Guide To IEC 62353 Uk

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A Practical Guide to IEC 62353

03 Foreword 43 Appendix D: Patient
04 Introduction
44 Appendix E: Example
07 Medical electronic

11 IEC 60601 45 Products in the Rigel

Medical range
12 Introduction to IEC
62353: 2014 46 Accessories and services
from Rigel Medical
15 Visual inspection

15 Earth bond testing

18 Insulation resistance

22 IEC 62353 leakage


33 Record keeping

34 Conclusion

36 Appendix A: Pass/fail
limits of IEC 62353

37 Appendix B: IEC 60601-

1 collateral standards © Copyright 2019 - All rights reserved. Nothing from
this edition may be multiplied, or made public in any
form or manner, either electronically, mechanically, by
photocopying, recording, or in any manner, without
38 Appendix C: IEC 60601 prior written consent from Seaward Electronic Ltd. This
also applies to accompanying drawings and diagrams.
test standards



Rigel Medical: Foreword

Keeping This booklet is written as a guideline for

people involved in testing medical electrical

medical (ME) equipment.

This booklet cannot be considered as a

industries safe replacement for the IEC 62353 publication,

which can be purchased through the official
IEC website,
World-leading biomedical test
and measurement equipment All reasonable care has been taken to
ensure the accuracy of the information,
At Rigel Medical, we’ve been a pioneer reference figures and data has been taken
of biomedical test and measurement from the latest versions of various standards,
instruments for more than four decades. guidance notes and recognised ‘best
practices’ to establish the recommended
Since launching the world’s first IEC 601 testing requirements however, Rigel Medical,
electrical safety analyser in the 1970s, our user their agents and distributors, accept no
focused developments continue to place us at responsibility for any error or omissions within
the forefront of the industry. this booklet, or for any misinterpretations by
the user.
Our comprehensive suite of electrical
safety analysers, performance analysers and For clarification on any part of this booklet
vital signs simulators enable biomedical please contact Rigel Medical before operating
and clinical engineers to confirm their any test instrument, under relevant legislation.
adherence to a series of industry standards,
manufacturers’ specifications and most No part of this publication shall be deemed to
importantly, keeping patients, visitors, and form, or be part of any contract for training or
staff safe in a healthcare environment. equipment unless specifically referred to as an
inclusion within such contract.
Alongside our commitment to quality, we also
offer peace of mind to our customers who Rigel Medical assumes that the readers of
know that help and advice is always available. this booklet are electronically technically
competent and therefore, does not accept
any liability arising from accidents or fatalities
resulting directly or indirectly from the tests
described in this booklet.

Author John Backes, MA

PG 3

Introduction There is a directly proportional relationship

between the electrical current (ampere)
through and the electrical potential (volt)
This guide covers a basic introduction to
across the conductor (ohm). This is commonly
electrical safety, definitions of a medical
known as Ohm’s law:
electronic device, the IEC 60601 standard
and an in depth overview of the IEC 62353
V (b - a) = I x R

The structure and topics discussed in this

guide are written in a way such that the widest
The force required to deliver the electrical
possible audience can benefit.
current across a potential difference is known
as power, which is represented in watts. Power
Electrical current
is a product of voltage (volt) and current
Electrical current is a secondary energy form
consisting of the flow of charge (in coulomb)
through a circuit over a certain time period,
and is depicted in ampere. Power in Watts: Power in Watts: Power in Watts:

P=VxI P = I2 x R P = V2 / R

I = Q/t or 1 Ampere = 1 Coulomb/1 second

Another factor of electricity is electrical energy
(joules), a product of electrical power (watts
When electrical current passes through a or joules/second) and time (seconds). The
conductor or electrical circuit, it generates an relationship is provided below:
electrical potential, as displayed in Figure 1.

Conductor resistance (R)

Energy in J’s Energy in J’s Energy in J’s

E=Pxt E = (V x t) / R
E = I2 x R x t
A Electrical current (I) B

Electrical potential The relationship between current, voltage and

resistance can be equally applied to water
Ohm’s law; running through a pipe. In both cases, electric
V(a-b) = I x R current and water prefer the path of least
resistance. The larger the cross section of the
pipe or conductor, the easier water or current
Figure 1 - Ohm’s Law
can flow at a certain water pressure or voltage
(Figure 2).



∙∙ The thinner or longer the water pipe, the

more water pressure is required to deliver
the same litres per minute (flow or current)
∙∙ The thinner or longer the conductor
(assuming a particular specific resistance of
material), the more voltage is required to
deliver the same current.

Figure 2 - Example showing water following path of least


Water Electricity

Current or flow Litre/second Current Ampere (coulomb second)

Pressure e.g. bar or psi Voltage Volt

Resistance Affected by pipe cross Resistance In ohm (Ω). Affected by

section and length conductor cross section, length
and material

The human body Electrical currents can be extremely dangerous

A significant part of the human body is made to the human body. The energy released by
up of water along with dissolved ions and electrical current passing through human tissue
minerals, which are capable of conducting can generate burns and excite or stimulate
electrical currents. Broadly speaking, the hazard muscles of the respiratory system (intercostal).
of such electrical currents would depend on:
The most critical muscles are those in the
∙∙ Strength of the current human heart, which are driven (excited) by very
∙∙ Path of the current tiny amounts of electrical currents. When the
∙∙ Total impedance for the current path heart is exposed to external electrical currents
∙∙ Frequency of the current (electrical shock), the heart can lose its normal
∙∙ Duration of the current being applied sinus rhythm, required to sustain a healthy

PG 5

blood circulation, and move into ventricular

fibrillation. This stops the circulation of
oxyhaemoglobin (oxygenated blood) to the
brain and organs and when left untreated, will
result in death within 15 minutes.

Ironically, the most common treatment of

ventricular fibrillation is the use of a defibrillator
which delivers a very high current pulse, up
to 100A across the heart. The energy in that
high current pulse is sufficient to temporarily
clamp the heart muscles (i.e. stop the heart
completely) before releasing it again and
allowing the heart to resume its normal sinus

Consider the following examples of a macro

shock showing the effect of a 50/60 Hz current
on the human body when applied to the skin
for 1–3 seconds non-invasively:
Figure 3 - Impact of current on the human body, adapted
from research by Howard M. Hochberg, 1971

0.5 -1.1 mA Current just noticeable when

applied to the fingertip. IEC 60601 body model
To ensure a standardised method of
6 – 16 mA Painful shock, unable to let go, simulating the impedance of the human body,
cannot be tolerated over 15 minutes. measurement circuits have been designed
to simulate the average, typical electrical
75-400 mA Ventricular fibrillation, characteristics of the human body. These
respiratory arrest, leading to death. measurement circuits are referred to as a body
model or measuring device
<1 A Serious burns and muscular (MD in IEC 60601-1).
contraction of such a degree that the
thoracic muscles constrict the heart. The main impedance is formed by a 1kΩ
resistor, shown in Figure 4.
(Data adapted from published research by Professor C.F. Dalziel)

Figure 3 highlights the different effects of

electrical current on the human body as
understood by Dr. Howard M. Hochberg;



z (f = 10)
z (f) f

Note: The network and voltage measuring instrument above are replaced by the symbol
in the following figures:

a) Non-inductive components
b) Impedance >> measuring impedance Z
c) Z (f) is the transfer impedance of the network, i.e. V out/in, for a current frequency f

Figure 4 - Example of a measuring device (MD) to IEC 60601

Medical electronic The official definition of medical electrical

equipment according to IEC 60601 is:
Heath facilities including hospitals, surgeries, “Electrical equipment, designed for
GP practises, veterinarian clinics, and dentists treatment, monitoring or diagnoses of
use a variety of electrical equipment, ranging patients, powered from not more than one
from, specialist medical, laboratory and IT connection to mains supply and which are
equipment to ordinary domestic appliances. necessarily in physical or electrical contact
with the patient or transfers energy to or
Any electrical equipment with the purpose of from the patient or detects such energy
treating, monitoring or diagnosing a patient’s transfer to or from the patient.”
condition is classed as a medical electronic
device according to IEC 60601, the global
harmonised standard governing the design and Medical and non-medical electronic
approval of medical devices. equipment can also be combined into a

PG 7

medical electronic system. To ensure safety of F-Type applied part - Applied part which is
patient and operator, this system must meet electrically isolated from earth and other parts
the design requirements of IEC 60601. of the medical equipment, i.e. floating. F-Type
applied parts are either type BF or type CF
The definition of a medical electronic system is: applied parts.

