Computer Analysis of Rectifier Circuits

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November 2015

Chapter 3 Microelectronic Devices & Circuits (ECEg4261) Class Notes

3. Design & computer aided analysis of rectifier circuits

3.1 Introduction
Rectifier circuits are prevalent in modern electronic equipment. The most common applications of
diodes are as rectifiers. A rectifier that converts an AC voltage to a unidirectional voltage is used
as a DC power supply for many electronic circuits, such as those in radios, calculators, and stereo
amplifiers. A rectifier is also called an AC–DC converter. Rectifiers can be classified on the basis
of AC input supply into two types: single-phase rectifiers, in which the AC input voltage is a
single-phase source, and three-phase rectifiers, in which the AC input voltage is a three-phase
source. Three-phase rectifiers, which are normally used in high-power applications, are outside the
scope of this book. The following single-phase rectifiers are commonly used in electronic circuits:
single-phase half-wave rectifiers, single-phase full-wave center-tapped rectifiers, and single-phase
full-wave bridge rectifiers. For simplicity, we will assume ideal diodes in the following analysis
and derivations; that is, the DC voltage drop across a diode is zero rather than a typical value of
= 0.7 .

3.2 Design and analysis of rectifier circuits

A. Single-Phase Half-Wave Rectifiers
The circuit diagram of a single-phase half-wave rectifier is shown in Figure 3.1(a). Let us consider
a sinusoidal input voltage = = sin , where = 2 and f is the frequency of the
input voltage. Thus, there is no DC component on the input voltage; that is, = 0 and = +
. Since is positive from = 0 to and negative from = to 2 , the operation of the
rectifier can be divided into two intervals: interval 1 and interval 2.

Interval 1 is the interval 0 ≤ ≤ during the positive half-cycle of the input voltage. Diode D1
conducts and behaves like a short circuit, as shown in Figure 3.1(b). The input voltage appears
across the load resistance . That is, the output voltage becomes
= sin for 0 ≤ ≤ 3.1
If we include the DC diode drop (= 0.7 ), the peak output voltage will be reduced to
( − ) and the instantaneous output voltage will become
= ( − ) sin for 0 ≤ ≤ 3.2
Interval 2 is the interval ≤ ≤ 2 during the negative half-cycle of the input voltage. Diode
is reverse biased and behaves like an open circuit, as shown in Figure 3.1(b). The output
voltage becomes zero. That is,
= 0 for ≤ ≤2 3.3
The waveforms of the input voltage, the output voltage, and the diode voltage are shown in Fig.
3.1(c). The output voltage will be reduced due to the diode drop of approximately 0.7 V as shown
by the dotted lines. When diode conducts, its voltage becomes zero. When the diode is reverse
biased, the diode current becomes zero and the diode has to withstand the input voltage. The peak
inverse voltage (PIV) the diode must withstand is equal to the peak input voltage . The voltage
on the anode side of the diode is AC, whereas on the cathode side it is DC. That is, the diode

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By Hailay Berihu (M.Sc.)
November 2015
Chapter 3 Microelectronic Devices & Circuits (ECEg4261) Class Notes

converts AC voltage to DC. The average output voltage ( ) is found using the following
" " '(
( ) = # &( )= # sin &( )= = 0.318
!" % $
!" % "

Figure 3.1 Single-phase half-wave rectifier

Therefore, the average load current , ( ) for a resistive load can be found from
'-(./) ' %.2 3'(
, ( ) = = "0( = 3.5
01 1 01
The rms output voltage (4 ) is given by
" 7! " 7! '(
(4 ) = 5!" #% !
$ &( )6 = 5!" #% !
sin! &( )6 = = 0.5 3.6
and the rms load current , (4 ) is given by
'-(9(:) %.;'(
, (4 ) = = 3.7
01 01
Notice from Figure 3.1(c) that the output voltage is pulsating and contains ripples. In practice,
a filter is normally required at the rectifier output to smooth out the DC output voltage. We often
know the ripple content of the output voltage. The output voltage can be viewed as consisting of
two components: ripple voltage and average voltage. The instantaneous ripple voltage 4 , which is
the difference between and ( ) , is shown in Figure 3.1(d). The value of 4 can be expressed
− ( )= sin − ( ) => 0 ≤ ≤
4 = <
− ( ) , => ≤ ≤2

