Step by Step MRI
Step by Step MRI
Step by Step MRI
Step by Step
V Prasad
MRI Technologist
Department of Radiology and Imageology
Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences
(A University established under the State Act)
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, 500082
New Delhi
Published by
Jitendar P Vij
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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1. Introduction 1
2. Basic Principles 4
3. Components of MRI System 18
4. Contraindications and Patient Safety 33
5. MRI—Pulse Sequences 49
6. Tissue Characteristics 68
7. Artifacts 90
8. Technical Factors Influencing
the Image Quality 105
9. MRI Contrast Agents 124
10. Recent Advances in Pulse Sequences 133
11. Practical Imaging 160
Abbreviations 273
Index 281
Basic Principles
Electromagnetic Radiation (Fig. 2.1)
Fig. 2.2: Protons possess a positive charge; like the earth, they are
constantly turning around on an axis and have their own magnetic field
MR Active Nuclei
Important MR active nuclei together with their atomic
number and orientation are given in Fig. 2.3, some of which
are used in MR spectroscopy.
Most abundantly available hydrogen nuclei is in the form
of water given in Fig. 2.4.
Hydrogen Atom
Hydrogen atoms are abundantly present in the body.
The hydrogen nucleus is the MR active nucleus used in
MRI. The hydrogen nucleus contains a single proton as
shown in Fig. 2.5.
6 Step by Step MRI
A vector is a symbol representing the magnitude and
direction of the magnetic field.
8 Step by Step MRI
Magnetic Moments
a. A rotating particle has an electric charge. Moving
charges, as we know, are nothing more than electrical
currents. An electric current has an associated magnetic
b. Where there is an electrical current, there is also a
magnetic field.
c. Classically, the magnetic effect of a rotating charge or
an electrical ring current is known as the magnetic
It is like the earth constantly rotates around an axis and
has its own magnetic field. Similarly, protons possessing a
positive charge and continuous motion have their own
magnetic field.
Basic Principles 9
The human body is a chemical composition of several
elements, such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, sodium,
phosphorus, potassium, etc. in various chemical combi-
nations. It has been observed that the atoms of some of
these elements, have odd number of protons in their nuclei,
possess magnetic properties. The magnetic properties of
the protons of these elements have been utilized to produce
magnetic resonance signals and images. The most abundant
of these present in the human body are the protons of
hydrogen atom in the form of water and various other
organic compounds such as fats, fluids, cholesterol, etc.
What is MR?
When a patient is placed in the strong magnetic field in
the MRI scanner, the hydrogen nucleus in the body, align
with the applied external magnetic field when exposed to
short burst of electromagnetic energy in the form of radio-
frequency (RF) pulses (Fig. 2.8).
Magnetic Resonance
If radiofrequency equals the precessional frequency, then
the phenomenon of resonance occurs.
Let us compare the resonance stimulations in MR with
oscillations created by various tuning forks (Fig. 2.10).
When the tuning fork is vibrated or perturbed, it begins to
oscillate at a specific frequency relative to sound. The pitch
corresponds to the oscillation frequency of the acoustic
wave. When you introduce a second tuning fork having
Every hydrogen nucleus which constitutes the net mag-
netization vector (NMV) spins on its own axis. The
14 Step by Step MRI
Radiofrequency or Excitation
If radiofrequency pulse having the same frequency as that
of the precessing nuclei is applied, the precessing path of
the nuclei will be at right angles and thus it spirals away
which resembles like the wobbling of a spinning top.
Hence, radiofrequency pulse at Larmor’s frequency has
the following effects:
16 Step by Step MRI
1. The RF pulse provides sufficient energy to some of the
hydrogen nuclei to align antiparallel to main magnetic
field, they in turn cancel out the magnetic effect of
remaining parallel nuclei and thus decrease the amount
of longitudinal magnetization. The decrease in
longitudinal magnetization depends upon the strength
and duration of RF pulse.
2. With the decrease of longitudinal magnetization, there
is a corresponding gradual increase in magnetization in
transverse plane (B1). This is because the protons which
were in ‘out of phase’ are now precessing ‘in phase’.
Resonance occurs at 42 MHz when Bo = 1T
Components of
MRI System
Open MRI units have two advantages that they can be used
for claustrophobic patients, and they provide imaging
guidance for interventional procedures.
Open units image the patient in larger-bore or c-shaped
magnets rather than the closed narrow tunnel used in
conventional units. These magnets are weaker (0.1-0.3 T)
than the closed units and their basic contrast results in some
limitation in anatomic and spatial resolution (Figs 3.1 and
What is meant by high and low field strength MRI?
Manufactures produce magnets of varying strengths. The
most common magnetic field strengths clinically are 0.3,
0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 3 Tesla. Magnets of 1.0 Tesla or higher
are treated high-field strength which generate higher signals
and usually more appealing images than lower-field
strength units.
Therefore, the high-field strength units generally offer
more esthetic and diagnostic images than the open units
and should preferably be used whenever possible.
It is easy to answer to the question about the ideal horse-
power for a motor bike.
Components of MRI System 19
According to the tasks involved, computed data and recon-
structed images are stored either in:
Components of MRI System 21
• a fixed storage medium—Magnetic Hard Disks
• a removable storage medium—Magneto Optical Disks.
The MR Images are exposed on X-ray film with the laser
camera connected to the MRI system.
The main component of MRI is, of course, the magnet,
available in three types—viz., the permanent magnets,
electromagnets and superconducting magnets. The homo-
geneous magnetic field required for MR Imaging is
generated by a strong magnet. This magnet is the most
important and expensive component of the MRI system.
a. Permanent magnets: Though simple and cheap to run,
they are still extremely heavy and do not generate high
fields (Fig. 3.4A).
Better homogeneity can be achieved by electrical and
mechanical adjustments by a process known as “shim-
Correction of inhomogeneity of the magnetic field pro-
duced by the main magnet of MRI system is necessary due
to imperfections in the magnet or due to the presence of
external ferromagnetic objects.
The important quality for a magnet is “homogeneity”
of its main magnetic field. Inhomogeneities distort the
spatial encoding which in turn adversely affects the slice
geometry. The MR image will show distortions in the slice
In order to prevent this type of image errors, the magnet
system has to be adjusted during system installation to local
conditions or deviations in unit spread prevailing in the
unit. A process called shimming is used. We differentiate
between Active and Passive shimming.
26 Step by Step MRI
Active Shimming
Several shim coils are attached to a shim tube. Small static
currents with different amplitudes and polarity are adjusted
for the shim. The small magnetic fields which are generated
compensate for small inhomogeneities of the main field.
After the shim, the main field of a superconducting magnet
will vary by a few ppm (parts per million) only within a
measuring field having a diameter of 50 cm approximately.
Passive Shimming
Small iron plates are attached to the magnet. Their strategic
placement compensates for inhomogeneities or distortions
in the magnetic field. This may involve changing the
configuration of the magnet or the addition of shim coils
(active shimming) or small pieces of steel (passive shim-
Special coils called gradient coils vary the strength of the
magnetic field, frequency and phase of the electromagnetic
wave in the transverse (X and Y axes) and longitudinal (Z
axis) planes.
Cardiac Triggering
In cardiac imaging, the acquisition is generally triggered
by an electrocardiogram and is tied to the RR interval. This
effectively eliminates the blurring and artifact problem
inherent in cardiac imaging, although it limits imaging
strategies (ECG, Pg (peripheral gating)).
Components of MRI System 27
Cardiac gating uses the programmed TR to deliver the
RF pulse and then monitors the cardiac cycle to determine
which signal it uses for reconstruction.
Cardiac gating uses the electrical signal detected by leads
placed on patient’s chest to trigger each RF excitation pulse.
Respiratory Gating
It is used to suppress breathing motion.
Acquisition takes place only during the “gate” when
the respiratory movements are minimal. It is relatively
effective at minimizing the effects of thoracic motion, but
results in substantial increase in imaging time and hence,
is not commonly employed.
Respiratory Triggering
In analogy to cardiac triggering, respiratory triggering can
also be used to generate an electric signal upon expiration
to start data acquisition.
Pulse oximeter
Fig. 3.9: MR compatible anaesthesia equipment
(Boyle’s apparatus—Excel 210)
30 Step by Step MRI
Quality Control (QC)
Quality control comprises the qualitative or quantitative
measurements or tests of performance of an instrument or
Contraindications and
Patient Safety
Prior to any examination being performed, the identity of
the patient must be checked by the technologist.
Patients arriving into MRI Department are often worried
or apprehensive and this may make it difficult for them to
understand the instructions or may produce an apparently
aggressive attitude. In such cases, the technologist should
convince amicably and soft tone of voice often do a great
deal of comfort and gives the patient confidence that he/
she is in an efficient hand.
The technologist should make every effort to obtain the
willing cooperation of the patient consent. Children and un-
cooperative patients should be sedated before examination.
• Before entering the equipment room, the patient must
wear a hospital gown and should remove all personal
possessions such as watch, wallet, keys, hair pins, jewels,
coils, removable dental bridge work, etc. Even credit
cards and cell phones must be secured as the scanner
will erase the information on them.
• Wheelchair and trolleys (MR noncompatible) must
always be kept outside the magnet room.
34 Step by Step MRI
The patient is made to lie down on a table. This table
then passes through a tunnel within the equipment. Inside
the tunnel, it is quite noisy when the scanning is going on.
The region of interest is positioned at the center of the
magnet. The patient can hear the voice of the radiologist or
technologist and can respond. While the patient lies within
the tunnel, images of the interested regions are taken from
different angles. These images can be seen on a computer
screen. The entire procedure takes 30 to 45 minutes
approximately depending upon the strength of the magnetic
field and the parameters set on.
It is most important that the patient should remain relaxed
and completely still during the scan. The patient can resume
the routine activities after getting the scan done.
• The patient should always be informed as to what is
going to happen and what he/she is expected to do, so
that he/she can cooperate as much as possible.
• The patient should not wear makeup because some
products may contain metallic particles.
• The patient should be covered with a lightweight blanket.
• The patient must be made comfortable as far as possible
because if the patient is in pain or in distress, it is unlikely
that he will be able to remain still for long.
• Explanation: A detailed explanation of the exam to be
performed (to be informed to the patient) to give the
patient, particularly as to how long the procedure will
• The technologist from the start of examination/procedure
should make an effort to remember the name of the
patient with whom he or she is dealing and use it.
• Clear instructions regarding breathing or swallowing
should be given and rehearsed to ensure that the patient
does hold his breath or swallow when required to do so.
