable.
Documents under LC
1. Bill of exchange.
2. Invoice
3. Transport Documents: Bill of Lading & Airway Bill
4. Insurance Documents (Insurance is done at 110% of CIF value)
5. Certificate of Origin
Short Bill of Lading: Which does not carry detailed terms and conditions
Thorough Bill of Lading covers entire voyage with several modes of
Straight Bill of Lading is issued directly in the name of consignee.
Clause Bill of Lading: It bears super imposed clause that declared
defective condition of Goods.
Clean Bill of Lading: It has no such super imposed clause declaring
goods or packaging as defective.
Crystallization of It is incumbent upon the issuing bank to make payment immediately.
Foreign In case of sight documents, the issuing bank can hold documents for
currency maximum period of 10 days. In case the bill is not retired or paid within this
Liability period, the issuing bank will crystallize the liability on 10th day at Bill
Selling rate or the rate at which the contract was booked (whichever is
In case of Usance bill, Forex liability will be crystallized on due date into
Indian Rupees at Bill Selling rate or Contracted Rate (which is higher)
Inco Terms Ex-Works
Exporter says that goods can be picked up from Factory. Exporter will not
pay the freight. The transport cost and risk will be borne by the Importer.
FCA (Main Freight Paid by Buyer)
Free Carrier means seller hands over the goods to first Carrier.
FAS (Main Freight Paid by Buyer)
Free alongside ship i.e. Goods will be delivered by exporter to shipping co.
FOB (Main Freight Paid by Buyer)
Free on Board (Say FOB Mangalore) means Goods will be loaded on
ship/Aero plane (main carriage still unpaid by the exporter)
CFR (Cost and Freight Paid by Seller)
Seller will pay cost and freight till destination
CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight paid by Seller)
The cost, Insurance and Freight will be borne by seller.
Other related
guidelines UCPDC does not apply by default. It is required to be mentioned on
RBI and DGFT RBI controls Foreign Exchange and DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign
Trade) controls Foreign Trade. Exim Policy as framed in accordance with
FEMA is implemented by DGFT. DGFT functions under direct control of
Ministry of Commerce and Industry. It regulates Imports and Exports
through EXIM Policy.
On the other hand, RBI keeps Forex Reserves, Finances Export trade and
Regulates exchange control. Receipts and Payments of Forex are also
handled by RBI.
IEC - Importer One has to apply for IEC to become eligible for Imports and Exports. DGFT
Exporter Code allots IEC to Exporters and Importers in accordance with RBI guidelines
and FEMA regulations. EXIM Policy is also considered before allotting IEC.
Export All exports (physically or otherwise) shall be declared in the following Form.
Declaration 1. GR form--- meant for exports made otherwise than by post.
Form 2. PP Form---meant for exports by post parcel.
3. Softex form---meant for export of software.
4. SDF/EDF (Statutory Declaration Form/ Export Declaration Form)----
replaced GR form in order to submit declaration electronically.
EDF is submitted in duplicate with Custom Commissioned who puts its
stamp and hands over the same to exporter marked “Exchange Control
Copy” for submission thereof to AD.
Up to USD 25000 (value) – Goods or services as declared by the
Trade Samples, Personal effects and Central Govt. goods.
Gift items having value up to USD 5000 per exporter.
Goods with value not exceeding USD 1000 value to Myanmar.
Goods imported free of cost for re-export.
Goods sent for testing.
ADs may consider waiver for export of goods free of cost for export
promotion up to 2% of average annual exports of previous 3 years subject
to ceiling of Rs. 5.00 lac. The limit is Rs. 10.00 lac for Status Holder
Prescribed Time The time norms for export trade are as under:
limits Submission of documents with “Exchange Control Copy” to AD
within 21 days from date of shipment.
Time period for realization of Export proceeds is has been reduced
to 9M for all types of exports including exports to SEZ (Special
economic zones), SHE (Status Holder Exporters) and 100%EOUs.
Previously, the time period was 12Months for SEZs and SHEs.
For, Exports to Warehouse established outside India, as soon as it
is realized and in any case within fifteen months from the date of
shipment of goods
After expiry of time limit, extension is sought by Exporter on ETX
Form. The AD can extend the period by 6M.
