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Technical University of Kenya





Bachelor of Architecture Thesis

Bachelor of Architecture Thesis

----Author: Duncan Wamugi----
©Author: Duncan Wamugi Kariuki
Deafspace Architectural Design Guidelines in Learning Institutions for the Deaf

Duncan Wamugi Kariuki


A research thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the examination requirements for the award of the Bachelor of Architecture degree in the
Department of Architecture and Environmental Design, Technical University of Kenya

This is my original work and to the best of my knowledge has not been presented for a degree in any other institution

Author: Duncan Wamugi Kariuki

Signature.................................................. Date..........................................

This thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment of the examination requirements for the award of the Bachelor of Architecture degree, Department

of Architecture and Environmental Design, Technical University of Kenya

Tutor: Arch. Mutua Mweu Year Coordinator: Arch. David Lagat

Signature................................................... Signature..............................................

Date........................................................... Date.....................................................

Chairman, Department of Architecture and Environmental Design, School of the Architecture and Built Environment

Dr. Joseph Kedogo

Signature................................................... Date..........................................

My Parents; for all the sacrifices you made.

Grandmother; for all that you’ve always been.

Richie & Peris, Timothy & Mary, My dearest for everything that you did in making this document a reality, God bless you

Arch. Mutua Mweu, my tutor, for his tireless efforts in guiding me through my academic endeavours; Arch. David Matole, for all the advice and

dedication, Dr. Peter Makachia for your advice in matters architecture and beyond;

All lecturers, Department of Architecture and Environmental Design: for all your guidance during my years in the School of Architecture.

The TUK Library & University of Nairobi ADD Library. Special regards to Jane A. Oluochi and Architect E. Abonyo.

The Management and staff at the Isinya School for the Deaf, Kajiado, especially Geogrey Abuga & Jean Claude for all efforts in ensuring unlimited

access to the school. The Management and staff at Karen Technical Training Institute, Nairobi for their permission to carry out detailed analysis

of their buildings.

To GOD ALMIGHTY, Whom without I couldn’t.............and all your promises I witnessed fulfilled

List of Figures
List of Tables

Chapter 1: Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Background.................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem Statement......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Research Question.......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Research Objectives....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Relevance/Justification.................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.6 Hypothesis..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.7 Scope and Limitation..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.8 Definition of Operational Terms................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.9 Research Methodology.................................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.10. Overview of the Chapters........................................................................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 2: Literature Review..................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Framing Deaf............................................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Deafspace within a historical context........................................................................................................................................... 13
2.3.1. History of Deaf Education in Europe............................................................................................................................ 15
2.3.2. History of Deaf Education in America......................................................................................................................... 16
2.3.3. History of deaf education in Africa.............................................................................................................................. 17
2.4 Deafspace within a Cultural context. ........................................................................................................................................... 19
2.4.1. Proxemics and Deaf space............................................................................................................................................ 19
2.4.2. Art and Literature......................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.5. Deafspace Architectural Design Strategies................................................................................................................................. 21
2.5.1. Light and colour........................................................................................................................................................... 22
2.5 2. Sensory reach ............................................................................................................................................................... 25
2.5.3. Space and proximity .................................................................................................................................................... 25
2.5 4. Mobility and proximity................................................................................................................................................ 26
2.5.5. Acoustics...................................................................................................................................................................... 27
2.5.6. Summary of Architectural Design Strategies............................................................................................................... 29
2.6. Standards Relating to Deafspace…………………..................................................................................................................... 30
2.6.1. Lighting Standards…………………........................................................................................................................... 30
2.6.2. Proxemics rule……………...………........................................................................................................................... 33
2.6.3. Acoustic standards…………………............................................................................................................................ 34

Chapter 3: Research Methodology............................................................................................................................................................................. 39

3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
3.2 Research Design........................................................................................................................................................................... 40
3.3 Research Strategy.........................................................................................................................................................................41
3.4 Sample Design. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 41
3.5 Data Collection Method. ............................................................................................................................................................. 42
3.6 Data presentation Method. ........................................................................................................................................................... 46
3.7 Data Analysis Method. ................................................................................................................................................................ 47
3.8 Summary on research methods..................................................................................................................................................... 48

Chapter 4. Data Analysis .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 49

4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................................. 49
4.2 Precedent Study-Gallaudet University......................................................................................................................................... 50
4.2.1 Background information............................................................................................................................................... 50
4.2.2 Planning and Design...................................................................................................................................................... 50
4.2.3 Deafspace Design Guidelines....................................................................................................................................... 55
4.3 Case Study 1- Isinya School for the Deaf..................................................................................................................................... 63
4.3.1 Background information............................................................................................................................................... 63
4.3.2 Planning and Design...................................................................................................................................................... 64
4.3.3 Deafspace Design Guidelines....................................................................................................................................... 71
4.3.4 Summary on Isinya School for the Deaf....................................................................................................................... 92

4.4 Case Study 2 – Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf.................................................................................................. 94
4.4.1 Background information............................................................................................................................................... 94
4.4.2 Planning and Design.......................................................................................................................................................96
4.4.3 Deafspace Design Guidelines.........................................................................................................................................98

Chapter 5. Conclusion and Recommendation........................................................................................................................................................... 108

5.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................ 108
5.2 Conclusions and Recommendations on Literature and Standards Review................................................................................. 109
5.3 Conclusions and Recommendations on Precedent studies………………..................................................................................114
5.4 Conclusions and Recommendations on Case studies……………………..................................................................................115
5.5 Areas of further Research……………………...........................................................................................................................118
References................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 119
Appendices............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 121
LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Fig 2.07. Institute National de Jeanes Sounds de Paris Fig 2.30: Sources of noise in the learning
(INJS) ……….………………………...…. [Page 15] environment…………………………….…….. [Page 28]
Fig 2.08. Thomas Braidwood s Academy for the Deaf Fig 2.31 signal-to-noise ratio………………..... [Page 28]
LIST OF FIGURES and Dumb in Edinburgh………….………. [Page 15] Fig 2.32 & Fig 2.33 daylighting techniques. Building
Fig 1.01 relationship between hearing impaired and the Fig 2.09. America mark 200 years of deaf education Bulletin 93. …………………………….. [Page 30 & 31]
hearing…………………………………...……. [Page 1] …………………………………………….[Page 16] Fig 3.33. A and B. Illustration of different daylighting
Fig 1.02 relationship between man and the built Fig 2.10. A historical view of Illinois school for the techniques …………………………………..... [Page 32]
environment…………….…………………….. [Page 1] deaf ………………………………………. [Page 16] Fig 2.35. Edward t Hall theory…………….... [Page 33]
Fig 1.03 a model of a spatial behaviour of virtual agents Fig 2.11. A look into Deaf Education’s history around Fig 2.36. Study of the use of space deaf…….... [Page 33]
in a sign language communication that is used to develop the world. ………………………..………. [Page 17] Fig 2.37. Student in a classroom at Isinya School for the
Deafspace Design Guidelines…………………. [Page 2] Fig 2.12 Students at Tumutumu school….. [Page 17] deaf. ………………………………………….. [Page 34]
Fig 1.04 A Public space in a local University Designed Fig 2.13. INFCHART of the key figures that Fig 2.38. A lecture room at Nottingham University
by Hearing Individual ……………………..…. [Page 2] influenced Deaf education across Europe, America device………..………………………...…..….. [Page 34]
Fig 1.05 - A group space at Isinya School for the and Africa…………………………...……. [Page 18] Fig 2.39. Hearing aid device………..……..….. [Page 35]
Deaf………………..………………………..… [Page 3] Fig 2.14 Audrey Terp description of Deafness as a Fig 2.40.An acoustic Wall treatment …………. [Page 35]
Fig 1.06 group space at Gallaudet University…. [Page 4] cultural identity…...………………...……. [Page 19] Fig 2.41 logo of the American Speech Language Hearing
Fig 1.07 signer in a local school explaining the Fig 2.15 Sensory orientation studies…..…. [Page 19] Association………………………………...…. [Page 36]
Fig 2.16 Communication through the window by deaf Fig 2.42: An ideal classroom space……..……. [Page 37]
challenges associated with deafness…………... [Page 4]
Fig 1.08 image showing Deaf individuals communicate persons……………………………………... [Pg. 20] LIST OF TABLES.
Fig 2.17. Students in a Classroom in a local Deaf Table 2.5.1. Absorptive and Reflective properties of
visually and physically rather than audibly …… [Page 6]
Fig 1.11 Equipment required for measurement of sound learning institution. ………………………. [Page 21] colour…………………………..…...…...….… [Page 23]
Fig 2.18. Deafspace at Gallaudet University of the Table 2.5.2. Deafspace Architectural Design Guideline
levels……………………………...…...….…... [Page 6]
Fig 1.13. An info graph showing Key concepts and terms Deaf. …………………………………..…. [Page 21] Summary……………….……….…...……..… [Page 29]
Fig. 2.19. A classroom in Machakos School for the Table 2.6.0. Illuminance, Uniformity Ratio and Limiting
used in the research…………….…….………... [Page 7]
Fig 1.12 Daylight Simulation investigating the Deaf …………………………………….... [Page 22] Glare Index for schools. The CIBSE- Chartered
Fig. 2.20. Daylighting strategies…………. [Page 22] Institution of Building Services Engineers…… [Page 32]
relationship between Window Ratio and the position of
the sun................................................................ [Page 8] Fig 2.21. Illustration of poor lighting conditions Table. 2.6.1 The European norm EN 12464-1… [Page 32]
resulting to glare…………………………. [Page 23] Table 2.6.2. Proxemics…………….……….… [Page 33]
Fig 1.13. An info graph showing a summary structure of
the research…..……………………..………... [Page 9] Fig 2.22. Illustration of colour as selective absorber Table 2.6.3 Acoustic Limits on A- weighted sound levels
and reflector. ………………………….…. [Page 23] ………………..…………….…………...….… [Page 36]
Fig 2.23. Colour filters and selective transmittance of Table 2.6.4 Summary of Acoustic Standards… [Page 38]
LIST OF FIGURES light. …………………… ………….…. [Page 24]
Fig 2.01. Understanding Deaf culture………………… Fig 2.24. Gallaudet University College of the deaf CHAPTER 3
……………………………………….………. [Page 11] colour-testing interiors ………………..…. [Page 24] Fig3.01.Infographic showing a combination guidelines
Fig 2.02. A concept of the world myth about the Fig 2.25. Extend Deaf people's awareness ... [Pg. 25] involved in the research design. …………...…. [Page 39]
deaf.…………………………………….……. [Page 12] Fig 2.26. Clear lines of sight-mobility….... [Page 26] Fig3.02. Infographic showing research design used in
Fig 2.03. Gallaudet University……...…….…. [Page 12] Fig 2.27. Relationship between sign language and carrying out this study…………………….…... [Page 40
Fig 2.04. A concept Model of Gallaudet University that mobility………………………………....... [Page 26] Fig3.03. info charts illustrating the various methods used
defined a new concept in Reframing Fig2.29: The relationship between speech to find out what exists, what is needed and making
Deafness……………………….………….…. [Page 13] intelligibility, RT and background noise…. [Page 27] recommendation ……………………………... [Page 41]
Fig 2.05. The Great World of London Milbank Prison. A Fig 3.04. Selected studies…………………….. [Page 42]
Fig 2.29. Illustration of Early and late reflection
Historic prisoner’s asylum ……. [Page 13]
Fig 2.06 panopticon……………………….…. [Page 14] in a small
[Page 27]
Fig.3.05. UMM-6 microphone, lux meter, balloons Fig 4.3.2. Site plan of Isinya School B- 4.3.35 Interior lobby (2M) ……..…………. [Page 84]
notebook and a laptop used to do actual measurement A- Nairobi-Namanga road………….…. [Page 64] C- 4.3.36. Staircase ……….……….……….… [Page 84]
oncsite. …………………………………...…. [Page 43] B- Image of existing vegetation and man-made Fig. 4.3.37. Sources of noise and existing infrastructures.
Fig.3.06. 30M tape measure used to do actual Dam next to the school.………….…. [Page 64] …………………………………………..….… [Page 85]
measurement on site. ………………………. [Page 43] C- Nairobi-Namanga road.………....…. [Page 64] Fig. 4.3.38-40. Classroom 5 space description.
Fig 3.07. Isinya School Architectural drgs….. [Page 46] Fig.4.3.3 A foot path Isinya School…......... [Page 65] …………….....………………...…… [Page 85, 86 & 87]
Fig.3.08. A tabulation of the daylight factors recorded Fig.4.3.4 Site plan of the Isinya School…... [Page 65] Fig 4.3.41 comparative RT graph…………..… [Page 87]
in the field. ……..………………………..…. [Page 47] Fig.4.3.5 Typical Classroom building at Isinya School Fig 4.3.52-53: Background noise levels measured in
Fig.3.09. A comparative info graph of the various RT 60 for the Deaf.………….............................…. [Page 66] classroom 5. ……………………………..…… [Page 93]
recorded. ………….……………………....... [Page 47] Fig: 4.3.6 Buildings Section at Isinya…...… [Page 67] Fig 4.3.42: Exterior background noise levels
Fig 3.10. Image illustration of the identity used by the Fig: 4.3.7 Buildings Elevation at Isinya...… [Page 67] …………………………………………..….… [Page 94]
two cases studied in this research. ……….…. [Page 49] Fig: 4.3.8 Buildings Perspective at Isinya… [Page 67] Fig 4.3.43: interior and exterior noise levels
CHAPTER 4 Fig: 4.3.9 Building Plan showing access view [Pg. 67] …………………………………………..….… [Page 90]
LIST OF FIGURES Fig: 4.3.10 Buildings Floor Plan………..… [Page 67] Fig 4.3.44. Class 5 permanent ventilation. ….… [Page 90]
Fig 4.1.1.analysis parameters info chart.……. [Page 49] Fig: 4.3.11. Plan of the Dormitory floor….. [Page 68] Fig 4.3.45. Noise reduction illustrated…..….… [Page 90]
Fig 4.2.1. Logo of Gallaudet University…..… [Page 50] Fig: 4.3.12 Dormitory- evidence of Glare…… [Pg68] Fig 4.3.46. Nairobi-Namanga road………….… [Page 91]
Fig 4.2.2. Gallaudet federally-chartered private Fig.4.3.13 Furniture layout in a classroom... [Page69] Fig 4.3.47. SII 1/3 octave band recorded in classroom
University………………………………...… [Page 50] Fig.4.3.14 Images of the classroom ….....… [Page 69] 5…………………………………………….… [Page 91]
Fig 4.2.3. Gallaudet site plan……………..…. [Page 51] Fig.4.3.15 Floor plan the dormitory at Isinya School. Fig 4.3.48. Evident Glare From direct sunlight in the
Fig 4.2.4 Historical Gallaudet site plan…..…. [Page 52] ………………………….…..…………...… [Page 70] classroom 5……………………...………….… [Page 92]
Fig 4.2.5 Zoning Gallaudet site plan……...…. [Page 52] Fig.4.3.16 Images of the dormitory at Isinya School. Fig 4.3.49. Expansive glass walls used to extend sensory
Fig 4.2.6 Historical Gallaudet site plan…..…. [Page 52] ……………..…………………………...… [Page 70] reach……………………………………..….… [Page 92]
Fig 4.2.7 Screening site plan……………..…. [Page 52] Fig 4.3.17-19.Classroom 5 space description [Pg. 73] Fig 4.3.50. Relationship between classroom shape and
Fig.4.2.8.Vertical building plan of the Gallaudet Fig 4.3.20. Daylight contours in classroom 5 at layout……………………………………….… [Page 92]
Residence hall………………………………. [Page 53] Isinya…………………………………...… [Page 73] Fig 4.3.51. A Narrow corridor at Isinya
Fig4.2.9. plan showing clear lines of sight.…. [Page 53] Fig 4.3.21. Ecotect Daylight analysis.… … [Page 74] School……………………...……………….… [Page 93]
Fig.4.2.10 Dangermond Keane typical classroom Fig 4.3.22-25 strategies for sun shading with Ecotect Fig 4.3.52. Classroom 5 at Isinya
space……………………………………..…. [Page 54] analysis…………………………………… [Page 76] School……………………...……………….… [Page 93]
Fig.4.2.11 central living room at Gallaudet University Fig 4.3.26. Evident glare in Classroom....… [Page 77] Fig: 4.4.1. The logo of Kttid……………….… [Page 94]
…………………………………………...…. [Page 54] Fig 4.3.27. Interior of Classroom 5………… [Page78] Fig: 4.4.2. Kttid Main Gate……………..….… [Page 94]
Fig4.2.12 Main lobby at Gallaudet……...…. [Page 55] Fig 4.3.31. Sketch section of learning centre at Fig: 4.4.3. Kttid Site plan…………………..… [Page 95]
Fig 4.2.13: Illustration of light and colour Isinya…………………………………....… [Page 79] Fig 4.4.4. Spaces Function relationship at
concept…………………………………..…. [Page 56] Fig 4.3.32. Section of Kimbrel Art Museum – Kttid………………………………….……..… [Page 95]
Fig 4.2.14: Extended Sensory reach at Gallaudet Renzo…………………………………...… [Page 79] Fig. 4.4.05. Deputy Principal office-Kttid……. [Page 97]
University. ……………………………….…. [Page 57] Fig. 4.3.29-30. Isinya Classroom layout - sensory Fig. 4.4.06.Staff room at Kttid. .……………… [Page 97]
Fig 4.2.15: Illustration of deafspace and proximity at reach. ……………………………….…..… [Page 80] Fig. 4.4.07. Sketch layout of an office within a classroom
Gallaudet University………………………... [Page 58] Fig.4.3.31 The space outside core learning spaces at at Kttid………………………………..……..... [Page 97]
Fig 4.2.16: Illustration of mobility concept used by Isinya School. ……………………….….… [Page 82] Fig. 4.4.08. Sketch layout of a workshop….… [Page 97]
Gallaudet University……………………..…. [Page 59] Fig. 4.3.32 .Mobility plan at Isinya………. [Page 83] Fig. 4.4.09. Image of the ICT centre at Kttid… [Page 97]
Fig 4.2.17: Illustration of acoustic design Fig. 4.3.33 Mobility path in and around the Fig. 4.4.10. Sketch layout of Hair Dressing & Beauty
consideration……………………………..…. [Page 60] classroom……………………………….… [Page 84] therapy department at Kttid. .…………..…...… [Page 97]
Fig 4.2.18: A classroom at Gallaudet ………. [Page 60] A- 4.3.34 Site Footpath (1.2M width) …… [Page 84] Fig 4.4.11-13. Tuition Room 1 Space description-
Fig. 4.3.1 Isinya School for the deaf ….. [Page 63] Kttid.……………………...…………...…….… [Page98]
Fig. 4.4.14. Daylighting in Tuition classroom 1 at Table.4.3.7. 3D Illustration of lighting levels in Chapter 5
Kttid………………………………….…...… [Page 99] classroom 5 at Isinya School ……..…….… [Page 77] LIST OF FIGURES
Fig. 4.4.15. Visual Access window in a hair dressing Table 4.3.8. Simulated 3D illumination levels of Fig 5.2.1. Deaf space at Gallaudet University
classroom…………………………….….… [Page 100] classroom 5 at Isinya School …….….….… [Page 80] ….............................................................… [Page 110]
Fig. 4.4.16. A concentric space created by student at Table: 4.3.9. Design elements used to increase sensory
Kttid……………………………….…….… [Page 100] reach in the building……………………….. [Page 80] LIST OF TABLES
Fig 4.4.17. The passage at Kttid Administration Table.4.3.7. 3D Illustration of lighting levels in Table 5.1. Design Guidelines at Isinya
block……….……………………………… [Page 101] classroom 5 at Isinya School for the Deaf......[Page 79] School…………………………………….. [Page 115]
Fig 4.4.18. Inter-cluster pavement at Kttid….. [Pg. 101] Table 4.3.8. Simulated 3D illumination levels of Table 5.2. Recommendation on the Five Deafspace
Fig 4.4.19. Circulation pavement at Kttid…... [Pg. 101] classroom 5 at Isinya School for the Deaf for the Design Guidelines at Kttid case and new design to
Fig 4.4.20. Description of tuition room on site showing Seasons of the year. …………….…..….… [Page 80] enhance Deafspace. ….............................… [Page 117]
major sources of noise…………………..… [Page 102] Table: 4.3.9. Highlighting the main Design elements
fig. 4.4.25 Reverberation time test for Tuition Rm 1 at used to increase sensory reach in the building. ….…
Karen……………………………...…….… [Page 103] [Page 80] APPENDICES
Fig 4.4.22: background noise levels measured in Tuition Table 4.3.10. Schedule of Materials and Finishes in the
room 1 at Kttid. ………………………….… [Page 103] selected classroom 5 at Isinya School. ….… [Page 89] ------------------------------------------------------Page 121
Fig 4.4.23. Tuition room 1……………….… [Page 104] Table.4.3.11 Reverberation time Test Report [Page 90]
Fig 4.4.24. A corridor outside Tuition room 1 Table 4.3.12: Figures for background noise levels
….……………………………………….… [Page 104] measured in classroom 5 at Isinya School for the deaf.
Fig 4.4.25: Environmental Noise Reaching the …….………………..……………………... [Page 92]
Façade…………………………………...… [Page 105] Table 4.3.13: Figures for exterior background noise le
Fig 4.4.26: Comparison of Interior and Exterior noise vels measured at The Isinya School …….… [Page 94]
levels. …………………………..……….… [Page 106] Table 4.3.15: Exterior background noise levels and
Fig.4.4.27.The effect of screening on exterior noise corresponding Traffic Noise measured at Along
levels…………………………………….… [Page 107] Nairobi Namanga Road at the Isinya School for the
deaf………...……………………………… [Page 96]
LIST OF TABLES Table 4.3.17.Summary on Isinya School...… [Page 98]
Table 4.2.1. Stewardship of Gallaudet……… [Page 52] Table 4.3.18.Summary on Isinya School…... [Page 93]
Table 4.2.2. Unit Planning at Gallaudet Table 4.4.1. Building Design at Kttid........… [Page 97]
University…………………………..…….… [Page 55] Table 4.4.2. Unit Design at Kttid …..........… [Page 98]
Table 4.2.3. Deafspace Architectural Design Guidelines Table 4.4.3. Space description at Karen Technical
the Gallaudet University………………….… [Page 61] Training Institute for the Deaf. ..…………… [Pg. 99]
Table 4.3.1. Deafspace Architectural Design Guidelines Table 4.4.4. Illuminance level in tuition 1. [Page 99]
the Gallaudet University……………………. [Page 70] Table.4.4.5 Reverberation time Test Report. [Pge103]
Table 4.3.2. Ecotect Analysis for building solar Table 4.4.6: Table of background noise levels
exposure at Isinya School for the deaf…….. [Page 71] measured in Tuition room 1 Kttid. ……… [Page 104]
Table 4.3.3. Description of the classroom at Isinya Table 4.4.7: Table of Environmental Noise Reaching
School for the deaf……...………….…….… [Page 72] the Façade of Tuition room 1 at Kttid....… [Page 105]
Table4.3.4. Light Levels and Corresponding Daylight Table 4.4.8: Table of Traffic noise levels measured in
Factor ……………….…………….…….… [Page 73] along Karen Road…….………………..… [Page 106]
Table 4.3.5. Comparative Analysis against Reviewed Table 4.4.9. Summary on Kttid…...…...… [Page 107]
Lighting Standard………………….…….… [Page 75]
Table 4.3.6. Comparative Ecotect Analysis of design
strategies …….…………………….…….… [Page 76]

"We shape our buildings, and afterwards our buildings shape us." If the spark that has started with the students in the Deaf Space project
becomes a flame, then the rising generation of deaf leaders will certainly play a role in moulding the future of the deaf community.