Contraindications and Patient Safety 35
Due to the high magnetic field strengths used during
MRI examination, certain patients are unsuitable for
imaging. These include patients who have:
• Aneurysm clips (Older Ferromagnetic types)
• Cardiac pacemakers
• Patients with otologic implants and ocular implants
• Cochlear implants
• Metallic foreign bodies, especially within the eye.
Patient Screening
The following items can interfere with MR imaging and
some can be hazardous to your safety. Please check if you
have any of the following MR incompatible objects:
• Cardiac pacemaker/pacemaker lead wires
• Brain aneurysm clips
• Aortic clips
• Implanted neurostimulators or lead wires
• Artificial heart valve
• Insulin pump
• Electrodes
• Hearing aids
• IUD (Intrauterine Device)
• Shunts
• Joint replacements
• Fractured bones treated with metal rods, metal plates,
pins, screws, nails or clips
• Harrington rod
• Bone or joint pins
• Prosthesis
• Metamesh
• Wire sutures
36 Step by Step MRI
Fig. 4.1: To mark the location of any metal inside the body
• Sharpnel
• Dentures
• Metal silvers in the eyes
• Cochlear implants
• Tattoo eyeliner
• Others
On the drawing in Fig. 4.1, please mark the location of
any metal “inside” the body.
Patient Positioning
Positioning of the patient can affect the safety of the scan
Improper positioning can result in sunburn—like burns.
Precautions to be Undertaken
In order to maintain a safer scan environment, the following
precautions are to be taken:
• MRI systems are equipped with laser alignment lights.
• Exposing eyes to the laser alignment lights may result
in eye injury.
• Do not stare directly into the laser beam.
• Instruct the patients to close their eyes during land
marking in order to avoid eye exposure to the alignment
light while the laser light is “ON”.
38 Step by Step MRI
• Do not leave the laser beam ON after you position the
• Place foams between the patient and the bore wherever
a portion of the body comes in contact with the bore.
• Ensure that the patient does not touch the magnet bore.
• Orient the patient (head first or feet first) to minimize
the length of the cable in the bore.
• For larger patients, use wide patient straps to secure the
arms, preventing them from touching the bore.
The RF pulses used in MR causes tissues to absorb RF
power under certain conditions. This may cause tissue
heating. The amount of heating depends on several factors
such as patient size and pulse-sequence timing.
Before the patient is being scanned, the computer
estimates the level of heating and compares it to the
predetermined exposure limits. If the scan exceeds these
limits, the system then adjusts the scan parameters before
starting the scan. The complete estimate is based partially
on patient weight. Therefore, take care to enter the patient’s
weight correctly to prevent excessive RF.
Claustrophobia despite the fact that the patient lies in a
confined space is rarely a serious problem.
MRI has not been proved to have any adverse effects
on fetuses. However, some teams avoid using during the
first trimester of pregnancy.
Till date, no harmful effects have been observed from
magnetic influences.
Contraindications and Patient Safety 39
A magnet quench will result in several days of down time.
So, do not press or push the button except in a real emer-
gency. Do not test that button. It should be tested only by
qualified service personnel. Quench button is located near
the magnet.
MRI—Pulse Sequences
There are many different pulse sequences available, and
each is designed for a specific purpose. The image weigh-
ting, contrast and quality is determined by the type of pulse
sequence we use.
1. Spin echo (SE) pulse sequences
a. Conventional spin echo (CSE) pulse sequence
b. Fast spin echo (FSE) pulse sequence
2. Inversion recovery (IR) pulse sequences
a. STIR (short inversion recovery)
b. FLAIR (fluid attenuated inversion recovery)
3. Gradient echo (GE) pulse sequences
a. Coherent gradient echo pulse sequence
b. Incoherent gradient echo pulse sequence
4. Steady state free precession (SSFP)
5. Ultrafast imaging
6. Echoplanar imaging
50 Step by Step MRI
• T1 weighting • T2 weighting
TE = 10-20 ms TE = 100 ms
TR = 300-600 ms TR = 5000 ms
ETL = 2-6 ETL = 8-20
Approx. scan time = 30 sec Approx. scan time
to 60 sec/acq = 2 minutes
Proton Density Weighting
TE = 20 ms
TR = 3000 ms
Approx. scan time = 3-4 minutes
(Fig. 5.5).
A 90° excitation pulse is then applied at a time from the
180° inverting pulse known as the TI time (Time from
Inversion). The contrast of the image depends on the TI
value (Fig. 5.6).
These sequences are used to generate heavily T1
weighted images bringing large difference between fat and
• Used to suppress the fat signal in T1 weighted image.
Disadvantage Should not be used with contrast
TE = 10-30 ms
TR = 2000 ms
TI = 150-200 ms
Average scan time = 5-15 minutes.
FLAIR (Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery)
It is another variation in the IR pulse sequence which uses
a TI value around 2000 ms. Usually, this sequence is used
to suppress the signal from CSF containing areas.
Steady State
In this state, the selected TR will be shorter than the T1
and T2 times of the tissues. In this state, there will be coexis-
tence of both longitudinal and transverse magnetization.
Most gradient echo sequences use the steady state.
Generally, flip angles of 30° to 45° with TR of 20 to 50 ms
favours the steady state.
Depending on the residual transverse magnetization
in phase (or) out of phase GE pulse sequences are classified
1. Coherent (in phase) gradient echo pulse sequence
2. Incoherent (out of phase) gradient echo pulse sequence.
• Increased T2* Dependence
• Very fast scans
• Preserves the transverse signal
60 Step by Step MRI
• Good for angiography
• Can be acquired in a volume acquisition.
• More gradient noise to the patient
• Poor SNR in 2D acquisitions compared to spin echo
• More magnetic susceptibility.
• To maintain the steady state:
– Flip angle: 30°-45°
– TR-20-50 ms
• To maximize T2*
– TE = 15-25 ms
—Flip angle: 30°-45°
—TR = 20-50 ms
• True T2 weighting is achieved
• Can be acquired in volume or 2D
• Loud gradient noise
• Poor image quality
Ultrafast Sequences
• These sequences use coherent (or) incoherent gradient
echo pulse sequences
• Only a portion of the RF pulse is used
• Only a portion of the echo is read
Because of the above reasons, the scan time is drastically
62 Step by Step MRI
Echoplanar Imaging (EPI)
• The fastest scan acquisition modes in MRI are the EPI
and the gradient echo pulse sequences.
• In echoplanar imaging all the lines of K-space will be
filled in one shot. This is called single shot EPI (SS-EPI).
• If the echoes are generated by multiple 180° pulses, this
is termed as spin echo echoplanar imaging (SE-EPI).
• If the gradients are used for the purpose of rephasing in
EPI, then this sequence is called GE-EPI.
• GE-EPI and SS-EPI are faster than SE-EPI.
• SS-EPI sequences are more prone to artifacts such as
chemical shift, distortion and blurring.
• In EPI the image may contain more T2* weighting which
can be minimized by using 180° inverting pulse before
excitation pulse.
• Improved cardiac and abdominal imaging
• Used in perfusion weighted imaging
• Useful in real time and interventional MR-guided
MRI—Pulse Sequences 67
GE Philips Siemens
Rectangular FOV Rect FOV Rect FOV Half
Tissue Characteristics
Production of Image
When the patient is placed in the scanner, the applied
external magnetic field (EMF) induces a net nuclear
magnetization (NNM) in the longitudinal axis of the patient.
This NNM is rotated through 90 degrees by the RF pulse.
When the RF pulse is discontinued, relaxation back to the
original state occurs, i.e. recovery of the magnetization in
Tissue Characteristics 69
the longitudinal plane and decay of magnetization in the
transverse plane. The recovery of longitudinal magnetization
is known as spin lattice or T1 recovery. The decay of
transverse magnetization is known as spin spin relaxation
or T2 decay. T1 is determined by how quickly the nuclei
can transfer energy to their surrounding environment
(lattice) and return to a lower energy state. T2 is determined
by how quickly the nuclei can exchange energy with
neighboring nuclei to produce random distribution of the
precessing nuclei about the magnetic field.
The sensitivity of MRI to certain substances, i.e. water
and iron compounds, is of particular importance in clinical
imaging. For example, the high sensitivity of MRI to tissue
water allows the effective demonstration of brain edema.
All types of edema namely vasogenic, cytotoxic and
interstitial, result in altered signals and are best seen on T2
weighted images as a bright signal.
The marked differences in the relaxation times of water
and brain tissue enable the differentiation of tissues. For
example, smaller structures such as cranial nerves that are
bathed in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are well demonstrated
on MRI. MRI is superior in the demonstration of tumors
and other abnormalities of nerves, i.e. acoustic neuromas
and lesions involving the optic chiasma.
The sensitivity of MRI to paramagnetic substances such
as iron is of great clinical importance, as lesions of increased
iron in pallideus, substantia nigra, red nucleus and dentate
nucleus demonstrate a low signal on T2 weighted images.
MRI is sensitive for the detection of cerebral ischemia,
plus has the advantage of evaluating subacute and chronic
70 Step by Step MRI
trauma cases.
1. High cost
2. Claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces). The wider
bore design associated with present equipment has
resulted in a reduction in the occurrence of MRI induced
3. Longer imaging time: difficult to image critically ill and
very uncooperative patients
4. Cortical bone and calcific lesions are poorly visualized
5. High degree of technical expertise is required
6. Patients with pacemakers, surgical clips, otologic and
ocular implants, etc. are unable to undergo an MRI
MRI Image
The image represents a display of the MR signal. The signal
intensity depends on both the tissue and equipment
Tissue Characteristics 71
(operator) parameters. It is important to understand that
the gray scale on a MR image is not readily predictable
and can be dramatically altered by machine-dependent
parameters such as choice of pulse sequence, time between
pulses (TE), repetition time (TR), inversion time (TI) etc.
There are four main tissue MR parameters contributing to
the signal intensity of an image: i) proton density, ii) T1, iii)
T2 and iv) blood flow.
The MR image depends on the following four main
• T1 relaxation time
• T2 decay time
• Proton density
• Blood flow.
Normal anatomical structures are listed below according
to their signal intensity on T1 weighted images (Table 6.1).
1. High intensity
• Fat
– Orbital
– Scalp
• Mucous
• Marrow
– Cranium
Table 6.1: Typical values for normal and some abnormal tissues
at 1.0 T
Gray-white Matter
The T2 of white matter (WM) is less than the T2 of gray
matter (GM) and the T1 of WM is less than the T1 of GM.
