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Dowsers Society of NSW Inc.

December 2013
Vol 25 Issue 12

Table of Contents

2 December 8th, 2013 - Paul Fenton-Smith

3 From the Editor
4 Society News
6 Busby Pebbles
14 Rosemary Revs Up Memory
15 Five Lessons About the Way We Treat People
18 A Case History
24 Christmas Party
25 Library News
26 January 19th, 2014 - François Capmeil

Views expressed in articles are the opinion of the individual writer

only, not necessarily the collective view of the Society.
Speaker for December 8th, 2013
Paul Fenton-Smith
- Palmistry, your life in your hands -

T he map of your life is written in the

palms of your hands and in this talk
author and palmist Paul Fenton-Smith ex-
amines some of the major lines and signs
which reveal your inner nature, your tal-
ents and to some degree your destiny.

Based on Paul’s bestselling book Palmistry

Revealed (Joshua Books 2003), this talk
offers useful insights into ourselves and
those we love, through the study of our

We will examine
• Personality and character traits.
• Health.
• Relationships.
• Suitable career directions and when changes occur.
• Fate and free-will.

Paul is a passionate and dynamic speaker who provides vivid ex-

amples from his 35 year career to illustrate the accuracy of this
ancient study. Handouts are included so that you can follow along.
Bring your hands.

Paul’s website: www.paulfentonsmith.com

Page 2 Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013

From the Editor
J ust a reminder again that our next meeting is on the 8th of December,
due to the festive season.
While in the US, I shared newsletters and ideas with Marilyn Gang from
the Toronto Dowsers. We both had a great time with Dr Ibrahim Karin
in Asheville (North Carolina) learning more about BioGeometry (R). As
a result, you will find the Busby Pebble article in this month’s newsletter,
which will be published simultaneously in Toronto and other locations.
Please try the process for yourself and give us some feedback, so we can
encourage others to do so too.
The November meeting was very special. It followed on the Morning
Seminar and most people attending the seminar stayed on. You will find
some photos on page 4. We will have another Morning Seminar in Feb-
ruary, so do not miss the opportunity to attend. Book early, the registra-
tion form is already on our website!
The festive season is coming, and it is a time for people to be kinder and
more loving to each other. You will find on page 15 an article about being
kinder, but really it should start with ourselves. We are often the harshest
judges of ourselves.
It is so important to reach that place of no judgment. Take the opportu-
nity of the festive season to take time for yourself, to go inside, to reflect.
Do appease your heart with contentment, inner silence is the perfect
environment for dowsing.
The year 2014 promises to be a year of major changes. It is not hard to
predict, as many of the seeds of change have been planted this year. Not
all changes will be for the best, but you can always make the best of it,
using your discrimination and using the wonderful tool of dowsing.
Wishing you all a very happy festive season, lots of fun, joy and happi-
ness, and see you all again next year.
Until next time.. François

Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013 Page 3

Society News
T he November Morning Dowsing seminar was a total success, 27
people attended, quite a few of them new to dowsing. I want to take
this opportunity to welcome our new members and wish them well with
The seminar was followed by our practical dowsing day. Tables for each
area were set up so that attendees could visit each, and explore and ex-
periment with a particular aspect of dowsing.
It was quite exciting and empowering to have a chance to try different
aspects. Maggie Lowe organised a water test, where participants had to
rate the quality of water samples presented in little brown vials. Maggie
gave us sheets to rate the sample. Quite a few people came close to dows-
ing most vials correctly.
We also had a ‘Find the hidden pendulum’ contest, which funnily enough,
was won by a person new to dowsing, who had attended the morning
seminar..... Aren’t you glad that dowsing works, even for beginners?
You can plan ahead right now, for the February Morning Seminar. Don’t
miss out! The registration form is already available at:
Page 4 Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013
Maggie Lowe speaking with
a student, with vials for the
water quality experiment in
the foreground. -->

Helen sharing energetic

vibrations with another
<-- student.

Marlaine Smith explaining a

protocol. -->

François and Glenn

showing some orgonite
<-- products.

Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013 Page 5

Busby Pebbles
Adapted from a presentation taught at the
2013 American Society of Dowsers Convention
by Federico Marincola
Reprinted from the Toronto Dowsers Newsletter Oct 2013

Y ou know how it is, when you have an intention, and you express it
with conviction, confidence, authority, total trust and belief and
PASSION! And that you fully expect it to Manifest? Yes?

Well, using the BUSBY PEBBLES system will help this process along.
Because, in addition to your clearly stated intention, you are USING a

Indeed, that is all it is. Anchoring your intention with a physical object.
Something, small, something common. Something that costs nothing.

And you do this with: Numbers, Sacred Geometry and Symbols.

Simple Summary: We use the Busby Pebbles to achieve our intention by

anchoring a common physical object with our intention, numbers, sa-
cred geometry, symbols.

WHO, WHEN, SOURCE: Australia, Italy, France, US

The Busby Pebbles technique was introduced at the June 2013 American
Society of Dowsers Convention in Lyndonville Vermont. This was
brought to us by FEDERICO MARINCOLA.

Born in Rome, now living in France, Federico Marincola is a very active

singer and lute and early guitar player. He became very interested in Ra-
dionics and Dowsing and is now the Vice President of the Italian Society
of Radionics. He traveled from Italy to the United States in June 2013 to
attend the American Society of Dowsers Convention and taught this
method. He discovered the Busby method, has been specializing / spe-
Page 6 Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013
cialized in Mr. Busby’s method and has been using it for the last 10 years,
“pushing his experimentation as far as I could.... With these ‘Busby Pebbles’
we can channel most of the energies that can be detected with our dowsing.
For instance, we can channel the energy of a sacred place, of a source of heal-
ing of water. Of a more abstract idea such as Mental Serenity, Joy, etc.”

Harold Oscar Busby (1878-1969) was an excellent dowser from Aus-

tralia. He was a member of L’ Association des Amis de la Radiesthesie, of
Paris, and of the British Society of Dowsers.

He become famous in the dowsing circles in Belgium and France in

1959-1965, for developing a unique system of ‘programming’ simple peb-
bles, with the help of self made graphics containing what he called a
‘Cosmic Number’. Some of his studies, i.e., a few articles plus the book
‘Nombres et cailloux qui Agissent’ were published in Brussels by the Ed.

Harold Busby used these pebbles in a variety of situations with EXCEL-

LENT results, such as for agriculture, for the protection of human be-
ings, etc.

Virtually any common object can be
used for this (as you will see later
on). So let us use PEBBLES! since
they are easy to find, they are free
AND, as they are of the earth they
carry earth energy.

So WHAT we are doing is CHARGING a PEBBLE with our Intent.

With a goal, an emotion, a feeling we want more of in our lives or in the
world. We charge the pebble with the energy, make more pebbles and
keep them near us or around us and/or in our homes and/or our friends
have them.

Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013 Page 7

We can “charge” (program) a pebble with JOY or COURAGE or EMF
Free or HEALTHY.... and so on.

• 1 blank sheet of white paper
• Pen or Pencil (Preferably a #2 lead pencil)
• A pendulum (If you dowse. Otherwise “feel” or “intuit” the answer)
• The Alpha Omega Chart [see opposite page for the chart]
• At least one pebble
• A Tin Can
• If you use a computer, download the file:
www.marincola.com/circles.zip which contains 15 bmp files each
with a different number of concentric circles.

1. Define the Project
2. Dowse permission for the Project
3. Dowse the Cosmic Number
4. Dowse the Number of Concentric Circles
5. Charge up the pebble
Note: If you can not (yet) dowse, then ‘feel’ or ‘intuit’ the answer.

1. Define Your Project. Examples:

If you experience fear, charge your pebble with COURAGE
There is HARMONY in my home, My child is HEALTHY
- WRITE the project in Block letter (pencil preferred) on the top third
of your paper.

2. Get Permission. Ask, preferably with Dowsing: “May I find a useful

Cosmic Number, to channel the ideal energy for the chosen Project?”

3. Obtain the Number of Digits in your Cosmic Number:

Using the Alpha Omega chart, (opposite page) with the pendulum over
the OMEGA, Dowse: “How many digits are in my Cosmic Number for the
project I am working on now?” The pendulum will point to one of the
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Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013 Page 9
numbers between 1 and 15. That is the number of digits in your Cosmic
Number. If, for example the Cosmic Number is”6”, put 6 short dashes
under your Project. (You will be writing the digits on those lines.)

