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Box 2 X 2

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Clear Opening of Culvert : 2m x 2m

Nos. of Cell : 01
Cushion height (min.) : 1.0 m
Earth Slope : 1:2
Over all width prop. : 12.0 m (2.0 + 8.0 +2.0)
Rate : As APWD NH SOR 13-14
Quantity : As per Statement-01
Design & Drawing : As per MoRT & H, GoI Std. Plans for RCC Box Cell Culvert

Ref. to MORT
Sl. Rate Amount
& H’s Description of Works Unit Qty.
No. (in Rs.) (in Rs.)

E/W in excavation for foundation of structures as per drawings

and technical specifications, including setting out, construction
of shorting and bracing, removal of stumps and other
1 12.1/304 Cum 261.190 54.00 14,104.28
deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and back
filling with approved material I. Ordinary Soil (B) Mechanical
Means (b) with dewatering (i) upto 3m depth

Plain/Reinforced Cement Concrete in Open Foundation

Complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification
2 A/1500,1700 Cum 20.445 5605.00 114,595.98
including steel shuttering formwork. A. Without Plasticizer (a)
P.C.C. Grade M-15
Plain/Reinforced cement concrete, in sub structure complete
as per drawing and technical specification and steel shuttering
13.5(N)/1500,1 F. RCC Grade M25
3 Cum 32.820 7420.00 243,524.40
700 & 2200 Height upto 5m
Case-I: Using concrete Mixer

Supplying, fitting & placing TMT CRS (Fe-500) bar

reinforcement in substructure complete as per drawing &
4 technical specification (a) From Primary Sources: tonne 2.459 73343.00 180,319.27
2200 (a)
TATA/SAIL/Esser Steel/Jindal Steel/Shyam Steel (i) TMT
Corrosion Resistant Steel (CRS) reinforcement bar of Fe-500

Plain/Reinforced cement concrete, in sub structure complete

as per drawing and technical specification and steel shuttering
5 formwork Cum 53.205 6713.00 357,163.15
700 & 2200
B. P.C.C. Grade M-20, Height up to 5m.

Providing and laying 300mm thcik Rubble Flooring complete

6 15.8 A /2504 as per drawing and Technical specifications laid over 100mm Cum 6.800 5273.00 35,856.40
thick M15 cement concrete bedding.

Flexible Apron Construction of flexible apron 0.75 m thick

7 15.11/2507.2 Comprising of loose stone boulders weighing not less than 40 Cum 47.200 1814.00 85,620.80
kg beyond curtain wall.
Curtain wall complete as per Drawing and Technical
8 Specification. Cum 27.100 7046.00 190,946.60
B) Cement concrete Grade M-15
Ref. to MORT
Sl. Rate Amount
& H’s Description of Works Unit Qty.
No. (in Rs.) (in Rs.)

Providing weep holes in brick masonry works/PCC/RCC

abutment,wing wall/returnwall with 100 mm dia AC pipe
9 extending through the full width of the Structure with slope of each 40.000 204.00 8,160.00
1v:20 each towards drawing face Complete as per Drawing
and Technical Specification.
13.5 (N)/ Plain/Reinforced cement concrete, in sub structure complete
1500,1700 & as per drawing and technical specification and steel shuttering
10 2200 formwork. PCC Gr. M25, Using Concrete Mixer Cum 0.563 7324.00 4,119.75

13.3/ 1300 & Plastering with cement mortar (1:3 ) on brick work in sub-
11 2200 structure as per Technical specifications sqm 5.75 126.00 724.50

12 Total Civil Cost = 1,235,135.14

13 Deduct 5% VAT included in APWD NH SOR 13-14 58,815.96
14 Total Civil Cost without VAT = 12-13 1,176,319.18
15 Add GST @ 12% over APWD NH SOR 13-14 141,158.30
Add Premium @ 6.45 % over APWD NH SOR 13-14 for
16 75,872.59
current market price
17 Total Cost including Premium & GST =14+15+16 1,393,350.07
Add Other Centages
Statement-01: Computation of Quantity for R.C.C Box Culvert, Size= 2m x 2m (Earth Cushion= 1.0m), L= 12m
(As per Std. Drawings for R.C.C Box Cell Culvert of MoRT&H)