--------Winston Churchill---------
ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
The deaf, hard-to-hearing and the hearing impaired persons inhabit a rich sensory world
where vision and touch are the primary means of spatial awareness and orientation. This
group of people use sign identity (Fig.1.01). When the Deaf congregate together they tend
to alter the space to fit to their unique way of being. This is the first proof of Deaf existence
and their unique architectural way. However, our built environment presents a variety of
challenges which the deaf are unable to respond to.

Fig 1.01 “The world has watched the deaf community come of age. Together lets overcome our own
Relationship between hearing impaired and the hearing reluctance to stand up for our own rights." Dr. I. King Jordan, President Gallaudet
Source: http://www.fotosearch.com/illustration/hearing-loss. University

A concept of “Deaf Aesthetic” known as Deafspace has already been developed. It is meant
to offer a new voice in the discourse of universal design by exploring the ultimate experience
surrounding Architecture and the senses. Under this concept, Deafspace Design Guidelines
(DSDGs) have been developed. The guidelines touch on five broad categories which are
Light and colour, Sensory reach, Space and proximity, Mobility and proximity and
Acoustics. (Architect Hansel Bauman, hbhm architects, 2005)

Deafspace Design guidelines use human body space as a starting point for design (Fig 1.03),
rather than the space of urban systems. In this way, it resonates with other bodily
Fig 1.02. Relationship between man and the Built Environment. circumstances and sensory experiences to tie to the whole concept of universal design.
Source: Retrieved April 2017

[Page | 1 ]
ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
Elements such as textures, vibrations, contrasting colours and acoustical considerations used
in Deafspace can also help people with low vision or who are blind, while the wide open
spaces can facilitate wheelchair use. Deafspace also attempts to address sensory conflicts,
for instance using textured patterns to improve predictability. According to Oxford
Reference, a dictionary of Psychology, sensory conflict is a sickness of motion in which
passive movement creates a mismatch between information relating to orientation and
movement supplied by the visual and vestibular system.

Deafspace design approach remains undiscovered in the architectural discourse when

Fig 1.03 designing for the deaf in the Kenyan context.
A model of a spatial behaviour of virtual agents in a sign
language communication that is used to develop Deafspace 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT
Design Guidelines A Space is a creation formed out of our desires to feel comfortable, safe and get inspiration
Source: Author Edited 2017 after Hamid Laga
(Charlene A. Johnson 2014). Therefore, we create space to reflect who we are and what we
believe is important. Human beings perceive what is expected of them as they encounter
space and set a tone reacting to the space itself and the people in it. Spaces are complicated,
they are alive and they foster human connectivity within their confines. Most important
spaces are ideas, a reflection of our understanding of what and how a space represents
ourselves and our values. This is not an exemption to the deaf community and their space.
However, the concept of Deafspace is widely overlooked in the Kenyan context while
designing learning institutions (Fig 1.04.).

Fig 1.04
A Public space in a local University Designed by Hearing
Source: Author 2017

[Page | 2 ]
ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
“I am just as deaf as I am blind. The problems of deafness are deeper and more complex, if not more
important than those of blindness. Deafness is a much worse misfortune. For it means the loss of the
most vital stimulus- the sound of the voice that brings language, sets thoughts astir, and keeps us in
the intellectual company of man.”

Helen Keller

The built environment, presents the best avenue to deal with most problems associated with the
deafspace culture because it encompasses architectural design elements for functional human space.
Fig. 1.05 - A group space at Isinya School for the Deaf Numerous studies on the main architectural design elements that addresses the deaf experience in
Source: Author 2017
the built environment have been studied in other countries. In the United States of America, the deaf
community has come together with the American Institute of Architects and Gallaudet University
Department of Deaf studies to develop Deafspace Design Guidelines and an implementation
methodology of deaf related projects. Elsewhere, in the United Kingdom, the Centre of Deaf Studies
at Bristol University has already defined a language, community and culture of the deaf person.
However, very little has been devoted in the Kenyan context. As a result, an architectural
masterpiece on the deaf culture remains undiscovered (Fig 1.05 and 1.06.)

The concepts of Universal Design and its principles means a design should be configured for use by

Fig. 1.06- A group space at Gallaudet University for the Deaf

anyone, not limited to specific people. It should therefore include perceptible information designs.
Source: http://deaf411online.com
This means, universal design must have essential information in a variety of mode to ensure effective
The comparison of a deaf group space between a local case and
Gallaudet university for the deaf
communication with all its users regardless of their sensory abilities. However, in Kenya the concept
of universal design has been limited to Universal accessibility. In the view of the author this is
separation of a design challenge. “Nothing is as dangerous in architecture as dealing with separated
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problems. If we split life into separated problems we split the possibilities to make good building
art.”(Alvar Henrik Aalto).

The hearing impaired have therefore been forced to adapt in a built environment which is not
considerate to their unique culture (Fig 1.07). To achieve a fully functional built environment for
the deaf in this country, there is need for researchers to critically investigate the various design
strategies to match with Deaf culture. Countries such as the United States of America have Deaf
space architectural design guidelines (by Architect Hansel Bauman, hbhm architects, 2005 and
Fig: 1.07 THE ABSTRACT CONCEPT OF BUILT adopted by the American Institute of Architects) and it’s time Kenya develops its own guidelines to
Deafness and hearing loss pose challenges to people in the match the existing and projected percentage of Deaf persons in the country’s population. Based on
built environment. Source: Author, 2017.
2009 consensus close to 1% of the Kenyan people have hearing impairment which approximates to
600,000 people. Of these only around 340,000 persons can use the Kenya Sign Language (based
the Ministry of Education, Special Need Department).


The research will seek to provide answers to the following questions.
1. What are the unique challenges and opportunities associated with Deaf persons in the built
environments within learning institution?
2. Can deaf persons bring unique sensibility to Architectural discourse in Learning Institutions?
3. What are the proper Architectural elements that can be used to bring comfort to deaf attuned
Fig: 1.08. A signer in a local school explaining the persons in learning institutions?
challenges associated with deafness Source: Author, 2017.

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The objective of this research is to.
1. Explore the unique challenges and opportunities associated with Deafspace architecture and identify how the lessons learnt can be applied in
universal design and best practice in learning institutions for the Deaf.
2. Examine the aspect of Architecture and deaf culture to identify the unique sensibility that the concept of Deafspace offers to the architectural
3. Identify and document proper Architectural elements that can be used to bring comfort to deaf attuned persons in learning institution in the
Kenyan context.

This proposal is aligned with the Constitution of the Republic of Kenya under THE PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2013.
A person with disability (this includes the deaf and hard to hearing individuals) is entitled to reasonable access to all places, and information for their
rehabilitation, self-development and self-reliance.

The national government is focused on offering the best support services to persons with disability in Kenya through provision of resources, promotion
of awareness on the contribution they make towards national development, and advocacy of appropriate measures to minimize conditions giving rise to
disability. This research therefore comes at the most appropriate time to expand the knowledge for this mission.

The research is limited to learning institutions for the deaf because they present the best avenue in which the government can use to realize its mission
of provision of resource leading to self-reliance and minimise conditions leading to disability.

Therefore, Knowledge on Deafspace architectural design elements for Deaf space architecture is needed for a better integration of deaf persons in the
built environment. The knowledge will be of great importance to the government, architects, interior designers and other individuals involved in achieving
the well-being of the Deaf.
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This research is conducted within the hypothesis “The clarity with which a deaf person
communicates relates to the clarity and clutter of what’s around them” (Fig 1.09.)
Architecture is essential for quantity and quality aesthetics of life. It should focus on understanding
new technologies and guiding thoughtful implementation because they play a pivotal role in design
clarity. Arts are a clear and direct expression of cultures and global interconnectedness, providing
access to the understanding of societal and individual difference through universal avenues.

Fig 1.09. Deaf individuals communicate visually and

physically rather than audibly
Source: Deaf People - info skicenkovice. Search by image This research will focus on the study of selected learning institutions for the deaf in Kenya. It will
be framed against the five Deafspace design guidelines identified early in this proposal. However,
Deaf culture is not well attuned in this country compared to other developed countries like United
States of America, Netherlands, England, South Africa and Egypt. As a result, the context in which
the research is carried out has limited resources to provide adequate knowledge required for this
undertaking. The author acknowledges this as a constraint.

Since quite a substantial part of this research depends on the ability to communicate using the Kenya
sign language, the author acknowledges his limited ability to use the language as a research
constraint. The use of an interpreter poses logistical and biased relay of information required for the
Fig 1.10: Acoustic Analyzers Equipment required for purpose of this research.
measurement of sound levels.
Some of the equipment such as acoustic analyzers (Fig. 1.10) and Daylighting measurement tools
and software that are required to carry out the research are very expensive. This shall limit the extent
to which the research can be conducted. However, basic requirements for carrying out acoustic and
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daylighting measurements shall be adhered to as required by their respective standards (The British
Association of Teachers of the Deaf- BATOD)

Community There has been quite a number of issues outside the deafspace architectural scope such as social
rejection, impaired memory, diminished psychological health and irritability among many others
that has not been researched. This research will not investigate these realms, it will mainly focus on
evidence based architectural elements. This approach might pose a research limitation.

Time to visit and document all the selected case studies is also a possible research constraint. In
Culture addition financial difficulties to access and travel to all the selected institutions is expected for this


This proposal defines the following key concepts and terms to be used in the study.

Deafspace Design 1. Deaf. A community of people characterized by individuals who lack the power to hear, hard
to hearing and the associated hearing personnel’s that support the well-being of deaf. For the
purpose of this research “Deaf “is used with capital “D” to refer to the context. When used
in lowercase it will be referring to the auditory experience.
Fig 1.11. AN INFO GRAPH showing Key concepts
and terms used in the research
2. Deafspace. A space that has been created for the visual- centred community to meet their
Source: Author 2017. unique way of life. In this study, it will therefore be used to refer to an approach to design
and architecture informed by the unique way of life characterized by use of sign language
and tactile modes inhabited by the Deaf community.
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3. Deaf Culture. A set of social beliefs, values, behaviour and shared institution frameworks
that are influenced by the deaf. It is characterized by community of people who use visual
kinetic mode of communication. In the built environment, like any other culture, deaf culture
is manifested through Deafspace.

4. Deafspace Design Guidelines. An innovative series of guidelines established by Architect

Hansel Bauman and Dangermood Keane at Gallaudet University for the design of
environments for Deaf individuals. The guidelines provide a framework for development
and implementation of Deaf related projects.

This research is conducted by carrying out detailed case studies and a selected precedent study to
answer the specific research questions. It mainly investigates if there is any Deafspace architectural
design element in the selected case.

The research applies Simple tools and calculations to help determine the viability of architectural
Fig 1.12 Daylight Simulation investigating the
relationship between Window Ratio and the position of design elements in designing for the deaf. These include: Sun path diagrams and Daylight factor
the sun
calculation for available interior daylight to investigate light as an architectural design element for
Source: Author 2017. Ecotect Simulation. Deaf space (Fig 1.12)

To investigate the acoustic performance of the Deafspace the study will focus on calculation of
reverberation time in specific rooms, indoor and outdoor recording of sound level to help
determine Speech intelligibility.

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Photography will be used for obstruction analysis. Other tools to be used will include observation
and actual measurements.
•Defination of the research problem
The researcher also uses interviews and questionnaires directed to the teachers and learners in Deaf
teaching institutions. The questionnaires seek information relating to the deaf experience in the built
•Review of the literature
•Formulation of hypothesis environment and the architectural discourse (Appendix 6.1).


•research design and strategies,
sampling methods, 1.10.1 Chapter 1: Introduction
•research tools, data collection and
CHAPTER 3 data presentation techniques This chapter introduces the research topic by providing background information, giving a statement
of the problem, the study objectives, its hypothesis, relevance and justifications in the chosen
context. It also highlights the scope in which the author is limiting himself to in this study, given
•data Analysis the complex nature of this subject matter.

1.10.2 Chapter 2: Literature Review

•Reporting conclusions and The Chapter looks at the relevant information carried out prior to this research from the published
CHAPTER 5 and unpublished materials. Some of these materials include books, journals, articles, reports,
newspapers reviews and thesis.

Here, the author critically reviews literature on the history and evolution of deafspace culture from
Fig 1.13. AN INFO GRAPH showing a summary structure
ancient Greece to date. This culture revolves around visual kinetic mode, visual sensory reach and
of the research chapters
tactic modes. These parameters form the basis for the study and have helped to define the deafspace
Source: Author 2017.
design guidelines. This chapter also reviews standards relating to deafspace design.

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1.10.3 Chapter 3: Research Methodologies
The chapter explores various varied research methodologies used to answer the specific question put forward for the purpose of this study. It discusses
research design and strategies, sampling methods, research tools, data collection, presentation and analysis techniques used.

1.10.4 Chapter 4: Precedent and Case Studies Analysis

This chapter will synthesis the data collected from case studies for the purpose of this research with the aim of achieving research objectives. Descriptive
statistics, exploratory and confirmatory data analysis will be applied in this chapter to predict, credit of falsify the hypothesis in this research.

1.10.5 Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation

The chapter presents the authors conclusions and recommendations based on the facts of the study.

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This chapter examines the evolution of Deafspace in Historical and Cultural context. It also engages
in a study of the architectural design guidelines, relevant deafspace standards and the existing
knowledge on the safety and comfort of the Deaf community in the built environment.

“The problem is not that the deaf do not hear. The problem is that the hearing world does not listen”

Rev. Jesse Jackson.


The design of spaces meant for use by the deaf community in the past has mainly targeted providing
basic shelter against weather elements Vis a Vis comfort and safety. However, recent developments
are showing a paradigm shift towards deafspace concept that incorporates evidence based design.

Recently, a group of Deaf, Hard of Hearing and hearing community members from Gallaudet
University in Washington, D.C., codified the concepts that visually centred communicators use into
a working document called the Deafspace Design Guidelines (DSDG). The institution has hence
become a refuge for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people in North America and has moved
tremendously into inviting interests from the rest of the world.
Fig 2.1. The premise of Deaf within the forces of the
Today, the central focus in design for Deafspace should be attentive to a guideline that addresses the
Source: https://books.google.co.ke>. needs of the deaf community. With the acknowledgement of such design concepts Deafspace will
understanding_Deaf_Culture.html subsequently have improved surroundings that not only focus on comfort and safety but also offer a
sustainable model in the built environment.
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Framing refers to how we interpret the world and, specifically, how certain views are encouraged
while others are expressly discouraged. Deafness has long been interpreted and viewed as a hearing
loss, an absence, a void or a lack. It is virtually impossible to think of deafness without thinking of
loss. However, Deaf people do not often consider their lives to be defined by loss. Rather, there is
something present in their lives, something full and complete that makes them view their lives
through a frame referred as ‘deaf gain’ that is diametrically opposed to the frame of hearing loss.
(Fig 2.02)

Fig 2.02. A concept of reframing the myth of deafness.

Deaf gain is therefore a form of sensory and cognitive diversity that has the potential to contribute
Source: unknown Author, pinterest to the greater good of humanity. Applying this frame we provide an answer to the question. “Why
should we continue to value the existence of Deaf people?” This is a bioethical question, and it can
be answered using intrinsic or extrinsic argument as proposed by Theresa Burke (2006). An intrinsic
argument says that Deaf culture ought to be valued and preserved for its own sake. Contrary, an
extrinsic argument, states that Deaf people should be cherished because they have something to
contribute to the general society i.e. reframing deaf.

Beyond Deaf framing architecture has a supervisory role to make deafspace safe and comfortable.
In their dormitory design, Gallaudet university’s Architects redefined deafspace elements to make
the young deaf resident feel safe secure and at home. The dormitory has wide, open staircase and
hallways with smooth corners to enhance clear conversation while moving (Fig 2.03).
Fig: 2.03. Gallaudet University Dorm Designed as an
architectural supervisory masterpiece that enhances
The doors are designed with clear transom to maintain privacy while offering visual clues as to
safety and comfort of the Deaf residents. Source:
Gallaudet University whether the room is occupied. A deaf occupant can easily note a shadow if anyone stands at the

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door. "Everywhere we can, we’re extending that visual reach as much as possible," says Christopher
Keane, one of Dangermond Keane’s principals, who is hearing.

The lobby design includes a solar threshold, mitigating changes in the light level over spatial zones.
Eye strain is a common complaint among signers. To mitigate this, the building has a large overhang
to begin the transition to interior light, so eyes don’t have to adjust to abrupt shifts from bright
sunshine to dimness (Fig 2.04).

The design team was careful to avoid voluminous spaces that might cause bad acoustics. They
isolated any vibrations in the mechanical systems to prevent annoyance. Deafspace research actually
Fig 2.04. Gallaudet University building that defined a new
concept in Reframing Deafness proposed the use of controlled, positive vibrations as a means of signalling activity in a space,
Source: Dangermood Keane Architects
furthering social interaction. Deaf person might tap the floor to get another’s attention or to announce
a transition between public and private areas. The design must therefore have isolated floor systems.


Historically there has always been places where deaf people were together such as asylums (Fig
2.05), schools or clubs. Unfortunately through the history these places have always being controlled
by hearing individuals. This has been a challenge to the well-being of the deaf especially when it
comes to issues of privacy. The safety and comfort of the deaf has therefore being overlooked over
a long period of time.
Fig 2.05. The Great World of London Milbank Prison. A
Historic prisoner’s asylum
Source: https://www.gettyimages-prison-on-the-site ‘From the Hands of Quacks’ by Jaipreet Virdi the first formal school for the deaf started to appear
in Northern Europe in the 18th century. Before, history indicates existence of asylums in America

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and Europe which were involved in the business of treating deaf. Asylums were viewed as
rehabilitative places to give faith through language to prepare the deaf for life.

Asylums were designed based on ‘the technique mode of power and knowledge’ (below) that was
cited by social theorist Michel Foucaunt as Panopticon.

Knowledge linked to power, not only assumes the authority of 'the truth' but has the power to make
itself true. All knowledge, once applied in the real world, has effects, and in that sense at least,
'becomes true.' Knowledge, once used to regulate the conduct of others, entails constraint, regulation
and the disciplining of practice. Thus, 'there is no power relation without the correlative constitution
of a field of knowledge, nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time,
power relations (Michel Foucault 1977, 27).

Panopticon was an architectural design masterpiece based at the periphery, an annular building; at
the centre and a tower (Fig 2.06). The tower had wide windows that open into the inner side of the
ring; the peripheric building was divided into cells, which extended the whole width of the building.
This panopticon was designed to inculcate the feeling of self-control in individuals to behave in a
sense as if they were constantly being watched.

The asylums remained a place for the deaf for about two hundred years. Towards the end of 18th
century the deaf people eventually moved from the asylum and carried their essence to deaf

Fig 2.06 A, B and C. Images showing the plan of a residentials school. The design of these schools borrowed from aslyums seen that they were
panopticon designed as periphery, an annular building to
designed by hearing individuals.
inculcate the feeling of self-control in constantly watched

Source. http://www.worldmeets.us/images/Panopticon

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2.3.1. The history of Deaf Schools in Europe
The history of Deafness in Europe dates back to the era of ancient Greece. In Greece, the
deaf, like any other disabled persons were considered as a burden to the society.
Consequently, they were put to death. This acute idea remained in place until 16th century
when two children were born deaf in the royal family. After the 16th century, deaf children
were hidden in a monastery. A phenomenon that spread widely in Europe. This habit carried
on till the 18th century.