Obtaining the Digits themselves in your Cosmic Number: To find the

first digit of the Cosmic Number, dowse: “What is the first digit of my
cosmic number?” Then place the index finger of the left hand on the “1”
by the OMEGA. Swing the pendulum over the ALPHA and see which
of the digits (from 1 to 9) it points to.
That is your first number. Write that number on the first line under your

To find the second digit of the Comic Number, dowse: “What is the sec-
ond digit of my cosmic number?” Then place the index finger of the left
hand on the “2’ by the OMEGA. Swing the pendulum over the ALPHA
and see which of the digits (from 1 to 9) it points to. That is your second
number. Write that number on the second line under your project.

And so on..... Continue until you have dowsed your entire Cosmic Num-
ber and it is written on the short dashes under your project.

4. Obtain The Number of Concentric Circles. Using your Alpha Ome-

ga chart, with the pendulum over the OMEGA, Dowse: “How may Con-
centric Circles are needed for the project I am working on now?”
The pendulum will point to one of the numbers between 1 and 15 and
that is the number of Concentric Circles for this project. Draw them
equidistant or print them from www.marincola.com/circles.zip

Write your Cosmic Number in the empty space in the centre of the con-
centric circles. It is best to use a #2 lead pencil.
(See image of completed circle with the a Cosmic Number on the right)

5. Charge Your Pebble. Put a clean pebble inside the graphic and rotate
your pendulum clockwise above it, until it stops or changes its move-
ment into a swinging motion. This pebble is now ready, and will channel

Page 10 Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013

the cosmic energy related to the select Project.

Example from #4 : If, for example you get that you have 7 digits in your
Cosmic Number and the Digits are: 9797979 and there should be 4
Concentric Circles, then this is what your graphic should look like above:

The Busby Pebble is not an accumulator, but a channel.

Suggestion: To avoid mixing up pebbles, as you will be doing more pro-

jects, write a unique identifier on the pebble with an indelible marker,
identifying your Project. You may also want to keep your project papers
in a separate folder.

What do you do with your Busby Pebble?

Carry it in your pocket, put it under your pillow, keep it near you. It
works best when kept in contact with you. Make more (see below),
Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013 Page 11
keep them around you, keep them around the house, give them to loved

In Addition:
• When you choose your pebble, you might ask if your pebble wants
to participate in your project.

• Theoretically a Busby Pebble is ‘eternal’, and never loses its program.

To play it safe, it is wise to periodically dowse if its channeling power is
still strong. If something went wrong, you can eventually place the peb-
ble in metal container (a metal dish, a can or similar), and leave it uncov-
ered outside, in open air, for 48 hours. The pebble will get recharged

• We have found that the pebble can be ‘deprogrammed’ when placed

on a BioGeometry clearing plate.

• To find a useful Cosmic Number we must have a clear idea of what

we want. A lack of focus will activate GIGO “Garbage In Garbage Out”.

• The circles must be equally spaced out to create a “condensator” for

the cosmic energy.

• If you want to clone a Busby Pebble, put it in a metal can, and drop
a handful of uncharged and clean pebbles on top of it. Leave the can out-
side, uncovered, for 48 hours. All the new pebbles will get programmed
like the first one.

• If you put a specifically programmed Busby Pebble inside a house,

it will protect the place from the geopathic stresses, or from the pollution
of the electronic instruments, etc. If the pebble is inserted in a crack of
the wall, in few weeks the whole house will be charged with that energy.