Type B applied part - Applied part complying

“Combination of equipment of which at with specified requirements for protection
least one is classed as medical electrical against electric shock. Type B applied parts are
equipment and as such specified by the those parts, which are usually earth referenced.
manufacturer to be connected by functional Type B are those parts not suitable for direct
connection or use of a multiple portable cardiac application.
Type BF applied part - F-Type applied part
complying with a higher degree of protection
Commonly used terms and definitions against electric shock than type B applied
in IEC 62353 parts. Type BF applied parts are those parts not
Equipment under test - The equipment (EUT) suitable for direct cardiac application.
which is the subject of testing.
Type CF applied part - F-Type applied part
Device under test (DUT) - The device which is complying with the highest degree of
the subject of testing. protection against electric shock. Type CF
applied parts are those parts suitable for direct
Applied part - Part of the medical equipment, cardiac application.
which is designed to come into physical
contact with the patient, or parts that are Class I - Equipment protection against electric
likely to be brought into contact with the shock by (earthed) additional protection to
patient. basic insulation through means of connecting
exposed conductive parts to the protective
Patient connection - Individual physical earth in the fixed wiring of the installation.
connections and/or metal parts intended for
connection with the patient, which form (part Class II - Also referred to as double insulated.
of) an applied part. Equipment protection against electric shock
is achieved by additional protection to basic
Patient environment - Volumetric area in insulation through means of supplementary
which a patient can come into contact with insulation, there being no provision for the
medical equipment or contact can occur connection of exposed metalwork of the
between other persons touching medical equipment to a protective conductor and no
equipment and the patient, both intentional reliance upon precautions to be taken in the
and unintentional. (see Appendix D). fixed wiring of the installation.



Protective earth - Dedicated circuit intended medical systems, accessories and other related
to carry the fault and leakage current in Class parts. A full overview of the symbols used in IEC
I equipment and to be connected to the 60601 is provided in table D1 of the standard.
protective earth terminal.
For the purpose of this booklet, a selection of
Functional earth - Dedicated circuit intended the most commonly used symbols is displayed
to provide an electrical screening and to be below:
connected to a functional earth terminal.
Protective reference
Line to earth voltage - Applied voltage Earth point
between the live wire and earth conductor,
affecting the leakage current.
Class II
Leakage current - Current that is not functional. Earth

Macroshock - Non-invasive applied current i.e.

which passes from one side of the body to the Type B
applied part
other, typically hand to hand or hand to foot, Européenne”
and therefore crossing through the heart.
Defibrillation- Type BF
Microshock - Invasively applied current which proof type B applied part
passes directly across the heart tissue. applied part

Type CF
Note: Class II equipment may be provided proof type BF
applied part
with a functional earth terminal or a applied part
functional earth conductor.
proof type CF
Symbols and markings applied part
The IEC 60601 defines the requirements for
information/data to be present on the medical
equipment’s nameplate, in order to form an Product lifecycle
unambiguous identification of the equipment. For many years, ME equipment has been
subject to extensive approval processes from
Information must include; manufacturers clinical trials, to type testing all the way through
name, model number, serial number, electrical to end of production line testing, to ensure it
requirements. operates properly before leaving the factory.
In addition, manufacturers recommend
The IEC 60601 standard refers to a large variety that regular electrical safety and essential
of symbols for use on medical equipment, performance checks are carried out to ensure

PG 9

there’s no risk of harm to the patient and Acceptance

operator once the device goes into service. Once a medical device reaches the client,
an acceptance test is performed. This test
is to verify that the device is delivered in an
DESIGN acceptable condition, complete without
(IEC 60601)
any defaults and available with all specified
DECOMMISSIONING (IEC 60601) accessories. A performance and electrical safety
test are often completed as part of a reference
for future maintenance.

TEST Operator training

Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) is
(IEC 62353)
ACCEPTANCE a process whereby the device is subject to
scheduled inspections and tests in order to
TRAINING verify that the safety and operation are within
acceptable levels and criteria. This is referred to
as proactive maintenance.
Figure 5 - Safety stages through product lifecycle
Design Should a device create a fault or require an
During this stage a concept is subject to initial upgrade, the device will be susceptible to
and clinical trials. Electronic and mechanical further inspections and testing. This is referred
design of the product (where applicable) must to as reactive maintenance.
be in line with the IEC 60601 standard.
Type test At the end of a product lifecycle, is the
During this stage the product is expected decommissioning stage. The device, depending
to have completed the clinical trials and, on its function and material content may
subject to type testing, is ready for marketing. be required to follow a set process (i.e. An
The hardware and software of the product is environmentally hazardous product will need
verified against the design standards. When CE to follow a recycling process. Under certain
marking is obtained, the medical product can conditions, the device can be made available to
be marketed in the European Economic Area. other organisations in which a second lifecycle
can start at the acceptance stage.
End of line test
During this stage the products are being
assembled, tested and inspected for release
into the market place.



IEC 60601 the power supply to the enclosure (MOOP) or

protective earth wire (MOOP and MOPP) or
even to the patient connected parts (MOPP).
ME equipment must meet the design
requirements as set out by the IEC 60601
In IEC 60601, the test requirements for
(a harmonised standard), which has been
electrical leakage must be carried out under
adopted by all IEC member states. This sets out
the worst possible conditions to ensure
all the design criteria for producing equipment
maximum safety. This is achieved using
that is electrically and mechanically safe, as
an elevated mains at 110% of the highest
well as placing the onus on the manufacturer
expected voltage (i.e. at 240V mains this
to understand how to reduce the risk of harm
would mean testing at 264V) and also by
when patient and operators are exposed to
preconditioning the ME equipment prior to
their medical devices. All tests relating to the
testing, before performing tests under normal
electrical safety of ME equipment and devices
condition (no fault conditions), and including
can be categorised into two categories:
any one of the specific and relevant fault
∙∙ Means of operator protection (MOOP) -
Means of protection for reducing the risk
Testing the protective earth circuit design
of electric shock to persons other than the
for sufficient current carrying capabilities is
achieved by stressing the design, passing a
∙∙ Means of patient protection (MOPP) -
minimum test current of 25 ampere RMS
Means of protection for reducing the risk of
through the circuit for a minimum of 10
electric shock to the patient
seconds. At these current levels, time duration
and resistance values (<0.1 Ohm internal
To ensure that ME equipment does not pose
equipment resistance), enough energy will be
an electrical hazard to the patient, or any other
created to convert current into thermal heat. By
person, it is designed with sufficient levels of
observing the thermal profile of a design, one
isolation (dielectrics) to reduce the amount of
can establish parts of the design that might
electrical leakage current to an acceptable and
need to alter in order to reduce the electrical
safe level - as low as 10µA . This is achieved by
resistance and therefore the converted energy
separating high electrical potentials from any
conductive parts, accessible to the operator
or patient. Dielectric strength is proven by
applying a high voltage between high and low
E = I2 x R x t
electrical potentials. However, this could lead
to a breakdown of the isolation and would
therefore be referred to as a destructive test.
Conducting such tests during the development
and approval stages of a product life cycle
A safer way to test the effectiveness of
provides sufficient levels of confidence that the
dielectrics is to perform a number of electrical
ME equipment meets the design requirements
leakage tests, such as leakage originating from
of IEC 60601. Once a design is approved for