Let 4(4 ) be the rms ripple voltage. Then 4(4 ) can be related to ( ) and (4 ) by

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By Hailay Berihu (M.Sc.)
November 2015
Chapter 3 Microelectronic Devices & Circuits (ECEg4261) Class Notes

4(4 ) + !
( ) = !
(4 ) or !
4(4 ) = !
(4 )−
( ) 3.9
Substituting from Eq. (3.4) into Eq. (3.6), we get (4 ) = , which is then applied to
Eq. (3.9) to give 4(4 ):
7! 7!
"A "A
4(4 ) =5 !
( )−
( )6 = ( )5B − 16 = 1.21 ( ) 3.10
The ripple content of the output voltage is measured by a factor known as the ripple factor (RF),
which is defined by
'9(9(:) .! '-(./)
C= = = 1.21 or 121% 3.11
'-(./) '-(./)
Note: This numerical value of RF = 121% is valid only for the single-phase half-wave rectifier.

The AC output power D ( E) is the average power and is defined as

!" ' !
D ( E) = # F$! &( ) = , !(4 ) = (4 ), (4 ) = G (H 3.12
!" % ! 01
which will be the same as the input power DIJ if we assume there is no power loss in the rectifier.
That is, the input power is given by
' !
DIJ = D ( E) = G (H 3.13
! 01
The DC output power D (KE) is defined by
D (KE) = ( ), ( ) = "A(0 3.14
It is generally smaller than D ( E) because the rms values are larger than the average (DC) values.
The effectiveness of a rectifier in delivering DC output power is generally measured by the
rectification efficiency L0 , which is defined as
M-(NO) '-(./) P-(./) ('( ⁄" )A ⁄01 B
L0 = M =' = ('( ⁄!)A ⁄01
= "A = 40.5% 3.15
-(.O) -(9(:) P-(9(:)

If we assume there is no power loss in the rectifier, then the input power factor (PF), which is a
measure of the power drawn from the input power supply, is related to the input power (DIJ ) by
, DC = DIJ = D ( E) 3.16
This gives the input power factor as given by
M-(.O) ('( ⁄!)A ⁄01 √!
DC = = T' = = 0.707 3.17
': P: ( ⁄√!V('( ⁄!01 ) !
where and , are the rms input supply voltage and the input supply current, respectively.
Note These numerical values of L0 = 40.5% and DC = 0.707 are valid only for the single-phase
half-wave rectifier.

Rectifiers are generally supplied through a transformer from a fixed AC input voltage of 120 V
(rms) in order to satisfy the output voltage requirement. This arrangement is shown in Figure
3.2(a). Let us assume an ideal transformer. Then the primary rms voltage W is related to the
secondary rms voltage by the turns ratio n, as follows:
= =Z 3.18
': Y:
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By Hailay Berihu (M.Sc.)
November 2015
Chapter 3 Microelectronic Devices & Circuits (ECEg4261) Class Notes

where [W is the number of turns of the primary winding and [ is the number of turns of the
secondary winding