However, reporting will be made to RBI on XOS Form on half yearly basis
in respect of all overdue bills which remained outstanding for more than 6
Months or the bills which are overdue
Direct Dispatch AD banks may handle direct dispatch of shipping documents provided
of Shipping export proceeds are up to USD 1 Million
Documents the exporter is regular customer of at least 6 months AND
Full Value of Exports stands received.
Advance Exporters may receive advance payments from their overseas importers
Payments provided:
Shipment is made within 1 year from receipt of advance.
Rate of interest payable should not exceed LIBOR+100 bps.
Documents are routed through AD from which advance was routed.
Prescribed Exporter will receive payment though any of the following mode:
Method of Bank Drafts, TC, Currency, FCNR/NRE deposits, International
payment and Credit Card. But the proceeds can be in Indian Rupees from Nepal
Reduction in and Bhutan.
export proceeds Export proceeds from ACU countries can be settled in ACU/EURO
or ACU/Dollar. A separate Dollar/Euro account is maintained which
is denominated as ACU Dollar or ACU EURO.
ACU – Asian Clearing Union was formed in Tehran, Iran in 1974 and it
comprises of following 9 countries as members.
licensing years.
DDA account can be opened by the exporter for transacting business in
Foreign Exchange. An exporter can have maximum 5 Diamond Dollar
EEFC Exchange Earners Foreign Currency accounts can be opened by exporters.
100% export proceeds can be credited in the account which does not earn
interest but this amount is repatriable outside India for imports (Current
Account transactions).
Pre-shipment Packing credit has the following features:
Finance or
Packing Credit 1. Calculation of FOB value of order/LC amount or Domestic cost of
production (whichever is lower).
2. IEC allotted by DGFT.
3. Exporter should not be on the “Caution List” of RBI.
4. He should not be under “Specific Approval list” of ECGC.
5. There must be valid Export order or LC.
6. Account should be KYC compliant.
Post Shipment Post shipment finance is made available to exporters on the following
Finance conditions:
IEC accompanied by prescribed declaration on GR/PP/Softex/SDF
form must be submitted.
Documents must be submitted by exporter within 21 days of
Payment must be made in approved manner within 6 months.
Normal Transit Period is 25 days.
The margin is NIL normally. But in any case, it should not exceed
10% if LC is there otherwise it can be up to 25%.
Types of Post Shipment Finance:
Export Bills Purchased for sights bills and Discounting for Usance
Export bills negotiation.
Discrepancies of Documents
Late Shipment, LC expired, Late presentation of shipping documents, Bill
of Lading not signed properly, Incomplete Bill of Lading, Clause Bill of
Lading , Short Bill of Lading or Inadequate Insurance.
Advance against Un-drawn Balance
Undrawn balance is the amount less received from Importers. Bank can
finance up to 10% undrawn amount up to maximum period of 90 days.
Advance against Duty Drawback
Duty drawback is the support by Government by way of refund of
Excise/Custom duty in case the domestic cost of the product is higher than
the Price charged from the importer. This is done to boost exports despite
international competition. Bank can make loan to exporter against Duty
Drawback up to maximum period of 90 days.
GATS Credit can be afforded to exporters of all the 161 services covered under
GATS “General Agreement on Trade in Services”. The provisions
applicable to export of goods apply mutatis mutandis to export of services.
Crystallization of Consequent upon non-realization, Conversion of Foreign Exchange liability
Overdue Bills into Rupees is called crystallization. It is done on 30th day from notional
due date at prevailing TT selling rate or Original Bill Buying Rate
(Whichever is higher).
DA Bills
Notional due date is calculated in DA Bill by adding normal period of transit
i.e. 25 days in the Usance period. 30th day is taken from notional due date.
DP Bills
30th day after Normal Transit Period
Export of Credit can be provided to exporters of all 161 tradable services covered
services under GATS (General Agreement on Trade in services) where payment for
such services is received in Forex. The provisions applicable to export of
goods apply to export of services.