PG 11

manufacturing and marketing, a subset of tests After service and repair testing this is carried
will suffice to ensure the product has been out following a repair or product upgrade
built and assembled to the required product and is often part of a service carried out by
quality and safety requirements. This subset of in-hospital mechanical or clinical engineering
tests is commonly referred to as routine tests teams. In many cases, more rigorous electrical
and are not clearly defined in IEC 60601, and safety testing is needed after the replacement
can therefore vary between manufacturers and of components or reconfiguration of medical
product designs. It’s for this reason that the IEC devices.
62353:2014 makes a recommendation that IEC
62353 is used during final testing and before
putting a piece of ME equipment into service.
Introduction to
IEC 62353: 2014
In-service test requirements
IEC 60601-1 does not provide any guidance As its full name implies, IEC 62353 Medical
on routine test requirements. This has led to Electrical Equipment - recurrent test and
different interpretations on how to apply IEC test after repair of ME equipment defines the
60601 to routine test scenarios. requirements for electrical safety testing of
medical electrical (ME) equipment and systems
Once a medical device leaves the factory, during routine intervals.
a number of potential test scenarios arise,
including: Following the need for a unified approach to
routine testing, the first edition of IEC 62353
Acceptance testing also referred to as an initial brought together a set number of tests to allow
or reference test. This test is carried out prior its users to test the MOOP and MOPP dielectric
to a new medical device being authorised for integrity via two distinct leakage current tests:
use and is undertaken to ensure correct and
complete delivery. Acceptance testing is often ∙∙ Equipment leakage - Testing the total
not limited to an electrical safety test, with leakage generated from the incoming
some basic function tests also being applied to mains to the rest of the equipment
verify correct performance. (confirming integrity of the MOOP)
∙∙ Applied part leakage - Testing that floating
Routine testing also referred to as planned applied parts (Type BF and Type CF) remain
preventative maintenance (PPM). This form at an acceptable floating level (confirming
of testing is often conducted at fixed time integrity of the MOPP)
intervals, which vary between types of
equipment, manufacturers’ recommendations In meeting this requirement the IEC 62353
and risk assessment procedures undertaken incorporates tests beyond those of type testing.
by individual biomedical/clinical engineering Specifically, it seeks to provide a uniformed and
or medical physics departments. Routine unambiguous means of assessing the safety
testing is not limited to safety testing and often of medical equipment, whilst maintaining the
includes the verification of correct functionality. relevance to IEC 60601-1 and minimising the



risks to the person conducting the assessment. pass/fail limits, taken from internationally
accepted practices for insulation testing of
Importantly, the IEC 62353 standard recognises electrical equipment. While insulation tests
that the laboratory conditions described are optional, it’s recommended to check with
in the IEC 60601, such as elevated mains, the equipment manufacturer if this can be
isolated TN (terre neutral) supply, temperature conducted without damaging the equipment
and humidity conditions cannot always be under test.
guaranteed when in-service testing of medical
devices is undertaken. More commonly, The strength of IEC 62353 enables those who
secondary earth connections caused by data carry out testing to conduct a summary of tests
cables and systems, provided measurement on the input of medical devices (equipment
errors that can now be overcome by IEC 62353. leakage) and on the output of the medical
Another factor raised is that equipment could equipment (applied part leakage). As will
potentially be damaged by applying type test become evident from the following chapters,
specifications (IEC 60601) when in service and the time saving associated with IEC 62353 will
could therefore represent a potential danger to also allow for more time to be spent on visual
users. and functional testing.

One of the most significant changes to the How does IEC 62353 compare with
2014 edition is the recommendation to test IEC 60601?
according to IEC 62353 at the final production Although IEC 60601 is a type test standard
line stage and also before equipment goes governing the safety of the design and
into service. This will allow recurrent testing manufacture of ME equipment, for decades
to be directly comparable with factory tests, biomedical and clinical engineers have used
providing for easier greater observation of the IEC 60601 as the basis for regular testing
any variations in leakage measurement. New or after service/repair of medical devices. Local
in the IEC 62353:2014 edition is a number of variants of IEC 60601 have also been adopted
suggested leakage tests that would isolate and used as a basis for routine testing.
the touch leakage current or patient leakage
current. Both tests form part of the equipment It is clear that most commonly used electrical
leakage current. safety analysers will only provide means of
testing to a subset of tests described in IEC
However, if a manufacturer wants to provide 60601 and often exclude destructive tests such
a specific measurement, the IEC 62353:2014 as high voltage dielectric testing, constant
now provides guidance for these tests to current 25A testing and SIP/SOP fault condition
be conducted in the informative section of testing to aid portability and safety of the
the standard, which might be considered operator.
when the equipment leakage values have
changed from previous measurements. The So what are the main implications of testing to
500V DC insulation tests in the 2014 edition IEC 62353 and how does it differ from the very
have also been supplied with recommended well established and widely understood

PG 13

requirements of IEC 60601? Technical considerations

The aim of IEC 62353 is to provide a uniform
Test frequency standard that ensures safe practices and
To ensure safety and performance is managed reduces the complexity of the current IEC
throughout the lifecycle of medical electrical 60601-1 standard. All tests are based on
equipment, manufacturers must specify leakage testing to IEC 60601, but a number of
the intervals for testing and inspecting their aspects to improve safety and practicality have
devices. The basis for this is risk assessment: been removed.
the likelihood of occurrence and severity of
incorrect operation. Consideration has to also The most significant changes are:
be given to the application of the product,
frequency of use, the operational environment ∙∙ No pre-conditioning of equipment under
and operator competency. IEC 62353:2014 test
recommends following the manufacturer’s ∙∙ No elevated mains
instructions on test intervals. If this is not ∙∙ No destructive testing
available, a test interval between of between 6 ∙∙ Testing under single fault condition only
and 36 months is suggested depending on risk ∙∙ Summarising leakage into input and output
assessment. safety
∙∙ Testing at applied part level rather than at
patient connection
-- Different methods for conducting leakage
tests subject to practicality

Many IEC 62353 tests are directly related to IEC

60601 tests, which is shown in Figure 6.

IEC 60601 IEC 62353

Earth leakage Equipment leakage DIR/DIF

Earth leakage SFC neutral Equipment leakage ALT

Enclosure leakage SFC earth Equipment leakage DIR/DIF

Patient leakage Equipment leakage (enclosure probe


Mains on applied parts Applied part leakage

Measured values Some are calculated

Only direct method Direct/Differential and alternative

Figure 6 - Comparing IEC 60601 with IEC 62353



Vital preparation A visual inspection is a relatively easy

Although IEC 62353 was first published in procedure, which is carried out to ensure that
May 2007, many companies and organisations the ME equipment in use still conforms to the
are still in the process of making changes to specifications released by the manufacturer
their approach to electrical safety testing. To and has not suffered from any external damage
incorporate the IEC 62353 test philosophy and/or contamination.
into any organisation requires necessary
preparation. Options for choosing the correct The following inspections can be included:
set of tests requires an understanding of the
purpose and benefits of using the different ∙∙ Housing/enclosure - look for damage,
tests available. cracks etc.
∙∙ Contamination - look for obstruction of
Although the onus will inevitably fall on the moving parts, connector pins etc.
manufacturers of medical devices to advise ∙∙ Cabling (supply, applied parts etc.) - look
on appropriate in-service test procedures for for cuts, wrong connections etc.
their own equipment, IEC 62353 clearly has ∙∙ Fuse rating - check correct values after
an impact on medical service companies, replacement
biomedical engineering, medical physics, ∙∙ Marking and labelling - check the integrity
clinical engineering and other technical of safety markings
departments. ∙∙ Integrity of mechanical parts - check for
any obstructions
To help all those likely to be affected by the
introduction of IEC 62353 tests, a summary of
the test requirements is provided within this
Earth bond testing
guidance booklet.
Protective earth conductors are designed to
allow a safe and easy path (low resistance) for
This IEC 62353 guidance booklet is intended
electrical leakage and fault currents to flow,
for general information only and cannot be
which allows the protective fuses or line current
considered a substitute for the full version of
monitors (RCDs, GFIs) to operate and interrupt
the standard.
the supply voltage. This provides an important
means to reduce the risk of injury by electric
Visual inspection shock and also stops the release of energy
which may ultimately lead to fires.
The process of visual inspection is not
clearly defined by IEC 60601, however visual In Class I electrical equipment, the protective
inspections form a critical part of the general earth conductor resistance needs to be of
safety inspections during the functional life of sufficiently low value in order to prevent the
medical equipment. In most cases, 70% of all voltage on external metal parts rising to a level
faults are detected during visual an inspection. where the shock potential presents a hazard
to life.

PG 15

Although many Class I medical devices are The open circuit voltage of the current source
supplied with an earth reference point, most should not exceed 24V.
if not all medical devices require multiple
earth bond tests to validate the connections The test limits in IEC 62353 are set to:
of additional metal accessible parts on the
100mΩ For a detachable power cable up to
3 metres.
A test current is applied between the earth pin
of the mains supply plug and any accessible
300mΩ For a Class I device including power
metal part (including the earth reference point)
cable (not exceeding 3 metres).
via a dedicated earth bond test lead (clip/
probe). Figure 7 shows a representation of the
500mΩ For a medical system consisting of
earth bond test.
several medical and non-medical pieces
of equipment. See definition of a medical
system in IEC 60601-1:2005.