Figure 3.2 Half-wave rectifier with an input side transformer

Assuming there is no power loss in the transformer, the input (primary) side power must equal the
output (secondary) side power. That is,
W ,W = , 3.19
which, after we use the relationship between the voltages on the primary side and the secondary
side W = Z , gives the relationship between the primary side current to the secondary side
current as
, = Z,W 3.20
i. If the rectifier is connected to a battery charger, D (KE) is the useful power transferred to the
battery. Since D ( E) is greater than D (KE) , D\ = D ( E) − D (KE) will be responsible for
heating the battery. For a resistive load, however, the AC power D ( E) becomes the average
output power and will produce the effective heat.
ii. The average current through the input side of an ideal transformer will be , ( ) ⁄Z. A
transformer is normally designed to operate from a sinusoidal AC source so that the magnetic
core of the transformer is set and reset in every cycle. The unidirectional DC current flow
through the transformer may cause the transformer core to saturate. Therefore, this circuit is
suitable only for very low-power applications, typically tens of watts.
iii. Unless noted otherwise, the AC input voltage is always specified in rms values, so = √2 .
Example 3.1: Finding the performance parameters of a single-phase half-wave rectifier
The single-phase half-wave rectifier of Figure 3.2(a) is supplied from a 120-V, 60-Hz source
through the step-down transformer of Figure 3.2(b) with turns ratio Z = 10: 1. The load resistance
is 5^. Determine (a) the average output voltage ( ) , (b) the average load current , ( ) , (c)
the rms load voltage (4 ) , (d) the rms load current , (4 ) , (e) the ripple factor RF of the output
voltage, (f) the rms ripple voltage 4(4 ) , (g) the average diode current , ( ) , (h) the rms diode
current , (4 ) , (i) the peak inverse voltage PIV of the diode, ( j) the average output power D ( E) ,
(k) the DC output power D (KE) , (l) the frequency 4 of the output ripple voltage, and (m) the input
power factor PF.

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By Hailay Berihu (M.Sc.)
November 2015
Chapter 3 Microelectronic Devices & Circuits (ECEg4261) Class Notes

The primary transformer voltage is W = 120 . From Eq. (3.18), the secondary voltage is
W = W ⁄Z = 120⁄10 = 12 . The peak input voltage of the rectifier is
= √2 = √2 × 12 = 16.97
(a) From Eq. (3.4) ( ) = 0.318 = 0.318 × 16.97 = b. c d
'-(./) ;.B
(b) From Eq. (3.5) , ( ) = = = e. fg h
01 ;
(c) From Eq. (3.6) (4 ) = 0.5 = 0.5 × 16.97 = g. ci d
'-(9(:) 3.Bj
(d) From Eq. (3.7) , (4 ) = 01
= ;
= e. kh
(e) From Eq. (3.11) C = e. le, => ele%
(f) From Eq. (3.11) 4(4 ) = C × ( ) = 1.21 × 5.4 = m. bn d
(g) The average diode current , ( ) will be the same as that of the load. i.e, , ( ) = e. fg h.
(h) The rms diode current , (4 ) will be the same as that of the load. i.e, , (4 ) = e. k h.
(i) D, = = em. ik d.
(j) From Eq. (3.12), D ( E) = , !(4 ) = (1.7)! × 5 = ec. cb o
(k) From Eq. (3.14) D (KE) = ( ) , ( ) = 5.4 ∗ 1.08 = b. gn o
(l) Notice from Figure 3.1(d) that the frequency of the output ripple voltage is the same as the
input frequency, 4 = = mf qr
(m) = 12 , , = , (4 ) = 1.7s, and DIJ = D ( E) = 14.45 t From Eq. (3.17),
D ( E) 14.45
DC = = = f. kfke
, 12 × 1.7
B. Single-Phase Full-Wave Center-Tapped Rectifier
For a half-wave rectifier, the average (or DC) voltage is only 0.318 . A full-wave rectifier has
double this output voltage, and it can be constructed by combining two half-wave rectifiers, as
shown in Figure 3.3(a). Since is positive from = 0 to and negative from = to 2 ,
the operation of the rectifier can be divided into two intervals: interval 1 and interval 2.
Interval 1 is the interval 0 ≤ ≤ during the positive half-cycle of the input voltage. Diode !
is reverse biased and behaves like an open circuit, as shown in Figure 3.3(b). The peak inverse
voltage PIV of diode ! is 2 . Diode conducts and behaves like a short circuit. The half-
secondary voltage = sin appears across the load resistance . That is, the output voltage
$ = sin for 0 ≤ ≤
Interval 2 is the interval ≤ ≤ 2 during the negative half-cycle of the input voltage. Diode
is reverse biased and behaves like an open circuit, as shown in Figure 3.3(c). The peak inverse
voltage PIV of diode is also 2 . Diode ! conducts and behaves like a short circuit. The
negative of the half-secondary voltage = sin appears across the load resistance . That
is, the output voltage becomes
$ = − sin for ≤ ≤2
The instantaneous output voltage $ during interval 2 is identical to that for interval 1. The
waveforms for the input and output voltages are shown in Figure 3.3(d). Now we need to find the
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By Hailay Berihu (M.Sc.)
November 2015
Chapter 3 Microelectronic Devices & Circuits (ECEg4261) Class Notes

