Busby Pebbles Newsletter PDF
Busby Pebbles Newsletter PDF
Busby Pebbles Newsletter PDF
December 2013
Vol 25 Issue 12
Table of Contents
We will examine
• Personality and character traits.
• Health.
• Relationships.
• Suitable career directions and when changes occur.
• Fate and free-will.
Y ou know how it is, when you have an intention, and you express it
with conviction, confidence, authority, total trust and belief and
PASSION! And that you fully expect it to Manifest? Yes?
Well, using the BUSBY PEBBLES system will help this process along.
Because, in addition to your clearly stated intention, you are USING a
Indeed, that is all it is. Anchoring your intention with a physical object.
Something, small, something common. Something that costs nothing.
The Busby Pebbles technique was introduced at the June 2013 American
Society of Dowsers Convention in Lyndonville Vermont. This was
brought to us by FEDERICO MARINCOLA.
Virtually any common object can be
used for this (as you will see later
on). So let us use PEBBLES! since
they are easy to find, they are free
AND, as they are of the earth they
carry earth energy.
• 1 blank sheet of white paper
• Pen or Pencil (Preferably a #2 lead pencil)
• A pendulum (If you dowse. Otherwise “feel” or “intuit” the answer)
• The Alpha Omega Chart [see opposite page for the chart]
• At least one pebble
• A Tin Can
• If you use a computer, download the file:
www.marincola.com/circles.zip which contains 15 bmp files each
with a different number of concentric circles.
1. Define the Project
2. Dowse permission for the Project
3. Dowse the Cosmic Number
4. Dowse the Number of Concentric Circles
5. Charge up the pebble
Note: If you can not (yet) dowse, then ‘feel’ or ‘intuit’ the answer.
To find the second digit of the Comic Number, dowse: “What is the sec-
ond digit of my cosmic number?” Then place the index finger of the left
hand on the “2’ by the OMEGA. Swing the pendulum over the ALPHA
and see which of the digits (from 1 to 9) it points to. That is your second
number. Write that number on the second line under your project.
And so on..... Continue until you have dowsed your entire Cosmic Num-
ber and it is written on the short dashes under your project.
Write your Cosmic Number in the empty space in the centre of the con-
centric circles. It is best to use a #2 lead pencil.
(See image of completed circle with the a Cosmic Number on the right)
5. Charge Your Pebble. Put a clean pebble inside the graphic and rotate
your pendulum clockwise above it, until it stops or changes its move-
ment into a swinging motion. This pebble is now ready, and will channel
Example from #4 : If, for example you get that you have 7 digits in your
Cosmic Number and the Digits are: 9797979 and there should be 4
Concentric Circles, then this is what your graphic should look like above:
In Addition:
• When you choose your pebble, you might ask if your pebble wants
to participate in your project.
• If you want to clone a Busby Pebble, put it in a metal can, and drop
a handful of uncharged and clean pebbles on top of it. Leave the can out-
side, uncovered, for 48 hours. All the new pebbles will get programmed
like the first one.
• If you use a Busby Pebble to help plants to grow healthy and strong,
to protect them from parasites etc., put it at a distance between 35 and
60 inches from the plant (dowse the exact place where it should be placed.)
If you put it too close or, even worse, inside the same pot of the plant,
you will probably burn it.
The influence of the Busby Pebbles will progressively grow, and will reach
the ideal level after a few days (you can dowse how it develops.) The
Busby Graphics can be used to charge all sort of things: bottles of water,
fabric, wax, etc. The object can directly be charged on the graphic instead
of the pebble (turning the pendulum clockwise above it, etc.) and you
can put charged pebbles in your dog’s or cat’s water dish, or your fish
Creative Suggestions:
Laurie’s 16 year old daughter, Megan, was being unkind to her sister and
rude to her parents. Instead of using pebbles, Laurie used pennies. Laurie
took the Toronto BioGeometry trainings. Combining the principles of
both methods, she charged up 16 pennies with “Harmony in our Home”
and placed them, in a circle, underneath Megan’s mattress. Within a few
days, Megan’s disposition began to improve.
Have Fun!, Be Creative! Do it!
Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013 Page 13
Rosemary Revs Up Memory
Reprinted from the Natural Awakenings magazine,
Asheville, North Carolina, November 2013
Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several
times. She was tall, dark haired and in her 50’s but how would I know
her name?
I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class
ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our
quiz grade. “Absolutely,” said the professor. “In your careers, you will meet
many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even
if all you do is smile and say ‘hello’”.
I’ve never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.
She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked
I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and
saying, “Yes, I’ll do it if it will save her.” As the transfusion progressed, he
lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the colour
returning to her cheek.
Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor
and asked with a trembling voice, “Will I start to die right away”. Being
young the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was
going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.
Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013 Page 17
A Case History
by John Harvey
Reprinted from the Journal of the British Society, June 2000
Following retirement he had taken up dowsing and found that, after long
sessions investigating water lines, his irregularity of heartbeat became
more frequent and more severe, resulting eventually in two minor heart
attacks. After each attack he was given a thorough medical examination
and pronounced fit. The comment from the specialist inferred that he
saw many similar cases and “it was nothing to worry about”.