In the 18th century there were increasing forces to educate the deaf. In 1759, Abbé Charles-
Fig 2.07. Institut National de Jeunes Sourds de Paris (INJS)
founded by Abbé Charles-Michel de l'Épée in 1760 as the first Michel de l'Épée, while working for charity was introduced to two deaf girls. He decided to
Deaf school in the world. save and educate the children. In 1760 he founded Institut National de Jeunes Sourds de Paris
Source:http://www.injs-paris.fr/page/lhistorique (INJS) in his house (Fig 2.07.), the first ever deaf school in the world. De l'Épée went ahead
to develop a system of instructions that he used to train the deaf. This model was widely
adopted in the rest of European nations for liberation of the deaf.

In the Great Britain the first school dedicated to teaching the deaf was Thomas Braidwood s
Academy for the Deaf and Dumb in Edinburgh (Fig 2.08.), established in the 1760s. The
school was moved to London in 1783, and renamed to the Asylum for the Support and
Education of the Deaf and Dumb Children of the Poor. Under the management of
Braidwood's nephew, the school expanded encouraging the establishment of an Institution
Fig 2.08. Thomas Braidwood s Academy for the Deaf and Dumb
in Edinburgh, established in the 1760s. for the Deaf and Dumb in Edgbaston in 1814. Other schools were later introduced in
Source: The-silent-worker-newspaper/ Liverpool, Edinburgh, Exeter, Manchester and Doncaster. The European model later moved
to America.

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2.3.2. The History of Deaf school in America
Before the 1800s, few, if any, educational opportunities existed in America (Fig
2.09). Wealthy people sent their deaf children to Europe to receive education. One
such was Thomas Boiling family who established the Cobb School in 1818, the first
deaf school in America. Unfortunately the school closed down after 18 months.

In 1815 Hopkins Gallaudet travelled to Europe for insight on how to educate deaf.
Few months later he returned with a deaf teacher and opened Connecticut’s asylum,
which was later named America school for the deaf. The spark grew and more deaf
schools were opened. In 1864, Gallaudet College (now Gallaudet University) was

Fig 2.09. American Mark of 200 years of deaf education in 2000

founded in Washington D.C. During this time deaf school emphasized on manualism
Source. Unknown Author, internet source (Signing).

In the early 20th century the hearing advocated for oralism in the education system.
Manualism was effectively kicked out. The deaf had no alternative but to learn lip
reading. The system was not successful for the deaf student and was considered as
“Dark Age of Oralism “by ‘lovers of the deaf’.

In the late 20th century the ‘lovers of the deaf’ established a philosophy called total
communication for use in the education system. Students were allowed to use a
language that best suited them between oralism and American Sign Language. In

Fig 2.10. A historical view of Illinois school for the deaf established as 1988 Gallaudet university students decided to fight for their rights. For the first time
Asylum for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb in 1939. a deaf president was appointed to head the school. The moment mainstreamed deaf
Source: source.net/a-historical-view-of-Illinois-school-for-the-deaf
education to the current inclusive deaf education.

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Today all deaf students in America regardless of placement, receive an individualised education
program (IEP) that meet their needs. Deaf students receive free appropriate education in the least
restrictive environment. The government sets a full inclusion program for deaf education.

2.3.3. The History of Deaf school in Africa

Prior to 1956 deaf schools in Africa were only found in South Africa and Egypt. This was an attribute
of early civilization. The Egyptians lived a philanthropic way of life centred within a shared African
heritage expressed through talents (Fig 2.11.) Many of the disabled citizens displayed talents that
were not easily acquired. On the other hand, South Africa was characterised by early settlers dating
back to the 17th century. As early as 1863, there were Irish nuns involved in training programmes
for the Deaf, eleven years later (1874) Grimley Institute for the Deaf and Dumb was established by
Fig 2.11  A screen Shot of a presentation on: A look into
Deaf Education’s history around the world. Bridget Lynne in Cape Town. In 1941 the First school "for the Black Deaf" was established.
Source: slideplayer.com

The first ever deaf education in the rest of Africa was introduced in 1957 by Andrew Foster. Andrew
Foster was instrumental in the establishment of various African sign languages though they were a
dialect of the American Sign Language. The Ghanaian Sign Language (1957) and the Nigerian Sign
Language (1960) are among Fosters icons in West Africa. Sign Language played an imperative role
in Establishment and evolution of Deaf schools in the African Context. However most schools were
designed to provide basic shelter for the deaf during the learning process Vis avis safety and comfort.
Lighting, acoustics and other Deafspace design guidelines were non-existent.

In Kenya, schools for the Deaf (Fig 2.12) were established by religious bodies. The pioneer school
Fig 2.12 Students at a local deaf school seated in a U- was Aga Khan School in Mombasa established in 1958, the same year Kenya Society for the Deaf
shaped layout to facilitate communication.
Source: http://tumutumu.blogspot.co.ke Children (KSDC) was registered. Thereafter, Mumias school and Nyangoma School for the deaf

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were opened by the Catholic Church (1961), Kambui School (1963) and Tumu Tumu School (1970)
by the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA). The Methodist Church is associated with Kaaga
School while African Inland Church takes pride of Maseno School for the Deaf.
Abbé Charles‐Michel de 
l'Épée ‐ Europe

Hopkins Gallaudet ‐

Adrew Foster‐ Africa

Fig 2.13. INFCHART of the key figures that influenced Fig 2.13. A flow chart showing Evolution of Deaf Education.
Deaf education across Europe, America and Africa Source Author Edited
Source: Author Edited


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Deaf Culture is centred on sign language. It cannot be associated with any native land as it is a global
culture (Fig 2.14). However, like any other culture it is based on the relationship between people
providing a common ground. It is therefore, expressed through the peoples way of life. The author
will hence use the following two approaches to review previous studies seeking to understand this
 Proxemics of Deafspace
 Art and Literature in Deafspace

2.4.1 Proxemics of Deafspace

Sensory orientation studies show there exist eye patterns when deaf persons communicate (Fig
2.15). With two deaf people, they have a one on one space formed directly from each other. When
Fig 2.14 An Image screen shot of a book by Audrey Terp
that describes Deafness as a cultural identity other than a a third person shows up, they form a triangle. When more people join the group, the triangle evolves
Disability. Source: Pinterest.
to a quadrilateral, to a pentagon, to hexagon and so forth until a circle is achieved. This whole system
is based on being able to see each other in the group. The bigger the group, the bigger the circle

Studies by Daphne Bavelier, Matthew William Geoffrey Dye, and Peter C. Hauser, on the cognitive
science of “Do deaf individuals see well?" showed that Deaf people have a heightened peripheral
vision. However, it is imperative to note that this does not mean deaf people can see better than
hearing people. Hearing people leave their peripherals to their ability of hearing. Every time they

Fig 2.15 Images from Sensory orientation studies showing hear a sound, they turn to it. On the other hand, Deaf people have developed adoptive behaviour that
heightened peripheral vision of Deaf Persons. Source: makes them more sensitive to recognize details in their peripheral visions. For this reason the deaf
Architect Hansel Bauman, Gallaudet University
Department of Deaf Studies are able to read the world for sound through visual cues that lead them to the source of the sound.
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Besides the ability to reading the world for sound, Robert Sirvage at Gallaudet University
investigated proxemics and established that deaf people navigate through space while conversing in
America Sign Language (ASL) maintains an imaginary axle between them. If one of them moves
closer to the other, the other will move away to maintain the distance of the imaginary axle. The
signing space and how much eye contact both signers make while walking indicates that apart from
conversing and navigation the deaf are much aware of the environment around them

2.4.2 Deafspace in Art and Literature

The arts and literature of the deaf has common themes and motifs in America Sign Language.
According to Benjamin J. Bahan a professor of America Sign Language (ASL) and Deaf Studies at
Gallaudet University. “Door is to hearing as window is to deaf.” This means hearing persons have
communication access through a door but not through a window. On the other hand, for deaf
persons, they do not have communication access through a door, but can have communication access
through a window (Fig 2.16). So for a hearing person, if the window is closed, they’ll find a door to
communicate. Opposite is true for a deaf person, if the door is closed, they’ll find a window to

In the arts and literature concept, if a deaf person is locked outside a room by another deaf person,
he will look for a window to alert the person inside. This shows that the arts and literature reinforce
Fig 2.16. Glass pane on the door to provide communication
concepts in Deafspace, particularly on sensory reach. Closed doors cut off visual access where
access at Isinya School for the deaf.
Source. Author 2017 windows extend visual access.

In a different concept, if a deaf person “Yells” at you, turn off the light. This means that he will not
be able to see you hence the communication is cut.

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An important aspect of Deafspace is to ensure that it does not have negative impact on the occupant.
However, it is evident that Deafspace today do not follow important universal design principles
despite the availability of advanced technologies and huge expenditure in place to promote the well-
being of the deaf.
Universal design describe a concept of designing all products and the built environment to be
aesthetic and usable to the greatest extent possible by everyone, regardless of their age, ability, or
status in life
-Architect Ronald L. Mace –

Fig 2.17. Students in a Classroom in a local Deaf learning With this, deaf spaces have become havens for multiplication of deaf challenges such as existence
institution. The classroom is organised in groups of four
of physical barriers to visual communication and orientation that causes eyestrain (Fig 2.17).
where students sit together depending on impairment levels
and use of hearing aid devices Source: Author Consequently, there is need to look at selected Deafspace principles that designers should employ
for spatial comfort of its users.

While most scholars in this field have varying constituents for deafspace, the basic components of a
sustainable deafspace have been clearly identified (Architects Hansel Bauman –DSDG 2010). This
literature review therefore investigates the following five Deafspace design guidelines and their
impacts on occupants' well-being.

1. Light and colour

2. Sensory reach
3. Space and proximity

Fig 2.18. Deafspace at Gallaudet University of the Deaf. 4. Mobility and proximity
Source: Architects Hansel Bauman –DSDG 2010. 5. Acoustics
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2.5.1 Light and colour
In Kenya there are no comprehensive design regulations for learning space for the deaf provided.
Administrators are required to rely on the Department of Education and Skills, Building units for
design consideration which stipulates:
1. Natural day lighting should be exploited when designing classrooms, to minimise the
dependence on artificial lighting. Glare must be avoided. Windows for teaching spaces
should have a horizontal vista.
2. A good quality daylight distribution is required in each room with the average daylighting
Fig. 2.19. A classroom in Machakos School for the Deaf factor for each room to be in the range of 4.5 to 5.5% with the emphasis on an even light
(2015) distribution throughout the space. A schedule of all rooms and associated daylight factor is
Source. http://www.dfocuscommunication.co.ke
to be provided.
The phenomenology of Deaf existence, joy and sense of dwelling inside the place are enhanced by
the powerful connection with the outside environment that can be realized when natural light is
present (Fig 2.19). However, daylighting should be designed such that it evokes feelings of comfort
and satisfaction with the visual environment. Consequently daylighting as a science in architecture
should not become more important than the architectural quality resulting from the visually inspiring
daylighting design (Steemers,1994). Since vision is the most developed of deaf senses, it is important
to ensure visual comfort by controlling glare and ensuring appropriate patterns of contrast (Yin,

The pendulum of lighting design in architecture is swung towards sustainability (Fig 2.20).
Fig. 2.20. Illustration of Daylighting strategies Sustainable daylighting in the tropics is achieved by strategic design that eliminates direct sunlight
Source. http://www.birddogdistributing.com that is likely to cause overheating and glare in buildings. Good practice of daylighting techniques
help reduce building energy use and provide a stable and comfortable indoor environment for the
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ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
people. Lighting must fulfil the purpose for which it exist in a space (Lee, Di Bartolomeo, & Selkowitz
1998). i.e. physically, physiologically and psychologically satisfaction.

The performance of a task is limited by visibility (Fig 2.21). Effective signing and reading is
determined by the stimuli present in the system, and therefore lighting design for the deaf is of
paramount importance. Bearing in mind, the deaf community primarily depend on visual- kinetic
mode of communication, poor lighting conditions results to glare, undesirable shadow patterns
and backlighting that can cause eye strains and fatigue. This can lead to loss of concentration and

Fig 2.21. Illustration of poor lighting conditions physical exhaustion.

resulting to glare and undesirable shadow patterns We are born of light. The seasons are felt through light. We only know the world as it is evoked by light.- Louis Kahn-
source: Autodesk Sustainability Workshop. The principle of light is tied to colour. Colour has three integral parts namely hue, value and Chroma
which influence properties of light such as absorption and reflection (Table 2.5.1 & Fig 2.22). Hue
describes a dimension on colour we experience when we look at colour, value refers to lightness or
darkness while Chroma describes saturation. Light value tend to reflect more while dark value
absorb more light. If the intensity of light is kept constant, an increase in colour value of a surface
results to more reflection. If this reflected light rays converge at one point on a working surface they
cause glare. On the other hand dark colours absorb a lot of light and increase the surface temperature
of a material.

Colour pigments are selective absorbers, their colour resulting from a subtractive process.
Fig 2.22. Illustration of colour as selective absorber Pigment Reflected absorbed
and reflector.
Source: Author
Yellow blue; reflects red, yellow, green
Blue red and yellow blue, green
Yellow/Blue 3 colours above; reflects only green
Table 2.5.1. Absorptive and Reflective properties of colour
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A mix of all kinds of pigments results in black, as it absorbs all
wavelengths. Whereas no mixture of pigments can result in white as
there will always be some absorption (Fig 2.23).

Colour filters can produce coloured light by a subtractive process

involving materials with high but selective transmittance of light.
They reflect and absorb most of the other wavelengths transmitting
only the specified narrow band.

Fig 2.23. Infor chart on Colour filters and selective transmittance of light. Coloured lights from different sources can be mixed to give a
Source: Bangkok Patana School https://www.google.com resultant colour whose wavelength is the sum of the wavelength
ranges of the individual components. This is an additive process.
Complimentary colours add up to form white light. E.g. Red/Green;
Yellow and Blue.

Certain colours, especially muted blues and greens, contrast well with
a variety of skin tones, making them easy on signers’ eyes. Gallaudet
University College of the deaf does rigorous colour-testing on new
and refurbished interiors to ensure ideal colour and lighting
conditions. (Fig 2.24) In the university, lighting is done such that soft
and diffuse illumination avoiding dimness, backlighting, glare, and
abrupt changes in illumination levels is achieved. This provides an
Fig 2.24. Gallaudet University College of the deaf colour-testing interiors that ensure ideal
ideal condition for lighting design for the deaf of Gallaudet
colour and lighting conditions. Source: Gallaudet University College

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2.5.2 Sensory reach
Apparently, most people think that the hearing impaired can comfortably occupy a room, say an
ordinary classroom. However the deaf inhabit a sensory world that is different from that of the
hearing. Hearing impaired persons need to spatially orient themselves in a space and have visual
awareness of the activities in their surroundings at the same time. The fact that, Deaf people are
highly attuned to visual and tactile cues such as shadows and vibrations means they can read their
surroundings environment and various activities in ways that hearing people do not. The Built
environments can be designed so as to provide visual and tactile reach in 360 degrees, extending
Deaf people's awareness and making spatial orientation easier. For example, installing windows in
walls that divide rooms or building such walls to waist-height can allow Deaf people to see what is
happening in other areas (Fig 2.25).

2.5.3 Space and proximity

A visual-spatial language such as The American sign language, which the Kenya sign language is
adopted, necessitates that signers maintain enough distance to accommodate each other’s signing
space when conversing. This space is typically greater than that maintained by people holding a
spoken conversation, i.e the demand for clear sightlines between them mean there is less shared
space. As more signers join the conversation, the space between them grows so that all participants
can access the communication.

In an architectural approach the layout of furniture and rooms takes into account these characteristics
of signed communication. For example, movable chairs without armrests make it possible to adjust
Fig 2.25. Illustration on how to extend Deaf people's the size of a "conversation circle" and permit signers the full use of their signing space.
awareness and making spatial orientation easier.
Source: Architect hansel Bauman, Gallaudet
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2.5.4 Mobility and proximity
There is urgency to design circulation spaces that enable signers to maintain visual connection while
maintaining direction. When walking and conversing at the same time, signers usually maintain a
wide space between them in order to facilitate clear visual communication. If one signer moves
towards the other, the other responds by moving away to maintain the signers distance. They will
also scan the surroundings to check for hazards and to navigate, adjusting their path when necessary.
Landscapes, buildings, pathways, and rooms can be designed so that signers can move through space
unimpeded (Fig 2.27). For example, the design of Gallaudet University is centred on creating wider
hallways that can allow signers to hold conversations while walking without feeling cramped.

Fig 2.26. Illustrations of Deaf People mobility in the built


Source: Clear line of sight by metropolis magazine.


Fig 2.27.Sign communication in transit zones

Source: Clear line of sight by metropolis magazine. www.Metropolismag.com.

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2.5.5 Acoustics
Architectural acoustics is defined as the science and engineering of achieving good sound levels in
a space (Morfey Christopher 2001) is concerned with speech intelligibility. Speech Intelligibility is
greatly dictated by background noise levels and reverberation effects (Fig 2.28) A lot of effort has
been put up in theatres, classrooms and transport terminal buildings to suppress noise level to
pleasant levels that make this space liveable (BS 8233, 2014 a Guidance on sound insulation and
noise levels reduction for buildings).


Sound wave in a space tends to be broken up as it is bounced back and forth among the reflecting
surfaces. This creates an effect known as reverberation (Fig 2.29). The reverberant quality of any
Achieving speech intelligibility in classrooms. The target space, whether enclosed or not, helps to define the way in which it is perceived. Although it may
of good speech intelligibility requires attention to both not be realized consciously, reverberation is one of many cues used by a listener for orientation,
background noise levels AND reverberation time. depth and distance in a given space.
Source: Author 2017

Reverberation has direct effect on ambient noise level and apparent loudness of sounds within a
space. This is an important factor to consider in the acoustic design of deafspace. Architectural
acousticians’ emphasise on early reflections (within 80 Ms) which reinforce the direct sound.
However, the angle of reflection must not be wide. Reflections arriving after 80 Ms add reverberant
energy which can be distracting to the human ear. The acoustic design of such spaces usually
involves creating a balance between clarity and definition on one hand, and spaciousness on the
other. Listeners often have different preferences as to this balance regardless of their hearing ability.
Fig 2.29. Illustration of Early and late reflection in a small
room Hearing impaired persons experience different degree of hearing loss. Considering that this group
Source. Unknown Author, Google Image Search. of people has heighted sense to vibrations, uncontrolled background sounds can be distractive.

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Deafspace concept seeks to design spaces that eliminate reverberation and other sources of
background noise in order to have higher signal to Noise Ratio.

Speech Intelligibility is negatively impacted by higher background noise and longer

reverberation (Fig 2.30). The relationship between sound and noise levels is generally described
in terms of a signal-to-noise ratio. With a masking noise level between 35 and 100 dB, the threshold
for 100% intelligibility is usually a signal-to-noise ratio of 12 dB (Fig 2.31). (Robinson, G. S., and
Casali, J. G. (2003). Speech communication and signal detection in noise. In E. H. Berger, L. H.
Royster, J. D. Royster, D. P. Driscoll, and M. Layne (Eds.), The noise manual (5th ed.) (pp. 567-
600). Fairfax, VA: American Industrial Hygiene Association.)

Fig 2.30: Sources of noise in the learning environment The design of Gallaudet University considered Hearing aids devices which capture distracting
Source: (Association of noise consultants, 2009
ambient noise, such as foot traffic, chairs scraping along a hard floor, and echoes. The design team
modelled acoustic ceiling solutions using layered panels and cedar slats. In addition, sound control
in wide-open spaces comes from carpet tiles and bamboo partitions, which also provide seating and
work surfaces.