Gold Card All exporters in Small and Medium Sector with good track record are
Scheme eligible to avail Gold Card Scheme. The conditions are :
1. Account should be classified as Standard assets for the last 3
2. Limit is sanctioned for 3 years and thereafter automatic renewal.
3. There is provision of 20% Standby limit.
4. Packing Credit is allowed in Foreign currency.
5. Concessional rate is allowed for 90 days initially which can be
extended for 360 days.
6. Bank may waive collateral and provide exemption from ECGC
Guarantee schemes.
Factoring and Factoring is financing and collection of Receivables. The client sells
Forfaiting Receivables at discount to Factor in order to raise finance for Working
Capital. It may be with or without recourse. Factor finances about 80%
and balance of 20% is paid after collection from the borrower. Bill should
carry LR/RR. Maximum Debt period permitted is 150 days inclusive of
grace period of 60 days. Debts are assigned in favour of Factor. There are
2 factors in International Factoring. One is Export Factor and the other is
Import Factor. Importer pays to Import factor who remits the same to Export
Forfaiting is Finance of Export Receivables to exporter by the Forfaitor. It
is also called discounting of Trade Receivables such as drafts drawn under
LC, B/E or PN. It is always No Recourse Basis (i.e. without recourse to
exporter). Forfaitor after sending documents to Exporters’ Bank makes
100% payment to exporter after deducting applicable discount. Maximum
period of Advance is 180 days.
FOB Value = CIF – Insurance and Freight – Profit (Calculation at Bill Buying Rate on 1.1.11)
= 50000X43.5 = 2175000 – 261000(12%) – 191400(10% of 1914000) = 1722600
Pre-shipment Finance = FOB value - 25% (Margin) = 1722600-430650=1291950.Ans.
Q. 2
What will be amount of Post-shipment Finance under Foreign Bill Purchased for USD 45000
when Bill Buying rate on 31.3.11 (date of submission of Export documents) is 43.85
45000X43.85 = 1973250 Ans.
Q. 3
Period for which concessional Rate of Interest is charged on DP bills from date of purchase.
25 days .Ans.
Q. 4 If the above said bill remains overdue for 2 months, what will be date of crystallization?
Due Date of Bill will be 31.3.11 + 25 days = 25.4.2011
The bill will be crystallized on 24.5.2011 i.e. on 30th day from due date. Ans.
Q. 5
On 8th Sep, an exporter tenders a demand bill for USD 100000 drawn on New York. The
USD/INR quote is as under:
Spot---------USD 1 =34.3000/3500
Spot Sep-------------------6000/7000
Spot Oct--------------------8000/9000
Spot Nov------------------10000/11000
Transit Period is 20 days and Exchange margin 0.15%
Calculate Rupee payable to the customer. Customer wants to retain 15% in Dollars
Interest @13% has to be charged on INR liability of the customer.
Since, the currency is at premium, the transit period will be rounded off to the lower month
(i.e. NIL). And the rate to the customer will be based on Spot Rate. If interest rate is 13%, how
much interest will be recovered from the Exporter
Less Exchange Margin = 0.0515
34.2485 or 34.25 per dollar.
Q. 6
On 26th Aug, an exporter tenders for purchase a bill payable 60 days from sight and drawn on
New York for USD 25650. The dollar rupee rate is as under:
Spot----------------------1USD = 34.6525/6850
Spot Sep--------------------------------1500/1400
Spot Oct---------------------------------2800/2700
Spot Nov--------------------------------4200/4100
Spot Dec--------------------------------5600/5500
Exchange Margin is 0.15%, Transit Period is 20 days. Rate of Interest is 13%. An amount of Rs.
500/- on account of Out of Pocket expenses has to be charged.
What will be the exchange rate payable to the customer and Rupee amount payable?
Notional due Date = 20+60 days from 26th Aug i.e. 14th Nov. Since, the currency is at discount,
the period will be rounded off to the same month). Obviously, the discount of Nov will be more
and it will make the Buy Rate Lower.
Imports – Pre- AD1 banks are to ensure that Imports are in accordance with:
requisites Exim Policy
RBI Guidelines
FEMA Rules
Goods are as per OGL (Open General list).
Importer is having IEC (Import Export Code) issued by DGFT.