average voltage and the ripple content. Similar to that of the half-wave rectifier, the output voltage
of a full-wave rectifier can be viewed as consisting of two components: ripple voltage and average
voltage. The instantaneous ripple voltage 4 , which is the difference between $ and ( ) , is
shown in Figure 3.3(e). The average output voltage ( ) with two identical positive pulses can
be found from the following equation:
! " ! " !'
( ) = !" #% $ &( ) = #% sin &( ) = ( = 0.636 3.21
!" "
It is twice the average output voltage of a half-wave rectifier, ( ) = 0.318 . Therefore, the
average load current , ( ) for a resistive load can be found from Eq. (3.21):
'-(./) !'( %.u2u'(
, ( ) = = = 3.22
01 "01 01

Figure 3.3 Full-wave rectifier with a center-tapped transformer

The rms output voltage (4 ) is given by

! " ⁄! ! " ⁄! '(
(4 ) = 5!" #% $! &( )6 = 5!" #% !
sin! &( )6 = = 0.707 3.23
compared to (4 ) = 0.5 for a half-wave rectifier. Therefore, the rms load current , (4 ) is
given by
'-(9(:) %.v%v'(
, (4 ) = 01
= 01
To find the ripple factor, we have to find the amount of ripple content. The instantaneous ripple
voltage 4 , which is shown in Figure 3.3(e), can be expressed as
− ( )= sin − ( ) => 0 < < @
4 = w
− sin − ( ) => ≤ ≤2

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By Hailay Berihu (M.Sc.)
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Chapter 3 Microelectronic Devices & Circuits (ECEg4261) Class Notes

Let 4(4 ) be the rms ripple voltage. Then 4(4 ) can be related to ( ) and (4 ) by the
mean square values. That is,
4(4 ) + ( ) = 4(4 ) = (4 ) −
! ! ! ! ! !
(4 ) or ( ) 3.26
Substituting from Eq. (3.21) into Eq. (3.23), we get (4 ) = ( ) ⁄2√2, which, when
substituted into Eq. (3.26), gives
⁄! ⁄!
"A "A
4(4 =5 )
( )−
( )6 = ( ) 5 − 16 = 0.483 ( ) 3.27
3 3
which is much less than 4(4 ) = 1.21 ( ) for a half-wave rectifier.
The ripple factor RF of the output voltage, which is a measure of the ripple content, can be found
'9(9(:) %.B32'-(./)
C= = = 0.483, => 48.3% 3.28
'-(./) '-(./)
which is much lower than C = 1.21 = 121% for a half-wave rectifier
The AC output power D ( E) is the average power and is defined as
!" 'A
D ( E) = !" #% F$! &( ) = , !(4 ) = (4 ), (4 ) = !0( 3.29
If we assume there is no power loss in the rectifier, the input power can be found from
' !
DIJ = D ( E) = G (H 01
The DC output power D (KE) can be found from
B' A
D (KE) = ( ), ( ) = "A 0( 3.31
It is generally smaller than D ( E) . The ratio of D (KE) to D ( E) , which is the rectification
efficiency yz , can be found from
M-(NO) '-(./) P-(./) (!'( ⁄" )A ⁄01 3
L0 = M =' = A = "A = 81% 3.32
-(.O) -(9(:) P-(9(:) T'( ⁄√!V 701
which is twice the value of L0 = 40.5% for a half-wave rectifier.
If we assume there is no power loss in the rectifier, the input power factor can be found from
M-(.O) T'( ⁄√!V 701 √!
DC = = !×T' = = 0.7071 3.33
!': P: ( ⁄√!V('( ⁄!01 ) !
Note This numerical value of L0 = 81% is valid only for the single-phase full-wave rectifier.