Item Descriptions Unit No. Length Width Ht./Th. Area Quantity
1 E.W in Excavation of Foundation of Structures
a) Box portion below natural G.L cum 3.90 12.20 0.75 35.685
L=01*2.0+02*(0.25+0.6+0.1) =3.90m
b) Key portion below box bottom Slab cum 2 3.90 0.893 6.962
L=01*2.0+02*(0.25+0.6+0.1) =3.90m
Area =0.50*(1.30+0.40)*1.05= 0.893 sqm
(Refer MOST Dwg. No. SD/103 sheet 1 of 2 & 2 of 2)
c) Wing wall cum 4 1.65 8.196 54.094
(Refer MOST Dwq. No. SD/113 sheet 1 of 6 & 4 of 6)
Triangular Plan Area = 1/2*(3.535-1.710+1.146)*2.343
= 3.481 sq.m
Trapezoidal Plan Area = 1/2*(2.344+2.010)*(1.710+0.456)
= 4.715 sq.m
Total Plan Area=( 3.481+4.715)=8.196 sq.m
Depth of excavtion from N.G.L =1.650 m
d) Return of Wingwall cum 4 1.32 2.01 1.65 17.498
e) Floor Apron U/S & D/S cum 2 4.50 2.50 0.75 11.25 16.875
(Refer MOST Dwq. No. SD/111 sheet 1 of 4, SD/113 sheet 1 of
6 & 4 of 6)
Inner length = 2.00 m
Outer length = (2.00 + 2*3.535*0.71) = 7.00
Mean length = (2+7)/2= 4.5 m
Width = 3.535*0.71=2.5 m
f) Flexible Apron U/S & D/S cum 1 7.00 9.00 1.05 66.150
length=7.00, width d/s + u/s =6+3=9.0
g) Curtain Wall U/S cum 1 7.00 1.50 2.45 25.725
h) Curtain Wall D/S cum 1 7.00 1.85 2.95 38.203
(Refer MOST Dwq. No. SD/111 sheet 1 of 4)
TOTAL=a) to h) 261.190
2 Levelling course P.C.C grade M15 in foundation.
a) Box Portion cum 1 3.90 12.20 0.15 7.137
L=01*2.0+02*(0.25+0.6+0.1) =3.90m
b) Wing wall cum 4 0.15 8.196 4.918
c) Return wall cum 4 1.32 2.01 0.15 1.591
Total = 13.645
3 RCC grade M-25 for Box Culvert cum
Top Slab 1 12.00 2.50 0.25 7.500
Bottom Slab 1 12.00 3.70 0.30 13.320
Side/ Vertical wall 2 12.00 2.00 0.25 12.000
Statement-01: Computation of Quantity for R.C.C Box Culvert, Size= 2m x 2m (Earth Cushion= 1.0m), L= 12m
(As per Std. Drawings for R.C.C Box Cell Culvert of MoRT&H)

Item Descriptions Unit No. Length Width Ht./Th. Area Quantity
Total= 32.820
(Refer MOST Dwq. No. SD/109 sheet 2 of 16)

4 Reinforcement for Box Culvert MT 2.459

(Refer MOST Dwq. No. SD/109 sheet 2 of 16)
For 24m length of culvert = 4.683 MT
For 12m length of culvert = 2.459 MT
5 a) PCC grade M-20 in Wing wall cum 44.030
(Refer MOST Dwq. No. SD/113, sheet 4 of 16)
b) PCC grade M-20 in Return Wall cum 4 1.32 1.739 9.175
Area = (1.81*0.50) + (0.50*0.46*0.24) + 0.50*(0.85+0.3)*0.85 + (0.50*0.30) + (0.40*0.35) = 1.739sqm
Total= 53.205
6 Stone pitching for Floor Apron
a) 150 mm thick Cement concrete bedding in M15 cum 3.400
b) 300 mm thick Rubble stone cum 6.800
Total = 10.200
c) 150 mm thick PCC M15 cum 3.400
(Refer MOST Dwq. No. SD/111, sheet 2 of 4)
7 750 mm thick Stone pitching for Flexible Apron cum 47.200
(Refer MOST Dwq. No. SD/111, sheet 2 of 4)
8 Curtain Wall PCC M15
a) PCC under curtain wall M15 cum 3.500
c) Concrete for D/S & U/S curtain wall M15 cum 23.600
Total = 27.100
(Refer MOST Dwq. No. SD/111, sheet 3 of 4)
9 Weap holes 100 mm dia. No. 40.000
10 PCC grade M-25 in Head Wall of culvert cum 2 2.50 0.25 0.45 0.563
11 Plastering in Head Wall of culvert sqm 2 2.88 5.750
Area each head wall =2* (2.5*0.45)+ (01*2.5*0.25)=2.875

Executive Engineer, PWD

Nagaon NH Division, Nagaon

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