• If you prepare a Busby Pebble to eliminate a pain, you can keep it

in a pocket, or place it directly on the skin, holding it with a band aid
(dowse the exact place on the skin, and for how long to keep it there).
Page 12 Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013
• If, for instance, you would like
to channel the energy of a sacred site,
ask something like: “May I find a Cos-
mic Number that will channel the en-
ergy of this sacred site?” If the answer is
“Yes” you can use a photograph of
that place.
For this purpose the Internet is a very
valuable resource. Be careful that no
humans or animals are visible in the

• If you use a Busby Pebble to help plants to grow healthy and strong,
to protect them from parasites etc., put it at a distance between 35 and
60 inches from the plant (dowse the exact place where it should be placed.)
If you put it too close or, even worse, inside the same pot of the plant,
you will probably burn it.
The influence of the Busby Pebbles will progressively grow, and will reach
the ideal level after a few days (you can dowse how it develops.) The
Busby Graphics can be used to charge all sort of things: bottles of water,
fabric, wax, etc. The object can directly be charged on the graphic instead
of the pebble (turning the pendulum clockwise above it, etc.) and you
can put charged pebbles in your dog’s or cat’s water dish, or your fish
Creative Suggestions:
Laurie’s 16 year old daughter, Megan, was being unkind to her sister and
rude to her parents. Instead of using pebbles, Laurie used pennies. Laurie
took the Toronto BioGeometry trainings. Combining the principles of
both methods, she charged up 16 pennies with “Harmony in our Home”
and placed them, in a circle, underneath Megan’s mattress. Within a few
days, Megan’s disposition began to improve.
Have Fun!, Be Creative! Do it!
Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013 Page 13
Rosemary Revs Up Memory
Reprinted from the Natural Awakenings magazine,
Asheville, North Carolina, November 2013

R osemary’s folkloric reputation for

improving memory has been vali-
dated by science. UK researchers at Lon-
don’s Northumbria University found that
when the essential oil of rosemary was
diffused into a room - a method practiced
in aromatherapy - it enhanced partici-
pants’ ability to remember past events
and remind themselves to do tasks
planned for the future, like sending an
anniversary card.
Mark Moss, Ph.D., head of psychology at Northumbria, says, “We want-
ed to build on our previous research that indicated rosemary aroma improved
long-term memory and mental arithmetic. In this study we focused on pro-
spective memory which is critical for everyday functioning.”
In the study, 66 people randomly assigned to either a rosemary-scented
or unscented room were asked to complete a variety of tests to assess their
memory functions. Those in the rosemary-scented room outperformed
the control group.
Blood analysis of those exposed to the rosemary aroma confirmed higher
concentrations of 1,8-cineole, the oil’s compound specifically linked to
memory improvement. The researchers concluded that the aroma of
rosemary essential oil can enhance cognitive -functioning in healthy in-
dividuals and may have implications for treating people with memory
The findings were presented at the British Psychological Society Annual
Conference in Harrogate, UK.
Page 14 Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013
Five Lessons About
the Way We Treat People
From Creating Life with Words: Inspiration, Love and Truth,
by Kate Swaffer

1 ) First Important Lesson Cleaning Lady.

During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz.
I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions,
until I read the last one: “What is the first name of the woman who cleans
the school?”

Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several
times. She was tall, dark haired and in her 50’s but how would I know
her name?

I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class
ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our
quiz grade. “Absolutely,” said the professor. “In your careers, you will meet
many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even
if all you do is smile and say ‘hello’”.

I’ve never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.

2) Second Important Lesson Pickup in the Rain One Night.

At 11.30 pm., an older African American woman was standing on the
side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rainstorm. Her
car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she
decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help
her, generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960s. The man took
her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxicab.

She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked

Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013 Page 15

Seven days went by and a knock came on
the man’s door. To his surprise, a giant
console colour TV was delivered to his
home. A special note was attached. It
read: “Thank you so much for assisting me
on the highway the other night. The rain
drenched not only my clothes, but also my
spirits. Then you came along. Because of
you, I was able to make it to my dying hus-
band’s bedside just before he passed away.
God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others.
Sincerely, Mrs. Nat King Cole.”
3) Third Important Lesson Always Remember Those Who Serve.
In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10 year old boy
entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of
water in front of him. “How much is an ice cream sundae?” he asked.
“Fifty cents,” replied the waitress.
The little boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and studied the coins in
it. “Well how much is a plain dish of ice cream?” he inquired. By now more
people were waiting for a table and the waitress was growing impatient.
“Thirty five cents,” she brusquely replied.
The little boy again counted his coins. “I’ll have the plain ice cream,” he
said. The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and
walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left.
When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the
table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and
five pennies. You see, he couldn’t have the sundae, because he had to have
enough left to leave her a tip.

