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Computer-aided design is essentially based on a versatile and powerful technique called
computer graphics, which basically means the criterion and manipulation of pictures on a
display device with the aid of a computer. Computer graphics originated at the Massachusetts institute
of technology (MIT) in 1950when the first computer-driven display, linked to a Whirlwind computer,
and was used to generate some pictures. The first important step forward in computer graphics came
in 1963 when a system called SKETCHPAD was demonstrated at the Lincoln Laboratory of MIT. This
system consists of a cathode ray tube (CRT) driven by TX2 computer. The CRT had a keyboard and a
light pen. Pictures could be drawn on the screen and then manipulated interactively by the user via
the light pen.
This demonstration clearly showed that the CRT could potentially be used as a designer’s
electronic drawing board with common graphic operations such as scaling, translation, rotation,
animation and simulation automatically performed at the ‘push of a button’. At that time, these
systems were very expensive; therefore they were adopted only in such major industries as the
aircraft and automotive industries where their use in design justified the high capital costs. Another
crucial factor preventing computer graphics from being generally applied to engineering industries
was that there was a lock of appropriate graphics and application software to run on these systems.
However, a computer-based design system was clearly emerging. Since these pioneering
developments in computer graphics, which had captured the imagination of the engineering
industry all over the world, new and improved hardware, which is faster in processing speed,
larger in memory, cheaper in cost and smaller in size, have become widely available.
Sophisticated software techniques and packages have also been gradually developed.
Consequently, the application of CAD in industry has been growing rapidly. Initially CAD
systems primarily were automated righting stations in which computer controlled plotters
produced engineering drawings. The system were later linked to graphic display terminals
where geometric model describing part dimensions were created, and the resulting database in the
computer was then used to produce drawings. Nowadays, CAD systems can do much more than mere
righting. Some systems have analytical capabilities that allow parts to be evaluated with techniques
such as the finite element method. There are also kinematics analysis programs that enable the
motion of mechanism to be studied. In addition, CAD system includes testing techniques to perform
model analysis on structures, and to evaluate their response to pinpoint any possible defects.
Computer Aided Design is the process of developing and using computer assisted design tools
in the design process. The advent of computers has contributed to significant advance in calculation,
data handling and utilization applications. The ability to use the computers in these application areas
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Bethlahem Institute of Engineering, Karungal
enhances the capability of the design team significantly. Drafting and geometric modeling play
significant roles in CAD. The module therefore concentrates on the general design process with
specific consideration to drafting and geometric modeling. Three different CAD systems are referred
to in the module. The syllabus includes: historical development, the design process, traditional
drawing practice and the development of the CAD industry, system hardware, computers micros
to mainframes, output devices, storage, workstations, networked systems, examples of CAD
systems; simple entity descriptions: points, lines, arcs, made-edge lists, free-form curves, free-form
surfaces; transformations: pan, rotate and scale, 3D transformations, observer angles, perspective,
depth cueing; geometric modeling: wire frame modelers, surface modelers, solid modelers (CSG and
B- rep), hidden line removal and mass properties; user interface: input devices, menus, graphics
interface language, parametric. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To understand and handle design problems
in a systematic manner. To be able to use the capabilities provided by computers for calculations, data
handling and visualization applications. To gain practical experience in handling 2D drafting and 3D
modeling software systems. To be able to applied CAD in real life applications.
Implementation of computer in the design stage becomes the subset of design process. Once
the conceptual design materializes in the designer mind the geometric model starts by the
appropriate CAD software. The choice of geometric model to CAD is analogous to the choice. The
various design related tasks which are performed by a modern computer-aided design system
can be grouped into four functional areas :
1. Geometric Modelling
2. Engineering Anlaysis
3. Design review and evaluation
4. Automated drafting.
Geometric Modelling:
It is concerned with the computer compatible mathematical description of the geometry of an
object. The mathematical description allows the image of the object to be displayed & manipulated on
a graphics terminal through signals from the CPU of the CAD system. The software that provides
geometric modeling capabilities must be designed for efficient use both by the computer & the human
During the geomtric modelling computer converts the command into a mathematical model,
stores it in the computer data files, and display it as an image on the CRT screen. Object can be
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represneted by geometric model by wireframe, surface model or solid model.Another feature of
CAD system is color graphics capability. By means of color, it is possible to diplay more information on
the graphics screen.
Engineering Analysis:
The analysis may involve stress-strain calculation, heat transfer computaion etc., of the
system being displayed. The computer can be used to aid in this analysis work. It is often necessary
that specific programs be developed internnaly vy the enginnering analysis group to solve particular
design problem. In other situtaion , commercially available general purpose programs can be used to
perform the engineering analysis. Analysis may be:
a. Mass property analysis.
b. Finite element analysis.