The peak inverse voltage PIV of the diodes is 2 . A full-wave rectifier develops twice the
average output voltage of a half-wave rectifier for the same peak secondary voltage; however, it
requires a center-tapped transformer. This circuit is suitable for low-power applications only
typically tens of watts.
Example 3.2: Finding the performance parameters of a single-phase full-wave rectifier
The single-phase full wave center-tapped rectifier of Figure 3.3(a) is supplied from a 120-V, 60-
Hz source through a step-down center-tapped transformer with turns ratio Z = 10: 2. The load
resistance is 5 ^. Determine (a) the average output voltage ( ) , (b) the average load current
, ( ) , (c) the rms load voltage (4 ) , (d) the rms load current , (4 ) , (e) the ripple factor RF of
the output voltage, (f) the rms ripple voltage 4(4 ) , (g) the average diode current , ( ) , (h) the
rms diode current , (4 ) , (i) the peak inverse voltage PIV of the diodes, (j) the average output
power D ( E) , (k) the DC output power D (KE) , (l) the frequency 4 of the output ripple voltage, and
(m) the input power factor PF.
AdU, CET, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 7
By Hailay Berihu (M.Sc.)
November 2015
Chapter 3 Microelectronic Devices & Circuits (ECEg4261) Class Notes

The rms voltage of the transformer primary is W = 120 . From Eq. (3.18) the rms voltage of the
transformer secondary is 2 = 2 W ⁄Z = 2 ∗ 120 ∗ 1⁄10 = 24 . The rms voltage of the
transformer half-secondary is = 24⁄2 = 12 . The peak voltage of each half-secondary is
= √2 × 12 = 16.97
(a) From Eq. (3.21) ( ) = 0.636 = 0.636 × 16.97 = ef. g d
'-(./) %.3
(b) From Eq. (3.22) , ( ) = = = l. em h
01 ;
(c) From Eq. (3.23) (4 ) = 0.707 = 0.707 × 16.97 = el d
'-(9(:) !
(d) From Eq. (3.24) , (4 ) = 01
= ;
= l. c h
(e) From Eq. (3.28) C = f. cgn, => cg. n%
(f) From Eq. (3.27) 4(4 ) = 0.483 ( ) = 0.483 × 10.8 = b. ll d
(g) Since the average load current is supplied by two diodes, the average diode current , ( ) will
be one-half of the load current. That is, , ( ) = , ( ) ⁄2 = 2.16⁄2 = e. fg h.
(h) Since the load current is shared by two diodes, the rms load current , (4 ) will be √2 times
the rms diode current. That is, , (4 ) = , (4 ) ⁄√2 = 2.4⁄√2 = e. k h.
(i) D, = 2 = 2 × 16.97 = nn. ic d
(j) From Eq. (3.29) D ( E) = , !(4 ) = (2.4)! × 5 = lg. g o
(k) From Eq. (3.31) D (KE) = ( ) , ( ) = 10.8 × 2.16 = ln. nn o
(l) The output voltage contains two pulses per cycle of the input voltage. That is, 4 = 2 = 2 ×
60 = elf qr.
(m) = 12 , , = , (4 ) ⁄√2 = 1.7 s and DIJ = D ( E) = 28.8 t From Eq. (3.33)
M !3.3
DC = !'{|P = !× !× .v
= f. kfke
: :

C. Single-Phase Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier

A single-phase full-wave bridge rectifier is shown in Figure 3.4(a). It requires four diodes. The
advantages of this rectifier are that it requires no transformer in the input side and the PIV rating
of the diodes is . The disadvantages are that it does not provide electrical isolation and it
requires more diodes than the center-tapped version. However, an input transformer is normally
used to satisfy the output voltage requirement. Since is positive from = 0 to and negative
from = to 2 , the circuit operation can be divided into two intervals: interval 1 & interval 2.

