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acetaZOLAMIDE (a-seet-a-zole-a-mide)

Acetazolam, Diamox, Diamox Sequels


Therapeutic:anticonvulsants, antiglaucoma agents, diuretics, ocular hypotensive agent

Pharmacologic:carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

Pregnancy Category C


Lowering of intraocular pressure in the treatment of glaucoma. Management of acute

altitude sickness. Edema due to HF. Adjunct to the treatment of refractory seizures.

Unlabeled Use: Reduce cerebrospinal fluid production in hydrocephalus. Prevention of renal calculi
composed of uric acid or cystine.


Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase in the eye results in decreased secretion of aqueous

humor. Inhibition of renal carbonic anhydrase, resulting in self-limiting urinary excretion of sodium,
potassium, bicarbonate, and water. CNS inhibition of carbonic anhydrase and resultant diuresis
maypabnormal neuronal firing. Alkaline diuresis

prevents precipitation of uric acid or cystine in the urinary tract. Therapeutic Effects: Lowering of
intraocular pressure. Control of some types of seizures. Prevention and treatment of acute altitude
sickness. Diuresis and subsequentmobilization of

excess fluid. Prevention of uric acid or cystine renal calculi.


Absorption: Dose dependent; erratic with doses >10 mg/kg/day.

Distribution: Crosses the placenta and blood-brain barrier; enters breast milk.

Protein Binding: 95%.

Metabolism and Excretion: Excreted mostly unchanged in urine.

Half-life: 2.4– 5.8 hr.

TIME/ACTION PROFILE (lowering of intraocular pressure)


PO 1–1.5 hr 2–4 hr 8–12 hr

PO-ER 2 hr 8–18 hr 18–24 hr

IV 2 min 15 min 4–5 hr


Contraindicated in: Hypersensitivity or cross-sensitivity with sulfonamides may

occur; Hepatic disease or insufficiency; Concurrent use with ophthalmic carbonic

anhydrase inhibitors (brinzolamide, dorzolamide) is not recommended; OB: Avoid

during first trimester of pregnancy.

Use Cautiously in: Chronic respiratory disease; Electrolyte abnormalities; Gout;

Renal disease (dosagepnecessary for CCr <50 mL/min); Diabetes mellitus;OB: Use

with caution during second or third trimester of pregnancy; Lactation: Safety not


Adverse Reactions/Side Effects

CNS: depression, fatigue, weakness, drowsiness. EENT: transient nearsightedness.

GI: anorexia, metallic taste, nausea, vomiting, melena. GU: crystalluria, renal calculi. Derm: STEVENS-
JOHNSON SYNDROME, rashes. Endo: hyperglycemia. F and E:

hyperchloremic acidosis, hypokalemia, growth retardation (in children receiving

chronic therapy). Hemat: APLASTIC ANEMIA, HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA, LEUKOPENIA. Metab: weight loss,
hyperuricemia. Neuro: paresthesias. Misc:allergic reactions including ANAPHYLAXIS.


Drug-Drug: Excretion of barbiturates, aspirin, and lithium isqand may lead

topeffectiveness. Excretion of amphetamine, quinidine, procainamide, and

possibly tricyclic antidepressantsispand may lead to toxicity. Mayqcyclosporine levels.


PO (Adults): Glaucoma (open angle)—250– 1000 mg/day in 1– 4 divided doses

(up to 250 mg q 4 hr) or 500-mg extended-release capsules twice daily. Epilepsy—

4– 16 mg/kg/day in 1– 4 divided doses (maximum 30 mg/kg/day or 1 g/day). Altitude sickness—250 mg

2– 4 times daily started 24– 48 hr before ascent, continued

for 48 hr or longer to control symptoms. Antiurolithic—250 mg at bedtime.

Edema—250– 375 mg/day. Urine alkalinization—5 mg/kg/dose repeated 2– 3

times over 24 hr.

PO (Children): Glaucoma—8– 30 mg/kg (300– 900 mg/m2

/day) in 3 divided

doses (usual range 10– 15 mg/kg/day). Edema—5 mg/kg/dose once daily. Epilepsy—4– 16 mg/kg/day in
1– 4 divided doses (maximum 30 mg/kg/day or 1 g/


PO (Neonates): Hydrocephalus—5 mg/kg/dose q 6 hrqby 25 mg/kg/day up to a

maximum of 100 mg/kg/day.

IV (Adults): Glaucoma (closed angle)—250– 500 mg, may repeat in 2– 4 hr to a

maximum of 1 g/day. Edema—250– 375 mg/day.