Earth bond test consideration

Checking the protective earth during routine
testing is different from that undertaken
during the type test approval. While testing
at the design stage highlights the capacity
of the design to cope with fault currents,
the quality of the protective earth is more
important during routine testing. It’s important
to remember that contact resistance can be
Figure 7 - Earth bond test in Class I equipment
easily overlooked when using the required 25A
For fixed installations a point-to-point in IEC 60601 because high test currents can
continuity measurement can be made by temporarily repair poor mechanical contactsiii.
fitting a second lead into the aux earth socket.
The resistance is then measured between the Contact resistance is made up of two
two leads. components:

The IEC 62353 requires a minimum test current 1. Restriction resistance (where the
of 200mA, either AC or DC. When using a DC conductive cross section is reduced)
test current, the resistance must be tested in 2. Film resistance (the possible resistive layer
both polarities of the test current. The highest between the two conductive surfaces due
reading will determine the pass or fail result of to film oxidation, dust etc.)
this test.



Low pressure applied

Increased pressure

(High resistance)
(Low resistance)

Figure 8 - Example of increased contact resistance in spring loaded contacts

Lower test currents, typically less than 8A the protective earth path.
RMS, are unable to temporarily overcome
contact resistance (both film and restriction Precision vs accuracy
resistance) and therefore highlight problems When performing an earth bond test,
as a result of aging: increased restriction remember that accuracy must take
resistance due to softening of spring loaded precedence over precision as having a
force on the contacts typically found in consistently wrong measurement is precise
removable power cords, as illustrated in Figure but not very accurate.
Using a high test current might provide a
High test currents (10A or more) tend to higher precision (see Figure 9), but would
provide a more constant reading (high not necessarily give you a more accurate
precision) even if there is a potential representation of the quality of the protective
constriction in the protective earth path. earth circuit due to its capability to temporarily
High test currents might also be destructive repair constriction resistance.
to parts of the DUT which are connected to
the protective earth but have a functional Lower currents are not able to provide a false
purpose (e.g. screening). positive and are therefore fail-safe.

Therefore, IEC 62353 recommends that Low test current only (see Figure 9) - Possible
protective earth connections are tested with low accuracy and low precision as high
a 200mA test current to highlight aging readings could be due to film or constriction
power cords, although high readings could resistance.
be as a result of film resistance which can be
removed. High test current only (see Figure 10) - Possible
high precision but low accuracy as aging cables
Combining a high pre-pulse (to clean the film with poor contact resistance will give the same
resistance) and measuring with a low current readings as a brand new good cable.
to show up any restriction resistance is the
most accurate way to determine the quality of

PG 17

Low test current with high current pre-test

(see Figure 11) - Cleans film resistance, any
high readings would be down to poor contact
resistance, therefore high accuracy and high

Figure 9 - Low accuracy - low precision Figure 10 - Low accuracy - high precision Figure 11 - High accuracy - high precision

Insulation resistance test of the electronic design in order to stress

the dielectrics. Results are displayed in mA
The risk of unacceptably high electrical fault or μA - similar to that of leakage current
currents can be minimised through design measurements. An insulation resistance test
criteria i.e. through effective levels of electrical applies a lower DC voltage, typically between
insulation/isolation between the operator or 250-500V DC, across different parts of the
patient and live parts or potentially live parts electronic design. The results are displayed in
in a fault condition. Such insulation can be megaohms (MΩ).
achieved through physical spacing (creepage
and clearance) of components, choice of Insulation resistance is normally checked by
components, and dielectric materials in order applying 500V DC between:
to achieve the required levels of insulation
while ensuring the device operates properly. ∙∙ Input (live conductors, both phase and
neutral, connected together) and enclosure
The effectiveness of electrical insulation (protective earth in class 1). (See Insulation
is tested through electrical leakage resistance: EUT to earth).
measurements (results in mA or μA) while ∙∙ Output (applied parts) and enclosure
the level of isolation is often tested using a (protective earth in class 1). (See Insulation
dielectric or insulation test. During a dielectric, resistance: applied parts).
or hipot test, a potentially high voltage (up to
4000V AC) is applied across different parts



∙∙ Input (phase and neutral) and output not provide a real indication of the effectiveness
(applied parts) for floating type applied of the insulation in modern medical devices
parts (BF and CF). (See Insulation resistance: or the expected leakage values that may be
applied parts to mains). experienced during normal or typical operation.
This is due to the increased use of switch
The resistance is measured and then compared mode power supplies that may indicate very
with the minimum acceptable value to high DC insulation resistance (>100MΩ), when
assess pass or fail conditions, which can vary measured with AC indicate high leakage. This is
greatly depending on design and test voltage due to the greater influence of capacitive and
variations. inductive leakage experienced in these devices
rather than resistive leakage as in a heating
With all measurements of insulation resistance, element.
the appliance under test must have the power
switch in the “ON” position before performing Infinity readings are common when performing
the test otherwise the test voltage does not DC insulation tests and provide no information
pass beyond the mains switch, in which case as to whether the unit was actually switched on
only the mains in the cord will be tested. or off. This makes the test results meaningless
from a safety point of view.
However, since the insulation resistance test
does not power up the appliance, which could It is a matter of debate as to whether a 50 MΩ
be seen as an advantage (reducing the time (higher) result is ‘safer’ than a 10 MΩ (lower)
taken to test and eliminating the danger of result, considering the equipment has been
moving hazardous parts), extra care should be exposed to a voltage it was not designed to
taken to ensure the equipment switch is in the operate at. Furthermore, the 50 MΩ (higher)
‘on’ position to complete a meaningful test. device might have been designed to measure
100 MΩ and has therefore lost 50% of its
In addition, appliances fitted with electronic insulation level. This could lead to higher
mains switches or RCD plugs cannot be tested leakage currents and unsafe conditions.
in this manner because it is not possible to
close the mains switch (as they require mains Finally, in some electrical equipment,
to be present). components connected to the live/neutral
conductors for EMC filtering or surge protection
In some cases, sensitive electronic devices and can significantly influence the measurement,
particularly older IT equipment, which does not indicating an erroneous failure of the test. On
comply with EN60950, may be damaged by the plus side, the insulation resistance test is
500V. However, in practice, this may not be a relatively quick and easy to perform, which is
significant issue as EN 60950 has been around why it is probably the most widely used.
longer than most IT equipment currently in use.
Insulation resistance test: EUT to earth
While the outcome of a 500V DC insulation test This test is used to verify that the mains parts
is quick and safe to do, in most cases it does are adequately insulated from earth (Class I)

PG 19

or the enclosure (Class II). Figure 12 and Insulation resistance: applied parts
Figure 13 below show a representation of the This test is used to verify that the applied parts
insulation test. are adequately insulated from earth (Class I) or
the enclosure (Class II). This test is applicable to
Class I and Class II, BF and CF equipment only.
Figure 14 and Figure 15 show a representation
L of this insulation test.



Figure 12 - Insulation test mains parts to protective earth,

Class I N


Figure 14 - Insulation test applied parts to protective earth,

Class I




Figure 13 - Insulation test mains parts to non-earthed

accessible conductive parts, Class I and Class II N

During this test, 500V DC is applied

between the earth pin and both the MΩ
live and neutral pins of the appliance mains
supply plug. Figure 15 - Insulation test applied parts to non-earthed
accessible conductive parts, Class I and Class II

For both Class I and Class II appliances, plug During this test, 500V DC is applied
the DUT into the safety analyser. Class II between the earth pin (Class I) or
equipment requires an auxiliary lead to be the enclosure (Class II) and all the applied
connected to the enclosure of the equipment. parts combined.
This can be done by wrapping the enclosure
in aluminium foil and connecting it to the
auxiliary lead via a crocodile clip.



For both Class I and Class II appliances, connect

the patient connections or applied parts to the MP AP AP1

corresponding terminals of your safety analyser. L B

For Class I equipment, plug the mains plug

into the safety analyser. Class II equipment N BF,CF
requires an auxiliary lead to be connected to PE

the enclosure of the equipment. This can be

done by wrapping the enclosure in aluminium
foil and connecting the auxiliary lead via a
crocodile clip. Figure 16 - Insulation test mains parts to applied parts, Class I
and Class II

Insulation resistance: applied parts to mains

During this test, 500V DC is applied
This test is used to verify that the applied parts
between all the applied parts
are adequately insulated from the mains parts
combined and both the live and neutral
and is applicable to Class I and Class II, BF
pins of the appliance mains supply plug.
and CF equipment only. Figure 16, shows a
representation of the applied parts to mains
insulation test. For both Class I and Class II appliances,
connect the patient connections or applied
parts to the corresponding terminals of your
safety analyser and connect the mains plug to
the safety analyser.