As WM has a shorter T1 and T2, it appears brighter on T1
weighted images whilst the short T2 makes it appear less
bright on T2 weighted images. The brightness of WM on
T1 weighted images is attributed to the membrane lipid
myelin in the brain.
Vascular Structures
If hydrogen passes through the image volume faster than
the time taken to perform an imaging sequence, there will
be no detectable signal. The signal intensity of flowing blood
is a function of the percentage of moving hydrogen nuclei,
their velocity and the temporal parameters of the imaging
technique. The normal carotid artery, basilar artery and
venous sinuses have no detectable signal, appearing black
on MR images.
Intravascular blood appears either white or black on MR
images depending on its velocity of flow or turbulence: fast
flowing blood appears black, whilst slow flowing blood
appears white.
Short T1
(White) Retro-orbital fat
78 Step by Step MRI
White matter
Internal capsule
Cerebellar gray matter
Caudate nucleus
Cortical gray matter
Cerebrospinal fluid
Long T1 Ocular vitreous
Long T2
(White) Cerebrospinal fluid
Ocular vitreous
Cortical gray matter
Cerebellar gray matter
Caudate nucleus
Orbital fat
Cortical white matter
Short T2 Internal capsule
High proton density
(White) Fat
Cortical gray matter
Cerebellar gray matter
Cortical white matter
Internal capsule
Low proton density Air
MRI of Brain and Spine
Although results have proved to be disappointing, espe-
cially in the detection of small calcifications, MRI, is at
present superior to CT in its ability to detect tumor. In
comparison with CT, MRI has the advantage of detecting
84 Step by Step MRI
lesions in the posterior fossa, at the edge of calvanium and
is superior for lesions near the base of the skull and the
pituitary fossa. MRI has the added advantage of charac-
terizing tissue better in tumors with lipomatous component
and in tumors appearing as enhancing foci not distinguish-
able from vascular structures on CT.
Hemorrhage–Ischemic Stroke
Both these condition are easily detected by MRI. For
example, the detection of thrombosis/stenosis is a very
promising application of MR angiography. It is also possi-
ble to separate the hemorrhagic and edematous component
of an infarct. Using special pulse sequences, i.e. diffusion
imaging, a stroke can be detected at the onset of ischemia.
In comparison with CT, MRI has the advantage of demons-
trating the entire extent of the extracerebral collection plus
superior evaluation of diffuse axonal injury and sequelae of
trauma. An added advantage of MRI when scanning trauma
cases is its multiplanar capabilities, i.e. the ability to scan in
different planes without moving the patient. Disadvantages
include the longer scanning times and the inability to
demonstrate the bony cranium.
Degenerative Diseases
MRI is extremely effective in diagnosing multiple sclerosis,
subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy, gliosis and
syrinx. In the detection of demyelinating diseases, MRI is
clearly superior to CT.
Tissue Characteristics 85
From the above, MRI is proving to be the present method
of choice for examining the brain.
A major advantage of MRI is that the spinal cord within
the thecal sac is well-visualized without the administration
of contrast media. For example, congenital lesions such as
Arnold-Chiary malformation and intraspinal tumors are
demonstrated without the need for myelography or
intrathecal contrast media.
MRI is proving to be the gold standard in the demons-
tration of degenerative disk disease and lumbar disk
herniation: nerve roots, neural foramina and intervertebral
disk spaces are better evaluated on MRI images.
Acute myocardial infarction is seen as a region of high
signal intensity on MR images.
Flow Studies
On flow studies, the vascular structures are defined with
superb anatomical detail. The administration of contrast
media is not necessary due to the intrinsic contrast between
the low/black signal of flowing blood and the vascular wall.
The sensitivity of the vascular tree is increased through the
administration of contrast media.
However, MRI is not the final answer to all cardiac
imaging as the relationship of MRI to other noninvasive
imaging techniques, i.e. ultrasonography and isotope image,
Tissue Characteristics 87
remains to be defined.
Abdominal MRI
The contours of organs, surrounded by fat, are well-dis-
played. However, the intestinal tract is not well-delineated
on MRI images as bowel motion cannot be reduced through
the application of a gating technique and a satisfactory oral
contrast medium for the intestinal tract is not yet available.
Solid regions are detected equally well on both MRI and
CT imaging. However the relationship to vascular struc-
tures is better displayed on MRI whilst the demonstration
of calcified foci in tumors is better on CT than MRI. The
hepatic, portal and biliary systems are well-delineated on
MRI with magnetic resonance pancreatography (MRCP)
a well-established procedure for the evaluation of the biliary
and pancreatic tree.
Tumors, cysts, hydronephrosis, calculi or abscesses are
successfully diagnosed with MRI. The renal cortex and
medulla is differentiated assisting in the diagnosis of chronic
renal failure.
Ultrasound and IVU remain the first-line standard exami-
nations for kidney disease with CT being utilized for the
diagnosis and staging of malignant renal tumors. Magnetic
resonance urography (MRU) is an alternative for
noninvasive imaging of the ureters.
The ability of MRI to detect adrenal disease is comparable
88 Step by Step MRI
to CT. Whilst CT demonstrates superior spatial resolution;
MRI provides superior soft tissue contrast.
Recent studies have established the role of MRI in the
evaluation of the pancreas. T1 and T2 weighted pulse
sequences are helpful in differentiating pancreatic islet cell
tumors from normal tissue.
Urinary Bladder
The urinary bladder is best examined when filled.
Prostatic Hypertrophy
Benign prostatic hypertrophy can be volumetrically quanti-
fied from combined multiplanar MR imaging. Prostatic
cancer can be detected at an earlier stage with MRI than
with CT. Endorectal coils for prostate imaging are utilized
for the detection of local spread from prostatic malignancy.
Fig. 7.3: Back folding artifact Fig. 7.4: Fold over artifact
92 Step by Step MRI
1. Increase FOV
2. Filtering the frequency encoded direction
3. Oversampling in the phase encoded direction
Figs 7.5A and B: Tissues outside the FOV are folded back and
appear other side of the image (zebra type)
Figs 7.7A and B: Low intensity lines appearing near the boundaries of
the brain/skull interface, are characteristic of a 160 phase encoding
94 Step by Step MRI
change, as many be seen at CSF, spinal cord, fat and
These artifacts are commonly seen in phase encoding
direction. They can be reduced by
a. Increasing the matrix
b. Using a filter
c. Change the direction of phase and frequency.
Motion Artifact
Motion artifacts appear as repeating densities oriented in
the phase direction occurring as the results of motion during
acquisition of a sequence. These artifacts may be seen from
Artifacts 95
arterial pulsations, swallowing, breathing, peristalsis and
physical movement of a patient.
This type of artifact is caused by the motion of the
patient voluntarily on involuntarily during the scanning.
The various types of motion artifacts are as follows:
Patient motion Since all the images in one sequence
are taken at the same time, it is important not to use
excessively long sequences, as movement for a brief period
spoils all the images.
Fig. 7.9: Patient moving head. Axial Fig. 7.10: Patient lying still
section of the brain caused by motion
of the head
Fig. 7.11: Motion of the heart has Fig. 7.12: With cardiac
produced ghost images without synchronization
cardiac synchronization, (ECG)
Point Artifact
Point artifact is seen as a bright spot of increased signal
intensity in the center of the image. This is caused due to
constant offset of DC voltage in the receiver coil which
after Fourier transformation appear as a bright spot in the
center of the image.
If two levels are done at the same time, e.g. L4/L5 and
L5/S1 then the level acquired second will include spins
that have already been saturated. This causes a band of
signal loss crossing horizontally or vertically in our image,
usually prominent posteriorly.
Artifacts 101
Susceptibility Artifacts
The susceptibility of a tissue fells us how easily it can be
magnetized. Normally most of the tissues have suscepti-
bility values which fall in a fairly narrow range. However,
presence of paramagnetic material like hemoglobin
degradation products or tissue-air interphases lead to local
A Make up eyeliner
Zipper Artifacts
This artifact is caused by external RF entering the room at
a certain frequency and interfering with inherently weak
signal coming from the patient.
There are various causes for zipper artifacts in images.
Most of them are related to hardware or software problems.
The zipper artifacts that can be controlled easily are those
due to RF entering the scanning room when the door is
open during acquisition of images.
RF from radio transmitters will cause zipper artifacts
that are oriented perpendicular to the frequency axis of
the image.
Frequently there is more than one artifact line on an
image from this cause.
Figs 7.24A and B: Effect of right interface causing streak artifacts. This
can be caused by a leaking RF, causing pick-up of external RF signals
Artifacts 103
Remedy: System generated artifacts should be reported
service engineer.
There are many factors available to the technologist when
setting up a sequence. The appropriate selection of the
parameters determines the weighting, improved quality of
images and sensitivity to pathology. Therefore, the techno-
logist should be aware of these factors and their
interrelation so that optimal quality of the images can be
obtained. The following are the factors discussed below
which affect the quality of the image.
Performing an MR examination demands multiple
i. The acquisition parameters
ii. The imaging plane orientation,
Type of coil, slice thickness, matrix size, number of
excitations, etc.
FOV: 12 cm FOV: 24 cm
Figs 8.2A and B: SNR ~ FOV2
Spatial Resolution
Spatial resolution is defined as the ability to separate closely
spaced anatomical details.
Slice Thickness
To give each slice a thickness, a band of nuclei must be
excited by the excitation pulse.
Increase of slice thickness, increases SNR, coverage of
anatomy and partial volume whereas spatial resolution is
As slice thickness ↑ (increases), resolution ↓ (decre-
ases) and SNR ↑ (increases).
Decrease of slice thickness, reduces SNR, coverage of
anatomy and partial volume whereas spatial resolution is
108 Step by Step MRI
Spacing is the gap between two slices. When acquiring a
multiplanar, single acquisition, spacing controls cross-talk.
As spacing ↑ (increases), cross-talk ↓ (decreases)
Typically, a spacing that is 20 percent of the slice
thickness is sufficient to minimize cross-talk.
Matrix Size
The matrix size is represented by two figures. The first
figure usually relates to the number of frequency samples
taken, whereas the second relates to the number of phase
encodings performed. For example 256 × 128 indicates
that 256 frequency samples are taken during readout and
128 phase encodings are performed. A course matrix
corresponds to less number of pixels and fine matrix
corresponds to more number of pixels.
In all digital imaging methods, and therefore in MR too,
the image is divided into small picture elements called
pixels. Each individual pixel corresponds to the intensity
and amplitude of MR signal represented on gray scale.