IV (Children): Glaucoma—5– 10 mg/kg q 6 hr, not to exceed 1 g/day. Edema—

5 mg/kg/dose once daily.

IV (Neonates): Hydrocephalus—5 mg/kg/dose q 6 hrqby 25 mg/kg/day up to a

maximum of 100 mg/kg/day.



● Observe for signs of hypokalemia (muscle weakness, malaise, fatigue, ECG

changes, vomiting).

● Assess for allergy to sulfonamides.

● Intraocular Pressure: Assess for eye discomfort or decrease in visual acuity.

● Seizures: Monitor neurologic status in patients receiving acetazolamide for seizures. Initiate seizure

● Altitude Sickness: Monitor for decrease in severity of symptoms (headache,

nausea, vomiting, fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness, shortness of breath). Notify

health care professional immediately if neurologic symptoms worsen or if patient

becomes more dyspneic and rales or crackles develop.

● Edema:Monitor intake and output ratios and daily weight during therapy.

● Lab Test Considerations: Serum electrolytes, complete blood counts,

and platelet counts should be evaluated initially and periodically during

prolonged therapy. May causeppotassium, bicarbonate, WBCs, and

RBCs. May causeqserum chloride.

● May causeqin serum and urine glucose; monitor serum and urine glucose carefully in diabetic

● May cause false-positive results for urine protein and 17-hydroxysteroid tests.

● May causeqblood ammonia, bilirubin, uric acid, urine urobilinogen, and calcium. Maypurine citrate.

Potential Nursing Diagnoses

Disturbed sensory perception (visual) (Indications)


● Do not confuse acetazolamide with acetohexamide. Do not confuse Diamox with Diabinese.

● Encourage fluids to 2000– 3000 mL/day, unless contraindicated, to prevent crystalluria and stone

● A potassium supplement without chloride should be administered concurrently

with acetazolamide.

● PO: Give with food to minimize GI irritation. Tablets may be crushed and mixed

with fruit-flavored syrup to minimize bitter taste for patients with difficulty swallowing. Extended-
release capsules may be opened and sprinkled on soft food, but

do not crush, chew, or swallow contents dry. Extended-release capsules are only

indicated for glaucoma and altitude sickness; do not use for epilepsy or diuresis.

● IM: Extremely painful; avoid if possible.

IV Administration

● pH: 9.2.

● Direct IV: Reconstitute 500 mg of acetazolamide in at least 5 mL of sterile water

for injection. Use reconstituted solution within 24 hr.Concentration: 100 mg/

mL. Rate: Not to exceed 500 mg/min.

● Intermittent Infusion: Diluent:Further dilute in 50– 100 mL of D5W, D10W,

0.45% NaCl, 0.9% NaCl, LR, or combinations of dextrose and saline or dextrose

and LR solution. Concentration: 5– 10 mg/mL. Rate: Infuse over 15– 30 min.

Patient/Family Teaching

● Instruct patient to take as directed. Take missed doses as soon as possible unless

almost time for next dose. Do not double doses. Patients on anticonvulsant therapy

may need to gradually withdraw medication.

● Advise patient to report numbness or tingling of extremities, weakness,

rash, sore throat, unusual bleeding or bruising, fever, or signs/symptoms of a sulfonamide adverse
reaction (Stevens-Johnson syndrome

[flu-like symptoms, spreading red rash, or skin/mucous membrane blistering], toxic epidermal necrolysis
[widespread peeling/blistering of

skin]) to health care professional. If hematopoietic reactions, fever,

rash, hepatic, or renal problems occur, acetazolamide should be discontinued.

● May occasionally cause drowsiness. Caution patient to avoid driving and other activities that require
alertness until response to the drug is known.

● Caution patient to use sunscreen and wear protective clothing to prevent photosensitivity reactions.

● Advise patient to notify health care professional of all Rx or OTC medications, vitamins, or herbal
products being taken and to consult with health care professional

before taking other medications.

● Intraocular Pressure: Advise patient of the need for periodic ophthalmologic

exams; loss of vision may be gradual and painless.

Evaluation/Desired Outcomes

● Decrease in intraocular pressure when used for glaucoma. If therapy is not effective or patient is
unable to tolerate one carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, using another may be effective and more tolerable.

● Decrease in the frequency of seizures.

● Reduction of edema.

● Prevention of altitude sickness.

● Prevention of uric acid or cystine stones in the urinary tract

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