Insulation test: pass/fail limits

Although ultimately the pass/fail limits or
expected minimum values for this test must be
advised by the manufacturer of the equipment,
the IEC 62353 does provide a list of commonly
excepted values:

Figure Class B BF CF

Figure 12 I ≥ 2MΩ ≥ 2MΩ ≥ 2MΩ

Figure 13 I and II ≥ 7MΩ ≥ 7MΩ ≥ 7MΩ

Figure 14 I and II ≥ 70MΩ ≥ 70MΩ ≥ 70MΩ

Figure 15 I and II ≥ 70MΩ ≥ 70MΩ ≥ 70MΩ

Figure 16 I ≥ 2MΩ ≥ 70MΩ ≥ 70MΩ

Figure 16 II ≥ 7MΩ ≥ 70MΩ ≥ 70MΩ

PG 21

IEC 62353 leakage the live and neutral wire (see Alternative
Direct leakage
As covered in The human body, it is the level The direct leakage method is identical to the
of electrical current rather than level of voltage method used in the IEC 60601-1 standard;
which is the criteria for safety due to the measuring the true leakage through a body
impact of electrical currents on the human model (measuring device) to earth.
tissues. Small amounts of current which
are undetectable by sensation can have a
significant impact on our safety. Benefits:
∙∙ Means of measuring both AC and DC
IEC 62353 defines two different kinds of leakage current
leakage current tests: ∙∙ Highest accuracy compared to other
∙∙ Equipment leakage current - total leakage ∙∙ Potential leakage through a human body
deriving from the power supply to earth via measuring device
via the applied parts and enclosure, see ∙∙ Direct comparison with measurements
Equipment leakage made in accordance with IEC 60601-1
∙∙ Applied part leakage current - leakage
current flowing from an applied part to the To consider:
enclosure or earth as a result of an external ∙∙ The 1kΩ resistor forming the measuring
voltage on the applied part, see Applied device is interrupting the low resistance
part leakage protective earth conductor, therefore
causing a potential hazard when testing
Method characteristics faulty equipment
To ensure that a valid leakage measurement ∙∙ Secondary earth path(s) could lead
can be obtained, the IEC 62353 describes the to zero current readings (see Method
following methods: characteristics)
∙∙ A difference in polarity of the live and
∙∙ Direct leakage - measurement of leakage neutral conductors might alter the
current via a measuring device, placed leakage readings, as such leakage
directly in the path of the leakage current measurements must be done in each
(see Direct leakage) polarity of mains supply
∙∙ Differential leakage - measuring the ∙∙ A TN (terre – neutral) system is required
imbalance between current in the live to ensure that the measurements are
conductor and the neutral conductor as a done at maximum live to earth voltage.
result of leakage current (see Differential Any voltage between neutral and
method) earth might result in a lower reading,
∙∙ Alternative Method - measurement of potentially passing faulty equipment
leakage when mains voltage is both on



Differential method current.

The differential leakage method measures the
leakage current as a result of an imbalance in Potential secondary earth connections are
current between the live conductor and the included in the total measurement and as
neutral conductor. such, the EUT is not required to be isolated
from real earth.
The principle of the differential leakage
measurement is based on induction; therefore, Potential secondary earth connections are
this method is susceptible to external magnetic included in the total measurement and as
fields and high load currents. As current such, the EUT is not required to be isolated
passes through the live wire in one direction, from real earth.
the current in the natural wire travels in the
opposite direction, the current in the natural
wire travels in the opposite direction. Each Benefits:
current produces a magnetic field in opposite ∙∙ The measurements are not influenced by
directions and directly proportional to the secondary earth connections
strength of current. See Figure 17. ∙∙ It measures the total equipment leakage
∙∙ The measuring device (1kΩ resistor) is no
longer in series with the earth conductor,
providing a low resistance protective
Live Neutral
conductor conductor earth and therefore is a safer practice
compared to the direct method

Figure 17 - Opposite magnetic fields in live and neutral wire To consider:

∙∙ The differential leakage measurement is
The current in the live wire carries both the less suitable to accurately measure lower
functional current and the leakage current, leakage currents (<100µA)
whilst the current in the neutral wire contains ∙∙ The measurements can be influenced by
only the functional current. By subtracting both external magnetic fields or the analyser’s
currents, you end up with the leakage current. own internal magnetic fields
∙∙ The measurements can be influenced by
This is done in practice by passing both live and high current consumption of the DUT
neutral wires through a current transformer ∙∙ The measurements have limited
(CT). The live and neutral wires act as the frequency response
primary windings whereas the CT acts as the ∙∙ A difference in polarity of the live and
secondary winding. The net magnetic field in neutral conductors might alter the
the primary wire is equal to the leakage current leakage readings; meaning that leakage
as the neutral ‘field’ cancels all but the leakage measurements must be done in each
current from the live wire. The current being polarity of mains supply
inducted in the CT is equal to the leakage

PG 23

RI= 66kΩ
∙∙ Both direct and alternative methods
provide higher accuracy and broader
frequency response which is required
for measuring trends in low leakage U=230V
50HZ ±2.2mA 83V

Alternative method
The alternative method is, in effect, similar to
a dielectric strength test at mains potential, or Figure 18 - Example of current limited mains supply during
alternative leakage
an insulation test at AC voltage, using a current
limited voltage source at mains frequency. The
IEC 62353 requires you to scale the measured
maximum short circuit current is limited to
leakage value up, equivalent to having 230V
3.5mA through a current limiting resistor of
over the applied part;
66kΩ (see Figure 18).

The live and neutral conductors are shorted

(230V / 83V) x 2.2 mA = 6 mA
together and the current limited voltage is
applied between the mains parts and other
parts of the equipment.
The safety analyser will display 6mA, despite
only measuring 2.23mA. In this approach, it is
The current limiting resistor of 66kΩ will result
possible to display high (calculated) leakage
in an internal voltage drop when a fault current
currents without actually being exposed to
is flowing. Therefore, the actual measuring
dangerous currents, making the alternative
voltage will decrease when the leakage
leakage current safe to use when high fault
currents increases. To reflect testing at mains
currents are expected.
voltage, the measured leakage current is scaled
in proportion to the actual output voltage.

In Figure 18, a resistance (37kΩ) has been
∙∙ As live and neutral are combined, the
allocated to an applied part type BF. The total
mains polarity has no influence and only
resistance connected to the mains voltage
one measurement is required
is 103kΩ, which results in a fault current of
∙∙ The DUT is disconnected from mains,
2.23mA measured at a voltage of only 83V over
therefore providing a high level of safety
the applied part.
for the test engineer
∙∙ TN system is not required due to mains-
free application
∙∙ Measurements are not influenced by
secondary earth connections



∙∙ Tests can be performed from a battery L(N) MP AP

powered instrument L

∙∙ Measurements are highly repeatable and

provide a good indication of deterioration N

in the dielectrics of the medical device PE

under test

To consider: MD

∙∙ Equipment will not be activated, Figure 19 - Equipment leakage direct - Class I

preventing the measurement of actual
leakage currents on equipment with
switched circuits

Equipment leakage N

Equipment leakage current - total leakage

deriving from the power supply to earth via the
applied parts and enclosure. The equipment
leakage test is applicable to Class I, Class II, type PE MD

B, type BF, and type CF equipment.

Figure 20 - Equipment leakage direct – Class II

Leakage measurements to IEC 62353 are done

using the RMS value instead of the separate The DUT must be positioned floating to avoid
AC and DC values used in the IEC 60601-1 secondary earth connections influencing the
standard. measuring process.

The IEC 62353 specifies three different All applied parts (B, BF & CF) and earthed (e.g.
methods for measuring the equipment leakage enclosure class I) and non-earthed accessible
current: conductive parts or non-conductive accessible
parts (enclosure class II) are grouped together
∙∙ Direct method and connected to the earth via the 1kΩ
∙∙ Differential method measuring device (body model).
∙∙ Alternative method
The 1kΩ measuring device (MD – equivalent to
Equipment leakage: Direct method that used in the IEC 60601 standard – see IEC
The direct method is identical to the method 60601 body model) is positioned in the leakage
used in the IEC 60601-1. return path to earth.

