Warhammer Age of Sigmar - How To Paint Citadel Miniatures - Everchosen
Warhammer Age of Sigmar - How To Paint Citadel Miniatures - Everchosen
Warhammer Age of Sigmar - How To Paint Citadel Miniatures - Everchosen
were born. The formless and the divine exploded into life.
Strange, new worlds appeared in the firmament, each one
gilded with spirits, gods and men. Noblest of the gods was
Sigmar. For years beyond reckoning he illuminated the
realms, wreathed in light and majesty as he carved out his
reign. His strength was the power of thunder. His wisdom
was infinite. Mortal and immortal alike kneeled before his
lofty throne. Great empires rose and, for a while, treachery
was banished. Sigmar claimed the land and sky as his own
and ruled over a glorious age of myth.
Archaon the Everchosen glowers air, ready to hurtle earthwards and Not only does the model’s uninhibited
from the epicentre of the model, eviscerate mortal man or beast with his detail and sheer dynamism impart a
framed by Dorghar’s immense wings, gigantic talons. wonderful sense of excitement, but the
which are poised at the very apex of multifaceted aspect of the miniature
their beat. Both rider and mount are Equally spectacular and striking, the provides incredible variety and gives
wreathed in rich symbolism and carry beast possesses three snarling and you an opportunity to employ the whole
an unholy array of regalia, trophies monstrous heads. These, as all who range of techniques and distinctive
and totems. All these spoils of war dwell in the Age of Sigmar know to colours that characterise each of these
have been faithfully replicated to their peril, bear the hallmarks of three Chaos Gods and their followers.
offer a breathtaking level of interest of the Chaos Gods. While easy to
and detail, from the mighty sword, interpret as a vain, albeit terrifying, But what of the missing fourth Chaos
the Slayer of Kings, to a dazzling gesture of self-homage, this horrendous God, Slaanesh? While the whereabouts
recreation of the Armour of Morkar, mutation also serves to underline the of the Dark Prince remain shrouded
the Crown of Domination and the tenuous, yet nightmarishly powerful in mystery, both Archaon’s shield and
piercing Eye of Sheerian. There is even alliance of the Chaos Gods in the Dorghar’s breastplate are nonetheless
a sinister, rearward-looking eye ready patronage of Archaon. adorned with the god’s symbol,
to seal the fate of any unfortunate alongside those of the gods who are
foe who could dare be so foolish and very much in evidence within Dorghar’s
cowardly as to assail the Everchosen twisted physiology. This curious
while his gaze is fixed elsewhere. The detail, effectively an acknowledgement
model is further decorated with grisly and tribute, only deepens the
evidence of Archaon’s vanquished intrigue surrounding the absentee
foes, in the form of mortal skulls God of Excess.
and even several Stormcast masks
churning just beneath the surface of At the base of the miniature a flock of
Dorghar’s hide. crows wheels around, scattering and
screeching in the vortex created by the
After feasting on the champions of lashes of Dorghar’s titanic forked tail.
three of the Chaos Gods, Dorghar Their ragged forms add to the dread,
has been drastically transfigured into drama and turmoil.
a beast of colossal proportions. A
devastating amalgamation of monstrous Beneath this aerial tumult lie ruins
stallion and winged daemon, this and ornate flasks, strewn and shattered
apocalyptic leviathan possesses fury by Dorghar’s mighty hooves to serve
and power far beyond the most potent as poignant reminders of a civilisation
war steed. More phenomenal still, torn asunder by this truly awe-inspiring
he is able to launch himself into the incarnation of the might of Chaos.