4) Fourth Important Lesson. The Obstacle in Our Path.

In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid
himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock.
Page 16 Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013
Some of the King’s wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and sim-
ply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the
roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.
Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approach-
ing the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the
stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he fi-
nally succeeded.
After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse ly-
ing in the road where the Boulder had been. The purse contained many
gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the
person who removed the boulder from the roadway.
The peasant learned what many of us never understand! Every obstacle
presents an opportunity to improve our condition.

5) Fifth Important Lesson Giving When it Counts.

Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know
a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare and serious disease.
Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her
5 year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and
had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor
explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he
would be willing to give his blood to his sister.

I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and
saying, “Yes, I’ll do it if it will save her.” As the transfusion progressed, he
lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the colour
returning to her cheek.

Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor
and asked with a trembling voice, “Will I start to die right away”. Being
young the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was
going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.
Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013 Page 17
A Case History
by John Harvey
Reprinted from the Journal of the British Society, June 2000

T he treatments for geopathic stress are well

known to most dowsers, and consequent-
ly published case histories are quite rare. The
few that get published usually describe only
minor variations of standardised methods. The
following article is different in that it describes
not only the case history but also useful, previ-
ously unknown, properties of common mate-
rials, which could benefit situations where
stress due to water line radiation has proved
difficult to counteract.

The subject of this case history was a man in

his sixties, who had lived in the same house for more than 40 years. Dur-
ing the whole of that time, he had suffered from bouts of irregular heart-
beat which made him momentarily dizzy and short of breath. Doctors
told him that it was a common ailment which didn’t need treatment.

Following retirement he had taken up dowsing and found that, after long
sessions investigating water lines, his irregularity of heartbeat became
more frequent and more severe, resulting eventually in two minor heart
attacks. After each attack he was given a thorough medical examination
and pronounced fit. The comment from the specialist inferred that he
saw many similar cases and “it was nothing to worry about”.

The patient thought that this wasn’t good enough and, by a series of de-
ductions, decided that his water line dowsing was exacerbating the influ-
ence of some sort of radiation, to which he was exposed each night.
Dowsing confirmed that his sleeping place was directly over the centre of
a detrimental water line which, when he lay on his back, passed under his
Page 18 Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013
heart and left shoulder. His heart trouble has already been mentioned
and he also had a stiff shoulder. His wife, sleeping next to him, was just
outside the influence of the water line and was in good health.

Inside the house, efforts to reduce the effect of the water line were tried
and found to be effective for only a few minutes at a time, while the
proximity of other buildings made it impossible to treat the water line
outside. Due to the number, and positioning of built in cupboards and
wardrobes in the bedroom, it was also impossible to move the bed to a
healthy position. The only alternative was to block the radiation, the
commonest recommended method being, to spread a sheet of flexible
PVC between bed base and mattress. The plastic was duly installed, but
a subsequent dowsing test showed that it was totally ineffective.

As there didn’t seem to be any alternative to blocking, it was decided to

examine other materials for that purpose. The tests began by dowsing
over an accessible area of bedroom floor, directly over the water line and
standardising the strength of its received radiation, in the dowser’s mind.
The questions to dowsing instruments went like this:
- Can you detect the centre of the water line beneath this point? Yes.
- Is this water line radiating energies which are detrimental to health? Yes.
- Can we fix a standard strength of 100 units (unspecified) on this source?

The investigation was continued by obtaining pieces of readily available

sheet materials, placing them in turn over the water line, and dowsing for
any reduction in strength of the radiation. Materials tested were: flexible
PVC sheet, rigid uPVC sheet, brown paper, cork tiles, wood, glass, syn-
thetic rubber (hot water bottle), expanded polystyrene (ceiling tile) and
2mm thick aluminium sheet. Results were as follows:

1) Flexible PVC sheet. One layer gave no reduction in strength of ener-

gies. Four layers reduced it by 20-30%.

Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013 Page 19

2) Rigid uPVC sheet. One layer had no effect.
3) Brown paper had no effect even in multiple layers.
4) A 0.5in layer of cork tiles was ineffective.
5) Synthetic rubber. A hot water bottle seemed to reduce energies by 80-
90%, but this was a found to be a misleading result (see Note below).
6) The expanded polystyrene ceiling tile was very effective and reduced
energies by 90%.
7) The sheet aluminium was ineffective, as was a sheet of glass and a piece
of plywood.

Note. When removing the hot water bottle it was realised that it was full
of water. The water was emptied out, the bottle retested and found to
give negligible reduction in energy transmission. Obviously water was
the active ingredient and the fact was noted for later investigation.

The ceiling tile was most effective so was put through more detailed tests
to find out exactly what energies were being blocked.

For all subsequent tests the same small area over the water line was used
and, assuming that the only energies involved were electrical and mag-
netic, both of these were given arbitrary values of 100 units. A pendulum
was used to obtain answers.
- Are we directly over the detrimental water line? Yes.
- Are the emitted magnetic energies detrimental to health? No.
- Are the electrical energies detrimental to health? No.

These answers were unexpected, and after a little thought another ques-
tion had to be asked.

- Is there a third, previously unknown energy which is detrimental to

health? Yes.
Page 20 Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013
It was decided to name this other as ‘biological energy’ and, once again, to
allocate it an arbitrary strength of 100 units. All three energies were then
evaluated after passage through test materials as follows:
After passage
through material
Energy’s initial strength A B C
Magnetic 100 units 90 40 25
Electrical 100 60 10 5
Biological 100 80 5 5
Material A was the synthetic rubber of the empty hot water bottle.
Material B was the bottle full of water.
Material C was the polystyrene ceiling tile.

The winner was obviously the polystyrene, so a box of these tiles was
bought from the local DIY shop for the next stage of the investigation.

Two sheets of tiles were made up, by joining individual tiles edge to edge
with adhesive tape, to cover an area of the same size as the patient’s bed.
Both sheets were then placed, one on top of the other, between the base
of the bed and the mattress. Dowsing over the bed after installation
showed, that all three types of energy radiated from the water line had
been reduced to negligible values.

Over the next few days the patient’s health rapidly improved; his stiff
shoulder eased and the irregular heartbeat became less and less frequent.
However, a relapse occurred after two weeks, and it was found to be due
to a separation of tiles in the sheets, allowing a narrow beam of black
energy to pass through the space, and then through the patient’s body.
The sheet of ties was repaired with stronger sticky tape. In another month
all heartbeat irregularities had gone, as had other minor health problems.

The situation was reassessed after 18 months and, although the place-
ment of blocking polystyrene was still effective, it was felt that this could
only be considered as an interim measure and that further work was de-
Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013 Page 21
sirable. The previous results were reviewed and, because the detrimental
effects of the water line could only be removed temporarily by mental
pressure, it seemed obvious that the black (biological) energies were be-
ing continually renewed by the flowing underground water. Believing
that water itself cannot be black unless polluted, it also seemed to mean,
that the unwanted energies were being fed into the water at some point

Outside the house the water line was traced by dowsing. It crossed be-
neath a main road and, about 60yds further on, it rose from great depths
in the bedrock to its horizontal depth of 35ft beneath a point on the
pavement, alongside a roundabout. Angle rods were used to gain answers
to more questions.
- Is this point directly over the upwelling source of the water line? Yes.
- Are the biological energies being fed into the water line at this point?

Moving gradually back along the line from the source the same question
was asked at intervals and ‘Yes’ answer was received 12ft from the source.
There were negative answers to questions about water, electricity and
other underground services. Further questions were asked.
- Has there been a strong emotional experience here in the past? Yes.
- Is it still here? Yes.
- Is it feeding black energy into the water line? Yes.
- Can you tell me what has caused this effect? Yes.

It transpired that an early Christian church had been standing on that

place in AD 670. On one particular day, the priest was talking to a fam-
ily inside the church when pirates, marauding from the nearby coast,
attacked and killed the priest and the family man, and then raped and
killed the woman. The child escaped. Predictably, strongly negative emo-
tional fields were impressed in that place.

