KLE QP-CFD - Course Assignment

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Course Assignment

Course Code: 15MEE407 Course Title: Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
Use computing tool to solve any 5 Questions (odd or even numbered) in Part A
Part B is compulsory

Q.No. Questions Marks

Part-A (25 marks )
1 Evaluate the error involved in using the 1st /2nd / 3rd order one sided differencing
to evaluate shear stress in the velocity profile defined by u(x,y)=15.82(1-e-0.85y) for 5
air flow with dynamic viscosity of 1.977x10-5 N-s/m2.
2 A stationary thin flat plate (2m long and 3m wide) at 20 oC is subjected to 3m/s of
air flow at 40oC. Evaluate: (i) Drag force acting on plate based on velocity
distribution u(y)=3[1-e-0.5y] (ii) Estimate the error in your calculation if 3 rd order 5
one-sided differencing is used in estimation with ∆y=0.01m
Use air properties at Tfilm, P=100kPa, kinematic viscosity=17.95x10-6 m2/S
3 A thin 1-D fluid element has a temperature distribution defined by the expression:
T(x,t)= 50+10x for x ≥ 0 at t = 0 and
T(x,t)= 50+10x+10t for x = 0 and x = L at t > 0
Apply Implicit solution scheme to evaluate temperature distribution at interior grid 5
points of 1-D fluid element at a spacing of 0.05 m after a time lag of 0.25 s.
Consider fluid element to have L=0.20m and k=0.25W/mK, ρ=995kg/m3 and
Cp=4.18 kJ/kgK
4 Apply Taylor’s series expansion to evaluate Ty, Tyy
For the defined temperature profile T(x,y)=55x+5.6(y2-10e-y) compute the error in 5
evaluating both Ty, Tyy at (x,y)=(1,-2) taking ∆y=0.1
5 ∂T ∂ 2T
Explain the Explicit method for the time-marching solution of =α = for
∂t ∂x 2
a 1-D fluid element taking appropriate step size for time and space ordinate
T(x,t)= 20+15x for x ≥ 0 at t = 0 and 5
T(x,t)= 25+10x+10t2 for x = 0 and x = L at t > 0
Take fluid element of 25 cm segmented in to 5 element to show one time marching
step with ∆t=0.5 and α=1.25x10-3
Use Jacobi Method to get solutions
7 Use Gauss-Method to solve:
10X1-2X2-X3-X4=3; (-2X1)+10X2-X3-X4=15; (-X1)-X2+10X3-2X4=27; ( -X1)-X2-2X3+10X4=(-9)
8 V=(2x+3y+z)i+(2y+z2)k+(x2y2)j : evaluate the substantial derivative of
T(x,y,z,t)=5.5xy-25y2t+2.5x at (x,y,z,t)=(2.1,-2.4,10s) 5
9 for �(x,y)=4e3x+7e5y at (x,y)=(2,2). calculate 1st order forward difference and
central difference with ∆x=∆y=0.05 to find (𝝏�/𝝏x)+(𝝏�/𝝏y)
10 For the steady heat conduction in a large brick plate with uniform heat generation. The
faces A and B are maintained at constant temperatures. The governing equation is
presented in form of the matrix. Evaluate intermediate temperature ϕ 1 to ϕ4 for defined end
surface ϕA and ϕB respectively as 80oC and 210oC
 3000  1000 0 0  1  2000T A  2500 
 1000 2000  1000
 0   2   2500 

 0  1000 2000  1000 3   2500 
    
 0 0  1000 3000   4  2000TB  2500 

Part-B (25 marks)


Source: https://en.unesco.org/sdgs
Identify any one sustainable developmental goal (shown in graphic above) and visualize a
situation from your immediate locality that relates to working towards identified goal.
Write a problem statement that best matches to application of your domain knowledge
in Computational Fluid Flow and Heat transfer.
Discuss possible technical solution that can address the identified problem, giving the
steps on how you will apply the concepts of CFD to fix the identified problem.
(Please provided camera clicked images of identified problem and detailed technical
solution to identified problem)

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