Heralding the arrival of the Everchosen, the Varanguard Hailing from the Crystal Labyrinth, Tzeentch’s own domain
are Archaon’s most feared and merciless warriors, and within the Realm of Chaos, the slender and ethereal Gaunt
these dynamic miniatures encapsulate every mote of Summoners wield the power to destroy worlds and shatter
their speed and power. A choice of parts allows you kingdoms. It’s precisely this mysterious, daemonic menace
to create the Varanguard with your favourite weapon that is captured so perfectly with this model. Poised floating
combinations, while their heavy armour, razor-edges and aloft upon a Disc of Tzeentch, the Gaunt Summoner
sense of violent movement will leave your foes in no doubt incants from a spell book, which although held open,
as to the imminence of their complete annihilation at the remains inscrutable and arcane. A fascinating figure from
hands of these Knights of Ruin. a painter’s perspective, it’s a classical, colourful miniature
that exemplifies all that’s so exciting and dynamic about
Warhammer Age of Sigmar miniatures.
A huge and impressive model packed with diverse detail, Archaon is far less daunting to bring to life than it might first appear. By
breaking down the painting process into these stages, you’ll find it straightforward and extremely satisfying. Make sure you read
through the instructions before you begin, and study the parts as you build the model. Getting to know their details early on will
help later when you’re referring to this guide. One important tip at the assembly stage is to leave Archaon separate from Dorghar,
as treating him as a sub-assembly will make painting this part of the miniature easier by far.
Straps and Chest plate Base detailing Crows Black armour Gold armour
Paint the wings, underbelly and tail with Rakarth Flesh using a Large Base Brush (1). Next, dab some Agrax Earthshade on your palette and thin
it with Lahmian Medium in a 2:1 ratio (Medium to Shade). Apply it across these areas with a Large Shade Brush (2). After it’s dry, switch to a
Medium Shade Brush and, still using thinned down Agrax Earthshade, build up several coats, making them darker towards the outer edges (3).
Take Rakarth Flesh and a Medium Drybrush. Now, with virtually no paint on the bristles, pass
the brush rapidly across the area so the paint just catches on the raised texture (4). Clean and
dry your brush, then repeat this drybrushing technique, but using Pallid Wych Flesh (5).
Paint the arm and wing bones with a basecoat of Abaddon Black using a Medium Base Brush (1). Next, using the same drybrushing technique
as you did with the pale skin, take a Small Drybrush and apply Eshin Grey (2). Finally, repeat the technique using Administratum Grey and
concentrating the effect on the very tops of the ridges (3).
A major feature of the model, the scales are actually relatively simple to paint. After basecoating them with Abaddon Black using a Medium Base
Brush (1) (remember, two thinned-down coats will always help preserve detail), take your Medium Drybrush and build up a highlight gradually,
first by using Eshin Grey (2) then, after cleaning and drying your brush thoroughly, with Administratum Grey, focussing just on the tips (3).
Take a Medium Base Brush and paint the tail with a basecoat of Jokaero Orange (1). When this is dry, apply Fuegan Orange across the entire tail
using a Medium Shade Brush, making sure it reaches the recesses - you’ll notice that this all-over coating not only adds depth, but the overall tone
becomes far richer and more vibrant (2). Next, apply Troll Slayer Orange to the raised sections using a Small Layer Brush (3).
Now, using a Medium Glaze Brush, apply Lamenters Yellow Glaze (4). It’s best to do the tail in one single application to ensure the glaze
dries evenly. Lastly, look for the uppermost raised edges and, focussing more heavily towards the end of the tail, paint them with fine lines of
Yriel Yellow using your Small Layer Brush (5).
The transition between the dark colour on the upper tail and lighter underside is achieved by carefully applying successive, thinned-down coats of
Nuln Oil to the outer edges of the underside (1). Use a Medium Shade Brush, and dilute the Shade with Lahmian Medium in a 2:1 ratio (Medium
to Shade) to keep the tone even. When it’s completely dry, take Administratum Grey and lightly drybrush the area using a Medium Drybrush (2).
Basecoat the sections of carapace with Khorne Red using a Small Base Brush (1). Now, shade them with Nuln Oil, working as neatly as you can
and making sure the wash gathers in the recesses (2). Give the edges and ridges fine lines of Wazdakka Red, applied with a Small Layer Brush (3).