Imports The following are essential elements of Imports:
Formalities & 1. An importer before remitting proceeds exceeding USD 5000 must
Time limit for submit application on Form A-1 to the Authorized Dealer.
import payment
Evidence of Importer must submit Evidence of Imports i.e. Exchange control copy of
Imports “Bill Of Entry”. The AD will ensure receipt of Bill Of Entry in all cases
where Value of Forex exceeds USD 100000, within 3 months from date of
Import Finance Importer can avail finance from banks/FIs in the shape of :
1. Letter of Credit
2. Import Loans against Pledge/Hypothecation of stocks.
3. Trade Credit – Supplier Credit or Buyer Credit.
Trade Credit If the Import proceeds are not remitted, within 6 months, it is treated as
Trade Credit up to the period less than 3 years. For period 3 years and
above, the credit is called ECB (External Commercial Borrowings).
There are two types of Trade Credit:
1. Suppliers Credit
2. Buyers Credit
Suppliers’ Credit
It is credit extended by Overseas suppliers to Importer normally beyond 6
Up to 1 year for Current Account Transactions
Up to 5 years for Capital Account Transactions
Monetary Limit is USD 20 million per transaction under Automatic route
and beyond 20 million under Approval route.
Buyers’ Credit
It is credit arranged by Importer from Banks/FIs outside countries. Banks
can approve proposals of Buyers’ Credit with period of Maturity:
Up to 1 year for Current Account Transactions
Up to 5 years for Capital Account Transactions
Monetary Limit is USD 20 million per transaction under Automatic route
and beyond 20 million under Approval route.
All-in Cost The present Ceilings for all-in-cost, including interest for buyers’/suppliers’
Ceiling credit, as fixed by RBI is as under:
Example On 12th Feb, a customer has received an Import bill for USD 10000/-. He
asks you to retire the bill to the debit of the account. Considering Exchange
margin 0.15% for TT sales and 0.20% on Bill Selling Rate. What amount
will be debited to the account? Spot rate is 34.6500/34.7200
Spot march = 5000/4500
Risks in Foreign trade risk may be defined as Uncertainty or Unplanned events with
International financial consequences resulting into loss. Types of Risks are as under:
Trade 1. Buyers’ Risk: Non-Acceptance or non-payment
2. Sellers’ Risk: Non- shipping or Shipping of poor quality goods or
3. Shipping Risk: Mishandling, Goods siphoned off, Strike by potters or
wrong delivery.
4. Other Risks:
- Credit Risk
- Legal Risk
- Country Risk
- Operational Risk
- Exchange Risk
5. Country Risk
Provision of risk is made if Exposure to one country is 1% or more of total
assets. ECGC has the list of Country Risk Ratings which can be referred to
by the Banks and the banks can make their own country risk policy.
Risk Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation provides guarantee cover for risks
Classification which can be availed by the banks after making payment of Premium.
of Countries ECGC adopts 7 fold classification covering 204 countries. The list is updated
and published on quarterly basis. The latest classification is as under:
1. Insignificant Risks A1
2. Low Risk A2
3. Moderately Low Risk B1
4. Moderate Risk B2
5. Moderately High Risk C1
6. High Risk C2
7. Very High Risk D
Besides above, 20 countries have been placed in “Restricted Cover
Group-1” where revolving limits are approved by ECGC and these are valid
for 1 year.
The other 13 countries are placed in “Restricted Cover Group-2” where
specific approval is given on case to case basis by ECGC.
ECGC _ Export ECGC was established in 1964. Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation
Credit and provides guarantee cover for risks which can be availed by the banks after
Guarantee making payment of Premium. Its activities are governed by IRDA.
Corporation The functions of ECGC are 3 fold:
1. It rates the different countries.
2. It issues Insurance Policies.
3. It guarantees proceeds of Exports.
Types of Policies:
1. Standard Policies
It provides cover for exporters for short term exports. These cover
Commercial and Political Risks. The different types of Policies are:
- Shipment (Comprehensive Risk) Policy – to cover
commercial and political risks from date of shipment. Default
of 4 months.
- Shipment (Political Risks) Policy.
- Contracts (Comprehensive Risk) Policy for both commercial
and Political risks.
- Contracts (Political Risks) Policy
2. Small Exporters’ policy
A small exporter is defined whose anticipated total export turnover
for the period of 12 M is not more than 50 lac. The policy is issued
to cover shipments 24 M ahead.