Interval 1 is the interval 0 ≤ ≤ during the positive half-cycle of the input voltage . Diodes
2 and B are reverse biased, as shown in Figure 3.4(b). The peak inverse voltage PIV of diodes
2 and B is . Diodes and ! conduct and behaves like short circuits. The input voltage
= sin appears across the load resistance . That is, the output voltage becomes
$ = sin for 0 ≤ ≤
Interval 2 is the interval ≤ ≤ 2 during the positive half-cycle of the input voltage .
Diodes and ! are reverse biased, as shown in Figure 3.4(c). The peak inverse voltage PIV of
diodes and ! is . Diodes 2 and B conduct and behaves like short circuits. The negative of
voltage = sin appears across the load resistance . That is, the output voltage becomes
$ = − sin for ≤ ≤2

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By Hailay Berihu (M.Sc.)
November 2015
Chapter 3 Microelectronic Devices & Circuits (ECEg4261) Class Notes

The waveforms for the input and output voltages are shown in Figure 3.4(d). The output voltage
will be reduced due to DC diode drop as shown by the dotted lines. The output ripple voltage is
shown in Figure 3.4(e). The equations that were derived earlier for a single-phase full-wave
center-tapped transformer are also valid for the bridge rectifier.

Figure 3.4 Single-phase full-wave bridge rectifier

If we assume there is no power loss in the rectifier, the input power factor can be found from
M-(.O) T'( ⁄√!V 701
DC = = T' =1 3.34
': P: ( ⁄√!V('( ⁄√!01 )
Example 3.3: Performance parameters of a single-phase full-wave bridge rectifier
The single-phase full-wave bridge rectifier of Figure 3.4(a) is supplied from a 120-V, 60-Hz
source through a transformer with turns ratio Z = 10: 1. The load resistance is 5 ^. Determine
(a) the average output voltage ( ) , (b) the average load current , ( ) , (c) the rms load voltage
(4 ) , (d) the rms load current , (4 ) , (e) the ripple factor RF of the output voltage, (f ) the rms
ripple voltage 4(4 ) , (g) the average diode current , ( ) , (h) the rms diode current , (4 ) , (i)
the peak inverse voltage PIV of the diode, ( j) the average (or AC) output power D ( E) , (k) the DC
output power D (KE) , (l) the frequency 4 of the output ripple voltage, and (m) the input power
factor PF.
The rms voltage of the transformer primary is W = 120 . From Eq. (3.18), the rms voltage of the
transformer secondary is = W ⁄Z = 120 ∗ 1⁄10 = 12 . The peak voltage of the secondary is
= √2 × 12 = 16.97
AdU, CET, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 9
By Hailay Berihu (M.Sc.)
November 2015
Chapter 3 Microelectronic Devices & Circuits (ECEg4261) Class Notes