Switching to an Artificer Brush, finish with even finer lines of Karak Stone (4). This lining technique is known as ‘edge highlighting’.
Basecoat the skin with Deathworld Forest (1). Now add to the ghastly green hue by painting a layer of Ogryn Camo using a Medium Layer Brush
(2). Move on to shading the recesses with Athonian Camoshade using a Medium Shade Brush (3).
The Nurglesque head is covered with open wounds and sores, most of which are maggot-ridden – just to add to the horror. Start by painting these
with a basecoat of Bugman’s Glow, applied with a Small Base Brush (1). Next, shade these areas with Druchii Violet, working carefully with a
Medium Shade Brush (2). Finally, pick out the segments on the maggots’ ribbed skin using Cadian Fleshtone, applied with an Artificer Brush (3).
Start painting the teeth by applying a basecoat of Rhinox Hide, using a Small Base Brush (1). Thin the paint slightly with water on your palette and
apply two thin coats to keep the detail sharp. When dry, apply a layer of Balor Brown (2). Use a Small Layer Brush for this and remember to avoid
the recesses.
Now apply highlights of Ushabti Bone using an Artificer Brush (3). Lastly, basecoat the gums using Bugman’s Glow, applied with a Small
Layer Brush (4).
Taking a Small Base Brush, basecoat the eyes with Rhinox Hide (1). Next, apply a layer of Yriel Yellow using an Artificer Brush, leaving some of the
Rhinox Hide showing through around the edges (2). Finish with tiny vertical slashes of Abaddon Black to represent the pupils (3).
Begin this stage by painting the feathers with a basecoat of Stegadon Scale Green, applied with a Small Base Brush (1). Next, take your Medium
Shade Brush and apply an even coat of Coelia Greenshade, making sure it reaches all of the tiny recesses (2).
Pick out the upper areas of the feathers with Sotek Green, sparingly applied with a Small Layer Brush (3). To finish, switch to an Artificer Brush
and apply fine-line highlights of Temple Guard Blue to the tips of the individual feathers (4).
Basecoat the tongue with Bugman’s Glow using a Small Base Brush (1). Next, apply an all-over shade of Druchii Violet with a Small Shade
Brush (2). Finally, apply a fine highlight of Cadian Fleshtone using your Artificer Brush and being as precise as you can (3).
Taking a Medium Base Brush, basecoat the skin with Mephiston Red (1). Now, apply an all-over shade of Agrax Earthshade using a Medium Shade
Brush (2). When this is dry, take a Medium Drybrush and, using Mephiston Red once more, use the drybrushing technique to bring the fine detail
to terrifying life (3).
Paint the teeth and horns with a basecoat of Rhinox Hide, using your Small Layer Brush for fine control (1). Now, pick out the individual teeth
with Balor Brown (2). Use a Small Layer Brush and take care to avoid the recesses. Finish with fine highlights of Ushabti Bone (3). Use the Artificer
Brush again for this, and make sure you leave a little of the Balor Brown visible around the edges.
Using two coats for a solid colour, basecoat the tongue with Bugman’s Glow using a Small Base Brush (1). Then, take a Medium Shade Brush and
apply an all-over shade of Druchii Violet (2). After waiting for this to dry, paint fine-line highlights on the tip, sides and centre of the tongue using
Cadian Fleshtone (3).
With a Small Base Brush, pick out the gold areas with a basecoat of Retributor Armour (1). Now, apply a wash of Agrax Earthshade using a
Medium Shade Brush (2). Apply small lines or flecks of Runefang Steel using a Small Layer Brush, to create an effect of light being reflected (3).
Basecoat the mane with Abaddon Black, applied in multiple thinned-down coats using a Small Base Brush to preserve the detail (1). Now drybrush
the mane with Eshin Grey to emphasise the raised detail, using a Small Drybrush (2). Lastly, stay with the same brush and apply a further, finer
drybrush to the uppermost details with Karak Stone (3).