The other Policies are Exports (specific buyers’ Policy), Buyers’ Exposure
Policy, Export Turnover Policy (exporters who pay minimum 10 lac premium
to ECGC are eligible) and Consignment export Policy.
Financial ECGC issues following types of Guarantees for the benefit of Exporters:
Guarantees Packing Credit Insurance
ECIB (WT-PC) – Exporters Credit Insurance for Banks (whole Turnover
Packing Credit)
This policy is issued to banks to guarantee export risks:
- For all exporters
- Minimum 25 accounts should be there.
- Minimum assured premium is Rs. 5.00 lac.
- Period of cover is 12M.
- The claim is payable if there is default of 4 Months.
- Premium for fresh covers is 8 paisa per month and for others is 6-9.5
paisa percent per month. It is calculated on average outstanding.
- Percentage of cover ranges from 50-75%
- If due date of export proceeds is extended beyond 360 days,
approval of ECGC is required.
- Claim is to be filed within 6M of report of default to ECGC.
ECIB – PC – for individual exporters. The advance should be categorized as
Standard Asset. The period of coverage is 12M and %age of cover is 66-
2/3 %. The premium is 12 paisa% per month on highest outstanding.
- Monthly declaration by banks before 10th.
- Approval of Corporation beyond 360 days PC.
- Report of default within 4M from due date.
- Filing of claim within 6M of the report.
ECIB –(WT- PS) – Whole Turnover Post Shipment Credit Policy
- It is a common policy for all exporters.
- Advances against export bills are covered.
- Premium is 5-9 paisa % per month.
- Cover is usually 60-75%.
- If the cover is taken by exporter individually, the cover increases to
Export Finance When banks make advance to exporters against export incentives
Guarantee receivables like Duty Drawback etc. The cover available is 75% and the
premium ranges from 7 paisa onwards.
Exchange The cover is available for payment schedule over 12 months up to maximum
Fluctuation period of 15 years. Cover is available for payments specified in USD, GBP,
Risk Cover EURO, JPY, SWF, AUD and it can be extended for other convertible
Scheme currencies.
The contract cover provided a franchise of 2% Loss or gain within range of
2% of reference rate will go to the account of the exporter. If the loss
exceeds 2% , the ECGC will make good the portion of loss in excess of 2%
but not exceeding 35%.
The other guarantees are:
- Export Performance Guarantee
- Export Finance (Overseas Lending) Guarantee.
Transfer guarantee – cover to the confirming bank in India.
Maturity ECGC provides full-fledged Factoring Insurance services. It facilitates
Factoring purchase of account receivables. It provides up to 90% finance against
approved transactions. It follows up collection of sales proceeds. Exporters
of good track record and dealing on DA terms having unexpected bulk
orders are eligible to apply.
Common Notice of Default
Guidelines Notice of default must be served within a period of 4 months from due date
or 1 month from date of recall.
Lodging of Claim
The claim should be filed with ECGC within maximum period of 6 months
from date of lodging of Default Notice.
Exim Bank – its Exim Bank (Export/Import Bank) was established in 1981 with the objective
functions of financing Import Export Trade especially on Long term basis. The
functions of Exim bank are as under:
Offering Finance for Exports at competitive rates.
Developing alternate financial solution
Data and Information about new export opportunities.
Respond to export problems and pursue Policy solutions.
Above 100 crore proposals will be considered by Inter institutional Working
Group consisting of members from RBI, FEDAI, ECGC and EXIM.
Other services Besides above, the EXIM bank provides assistance for :
of EXIM bank 1. Project Exports – export of Engineering goods on Deferred Payment
2. Turnkey Projects- supply of equipment along with related services
like design, detailed engineering etc.
3. Construction Projects
4. Funded facilities.
EXIM Bank is nodal agency designated by GOI to manage Export
Marketing Fund (EMF) which consists of loan made available to India by
World bank to promote International Trade.
FEMA The important FEMA guidelines with regard to Foreign exchange are as
provisions under:
1. No drawl of exchange for Nepal and Bhutan
2. If Rupee equivalent exceeds Rs. 50000/-, payment by way of
crossed Cheque.