The analysis of mass properties is the anlysis feature of CADsystem which providesproperties
of solid objectbeing analysed, suchh as the surface area, weight, volume, centre of gravity and momnet
of inertia. In FEA the object is divided into large number of finite elements which form an
interconnecting network network concentared nodes. By using a computer with significant
computational Capabilities, the entire object can be anlysed for stress- strain, heat transfer coefficient
at nodes.By determining the intterrelating behaviours of all nodes in the system, the behaviour of the
entire object can be assesed.
Two-dimensional drafting.
Numerical control tool path generation.
It is simple to construct model.
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Less computer memory to store the object.
CPU time to retrieve, edit or update a wireframe model is less.
Does not require extensive training.
It is ambiguous representation of real object.
It lack in visual coherence and information to determine the object.
User or terminal time needed to prepare & or input data increases with complexity of object.
Inability to detect interference between components.
No facility for automatic shading.
Difficult in calculating Physical properties like Mass, surface area, centre of gravity
Surface Modeling:
A surface model of an object is more complete and less ambiguous representation than it wire
frame model. It is also richer in associated geometric contents, which make it more suitable for
engineering and design applications. Surface model takes one step beyond wire frame models by
providing information on surfaces connecting the object edges. Creating a surface has some
quantitative data such as point & tangents & some qualitative data like desired shape & smoothness.
Choice of surface form depends on type of application.
Surface Entities:
Similar to wire frame entities, existing CAD / CAM systems provide designers with both
analytic and synthetic surface entities. Analytic entities include plane surface, ruled surface, surface
of revolution, and tabulated cylinder. Synthetic entities include the bicubic Hermite spline
surface, B – spline surface, rectangular and triangular bezier patches, rectangular and triangular
Coons patches, and Gordon surface. The mathematical properties of some of these entities are
covered in this chapter for two purposes.
Calculating mass properties.
Checking for interference between mating parts.
Generating cross-sectioned views.
Generating finite element mesh.
They are less ambiguous than wireframe model.
Surface model provides hidden line and surface algorithms to add realism to the
displayed geometry.
To draw the components of piston ,piston pin, rings and to assemble them using
Modeling software.
1) Open Modeling software. Select file -New-Part and select dimension as mm.
2) Depending on the component select the plane (Front or Top or Right or Left) and click
3) Select the axis for the plane using axis line command and using line and circle
command draw the required views of the component.
4) Using delete command, remove unwanted lines and circles
5) After completing the view click button. Now depending on shape of the
component either click revolve or extrude command.
6) In order to make a hole, click - extrude and click remove material.
7) After extruding or revolving click button to get the complete solid component.
8) Save the part using file - save a copy, command
Thus the given 3D diagrams have been drawn using Modeling software.
To draw the components of connecting rod and to assemble them using Modeling
1) Open Modeling software. Select file -New-Part and select dimension as mm.
2) Depending on the component select the plane (Front or Top or Right or Left) and click
3) Select the axis for the plane using axis line command and using line and circle
command draw the required views of the component.
4) Using delete command, remove unwanted lines and circles
5) After completing the view click button. Now depending on shape of the
component either click revolve or extrude command.
6) In order to make a hole, click - extrude and click remove material.
7) After extruding or revolving click button to get the complete solid component.
8) Save the part using file - save a copy, command
The components of connecting rod have been drawn and assembled using Modeling
To draw the components of and to assemble them using Modeling software
1) Open Modeling software. Select file -New-Part and select dimension as mm.
2) Depending on the component select the plane (Front or Top or Right or Left) and
click sketch.
3) Select the axis for the plane using axis line command and using line and circle
command draw the required views of the component.
4) Using delete command, remove unwanted lines and circles
5) After completing the view click button. Now depending on shape of the
component either click revolve or extrude command.
6) In order to make a hole, click - extrude and click remove material.
7) After extruding or revolving click button to get the complete solid component.
8) Save the part using file - save a copy, command
The components of crank shaft have been drawn and assembled using Modeling
To draw the components of flywheel, ring gear teeth and to assemble them using
Modeling software.
1) Open Modeling software. Select file -New-Part and select dimension as mm.
2) Depending on the component select the plane (Front or Top or Right or Left) and
click sketch.
3) Select the axis for the plane using axis line command and using line and circle
command draw the required views of the component.
4) Using delete command, remove unwanted lines and circles
5) After completing the view click button. Now depending on shape of the
component either click revolve or extrude command.
6) In order to make a hole, click - extrude and array command click remove material.
7) After extruding or revolving click button to get the complete solid component.
8) Save the part using file - save a copy, command
The components of flywheel, ring gear teeth have been drawn and assembled using
Modeling software.
Ex. No : 5
To draw the components of valve and to assemble them using Autodesk Inventor
1) Open Modeling software. Select file -New-Part and select dimension as mm.
2) Depending on the component select the plane (Front or Top or Right or Left) and
click sketch.