Paint the Fiery Glow with a basecoat of Mephiston Red using a Small Base Brush (1). Wait for this to dry, then take a Small Layer Brush and paint
the centres of the red sections with fine lines of Troll Slayer Orange (2).
Basecoat the hooves with Zandri Dust using a Small Base Brush (1). Now, apply Reikland Fleshshade using a Medium Shade Brush, making sure
the paint reaches the recessed details (2). Next, apply fine lines of Karak Stone to the ridges and edges using a Small Layer Brush (3). Finish by
using an Artificer Brush to paint around the very edges of the hooves with Screaming Skull, and apply a few flecks to represent chipping (4).
Taking a Small Base Brush, basecoat the claws with Zandri Dust (1). Now, apply an all-over shade of Reikland Fleshshade using a Medium Shade
Brush (2). Next, use a Small Layer Brush to apply lines of Karak Stone to the raised areas and in streaks up the base of the claws (3). Finish by using
an Artificer Brush to apply even finer lines of Screaming Skull on these same areas, as well as on the chips in the claws (4).
Basecoat the leather straps with Rhinox Hide, applied with your Small Base Brush (1). Now, paint over the Rhinox Hide with Agrax Earthshade
using a Medium Shade Brush (2). Outline the straps’ edges with Gorthor Brown using a Small Layer Brush (3). Lastly, apply even finer outlines of
Screaming Skull with the Artificer Brush (4).
The buckles are first given a basecoat of Retributor Armour using your Small Base Brush (1). Then, with a Medium Shade Brush, carefully apply a
shade of Agrax Earthshade (2). Finish by taking an Artificer Brush and picking out the rivets and uppermost edges in Runefang Steel (3).
The first stage for the chest plate is to basecoat it with Abaddon Black using a Small Base Brush (1). Next, carefully paint around the outline of the
design with Dark Reaper using your Artificer Brush (2). Finish by again going around this design, still using your Artificer Brush but with an even
finer line of Administratum Grey, creating a dramatic glowing impression around the design (3).
Begin painting the fiery glow with a basecoat of Mephiston Red, applied with a Small Base Brush (1). Next, paint the centre of the areas with Troll
Slayer Orange, applied with a Small Layer Brush (2). Staying with the same Small Layer Brush, paint in some very fine highlights of Yriel Yellow (3).
With a Medium Base Brush, paint the rocks and ruins with Mechanicus Standard Grey (1). Then, paint the broken pots and other areas with Karak
Stone using a Medium Base Brush (2).
Next, carefully apply a base of Deathworld Forest to the creeping vines using your Small Base Brush (3) before applying a coat of Agrax Earthshade
to the whole base using a Large Shade Brush (4).
Finally, make the detail really pop out by drybrushing the entire base
with Terminatus Stone using a Medium Drybrush.
Another striking but simple-to-paint feature are the crows, which are first given a basecoat of Abaddon Black using a Small Base Brush (1). When
dry, take your Small Drybrush and apply the effect to the feathers using Dark Reaper (2).
Next, paint each crow’s beak with a basecoat of XV88 using a Small Base Brush (3). Finally, drybrush the whole crow with Terminatus Stone (4).
Keep the effect subtle, as the idea is to gently highlight the texture of the feathers.
Apply a basecoat of Leadbelcher to the chains using a Small Base Brush (1). Now, apply an all-over shade of Nuln Oil, paying attention to the
recesses of the chain links (2). Emphasise the texture by drybrushing them with Necron Compound (3) – use a Small Drybrush and build the effect
gradually until you start to see the detail sharpening up.
Using Chaos Black Spray as a basecoat makes this initial stage quick and easy (1). When it’s dry, paint the edges of the armour plate with fine lines
of Dark Reaper using a Small Layer Brush (2). Finish with even finer lines of Administratum Grey, using the Artificer Brush (3).