3. During visit abroad, one can carry foreign currency notes up to USD
3000 or equivalent. For Libya and Iraq, the limit is USD 5000 and
the entire amount for Iran and Russian states.
4. Indian citizens can retain and possess foreign currency up to USD
2000 or its equivalent.
5. Unspent currency must be surrendered within a period of 180 days
after arrival in India.
Release of Foreign Exchange for Individuals
Purpose of Visit Previous Present Guidelines
USD or its equivalent Per Financial Year
Personal/Tourism 10000 per fin year USD 250000
Business Purpose 25000 per visit USD 250000
Seminars/conferences 25000 per visit USD 250000
Employment/Immigration 100000 USD 250000
Studies 100000 per USD 250000
academic year
Medical 100000 USD 250000
Donations/Gifts 5000 per donor per USD 250000
Consultancy services 100000 per project USD 250000
Debit Credit As per BTQ as USD 250000
*AD can release Foreign Exchange 60 days ahead of journey
Overall limit is USD 250000 if exchange is required for more
than one purposes.
Release of Foreign currency for other than individuals
Donations up to 1% of foreign exchange earnings during previous 3
financial years or maximum USD 500000 (whichever is lesser)
Agent’s commission is maximum 250000 USD per transaction
Consultancy services : Maximum USD 10 lac per project for
infrastructure and USD 100000 per project for others.
Form A2 is required if transaction amount is exceeds USD 25000.
LRS (Liberalized The scheme is meant for Resident Indians individuals (including Minors).
Remittance They can freely remit up USD 250000 (Previously 125000) per financial
Scheme) year in respect of any current or capital account transaction without prior
approval of RBI. The precondition is that the remitter should have been a
customer of the bank for the last 1 year. PAN is mandatory. Form A2 is
required if remittance exceeds USD 25000.
Not Applicable
The scheme is not applicable for remittance to Nepal, Bhutan, Pak,
Mauritius or other counties identified by FATF.
The scheme is not meant for remittance by Corporate.
Latest Guidelines
The scheme should not be used for making remittances for any
prohibited or illegal activities such as margin trading, lottery etc., as
Resident individuals have now been allowed to set up Joint
Ventures (JV) / Wholly Owned Subsidiaries (WOS) outside India for
bonafide business activities outside India within the limit of USD
The limit for gift in Rupees by Resident Individuals to NRI close
relatives and loans in Rupees by resident individuals to NRI close
relatives shall accordingly stand modified to USD 250000 per
financial year.
RBI has clarified that Scheme can now be used for acquisition of IP
outside India.
b) May bring into India (from country other than Nepal and Bhutan)
currency notes up to Rs. 25000/-
Any person Resident Outside India (Not being citizen of Pak and
a) May take outside India currency up to Rs. 25000/-
b) May bring into India currency notes up to 25000/-
(Previously, the limit was Rs. 10000/-)
Any amount can be taken out while going to Nepal and Bhutan in any
denomination. ( Notes ABOVE 100 denomination up to Rs. 25000/- only
are allowed)
Restrictions Customer is required to furnish PAN No. for cash remittance beyond
If rupee equivalent is 50000/- and above, the entire payment has to
be made by way of crossed cheque or DD.
Dealers Cooperative banks are its members. The functions of FEDAI are:
Association of Forming uniform rules
India Providing training to bankers; and
Providing guidance and information from time to time.
The important rules are:
1. Export Transactions Forex liability must be crystallized into Indian
rupees on 30th day after expiry of NTP at TT selling rate(Notional
Transit Period) in case of Sight bills and on 30th day after notional
due date in case of Usance bills. The rule has since been relaxed
and bank can frame its own rule for nos. of days for
2. Concessional rate of interest is applied up to Notional due date or
up to value date of realization of export dues (whichever is earlier)
3. Import Transactions: For retirement of Import bills whether under LC
or otherwise, Bill selling rate or Contracted selling rate
whichever is higher, will be applied.
DP Bills (sight) are retired after crystallization on 10th day
after receipt.
DA Bills are retired (crystallized) on Due Date.