The dimensions of the matrix can be changed. The most
commonly used matrix is 256 × 256. Some systems offer
low-resolution (128 × 128) and or/high-resolution (512 ×
512) matrixes.
At a given FOV, matrix size determines pixel size and
thus spatial resolution.
Therefore, an image obtained with 128 × 256 pixels is
typically less well resolved in the Y dimension than one
obtained with 256 × 256 pixels. However, all other para-
Technical Factors 111
Fig. 8.6
Fig. 8.7
Fig. 8.8
Fig. 8.9
112 Step by Step MRI
meters being equal, the 256 × 256 image has a factor of 2
less SNR, while it requires twice the scan time.
Pixel: Acronym for a picture element, the smallest discrete
part of a digital image display.
Voxel: Volume element, the element of the three-dimensional
space (3D-space) corresponding to a pixel, for a given slice
Prescanning is a method of calibration to be performed
prior to every data acquisition. The following are the three
main tasks involved in prescanning viz.
Technical Factors 113
i. Finding out the center frequency at which RF is to be
ii. Finding the exact magnitude of radiofrequency ought
to be transmitted in order to generate maximum signal
in the coil.
iii. Adjustment of the magnitude of the received signal.
Prescan allows for the adjustment of the transmit and
receive gain and the setting of the center frequency for a
specific body part to be imaged.
Frequency axis of the acquisiton matrix.
The number of cycles or separations of a periodic
process per unit time. In electromagnetic radiation, it is
usually expressed in units of Hertz (Hz), where 1 Hz = 1
Increase the frequency matrix to produce (high)
resolution, ↓ (low) SNR and ↓ less number of slices.
In a periodic function (such as rotational or sinusoidal
motion), the position relative to a particular part of the
Phase controls scan time for most pulse sequence data
base and may control resolution.
Nex: Select a Nex value that produces sufficient SNR.
116 Step by Step MRI
Phase FOV
PFOV shortens scan time by scaling down the FOV size
in the phase direction.
Select 0.75 or 0.5 to reduce phase steps and thus
↓ (less) Scan time
↓ (less) FOV in the Phase direction
↓ (decreases) SNR slightly.
Freq DIR: S/I (superior to inferior), A/P (anterior to
posterior), R/L (right to left).
The scanning direction associated with the frequency
The direction displayed is the default frequency direction
which is typically the long axis of the image.
To swap phase and frequency, select the other direction.
Auto Shim
Auto shim is typically selected when the FOV center is not
at isocenter.
A preparation phase is performed in which small gradient
amplitudes are determined which optimize the main
magnetic field homogeneity. The small gradients remain
present during the scan.
Select only contrast if contrast is injected. Enter amount of
contrast injected and the type of contrast used in the
designated fields.
Phase Correction
A process that mathematically corrects for phase errors in
FSE and (EP) sequences. Phase correction is selected for
EPI and FSE, FSE-IR and FLAIR protocols.
Technical Factors 117
1. Corrective processing of the spectrum so that spectral
lines at different frequencies all have the decorption—
mode phase.
2. In imaging, adjustment of the signal in different parts of
the image to have a consistent phase.
A. Large bandwidth
B. Small bandwidth
Image Reconstruction
The mathematical process of converting the composite
signals obtained during the data acquisition phase into an
In order to spatially encode the NMR signal, a gradient
magnetic field is superimposed on the static magnetic field.
The gradients place the nuclei in a slightly different magnetic
field depending on their location.
In order to confine excitation to a single slice only, an RF
pulse containing a narrow band of frequencies is applied,
in conjunction with the gradient located in the plane
perpendicular to the imaging plane. In an axial image in
122 Step by Step MRI
the x-y plane, for example, the slice-selection gradient is
Gz. The gradient is applied only during the RF excitation
pulse. Only that plane of nuclei located with its z position
such that its Larmor Frequency matches that of the applied
RF will be excited to produce a signal.
Slice Orientation
Superior Inferior (axial plane)
Right Left (sagittal plane)
Anterior Posterior (coronal plane).
MRI provides excellent soft tissue contrast. However,
enhancement with contrast agents substantially improves
the sensitivity and specificity of lesions. Contrast agents
are pharmaceuticals that enhance the contrast between
the lesions and normal structures. Enhancement of the image
contrast between normal and diseased tissue increases the
diagnostic accuracy. Contrast agents are commonly used
in clinical practice for a broad range of indications.
The ideal contrast agent should have the following proper-
1. The contrast agent must be efficient at low concentrations
2. The contrast agent should possesses tissue specificity
to enable higher concentration in specific tissue
3. The contrast agent must be substantially chased from
the targeted tissue.
4. It must have low viscosity
5. The contrast agent must possesses a suitable shelf life
for storage purposes
6. It should be nontoxic.
MRI Contrast Agents 125
There is no ideal contrast to date. However there are
many MR contrast agents that are safe, highly effective
and widely used in routine clinical practice.
Nearly all MR contrast agents constitute paramagnetic
compounds. The most commonly used paramagnetic ion is
the gadolinium (Gd) ion. This ion attaches with various
ligands (chemical compounds) such as diethylenetriamine
penta acetic acid (DTPA) that act as chelating agents. The
reaction of Gd ions with DTPA forms a stable chelate
complex. The presence of unpaired electrons in the para-
magnetic ion is a mandatory component to affect changes
in the T1 and T2 relaxation times of protons. The utilization
of a paramagnetic ion with highest spin quantum number is
desirable. The Gd ion of the lanthanide metal group has a
high spin quantum number (7/2), making this ion a desirable
contrast agent.
The first and foremost MRI contrast agent on the world
market was Schering Magnevist, the dimeglumine salt of
gadolinium–diethylenetriamine penta acetic acid (Gd-
Presently three gadolinium based contrast agents are
approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
These are nonionic Gd-DTPA-BMA (Gadodiamide or
omniscan), ionic Gd-DTPA(gadopentetate dimeglumine or
magnevist) and nonionic Gd-HP-DO3A (gadoteridol or
prohance). The osmolarity and viscosity of each of these
three contrast agents are given in Table 9.1.
Mechanism of Action
MR contrast agents alter tissue contrast. Signal will increase
when hydrogen proton increases, T1 decreases and T2
126 Step by Step MRI
Fat Suppression
In areas of the body with abundant fat, T1 weighting with
fat suppression (short T1 inversion recovery–STIR) provide
improved depiction of contrast enhancement. Fat
suppression is indicated in all fat rich areas like breast, retro-
orbital and bone marrow, etc.
Perfusion Imaging
For perfusion imaging, the contrast medium is injected as a
bolus using MRI compatible power injector. Images are
acquired very rapidly during and immediately post injection.
This helps to study the first pass of the contrast agent through
the brain. In brain perfusion imaging studies T2 weighted
scans are used. These scans provide the required high
temporal resolution and are also quite sensitive to the
vascular bed. On T2 weighted scans, the gadolinium chelates
MRI Contrast Agents 129
cause a reduction in signal intensity as opposed to the
increase in signal intensity seen on T1 weighted scans. After
acquisitions with the help of software relative cerebral blood
volume (rCBV) and relative mean transit time (rMTT) of
a given area is calculated. Perfusion imaging can detect
brain ischemia far sooner than standard T2 weighted scans.
It also detects the tissue at risk.
Adverse Reactions
There may be occasionally pain at the injection site. Nausea
and vomiting are the two most common mild reactions
encountered. Headache, paresthesia, dizziness, focal
convulsions, skin reaction, flush are other adverse effects
noted. There is no major change of incidence in various
contrast agents regarding severe anaphylactoid reaction.
Patients with asthma, multiple allergies, or known drug
sensitivity (including to iodinated contrast media) are at
130 Step by Step MRI
increased risk. The incidence of patients with adverse
effects after IV injection of Gd-DTPA was found to be
approximately 1 to 2%. In a post marketing survey of 5
million applications of Gd-DTPA, possible drug related death
was reported in one patient. Gd contrast media are safe to
be administered in children. During pregnancy use of
contrast is not recommended as it crosses the placental
barrier. Lactating mothers should stop breastfeeding their
babies, as contrast is excreted in breast milk.
All emergency drugs should be made available while
injecting contrast.
Hepatobiliary Agents
Gd-Benzyloxy propiomic tetraacetic acid (Gd-BOPTA)
Multihance (Gadobenate dimeglumine) is used both in CNS
and body. Multihance is excreted principally by the kidneys
and to a small extent by the liver. The latter feature markedly
improves the performance of this agent in the liver.
Multihance binds to protein improving its relativity
regardless of location in the body. Delayed scans are
particularly useful for the detection of small liver meta-
Feridex (fevumoxides, berlex laboratories) is a super
paramagnetic iron oxide containing dextran, formulated for
intravenous administration. This contrast agent is taken up
by cells of the reticuloendothelial system (RES) and is
sequestered by the RES, producing profound signal loss
from normal background tissue. On T2 weighted images
focal lesions like metastasis can be seen better. Its principal
use is as a liver agent.
MRI Contrast Agents 131
Tesla scan (Mn DPDP, Nycomed) agent was designed
to be incorporated into hepatocytes. Post contrast moderate
enhancement of normal liver parenchyma is seen improving
lesion conspicuity.
Recent Advances in
Pulse Sequences
The imaging plane or point is determined by applying
magnetic field gradients. There are basically three types of
gradient coils. One gradient is required in each of the x, y,
and z direction. A gradient is simply a magnetic field that
changes from point to point. Depending on their orientation
axis they are called Gx, Gy, Gz, and used for slice select,
frequency (read out), or phase encoding.
1. Slice selection gradient: It is turned on only during
application of RF pulse. If we make the magnetic field
change from point to point, then each position will have
its own resonance frequency. We can make the magnetic
field slightly weaker in strength at the feet and gradually
increase in strength at the head. This effect is achieved
by using slice selecting gradient coil. It helps to select
the point of the slice.
2. Phase encoding gradient: The gradient is applied in
one direction of the slice. Protons precess at slightly
different speeds (according to the intensity of the gradi-
ent) and thus have different phase angles which make it
possible to differentiate them. This operation is called
phase encoding. Phase encoding gradient is usually
applied between the 90° and the 180° RF pulses or
between the 180° pulse and the echo. For every slice,
each TR interval contains one phase encoding step. This
136 Step by Step MRI
process completes one line in K-space corresponding
to the selected gradient strength. This process is repeated
to fill the entire K-space.