Paint the sections of gold armour using a Small Base Brush and Retributor Armour (1). Now, paint them with an all-over shade of Agrax
Earthshade, applied with a Medium Shade Brush (2).
Next, paint the raised sections of the armour plate with Auric Armour Gold (3). Use a Small Layer Brush and avoid the recesses to keep the Agrax
Earthshade visible in the details. Finally, create the illusion of light glinting off of the plates by applying subtle lines of Runefang Steel to the edges
of the raised details using your Artificer Brush (4).
The sword grip is first given a basecoat of Rhinox Hide using a Small Layer Brush (1). When this
is dry, take an Artificer Brush and carefully pick out the binding in Karak Stone (2).
Begin the blade with a basecoat of Mephiston Red using a Small Base Brush (1). Now, take a Small Layer Brush and colour over the area with Troll
Slayer Orange (2), leaving the red visible in the recesses.
Move on to a further layer, this time of Fire Dragon Bright, leaving the darker Troll Slayer Orange visible at the base of the sword (3). Finish with
fine highlights of Yriel Yellow using an Artificer Brush (4).
Basecoat the silver metallic areas with Leadbelcher and a Small Base Brush (1). Now, apply a shade of Nuln Oil across each area using a Medium
Shade Brush (2). Finish by taking a Medium Drybrush and carefully applying a drybrushing effect using Necron Compound (3).
Paint the skulls with Zandri Dust, applied with a Small Base Brush (1). Now, paint over all of the raised sections apart from the beak with Ushabti
Bone using a Small Layer Brush (2). Next, take a Medium Shade Brush and apply Reikland Fleshshade, making sure it gathers in the recesses (3).
Basecoat the leather with Rhinox Hide, applied with your Small Base Brush (1). Now, using Agrax Earthshade and a Medium Shade Brush, evenly
apply the shade over all these Rhinox Hide areas (2).
Pick out the edges of the leather with Gorthor Brown using a Small Layer Brush (3). Lastly, apply very fine lines of Karak Stone to the same areas
(4). An Artificer Brush is the best choice for this stage.
Basecoat the bird claw talisman with XV88 and a Small Base Brush (1). Then, pick out the detail in Tau Light Ochre, avoiding the edges (2).
Begin the cloak by painting a basecoat of Khorne Red using a Small Base Brush (1). Next, apply a Shade of Druchii Violet to the recesses at the base
of the folds in the cloth (2).
Using a Small Layer Brush, apply lines of Evil Sunz Scarlet to the edges and tops of the folds (3). Finish up with even finer edge highlight lines of
Fire Dragon Bright, still using the same Small Layer Brush (4).
Paint the topknot with a basecoat of Mephiston Red using the Small Layer Brush (1). Now, use a wash of Agrax Earthshade to give depth to the
recesses (2). Move on to the raised areas and use a Small Layer Brush to apply a layer of Evil Sunz Scarlet (3).
Continuing with these areas and focussing on the ridges, apply another layer with the same brush, this time of Troll Slayer Orange (4). Finish with
fine highlights of Fire Dragon Bright (5).
Basecoat the helmet with Retributor Armour applied with a Small Base Brush (1). Now, apply an even shade of Agrax Earthshade using a Medium
Shade Brush (2). Next, apply a layer of Liberator Gold with your Small Layer Brush, focussing only on the raised areas (3). Finish with small dashes
of Runefang Steel, strategically placed using your Artificer Brush to give the impression of reflected light (4).
Using a Small Layer Brush for accuracy, basecoat the three eyes with Mephiston Red (1). Then, switch to an Artificer Brush and add a highlights of
Troll Slayer Orange (2).
Finish with a tiny dot of Yriel Yellow, carefully placed at the very
centre point of each eye using the tip of your Artificer Brush.
Begin with a basecoat of Rhinox Hide with a Small Layer Brush (1). Remember, a brush that’s only lightly loaded with paint will help with accuracy
when painting tiny features like this. Now, layer it with Yriel Yellow, still using this same small brush (2). Add a line to represent the pupil using
Abaddon Black together with your Artificer Brush (3).