Fig 2.31 Illustration of signal-to-noise ratio of 12 dB. Source:

Author Edited 2017.Used after Robinson 2003

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2.5.6. Summary of the Deafspace Architectural Design Guidelines
Guideline Light and colour Sensory Reach Mobility and Space and Proximity Acoustic
Application Visual comfort and safety by Sensory orientation Maintain signing Maintain signing Acoustic insulation/
avoiding Glare and and reading the distance while circle in group space screening for Speech
Overheating in a space surrounding walking together with clear sight lines Intelligibility

Colour rendering and clarity of Enhance scanning for Acoustic Absorption

communication hazards while moving lower Reverberation
Absorption and reflection of
light Calculation of Signal to
Noise ratio.
Comments Daylighting that avoids direct Signers position are Wide pavements, and Most deafspace are The higher the Signal to
sunlight and extreme light level such that they can corridors are suitable co-centric. Noise ration the Clear the
contrast help reduce glare and easily identify with a to deaf mobility. conversation is.
overheating effects person approaching Large spaces can be
Smooth edges enable terraced with Speech intelligibility is
Dark colours absorb more light Transparency in design deaf persons to move staggered sitting lowered by high
while bright colours reflect increase sensory reach without stopping to arrangement to background noise and
more. Over lit zones causes eye scan. maintain sight lines longer Reverberation
strain while dark zones can Reflective surface such times.
result to fatigue as mirror can be
properly used at
Over reflection can cause glare strategic positions for
on a working surface sensory reach

Table 2.5.2. Deafspace Architectural Design Guideline Summary

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2.6.1 Lighting Standards.
Lighting is important for hearing impaired students, e.g, a teacher's face and hands need to
be well lit so students with hearing impairments can get more from facial expressions.
During the day there are a number of different visual tasks in a classroom. In order to get a
good lighting concept, knowledge of the different tasks in classrooms is important. Each task
needs its own light conditions but at the same time energy efficiency should not be neglected.
The standards reviewed here in will include:

1. Building Bulletin 93. Lighting design for schools

2. The European norm EN 12464-1 which gives requirements for the illuminances in
learning institution (see table 2.6.1)

Building Bulletin 93. Lighting design for schools

The best school environments gives an impression of liveness, with attractive space and
general of pleasantness. The environment should be appropriate for particular task to enable
students and staffs to carry out the various activities easily and comfortably without
compromising the aspects of architectural integration, efficiency, cost, maintenance and
visual amenities. The CIBSE- Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers- codes
Fig 3.32. Illustration of different daylighting techniques. for interior lighting 1994, section, public and educational buildings provide the
Source: Building Bulletin 93. Lighting design for schools standards as tabulated below (Table 2.6.0)

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Space Standard Maintained Uniformity Limiting
Ratio Glare Index
Illuminance in Lux
General teaching involving reading and writing 300 0.8 19
Teaching space with close and detailed work. 500 0.8 19
Circulation Spaces: corridors, stairs 80 - 120 - 19

entrance halls, lobbies &waiting areas 175 - 250 - 19

reception areas 250 – 350 - 19

Atria 400 19
Table 2.6.0. Illuminance, Uniformity Ratio and Limiting Glare Index for schools. The CIBSE- Chartered
Institution of Building Services Engineers

The European norm EN 12464-1 requirements for the illuminances in learning institution.
Task The teacher The student In In general
1 Writing on the board Reading on board 500lux 200lux
2 Talking to the students Paying attention to the teacher 300lux 300lux
3 Showing a presentation (slides, Looking on the screen 300lux 10lux
PowerPoint, television.)
4 Paying attention to working Writing, reading drawing, etc. 300lux 300lux
5 Coaching computer activities Looking to the computer 50lux 300 lux above
screen and the paper the computer
6 Preparing lessons Not present 300lux 50lux
Fig 3.33. Illustration of different daylighting techniques.
Source: Building Bulletin 93. Lighting design for schools Table 2.6.1 Overview of tasks in a classroom together with the requirements for the illuminances. The European
norm EN 12464-1
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Lighting in teaching spaces for students with special education needs
• All aspects of glare
• Strong lighting contrasts
• Direct sunlight (Fig 2.33)
Avoid highly reflective finishes • reflections on walls, and particularly on floors
Ensure signs, display areas and blackboards are well lit
Accommodate students in the part of the room that best suits their impairment and
make adjustments to improve their comfort
Adjustments may include:
 special task lighting
 fitting blinds to nearby windows or roof lights causing glare
 shielding general lighting causing glare
 a suitably coloured work top
Fig 2.34. A and B. Illustration of different daylighting techniques. Source:
Gelfand Partners Architects - Duveneck Elementary School.

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2.6.2 Proxemics Rule.
Proxemics is defined as "the study of the use of space by human beings in a particular culture." (Fig
2.36, Edward T. Hall). Hall described the interpersonal distances of man (the relative distances
between people) in four zones: intimate space, personal space, social space, and public space.
Interpersonal distance Close range Far range
Intimate space  Close phase – less than 6  Far phase – 6 to 18
inches (15 cm) inches (15 to 46 cm)
Personal space  Close phase – 1.5 to 2.5  Far phase – 2.5 to 4 feet
feet (46 to 76 cm) (76 to 122 cm)
Social space  Close phase – 4 to 7 feet  Far phase – 7 to 12 feet
(1.2 to 2.1 m) (2.1 to 3.7 m)
Public space  Close phase – 12 to 25  Far phase – 25 feet
feet (3.7 to 7.6 m) (7.6 m) or more.
Table 2.6.2. Proxemics

Fig 2.35. Interrelation of various theories on

human culture
Source: Edward T. Hall

Fig 2.36. Study of the use of space by human beings

Source: Edward T. Hall
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2.6.3. Acoustic standards
In Kenya, no comprehensive design regulations on learning space have been developed for either
the hearing or the hearing impaired.

Administrators are required to rely on the Commission for Higher Education’s guidelines for
location of school physical facilities. Designers however only rely on basic knowledge of acoustics
to design these spaces. At times, these are not factored in at the preliminary design stage and this
causes very poor acoustic performance as Identified in chapter four.

Fig 2.37. Student in a classroom at Isinya School for The UNESCO Division of Educational Policy and Planning (1985), in a document titled ‘Norms and
the deaf.
Source: Author2017 Standards of Educational Facilities’, outlined guidelines for educational planning, administration
and facilities. In these guidelines, acoustics among other factors such as thermal comfort and lighting
design are listed as essential elements to be considered when designing ergonomic facilities.

Implementation of these guidelines, being an optional requirement, has not been very strictly
adhered to. There is therefore need to develop enforceable standards to create conducive learning

The British Association of Teachers of the Deaf (BATOD)

Building Bulletin 93, 'Acoustic design of schools' is a powerful document and dictates, in law, the

Fig 2.38. A lecture room Nottingham University acoustic conditions for new school buildings. Further, it is used as a 'best practice' document for
Source: Nottingham University. 2017 existing premises. This is the reference point for the acoustic conditions of the school buildings
adopted by British Association of Teachers of the deaf.

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The acoustic design of all special schools attached to mainstream schools for pupils with special
hearing and communication needs, should always involve an audiologist, as well as the school client
body as illustrated by Gallaudet. Pupils with special educational needs are more sensitive to the
acoustic environment than others. Consequently, required reverberation times are shorter, sound
insulation between adjacent spaces is higher and indoor ambient noise levels lower than in
environments for other pupils.

The required acoustic conditions will depend on a pupil’s individual special needs and may be
accommodated by a specialist provision (e.g a quiet room for private study and communication, or
Fig 2.39. Hearing aid device used by one of the deaf students an assisted listening device( Fig 2.37) for participation in general teaching), or by improving the
in a local school.
general acoustic conditions of teaching and learning spaces. Advice from a specialist acoustic
Source: Author2017
consultant should be sought to allow the school client body to make an informed decision on the
appropriate provision for the school’s intended use. The acoustic criteria for these types of
accommodation should be signed off by the school client body in the same way as alternative
performance standards (APS) as the particular needs of the pupils and the activities they take part in
may vary widely from one school to another and within the same school.

The Alternative Performance Standard (APS) states:

‘Each room or other space in a school building shall be designed and constructed in such a way
that it has the acoustic conditions and the insulation against disturbance by noise appropriate to its
intended use.’
Fig 2.40.An acoustic Wall treatment that can reduce
reverberation time. Source: Moses Collins 2016

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The BATOD Standards limits sound levels of background noise at 35dBs and reverberation time of 0.4s in unoccupied furnished learning space
Room classification for the purpose of airborne Upper limit for the indoor RT60 (S)
sound insulation ambient noise level
Type of room
Activity noise Noise tolerance (Receiving New Refurbishment New and refurbishment
(Source room) room)
Nursery school rooms Primary
school: classroom, class base,
general teaching area, small group
Secondary school: classroom, Average Medium 35dB 40dB ≤ 0.8
general teaching area, seminar
room, tutorial room, language
Teaching space intended Average Low 35dB 35dB ≤0.4 second across the
specifically for students with frequency range 125Hz to
special hearing and 4000Hz
communication needs

Table 2.6.3 Acoustic Limits on A- weighted sound levels of background noise and reverberation times in unoccupied furnished learning spaces. Source: Building bulletin 93 table 1

The American Speech Language Hearing Association

In the United States of America, acoustic performance standards are named ANSI S12.60-2002,
Acoustical Performance Criteria, Design Requirements and Guidelines for Schools standard
(American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2012). The standards are supported by The
American Academy of Audiology which advocate of acoustical properties of America’s classrooms
in order that all students may better hear their teachers (direct instruction) and peers (indirect
Fig 2.41: Image of the logo of the American
Speech Language Hearing Association. Source: ASLHA
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In order to address the issue of improving classroom acoustics, the classroom acoustics standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI
S12.60-2002, Acoustical Performance Criteria, Design Requirements, and Guidelines for Schools) was approved in 2002. ANSI S12.60 recommended
maximum noise and reverberation times for all new and significantly renovated school construction.

The standard specify that noise levels in core learning spaces should not exceed 35 dB A throughout each classroom (unoccupied). The 35 dBA
maximum noise level ensured that the level of direct instruction (which would be approximately 50-65 dB A depending on the location of the student
and teacher) would achieve the appropriate sound level required by students to hear their teachers and peers with minimal difficulty. The standard also
specify that reverberation times should not exceed 0.6 seconds (unoccupied). This would improve speech intelligibility for students by maintaining
the temporal integrity of the source signal.

Fig 2.42: A conceptual illustration of an ideal classroom space of the future incorporating design for good indoor environmental quality, ergonomics proper space planning and
information technology equipment.
Source: http://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/mkt_fac/22.After Moses Collins 2016

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ANSI S12.60-2002 was revised, and is now ANSI S12.60-2010, Acoustical Performance Criteria, Design Requirements, and Guidelines for Schools,
Part 1: Permanent Schools. The core parameters of the standard were unchanged with the exception of a requirement that primary learning spaces be
readily adaptable to reverberation times as short as 0.4 seconds.

The American Academy of Audiology endorses both the ANSI S12.60-2010, Part 1 standard, and the ANSI S12.60- 2009, Part 2 standard, and
recommends adoption of these standards by all schools to ensure
1. All students require an appropriate acoustical environment in order to learn effectively.
2. Students with hearing loss are especially in need of appropriate acoustical environments
3. Bilingual students and students with other communicative challenges require an optimal acoustical environment to maximize learning.

The Signal to Noise Ratio should be equal or greater than 15dB to ensure clarity of communication where students use hearing aid Devices. Clarity of
speech help to minimise Ear strains hence prevent the worsening of impairment.

2.6.3. Summary of Acoustic standards

Building bulletin 93. Acoustic performance for school Guide
Acoustic Parameter British Association of Teachers of the Deaf American Speech Language Hearing
Unoccupied Noise Levels 35dB(A) 30-35dB(A)
Reverberation Time(Unoccupied) 0.4s across 125 to 4 kHz 0.4s
Signal to Noise Ratio +20 dB across Frequency range125 to 750Hz >+15dB
and +15dB Across 750 to 4k Hz

Table 2.6.4 Summary of Acoustic Standards

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This Chapter outlines the various means and ways undertaken to achieve the aims and objectives of
the research as outlined in Chapter one of the thesis. It seeks to form research template that will
guide the research carried out on how the data is analysed and presented.
The following overall- operational framework is adopted:
1. Theoretical Background stage
Deafspace Design Guidelines
2. Preliminary Stage
Selected precedent study- Gallaudet University
3. Fieldwork and Data Analysis stage
Case 1: Isinya School for the Deaf
Case 2: Karen Technical Training Institute
4. Conclusion Stage
Comparative analysis of the precedent and case studies
BACKBONE OF THIS RESEARCH DESIGN To investigate the research problem, detailed case study research are used to investigate the five
different Deafspace design guidelines (Fig 3.01) in each of the 2 identified case study i.e. Isinya
Fig3.01.Infographic showing a combination School for the deaf and Karen technical Training Institute for the Deaf.
GUIDELINES involved in the research design.

Source: Author, 2017.

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The study is an exploratory case study research. According to Shields .M. Patricia and Rangarjan N.
2013, an Exploratory Research is conducted for a problem that has not been studied more clearly. It
establishes its own priorities, develops operational definitions and improve the final research design
by emphasizing on discovery and understanding of ideas and insights. The goal of this research is
to understand Deafspace design Guidelines, based on the case studies available.
Emphasis will be placed on the five major design Guidelines that were identified in the literature
review and how they affect the comfort and safety of the deaf community in space. This goal will
be attained through development of the objectives stated below and evaluating the accomplishment
of task related to the design guidelines in each project selected as a case study:

 Examine and identify the extent to which Deafspace design guidelines are
incorporated in deaf learning institutions and their importance for the deaf
community well-being, safety, and operation of the facilities
 Study and document Deafspace projects with varying degrees of design soundness
while at the same time conduct a comparative analysis to identify any patterns and
Fig3.02. A Deafspace at Karen Technical Training
Source: Author, 2017. The research will also use Library research to discover and understand ideas and insights of
Deafspace architecture. This mode of research will involves the searching for evidence concerning
these complex architectural phenomenon, collecting and organizing that evidence, evaluating it and
constructing a narrative from the evidence that is holistic and believable.

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The research methodology will adopt three-step approach. This will involve:
1. Finding out what exists in the field:

 Establishing the conditions of the Deafspace in the selected precedent and case studies and the
extent to which the design guidelines are used in designing these spaces.
 Critic these designs Vis-a-Vis their performances towards comfort and safety of the Deaf

2. Finding out what is needed:

 Determining the architectural interventions that can be made to better the existing situation.

3. Making Recommendations:

Fig3.03. Ecotect analysis used to find out what exists,

what is needed and making recommendation in this  After a careful study and analysis of the topic, appropriate recommendations will be made. These
research. proposals will offer design guidelines for professionals in the building industry and stakeholders
Source: Author, 2017.
in Deaf community.


The method of sampling used is purposive sampling. According to Ashley Crossman (2017), a
purposive sample is a non-probability sample that is selected based on the characteristic of a
population and the main objective of the study is not influenced by the size of the population. It is
used to reach to a target sample quickly, however proportionality is not a main concern. The case

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study rationale is such that the cases are selected after careful analysis of their relevance in
effectively representing the subject matter and their comparability within the given context
Choice of precedent and case study.
Deaf learning institutions are selected since they present a suitable environment of studying the
culture of the deaf. According to the Royal Danish Academy of Arts, Architecture, Design and
Conservation, architecture is a cultural phenomenon with social ideologies, political, historical and
aesthetic aspects. Therefore, it defines itself as an object created for individual- including the
conception of the public as the totality of an individual-culture.
The following criteria is used for the precedent and case study selection
1) A representative of the best deaf attuned university according to America institute of
Architects- Gallaudet University (Fig 3.04 A).
2) A representative of segregated Deaf School - Isinya School for the Deaf in Kajiado County
(Fig 3.04 B).
3) A representative of integrated technical and vocational Public Deaf School- Karen Technical
Training Institute in Nairobi County. (Fig 3.04 C).
4) The institution that has an adequate documentation of information and can be accessible for
this study.
5) The institution that demonstrates strong image and successful integration of Deaf education
in Kenya.
Fig 3.04. Selected studies
1- Gallaudet University-Source: Gallaudet Data will be collected towards illuminating the set parameters for the study within the research which
2- Isinya school-Source: Author are mainly the Daylighting strategies, sensory reach, space and proximity, mobility and proximity
3- Karen technical training Institute- Source:
Author and acoustic design strategies used in the projects identified as case studies. All these were presumed

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to affect deafspace within the chosen cases. As such, data will be collected through the following
1. Interviews
In line with the explorative nature of the study, the goal of the interviews is to see the research topic
from the perspective of the interviewee, and to understand why he or she has this particular

Interviews are carried out in multiple levels (Appendix 6.1). Unstructured interviews are carried out
to the school staff and students to achieve a ‘low degree of structure imposed on the interviewer
Fig.3.05. UMM-6 microphone, lux meter, balloons
notebook and a laptop used to do actual measurement (King 1994). The questions relied on pre-formulated sets of ideas to achieve magnified control of
on site. topics and revolved around the user comfort of deaf community.
Source: author, 2017
2. Actual measurements
This method will be used to investigate the effectiveness of daylighting and acoustic strategies.
Daylight factor calculation for available interior daylight and Glazing factor calculation for available
interior daylight will be used to investigate light as an architectural design element for Deafspace.
A light meter (Fig 3.05) will be used to record luminance levels in identified spaces. The results
obtained will be rated against the Chartered Institute of Building Service Engineers

To investigate the acoustic performance of the Deafspace this study will focus on calculation of
reverberation time in specific rooms, indoor and outdoor recording of sound level using Dayton
UMM Omnidirectional microphone (Fig 3.05). Data obtained will be used to rate the performance

Fig.3.06. 30M tape measure used to do actual of the case study against American National Standards Acoustical Performance criteria which are
measurement on site. also adopted by green star and LEED standards and the British Association of Teachers of the Deaf.
Source: author, 2017

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3. Observation
The primary data collection methods include observations made in the study area through use of
sketches, photographs and measured drawings. The major strength of direct observation is that it is
unobtrusive and does not require direct interaction with participants (Adler and Adler 1994).
Observation supplements other methods and illuminates the discrepancies between what people said
in the interviews and casual conversations and what they actually do (Pettigrew, 1990).

The research employed both structured and unstructured observation techniques. The structured
observation method ensured that the study is able to answer the research questions while the
unstructured one was to make sure any other relevant information found in the field is not left out
purely because it was not covered in the predefined observation list.

Information gathered with the observation method were the physical attributes of the typologies,
including their measurements and context towards gauging the site planning and unit planning
occurrences of the case studies. Observation was also used to determine the user comfort levels
through gauging the patterns and behaviours of the occupants towards their environment. Sketches,
Measured drawings and Photographs were used to capture the observations made.

Fig 3.07 Architectural drawings used in recording of

findings and observation in the course of the field  Sketches and Measured Drawings-In this research sketches and measured drawings were
work given the major role in recording of finding and observation in the course of the field work and

Source: author 2017 analysis. They offered a wide variety and flexibility of presenting the findings of the research.
Plans, sections and elevations of the typologies were sketched out to communicate information
on areas and general layouts. (Fig 3.08)

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 Photography-All the subjects of study were captured in photographs and analysed in sketches
and computer generated models. Photographs were the major tool in capturing the existing
situation in the area of study. Images of both the exterior, interior and the context of the
typologies were taken to give a clear understanding of the same. The photographs were later
used to support text in the analysis of the information obtained from the field.

4. Questionnaire
A questionnaire is developed for this architectural thesis to catch a glimpse into to the architectural
design of spaces meant for use by the hearing impaired. The collected responses will be analysed
Fig.3.08 A tabulation of the daylight factors recorded
in the field. and used in architectural thesis for information and decision making. Obtained data will be shared
Source: Author 2017
with stakeholders in the built environment, but only the students aggregate analytical findings will
be incorporated in the final thesis (Appendices 6.1-6.5).


1. Tabulation
Tables are used in presenting collected data and enable comparison among the cases identified to
give overview of the qualities of the spaces within the learning spaces for the deaf. (Fig 3.08).

2. Graphs
Graphs are mainly used to compare scientific data collected in the selected case studies. This
Fig.3.09 A comparative info graph of the various RT60
recorded. involves illuminance and sound pressure for lighting design and acoustic comfort. Graphs helped to
Source: Author 2017
simplify the data towards making it presentable and easy to interpret and compare cases with each
other. (Fig 3.09).

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3. Photographs
Photography has been the most widely used mode of communication in this study towards capturing and documenting parameters of the study such as
the building form, space organisation and veranda/pavement elements. Each element studied had its variables corresponding to the standard parameters
recorded. It aided in presenting the physical conditions of the cases.

4. Image Visualization and modified 3-Dimensional images

This method of presentation is used to present the computer generated models of the two cases to analyse form and layout of the learning unit planning.
The author uses these models with additional software i.e. Autodesk Ecotect Analysis and Velux towards simulating building performance towards

5. Sketches and Architectural Drawings

Measured replicated sketches including plans, sections and elevations are used to present the findings of the study to ensure easy interpretation of the
findings found in area of the study. The plans show the orientation of the buildings, the location of the projects, the layout available in the various spaces
and the position of windows towards views and positioning for clear sight lines. Plans also provided opportunities for analysing major noise causing
departments. The section shows the importance of the different vertical spaces and how they aid in deafspace design. They also play an important role
in the understanding of the room heights and solar shading of both the indoor and outdoor spaces. The elevations provided analysis towards form making
and window ratio for daylighting.

6. Notes
Note taking is used to help record information captured from other undocumented sources such as an oral discussion at a meeting and lecture in which
the notes may be the only record of the event. Note taking is a form of self-discipline used by the author to refresh the mind.

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Quantitative and qualitative data collected will be analysed, interpreted and presented using various research tools discussed. As posited by Yin (2003),
case descriptions, rival explanations and theoretical propositions are the general analytical strategies for which priorities for what to analyse and the basis
for analysis will employ. The data analysis technique will be carried out through contextual, descriptive and comparative analysis.
1. Contextual analysis
Analysis of the context in which the selected deaf learning institution is part of the historical setting. The location, site conditions and the general site
neighbourhood will be analysed. The aim of this analysis will be to gain insights as to the impact of site conditions on the expression of the built deafspace
environment. This will be illustrated through the use of site plans, photographs, descriptions and satellite maps.
2. Descriptive analysis
Descriptive study of each Deafspace project will focus on deafspace architectural design guidelines. The Parameters will include: light and colour,
sensory reach, space and proximity, mobility and proximity and acoustics.
3. Comparative analysis.
The aim of the comparative study will be to demonstrate the way in which architectural design guidelines have been expressed in different selected case

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Interviews, Actual Measurement, Observation( Sketch, Photographs And Measured

Data Collection
Drawings) And Questionnaire

Data Presentation Tabulation, Graphs, Photography, Image Visualization, Sketches And Drawings, Notes

Data Analysis Contextual, Descriptive And Comparative Analysis

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The main goal of this research is to identify and verify Deafspace design Guidelines used in learning
Institution design. The Guidelines considered crucial have been identified through a critical analysis
of the literature review.