3. Frequency encoding gradient (read out gradient). This
is applied perpendicular to the phase encoding. It gives
rise to phase angle differences in each band of protons
which previously had the same phase angle. The new
phase angle provides spatial information. This operation
is called frequency encoding. The frequency encoding
gradient is applied during the time the echo is received,
i.e. during read out. Each TR interval contains one read
out per slice.
T1 and T2
T1 and T2 refer to physical properties of tissues after expo-
sure to a series of pulses at predetermined time intervals.
Different tissues have different T1 and T2 properties based
on the response of their hydrogen nuclei to radiofrequency
pulses imposed by the magnetic field. MRI exploits these
different tissue properties by selecting equipment para-
meters (TE and TR) producing images based on either the
T1 or T2 properties of the tissues. TE is the time interval
between applying the pulse and receiving the signal. TR is
interval between two radiofrequency pulses. TE and TR
are both expressed in milliseconds (ms). A relatively low
TE is about 20 ms, and high TE is above 100 ms. Low TR
is about 50 ms and long TR is above 1500 ms T1 weighted
images have a low TE and low TR (Fig. 10.2). Whereas
both are high for T2 weighted images. Proton density images
have a low TE and high TR (Fig. 10.3).
Recent Advances in Pulse Sequences 137
Plain Contrast
Fig. 10.4: Plain and contrast of calf showing
enhancement of abscess
Recent Advances in Pulse Sequences 139
gradient. A period of time equal to inversion time (TI)
elapses and a spin echo sequence is applied. The remainder
of the sequence is equivalent to a spin echo sequence.
Inversion time (TI) is between the initial 180° pulse and
90° pulse. The inversion recovery sequence is generally
used in a highly T1 dependent medium. Inversion recovery
images are strongly T1 dependent providing excellent image
contrast and anatomical details when the correct pulse
parameters are used. Areas of short T1 appear bright
(white) and areas of long T1 appear dark (black). Areas of
low proton density such as cortical bone and air appear
dark in IR sequence. Hence lesion adjacent to bone, e.g.
Acoustic neuroma, chordoma, etc. cannot be easily distin-
guished (Fig. 10.5).
Fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) MR imaging
techniques were first described by Hajnal et al.
In a IR sequence if the inversion time (TI) is increased
to 1500 – 2000 msec the longitudinal magnetization of the
brain is almost fully recovered. The signal from CSF can
be nulled.
The FLAIR sequence has been used in the brain in cases
of infarction and multiple sclerosis. The FLAIR sequence
is used in heavily T2 weighted form in the brain where
most lesions are highlighted . It also can be used to improve
the accuracy of detecting T2 prolongation in the hippo-
campus in mesial temporal sclerosis. The CSF signal is
decreased and this helps in detecting acute subarachnoid
hemorrhage (Fig. 10.6).
One of the main disadvantages of FLAIR MR imaging
was long acquisition times, however newer techniques
combining FLAIR like sequences with fast spin echo
techniques have greatly shortened acquisition times.
FLAIR technique is currently used in a variety of brain
diseases including ischaemic stroke, demyelinating disorders,
subarachnoid hemorrhage, meningitis, trauma (diffuse
Recent Advances in Pulse Sequences 141
Recent Advances in Pulse Sequences 143
GRASS : Gradient recalled acquisition in the
steady state
SPGR : Spoiled GRASS
SSFP : Steady state free precession
FISP : Fast imaging with steady state pre-
FLASH : Fast low angle shot
PSIF : Fast imaging with steady state preces-
sion (opposite of FISP)
Turbo-FLASH : (Turbo is used in place of Fast)
GRASS yields more T2* weighting images.
In SPGR, a long TR and a large a yield T1 weighting
image. The disadvantages of SPGR include increased
dephasing caused by inhomogeneity, increased magnetic
susceptibility and chemical shift artifacts.
SSFP images yield heavily T2 (not T2*) weighted images
with increased scan speed without the use of dedicated
excitation and rephasing pulses. The advantages include
decreased dephasing caused by inhomogeneity, decreased
magnetic susceptibility and chemical shift artifacts. The
disadvantages are decreased SNR and increased sensitivity
to nonstationary tissue.
Multiplanar Techniques: The GRASS and SPGR sequen-
ces can be performed using a multiplanar technique by
selecting a long TR. These are called MPGR (multiplanar
gradient recalled, MPSPGR. A small α yields PD weighted
while a large α yields T1 weighting. Advantages of multi-
planar technique include increased SNR, mutiplanar scan-
ning, multiecho imaging and reduces saturation effects.
Fast Gradient Echo Technique: The GRE techniques are
generally faster than SE techniques. There are additional
144 Step by Step MRI
methods to increase the speed of scanning. These methods
are called Fast GRASS, Fast SPGR Fast multiplanar
GRASS, Fast multiplanar spoiled GRASS, etc. Ultrafast
TRs and TEs are employed to reduce the sequence time.
This is achieved by fractional echo, fractional RF, fractional
NEX, and reduction in the sampling time (increasing the
band width).
GRE scanning performs one slice at a time except in multi-
planar imaging. Each slice is an entry slice. Consequently,
flow related enhancement (FRE) applies to every single
slice, and vessels appear bright on GRE images. No
saturated flowing protons enter the slice, so that flipping
these protons yields maximum signal. This is the basic
concept behind 2D or 3D Time of Flight (TOF) MR
Recent Advances in Pulse Sequences 145
As a result of ongoing technical developments rapid scan
techniques have established themselves as indispensable
for state of the art clinical magnetic resonance imaging. A
ten minute scan protocol is becoming popular for most of
the routine imaging. Rapid MR techniques are based on
either gradient recalled or RF refocusing.
Echoplanar imaging fills K-space after a single RF pulse
in a single measurement or shot.
A magnetic resonance image is referred to as image
space. Its Fourier transform is referred to as K-space. In
magnetic resonance imaging K-space is equivalent to the
space defined by the frequency and phase encoding
directions. Conventional imaging sequences record one line
of K-space in each encoding step. Since one phase encoding
step occurs with each TR time, the time required to produce
an image is determined by the product of TR and the number
of phase encoding steps. Echoplanar imaging measures all
lines of K-space in a single TR period.
There is a 90° slice selection RF pulse which is applied
in conjunction with a slice selection gradient. There is an
initial phase encoding gradient pulse. Next there is 180°
Recent Advances in Pulse Sequences 149
pulse. There are 128 or 256 phase and frequency encoding
gradients when the echo is recorded. The rate at which K-
space is reversed is rapid (Fig. 10.11).
The greatest application of echoplanar imaging appears
to be in the area of functional MRI of the brain. During
brain activity there is a rapid momentary increase in the
blood flow to the specific thought center in the brain.
Similarly, movement of index finger causes rapid momen-
tary increase in the circulation of the specific part of the
brain controlling the movement of the finger. The increase
in oxygen (which is paramagnetic) affects the T1 and T2
of the local brain tissues. The difference in T1 and T2
relative to surrounding tissue causes a contrast between
the tissues. This is known as BOLD (blood oxygen level
detection) technique (Fig. 10.12).
The main use of MTC is to extract more information from
relaxation of biological tissues. In most biological tissue,
there is cross relaxation between the free proton pool in
protons in moving water (Hf) and the restricted proton pool
in protons in stationary water or tissues such as macro-
molecues (Hr).
Only protons that have a sufficiently long T2 time (Hf)
can be imaged. Typically, these protons are found in moving
water. Other protons (Hr) lose their transverse magneti-
zation decay before their signal is collected.
Magnetic resonance angiography is a noninvasive method
of study of blood vessels. Fast imaging techniques like
gradient echo are used for MRA. There are two major ways
of performing MRA (i) Time of Flight (TOF), (ii) Phase
Contrast (PC).
Recent Advances in Pulse Sequences 155
In TOF angiography low flip angle is used and 180° pulse
is eliminated. Stationary tissue is exposed to multiple RF
pulses and is fully saturated. Unsaturated blood entering
this slice gives high signal. Obviously, maximum enhance-
ment will be obtained when the imaging plane is at right
angles to the direction of blood flow (Figs 10.16 and 10.17).
Method Anatomy
MR Spectroscopy (MRS) relies on information provided
by chemical shifts. The magnetic field around nuclei in a
chemically complex environment is altered due to shielding
currents that are associated with the electron distribution
around adjacent atoms. These alterations in the magnetic
field cause small changes in the resonance frequency which
are known as chemical shifts and these allow a distinction
158 Step by Step MRI
to be made between the small nuclei in different chemical
MR spectroscopy may be obtained with many clinical
1.5 T MR units. Adequate MR spectra may be obtained in
periods of time as short as 10 to 15 minutes. Therefore,
they may be added to routine MR imaging studies. MR
spectroscopy provides greater information concerning tissue
characterization than what is possible with MR imaging
studies alone.
31P MR spectroscopy can be utilized to measure the
concentration of ATP, phosphocreatine and inorganic
phosphate as well as the intracellular pH in muscle. The
metabolites of interest in brain include N-acetyle aspartate
(NAA), choline containing compounds (Cho) as well as
creatine and phosphocreatine (Cr). The NAA serves as a
marker of neurons. In a variety of disorders it may be
decreased where there is little or no change on the MR
image (Fig. 10.19).
Proton spectroscopy appears complementary to MR
imaging which generally of value in acute and subacute
disease. Proton MR spectroscopy readily distinguishes
normal brain from tissues from astrocytoma. However,
TE 35 TE 288
Fig. 10.19: MR spectroscopy
Recent Advances in Pulse Sequences 159
proton MR spectroscopy may not be able to distinguish
between different histologic grades of malignancy in
astrocytoma. MR spectroscopy may be useful in difficult
cases to differentiate tumors. Proton MR spectroscopy
shows elevation of lactate in patients who have received
40 Gy or more to the brain. It also demonstrates marked
metabolic alterations in patients with mild AIDS related
dementia. Spectroscopy is also helpful in degenerative
disorders like Alzheimer and Parkinson disease, hepatic
encephalopathy, cerebral ischaemia, etc. some innovative
applications include measurment of psychoactive drugs,
neurofibromatosis type 1, cerebral heterotopias, multiple
sclerosis, etc.
Rapid scanning techniques have established themselves as
indispensable for state-of art clinical magnetic resonance
imaging. A major breakthrough came with introduction of
low flip angle gradient echo imaging which is the basis for
most recent advances. Now we have magnets with
high field strengths (1.5T – 3T) high gradient strength
25-40 mt/m which enables far better contrast functional
imaging. MR spectroscopy is a new development and its
application in metabolic and functional imaging is rapidly
evolving. Recent advances in MRI include new pulse
sequences, rapid scanning, functional imaging, angio-
graphy and spectroscopy.