(a) From Eq. (3.21) ( ) = 0.636 = 0.636 × 16.97 = ef. g d

'-(./) %.3
(b) From Eq. (3.22) , ( ) = = = l. em h
01 ;
(c) From Eq. (3.23) (4 ) = 0.707 = 0.707 × 16.97 = el d
'-(9(:) !
(d) From Eq. (3.24) , (4 ) = 01
= ;
= l. c h
(e) From Eq. (3.28) C = f. cgn, => cg. n%
(f) From Eq. (3.27) 4(4 ) = 0.483 ( ) = 0.483 × 10.8 = b. ll d
(g) Since the average load current is supplied by two diodes, the average diode current , ( ) will
be one-half of the load current. That is, , ( ) = , ( ) ⁄2 = 2.16⁄2 = e. fg h.
(h) Since the load current is shared by two diodes, the rms load current , (4 ) will be √2 times
the rms diode current. That is, , (4 ) = , (4 ) ⁄√2 = 2.4⁄√2 = e. k h.
(i) D, = = em. ik d
(j) From Eq. (3.29) D ( E) = , !(4 ) = (2.4)! × 5 = lg. g o
(k) From Eq. (3.31) D (KE) = ( ) , ( ) = 10.8 × 2.16 = ln. nn o
(l) 4 = 2 = 2 × 60 = elf qr
(m) = 12 , , = , (4 ) = 2.4 s and DIJ = D ( E) = 28.8 t From Eq. (3.33)
DIJ 28.8
DC = } ~= =e
×, 12 × 2.4
Note: The results of Examples 3.2 and 3.3 are identical, except that the PIV of a bridge rectifier is
D, = = 16.97 whereas the PIV of a center-tapped rectifier is D, = 2 = 33.94 for the
same ( ) = 10.8 . The bridge rectifier has the best power factor.

3.3 Modeling and simulation of rectifier circuits

If we calculate the Fourier representation of the half-wave and full-wave rectifier output voltage
$ ( ) it has a DC component and other cosine components at various frequencies. The magnitudes
of the cosine components are called the harmonics. The output should ideally be pure DC; these
harmonics are undesirable. Filters are normally used to smooth out the output voltage. Since the
input supply to these filters is DC, they are known as DC filters. Three types of DC filters are
normally used: L filters, C filters, and LC filters. L filters and LC filters are generally used for
high-power applications, such as DC power supplies. In integrated circuits, C filters are usually

Table 3.1 summarizes the characteristics of the half-wave, full-wave center tapped, and full-wave
bridge rectifiers introduced in the preceding section. The capacitor filter often represents a
significant economic factor in terms of cost, size, and weight in the design of rectifier circuits. For
a given ripple voltage, the value of the capacitor filter required in the full-wave rectifier is one-half
that for the half-wave rectifier.

The reduction in peak current in the full-wave rectifier can significantly reduce heat dissipation in
the diodes. The addition of the second diode and the use of a center-tapped transformer represent
additional expenses that offset some of the advantage. However, the benefits of full-wave
rectification usually outweigh the minor increase in circuit complexity.
AdU, CET, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 10
By Hailay Berihu (M.Sc.)
November 2015
Chapter 3 Microelectronic Devices & Circuits (ECEg4261) Class Notes

Table 3.1 Comparison of Rectifiers with Capacitive Filters

Rectifier parameter Half-wave Rectifier Full-wave center-tapped Full-wave Bridge
Rectifier Rectifier
M − J € M − J € M−2 J €
•= •= •=
Capacitor Filter
4 4 2 4 2
PIV rating 2 M 2 M M
Peak diode current Highest ,M Reduced
! !
(constant 4 )
comments Least complex Smaller capacitor Smaller capacitor
Requires center-tapped four diodes
transformer two diodes
The bridge rectifier eliminates the need for the center-tapped transformer and the PIV rating of the
diodes is reduced, which can be particularly important in high-voltage circuits. The cost of the
extra diodes is usually negligible, particularly since four-diode Bridge rectifiers can be purchased
in single component form.

Now we are in a position to simulate different rectifier circuits using PSpice. We are going to use
default model parameters for the simulation of the full-rectifier in example 3.4.

Example 3.4: Fourier components of the output voltage of a single-phase full-wave rectifier
The single-phase full-wave rectifier of Figure 3.5 is supplied from a 120-V, 60-Hz source through
a step-down center-tapped transformer with a turns ratio of Z = 10: 2. Use PSpice to calculate the
harmonic components of the output voltage. The center-tapped transformer is modeled by a
voltage-controlled voltage source.

Figure 3.5 Single-phase full-wave rectifier circuit for PSpice simulation

3.4 Application of rectifier circuits

Rectifier circuits are commonly used to convert the 120 V ac, 60 Hz power line source to the dc
voltages needed run electronic devices such as personal computers, stereo systems, radio
receivers, and the like.