Fiery glow
Begin with a primer coat of Citadel Chaos Black Spray (1). Next, paint the entire model with a basecoat of Retributor Armour, applied with a Large
Base Brush (2). Wait for this to dry, then apply an all-over shade of Agrax Earthshade using your Medium Shade Brush (3).
The next step is to brighten the raised areas by reapplying Retributor Armour using a Small Base Brush (4). When this has dried, move on to lightly
drybrush the area with Sigmarite using a Small Drybrush (5). To finish, first wash and dry the bristles thoroughly, then drybrush the area again,
this time with Necron Compound (6).
Using your Small Base Brush, fill in the armour’s panels with Abaddon Black (1). Diluting the paint slightly with a drop of water will help it run
into the edges bordering the raised sections. When it is dry, paint thin lines around the edges with Dark Reaper, using your Artificer Brush for
precision (2). Finish with even finer lines of Administratum Grey directly on top of the Dark Reaper, making the edges really stand out (3).
First, apply a basecoat of Mechanicus Standard Grey using a Small Base Brush (1). When this is dry, take your Medium Shade Brush and shade the
grey with Nuln Oil (2). Next, take a Small Layer Brush and apply Stormvermin Fur to the raised detail and mouth, avoiding the recesses (3). Now,
still using the same brush and focussing on the same areas, paint further, finer highlights of Karak Stone to define the steed’s features (4).
Begin with a base of Zandri Dust, painted with your Small Base Brush (1). Next, add a layer of Ushabti Bone to the raised sections using a Small
Layer Brush (2). When this is dry, apply a wash of Reikland Fleshshade using your Medium Shade Brush (3).
After leaving the model to become completely dry, apply a further shade to the model, this time using Agrax Earthshade (4). Allow this to
dry thoroughly, then add a layer of Ushabti Bone using a Small Layer Brush (5). Finish by painting fine highlight lines of Pallid Wych Flesh to
emphasise the top of the hooves (6).
Paint the tongue with a vivid basecoat of Screamer Pink (1). Now, add a shade of Druchii Violet using your Small Shade Brush (2). Finish with a
layer of Cadian Fleshtone on the uppermost areas, applied with an Artificer Brush (3).
Basecoat the areas of red cloth using Khorne Red and a Small Base Brush (1). Now, apply a wash of Nuln Oil using a Medium Shade Brush (2).
Brighten the cloth back up by over-painting the upper sections with Khorne Red, again using your Small Base Brush and avoiding the recesses (3).
Go around the edge of the cloth as well as the tops of the folds with a layer of Evil Sunz Scarlet,
applied using a Small Layer Brush (4). Finish by adding a sharper line of Fire Dragon Bright,
again with your Artificer Brush (5).
Start by basecoating the cloth using Abaddon Black, carefully applied with your Small Base Brush (1). Next, pick out the tops of the folds with the
same brush and Khorne Red (2). Finish with fine lines of Evil Sunz Scarlet, applied to the same areas, this time using your Artificer Brush (3).
Basecoat the skin with Rakarth Flesh using a Small Base Brush (1). Now, take a Medium Shade Brush and wash the areas with Reikland Fleshshade
(2). Now take a Small Layer Brush and paint back over the raised features with Rakarth Flesh once more (3).
Begin painting the eyes with a basecoat of Mephiston Red, applied with your Artificer Brush for accuracy (1). Staying with the same brush, add a
layer of Troll Slayer Orange (2). Finally, give the eyes a suitably menacing look by adding a dots of Yriel Yellow, again with your Artificer Brush (3).
Apply a basecoat of Zandri Dust using your Small Base Brush (1). With a Small Layer Brush, apply an all-over layer of Ushabti Bone (2). Next, apply
a shade of Reikland Fleshshade using a Medium Shade Brush (3).