Practical Imaging
Each displayed image will have two orientation labels, one
at the top, and the other at the left of the image. Images
from the three standard orthogonal planes are displayed in
the following manner in the absence of a scout:
S Sagittal Images: These are dis-
played with the patient’s anterior
to the left (marked A), and the
superior portion of the image
(marked S) at the top of the screen.
Slices are numbered and displayed
sequentially, beginning on the
Fig. 11.1 patient’s right and proceeding
Coronal Images: These are dis-
played with the patient’s right side
(marked R) on the left side of the
screen. The superior portion of the
image is at the top of the screen
(marked S). The slices are num-
Fig. 11.2 bered and displayed sequentially
from posterior to anterior.
Practical Imaging 161
Fig. 11.3
Fig. 11.16
1. Brain
2. Temporal Lobes
3. Posterior Fossa and IAM
4. Pituitary
5. Orbits
6. T-M Joint
7. Diffusion
8. Perfusion
9. Spectroscopy
10. Functional
11. MRA-Head
12. MRV
13. MRI in Steriotaxy
14. D.B.S
15. CSF-Flow
16. CSF-Rhinorrhea
17. MRA Neck
18. C-Spine
19. D-Spine
20. L-Spine
21. Whole Spine
31. Shoulder
32. Humerus
33. Elbow
34. Forearm
35. Wrist and Hand
36. Hips
37. Thigh
38. Knee Joint
39. Tibia and Fibula
40. Ankle
41. Vascular Imaging
168 Step by Step MRI
FOV 24 24 24 24 24 24
SNR 100 100 100 100 100 100
Scan Time 2.02 1.44 3.54 2.18 2.00 4.12
Direction A/P A/P A/P S/I S/I A/P
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water Water Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction Slice — — Freq Freq Slice
Saturation I I I I I I
Contrast Usage: Inject Gadolinium (10 ml), if pathological conditions seen. Acquire post-contrast T1W Images in all 3 planes
170 Step by Step MRI
• Diagnosis and evaluation of a lesion specifically in the temporal lobes (tumours, vascular malformation, leukodystrophies and atrophic
• Evaluation of signal change in the hippocampus and the temporal lobe.
• Measurements of the hippocampal volume (hippocampal atrophy is presently considered the most sensitive indicator of hippocampal disease).
Saturation I I I I I
172 Step by Step MRI
Axial localizer for coronal slices Coronal localizer for axial slices
• Symptoms that require the exclusion of an acoustic neuroma (vertigo, unilateral sensory hearing loss, tinnitus )
• Facial palsy / numbness, • Diagnosis of a posterior fossa lesion
• Hemifacial spasm, • Trigeminal neuralgia
FOV 18 18 18 18 18 18
SNR 100 100 100 100 100 100
Scan Time 4.37 5.45 4.32 5.30 8.01 7.34
Frequency Direction R/L R/L A/P S/I R/L R/L
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water Water Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction Slice —— —— —— Slice Slice
Saturation A,P,S,I S,I S,I FAT S,I A,P,S,I S,I FAT
Contrast Usage: Inject Gadolinium (10 ml) if pathological condition seen. Acquire post-contrast T1W images in all 3 planes
174 Step by Step MRI
Pulse Sequence AxialT2 COR T1 COR T2 Sag T1 Sag T1+C-fs Cor T1+C-dyn-FSE
• Before you bring the patient into the scan room, have the patient
remove all eye make-up.
• Position the patient supine with the head in the positioner.
• Place the chin up with the Orbital-meatal line +15 to the table top. This
position places the optic nerve perpendicular to the table
• Turn on the alignment lights. Place the sagittal light on the mid-sagittal
line of the patient’s head and the axial line to pass through both outer
canthus of the eyes.
• Place the coils parallel to the anatomy and as close as possible to the
eye without touching the patient.
• Immobilize the patient using sponges and straps
Sagittal image of
the orbit and optic
nerve showing
the correct
placement of axial
oblique slices
parallel to the
optic nerve
• Visual disturbance
• Proptosis
• Evaluation of orbital or ocular mass lesions
FOV 24 16 16 16 16 16
SNR 115 100 55 100 100 100
Scan Time 2.16 3.20 3.52 3.02 1.41 6.04
Direction A/P A/P S/I R/L S/I S/I
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water Water Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction Slice —— Freq —— Freq ——
Saturation I S,I —— S,I S,I FAT S,I FAT
Contrast Usage: Inject Gadolinium(10 ml) ,if pathological conditions seen. Acquire post-contrast TI WI images in all 3 planes
178 Step by Step MRI
Patient Position- dual 3 inch Coil
Closed Mouth
• Suspected internal meniscal derangement
FOV 12 12 12 16 16 12
SNR 100 100 100 100 100 100
Scan Time 2.13 2.31 2.56 3.19 3.56 3.01
Frequency Direction S/I S/I S/I S/I S/I S/I
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water Water Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction —- — —- —- —- —-
Saturation —- —- —- —- —- —-
Remarks: Inject Gadolinium (10 ml), if pathological conditions seen acquire post-contrast T1 WI images in all 3 planes
180 Step by Step MRI
TR 10,000 10,000
TE/IR Minimum Minimum
ETL —- Inv.Time:2500
Bandwidth —- —-
Nex 1 1.00
Slice 5 5
Gap 0 0
No. of Slices 25 25
Matrix Freq/Phase 96/128 128/128
FOV/Phase FOV 36/0.60 36/0.60
SNR 100 100
Scan Time 0.40 2.00
Frequency Direction A/P R/L
Auto Center Frequency Water Water
Flow Compensation —- —-
Saturation I —-
No. of Shots
Pulse Sequence O-Ax dyn EPI SE-EPI
TR 2000
TE/IR 60
ETL FA-90 Degrees
Bandwidth 62.50
Nex 1
Slice 10
Gap 0
No. of Slices 12
Freq/Phase 96/64
FOV 30
SNR 100
Scan Time 1.20
Frequency Direction R/L
Auto Center Frequency Water
Flow Compensation Direction —-
Saturation —-
cho (3.22)
βγ,a-Glx (2.05-2.5)
Chemical shifts of metabolite resonance in MR spectra of human brain
Step by Step MRI 184
N-acetylaspartate 2.02
(first peak, NAA1)
β-γ-Glutamine and glutamate 2.05-2.5
(β, γ-Glx)
N-acetylaspartate 2.6
(second peak, NAA2)
N-acetylaspartate 2.5
(third peak, NAA3)
Total creatine (Cr) 3.03
Total choline (Cho) 3.22
Scyllo-inositol (SI) 3.30
Glucose 3.43
Myo-inositol (mI) 3.5
α-Glutamine and Glutamate (α-Glx) 3.65
Practical Imaging
Pulse Sequence Localizer for Ax probe Ax probe Ax probe AX-Probe-SV- Multi voxel
Spectroscopy SV-Press SV-Press SV-Press STEAM Axial Probe
35 TE 144TE 288TE 30TE SI Press-144TE
Remarks: The study takes approximately six minutes and can be add-on to a routine brain MRI. MRS provides a brain map of chemical spectra
and biochemical information about the tissues.
188 Step by Step MRI
TR 3000 440
TE/IR 60 15
ETL Flip Angle:90 Deg —-
Bandwidth 62.50 15.6
Nex 1.00 2
Slice 10 10
Gap 2 0
No. of Slices 4 4
Freq/Phase 64/64 256/224
FOV 40 40
SNR 100 100
Scan Time 6.26 3.20
Direction } R/L A/P
• Circle of Willis (stroke or TIA)
TR 36 36
TE 6.9 6.9
Flip Angle 20 Deg. 20 Deg.
Bandwidth 15.63 15.63
Nex 1 1
Slice Thickness 1.2 1.2
Overlap Locations 12 2
Locations per slab 64 20
Freq/Phase 256/192 256/192
FOV 20 20
SNR 100 100
Scan Time 7.25 7.05
Direction } A/P A/P
TR 33 33 33.0 Minimum
TE/IR — — — Minimum
Flip Angle 20 Deg. 20 Deg. 20 Deg. 15 Deg.
Bandwidth — — — 15.63
Nex 4 4 4.00 1.00
Slice Thickness 40 40 15.0 1.5
Gap 0 0 0 —
No. of Slices 1 1 5 120
Matrix Freq/Phase 256/256 256/256 256/160 256/128
FOV 24 24 22 22
SNR 100 100 100 100
Scan Time 2.15 2.15 5.19 4.54
Frequency Direction S/I S/I A/P S/I
Auto Center Water Water Water Water
Frequency }
Flow Compensation — — — —
Saturation — — — Inferior
Velocity Encoding 15.0 15.0 60.0
194 Step by Step MRI
TR 400 400
TE/IR 9.0 9.0
ETL —- —-
Bandwidth 15.83 15.83
Nex 2 2
Slice 6 6
Gap 1.5 1.5
No. of Slices 16 16
Matrix Freq/Phase 256/192 256/192
FOV 26 26
SNR 105 105
Scan Time 2.40 2.40
Direction A/P A/P
Auto Center Frequency Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction —- —-
Saturation I I
• MR Compatible Stereotactic frame is fixed to the patients head by a surgeon.
- The biopsy site will be selected on post-contrast T1W axial image
- Post-procedure plain axial T1W image should be taken to know weather biopsy
was taken from the target side or not
• To see any postoperative hematoma formation or injury to the eloquent areas
196 Step by Step MRI
Remarks: -Obtain Post-procedure axial and coronal T1W images to see the correct position
of the electrodes and to detect any complication.
198 Step by Step MRI
TR 33.0 40 4900
TE/IR —- —- 85
ETL FA:20 Deg FA:15 Deg 16
Bandwidth —- —- 20.83
Nex 2.00 1.00 2
Slice 5.00 4.00 5
Gap 0 0 1.5
No. of Slices 1 1 20
Matrix Freq/Phase 256/192 256/256 256 / 256
FOV 24 16 24
SNR 100 100 100
Scan Time 3.54 2.35 2.02
Frequency Direction S/I A/P A/P
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water
Flow Compensation —- —- Slice
Saturation —— —— I
I. Retrospectively cardiac gate to 32 cine phase
II. Angle perpendicular to aqueduct (for R/O Shunt malfunction: venc=2 cm/sec)
III. Peripheral gating
200 Step by Step MRI
Patient Position:
• Position the patient supine, head first .use sponges or the head
holder to support the patient’s head. Elevate the head slightly for the
best coil fit.