Page 22 Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013

The area was treated with beneficial mind pressure and the black energies
Back at the house, the area in the bedroom over the water line was re-
tested. There was no sign of detrimental biological energies, but the elec-
trical and magnetic responses were still present at their original strengths.
Nevertheless, the polystyrene sheets were left in place as a precaution
against any future deterioration in conditions.

At the time of writing, three months later, there has been no relapse in
the patient’s health. If the water line remains clear for another nine
months, the polystyrene tiles will be removed.

So what was learned from this case? It was discovered that expanded
polystyrene can block energies from a black water line. Also, that at least
in this instance, the detrimental energy was neither electrical nor mag-
netic, but one hitherto unknown which was dubbed ‘biological energy’.
As established by other dowsers, it was also confirmed that strong emo-
tional experiences, fixed in time and space, can feed energy into an un-
derground water line which will then carry and transmit this energy to
remote locations.

After reviewing the above conclusions, it was decided to carry out a deep-
er investigation into the effect of water as a blocking medium, for detri-
mental energies.

The initial results appear to be leading towards an identification of a

common source, for many types of black energies. Providing the tenta-
tive conclusions are substantiated they will be submitted for publication
at some future date.

Let me finish on a light hearted note. Keeping in mind the above results,
can we assume that the safest sleeping place is on a water bed, over a
room which has polystyrene tiles on its ceiling?

Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013 Page 23

December Meeting
Sunday 8th, 2013
Christmas Party

fter the talk by Paul Fenton-Smith, we will be having a
Christmas Party.

We will celebrate by having champagne together (please bring

a plate of food to share), and by telling Dowsing Stories.

Please feel free to come at 12:30pm to help set up the room.

There is a house prize of a special pendulum offered

by Francois, for the best dowsing story told
on the day.

And.... You will be able to get your

photo taken with our president
dressed as Santa!

... Maybe!

Page 24 Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013

Library News

T he library will not be open during the Christmas Meeting

Martine Negro, our Vice President, has very generously donated to

the Library the Complete 2013 Dowsing World Summit - which is on
USB Flash Drive.

As the Library will be closed for the Christmas meeting this will be avail-
able to borrow in the new year …..

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas

Marilyn Smith

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes,
but in having new eyes.
- Marcel Proust.

Everyone thinks of changing the world,

but no one thinks of changing himself.
-Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

If we could all hear one another’s prayers,

God might be relieved of some of his burdens.
-Ashleigh Brilliant

We make a living by what we get,

but we make a life by what we give. -
- Winston Churchill
Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013 Page 25
Speaker for January 18th, 2014
François Capmeil
- The Lost City of the Incas -
M achu Picchu, is located in the Cusco
Region of Peru. It was abandoned some
600 years ago, and re-discovered in 1911 by
the American historian Hiram Bingham.
Before visiting the site during a business trip
to Peru, I had the chance of studying the work
of a dowser called Inayat Tal, who did a very
comprehensive analysis of the Machu Picchu
site. Inayat used a Virtual Cone pendulum
to decipher the energy layout of the site, revealing part of the
builders’ advanced knowledge of energy and site planning science.
We will look at the Mayan and pre-Mayan sites starting from
Cusco, the ancient capital of the Maya and its surroundings. Then
we will look at the lay-out of the Lost City and see how the build-
ers used their knowledge of energy quality, to create the perfect,
self-sufficient city.
In the words of our Quechua guides, “The Mayan civilisation dates
much further back than today’s science admits, and inherited much
from a past civilisation yet un-recognised”. This could perhaps be as
old as the Caral site, dating back to about 4600 years ago.
You can see the largest photo ever made, 16 megapixel of Machu
Picchu, and zoom into the minutest details, here:

Page 26 Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013

Date of Meetings
Third Sunday of every month, except December (2nd Sunday)
Time: 2:00pm to 5:00 pm

Venue for Meetings

Community Hall, 44 Gladesville Road, Hunters Hill

Bus Services:
Transport Enquiries: 131 500
From City, Central : Bus # 501 from Central to Rozelle
then Bus # 506 to Hunters Hill

From City, Circular Quay : Bus # 506

From Chatswood : Bus # 536

Please arrive at the meeting early so as not to disturb

and be seated by 2:00 pm

Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013 Page 27

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