Site Planning
An emphasis is given to five selected Architectural Design guidelines elements (light and colour,
Sensory reach, Space and proximity, Mobility and proximity and Acoustic) and how they are
incorporated in institutional design. The following parameters of the built environment are used for
analysis purposes;

1. Site Planning; Choice of site, Unit layouts, Spacing of units and Vegetation/Plants.
2. Building Plan; Orientation, Access, inter-unit connection, group spaces and private spaces.
3. Unit Plan; Unit size and shape, Verandas, Unit floor, walls and Ceiling design, unit type of
Building Planning
openings, location of opening.

This research is exploratory in nature, and therefore a case and precedent study approach has been
identified as the main research strategy. The approach provides the best opportunity of comparing
and contrasting similarities and differences among the three institution used for the purpose of this
research and towards supporting the well-being of the deaf community.

Unit planning The three learning institution are;

Fig. 4.1.01 Analysis parameters

1. Gallaudet University for the deaf;
Source. Author, 2017 2. Isinya school for the Deaf and
3. Karen Technical Training Institute for the deaf.
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4.2.1 Background Information
Gallaudet University is a federal-chartered private university dedicated in educating the Deaf and
hard of hearing community (Fig 4.2.1.) It’s located in Washington, D.C., on a 99 acres (0.40 km2)
campus. The university was named after Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, a notable figure in the
advancement of deaf education, who was hard of hearing.

Founded in 1864, Gallaudet University was originally a grammar school for both deaf and blind
children. It was the first school of advanced education centre exclusive for the deaf and hard of
Fig 4.2.1. Logo of Gallaudet University hearing in the world. Today, it remains the only institution of higher education with all programs
Source: Gallaudet University's
and services tailored to accommodate deaf and hard of hearing students.

Today, Gallaudet University is officially bilingual University, with American Sign Language (ASL)
and English used for instruction and by the college community.

4.2.2 Gallaudet University Design (Fig 4.2.2.)

1. Site planning
To support Gallaudet University's mission, "ensure the intellectual and professional advancement of
deaf and hard of hearing individuals," long-term stewardship of the campus ensures that the campus
Fig 4.2.2. Images of Gallaudet University, a
setting is responsive and expressive of the rich relationship between deaf and hard of hearing
federally-chartered private university for the deaf
Source: Gallaudet University's experiences and the built environment, an emerging approach to architecture and planning developed
at Gallaudet which has been identified as Deafspace Concept in this paper.

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The planning of the University is guided by the
principles of building a visually contiguous
campus; academic, residential, and recreational
zones that support a one-zone model campus for
the Deaf community members so as to lent
purpose of Gallaudet.( Fig: 4.2.3). The following
guiding issues formed the direction and
development of the Master Plan:
1. Adopt the role of a caretaker, to respect
the special culture of the deaf community
in the Gallaudet University campus;
2. Give special consideration to buildings
and their relationship to the historic,
academic, residential, and pre-college
areas while maintaining building/open
space relationships at an appropriate scale
and density (Fig: 4.2.5.);
Fig: 4.2.3. Site plan of Gallaudet University- The site plan was developed with provision for wide walkways and clear
3. Provide facilities for Sign Language and
lines of sight for increased sensory reach. The school for the deaf is placed a distance from the traffic noise along Florida
Street Communication programs like residence
halls and family housing for deaf students
Source: Setty and Associates Gallaudet University. Campus Resource Master Plan:
that meet evolving needs;

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4. Develop and enhance pedestrian

networks to increase accessibility
and safety of the deaf community
within the campus and improve the
quality of the campus
neighbourhood edges.

Fig: 4.2.4. Historical Gallaudet University. Fig: 4.2.5. University Historical, Educational, The Thoughtful stewardship and
Source. Google search Residential and Cleric zones. Source: Gallaudet campus development was
University implemented through innovative
partnerships of the campus and
community stakeholders with the
assistance of respected design and
construction professionals. A full
range of design and planning
services as well as campus design
standards (Fig 4.2.6 & 4.2.7) were
provided to the Gallaudet
community to ensure the needs of
Fig .4.2.6. Main Parks in the University that Fig: 4.2.7. Noise screening foliage area. Source: author the deaf community are addressed
links to the Building. Source. Author Edited Edited effectively

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2. Building Plan
As a liberal arts university of the deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals, Gallaudet has exemplary
buildings tailored for the deaf, cognitive, linguistic and cultural ways-of-being. The Designers
worked closely with representatives of the school to incorporate the challenges and opportunities of
Deafspace design principles.
Living and Learning Residence Hall
This a five-storey, 60,000-square-foot building that represents the first full-fledged experiment in
Deafspace design, a concept developed at Gallaudet through years of research into how buildings
and interiors impede communication for people who don’t hear. The residence hall represents a
holistic example of best practices involving optimum space, better light, adequate proximity,
calibrated colour, and good acoustic factors that matter a great deal to the deaf.

Deafspace is about awareness and sensitivity. Architect Hansel Bauman says. “It’s about creating
empathy between the individual and the building.” By design, no corridor extends more than half
the length of the building, or about 90 feet. This help in focusing visual dimension (Fig 2.2.8).

A- Fig.4.2.8.Vertical building plan of the

Gallaudet Residence hall

B- Fig4.2.9.Ground floor plan showing clear lines

of sight.
Source. Metropolis magazine. Author Edited

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3. Unit Plan
Unit Image/ sketch Analysis
Typical room A typical room is designed with doors inset by 600mm
(Fig 4.2.10) on either side of the room to carve out
gathering spaces. In-built seats are then Designed
outside each door to encourage groups to form

Inside each room a flash light system is used to announce

a visitor arrival while doors are either made of clear glass
or have a glass window through which communication
can easily take place.
Source. Dangermond Keane, 2008
The central living It is designed to descend along the gentle sloping contour
room of the site. The living room has staggered platforms
which absorbs the change in gradient while providing
intimate spaces (Fig 4.2.11).

The living room serves as an auditorium for formal

lectures, however the staggered and terraced layout
maintains intimate space and provides clear-lines of
Fig.4.2.11 IMAGE OF CENTRAL LIVING ROOM. Source: Gallaudet
University Photo Gallery

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Lobbies and Staircases The lobby in the residential hall floor has banished blind
intersections in favour of glass walled corners to prevent
surprise encounters(Fig 4.2.12)

The staircase are designed wide with huge landings to

help people to step out of traffic and converse without
impending on each other.
Fig4.2.12 Image showing staircase and the Main lobby in the

Table 4.2.2. Unit plans at Gallaudet University

3.2.3 Deafspace Design Guidelines
Deafspace design guidelines were first drawn up at Gallaudet University, department of deaf studies. The concept won the international association of
universal design in 2016. (How Gallaudet University’s Architects Are Redefining Deaf Space Curbed) the guidelines have a close focus on human
cognition, emotion and the body mechanics in a space which gives a radical feeling in an age and time of grand architectural making as explained in each
of the Design element identified earlier as the Deafspace architectural design Guidelines.

1. Light and Colour

Gallaudet University uses the concept of Light and colour to facilitate visual wayfinding. The main university buildings in the department of Deaf studies
are designed for daylighting. The design is such that it eliminates all instances of direct sun light, Discomfort and disability glare. In the design stage,
glare and direct sun light were identified as main cause of eye strain and fatigue. (Architect Hansel Bauman, 2005).

Use of expansive glass allows convectional daylighting while at the same time increase sensory reach. However, expansive glass designs are likely to
admit a lot of direct sunlight. To avoid this, the university building is designed with wide covered corridors and deep revel windows as architectural
element to control direct sunlight.
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In the interior space, wall colours range from deep blue, bright green and maple-leaf red to enhance
contrast between a backdrop and skin tones (Fig 4.2.13). The colours used are such that they are
neither too bright to cause eye strain nor too dark to cause eye fatigue. At the same time, the light
reflectance ratio of the walls due to colour is maintained below 50% hence avoiding cases of glare
due to reflection.

The ceiling in the Living Center of the university is made of slated timber which not only fulfil the
acoustic purpose but contributes in rendering diffused light. In an interior space, ceilings tend to have
Fig 4.2.13: Illustration of light colour concept the highest reflectance ratio and therefore introduction of diffusing elements was a good idea in trying
used by Gallaudet University to eliminate glare on the working surface.
Source: Clear Line of sight Magazine
The furniture are made of bamboo which help eliminate reflection on working surface. Fixtures are
easily accessible so a person can turn on the light as soon as they enter an unlit space to orient and
make sense of their surroundings immediately.

All these factors combined constitute to appropriate lighting which is an important safety element for
Deaf space. Use of lighting, in Gallaudet, is part of an alert system (visual alarm within the building.)
2. Sensory reach
An effective Deafspace requires that a person relying on their vision can adequately view their
surroundings. The ability to see movement such as slight variations in bodily and facial expression of
others is important. Gallaudet university building is able to extend sensory reach for its deaf community

Fig 4.2.14: Extended Sensory reach at Gallaudet by:

University 1. Use of open plan layout providing clear lines of sight. (Fig 4.2.14).
Source: Clear Line of sight Magazine 2. All rooms have open access i.e. Clear glass doors or a window where the door is solid core.

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3. The furniture are arranged such that the users are oriented towards the major circulation routes.
This makes it easy to identify with approaching persons.
4. Lobbies are designed open to the floors above or below to increase sensory reach beyond one

According to Hansel Bauman The goal of Sensory Reach in the university building is to create the
surrounding “360 degrees” of spatial awareness (2008). This did not mean that all spaces are required
to have fully open concept, but the rooms should have open access, so that the space is easily accessible
through line of sight.

As much as there was great need to heighten sensory reach, the privacy of sign communication was
maintained where necessary by creating inset doors along the corridors, private rooms and have
partitions which favoured sitting signers from visual interference.

The landscape aspect of the university is designed with short shrubs that extends the sensory reach from
on building to another across a landscaped field. There are sculpture parks within the university to
identify with and help in self-orientation
3. Space and Proximity
Fig 4.2.15: Illustration of deafspace and This concept as earlier identified illustrates the importance of the physical area that people using sign
proximity at Gallaudet University
language keep in relation to one another. During the design stage of the university building at
Source: Clear Line of sight Magazine
Gallaudet University proxemics studies were carried out to ensure that the final design made provision
for the same. The product of which was adequate space for signers to move their arms and hands and
enough distance to view the other person’s signs comfortably without obstruction (Fig 4.2.15:
Bauman, 2008).

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It was important that the university was designed in a way that visual communicators have space to
touch each other as part of their communication style. Deaf and hard of hearing people are kinetic;
they touch each other often as means of notification, greeting or as a manner of expressing emphasis
in sign language

Broad hallways and circular seating arrangements in the university building provide relaxing
environments for signers. For instance, the living room is designed to descend along the gentle sloping
contour of the site with staggered circular platforms which absorbs the change in gradient while
providing intimate spaces

The living room serves as an auditorium for formal lectures, however the staggered and terraced
layout maintains intimate space and provides clear-lines of sight.

4. Mobility and Proximity

Walking and talking at the same time for deaf, hard of hearing or any two or more people using ASL
Fig 4.2.16: Illustration of mobility concept used
to communicate, can be challenging in a non-visual-centric environment. Gallaudet University
by Gallaudet University
Source: Clear Line of sight Magazine provides an ideal environment for walking signers by incorporating wide pavements and rounded
corners. This ensures that signers can transit within a space without stopping to scan for hazards
(HBBM Architecture, 2008. Robert Sirvage & Rebecca Sheir, 2012).

Gallaudet is a Visual-centric mobility design in that it uses automatic doorways and visual signifiers
that can alert walkers to changes in their walking paths. Rounded corners also help prevent two
walking signers from running into a sharp corner as they focus on their conversation.

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5. Acoustics
The University is located along a major traffic route, measures had to be taken to shield high
noise levels learning spaces. There is a solid boundary wall along Florida Street. Landscape
elements also play a major role in noise reduction at site planning level.

Playgrounds were also identified as major sources of noise. At planning stage they were isolated from
learning space while at the same time ensuring that they were properly integrated within the campus
master plan. Acoustic isolation of large space can be quite expensive, the Master plan therefore plays
an integral role in ensuring that noise levels within learning space is maintained at lower levels.
Fig 4.2.17: Illustration of acoustic design consideration
The Centre for deaf studies Building is designed to reduce reverberation time. Initially the
Source: Clear Line of sight Magazine
Reverberation time in learning spaces were maintained at 0.6sec. However, with the new building it
is maintained at 0.3 sec. this is successful achieved through:
1. Use of timber slats on the ceiling that diffuse sound waves other than reflect in a unidirectional
mode (Fig 4.2.18).
2. The floor is isolated from the main structural system and is finished using carpet tiles
3. The furniture and fitting are mainly bamboo or clothed surface to help in absorption of sound
other than reflect
Noise ingression in learning spaces from outside and other learning spaces was adequately isolated
to maintain a background noise level of less than 35 dB This was mainly achieved by:
Fig 4.2.18: A classroom at Gallaudet University 1. Using a double wall to isolate learning spaces
showing acoustic design consideration
2. Use of massive structural wall, partitions and thick acoustic glass panels where
Source: Clear Line of sight Magazine
transparency is required. This ensured that neither acoustics nor sensory reach was

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In addition, learning spaces in the university deaf centre are designed avoiding concave reflective surfaces that are likely to concentrate or focus sound
energy and cause multiple echoes. Also hard, polished and parallel surfaces are minimal to prevent, the phenomenon of multiple reflection

Summary on Gallaudet University

Guideline Light and Colour Sensory Reach Space and proximity
Indirect Daylighting avoids glare Clear lines of sight increase sensory reach U shaped classroom layouts enable group
Description Controlled reflection on walls, ceiling and floor Use of clear glass wall communication
Light alarm systems to alert of visitors Atrium and mezzanines increase sensory Staggered yet terraced layout of the living
Deep blue, bright green and maple-leaf red to reach beyond one floor room enable intimate conversation in a
enhance contrast between a backdrop and skin Doors has window slate to increase sensory group space
tones reach to spaces outside classroom
Daylighting increase concentration span. Increased sensory reach reduce Privacy There is no privacy of communication with
Comment Light colour rendering enhance clarity. Movement outside classroom can cause this layout.
interference with learning inside due to Clear lines of sight enhance group
increased sensory reach communication
Clarity of visual communication require u-

Image/ sketch

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         ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017 
Deafspace Design Guideline Mobility and proximity Acoustic
Wide staircase. ramp, corridors and pavements Use of slated timber on ceiling diffuse sound

Description Curving edges enhance smooth mobility Acoustic isolating glass and double walls used

Isolated Carpet floor reduce vibrations

Foliage, Landscape elements and Boundary wall screening

RT of 0.3-0.6 and noise level of 35 dB maintained

Wide corridors, ramps and pavement meets other mobility Speech intelligibility is affected signal to noise ratio. It is
challenges of universal design. achieved by short RTs and low background noise levels.
Curved edges can minimise accident and enable scanning of Short Reverberation time enhance clarity

Image/ sketch

Table 4.2.3. Deafspace Architectural Design Guidelines the Gallaudet University

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4.3.1 Background Information

Isinya School for the Deaf is a primary boarding school for the deaf that is located in Isinya,
Kajiado County; off Nairobi – Namanga Road. It was opened in 2015. The school is a Non-
profit Institution managed by a Norwegian Non-governmental Organisation that focuses on
providing quality education to hearing impaired children with admissions from class one (1)
to class seven (7).

The school currently has a total of 11 staff members who work tirelessly to ensure that the
school’s objective of providing quality education in a tranquil environment is achieved. All
the support staff have basic knowledge of Kenya Sign Language.

The architectural design of the school is unique with a circular shape and a huge roof top that
illuminates the entire building with natural light. The master plan is designed with provision
for Future development to meet the ever changing need of the deaf students.

The extra curriculum activities offered at the school include music and dance classes,
acrobatics, art lessons and athletic games. The school has a playground with a football field,
Fig. 4.3.1 An Album of images in the archives at Isinya kids play houses, swings and balances and merry-go-round. Swimming lessons are yet to
School for the deaf: begin as they are sourcing for the best child-friendly and deaf-appropriate environment for
Source: author 2017 the activity.

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4.3.2 Isinya School Planning and Design
1. Site planning
The entire school is planned on 8.4 acre (33910 SQM) of land. Out of these 5.6 Acre (22643 SQM) is designated for future development while the
existing primary school sits on 2.8acres (11267 SQM). Currently the school has seven classrooms, a dining hall, accommodation facilities and children
play area. However, there are plans to construct a large administration block and a library with the aim of expanding the school capacity. The school is
planned on a linear plan which creates clear lines of sight. However, the individual buildings are planned in a circular style with a lobby at the middle.
Learning areas are isolated from playgrounds. This creates a clear line of sight from the gate to the major building on site.

The existing primary school has a 3 metre high masonry boundary wall. During the planning of the school, the wall was designed for security purpose
but the author identified it as a sound Screen from the traffic along Nairobi- Namanga road.

Fig 4.3.3 Sound and Noise wall barrier.

Source: google search.
The pavement on site were planned to be
more than 2.4 metres wide but most of
them were built 1.2 to 1.5 metres wide

Fig 4.3.2. Site plan of Isinya School

Source. Author Drawing

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Pedestrian path range from 1M to 1.8M The school is designed such that
wide. These is very narrow for signers there is no clear distinction between
to walk together and communicate at pedestrian footpath and vehicular
the same time. If communication has to driveways. Deafspace and universal
take place one signer must step out of design concepts demands that the
the pavement. Universal Public footpath two are distinct with crossing points
should > 2.4M according to Neufert properly marked to enable
Ernst and Peter architects handbook individuals to scan for hazards
while transiting from one point to
the other.

Foliage is important for noise

reduction from the source to the
receiver, however there is more
hardscaping in the school than soft
Fig.4.3.4 Image showing a 1M wide foot path landscape a phenomenon that
within the school. Source Author 2017 would contribute to high noise
levels in the classrooms
The foot path are designed with sharp
edges (most of which right angled) there
are no turning radius a phenomena that
Fig.4.3.5 Site plan of the existing school showing built forms against Pedestrian
breaks smooth transition from one point paths, Driveways and clear lines of sight
to another for signers.
Source. Useku Design and Builders. Author Edited

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2. Building plan The building plan for the typical classrooms is an octagon on the
ground floor (Fig 4.3.6) with a lobby of approximately 55Sq metres
at the middle. Seven sides of the octagon form seven classroom while
the other one is articulated for the entrance. On either side of the
entrance there are washrooms and staircase leading to the floor above
which serves a dormitory.

The entrance corridor is very narrow at 1.1M. This is not adequate for
a public building. According to Neufert Ernst and Peter Architect
handbook a standard hallway in a school should be 1.5M while the
proxemics rules stipulates atleast 1.2 to 2.5M personal space at close
phase and 2.5 to 4M at far phase. The lobby at the middle is lit from
the top (Recording 1200lux at the time of measurement).

The lobby has a circular group bench at the middle radiating outwards.
This is a misrepresentation of a concept since according to Architect
Hansel Bauman of Gallaudet University, a group space should radiate
inward so that every person has visual access to the other.

Each of the seven classrooms opens into the lobby and is lit from the
periphery by two windows each 1.5M by 1.2M which is a possible
cause of glare due to direct lighting.

Fig.4.3.6 Plan a Typical Classroom building at Isinya School for the Deaf
Source: Useku Designer and Builders
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Fig:4.3.8 Image showing the elevation of the Fig: 4.3.9 Image showing the elevation of the
building as designed and as built as marked building as built.
Source: Useko, Author Edited Source: author, 2017

Fig: 4.3.7 A Sketch on site for the Building Section. Internal wall of the
lobby are painted White on upper level resulting to internal reflection of Fig: 4.3.10 Lines of Sight within the built and Possible views from the building
light. Source: Useku Designers and builder 2012, Author Edited 2017
Source: Author 2017

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The upper level of the building is divided into two sections, the boys’ and the girls’ dormitory. Each
section has three (3) cubicles. Two cubicles have twelve (12) beds each while the third has 10 beds
(Fig 4.3.11). The extreme end of the dormitory has washrooms. At the centre is the atrium, however
it does not open to these floor. This creates a sense of privacy between the boys and the girls.

The closed atrium at the first level makes the corridors very dark which can cause eye strain when
the doors are not opened to let in light. This can also cause mobility hazard to the students.

The lobby is also poorly ventilated as the only openings exist at the extreme edge of the staircase.
This is the likely source of discomfort and insecurity for the deaf student considering that they
primarily depend on sight for sensory orientation.

Fig: 4.3.11 Plan of the Dormitory floor. Source: Useku

Like the classrooms, the dormitory is lit from the peripheral. Shading elements were not designed
Designers and Builders to avoid direct sunlight. Evidence of glare were captured (Fig 4.3.12).

Fig: 4.3.12 Images taken from the Dormitory showing

evidence of Glare (right) and visual access through the
door (left) Source: Author 2017

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3. Unit Planning
Unit Layout images Analysis
Each classroom has the shape of a trapezium.
The shorter side of the two parallel length is
used as the board and has a door adjacent to it.
The upper half of the door has a clear panel
which creates visual access.

The white board is fitted 1.5M from the ground

creating clear sight line for every seated student.
However, this might make it difficult for shorter
students to write on the board when needed.

Each class has an approximate area of 26Sq.

metre and seats a maximum of 12 students. The
layout is organised in a con-centric pattern to

Fig.4.3.13 Furniture layout in s classroom facilitate visual access.

Source: Useku 2012, author Edited 2017
The classrooms are lit from the back. This is
likely to cause shadow drops on the working

Fig.4.3.14 Images of the classroom

surface leading to eye strains and loss of
Source: author Edited 2017 concentration for deaf students.

