9 Line

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Line 1: Location of pickup site

Line 2: Radio frequency, call sign, suffix
Line 3. Number of casualties by precedence
Line 4. Special equipment requirements
Line 5. Number of casualties by type
Line 6. Security of pickup site
Line 7. Method of marking pickup site
Line 8. Casualty nationality and status.
Line 9. NBC contamination.

Foks-trot tree dell-tah ait wun, THIS IS keh-beck sev-en zoo-loo nin-er fo-wer. I
have a MEDEVAC request. OVER.
Keh-beck sev-en zoo-loo nin-er fo-wer. THIS IS foks-trot tree dell-tah ait wun. Send
your request. OVER.
Foks-trot tree dell-tah ait wun, THIS IS keh-beck sev-en zoo-loo nin-er fo-wer.
LINE 1 Line wun letters included, golf, hotel, wun, tree, tree, fo-wer, fo-wer, wun, too, six.
LINE 2 Line too, foks-trot, mike, tree, ait, fife, ze-ro. keh-beck sev-en zoo-loo nin-er fo-wer
LINE 3 Line tree, wun, al-fah, BREAK wun char-lee.
LINE 4 Line fo-wer, dell-tah
LINE 5 Line fife, wun,lee-mah, BREAK, wun, al-fah
LINE 6 Line six, pah-pah
LINE 7 Line sev-en, char-lee
LINE 8 Line ait, al-fah. OVER.
Keh-beck sev-en zoo-loo nin-er fo-wer. THIS IS Foks-trot tree dell-tah ait wun.
LINE 1 a statement should be made that grid zone letters
Pick-up location
Grid Coordinates are included in the message
Radio Frequency, Call The Call Sign and Suffix is that of the person to be
Frequency of the radio at the
Sign and Suffix contacted at the pickup site
pickup site. Call sign and suffix
Brevity Codes:
A (Urgent)--within 2 hours
B (Urgent surgical)--within 2 hrs
C (Priority)--within 4 hours
Number of Casualties by D (Routine)--within 24 hours
Number of casualties
Precedence E (Convenience)
Brevity code
If two or more categories must be reported in the
same request, insert the proword BREAK between
each category
Brevity Codes:
A (None)
Special Equipment LINE 4
B (Hoist)
Required Brevity code
C (Extraction equipment)
D (Ventilator
Brevity Codes:
LINE 5 L (Litter)
Number of Casualties by
Number of casualties A (Ambulatory)
Brevity cod If both types are included in the same request, insert
the proword BREAK between the types
Brevity Codes
N (No enemy troops in area)
P (Possible enemy troops in area; approach
Security of Pickup Site LINE 6 with caution)
(wartime) Brevity code E (Enemy troops in area; approach with
X (Enemy troops in area; armed escort
Brevity Codes
A (Panels)
Methods of Marking LINE 7 B (Pyrotechnic signal)
Pickup Site Brevity code C (Smoke signal)
D (None)
E (Other
Brevity Codes:
A (Military, U.S)
B (Civilian, U.S)
Casualty Nationality and LINE 8 C (Military, non-US)
Status Brevity code D (Civilian, non-US)
E (Enemy prisoner of war)
The number of casualties in each category is not
Brevity Codes:
N (Nuclear)
B (Biological)
NBC Contamination LINE 9
C (Chemical)
(wartime) Brevity code
This line is included only when applicable.
Do not transmit line 9 if no CBR contamination is

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