Example 3.5: Application of the single-phase rectifier as a battery charger

A single-phase rectifier can be employed as a battery charger, as shown in Figure 3.6. The battery
capacity is 100 Wh, and the battery voltage is ‚ = 12 . The average charging current should be
, ( ) = 5 s. The primary AC input voltage is M = 120 (>ƒ„), 60 Hz, and the transformer has
AdU, CET, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 11
By Hailay Berihu (M.Sc.)
November 2015
Chapter 3 Microelectronic Devices & Circuits (ECEg4261) Class Notes

a turns ratio of Z = 2: 1. Use PSpice to plot D ( E) and D (KE) as a function of time. Since
inductance is proportional to the square of the number of turns, the primary and the secondary
leakage inductances of the input transformer are selected with a ratio of 2! (or 4) to 1. That is,
… = 40 ƒ† and …! = 10 ƒ† for a linear transformer.

Figure 3.6 Battery charger circuit for PSpice simulation

Example 3.6: Application of a single-phase bridge rectifier as an AC voltmeter
An AC voltmeter is constructed by using a DC meter and a bridge rectifier, as shown in Figure
3.7(a). The meter has a resistance of = 100 ^, and its average current is , = 100 ƒs for a
full-scale deflection. The current-limiting resistance is = 1 ‡^.
(a) Determine the rms value of the AC input voltage that will give a full-scale deflection if the
input voltage is sinusoidal.
(b) If this meter is used to measure the rms value of an input voltage with a triangular waveform,
as shown in Figure 3.7(b), calculate the necessary correction factor K to be applied to the meter

Figure 3.7 AC voltmeter

= 100 ^, = 1 ‡^ and , = 100 ƒs
(a) The peak value of a sinusoidal voltage is related to its rms value by = √2 . The
average meter ( ) can be found by applying the voltage divider rule between resistances
and .

AdU, CET, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 12

By Hailay Berihu (M.Sc.)
November 2015
Chapter 3 Microelectronic Devices & Circuits (ECEg4261) Class Notes

( ) =0 ( ), where (4 ) is the rms value of
( ˆ0:
Using ( ) =2 ⁄ from Eq. (3.21), we can find the average meter current , ( ) from
1 ( 2
) 2√2
, ( ) = × = =
+ + ( + )
The meter reading ‰ , which is proportional to the average meter current , ( ) , must measure the
rms input voltage. That is,
‰ =Š, ( )= , where Š is a meter scale factor. Substituting for , ( ) we get Š :
2√2 ( + ) (1 × 102 + 100)
Š = ↔Š = = = 1221.8 ⁄s
( + ) 2√2 2√2
Therefore, we can find the rms input voltage that will give full-scale deflection:
= Š , ( ) = 1221.8 × 100 × 10Œ2 = ell. l d
(b) If a triangular waveform with a peak value of is applied to the bridge rectifier, the output
voltage $ is as shown in Figure 3.7(c). The rms input voltage of the triangular voltage with
four identical triangular areas can be found from
! ⁄!
B "⁄! '( '(
= •!" #% G ‰H &‰Ž = (after the integration is completed)
"⁄! √2
The average output voltage is ( ) with four identical triangular areas can be found from
4 "⁄!
( ) = • ‰ &‰ =
2 % ⁄2 2
Substituting ( ) = ⁄2, we can find the average meter current , ( ) from
( ) ⁄2
, ( )= = =
+ + 2( + )
The meter reading ‰ must measure the rms input voltage. Substituting for Š and , ( ), we get
( + )
‰ =Š, ( )= × =
2√2 2( + ) 4√2
The rms value is = ⁄√3. Letting K be the correcting factor, we have
= Š‰ =
Which after substitution for ‰ , gives the value of the correction factor
4√2 4√2
Š= =
= e. fnim × =
√3‰ √3 √3
Therefore, the meter will read Š (for sine wave) = 1.0396 × 122.2 = elk. fc d at a full-scale
deflection with the triangular waveform.

AdU, CET, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 13

By Hailay Berihu (M.Sc.)

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