Table 4.3.1. Deafspace Architectural Design Guidelines the Gallaudet University

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Dormitory A typical cubicle has the shape of a trapezium.
cubicle I.e. it resembles the plan of the classroom below.
The windows and the door are on either side of
the two parallel edges. However, the shorter side
is poorly ventilated into a non-ventilated
corridor hence there is high light contrast which
amounts to glare.

Between the beds, a reading table is fixed.

Students sitting on the table far from the window
are likely to suffer eye strain due to low light
levels and backdrop shadows from other

The corridor provided is very narrow. This does

not allow two signers to walk together and make
communication at the same time. Scanning for
hazard on this corridor is also compromised

The staircase leading to this floor are narrow

Fig.4.3.15 Floor plan the dormitory at Isinya school. Fig.4.3.16 Images of the dormitory
Source: Useku Builders and Designers 2012 at Isinya school. (1.2M) hence not suitable in a public building
Source: author Edited 2017

Table 4.3.1. Deafspace Architectural Design Guidelines the Gallaudet University

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4.3.3. Deafspace Architectural Design Guidelines- Isinya School for the Deaf.
1. Light and Colour
The school buildings were designed for Daylighting. However, an analysis of the typical Educational building in the school shows Design challenges
were not adequately solved for daylighting. Atleast there is a façade exposed to direct sunlight at either time of the day. Ecotect Analysis for solar
exposure reveals the same throughout the seasons of the year as illustrated below.
Time/season 23rd March 22nd June 22nd September 23rd December
11.00 am

3.30 pm

Table 4.3.2. Ecotect Analysis for building solar exposure at Isinya School for the deaf

Source: author, 2017

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Classroom Description
Unit plan Unit Section Image

Fig 4.3.17. Source, author, 2017 Fig 4.3.18. Source, author, 2017 Fig 4.3.19. Source, author, 2017
The Classroom is trapezium shaped with floor Internal surfaces are white except one wall with Ceiling- Modelled concrete slab plastered and
area of 26sqm. key joint. painted white
The classroom has a 100mm high skirting of
The Floor finish-11 Deco white Ceramic tiles. white Deco ceramic tile. Walls- Back, One side and front Plastered and
painted white while the other side masonry wall
Two windows at the back each 1.8 by 1.5M with The shortest wall of the classroom has a board with keying
black steel casement and glass infill panels 2M by 1.5M fitted The walls are painted white except one with key

Table 4.3.3. Description of the classroom at Isinya School for the deaf

Source: author, 2017

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Light Levels and Corresponding Daylight Factor.
A grid of one metre is used to record the illuminance levels (EI) in the classroom. The
corresponding Daylight Factors (DF) are calculated and used to generate light contours in
the space

(DF = EI / EO x 100%) where EO is the illuminance record at unobstructed point outside the

Points on A AA B BB C CC D DD E EE F FF

0 215 6.35 - - - - - - - - - -

1 - - 850 25.11 500 14.77 - - - - - -

2 - - 880 25.99 550 16.24 325 9.60 300 8.86

3 - - 860 25.40 535 15.80 300 8.86 285 8.41 230 6.79

4 - - 720 21.27 425 12.55 265 7.82 270 7.97 185 5.46

5 - - 815 24.07 495 14.62 295 8.71 260 7.68 155 4.57

6 - - 855 25.25 525 15.50 305 9.01 255 7.53 - -

7 - - 705 20.82 485 14.32 - - - - - -

00 150 4.43 - - - - - - - - - -
Fig 4.3.20. Plan illustrating overall distribution of
daylight in classroom 5 at Isinya School for the deaf.

Where AA is the Daylight factor at point A and is given by A/EoX100%.

Source: Author, 2017

Table4.3.4. Light Levels and Corresponding Daylight Factor

Source: Author, 2017
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         ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017 
Most of the zones approximately one metre from the window have illuminance levels of
800lux which is 25% of the illuminance level of unobstructed point outside. As you move
away from the windows the levels decreases drastically to an extent that 5 metres from the
wall luminance levels as low as 150lux (DF 0f 5%).

This reduction in lighting levels is contributed mainly by the sky component. Away from the
window, considerable sphere of sky component is obstructed by the adjacent boundary wall
hence most of the light reaching a point is from reflected light. Introducing a light shelf on
the window would reflect more light to this points hence increase the luminance levels at the
same time act as a shading device from direct sun light. The light shelves would therefore,
lower the illuminance levels from 800lux near the windows and increase the levels deep in
the space.

Comparative Ecotect analysis

Lighting analysis with Autodesk Ecotect Analysis 2010 results produces almost the same
finding as recorded in the classroom. The daylight factors range from 1% to 30% compared
to the finding 4.7% to 25.99%. The small differences in the finding is contributed by the
following factors:
 The materials used for Ecotect analysis were not 100% representation of the building
material on sites. However efforts were put in place to make them as close as possible.
   Fine details like key joints and skirting were not modelled for Ecotect analysis.
Fig 4.3.21. Comparative Ecotect analysis and corresponding  Factors such as occupancy, sky luminance and external reflection were kept constant
daylight factors recorded in classroom 5 at Isinya.
for Ecotect analysis while the same was not an ideal situation during the time of data
Source: author 2017
collection in the field.
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         ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017 
Comparative Analysis against Reviewed Lighting Standards
The standards reviewed requires that lighting in teaching spaces for students with special education needs should avoid:
• All aspects of glare • Strong lighting contrasts • Direct sunlight
The classroom has Discomfort glare evident, this is a possible cause of eye strain to the deaf students. Disability Glare was not observed throughout the
study period (May 2017). However, Ecotect Analysis shows Direct Sunlight during the South West Sun. (between December and March) which may be
a possible cause of disability glare.
Activity Standards Case Study
Bulletin 93 EN 12464-1 Classroom 5 at Isinya
Writing and reading 300lux 300lux Some reading and writing zones have up to 800lux while
others has as low as 200lux
Teaching space with close and detailed work - 500lux Most of the Activities in the class are in zones with 500
(e.g, art and craft rooms) lux(Unoccupied) but the levels drop drastically once there
are students in class due to Backdrop shadows
Working on Computers, Showing a 300/10 lux 50 lux The classroom has higher illuminance levels than
presentation (slides, PowerPoint, television recommended. There are no light control equipment’s such
program, etc.) as blinds and curtain to reduce the levels when needed.

Table 4.3.5. Comparative Analysis against Reviewed Lighting Standard

Source: Authors, 2017

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ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
Comparative Ecotect Analysis of design strategies for sun shading
Daylighting Strategies Plan/Section Ecotect Analysis Finding
horizontal sun shades reduces the
luminance levels near the window from
Horizontal sun shade on
by about 300lux and Acts as a light
the upper 1/3 of the
shelf to illuminate the deep zones from
150 lux to over 250lux

Fig 4.3.22. Section Showing Fig 4.3.23. Ecotect Analysis for horizontal
Horizontal sun shade. Source Author sun shade. Source Author
Vertical sun shade reduces the
luminance levels near the window but
Vertical Sun shade
not as effective as horizontal
across the full length of
sunshades. This may be due to the
the window spaced by
orientation of the window from the East
west axis. Vertical shades reflect a
south and north west sun into the space

Fig 4.3.24. Plan showing vertical Fig 4.3.25. Ecotect Analysis for vertical
sun shade. Source Author
sun shade. Source Author

Table 4.3.6. Comparative Ecotect Analysis of design strategies for sun shading in classroom 5 at Isinya School. Source: Authors, 2017

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ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
Colour-Case study Isinya
Most of the classroom surfaces are painted white on a plaster surface. The ceiling and the floor as
well has hue of white (Fig 4.3.26) hence Colour reflectance ratio is above 50%. White is the colour
the human visual system senses when the incoming light to the eye stimulates all three types of
colour sensitive cone cells in the eye in nearly equal amounts. Materials that do not emit light
themselves appear white if their surfaces reflect back most of the light that strikes them in a diffuse
way. For deaf students white does not form a good background due to low contrast with the signers.
However white in classroom 5 at Isinya School plays a major role by enhancing internal reflection
ensuring that the deep ends receives considerable amount of light.

In the interior space, introducing colour range say from deep blue, bright green and maple-leaf red
to enhance contrast between a backdrop and skin tones while at the same time ensuring there is
enough reflective surface would make the class more comfortable for the deaf. Majority of the
students felt that the colour was too monotonous. However, the light reflectance ratio of the walls
due to colour should be maintained below 50% hence avoiding cases of glare due to reflection.
Fig 4.3.26. Image illustrating the Interior
23 March 22 June 23 September 22 December
colours of classroom 5 at Isinya School for
the Deaf.

Source: Author, 2017

Table 4.3.8. Simulated 3D illumination levels of classroom 5 at Isinya School for the Deaf for the Seasons of the year.
Source: Author, 2017

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ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
2. Sensory Reach
The site is planned such that from the gate one has extended visual link to all the building on site.
There exists clear sight lines from every building to the gate and the field. Any one approaching the
school buildings from the gate will be easily identified. This is critically important for the safety and
comfort of the deaf community. It creates a sense that they are not continuously watched but instead
they have the responsibility to watch themselves.

The classroom building has an atrium open to the sky at the lobby, however it is not open to the
first floor. This restricts visual sensory reach to one floor, a phenomenon that would not assist the
deaf community to scan for hazard or communicate between different levels. However, a
conversation with the Administration revealed that if the atrium was open the building would have
more aesthetic value in their eyes, however they feared that noise from the dormitory would
transgress into classroom. From an Architectural point of view, use of glass panes would extend
sensory reach beyond one level while acoustically isolating the two function.
Fig.4.3.27 A sketch section showing the atrium in the
building. Note, it is not open to first floor hence restricted
visual reach. Fig. 4.4.28. Section of Kimbrel Art Museum by

Source: author 2017 Renzo Piano showing the role that an atrium would
play towards extended sensory reach.
Source. Renzo Piano

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ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
The shape of the classroom (a trapezium with the shortest side being the front) is such that the teacher
has an extended visual sensory reach to all the students. This help the teacher to quickly sense any
movement made by the students. The class layout help extend to sensory reach of the students to the
teacher and also to every student in the class.

All the classroom has their windows from the back. If any person stands outside behind the
classroom he will definitely drop a shadow into the space. Deaf people have heighted sense to
shadow movement hence his/her presence will be noted in the classroom. However, for a classroom
back lighting may not be the best option especially where students are using computer because
reflection on their screen would cause discomfort glare to the eyes.
Fig. 4.3.29. Classroom layout showing the teacher’s
sensory reach. Source Author 2017 All doors are fitted with a clear window on the upper half. According to Benjamin J. Bahan a
professor of ASL and Deaf Studies at Gallaudet University. “Door is to hearing as window is to
deaf. “This means deaf persons have communication access through window. If the door is closed
deaf persons always try to find a window to communicate. The designing of the building with such
doors has helped increase the sensory reach of the community beyond the classroom.

The building windows are built of steel casement windows with clear glass infill panels at a height
of 1M from the floor level. Apart from being an important strategy for day lighting there is extended
sensory reach through the window.

Fig.4.3.30 Image showing the classroom layout at Isinya The furniture are built using brown veneer boards. This absolute contrasting colour with the
background classroom walls and the signers skin tone which help in clarity of communication. The
Source: author 2017
clarity of a communication can help increase sensory reach of fine details.

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Mirror reflection is critical for increasing sensory reach around corners and within small spaces. Deaf people fix mirrors in their space to extend sensory
reach behind them and scan for approaching person around a corner. There was no mirror captured in the school building except in the washrooms. This
might be contributing to reducing sensory reach for the community. However, there are reflective and partially bright walls in the classrooms and the
dormitory that would receive shadows hence increasing Awareness.
Elements used to increase sensory reach in the Building-Isinya school for the Deaf
Element Image Comment
Clear Openings extends
sensory reach outside as
Doors and Windows
space. However, if not well
designed they can be
possible causes of glare

Colour and Texture Bright colours and Mirrors

reflect increasing sensory
reach behind a deaf person
Furniture Layouts Layouts determines the
extent to which one has
visual access to the

Table: 4.3.9. Highlighting the main Design elements used to increase sensory reach in the building. ………………………………….…………………………………………………
Image source Author 2017

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ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
3. Space and Proximity.
A class in Isinya School has an approximate area of 26Sq. metre with a maximum capacity of 12
students and a teacher. This result to an approximate area of 2Sq. metre per person occupying the
room when the class is fully utilised. This means that each person has a radius of 0.8M to 1.6M
distance from the space of the next one. From proxemics rule, the community in the classroom
therefore inhabit in the interpersonal and social space which range from 0.4M to 1.2M and 1.2M to
3.7M respectively.

The provision in the design derived in the paragraph above ensures the deaf have adequate space to
move their arms and hands and enough distance to view the other person’s signs comfortably without

Fig.4.3.31 Image illustration the space created by obstruction in Isinya school classroom. It is important that visual communicators have space to touch
furniture layout in classroom 5 at Isinya School.
each other as part of their communication style. (H. Bauman, 2008). Deaf and hard of hearing people
Source: author 2017
are kinetic; they touch each other often as means of notification, greeting or as a manner of
expressing emphasis in sign language.

12 students per class is an optimum utilisation of space in the classroom. An increase in the number
of students per class would overstretch the resources and compromise the standards of learning by
reducing signing space or force a different layout. Reducing signing distance beyond interpersonal
space to intimate space can contribute to loss of clarity of kinetic mode of communication.

Fig.4.3.32 The space outside core learning spaces at

Isinya School.
Source: author 2017

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ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
4. Mobility and Proximity

Mobility and proximity in this case revolves around the classroom, office and the dormitory
since they form the bulk of deafspace within the school. The classrooms are the core space
(Fig 4.3.33). Major circulation paths resonates around the classrooms, dormitory and offices
with the playground forming the major spill over space.

The ability of two signers to move within a space and communicate at the same time is
determined by the width and the edges of the circulation path. (Architects Hansel Bauman
and Dangermood Keane). Most paths in Isinya School for the deaf are 1M to 1.5M in width.
This means for two signers to move while making a conversation one of them has to step out
of the path to maintain the signing distance.

Overlapping and intercepted mobility directly affect the effectiveness of a sign language
communication. This is because it involves a lot of break which may result to mis-
connecting. The only wide path in the school is 3M width leading to and from the classroom
to the assembly.

In interior spaces, circulation paths are organised such that no student cross the line of sight
between the signer and the students. The classrooms are small with an approximate area of
26Sq. metre with the longest length measuring 7.35M. The minimum distance between the
Fig 4.3.33. Site plan of Isinya School for the Deaf
wall and furniture is 600mm while the maximum is 1200mm. This is sufficient to discourage
Source: Author Drawing sign communication while moving in the classrooms hence helps to maintain order in
classroom even in absence of the teacher.

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         ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017 
The lobby has an average 2M wide circulation path. This conveniently allows for sign language
communication while walking. However, the corridor leading to the lobby from outside is 1.1M.
One of the two signers will be forced to step back while walking along this corridor. The staircase
has a flight width of 1M which is insufficient for a sign language. According to Gallaudet University
Design (The first ever Deafspace Project carried out used the Deafspace Design Guidelines
circulation paths were designed wide ranging from 1.5M in the building to 3.0M outdoor).

Fig. 4.3.34 Plan showing the mobility path in the

Lobby and within the classroom

Source: Useku Designers and Builders 2012,

Author modified 2017 A- 4.3.35 Site Footpath (1.2M width)
B- 4.3.36 Interior lobby (2M)

Source: Author 2017

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ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
5. Acoustic
Site planning and Noise Sources
The major Noise levels in order of Severity includes.
 Traffic Noise along Nairobi- Namanga Road. Atleast 4 Vehicles were
counted every minute between 9.00am and 10.00am on the 30th May, 2017
 Noise from the school Playground which cause higher exterior noise levels
during break time(11.00-11.30am), lunch hours (12.40-2.00pm)and games
 Noise from Pedestrian Access road on the North- West side of the school.
Learning Space Case study
For recording of background noise levels and Reverberation times in classroom is
selected. The selection criteria is such that the class selected best represents a typical
room in the school learning spaces.

Fig. 4.3.37. A site plan of the school showing major sources of noise and
existing infrastructures.
Fig. 4.3.38. Image of classroom 5 in Isinya School for the deaf. The class was selected for carrying
Source: Author Edited, 2017 out acoustic tests.
Source: Author 2017
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Description of the classroom
The classroom has a trapezium floor shape. The rear and the front walls are parallel while the side walls converge from the front. The floor area is 26Sqm
and a volume of 78cubic metre.

Fig. 4.3.39. Plan and Sectional Description of the classroom selected for carrying out noise level and Reverberation tests…………………………………
Source. Author Edited 2017

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Schedule of Materials and Finishes in the selected classroom.
Element Description Area in Sq. M Image
Floor Floor finished with 11 Deco white Ceramic tiles 26
Wall 1-plasterd and painted white 16.2
Wall 2- plastered and painted 16.8
-2 Steel casement windows with glass 4.42
Wall 3-Rendered Masonry with key joints 16.2
Wall 4-plastered and painted 6.8

-Whiteboard 2.4

-Timber panel door 1.9

-Glass window 0.24

Ceiling Modelled Concrete slab -


Skirting 100mm high 11 Deco white Ceramic tiles all around

the room

Furniture All the furniture are made using veneer boards with Fig. 4.3.40. Image of the classroom showing floor finish, walls,
metallic stands Ceiling and white board.
Source: Author 2017
Table 4.3.10. Schedule of Materials and Finishes in the selected classroom 5 at Isinya School.

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Acoustic Performance- Isinya School for the Deaf
Test Name Octave Band Reverberation time test report
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Reverberation time was measured with considerable efforts
balloon 1 2.19 1.52 1.43 1.63 1.46 1.23 put in place to conform to the international standard (ISO
Balloon2 2.31 1.38 1.37 1.35 1.12 0.96 3383-1997). The ISO standard requires measurement to be
balloon 3 2.06 1.62 1.08 1.09 0.79 0.68 done while adhering to a set of procedures and equipment
balloon 4 1.68 1.77 1.43 1.3 0.95 0.71 standards. The tests are also presented in this section in the
balloon 5 invalid* 1.21 1.11 1.17 1.09 0.91 format specified in the standard.
Average RT60 1.648 1.5 1.284 1.308 1.082 0.898
Humidity= 42% Temperature=24 0C The average reverberation time within the critical octave
Average RT60 Between 500Hz and 2kHz = 1.143 bands (500Hz to 2 kHz) is 1.143 seconds. Considering that this
Table.4.3.11 Reveberation time Test Report
room is specifically intended for Kenya sign Language
Invalid * entries for balloon 5 may have occurred due to measured RT exceeded 10 seconds or was below
communication and learning, this reverberation time are
0.1 seconds, Occupancy state during measurement or due to balloon inflation during the test
longer and should be shortened by introduction of absorbent
2.5 materials strategically within the space to control echoes and
lower reverberation time.
Considering the room volume (78cubic metre), this is not
within the requirements for Deafspace learning spaces in all
1 the standards reviewed. Variable equipment such as acoustic
0.5 mats should be introduced to enable reducing of the RT to 0.4
seconds maximum
ballon 1 ballon2 ballon 3 ballon 4 ballon 5 Fig 4.3.41: A comparative info graph of the various RT60 recorded.
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Column1 Source: Author 2017

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2 day Interior Background noise Average

Interior Background noise levels- Classroom 5 at Isinya School for the Deaf
Background noise levels were measured in accordance with the criteria specified by the
Time Lmin Interior LAeq Lmax
association of noise consultants in Building bulletin 93, the British acoustic performance
8.00am-9.00am 48.1 52.4 64.7
standard for learning spaces. This section presents the findings on the interior background
9.00am-10.00am 43.5 56.7 81.6
noise levels measured in Classroom 5 at Isinya School for the deaf.
10.00am-11.00am 26.6 50.7 75.5
11.00am-12.00pm 22 36.8 57.1
Background noise levels in the classroom are 47.9625dB. This is higher than the
12.00pm-1.00pm 37 46.8 61.2
1.00pm-2.00pm 23.4 38.7 57.7 recommended levels of 35dB by 12.9625dB. This is in part due to the activities in the spaces
2.00pm-3.00pm 36.2 53.2 71.4 around it, the material finishes and reverberation time.
3.00pm- 4.00pm 35.2 48.4 76.5
Average 34 47.9625 68.2125 The background noise levels are also dependent on time of the day. Students using the lobby
Average 47.96dB area as a group space are the major source of noise in the classroom. Other sources include,
Table 4.3.12: Figures for background noise levels measured
in classroom 5 at Isinya School for the deaf. Source: Author, among others, vehicular noise from the surrounding and internally generated noise.
With such high interior background noise levels, this room is unsuitable for learning as using
80 Kenya sign Language due to associated ear pain that the students may encounter in the space.
Levels in dB

40 The Least Background noise levels were recorded during tea Break (36.8dB) and lunch
20 time (38.7dB) when the student moved to the dining hall for meals. During which there were
8.00 9.00
10.0 11.0 12.0
1.00 2.00 3.00
minimal activities in the lobby and the playground.
0am 0am 0pm
am- am- pm- pm- pm- Aver
- - -
9.00 10.0 2.00 3.00 4.00 age
11.0 12.0 1.00 Fig 4.3.42: Graph of background noise levels measured in classroom 5 at Isinya School for the deaf.
am 0am pm pm pm
0am 0pm pm
Lmin 48.1 43.5 26.6 22 37 23.4 36.2 35.2 34
InteriorLaeq 15 52.4 56.7 50.7 36.8 46.8 38.7 53.2 48.4 47.96 Source: Author 2017
Lmax 64.7 81.6 75.5 57.1 61.2 57.7 71.4 76.5 68.21

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Environmental Noise Reaching the Façade.
2 day Exterior noise Level Average There is extremely high environmental noise level reaching the facade noise (71.66dB). This

Time Lmin Exterior Lmax is caused by Traffic Noise along Nairobi-Namanga Road, the Lobby Area and Internally
LAeq generated noise
8.00am-9.00am 39.7 67.9 76.6 90

9.00am-10.00am 43.1 72.3 83.4 80

10.00am-11.00am 44 73.2 79.7 70

11.00am-12.00pm 67.9 77.1 82.1

Levels in dB
12.00pm-1.00pm 44.8 68.7 79.8
1.00pm-2.00pm 53.2 73.6 82.1
2.00pm-3.00pm 45.6 65.8 75.1

3.00pm- 4.00pm 51.7 74.7 81.5 10

Average 48.75 71.66 80.04 0

10.00am 11.00am
8.00am- 9.00am- 12.00pm 1.00pm- 2.00pm- 3.00pm-
- - Average
9.00am 10.00am -1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm
11.00am 12.00pm
Lmin 39.7 43.1 44 67.9 44.8 53.2 45.6 51.7 48.75
Exterior Laeq 15 67.9 72.3 73.2 77.1 68.7 73.6 65.8 74.7 71.6625
Table 4.3.13: Figures for exterior background noise levels measured Lmax 76.6 83.4 79.7 82.1 79.8 82.1 75.1 81.5 80.0375

at The Isinya School for the deaf Fig 4.3.43: An Info graph of exterior background noise levels measured at the Isinya School for the deaf.
Source: Author 2017 Source: Author 2017
Average Exterior LAeq 15 Maximum Allowable Façade Insulation Required
Interior Nose Levels
71.66dB 35dB 36.66dB
Table 4.3.14. Computation of the Façade insulation required for classroom5 at Isinya School for the Deaf.
Source Author 2017
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ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
Comparison of Interior and Exterior noise levels at Isinya School

Levels in dB

20 Fig 4.3.45. Images showing permanent ventilation on window which allows
break in Noise. Source Author 2017.
10.00 11.00 12.00 Traffic Noise Reduction Due to Distance and Screening
8.00- 9.00- 1.00- 2.00- 3.00-
- - -
9.00a 10.00 2.00p 3.00p 4.00p
11.00 12.00 1.00p
m am m m m
am pm m
InteriorLaeq 15 52.4 56.7 50.7 36.8 46.8 38.7 53.2 48.4
Exterior Laeq 15 67.9 72.3 73.2 77.1 68.7 73.6 65.8 74.7

Fig 4.3.44: Graph of interior and exterior background noise levels measured at
Isinya School for the deaf. Source: author 2017.