4. All Foreign Currency bills under LC, if not retired on receipt, shall be
crystallized into Rupee liability on 10th day after date of receipt of
documents at Bill Selling Rate or contracted rate whichever is
Normal Transit Period is:
- 25 days for export bills,
- 3 days for Rupee bills drawn under LC and payable locally
- 7 days for rupee bills drawn under LC and payable at other centers
- 20 days for Rupee bills not drawn under LC.
- For exports to Iraq, normal transit period is 60 days.
Compensation on Delayed payment:
All Foreign Inward remittances up to Rs.1.00 lac should be converted into
Indian Rupees immediately
The proceeds of any Inward remittance should be credited to the account
within 10 days and advice of receipt is to be sent within 3 days, failing
which, compensation @2% above SB rate will be paid to the beneficiary.
Forward Contracts
Exchange contracts will be for definite amount and period.
Contracts must state first and last date of contracts e.g. from 1-31
Jan or from 17th Jan to 16th Feb.
For contracts up to 1 month, option period for delivery may be
In case of extension of contract, previous contract will be cancelled
at TT Buying rate or TT selling rate as the case may be.
Overdue contracts are liable to be cancelled on 7th working day
after maturity date if no instructions are received. The contracts
must state first and last date of the contract.
Banks are now free to fix their own rates of commission and margin
AP may be imposed penalty up to 3 times of contravention amount. If
amount is not quantifiable, up to 2.00 lac and up to 5000/- per day is
imposed, if the contravention continues.
ECBs – External External Commercial Borrowings are medium and long term loans as
Commercial permitted by RBI for the purpose of :
Borrowings Fresh investments
Expansion of existing facilities.
ECB can be availed by Companies registered under Indian Company Act.
Funds to be raised from Internationally recognized sources such as banks,
Capital markets etc.
Two Routes There are two routes : Automatic Route and Approval Route.
Average Maturity
Track 1 & 3
3 years for ECB up to 50 Million USD
5 year for ECB beyond 50 Million USD
Track 2
10 years irrespective of amount
Funds are to be raised from recognized lenders with similar caps of
all-in-cost ceiling.
ECB can be raised in any freely convertible currency or INR.
LRN – Loan Registration Number from RBI is required for approval
ADRs – American Depository Receipts are Receipts or Certificates issued by US
American Bank representing specified number of shares of non-US Companies.
Depository Defined as under:
Receipts These are issued in capital market of USA alone.
These represent securities of companies of other countries.
These securities are traded in US market.
The US Bank is depository in this case.
ADR is the evidence of ownership of the underlying shares.
Unsponsored ADRs
It is the arrangement initiated by US brokers. US Depository banks create
such ADRs. The depository has to Register ADRs with SEC (Security
Exchange Commission).
Sponsored ADRs
Issuing Company initiates the process. It promotes the company’s ADRs in
the USA. It chooses single Depository bank. Registration with SEC is not
compulsory. However, unregistered ADRs are not listed in US exchanges.
GDRs – Global Global Depository Receipt is a Dollar denominated instrument with
Depository following features:
Receipts 1. Traded in Stock exchanges of Europe.
2. Represents shares of other countries.
3. Depository bank in Europe acquires these shares and issues
“Receipts” to investors.
4. GDRs do-not carry voting rights.
5. Dividend is paid in local currency and there is no exchange risk for
the issuing company.
6. Issuing Co. collects proceeds in foreign currency which can be used
locally for meeting Foreign exchange requirements of Import.
7. GDRS are normally listed on “Luxembourg Exchange “ and traded
in OTC market London and private placement in USA.
8. It can be converted in underlying shares.
IDRs – Indian Indian Depository Receipts are traded in local exchanges and represent
Deposits security of Overseas Companies.
CDF (Currency CDF is required to be submitted by the person on his arrival to India at the
Declaration Airport to the custom Authorities in the following cases:
Form) 1. If aggregate of Foreign Exchange including foreign currency/TCs
exceeds USD 10000 or its equivalent.
2. If aggregate value of currency notes (cash portion) exceeds
USD 5000 or its equivalent.
Form A1 and Form A1 is meant for remittance abroad to settle imports obligations. It is
Form A2 not required if value of imports is up to USD 5000. Now, as per latest
directives of RBI, Form A-1 is not at all required for any kind of