Figure 19 and Figure 20 show a representation The test is conducted with the protective earth
of the direct method. connection ‘interrupted’, to ensure the

PG 25

measurements are carried out under the

worst possible conditions. As such, any earth
leakage current will be measured as part of the
enclosure (or touch) leakage.

Measurements are done in both polarities of

the incoming mains with the protective earth
to the EUT interrupted.

Applied part

Current in µA (RMS) B BF CF

∙∙ Class I equipment 500µA 500µA 500µA

∙∙ Class II equipment (touch current) 100µA 100µA 100µA

∙∙ For mobile x-ray generators 2000 µA

Figure 21 - Equipment leakage: direct or differential method

Equipment leakage: Differential method

Figure 22 and Figure 23 show a representation
of the differential method.



N(L) N(L)


Figure 22 - Equipment leakage differential - Class I Figure 23 - Equipment leakage differential – Class II

Potential secondary earth connections are

All applied parts (B / BF & CF), earthed (e.g.
included in the total measurement and as
enclosure Class I) and non-earthed accessible
such, the DUT is not required to be positioned
conductive parts or non-conductive accessible
isolated from earth.
parts (enclosure Class II) are grouped together
and connected to earth to allow the differential
circuit to measure the total leakage current.



Unlike the direct method, the differential Measurements are done in both polarities of
method does not measure the earth the incoming mains with the protective earth
conductor via the standard IEC 60601 body to the EUT interrupted.
model. The MD is part of a differential current
measurement between the live and neutral Low leakage currents of less than 75µA are
conductors. The frequency response of the difficult to measure using the differential
measurement shall be similar to the body leakage method. As such the differential
model used in the IEC 60601. leakage method is unsuitable when measuring
conductive un-earthed parts and in instances
The test is conducted with the protective earth where leakages are expected to be below
connection closed for protection of the user. 75µA.

Applied part

Current in µA (RMS) B BF CF

∙∙ Class I equipment 500µA 500µA 500µA

∙∙ Class II equipment (touch current) 100µA 100µA 100µA

∙∙ For mobile x-ray generators 2000 µA

Figure 24 - Equipment leakage: Direct or differential method

Equipment leakage: Alternative method

This method is in fact similar to a dielectric test between the mains parts and all accessible parts
(conductive and non-conductive) including the applied parts connected together. Figure 25 and
26 show a representation of the alternative method.



Figure 25 - Equipment leakage alternative - Class I Figure 26 - Equipment leakage alternative - Class II

PG 27

The test is performed using a current limited All applied parts, and earthed (e.g. enclosure
(3.5mA) mains potential sinusoidal 50Hz signal Class I) and non-earthed accessible conductive
(60Hz where this is the mains frequency). parts or non-conductive accessible parts
(enclosure Class II) are grouped together and
As live and neutral are shortened, the DUT is connected to the mains parts via the 1kΩ
not directly connected to the mains potential. measuring device (body model) and voltage
As such, mains reversal is not applicable and source.
the EUT is not required to be positioned
isolated from earth.

Applied part

Current in µA (RMS) B BF CF

∙∙ Class I equipment 1000µA 1000µA 1000µA

∙∙ Class II equipment (touch current) 500µA 500µA 500µA

∙∙ For mobile x-ray generators 5000 µA

Figure 27 - Equipment leakage: Alternative method

Applied part leakage Applied parts (and patient connections) are

The applied part leakage test measures the not part of the measurement and shall be left
total leakage deriving from the combined floating i.e. not connected to real earth.
patient connections within an applied part to
earth and any conductive or non-conductive The test is conducted by applying a current
parts on the enclosure (either connected or limited (3.5mA) mains potential sinusoidal
isolated from earth) under the fault condition 50Hz signal (60Hz where this is the mains
mains on the applied parts. frequency) between the applied part, the
enclosure and earth connection of the EUT that
The applied part leakage test is applicable to is connected to real earth.
floating type (BF & CF) applied parts only either
Class I or Class II. Leakage measurements to IEC 62353 are done
using the RMS value instead of the separate
All patient connections of a single function AC and DC values used in the IEC 60601-1
within an applied part shall be connected standard.
together (BF & CF) and measured one at the
time. The IEC 62353 / applied part leakage can be
performed in two different methods;

∙∙ Direct method
∙∙ Alternative method

Applied part leakage: Direct method Applied parts and patient connections not part
Figure 28 and Figure 29 show a representation of the measurement shall be left floating.
of the direct method.
The 1kΩ (MD - equivalent to that used in the
IEC 60601 standard – see IEC 60601 body
model) is positioned between the applied part
L and voltage source.

N The test is conducted with the protective earth

N(L) AP2
connection closed for protection of the user.

Measurements are done in both polarities of

PE MD the incoming mains with the protective earth
to the EUT interrupted.
Figure 28 - Applied part leakage direct - Class I

L(N) MP AP AP1 This applied part direct leakage test is similar
to that of the F-Type leakage test according
to IEC 60601, using an equivalent current
N(L) AP2 limited voltage source to produce the
mains potential. Both sources depend on a
current limiting resistor which could cause a
significant voltage drop. See Figure 18.

Figure 29 - Applied part leakage direct – Class II

Unlike the IEC 60601-1 requirements, the
voltage drop caused by the current limiting
The DUT must be positioned floating to avoid
resistor is compensated for in the IEC 62353
secondary earth connections influencing the
thus, potentially resulting in a higher reading
measuring process.
than the typical IEC 60601-1 F-Type test. Please
All floating type patient connections in each refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
applied part (BF & CF) are connected together.
Each individual applied part is measured in
turn and grouped together with all earthed
(e.g. enclosure Class I) and non-earthed
accessible conductive parts or non-conductive
accessible parts (enclosure Class II) and
connected to earth via the 1kΩ measuring
device (body model).

PG 29

Applied part

Current in µA (RMS) B BF CF

∙∙ Class I and Class II N/A 5000µA 50µA

∙∙ For defibrillation paddles Class CF N/A 100µA

Figure 30 - Applied part leakage current - direct method (a.c)

Applied part leakage: Alternative method As live and neutral are shortened, the DUT is
This method is in fact similar to a dielectric not directly connected to the mains potential.
test between the applied part, and all As such, mains reversal is not applicable and
mains parts, EUT earth and enclosure all the EUT is not required to be positioned
connected together. Figures 31 and 32 show isolated from earth.
representations of the alternative method.
All floating type patient connections in each
applied part (BF & CF) are connected together.
Each individual applied part is measured in
turn and connected via the 1kΩ measuring
device (body model) to the voltage source
and earthed (e.g. enclosure Class I) and
non-earthed accessible conductive parts or
non-conductive accessible parts (enclosure
Class II) grouped together.
Applied parts and patient connections not part
Figure 31 - Applied part leakage direct - Class I of the measurement shall be left floating.

The 1kΩ MD (equivalent to that used in the IEC

60601 standard – see IEC 60601 body model)
is positioned between the applied part and
voltage source.

The test is conducted with the protective earth

connection closed to protect the user.


Figure 32 - Applied part leakage direct – Class II



Applied part

Current in µA (RMS) B BF CF

∙∙ Class I and Class II N/A 5000µA 50µA

∙∙ For defibrillation paddles class CF N/A 100µA

Figure 33 - Applied part leakage current - alternative method (a.c)

Secondary earth problems

Due to the fact that electrical currents follow
the path of least resistance (much like water
does), it is important to realise that secondary AP
earth path connections could influence the
measurements of leakage currents. MD
∙∙ Secondary connections are typical with:
-- Equipment bolted to steel enforced
concrete floor (e.g. dentist chairs, MRI)
-- Equipment connected to gas or water Figure 34 - Example showing leakage current flowing away via
a secondary earth connection
-- Equipment that is part of a medical
This will result in a zero reading on the
electrical system
safety analyser and could potentially pass a
-- Equipment connected to PC or printer
dangerous medical device.