There is a significant difference between interior and environmental

Fig 4.3.46. A section illustrating Noise reduction as recorded at Isinya School
noise levels at Isinya School for the deaf. This findings, maybe are
for the deaf
largely contributed by facade insulation the thick masonry walls prevent
some noise from reaching the interior. However, the openings on window There is significant Noise reduction from Nairobi Namanga road to the
allow significant levels of break-in sound. Total façade insulation Classroom Façade. 80.59dB to 71.66
required for optimal performance is 36.66 dBs’.
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Time Exterior LAeq Traffic Noise Along Nairobi- Speech Intelligibility Index Calculation
Namanga Road
8.00am-9.00am 67.9 78.3

9.00am-10.00am 72.3 77.8

10.00am-11.00am 73.2 79.7

11.00am-12.00pm 77.1 82.1

12.00pm-1.00pm 68.7 79.8 Fig 4.3.47. A graph of the Sound pressure level in 1/3 octave band recorded in
classroom 5 at Isinya School for the Deaf
1.00pm-2.00pm 73.6 82.1

2.00pm-3.00pm 65.8 83.4 The Sound pressure levels for the lower frequency are extremely high.
As result the Speech Intelligibility Index (SII) is very low (averaging
3.00pm- 4.00pm 74.7 81.5
below 0.1) in classroom 5 at Isinya School for the Deaf. The required SII
Average 71.6625 80.5875 Calculation should be atleast 0.7 for a speech language. Using absorbent

Table 4.3.15: Figures for exterior background noise levels and corresponding Traffic materials and diffusers to reduce sound pressure levels in the classroom
Noise measured at Along Nairobi Namanga Road at the Isinya School for the deaf will help raise the intelligibility levels (Appendix 6.5).
Source: Author 2017

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4.3.4. Summary on Isinya School
Design Light and colour Sensory Reach Space and Proximity
Findings Areas close to the window have illuminance levels of Upper half of the Door designed with a glass panel Con-centric Layout Enhance sign Language
up to 800lux while the front of the classroom has as low increases sensory reach beyond the classroom. conversation.
as 150 lux
Expansive windows increase sensory reach. Limiting the number of students in a class to 12
Backlighting creates Backdrop shadows which ensures optimum space utilisation without
consequently reduce lighting levels toward the front of The building has no direct visual access visual access compromising the use of Sign Language
the class. beyond one floor which limits sensory reach

Evident Glare From direct sunlight in the classroom. building on site are visually accessible hence creates a
sense of safety and comfort
White colour causes a lot of reflection surfaces close to
the windows



Fig 4.3.48. Evident Glare From direct sunlight in Fig 4.3.49. Expansive glass walls used to extend Fig 4.3.50. relationship between classroom
the classroom 5 at Isinya School. sensory reach at Isinya School. shape and layout at Isinya School
Source: Author,2017 Source: Author,2017 Source: Author 2017

Table 4.3.17.Summary on Isinya School

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Design Mobility and Proximity Acoustic
Findings Narrow Pavements limits signers to communicate while walking Higher Background Noise levels averaging 46.9 dB

Narrow Corridors limit conversation while walking Long Reverberation times of 1.143sec

Sharp edges cuts flow of sign Language conversation to allow Deaf to scan Using a Modelled Ceiling reduces reverberation time. However this is not
for hazards sufficient.

Metal stands for furniture are possible causes of unwanted noise hence should
be fitted with rubber tips


Source: Author

Fig 4.3.51. A narrow corridor at Isinya school for the Deaf. Such do Fig 4.3.52. Empty Classroom 5 used for acoustic Analysis at Isinya
not enhance mobility and communication at the same time. school
Source: Author 2017 Source: Author 2017

Table 4.3.18.Summary on Isinya School

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4.4.1 Background Information
Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf is an integrated public learning institute for
the deaf. (It admits both hearing impaired and hearing students in a ratio 4:1 respectively)
the school is located in Karen, Nairobi County-Kenya. It was started in 1990 as an initiative
of the Kenya society for the Deaf children admitting Deaf students only. However in 2015
20 % of the school was open for hearing student.

In line with the school vision “to be a centre of excellence in integrated technical and
vocational education training for the deaf and hearing”, the school offers 9 diploma courses.
This includes diploma in catering and accommodation, electrical and electronic engineering,
fashion design, food and beverage production, information communication technology,
Fig: 4.4.1. The logo of Karen technical training
agriculture, auto and locomotive, building technology and community development. Despite
institute for the deaf encrypted with Sign Language
Source: http://kttideaf.ac.ke the limited resources, the school remains dedicated to provision of technical and vocational
education using modern technology and innovations guided by the values of commitment,
hardwork, integrity and team work while upholding professionalism at all times.

Like many deaf institutions, the school management consists of hearing individuals who
have an understanding of the Kenya sign language. It can therefore be drawn that, there lacks
a well articulation of deaf experience at the top management of the school. The designing
Fig: 4.4.2. The Entrance leading to Karen technical
and organisation of the built environment within the school is based on a theoretical
training institute for the deaf
Source: Author, 2017 understanding of the deaf culture other than deaf experience.

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4.4.2 Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf Planning Design.
Site planning.
The school has a vast site, however Major Developments are
concentrated on approx.10, 700Sqm. (2.5 acres) of relatively flat land.
The stewardship for development of Karen technical training institute
by the Kenya Society for the Deaf children in 1990 does not show
considerable deafspace design guideline. As a matter of fact some of
the school building are just shelters against weather elements.
However, few strong elements of site planning can be associated with
deaf space. Such includes:
Fig: 4.4.3. AN IMAGE SHOWING THE SITE PLAN AT KAREN TECHNICAL TRAINING 1. The court yard design- creates a strong visual link
INSTITUTE FOR THE DEAF- The site plan is develop around a series of courts that visually connects
the classrooms and the workshops. Workshops and learning spaces are designed together under same 2. Linear plans- ensures extends clear line of sight
Source: Google Earth JICA- Author Edited, 2017.
3. A prominent Entrance-gives a clear way finding towards the
main school facilities and dictates hierarchy of space.
4. Orientation- majority of the building are designed in the East-
West orientation avoiding direct sunlight and exposure to traffic
noise in learning spaces.
5. Clustering. The workshops are isolated from other quiet learning

Fig 4.4.4. Building forming a claster at Karen technical training institute.

Source: Author 2017

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The school adopts a compact planning approach to the departments with all buildings between 2m and 6m to each other in a single cluster. Whilst this
has made maximum use of the small site, adequate open spaces are provided.

The compact nature of the buildings, especially the learning, administration and Accommodation department, contributes to high noise levels in terms
of human traffic within them and a lot of sky component for daylighting obstruction.

Building Planning
Building Plan Images Description
The location of the administration block directly
facing the main entrance supports the deafhood
theme which advocate for clear approach towards
orientation. New user of the school can therefore
orient themselves through its administrative
approach. The block has a passage that direct users
to the rest of the school.

Most workshops designed with corresponding

department office. In terms of distance, proximity
and and sensory reach this is a good idea. However, the
Workshops workshops are modified with partitions to
accommodate classes within. As a result there is
high background noise levels and poor daylighting.

Table 4.4.1. Building Design at Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf

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Unit Planning


Fig. 4.4.5. Sketch plan of the Office of Fig. 4.4.6. Image of the Staff room at Kttid. Fig. 4.4.7. Sketch layout of an office within a
the Deputy Principal-Kttid. The boardroom layout is suitable for sign classroom at Kttid. There is extended visual
Source: Author 2017 language communication. reach into learning space and beyond.
Source: Author, 2017 Source: Author, 2017

Learning and

Fig. 4.4.8. Sketch layout of a workshop Fig. 4.4.9. Image of the ICT centre at Kttid Fig. 4.4.10. Sketch layout of Hair Dressing &
at Kttid, incorporating offices and study installed with internal shading devices to Beauty therapy department at Kttid.
area. control possibilities of screen glare. Source: Author, 2017
Source: Author, 2017 Source: Author, 2017

Table 4.4.2. Unit Design at Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf

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4.4.3. Deafspace Architectural Design Guidelines- Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf.

1. Light and Colour- Tuition room 1 at Kttid.

To determine interior Lighting levels at Karen Technical Training institute for Deaf, Tuition room 1 was selected. A grid of 1 metre is used to record
illuminance level on a working surface and the corresponding daylight factors calculated. The Data collected is then used to plot Daylighting contours
and conclusion drawn from the findings obtained.
Classroom Description.
Unit plan Unit Section Image

Fig 4.4.11. Source, author, 2017 Fig 4.4.12. Source, author, 2017 Fig 4.4.13. Source, author, 2017
The Classroom has a rectangular floor The front side has 2 windows each 600mm by 1800mm, Ceiling- Gypsum board painted white
plan 35sqm a solid core door. The back wall has 3 windows each Walls- lower half painted corn silk white while
The Floor finish-Sand cement screed. 1500by 1800mm upper half is painted floral white
2.88sqm blackboard on the front wall and white
particle board at the back.
Table 4.4.3. Tuition Room 1 space description at Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf.

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Light Levels and Corresponding Daylight Factor.
A (Ei in AA( DF) B (Ei in BB( DF) C (Ei in CC( DF) D (Ei in DD( DF)
lux) lux) lux) lux)
1 255 11.30820399 280 12.41685 310 13.74723 320 14.19069
2 220 9.756097561 280 12.41685 305 13.5255 305 13.5255
3 255 11.30820399 250 11.08647 300 13.30377 320 14.19069
4 260 11.52993348 260 11.52993 305 13.5255 330 14.63415
5 265 11.75166297 265 11.75166 305 13.5255 320 14.19069
6 288 12.77161863 270 11.97339 300 13.30377 315 13.96896
Where AA is the Daylight factor at point A and is given by A/EoX100%.

Table 4.4.4. Illuminance levels recorded in tuition room 1 at Kttid and the corresponding daylight factors (Ei/Eo*100).
Source: Author 2017

There is uniform illumination in the space with daylight factors ranging between 9% and 14%. This
is contributed by orientation, eaves and external obstruction from direct sunlight. There is no glare
aspects recorded in the space

Fig. 4.4.14. Plan illustrating overall distribution of

daylight in Tuition classroom 1 at Kttid March 23 June 22 Sep 23 Dec 22
Source: Author, 2017

Table 4.4.5. Illuminance levels Simulation at tuition room 1 at Kttid

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2. Sensory Reach
The school is organised around courts. This ensures a 360 o sensory orientation within a cluster.
However, each cluster is isolated from the other one creating a group of clusters with different
activities. The various clusters are connected by straight lines of sight hence increased inter-cluster
sensory orientation.

All buildings within the school are designed with glass window panes for daylighting and
ventilation. However, it also increases sensory reach to other spaces outside the core space. All the
spaces are designed with solid core doors. According to Benjamin J. Bahan a professor of ASL and
Fig. 4.4.15. Visual Access window in a hair dressing Deaf Studies at Gallaudet University. “Door is to hearing as window is to deaf. “This means deaf
classroom at Kttid persons do not have communication access through a door, but can have communication access
Source: Author, 2017
through a window. Therefore, there is limited sensory reach due to this door design.

3. Space and proximity

A typical classroom at Karen technical training institute for the deaf has a linear furniture layout. A
visual-spatial language such as Kenya sign language necessitates that signers maintain enough
distance to accommodate each other’s' signing space when conversing. This space is typically
circular and greater than that maintained by people holding a spoken conversation. At Karen,
Students with hearing impairment are required to sit closer to the teacher in order to communicate
without obstruction. However, this does not support student to student communication in a
proceeding class.

Fig. 4.4.16. A concentric space created by student at kttid

Source: Author, 2017

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4. Mobility and proximity
The lobby in the administration block is 2.4M wide. This is adequate for signers to communicate
while walking across the lobby. However, the lobby is also used as waiting area and furnished with
a seat causing tight spaces that do not facilitate sign language communication while transiting.
The corridors and pavements width in the school range between 1.8M and 2.4M. This is sufficient
to enhance communication while moving in the spaces for deaf signers.
In 2015 the school started admitting hearing students. The facility has since then been overstretched
to host more students. According to the School’s Deputy Principal Mr. Stephen Thuo, Important
Deafspace concepts that were initially used such as concentric layouts were abandoned. Mobility in
Fig 4.4.17. The passage at Kttid Adminstration block that learning spaces has consequently transformed from smooth circular pattern to linear and grid pattern.
has been converted to a waiting Area
Source: Author, 2017

Fig 4.4.18. Inter-cluster pavement at Kttid

Source: Author, 2017
Fig 4.4.19. Mapping of pedestrian and vehicular circulation patterns at Kttid
Source: Author 2017.
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5. Acoustics
Site planning and Noise Sources
The major Noise levels in order of Severity include.
 Traffic Noise along Karen Road.
 Noise from the footpath and corridors.
 Noise from the generator room and electrical
For recording of background noise levels and
Reverberation time, Tuition Room 1 at KTTD is
Description of the classroom
The classroom has a rectilinear plan. The floor area is
35Sqm and a volume of 94.5cubic metre. (See Figure
to the left)
Schedule of Material
Material Area
Floor- Sand cement screed 35sqm
Walls-plaster and paint 40.74sqm
Fig 4.4.20. Description of tuition room on site showing major sources of noise. Gypsum Ceiling 35sqm
Source Author, 2017 White Particle board 5.88sqm
Black board 2.88sqm
Glass window 10.26sqm
Timber panel door 2.16sqm
Volume=94.5cubic Metre

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Acoustic Performance- Tuition Room 1-KTTID
Test Name Octave Band Reverberation time test report

Octave band 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 The average reverberation time within the
ballon 1 1.05 0.91 0.83 1.01 1.03 0.95 critical octave bands (500Hz to 2 kHz) is
ballon2 1.14 0.93 0.84 1.03 1.03 0.9 0.946667seconds. Considering that this room is
ballon 3 1.1 0.95 0.84 0.96 0.99 0.91
specifically intended for integrated deaf
Bal lon 4 1.2 0.9 0.78 0.94 1.09 0.9
ballon 5 1.07 0.88 0.84 0.96 1.03 0.95 community which uses Kenya sign Language
average RT60 1.112 0.914 0.826 0.98 1.034 0.922 and speech communication for learning, this
Humidity= 51% Temperature=19 0C
reverberation time exceeds the maximum
Average RT60 Between 500Hz and 2kHz = 0.946667
Table.4.4.5 Reveberation time Test Report allowable of 0.4seconds.
This long reverberation time should be
shortened by introduction of absorbent
1.4 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
materials and Sound Diffusers strategically
within the space to control echoes and lower

reverberation time.




ballon 1 ballon2 ballon 3 ballon 4 ballon 5
Fig. 4.4.21 Reverberation time test for Tuition Rm 1 at Karen

Fig. 4.4.20. Reverberation times recorded in tuition room 1 at Kttid.

Source: author, 2017

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Interior Background noise Levels-Tuition Rm 1 Kttid This section presents the findings on the interior background noise levels
Time Lmin Interior LAeq Lmax
measured in Tuition Room 1 at Karen Technical Training Institute for
8.00am-9.00am 30.5 47 64.7
9.00am-10.00am 31.6 52.2 75.6 the deaf. Background noise levels in the classroom are 43.67dB. This is
10.00am-11.00am 17.8 36.7 56.5 higher than recommended levels of 35dB by 8.67dB.
11.00am-12.00pm 31.2 43.8 52.1
12.00pm-1.00pm 25.9 40.8 61.2
1.00pm-2.00pm 41.1 49.7 60.7
2.00pm-3.00pm 31 42.2 62.4
3.00pm- 4.00pm 28.4 37.4 59.5
4.00pm-5.00pm 29.3 43.3 60.1
Average 29.64444 43.67777778 61.42222

Table 4.4.6: Table of background noise levels measured in Tuition room 1 at Karen Technical
Training Institute for the deaf.

60 Fig 4.4.23. Tuition room 1 at Karen Fig 4.4.24. A corridor outside Tuition
Technical Training Institute for the deaf. room 1 at Karen Technical Training
Levels In dB

50 Source: author, 2017 Institute for the deaf.

40 Source: author, 2017

20 The High background noise levels are mainly caused by internally
10 generated noise, movement along the corridors and traffic noise from
0 Karen road due to Poor façade insulation and Openings.
10- 11-
8-9am 9-10am 12-1pm 1-2pm 2-3pm 3-4pm 4-5pm
11am 12pm
Lmin 30.5 31.6 17.8 31.2 25.9 41.1 31 28.4 29.3
With such high interior background noise levels, this room is unsuitable
InteriorLaeq 47 52.2 36.7 43.8 40.8 49.7 42.2 37.4 43.3 for learning using Speech Language and Kenya sign Language due to
Lmax 64.7 75.6 56.5 52.1 61.2 60.7 62.4 59.5 60.1
associated ear pain that the students may encounter in the space.
Fig 4.4.22: Graph of background noise levels measured in Tuition room 1 at Karen
Technical Training Institute for the deaf.

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Environmental Noise Reaching the Façade- Tuition Rm 1 at Kttid The environmental noise level reaching the facade noise is 53.77dB. This
Environmental Noise Reaching the Façade is contributed by Traffic Noise along Karen Road, the Movements along
Time Lmin Exterior LAeq Lmax the corridors, Generators and vehicles driving into the school compound.
8.00am-9.00am 50.5 56.3 69.7
9.00am-10.00am 64.6 67.5 81.6
Comparison of Interior and Exterior noise levels.
10.00am-11.00am 40.8 48.2 62.5
11.00am-12.00pm 35.2 45.6 59.1 80

12.00pm-1.00pm 35.9 56.7 75.2 70

1.00pm-2.00pm 39.1 50.7 68.7
2.00pm-3.00pm 32.5 50.9 72.4 60

3.00pm- 4.00pm 34.4 52.4 70.5 50

levels in dB
4.00pm-5.00pm 35.3 55.7 74.1
Average 40.922 53.777 70.422
Table 4.4.7: Table of Environmental Noise Reaching the Façade of Tuition room 1 at 30
Karen Technical Training Institute for the deaf.
60 9- 10- 11- 12-
8-9am 1-2pm 2-3pm 3-4pm 4-5pm
Levels in dB

10am 11am 12pm 1pm

InteriorLaeq 47 52.2 36.7 43.8 40.8 49.7 42.2 37.4 43.3
Exterior Laeq 56.3 67.5 48.2 45.6 56.7 50.7 50.9 52.4 55.7
20 Fig 4.4.26: Comparison of Interior and Exterior noise levels.
0 There is a slight difference between the interior and exterior noise levels
10- 11-
8-9am 9-10am 12-1pm 1-2pm 2-3pm 3-4pm 4-5pm
11am 12pm at the learning Space. This can be attributed to the fact that most interior
Lmin 50.5 64.6 40.8 35.2 35.9 39.1 32.5 34.4 35.3
Exterior Laeq 56.3 67.5 48.2 45.6 56.7 50.7 50.9 52.4 55.7
background noise is internally generated and the level difference
Lmax 69.7 81.6 62.5 59.1 75.2 68.7 72.4 70.5 74.1 between interior and exterior levels is less than 15 dB hence break-in
Fig 4.4.25: Environmental Noise Reaching the Façade of Tuition. Source: author, 2017 sound is very little.