• Place the coil to cover the head and neck.
• Turn on the alignment lights and center the patient’s midline (nose
and sternal notch) to the sagittal light.
• Move the coil as close to the patient’s jaw as possible.
• Use sponges or cushions as needed for patient comfort.
• Landmark at the centre of the coil.
• Instruct the patient to breath evenly and minimize swallowing.
Coronal localizer for axial slices Axial slab to obtain axial slices
Practical Imaging 203
TR Minimum 26.0 —-
TE Minimum 6.9 Minimum
ETL/Flip Angle FA-45 Deg. 20 FA-45 Deg.
Bandwidth 31.25 15.63 31.25
Nex 1.00 1.00 1.00
Slice 2.0 2.4 1.4
Gap/Overlap Locations 0 5/20 No. of
No. of Slices/Slabs 101 6 Locations
per slab:44
Matrix Freq/Phase 256/160 256/128 256/224
FOV 20 20 24
SNR 100 100 100
Scan Time 20.14 5.45 0.49
Frequency Direction R/L R/L S/I
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water
Flow Compensation —- —- —-
Saturation S S —-
Patient position-CTL-Top
Patient Position:
• Place the coil on the magnet table and plug it in
• Place patient supine, head first. Rest the head and neck in the coil
• Position the superior end of the coil at the base of the skull. This
position should include C1 on a sagittal image so that you can count
vertebra for localization purpose.
No. of slices 11 11 11 11 11 9
Matrix Freq/Phase 256/192 256/192 256/192 256/192 256/192 320/256
FOV 24 24 24 22 22 26
SNR 100 100 85 100 100 100
Scan Time 2.18 2.14 2.58 2.30 2.26 2.25
Frequency Direction A/P S/I A/P A/P A/P S/I
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water Water Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction —— —— Slice Slice —— ——
Saturation —— —— —— —— —— a
206 Step by Step MRI
Coronal localizer for sagittal slices Sagittal image of the dorsal spine
showing axial oblique slice posi-
tions parallel to each disk space
• Thoracic disc disease
• Thoracic cord compression
• Visualisation of an MS plaques in the thoracic cord
• Thoracic cord tumor
• To visualize the inferior extent of cervical syrinx
No. of Slices 11 11 10 11 11 9
Matrix Freq/Phase 384/256 512/224 256/192 256/256 256/224 384/256
FOV 36 36 36 22 22 36
SNR 100 100 100 100 100 100
Scan Time 3.51 4.35 3.42 3.24 2.34 3.14
Frequency Direction A/P A/P S/I A/P Un swap S/I
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water Water Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction Freq —— —— Slice —— ——
Saturation a,p —— a,p S,I a
208 Step by Step MRI
• Place the phased array coil on the magnet table and plug the phased
array coil port.
• Position patient supine and either head first.
• Place arms at the sides or above the head, whichever is most
comfortable for the patient. If you’re using the gating option, place
the arms by the sides to keep good blood flow to the fingers. Attach
the P-gating device. CTLBOT). Adjust the patient so that the anatomy
of interest is center over the selected coil.
• Use accessories such as the knee bolster, to flatten the lumbar
curve and bring it closer to the coil, and blankets to make the patient
as comfortable as possible.
No. of Slices 11 11 11 11 11 9
Matrix Freq/Phase 256/224 512/224 256/224 256/224 512/192 384/256
FOV 28 28 28 20 20 36
SNR 100 87 100 93 88 100
Scan Time 3.29 3.28 4.18 2.57 3.22 3.14
Frequency Direction A/P A/P A/P A/P A/P A/P
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water Water Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction Slice —— —— Slice —— ——
Saturation L L —— S,I S,I a
210 Step by Step MRI
• Place the phased array coil on the magnet table and plug the phased
array coil port.
• Position patient supine, and either head or feet first. A feet first position
may be preferred by claustrophobic patients.
• Place arms at the sides or above the head, whichever is most
comfortable for the patient. If you’re using the gating option, place
the arms by the sides to keep good blood flow to the fingers. Attach
the P-gating device.
• Use accessories such as the knee bolster and blankets to make the
patient as comfortable as possible.
• Locate C1-S1 on the patient and determine which coils will best cover
the Whole spine (e.g. CTL mid and CTL Bottom)
• Explicitly instruct the patient not to move during the scan. e.g: don’t
shift hips or move legs.
No. of Slices 11 11 10 11 11 9
Matrix Freq/Phase 384/256 512/224 256/192 256/256 256/224 384/256
FOV 48 48 48 22 22 36
SNR 100 100 100 100 100 100
Scan Time 3.51 4.35 3.42 3.24 2.34 3.14
Frequency Direction A/P A/P S/I A/P Un swap S/I
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water Water Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction Freq —— —— Slice —— ——
Saturation a,p —— a,p S,I a
212 Step by Step MRI
Coronal localizer for axial slices Coronal localizer for sagittal slices
TR —- —- 18 —-
TE/IR Minimum 14.0 Min Minimum
ETL —- 12 FA30 Deg —-
Bandwidth 15.00 20.83 15.63 15.63
Nex 4.00 4.00 2.00 4.00
Slice 10 10 10 10
Gap 2 2 2 2
No. of Slices 20 20 20 16
Matrix Freq/Phase 256/128 256/128 256/128 256/128
FOV 32 32 32 32
SNR 100 100 100 100
Scan Time 8.54 4.54 2.36 8.54
Frequency Direction R/L R/L Unswap Unswap
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water Water
Flow Compensation —- —- —- —-
Saturation S,I S,I —- —-
· All sequences are cardiac gated.
· Set TR to 80% of R-R Interval for T1 weighted image, trigger every second or third
R wave for T2 weighting
214 Step by Step MRI
TR —- —- —-
TE/IR Minimum Minimum Minimum
ETL FA-45deg 18 16
Bandwidth 31.25 20.83 20.83
Nex 1 3.00 3.00
Slice 2..8 4 4
Gap 30 5 5
No. of Slices 128 14 9
Matrix Freq/Phase 256/160 384/256 384/256
FOV 38 32 32
SNR 100 100 100
Scan Time 0.29 3.50 2.30
Direction A/P R/L S/I
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water
Flow Compensation —- —- —-
Saturation —- —- —-
• Characterization of abnormalities seen on a mammogram especially , but not exclusively , in patients with previous disease
• Characterization of abnormalities in patients with very fatty breasts
• Characterization of abnormalities in patients with breast implants
Pulse Sequence Sag FSE T2 Sag FAST STIR Sag FAST Axial-FSE T2 Axial T1 Axial T1
No. of Slices 18 18 18 20 16 16
Matrix Freq/Phase 256/256 256/192 256/192 320/256 224/160 224/160
FOV 20 20 20 36 18 18
SNR 100 100 100 100 100 100
Scan Time 4.33 5.02 4.57 5.05 2.58 4.27
Frequency Direction A/P A/P A/P A/P A/P A/P
Auto Center Frequency Water Fat Fat Water Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction —- —- —- —- —- —-
Saturation S,I S,I, Water S,I S,I S,I S,I, FAT
218 Step by Step MRI
• Diagnosis and characterization of brachial plexus lesions, especially those secondary to carcinoma of the breast and the bronchus
• Thoracic outlet syndrome
• evaluation of the brachial plexus following trauma
TR — — —
TE/IR Minimum Minimum Minimum
ETL FA-45Deg 18 16
Bandwidth 31.25 20.83 20.83
Nex 1 3 3
Slice 2.6 4 4
Gap 36 5 5
No. of Slices 128 14 9
Matrix Freq/Phase 256/160 384/256 384/256
FOV/Phase FOV 48/.80 32 32
SNR 100 100 100
Scan Time 0.29 3.50 2.30
Frequency Direction A/P R/L S/I
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water
Flow Compensation — — —
Saturation — — —
Pulse Sequence Axial Axial Thick Slab Thin Slab Thinner Slices
No. of Slices 16 20 1 1 12
Matrix Freq/Phase 256/192 256/128 512/256 384/256 384/256
FOV 40 40 36 40 40
SNR 100 100 100 100 100
Scan Time 0.21 0.20 0.01 0.01 0.23
Frequency Direction R/L R/L Unswap A/P S/I
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction —- —- —- —- —-
Saturation —- —- —- —- —-
224 Step by Step MRI
• For the evaluation of urinary tract in patients with renal failure
• For the evaluation of non-excreting kidneys in IVU
• For the evaluation of urinary obstruction
Patient Preparation:
• An empty bladder can minimize motion artifacts from urine. However,
a full bladder can aid visualization of bladder wall anatomy and
pathology by improving definition between anatomy, (e.g. differen-
tiating prostate from bladder wall).
Patient Position:
• Position the patient supine, feet first. Place an angle sponge under
the knee for comfort.
• Place the arms at the or overhead.
• Position comfort cushions at any pressure points (e.g. under elbow)
Pulse Sequence Sag FSE T2 Axial FSE T2 Axial SE T1 Cor FSE T2 Cor FSE IR Cor FSE T2 fat sat
No. of Slices 20 20 20 20 20 20
Matrix Freq/Phase 320/256 256/256 256/192 256/256 256/192 320/256
FOV 24 38 38 38 38 24
SNR 100 100 100 100 100 100
Scan Time 5.35 3.13 4.17 3.05 5.09 5.35
Frequency Direction A/P R/L R/L S/I S/I S/I
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water Water Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction —- —- —- —- Freq —
• Prostatic inflammation, benign hyperplasia and neoplasm
Pulse Sequence Sag FSE T2 Axial FSE T2 Axial SE T1 Axial STIR Axial FSPGR
T1 fat sat
• Position the patient supine, head first. Offset the patient left or right
and bring the shoulder as close as possible to magnet isocenter. To
help minimize motion, oblique the patient, shoulder of interest down.
• Recheck the straps to make sure they are secure, now that the patient
is lying down. Position the straps as far superior as possible to
minimize respiratory motion.