Compared to the 1kΩ resistance of the body

In case a secondary earth path exists, the Rigel
model, a secondary earth path is substantially
288+ and Rigel 62353+ devices will provide the
lower. As such, electrical currents are mostly
user with an error message as shown in Figure
flowing down the secondary earth path, away
from the safety analyser, as shown in Figure 34,
which represents an example of a secondary
earth connection via a data cable. IEC 62353
Direct Equipment Lkg 2s
Secondary earth path
detected. Please verify test

Figure 35 - Secondary earth path error message on Rigel 288+

and Rigel 62353+ devices

PG 31

If the secondary earth path can’t be removed, L

one should revert to the differential leakage
method which is capable of measuring the
total leakage even when a secondary earth 230V

path exists. This is because the differential

leakage method does not rely on a 1kΩ body
model. See Figure 36.


Figure 37 - Leakage measurement on a TN system
Differential 230V


Figure 36 - Measuring leakage current with secondary earth

using differential method E

Live to earth voltage 0V

During equipment leakage measurements

Figure 38 - Leakage measurement on an IT system
(direct and differential), the live to earth voltage
can have a direct impact on the leakage
Leakage current measurements on an IT
measurement. In general, the smaller the live to
(isolated terre) are limited to isolation levels of
earth voltage, the lower the leakage current to
the supply system. In this case, no valid leakage
earth (leakage current flows from a high – live
measurement is possible unless the safety
to a low – earth potential).
analyser is able to produce an internal earth
at half the line voltage, like the Rigel 288+. It
Measurements under a TN (system ensure
is also possible to test using the equipment
the live to earth voltage is equal to the line
leakage using the alternative method
voltage (between live and neutral). This gives
which does not rely on the incoming mains
the highest possible leakage outcome, see
Figure 37. If the earth potential differs from the
neutral potential, the live to earth voltage will
The Rigel 288+ and Rigel 62353+ devices are
be reduced, and result in a lower leakage value,
able to provide an automatic warning to the
see Figure 38.
user in case the supply configuration differs
from an TN configuration (see Figure 39).



Warning Electrical safety testing is only part of the total

No incoming Earth line. service carried out on medical equipment.
Can be used by:- 1. Earth Fault or 2. Once the safety is accessed, the functionality is
IT System (Isolated Earth)
Please check earth integrity before verified and recorded before the equipment is
proceeding. ONLY continue when SAFE. returned for use on patients.
Leakage measurements might vary to
those done on a TN System as per IEC
60601-1 requirement. Rigel Medical has produced a range
of informative booklets that cover the
performance verification of vital signs monitors,
Figure 39 - Automatic mains configuration warning on Rigel infusion pumps, defibrillators and electro
288+ and Rigel 62353+ devices surgical generators.

Record keeping To request your free copy please visit:
Overall, risk assessment and the creation of
risk management files has become a growing To ensure proper record keeping is maintained
feature of routine safety testing decisions, it is important to provide a procedure in which
with different organisations and departments data is collected regarding:
drawing up individual plans to deal with
specific safety hazards. Comparison with ∙∙ Inspection date
previous and expected test results will allow the ∙∙ Visual inspection
monitoring of any deterioration of the device ∙∙ Electrical safety
under test and can prevent potential failure ∙∙ Functional testing
before a fault occurs. ∙∙ Next inspection date

Comparing data The IEC 62353 provides a guideline in

Testing to IEC 62353 has reduced the time collecting such information with the purpose
taken to conduct an electrical safety test – of developing consistency in data collection
down from five minutes to less than 15 seconds and management. By doing so, trends can be
in some cases. What’s more, a direct outcome monitored to benefit:
of reducing the amount of individual tests is
that results can be easily compared against ∙∙ Identifying common faults
previous readings: tests in different polarities of ∙∙ Detect component deterioration
the incoming mains rarely result in significant (preventative maintenance)
difference in readings, so under IEC 62353 ∙∙ Develop efficient retest periods
only an equipment leakage and applied part
leakage value has to be observed, making Rigel Medical has developed Med-eBase, a
comparison easy and quick. Comparing data test solutions software package to automate
also makes it possible to monitor leakage the generation of test reports including visual
against expected values rather than the test inspection, electrical safety and performance
limits in the IEC 62353. testing. An example of such test templates is

PG 33

provided in Appendix E. therefore leading to improved patient safety.

Going forward, determining the appropriate Additional test setups such as the differential
levels of both electrical and functional testing method and alternative method give the user a
will be central to the introduction of cost valid measurement when circumstances might
effective yet reliable preventative maintenance not allow for a valid test measurement under
campaigns. IEC 60601 (direct method).

Conclusion When choosing your future electrical safety

analyser, ensure that it can be used to test in
accordance with the IEC 62353 requirements
Electrical safety testing of medical electronic
and secondly that your analyser will enable
devices remains a crucial part of the overall
you to accurately and repeatedly produce the
safety validation of medical devices and
results you require.
requires specialised test equipment.

Considerations and recommendations;

The IEC 62353 standard will provide:
1. Ensure that the operator of the safety
analyser is properly trained on both the
∙∙ A globally recognised approached to safety
safety analyser as well as the device under
test to ensure that valid measurements
∙∙ Development tools for safer and more
are taken and understood, to prevent
suitable test protocols
unneccessary danger during the safety
∙∙ Significant time savings during routine
safety testing
2. Always ensure that the device under
∙∙ An easy method to analyse results against
test does not pose any danger to the
previous measurements
user and/or people within the vicinity to
∙∙ A method of record keeping and
the safety test. (e.g. moving parts, open
maintenance procedures
conductors, live components, heat etc.).
3. Ensure that leakage measurements
The strength of IEC 62353 is that it allows those
are performed whilst the equipment
who carry out the test to conduct a summary
is in full operation mode, including its
of tests on the input of medical devices
sub-systems or components, unless the
(equipment leakage) and on the output of the
alternative method is being carried out.
medical equipment (applied part leakage).
4. Appreciate that secondary earth
Uniformity in test procedures, time (and cost)
connections will lead to invalid
savings and a simplified means of analysing
measurements. Understand how to spot
test data are among other significant benefits
secondary earth connections or benefit
for those who have made the transition to
from the automatic warning feature on
testing in accordance with IEC 62353. Time
the Rigel 288+ and Rigel 62353+ devices.
saving associated with IEC 62353 will also allow
for more time on visual and functional testing,



5. Ensure accuracy and repeatability of

leakage measurement readings. Some
manufacturers might specify full scale
accuracy which will effect the accuracy of
low leakage measurements.
6. Ensure that contact resistance is taken
into account when measuring the earth
continuity at low currents (<8A). Contact
resistance can influence the readings and
cause unnecessary failures of the device
under test. Visit
rigel-downloads for your free application
note on low current testing.
7. When determining the correct means
of testing a specific piece of medical
equipment, ensure that the chosen
safety test procedures are applicable
to the device under test and are clearly
documented for future use.

Rigel Medical offers a range of test equipment

in line with the IEC 62353 and IEC 60601
requirements. Please visit our website for a full
overview of our product offering or register
online for our free newsletter on future
product releases and product innovations

For further questions or comments relating to

this booklet or on the Rigel Medical product
offering, please contact our Rigel team via
email at

PG 35

Appendix A: Pass/fail limits of IEC 62353

Applied part

Current in µA (RMS) B BF CF

Equipment leakage – alternative method

∙∙ Class I equipment 1000µA 1000µA 1000µA

∙∙ Class II equipment 500µA 500µA 500µA

∙∙ For mobile x-ray generators 5000µA

Equipment leakage – direct or differential method

∙∙ Class I equipment 500µA 500µA 500µA

∙∙ Class II equipment (touch current) 100µA 100µA 100µA

∙∙ For mobile x-ray generators 2000µA

Applied part leakage current – alternative method (AC)

∙∙ Class I and Class II equipment N/A 5000µA 50µA

∙∙ For defibrillation paddles class CF N/A N/A 100µA

Applied part leakage current – direct method (AC)

∙∙ Class I and Class II equipment N/A 5000µA 50µA

∙∙ For defibrillation paddles class CF N/A N/A 100µA

Note 1: This IEC 62353 standard does not provide measuring methods and allowable values
for equipment producing DC leakage currents. In such a case the manufacturer should give
information in accompanying documents.

Note 2: Particular standards may allow different values of leakage current. For a list of particular
standards, please refer to Appendix C .