3) Select the axis for the plane using axis line command and using line and circle
command draw the required views of the component.
4) Using delete command, remove unwanted lines and circles
5) After completing the view click button. Now depending on shape of the
component either click revolve or extrude command.
6) In order to make click - extrude and array command click remove material.
7) Using sketch protrusion, fillet, cutout, revolve cutout, mirror and pattern
8) After extruding or revolving click button to get the complete solid component.
9) Save the part using file - save a copy, command
The components of valve have been drawn and assembled using Modeling software.
To draw the components of camshaft and to assemble them using Modeling
1) Open Modeling software. Select file -New-Part and select dimension as mm.
2) Depending on the component select the plane (Front or Top or Right or Left) and
click sketch.
3) Select the axis for the plane using axis line command and using line and circle
command draw the required views of the component.
4) Using delete command, remove unwanted lines and circles
5) After completing the view click button. Now depending on shape of the
component either click revolve or extrude command.
6) In order to make click - extrude and array command click remove material.
7) Using sketch protrusion, fillet, cutout, revolve cutout, mirror and pattern
8) After extruding or revolving click button to get the complete solid component.
9) Save the part using file - save a copy, command
The components of cam shaft have been drawn and assembled using Modeling
Ex. No : 7
To draw the components of combustion chamber and to assemble them using
Modeling software.
1) Open Modeling software. Select file -New-Part and select dimension as mm.
2) Depending on the component select the plane (Front or Top or Right or Left) and
click sketch.
3) Select the axis for the plane using axis line command and using line and circle
command draw the required views of the component.
4) Using delete command, remove unwanted lines and circles
5) After completing the view click button. Now depending on shape of the
component either click revolve or extrude command.
6) In order to make click - extrude and array command click remove material.
7) Using sketch protrusion, fillet, cutout, revolve cutout, mirror and pattern
8) After extruding or revolving click button to get the complete solid component.
9) Save the part using file - save a copy, command
The components of combustion chamber have been drawn and assembled using
Modeling software.
To draw the components of clutch and to assemble them using drafting software.
1) Open drafting software. Select file -New-Part and select dimension as mm.
2) Depending on the component select the plane Top view and click sketch.
3) Select the axis for the plane using axis line command and using line and circle
command draw the required views of the component.
4) Using delete command, remove unwanted lines and circles
5) In order to make click - array command click remove material.
6) Using sketch fillet, cutout, cutout, mirror and pattern command
7) After extruding or revolving click button to get the complete solid component.
Save the part using file - save a copy, command
The components of clutch have been drawn and assembled using drafting software.
To draw the components of full floating rear axle housing and to assemble them using
drafting software.
1) Open drafting software. Select file -New-Part and select dimension as mm.
2) Depending on the component select the plane Top view and click sketch.
3) Select the axis for the plane using axis line command and using line and circle
command draw the required views of the component.
4) Using delete command, remove unwanted lines and circles
5) In order to make click - array command click remove material.
6) Using sketch fillet, cutout, cutout, mirror and pattern command
7) After extruding or revolving click button to get the complete solid component.
Save the part using file - save a copy, command
The components of full floating rear axle housing have been drawn and assembled
using drafting software.
Ex. No : 3
To draw the components of gear box and to assemble them using drafting software.
1) Open drafting software. Select file -New-Part and select dimension as mm.
2) Depending on the component select the plane Top view and click sketch.
3) Select the axis for the plane using axis line command and using line and circle
command draw the required views of the component.
4) Using delete command, remove unwanted lines and circles
5) In order to make click - array command click remove material.
6) Using sketch fillet, cutout, cutout, mirror and pattern command
7) After extruding or revolving click button to get the complete solid component.
Save the part using file - save a copy, command
The components of gear box have been drawn and assembled using drafting
Ex. No : 4
To draw the components of propeller shaft and to assemble them using drafting
1) Open drafting software. Select file -New-Part and select dimension as mm.
2) Depending on the component select the plane Top view and click sketch.
3) Select the axis for the plane using axis line command and using line and circle
command draw the required views of the component.
4) Using delete command, remove unwanted lines and circles
5) In order to make click - array command click remove material.
6) Using sketch fillet, cutout, cutout, mirror and pattern command
7) After extruding or revolving click button to get the complete solid component.
Save the part using file - save a copy, command
Ex. No : 5
To draw the components of final drive and to assemble them using drafting
1) Open drafting software. Select file -New-Part and select dimension as mm.
2) Depending on the component select the plane Top view and click sketch.
3) Select the axis for the plane using axis line command and using line and circle
command draw the required views of the component.
4) Using delete command, remove unwanted lines and circles
5) In order to make click - array command click remove material.
6) Using sketch fillet, cutout, cutout, mirror and pattern command
7) After extruding or revolving click button to get the complete solid component.
Save the part using file - save a copy, command
The components of final drive have been drawn and assembled using drafting