• Diagnosis and evaluation of impingement syndrome and instability
• Sometimes useful in the evaluation of frozen shoulder syndrome
Pulse Sequence Cor T1 Cor T2 Cor STIR-FSE Sag T1 FSE AX T1 AX T2* GRE
FOV 14 14 14 14 14 12
SNR 100 100 100 100 100 100
Scan Time 6.32 3.43 4.15 3.52 6.32 5.40
Frequency Direction Unswap Uswap Unswap Unswap R/L R/L
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water Water Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction —- —- —- —- —- —-
Saturation R,I R,I R,I R,I R
• Visualisation of bony and soft tissue abnormalities
No. of Slices 16 16 16 16 10 16
Matrix Freq/Phase 384/160 256/224 512/256 512/256 256/192 384/256
FOV 16 16 16 16 12 16
SNR 100 100 100 100 100 100
Scan Time 1.28 4.09 6.28 5.45 2.58 4.08
Frequency Direction A/P S/I Unswap Unswap Unswap Unswap
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water Water Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction —- —- —- —- —- —-
Saturation a,p —- —- —- —- —-
234 Step by Step MRI
• Visualisation of joint abnormalities
• Adjoining soft tissues(including bursa)
Pulse Sequence Cor T2 Cor STIR CorT2* Sag T1 Sag STIR Sag T2
• Visualization of bony and soft tissue abnormalities
• Place the coil on the table and plug it into the surface coil port
• Position the patient supine, arm at the side with the wrist either prone
(palm down) or lateral (thumb up).
• Place the wrist prone, with the carpal bones positioned in the coil
center of one coil. Place the other coil on top of the wrist and secure
it with straps.
• Do not place the two coils facing one another, rather, position them
Pulse Sequence COR T1SE O-COR T2 FSE O-COR T2*GRE Oblique STIR O-Axial T1 SE Oblique PD
• Evaluation of unexplained hip pain mainly caused by avascular necrosis(AVN) of the femoral head
• Possibly useful in the diagnosis of labral tears
Pulse Sequence Sag T2 Sag T1 Sag STR Cor T2 Sag T2* GRE O.COR STIR
FOV 16 16 16 16 16 16
SNR 100 100 100 100 100 100
Scan Time 4.08 2.25 3.35 3.52 6.28 5.00
Frequency Direction A/P R/L A/P S/I S/I R/L
Auto Center
Frequency Water Water Water Water Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction —— —— —— —— —— ——
Saturation S,I S,I S,I S,I S,I ——
• Assessment of suspected or unknown pathology of soft tissue and bone (tumours, infection)
• Assessment of ankle pain of unknown cause • Assessment of tendonitis (especially posterior tibial)
• Exclusion of osteochondritis dessicans • Evaluation of achilles tendon rupture or tear
• Avascular necrosis of the talus • Evaluation of the ankle joint following trauma
• Visualisation of soft tissue abnormalities • Possibly useful for evaluation of lateral ligament complex
No. of Slices 20 20 16 20 20 20
Matrix Freq/Phase 256/224 384/256 512/256 256/192 256/192 256/256
FOV 16 16 16 12 12 12
SNR 102 100 100 100 100 100
Scan Time 4.09 4.08 6.28 3.30 5.00 4.43
Frequency Direction S/I A/P S/I S/I S/I S/I
Auto Center Frequency Water Water Water Water Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction —- —- —- —- —- —-
Saturation —- a,p —- —- —- —-
250 Step by Step MRI
TR Minimum Minimum
TE/IR Minimum Minimum
ETL FA-60 Deg FA-60 Deg
Bandwidth 15.63 15.63
Nex 1 1
Slice 3 3
Gap 0.5 0.5
No. of Slices 124 124
Matrix Freq/Phase 256/224 256/224
FOV 40 40/.75
SNR 100 100
Scan Time 9.19 9.19
Frequency Direction R/L R/L
Auto Center Frequency Water Water
Flow Compensation Direction
Saturation I S
252 Step by Step MRI
• Neuro Imaging
• Neck and spine imaging
• Cardiac imaging
• Abdominal imaging
• Musculoskeletal imaging
• Diffusion imaging
• Perfusion imaging
• Functional imaging
• Spectroscopic imaging
• CSF flow
• Steriotactic biopsy
Practical Imaging 253
Routine Imaging
3D reconstruction
256 Step by Step MRI
Neck and Spine Imaging
Axial SE T1WI-chest
Cornal SE T1WI -chest
MR urography
Practical Imaging 261
Musculoskeletal Imaging
AVM Thigh
30 Y/M, follow-up case of AVM RT thigh—post-embolisation
Diffusion Imaging
Acute PCA territory stroke
42 M, with suspected posterior circulation stroke
Practical Imaging 267
Perfusion Imaging
268 Step by Step MRI
Functional Imaging
270 Step by Step MRI
Multi voxel-spectroscopy
CSF Flow
CSF flow
Practical Imaging 271
Steriotactic Biopsy
Steriotaxic biopsy
Factors affecting the SNR 105 Hemoglobin desaturation 81
auto center frequency 117 Hepatobiliary agents 130
auto shim 116 Hydrogen atom 5
bandwidth 118
Hyperacute clots 81
contrast 116
Hypointensity 75
contrast-to-noise ratio 118
field of view 105
spatial resolution 107 I
frequency 115
image acquisition time 114 Image presentation 160
image reconstruction 121 axial images 161
matrix size 110 coronal images 160
number of signal averages 113 sagittal images 160
phase 115 Image review 163
phase correction 116 identifying image labels 163
prescan 112 Imaging process 90
scan time 112 Intensities of normal anatomical
signal-to-noise ratio 117 structures 72
slice thickness 107 high intensity 72
SNR-slice thickness 108 low intensity 73
Index 283
Intracranial angio 262 cardiac imaging 258
Inversion recovery 138 musculoskeletal imaging 261
FLAIR 140 neck and spine imaging 256
GRE technique 141 specialized imaging 266
short inversion time inversion CSF flow 270
recovery 139 diffusion imaging 266
Iron storage 83 functional imaging 268
perfusion imaging 267
L spectroscopic imaging 269
steriotactic biopsy 271
Larmor’s equation 14 vascular imaging 262
Law of quantum mechanics 11 MR signals 74
MR spectra of human brain 184
MR spectroscopy 157
MR urography 260
Magnetic field 16 MR venography 156
Magnetic moment 7, 8 MRCP-postcholecystectomy 260
Magnetic resonance angiography MRI examinations by anatomical
63, 131, 154 region 166
Magnetic resonance imaging 1, 70 abdominal angio 220
advantages 70 protocol 221
disadvantages 70 ankle 248
Magnetization 154 protocol 249
Magnetization transfer (MT) 128 brachial plexus 218
Magnetization transfer contrast protocol 219
63, 153 brain 169
Mesial temporal sclerosis 269 indication 169
Metabolite resonance 184 breast 216
Metallic implants 40 protocol 217
Methemoglobin 82 cervical spine 204
MR 9 protocol 205
MR active nuclei 5 chest 212
MR appearance of hemorrhage 81 protocol 213
MR examination procedure 33 CSF flow 198
identity 33 protocol 199
patient positioning 37 CSF-rhinorrhoea/otorrhoea 200
patient screening 35 protocol 201
screening prior to scanning 36 deep brain stimulation (DBS) 196
MR images by anatomical region 252 protocol 197
routine imaging 253 diffusion 180
abdominal imaging 259 protocol 181
284 Step by Step MRI
elbow 234 steriotactic biopsy procedure 194
protocol 235 protocol 195
endorectal 228 temporal lobes 170
protocol 229 protocol 171
forearm 236 temporomandibular joint 178
protocol 237 protocol 179
head and neck 168 thigh 242
heart and great vessels 214 protocol 243
protocol 215 thoracic spine 206
hips 240 protocol 207
protocol 241 tibia and fibula 246
humerus 232 protocol 247
protocol 233 vascular imaging 250
internal auditory meatus 172 protocol 251
protocol 173 whole spine imaging 210
knee joint 244 protocol 211
protocol 245 wrist and hand 238
lumbar spine 208 protocol 239
protocol 209 MRI image 71
MRA-head 190 blood flow 71
protocol 191 blood flow 71
MRA-neck 202 proton density 71
protocol 203 T1 relaxation time 71
MRCP 222 T2 decay time 71
protocol 223 MRI of brain and spine 83
MRU 224 brain 83
protocol 225 degenerative diseases 84
MRV 192 hemorrhage-ischemic stroke
protocol 193 84
orbits 176 trauma 84
protocol 177 tumors 83
pelvis 226 spine 85
protocol 227 MRI of the pelvis 88
perfusion 182 prostatic hypertrophy 88
protocol 183 the female pelvis 88
pituitary 174 urinary bladder 88
protocol 175 MRI of the thorax 85
shoulder 230 breast, chest wall and pleura 86
protocol 231 cardiovascular and flow studies
spectroscopy 186 86
protocol 187 flow studies 86
Index 285
mediastinum and Hili 85 Pulse sequences 133
myocardium 86 gradients 135
MRI system 18 frequency encoding gradient
components of 20 136
computer system 20 phase encoding gradient 135
cooling system 20 selection gradient 135
documentation system 20 spin echo imaging 134
magnet 20 Pulse sequences 49
monitoring camera 20 gradient echo 57
power supplies 20 coherent (in phase) gradient
Multi voxel-spectroscopy 270 59
Multiplanar techniques 143 incoherent (spoiled) gradient
Myelograms 257 echo 60
inversion recovery (IR) pulse
N sequences 53
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) STIR 55
1 spin echo (SE) pulse sequences
conventional spin echo 50
fast spin echo 51
Oral contrast agents 131 steady state free precession 61
Oxyhemoglobin 81 types 49
PC technique 156 Quality assurance in MRI 32
Pegating 27 Quenching 39
Perfusion imaging 128 magnet quench hazards 39
Perfusion weighted imaging (PWI) 62
Phantom 30 R
Phase contrast 156
Phase contrast MRA 64 Radiation effects 76
Phosphocreatine 158 Radiofrequency 15
Post-embolisation 265 Radiofrequency refocussed
Post-traumatic aortic aneurysm 263 technique 145
Practical imaging 160 Rapid scan techniques 145
Precession frequency 13 Renal artery stenosis 264
Production of image 68 Respiratory triggering 27
Proton spectroscopy 158 RF pulses 38
286 Step by Step MRI
Role of MRI in diseases 68 Steriotaxic biopsy 271
Routine sequences 133 Story of MRI 1
Subacute clots 82
Swimmer position 224
Sagittal localizer 174, 180 T
T2 prolonged 80
Thrombosis 81
T2 shortened 79
Time of flight 155
Sagittal slices 174
Tuberculoma 269
Sagittal-brain 253
Sensitivity of MRI 69
Shielding 23 U
RF shielding 25 Ultrafast sequences 61
Shimming 25
active shimming 26
passive shimming 26 V
Slice-select 121 Vascular neck 202
Spectroscopic image 186 Vascular structures 77
Static field 17 Vectors 7