This document discusses phasor measurement units (PMUs), which continuously monitor power distribution networks. PMUs can provide real-time measurements of voltage, current, frequency and phase angles across the grid. They help overcome challenges from increasing distributed energy resources and bidirectional power flows. PMUs send synchronized phasor data via GPS to applications for state estimation, control and instability prediction, helping ensure reliable and secure grid operation. Previously, microprocessor relays were used but resulted in false trips. PMUs provide more accurate monitoring to prevent outages from frequency or power imbalances.
This document discusses phasor measurement units (PMUs), which continuously monitor power distribution networks. PMUs can provide real-time measurements of voltage, current, frequency and phase angles across the grid. They help overcome challenges from increasing distributed energy resources and bidirectional power flows. PMUs send synchronized phasor data via GPS to applications for state estimation, control and instability prediction, helping ensure reliable and secure grid operation. Previously, microprocessor relays were used but resulted in false trips. PMUs provide more accurate monitoring to prevent outages from frequency or power imbalances.
This document discusses phasor measurement units (PMUs), which continuously monitor power distribution networks. PMUs can provide real-time measurements of voltage, current, frequency and phase angles across the grid. They help overcome challenges from increasing distributed energy resources and bidirectional power flows. PMUs send synchronized phasor data via GPS to applications for state estimation, control and instability prediction, helping ensure reliable and secure grid operation. Previously, microprocessor relays were used but resulted in false trips. PMUs provide more accurate monitoring to prevent outages from frequency or power imbalances.
This document discusses phasor measurement units (PMUs), which continuously monitor power distribution networks. PMUs can provide real-time measurements of voltage, current, frequency and phase angles across the grid. They help overcome challenges from increasing distributed energy resources and bidirectional power flows. PMUs send synchronized phasor data via GPS to applications for state estimation, control and instability prediction, helping ensure reliable and secure grid operation. Previously, microprocessor relays were used but resulted in false trips. PMUs provide more accurate monitoring to prevent outages from frequency or power imbalances.
ABSTRACT network, and increased applications of power
With the increasing growth of distributed electronic makes the power system more energy resources on the power grid, more complex and make the estimation of power observability and control systems system phasor and frequency more difficult. will be needed to accurately monitor For reliable and secure operation of the power power flow. Historically power has been system, the estimation of power system delivered in a unidirectional way but frequency and the magnitude of supply voltage now as the consumer can generate his own are highly desired under such conditions. How power with the technologies such as PV the to obtain information about power system the system has changed to bidirectional voltage and frequency more accurately and System of power distribution. So efficiently. This becomes very important when In this review paper, we will review there is a common grid and maintaining the the term papers related to the phasor same frequency in the entire grid becomes measuring units which continuously very crucial. If this monitoring is not done this observe the distribution network, the may lead generators to go out of latest trends and overcoming the synchronization and lead to complete blackout. data congestion the PMU and To overcome this problem,among all the latest also avoiding the power outages due to an state of art one of the best solutions is to have imbalance in the grid power phasor measurement units, which could and demand And ensuring The perfect provide the critical information for variety of match of the load and supply and power system operation, protection and control avoiding frequency imbalance. applications with the recent development of phasor measurement units (PMUs), that can provide real time phasor measurements of INTRODUCTION voltages and currents, frequency, rate of During previous years there was only change of frequency, phase angles, real and unilateral flow of power means the generating reactive power flows and other electrical stations were generating and the consumers parameters. Previously for the protection were consuming power but now a days due to against frequency, magnitude and phase angle hybrid generation systems and mobile mismatch microprocessor based symmetrical generating stations the consumers are also component distance relay (SCDR) were used generating power and not only using it but also but these relays were resulting in false tripping feeding it into the grid to earn revenue and of the circuit breaker due to no communication also due to power industry deregulation, between the entire power system and there expansion of the transmission and distribution were no corrective measures taken by it.[5] COMPONENTS OF A PMU Synchronization signals could be distributed over any of the traditional communication media currently in use in power systems. Most communication systems, such as leased lines, microwave, or AM radio broadcasts, place a limit on the achievable accuracy of synchronization, which is too coarse to be of practical use Fiber optic links, where available, could be used to provide high precision synchronization signals, if a dedicated fiber is Fig 1. A basic overview of PMU. available for this purpose. The technique of choice at present is the Navstar Global Phasor representation of waveforms to solve Positioning System (GPS) satellite AC circuits was performed by german- transmissions. This system is designed Austrian electrical engineer and mathematician primarily for navigational purposes, but it Charles Proteus Steinmetz. A sinusoidal signal furnishes a common-access timing pulse, of known frequency is fully described by its which is accurate to within 1 microsecond at magnitude VM and angular position θ with any location on earth. The system uses respect to an arbitrary time reference by AC transmissions from a group of satellites in waveform can be given by v(t) = V cos(ωt + θ nonstationary orbits at about 10,000 miles ).The phasor representation of this sinusoid is above the earth's surface. For the accurate given by V =V + jV = (V / 2)e. Where Vr, Vi acquisition of the timing pulse, only one of the are real and imaginary rectangular components satellites needs to be visible to the antenna. of the complex number Phasor value and The antenna is small and can be easily Vm/√2 is the r m s value of the signal V(t) and mounted on the roof of a substation control θ is the instantaneous phase angle relative to a house. The experience with the availability cosine function at nominal frequency 50 or 60 and dependability of the GPS satellite Hz[2]. transmissions has been exceptionally good[6].