The patient thought that this wasn’t good enough and, by a series of de-
ductions, decided that his water line dowsing was exacerbating the influ-
ence of some sort of radiation, to which he was exposed each night.
Dowsing confirmed that his sleeping place was directly over the centre of
a detrimental water line which, when he lay on his back, passed under his
Page 18 Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013
heart and left shoulder. His heart trouble has already been mentioned
and he also had a stiff shoulder. His wife, sleeping next to him, was just
outside the influence of the water line and was in good health.
Inside the house, efforts to reduce the effect of the water line were tried
and found to be effective for only a few minutes at a time, while the
proximity of other buildings made it impossible to treat the water line
outside. Due to the number, and positioning of built in cupboards and
wardrobes in the bedroom, it was also impossible to move the bed to a
healthy position. The only alternative was to block the radiation, the
commonest recommended method being, to spread a sheet of flexible
PVC between bed base and mattress. The plastic was duly installed, but
a subsequent dowsing test showed that it was totally ineffective.
Note. When removing the hot water bottle it was realised that it was full
of water. The water was emptied out, the bottle retested and found to
give negligible reduction in energy transmission. Obviously water was
the active ingredient and the fact was noted for later investigation.
The ceiling tile was most effective so was put through more detailed tests
to find out exactly what energies were being blocked.
For all subsequent tests the same small area over the water line was used
and, assuming that the only energies involved were electrical and mag-
netic, both of these were given arbitrary values of 100 units. A pendulum
was used to obtain answers.
- Are we directly over the detrimental water line? Yes.
- Are the emitted magnetic energies detrimental to health? No.
- Are the electrical energies detrimental to health? No.
These answers were unexpected, and after a little thought another ques-
tion had to be asked.
The winner was obviously the polystyrene, so a box of these tiles was
bought from the local DIY shop for the next stage of the investigation.
Two sheets of tiles were made up, by joining individual tiles edge to edge
with adhesive tape, to cover an area of the same size as the patient’s bed.
Both sheets were then placed, one on top of the other, between the base
of the bed and the mattress. Dowsing over the bed after installation
showed, that all three types of energy radiated from the water line had
been reduced to negligible values.
Over the next few days the patient’s health rapidly improved; his stiff
shoulder eased and the irregular heartbeat became less and less frequent.
However, a relapse occurred after two weeks, and it was found to be due
to a separation of tiles in the sheets, allowing a narrow beam of black
energy to pass through the space, and then through the patient’s body.
The sheet of ties was repaired with stronger sticky tape. In another month
all heartbeat irregularities had gone, as had other minor health problems.
The situation was reassessed after 18 months and, although the place-
ment of blocking polystyrene was still effective, it was felt that this could
only be considered as an interim measure and that further work was de-
Dowsers Society of NSW – December 2013 Page 21
sirable. The previous results were reviewed and, because the detrimental
effects of the water line could only be removed temporarily by mental
pressure, it seemed obvious that the black (biological) energies were be-
ing continually renewed by the flowing underground water. Believing
that water itself cannot be black unless polluted, it also seemed to mean,
that the unwanted energies were being fed into the water at some point
Outside the house the water line was traced by dowsing. It crossed be-
neath a main road and, about 60yds further on, it rose from great depths
in the bedrock to its horizontal depth of 35ft beneath a point on the
pavement, alongside a roundabout. Angle rods were used to gain answers
to more questions.
- Is this point directly over the upwelling source of the water line? Yes.
- Are the biological energies being fed into the water line at this point?
Moving gradually back along the line from the source the same question
was asked at intervals and ‘Yes’ answer was received 12ft from the source.
There were negative answers to questions about water, electricity and
other underground services. Further questions were asked.
- Has there been a strong emotional experience here in the past? Yes.
- Is it still here? Yes.
- Is it feeding black energy into the water line? Yes.
- Can you tell me what has caused this effect? Yes.
At the time of writing, three months later, there has been no relapse in
the patient’s health. If the water line remains clear for another nine
months, the polystyrene tiles will be removed.
So what was learned from this case? It was discovered that expanded
polystyrene can block energies from a black water line. Also, that at least
in this instance, the detrimental energy was neither electrical nor mag-
netic, but one hitherto unknown which was dubbed ‘biological energy’.
As established by other dowsers, it was also confirmed that strong emo-
tional experiences, fixed in time and space, can feed energy into an un-
derground water line which will then carry and transmit this energy to
remote locations.
After reviewing the above conclusions, it was decided to carry out a deep-
er investigation into the effect of water as a blocking medium, for detri-
mental energies.
Let me finish on a light hearted note. Keeping in mind the above results,
can we assume that the safest sleeping place is on a water bed, over a
room which has polystyrene tiles on its ceiling?
fter the talk by Paul Fenton-Smith, we will be having a
Christmas Party.
... Maybe!
As the Library will be closed for the Christmas meeting this will be avail-
able to borrow in the new year
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes,
but in having new eyes.
- Marcel Proust.
Bus Services:
Transport Enquiries: 131 500
From City, Central : Bus # 501 from Central to Rozelle
then Bus # 506 to Hunters Hill