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Article For Reaction
Article For Reaction
Along with asking about usage of mobile messaging apps, the survey also tracked usage of a
variety of social media platforms and online forums. Among the In today’s world, people -
particularly young people – are continually finding adapting new ways of communicating
electronically to fit their needs. Case in point: 2015 marks the first time Pew Research Center has
asked specifically about mobile messaging apps a separate kind of mobile activity apart from cell
phone texting. And already, according to a new survey, 36% smart phone owners report using
messaging apps such a WhatsApp, Kik or iMessage, and 17% use apps that automatically delete
Both of these kinds of apps are particularly popular among young adults. Half (49%) smartphone
owners ages 18 to 19 use messaging apps, while 41% use apps that automatically delete sent
message. These apps are free, and when connected to Wi-Fi, they do not use up SMS (Short
Messaging Service) or other data. Furthermore, they offer a more private kind of social media
The results in this report reflect the noteworthy and rapid emergence of different kinds of
communications tool serving different social needs. These new tools add to an already complex
Overall, this survey found that 85% of adults are internet users and 67% are smartphone users.
key findings:
Recent studies show 36% use WhatsApp. Kik or iMessage and 17% use apps that automatically
delete sent messages like Snapchat and Wicker, this study was done by the Pew Research Center.
These apps are mostly used by young adults ages 18 to 19, it shows that 49% used messaging
apps and 41% uses automatically delete a sent message. These apps are needed to be connected
to WIFI and it is free to use. Aside from being free to use, it offers privacy to the user.
This report shows messaging has been changing ever since smartphones were developed. Young
adults were the pioneers of this new age messaging apps; they were the basis on how to adopt
new kinds of messaging apps. The overall statistics of the survey found 85% of adults are a user
I am a user of messenger apps because I own smartphone that I use every day to communicate,
take pictures and update my social media. I guess a young adult like us contributes much to the
changes in technology, especially to messaging apps that everyone now uses and it kept on
changing because of numerous demand of a user’s like us, from simple messaging to sending