Apply Agrax Earthshade using the same Medium Shade Brush (4). With a Small Layer Brush, paint the upper areas with Ushabti Bone to create a
dramatic contrast with the darker areas (5). Finish with a subtle highlight of Pallid Wych Flesh, this time with your Artificer Brush (6).
Take a Small Base Brush and basecoat the sword with Leadbelcher (1). Next, using a Medium Shade Brush, apply a wash of Nuln Oil (2). Finish by
applying fine highlights of Runefang Steel to the cutting edge, corners and engraved detail (3).
Thin a little Mephiston Red on your palette and, using the tip of a Small Layer Brush, paint the recessed areas (1). Thinning the paint allows it to
flow into the cracks. Next, using a Small Layer Brush and Troll Slayer Orange, apply fine lines to pick out the upper areas (2). Staying with the same
brush, apply finer lines of Yriel Yellow running along the centre of the orange (3).
Gold Robe
Silver Horns
Feathers Head
Book Disc
Over an undercoat of Chaos Black, paint the armour and Chaos Star with a basecoat of Retributor Armour using a Small Base Brush (1). As ever,
using two thin coats will keep the model’s detail beautifully sharp. Next, apply an even shade of Agrax Earthshade using a Medium Layer Brush,
making sure it reaches every recess (2).
Paint a layer of Auric Armour Gold, avoiding the recesses (3). Finish by painting fine lines of Runefang Steel to mimic light glinting off the edges,
spikes and knife hilt (4). Painting fewer of these highlights than your imagination might suggest is the key to a convincing effect here.
Start by painting the entire robe area with a basecoat of Kantor Blue using a Small Base Brush (1). Allow this to dry and then, using a Small Layer
Brush, apply Alaitoc Blue, focussing the colour on the bottom half of the robe but subtly extending several brushstokes slightly further up (2).
Repeat this technique with Lothern Blue, this time to around the bottom third of the robe’s length (3).
Begin the blade and other silver areas with a basecoat of Leadbelcher, applied with your Small Base Brush (1). Wait until it’s dry, then paint these
areas with a shade of Nuln Oil using your Medium Shade Brush (2). Finish by adding highlights in the form of fine lines of Runefang Steel – for
example, along the length of the blade – using an Artificer Brush (3).
Using a Small Base Brush, paint the fleshy parts of the horns with a solid basecoat of Khorne Red (1). After this has dried, apply a shade of Druchii
Violet using your Medium Shade Brush (2). Then, using a Small Layer Brush and staying clear of the recessed areas, apply Wazdakka Red (3).
Basecoat the teeth with Abaddon Black, applied with a Small Base Brush (1). Apply dots of White Scar using an Artificer Brush (2).
Take a Small Base Brush and paint in the eyes with Abaddon Black (1). Now, add a dash of Lothern Blue to each eye using a Small Layer Brush (2).
Finally, paint the centre of the eyes with very fine slashes of Abaddon Black using a Small Layer Brush (3).
Paint the armour straps with Abaddon Black using a Small Layer Brush for precision (1). Finish
with fine lines of Dawnstone, applied to the straps’ edges with an Artificer Brush (2).
To make the staff’s handle look as though it’s made of wood, apply an initial base of Mournfang Brown with a Small Base Brush (1). Next, take a
Medium Shade Brush and apply an all-over coat of Agrax Earthshade (2). After this, paint the raised details with Skrag Brown using an Artificer
Brush (3) before applying even finer lines of Zamesi Desert to these same areas (4).
To paint the icon at the top of the staff, and the book’s cover, paint an initial basecoat of Kantor Blue using a Small Base Brush (1). Now, apply a
shade of Biel-Tan Green using a Medium Shade Brush (2). Apply highlights of Alaitoc Blue to the raised areas using a Small Layer Brush (3).