Appendix B: IEC 60601-1 collateral standards

Table 1 – IEC 60601 Collateral Standards
(© IEC Geneva, Switzerland)

IEC 60601-1
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential

IEC 60601-1-2
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-2: General requirements for basic safety and essential
performance - Collateral Standard: Electromagnetic disturbances - Requirements and tests

IEC 60601-1-3
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-3: General requirements for basic safety and essential
performance - Collateral Standard: Radiation protection in diagnostic X-ray equipment

EC 60601-1-6
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-6: General requirements for basic safety and essential
performance - Collateral standard: Usability

IEC 60601-1-8
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-8: General requirements for basic safety and essential
performance - Collateral Standard: General requirements, tests and guidance for alarm systems in
medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems

IEC 60601-1-9
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-9: General requirements for basic safety and essential
performance - Collateral Standard: Requirements for environmentally conscious design

IEC 60601-1-10
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-10: General requirements for basic safety and essential
performance - Collateral Standard: Requirements for the development of physiologic closed-loop

IEC 60601-1-11
Medical electrical equipment – Part 1-11: General requirements for basic safety and essential
performance – Collateral Standard: Requirements for medical electrical equipment and medical
electrical systems used in the home healthcare environment

PG 37

IEC 60601-1-12
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-12: General requirements for basic safety and essential
performance - Collateral Standard: Requirements for medical electrical equipment and medical
electrical systems intended for use in the emergency medical services environment

Appendix C: IEC 60601 test standards

Table 2 – IEC 60601 Specific Standards
(© IEC Geneva, Switzerland)

IEC 60601-2-1
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of electron accelerators in the range 1 MeV to 50 MeV

IEC 60601-2-2
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of high frequency surgical equipment and high frequency surgical accessories

IEC 60601-2-3
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of short-wave therapy equipment

IEC 60601-2-4
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of cardiac defibrillators

IEC 60601-2-5
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of ultrasonic physiotherapy equipment

IEC 60601-2-6
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of microwave therapy equipment

IEC 60601-2-8
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of therapeutic X-ray equipment operating in the range 10 kV to 1 MV

IEC 60601-2-10
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-10: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of nerve and muscle stimulators



IEC 60601-2-11
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of gamma beam therapy equipment

IEC 60601-2-16
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-16: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential
performance of haemodialysis, haemodiafiltration and haemofiltration equipment

IEC 60601-2-17
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-17: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of automatically-controlled brachytherapy after loading equipment

IEC 60601-2-18
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-18: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of endoscopic equipment

IEC 60601-2-19
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-19: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of infant incubators

IEC 60601-2-20
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-20: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of infant transport incubators

IEC 60601-2-21
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-21: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of infant radiant warmers

IEC 60601-2-22
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-22: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential
performance of surgical, cosmetic, therapeutic and diagnostic laser equipment

IEC 60601-2-23
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-23: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of transcutaneous partial pressure monitoring equipment

IEC 60601-2-24
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-24: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of infusion pumps and controllers

PG 39

IEC 60601-2-25
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-25: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of electrocardiographs

IEC 60601-2-26
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-26: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of electroencephalographs

IEC 60601-2-27
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-27: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of electrocardiographic monitoring equipment

IEC 60601-2-28
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-28: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of X-ray tube assemblies for medical diagnosis

IEC 60601-2-29
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-29: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of radiotherapy simulators

IEC 60601-2-31
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-31: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source

IEC 60601-2-33
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-33: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of magnetic resonance equipment for medical diagnosis

IEC 60601-2-34
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-34: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of invasive blood pressure monitoring equipment

IEC 60601-2-36
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-36: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of equipment for extra corporeally induced lithotripsy

IEC 60601-2-37
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-37: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of ultrasonic medical diagnostic and monitoring equipment



IEC 60601-2-39
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-39: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential
performance of peritoneal dialysis equipment

IEC 60601-2-40
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-40: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of electromyographs and evoked response equipment

IEC 60601-2-41
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-41: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of surgical luminaires and luminaires for diagnosis

IEC 60601-2-43
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-43: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of X-ray equipment for interventional procedures

IEC 60601-2-44
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-44: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of X-ray equipment for computed tomography

IEC 60601-2-45
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-45: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential
performance of mammographic X-ray equipment and mammomagraphic stereotactic devices

IEC 60601-2-46
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-46: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of operating tables

IEC 60601-2-47
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-47: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of ambulatory electrocardiographic systems

IEC 60601-2-50
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-50: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of infant phototherapy equipment

EC 60601-2-52
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-52: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of medical beds

PG 41

IEC 60601-2-54
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-54: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of X-ray equipment for radiography and radioscopy

IEC 60601-2-57
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-57: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of non-laser light source equipment intended for therapeutic, diagnostic, monitoring
and cosmetic/aesthetic use

IEC 60601-2-62
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-62: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of high intensity therapeutic ultrasound (HITU) equipment

IEC 60601-2-63
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-63: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of dental extra-oral X-ray equipment

IEC 60601-2-64
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-64: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of light ion beam medical electrical equipment

IEC 60601-2-65
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-65: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of dental intra-oral X-ray equipment

IEC 60601-2-66
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-66: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of hearing instruments and hearing instrument systems

IEC 60601-2-68
Electrical medical equipment - Part 2-68: Particular requirements for the basic safety and
essential performance of X-ray-based image-guided radiotherapy equipment for use with electron
accelerators, light ion beam therapy equipment and radionuclide beam therapy equipment

IEC 60601-2-75
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-75: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of photodynamic therapy and photodynamic diagnosis equipment

IEC 60601-2-76
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-76: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of low energy ionized gas haemostasis equipment



Appendix D: Patient environment

PG 43

Appendix E: Example documentation template

“Harm” is a defined term in ISO 14971:2000 as “physical injury or damage to the health of
people or animals, or damage to property or the Environment”
In IEC 60601, safe levels of current are defined as 10µA AC / DC for CF applied parts and 100µA

AC / DC for B / BF applied parts and touch current. Earth leakage limits are higher at 500µA RMS
for equipment with conductive accessible parts that may become live under a fault condition
and 5000µA RMS for earthed devices with no conductive accessible parts. Under fault conditions,
higher values are allowed.
A free application note on this subject is available at;
iv Comparing the tests of a 12 lead ECG (CF) monitor which requires 290 AC and DC leakage
readings under IEC 60601 (excluding SIP-SOP) and only 4 leakage readings in IEC 62353.
Information gathered by Rigel Medical during over 40 international seminars on IEC 62353.



Products in the Rigel Medical range

Accurate and fast electrical safety tester

∙∙ Light, handheld, battery operation*

∙∙ Conforms to IEC 62353 / NFPA-99
∙∙ Fully customisable test sequences
∙∙ Easy data entry and storage
∙∙ PC download
∙∙ Full, semi-automatic and manual testing

Accurate and fast electrical safety tester

∙∙ Light, handheld, battery operation*

∙∙ Conforms to IEC 62353 / 60601 / VDE 0751
/ NFPA-99 / AS-NZS 3551
∙∙ Memory for up to 5,000 devices
∙∙ Bluetooth communication
∙∙ Full, semi-automatic and manual testing
∙∙ Straightforward data transfer with the Rigel
288+ Downloader app

SafeTest 60
A robust medical safety tester

∙∙ Small and compact

∙∙ Fully compliant (tests to a range of
international standards including IEC 60601,
62353, 61010 and NFPA-99)
∙∙ Extremely flexible - manual control of fault conditions
∙∙ Versatile multi voltage - operates on any
mains supply between 90-264V / 48-64Hz

Download our free Rigel Medical product brochure to see the full

PG 45

Accessories and services from Rigel Medical

Having the right accessories can streamline your testing processes and help you get the most from
your instrument. Our range of accessories includes scanners, Bluetooth enabled printers, a variety
of leads and adaptors, pass/fail labels and verification units.

To see the full range of Rigel Medical accessories available, visit

Alongside our commitment to quality, we also offer peace of mind to our customers who know
that help and advice is always available. Part of that offering includes training to support and help
you get the most from your instrument.

Contact us directly to find out more.

Online resources & support

At Rigel Medical we take pride in giving you all of the tools to make your life easier. We have a
host of online resources and technical support features on our website including, FAQs, interactive
videos and helpful how-to guides.

Service, calibration & repair

Rigel Medical can also take care of your test and measurement equipment by providing calibration
services (including on-site calibration), service, spares and repairs. Extend the life and quality of
your instruments by contacting us for a no-obligation quote, wherever you are in the world.




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