Fig 2. Phasor representation of a sinusoidal
wave.[2] Fig 3.Block diagram of a single phase The sinusoidal signal and its phasor is given in PMU[6]. Fig 2. The GPS receiver provides the 1 nodes, very close approximations of the state pulse-per-second (pps) signal, and a time tag, estimation measurements can be done[5]. which consists of the year, day, hour, minute, and second. The time could be the local time, or the UTC (Universal Time Coordinated). The l-pps signal is usually divided by a 2. Control- The next obvious application of the phase-locked oscillator into the required modern PMU is to control the power quality number of pulses per second for the sampling and power system. This is done by acquisition of the analog signals. In most systems being of the data through static state estimation and used at present, this is 12 times per cycle of then transferring the data to the system the fundamental frequency. The analog signals controller. The controller takes the required are derived from the voltage and current action and hence modern PMU has a vital role transformer secondaries, with appropriate to play in control of the power system[5][8]. anti-aliasing and surge filtering. The microprocessor determines the direct sequence indicator in accordance with the described recursive algorithm, and the GPS synchronization message is assigned to the pointer as an identification marker along with the sample number at the beginning of the window. The calculated sequence of pointers, one for each measurement of a positive sequence, is collected in a message stream and sent to a remote location. The message is sent Fig 4. Communication and control scheme of over a dial-up connection through a modem. A PMU[10] 480 baud channel can support phase stream transmission every two to five cycles of the 3. Instability Prediction- PMU not just fundamental frequency, depending on the measures the state of the power system but number of transmitted forward phases.[6][2]. also has tools that can confidently predict the future state to a range of about 1 second. PMU with the help of a data acquisition system can APPLICATION monitor previous system states and hence with 1. State Estimation- The main purpose of PMU the present states and the derivatives of and its evolution was mainly for the sake of different orders can be obtained. As the system state estimation. State estimation means to parameters from different nodes can be sample the system parameters (frequency, obtained with timestamps, it is very much relative phase angle and voltage) for a possible to predict the future state of the stipulated time. system and the future transients by analyzing Also, it is not necessary that PMU must be the present states and their derivatives from installed at all the nodes. The nodes at which different locations. This was not possible in the PMU is installed are called observable the previous technologies as there was no such nodes and the nodes on which there are no connectivity and communication speed[4]. direct PMU connections are called non-observable nodes. It is practically seen that by analyzing the data from the observable The calibrations and testing of a PMU are handled by a mathematical model called Test Equation. A test equation is given by (2) wk(y) = 0. (2) The analysis of test equation fluctuations is the core of measurement validation and is given by (2) |wk(y)|< d (3) The value of the threshold for the j-th TE d j is determined as (4)
Fig 5. An illustration of prediction[4]. dj =
γα × √ ( ∑ aij σ2i ) i∈ωj (4)
ERRORS IN PMU where ω j is a set of measurements entering the
The main application of any Wide Area j-th TE, σ2i is the variance of the Measurement System(WAMS) is State measurements, γα is inverse distribution Estimation(SE). State Estimation of an Electric N(0,1), determined by the given probability of power system can be defined as the calculation bad data penetration in of the system parameters based on the SE problem α ; aij are coefficients of TE measurements. So the measurements of a PMU are complex values of voltage and [9]. current at nodes and are given by U= Ur + Ui. So we know that ideal measurement also called True value are the measurements with CHALLENGES IN PMU TECHNOLOGY zero error and hence obviously are Ideal. And ● IT (Information Service) for the practical measurements are real-time cybersecurity issues and firewall measurements with certain errors. issues. The measurement equation is given by(1) ● Plant engineering to create installation procedures and draw. y(t) = y true(t) +ξ (t) +b(t)+ c(t) (1) ● Protection and maintenance of PMU ● If the PMUs are from different So the y-true(t) is the ideal measurement and manufacturers then there is a chance y(t) is the practical measurement which is the that the communication between that summation of ideal measurement along with two PMUs doesn’t happen[1]. random errors ξ (t), gross error b(t) and ● If PMUs are from the different systematic error c(t) [7]. manufacturer then there is a chance Systematic errors are the errors which arise that the methods and the algorithms from the improper calibration. Examples of used for analysis and sampling data systematic errors are input error, sensor error, can differ and hence can have different and signal transmission errors. output results[1]. Gross error is due to careless handling and ● The cost of saving data is very high. It lack of proper judgment. Random errors are is of order 4GB/day.[3]. the errors in the system which cannot be minimized, these errors seep into the system due to unknown reasons. CONCLUSION From this paper, we have seen that [6]R. B. Sharma, G. M. Dhole, M. B. Tasare, measurement of phasors with time tags from “Design of single phase Phasor Measurement different locations of a power system has a Unit prototype”, in 2016 International great benefit in analyzing the faults and Conference on Computing Communication protection of the system. We have also Control and automation (ICCUBEA), 12-13 discussed the major component in a basic Aug. 2016. PMU. In the application discussed we have seen how PMU is used for State estimation, [7]Kolosok. E.Korkina, and A.Mahnitko, for control and protection and instability "Detection of Systematic Errors prediction. We have also discussed the error in PMU Measurements by the Power System equation and the test equation used to calibrate State estimation Methods" the PMUs. And finally, we have listed some of in the 56th Intern. Scientific Conf.. Power and the present challenges in the PMU technology. Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University, 2015, RTUCON, Latvia.
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