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Noise Reduction Due to Distance and Screening along Karen Road

Fig.4.4.27. a Site section Showing the effect of screening on exterior noise levels reaching the façade. Source: Author 2017

The environmental Noise level reaching the façade is 53 dB in

Traffic Noise Along Environmental Noise
Karen Road Reaching the Façade spite of high traffic noise. This is contributed significantly by:
Lmin Traffic Lmax Lmin Exterior Lmax
LAeq LAeq 1. Noise attenuation due to distance from the road- the
8.00am-9.00am 54.4 68.8 88.3 50.5 56.3 69.7
9.00am-10.00am 55.3 74.7 81.6 64.6 67.5 81.6 assumption is in free field situation, sound level
10.00am-11.00am 56.7 69.2 89.1 40.8 48.2 62.5 reduces by 4 dB each time distance from a linear
11.00am-12.00pm 48.3 67.5 88.1 35.2 45.6 59.1
12.00pm-1.00pm 42.9 70.7 86.1 35.9 56.7 75.2 source is doubled.
1.00pm-2.00pm 49.6 69.7 80.4 39.1 50.7 68.7 2. Zoning where classrooms are placed far from the road
2.00pm-3.00pm 51.1 66.9 82 32.5 50.9 72.4
3.00pm- 4.00pm 44.4 72.4 85.5 34.4 52.4 70.5 3. Screening along Karen Road- the boundary wall assists
4.00pm-5.00pm 57.3 75.7 87.1 35.3 55.7 74.1 by diffusing and reflection of the Noise from the road
Average 51.11 70.62 85.35 40.92 53.77 70.42
Fig 4.4.8: Table of Traffic noise levels measured in along Karen Road. Source:
Author, 2017

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4.3.4. Summary on Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf
Guideline Light and colour Sensory Reach Space and Proximity Distance and Mobility Acoustics
Findings There are uniform There limited sensory The class do not embrace Pavements and corridors Tuition Room 1 has high
lighting levels in reach by solid core visual concentric layouts are sufficient wide for Background Noise levels
Tuition room 1 at Kttid doors and tall Hedges due to high number of signers to communicate (43.67dB) and Longer
contributed by placing Densely Compact students. However the while walking. However Reverberation Time
windows on atleast two clusters extends learning spaces are untrimmed planting (0.9s).
opposite walls sensory reach beyond clustered close to each narrows the paths.
a single activity area. other.


The building is There is urgency to There is need to adopt a Maintain the width of Need to increase façade
comments appropriately oriented extend sensory reach circular layout in corridors and pavements insulation and provide
and Window to floor in most spaces by classrooms to create but provide clear signage noise barriers at the noise
ratio is optimum. This introducing windows clear lines of sight for and varying material source.
should be maintained on the solid core doors. deaf students. textures to mark Urgency to Shorten
as such and no Limit the number of transition from one space reverberation time by
permanent shading students in class to 1 for to another. introducing absorbent
should be placed on the every 2Sqm. materials
Table 4.4.9. Summary on Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf.

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ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
The study was undertaken to investigate the unique challenges and opportunities associated with Deafspace architecture,
examine the aspect of Architecture and deaf culture and identify proper Architectural elements that can be applied in design
and best practice in learning institutions for the Deaf. Having conducted the study into the various aspect of built
environment, there are optimum design considerations and standards that can be adopted towards enhancing and promoting
deaf learning.

A sample of local case studies within the country that represent the different conditions of Deaf learning spaces were
selected (Isinya school for the deaf to represent a segregated institution and Karen technical Training Institute to represent
an integrated institution) for comparative analysis and to check if Deafspace Design Guidelines have been considered. The
objectives and research questions posed in the introductory chapter of the thesis were used as guides to the case study
analysis. From the findings, it is clear that Deafspace has not been a great concern when designing Deaf learning spaces in

There are major problems arising within learning Deafspace due to poor Daylighting, Sensory orientation, proxemics and
acoustic performance. This section of the study gives a brief analysis and suggestions on ways to improve in these cases
or new projects. The section focuses on recommendations that should be adopted for learning institution for the Deaf under
the guidelines on Sensory reach, Light and colour, mobility and proxemics, space and proxemics and acoustic in the built

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Deaf children in Kenya certainly need our support for food, medicine, clothes and a decent place to sleep but what they need most is
our commitment to provide them with quality knowledge that can be a miracle to promote the gospel of a more inclusive society
Jean Claude Adzalla- CEO Deaf Aid Kenya

From the literature and standards reviewed, there is urgent need to develop Deafspace Architectural Design Guidelines and
come up with a comprehensive enforcing strategy. The following conclusions can be made:

1. Lack of Deafspace Design Guidelines in Kenya has been a major cause of poor Architectural Design in deaf learning
spaces. Professionals are sometimes ignorant of the need for developing these standards or where there is critical need,
they are forced to rely on basic knowledge on deafspace or to import model designs from developed countries-which is
seldom done in the context of these study. Development of comprehensive standards to guide development of physical
facilities for deaf people in learning institutions shall help in the creation of learning spaces that are supportive of activities

2. Learning spaces should be designed for the best possible indoor environmental quality. As seen in previous studies, good
indoor environmental quality boosts productivity. The same applies to Deafspace learning Environment. Extended Sensory
reach, good Lighting and colour rendering, eased mobility and proxemics, proper space layouts and proxemics and acoustic
performance contribute to better learning, memory and comfort among other things. It is therefore important that significant
focus is put on deafspace from the early stages of project development.

3. The most significant determinants of clarity in learning space for deaf students are as follows;

 Diffused Lighting- Glare can cause either Discomfort or disability which strains the eyes

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 Sign Language and Speech intelligibility which is influenced by: Background noise, Reverberation
time and echoes, Signal to noise ratio Acoustic design strategies include noise barriers, noise
isolation, reduction at source, building envelope treatment with insulating and absorbent materials,
reducing mechanical Noise, using absorbent materials to reduce reverberation and proper site
planning considering acoustic zoning.
 Enhanced transparency to increase sensory reach.
 Large turning radius on paths to facilitate smooth transition within a space without stopping to scan
for hazards and minimise collisions.
 Proximity in a space. Such many include small classrooms with U-shaped layout to enhance clarity
to all its members.


Fig 5.2.1. A deaf space at Gallaudet University
Source: Dangermood Keane, Gallaudet The precedent study (Gallaudet University for the Deaf) is a very good example of how to use Deafspace
Design Guidelines to design enhanced learning spaces for the deaf that support the activities undertaken
therein. Best practices on site planning, Building Design and unit planning for proper lighting, room
acoustics, sensory reach, proximity and transparency have been utilised to create a campus conducive for
learning (Fig 5.2.1)

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The table below represent the recommendation at site plan, building Design and Unit plan in Isinya School and new design to enhance Deafspace.
Planning Level Finding Recommendation

The school is planned on a liner plan which creates Maintain clear lines of site but introduce
clear lines of sight with Learning areas are physically landscape elements such as shrubs and lawn
site plan isolated from playgrounds. to Acoustically isolate the learning space
from the playground
The pavement on site are narrow at 1.2 to 1.5 metres.
The recommended minimal width is 2.4M. Widen the pavements to atleast 2.4 metres
and introduce curving edges to enhance
Windows are exposed to direct sunlight. Introduce shading devices on all windows to
avoid direct lighting in the space.
The building atrium is closed on the first floor.
Open the atrium with satin glass on the upper
building Design The corridors leading to the lobby is narrow (1.1 M floor to enhance sensory reach, close
Isinya School width) while the minimal required width is 1.8. ventilation and increase the lighting levels
for the Deaf
without compromising privacy
The lobby is a source of background noise in learning
spaces. Acoustically isolate the learning spaces from
the lobby by using acoustic doors and vents

Introduce angle mirrors at the end of passages

to extend sensory reach beyond corners

Install light sensors alarm to alert when

visitors are approaching

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ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
The Classroom is trapezium shaped with a floor area of Replace the floor tiles with acoustic absorbent
26sqm. The Floor is finished with 11 Deco white material to Reduce RT.
Ceramic tiles.
Enhance diffusive concrete ceiling with
The Ceiling in Classroom 5 is of Modelled concrete suspended slats timber to Diffuse sound and
slab plastered and painted white. However, there are absorbent material to lower RT.
Unit plan
high background noise levels and long Reverberation
time. To reduce the background noise: Introduce
noise barriers next to sources, Use acoustic
There are 2 windows at the back each 1.8 by 1.5M with doors, windows and fit furniture with rubber
black steel casement and glass infill panels. All walls feet
are painted white except one with key joint
Introduce a range of colours from blue to
There is evidence glare, Dark corners, over reflective green on the walls while maintain light
surfaces and colour monotony in classroom 5 at Isinya reflectance ratio of the walls due to colour
school for the deaf below 50% to avoid cases of glare and
enhance contrast.
The Windows are exposed to direct sunlight.
Introduce light shelves on the upper 1/3 of the
windows to light deep into the room and
avoid direct lighting.

Table 5.1. The recommendation at site plan, building Design and Unit plan at Isinya School.

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ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
The table below represent the recommendation at site plan, building Design and Unit plan at Karen Technical Training Institute for the deaf and new
design to enhance Deafspace.
Planning Level Finding Recommendation

The site plan is developed around a series of courts that Isolate learning spaces from workshops due
Site plan visually connects the various element of the built to the different nature of activities taking
environment in school. Workshops and learning spaces place.
integrated in the same clusters. Move activities requiring high speech
intelligibility away from the workshops and
acoustically isolate noise at the source.
Most of the school building are one level with damaged Repair damaged ceiling and replace broken
gypsum board ceiling and broken window panes which window panes to reduce break in noise in
Building Design may contribute to noise ingression. learning spaces.
Some buildings lacks signage while the ones with are too Provide buildings with signage and replace
Institute for the
small to be legible from a distance existing ones with legible signs.
Longer facades of the buildings are oriented away from Provide sunshade devices for windows
the East-west sun, however a few windows are exposed to exposed to direct sun light.
direct sunlight.

Most learning spaces have solid core door. Introduce clear glass pane on doors to
extend sensory reach.
The classroom is single banked with opening on both side Adopt con-centric layouts that are
Unit plan ensuring uniform distribution of light. However, linear favourable for visual communication.
layout are unfavourable to visual centre communication.
The choice of floral white and corn silk white in the room Maintain colour reflective properties while
ensure deep propagation of light. ensuring clean surface in the Interior of
Tuition classroom 1 to ensure deeper
propagation of Daylight.
Introduce adjustable Internal shading
devices to control the amount of daylight

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ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
Tuition room 1 at Karen technical Training institute for the when the class is being used for visual
deaf has high background noise levels and long kinetic screen projections.
Reverberation time. To reduce the background noise levels:
Replace broken window panes with new
ones and use acoustic sealants on windows
and doors to reduce break in noise.
Acoustically Insulate generator room to
reduce noise at the source.
To shorten Reverberation time: Replace
sand cement screed floor with isolated
rubber floor and gypsum ceiling with egg
crate acoustic forms to diffuse sound
Table 5.2. The recommendation at site plan, building Design and Unit plan in Karen Technical training Institute for the deaf.


There is insufficient research on social rejection diminished psychological health and irritability due to poor architectural design in Deaf space. Designers
therefore lack sufficient resources to inform on best practices when designing deafspace in Kenya.

Apart from developing a comprehensive standard, it is recommended that more research is done on the long term impact of Deafspace concept on
learners. Enforcement policies for universal design standards should also be researched on.

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ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
Published Resources
1. Bauman, Hansel. (Speakers and Signers) Hansel Bauman: Deaf Architecture--The Resonance of Place and the Senses,” MIT Tech TV, 2009.
2. Ramsey, Claire L. Deaf Children in Public Schools: Placement, Context, and Consequences, Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 1997.
3. Bauman, Hansel. “Gallaudet, Deaf/Diverse Campus Design Guide,” Gallaudet University, Washington DC, 2010.
4. AIA 2012 National Convention and Design Exposition. Deafspace: An Alternative Perspective on Architecture, the Senses, and Cultural Expression
5. Ref.: M.R. Schroeder, "Natural Sounding Artificial Reverberation," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 10, no. 3, 1962, pp. 219-223;
John Chowning, "The Simulation of Moving Sound Sources," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 19, no. 1, Jan. 1971, pp. 1-6.
6. Building Bulletin 93, 'Acoustic design of schools’ Chapter 6. Adopted by British Association of Teachers of the deaf.
7. Building Bulletin 93, 'Lighting design of schools.
8. Acoustical society of America. (2012). ANSI/ASA S12.60-2010/Part 1. New York: Acoustical society of America.
9. Agnesi, Consuelo. "Listen With Your Eyes. Designing for an Invisible Barrier: The Deaf." In Architectural Barriers and Sensory Barriers, by
Emanuela Zecchini and Consuelo Agnesi, edited by Consuelo Agnesi. Macerata, Italy, 2007.
10. The Constitution of the Republic of Kenya under THE PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2013.
11. Understanding Deaf Culture- in search for Deafhood by paddy ladd

Unpublished Resources
1. Karina a. Tsymbal, master of architecture thesis, 2010. Deaf space and the visual world – buildings that speak: an elementary school for the deaf
2. Mose_Collins_AcousticPerformanceOfLearningAndTeachingSpaces_final_thesis. Technical University of Kenya 2016.
3. Building Lighting Design Class notes. Author. Architect Mutua Mweu
4. Building Acoustic Design class Notes. Author: Architect David Matole.
5. Articulation of Deaf and Hearing Spaces Using Deaf Space Design Guidelines: A Community Based Participatory Research with the Albuquerque
Sign Language Academy. Charlene A. Johnson
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ARCHITECTURE FOR THE DEAF Deafspace Design Guidelines in Learning Institution 2016/2017
6. Designing for acoustics, hearing and aging by Samantha MacAskill, asid
7. Sangalang__jordan_-_what_is_privacy_in_deafspace_final_print_copy-libre. American Sign Language and Deaf Studies Department Gallaudet
University Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America.
8. Kimani, Cecilia W. (2012). "Teaching deaf learners in Kenyan classrooms". Diss. University of Sussex.

Internet Sources
1. Kenya National Association for the Deaf. http://www.knad.org/index.php/ksl
2. Byrd, Todd and Consoli, John T. “Deaf Space,” Gallaudet Today: the Magazine, Spring 2007. http://aaweb.gallaudet.edu/deaf_space_spring2007.xml
3. Clear line of sight by metropolis magazine. www.Metropolismag.com.
4. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2012). American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Retrieved 03 17, 2016, from American
National Standard on Classroom Acoustics:http://www.asha.org/public/hearing/American-National-Standard-on-Classroom-Acoustics

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To the deaf student and teacher
1. How many students are there in your classroom?
2. At what point in life did you lose your hearing ability if you were not born hearing impaired?
3. Are you currently using any hearing aid device?
4. Are you able to use any sign language, if not, How do you communicate to other hearing impaired persons?
5. What challenges do you experience while using sign language in a classroom?
6. How do you tell if there is someone behind you?
7. What should be done in a room to help you tell better if there is somebody approaching from behind?
8. Do you think that the classrooms in your school are planned differently for other classrooms in ordinary school? If yes what makes this classrooms
9. Is there anything that can be done to your classroom to make you feel saver and comfortable?
10. What challenges do you encounter when you walk in to a room where everybody except you is able to speak?

To the hearing Staff of the Deaf Community

1. What job position do you hold in this school? How long have you worked in this Deaf school?
2. How do you communicate with deaf students? What is your experience with the deaf students in this institution?
3. Have you ever worked in any other deaf organisation? If yes are there differences in the ways in which the classrooms here are planned and organised
compared to the other organisation?
4. Do you know of any deaf school that you consider better than this school? If yes, what makes you think it’s better than this school.
5. What school be done in this school to make teaching of deaf students better than it is today?
6. What difference can you tell between a classroom in this deaf school and an ordinary school you ever visited?

To a representative of the Administrator.

1. What is the number of the hearing impaired students in this school?
2. Are there hearing students in this school? If yes, how many?
3. How many hearing staffs compared to deaf staffs do you have in this school?
4. Who built this school?

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Daylight Factors For Classroom 5 at Isinya school for the deaf
- Ei at A AA Ei at B BB Ei at C CC Ei at D DD Ei at E EE Ei at F FF
0 215 6.351551
1 - - 850 25.11078 500 14.77105 - - - - - -
2 - - 880 25.99705 550 16.24815 325 9.601182 300 8.862629 - -
3 - - 860 25.4062 535 15.80502 300 8.862629 285 8.419498 230 6.794682
4 - - 720 21.27031 425 12.55539 265 7.828656 270 7.976366 185 5.465288
5 - - 815 24.07681 495 14.62334 295 8.714919 260 7.680945 155 4.579025
6 - - 855 25.25849 525 15.5096 305 9.01034 255 7.533235 - -
7 - - 705 20.82718 485 14.32792 - - - - - -
- 150 4.431315 - - - - - - - - - -
812.1429 23.9924 502.1429 14.83435 298 8.803545 274 8.094535 190 5.612999
Daylight Factors For Tuition Room 1 at Karen technical Training institute for the deaf
- A AA B BB C CC D DD - - - -
1 255 11.3082 280 12.41685 310 13.74723 320 14.19069 - - - -
2 220 9.756098 280 12.41685 305 13.5255 305 13.5255 - - - -
3 255 11.3082 250 11.08647 300 13.30377 320 14.19069 - - - -
4 260 11.52993 260 11.52993 305 13.5255 330 14.63415 - - - -
5 265 11.75166 265 11.75166 305 13.5255 320 14.19069 - - - -
6 288 12.77162 270 11.97339 300 13.30377 315 13.96896 - - - -
Eo=2255 -


Reverberation test for Classroom 5 at Isinya school Reverberation test for Tuition Room 1 at Karen technical Training institute
Entries 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
balloon 1 2.19 1.52 1.43 1.63 1.46 1.23 balloon 1 1.05 0.91 0.83 1.01 1.03 0.95
balloon 2 2.31 1.38 1.37 1.35 1.12 0.96 balloon 2 1.14 0.93 0.84 1.03 1.03 0.9
balloon 3 2.06 1.62 1.08 1.09 0.79 0.68 balloon 3 1.1 0.95 0.84 0.96 0.99 0.91
balloon 4 1.68 1.77 1.43 1.3 0.95 0.71 balloon 4 1.2 0.9 0.78 0.94 1.09 0.9
balloon 5 invalid* 1.21 1.11 1.17 1.09 0.91 balloon 5 1.07 0.88 0.84 0.96 1.03 0.95
average 1.648 1.5 1.284 1.308 1.082 0.898 average RT60 1.112 0.914 0.826 0.98 1.034 0.922
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Sample RT60 graph A graph of comparing the 5 balloons SPL used for Graph showing Invalid entries for
for classroom5 in room eq wizard reverberation time test balloon 5 may have occurred due to
measured RT exceeded 10 seconds or
was below 0.1 seconds. Source:
Author, 2017


2 day Background noise Average 2 day Exterior noise Level Average
Time Lmin InteriorLaeq Lmax Lmin Exterior LAeq Lmax Traffic Noise
8.00am-9.00am 48.1 52.4 64.7 39.7 67.9 76.6 78.3
9.00am-10.00am 43.5 56.7 81.6 43.1 72.3 83.4 77.8
10.00am-11.00am 26.6 50.7 75.5 44 73.2 79.7 79.7
11.00am-12.00pm 22 36.8 57.1 67.9 77.1 82.1 82.1
12.00pm-1.00pm 37 46.8 61.2 44.8 68.7 79.8 79.8
1.00pm-2.00pm 23.4 38.7 57.7 53.2 73.6 82.1 82.1
2.00pm-3.00pm 36.2 53.2 71.4 45.6 65.8 75.1 83.4
3.00pm- 4.00pm 35.2 48.4 76.5 51.7 74.7 81.5 82.5
Average 34 47.9625 68.2125 48.75 71.6625 80.0375 80.5875

Background noise Average Environmental Noise Reaching the Façade

Time Lmin InteriorLaeq Lmax Lmin Exterior LAeq Lmax Traffic Noise
8.00am-9.00am 30.5 47 64.7 50.5 56.3 69.7 68.8
9.00am-10.00am 31.6 52.2 75.6 64.6 67.5 81.6 74.7
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10.00am-11.00am 17.8 36.7 56.5 40.8 48.2 62.5 69.2
11.00am-12.00pm 31.2 43.8 52.1 35.2 45.6 59.1 67.5
12.00pm-1.00pm 25.9 40.8 61.2 35.9 56.7 75.2 70.7
1.00pm-2.00pm 41.1 49.7 60.7 39.1 50.7 68.7 69.7
2.00pm-3.00pm 31 42.2 62.4 32.5 50.9 72.4 66.9
3.00pm- 4.00pm 28.4 37.4 59.5 34.4 52.4 70.5 72.4
4.00pm-5.00pm 29.3 43.3 60.1 35.3 55.7 74.1 75.7
Average 29.64444 43.67777778 61.42222 40.92222222 53.77777778 70.42222222 70.62222


The table below illustrates the effect on SII by reducing the sound pressure levels for the lower frequencies by shortening the RT60
Adjustment Effect

Lowers SPL to atleast 25 dB for the

lower frequencies.

Lowers SPL to atleast 25 dB for the

lower frequencies.

Lowers SPL to atleast 15 dB for the

lower frequencies.

Table.4.3.16. SII Calculation of Speech Intelligibility

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