Painting the icon and book using the same colours and techniques not
only saves you time, but creates a neat visual link between two parts of
LOTHERN BLUE the miniature that, although related, are situated at opposite points of
Finally, apply even finer lines of Lothern Blue the figure.
on top of the Alatioc Blue, this time using an
Artificer Brush.
Basecoat the pages with Rakarth Flesh, using a Small Base Brush (1). Apply a wash of Seraphim Sepia using a Medium Shade Brush (2). Next,
avoiding the recesses, paint a layer of Ushabti Brown across the pages using a Small Layer Brush (3).
Take a Small Layer Brush and apply a very thin highlight of Pallid Wych Flesh to the outer edges of the pages (4). Use Rhinox Hide – thinned down
with Lahmian Medium – and a Small Layer Brush to paint the diagram, which is made up of two quarter-circles and three arrows (5). Still with
the Small Layer Brush and Rhinox Hide, replicate the look of text on the pages by painting a series of very thin horizontal dashes (6).
Begin painting the disc by first applying a basecoat of Khorne Red to the mutated flesh (1), followed by another basecoat of Kantor Blue applied to
the outside section (2). Use a Small Base Brush for both of these stages. Next, apply Nuln Oil to the entire area using a Medium Shade Brush (3).
After the shade has dried, apply a layer of Wazdakka Red to the flesh with a Small Layer Brush (4). Next, take a Small Drybrush and use
Changeling Pink to lightly drybrush the fleshy features, making sure the paint catches on the ridges (5). Take a Small Layer Brush and paint back
over any pink that might have strayed onto the blue area using Kantor Blue (6).
This part of the miniature is
situated beneath the figure
and, while important, isn’t
immediately prominent. As
such, don’t feel bound to lavish
many hours detailing the area.
Drybrushing takes only minutes
ALAITOC BLUE LOTHERN BLUE and works brilliantly on its
jagged, organic surface.
Now, using a Small Layer Brush, apply a thin line of Alaitoc Blue around the edge of the disc (7).
Lastly apply a final, even thinner line highlight to this same area using Lothern Blue, applied
with an Artificer Brush (8).
Paint the teeth with a basecoat of Rhinox Hide using your Small Base Brush (1). Then, with your Small Layer Brush, paint the raised areas of the
teeth with Zamesi Desert, avoiding the recesses (2). Lastly, focussing on the points, apply Screaming Skull with your Artificer Brush (3).
Begin the blades with an all-over basecoat of Abaddon Black using a Small Base Brush (1). Now, paint the cutting edges with a layer of Leadbelcher,
again with your Small Base Brush (2).
Now, using your Artificer Brush, paint thin highlights and scratches of Runefang Steel from the front to the back of the cutting edges (3). Next,
staying with the Artificer Brush, pick out the design on the flats of the blades with Ceramite White (4).
Finally, take a Medium Glaze Brush and apply Gulliman Blue over the Ceramite White designs to give them the appearance of an unearthly,
ethereal glow.
Colour the raised areas with Warpstone Glow using the Small Layer Brush (3), then finish with fine lines of Moot Green – applied with an Artificer
Brush – to these same features (4).
The disc tentacles are first given a basecoat of Kantor Blue, using a Small Base Brush (1). Next, take a Small Layer Brush and apply Calgar Blue to
highlight the raised detail (2), before painting the thorny claws Abaddon Black using your Small Base Brush (3).
Your guide to painting every miniature from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar boxset.
Warhammer: Everchosen Painting Guide © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2015. Warhammer: Everchosen Painting Guide,
GW, Games Workshop, Warhammer, Stormcast Eternals, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races,
vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop
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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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without the prior permission of the publishers.
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or
incidents is purely coincidental.
British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Pictures used for
illustrative purposes only.
ISBN: 978-1-78581-148-7
Certain Citadel products may be dangerous if used incorrectly and Games Workshop does not recommend them for use by
children under the age of 16 without adult supervision. Whatever your age, be careful when using glues, bladed equipment and
sprays and make sure that you read and follow the instructions on the packaging.