Xing 2011

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Volume 38, Issue 6, December 2011

Online English edition of the Chinese language journal

Cite this article as: PETROL. EXPLOR. DEVELOP., 2011, 38(6): 693–699. RESEARCH PAPER

Reservoir forming conditions and favorable exploration zones

of shale gas in the Weixin Sag, Dianqianbei Depression
Liang Xing*, Ye Xi, Zhang Jiehui, Shu Honglin
PetroChina Zhejiang Oilfield Company, Hangzhou 310023, China

Abstract: Forming conditions of the shale gas reservoir of the Weixin Sag in the Dianqianbei Depression are studied and preferable
sweet spots for shale gas exploration are proposed based on the results of geologic survey, drilling and seismic survey in the shale gas re-
gion. The black shale of Cambrian Niutitang Formation and Silurian Longmaxi Formation are the two principal exploration targets in the
Weixin Sag, having the characteristics of big net thickness (>50m) and abundant organic matter, low porosity and permeability. Those two
formations have favorable conditions for the formation of shale gas reservoirs and also can be easily hydraulic fractured in the later stages
of production. The coexistence of the clastic rock layer on the top, shallow entire seal, and the absence of exposed faults are the three de-
sirable factors for the preservation of shale gas reservoir. The shale core analysis shows that the major composition is methane, the con-
tent of which increases as the preservation conditions become better and the shale TOC content and formation pressure increase. After in-
tegrated evaluation and optimized selection of shale gas exploration zones, it is determined that the Junlian-Luobu zone located in the
north of the sag is the most favorable sweet spot for shale gas exploration in the overlapping target layer of the Longmaxi Formation and
Niutitang Formation, and the Huani-Weixin zone in the middle of the sag is proposed to be the sweet spot for shale gas exploration in the
Niutitang Formation. It is recommended that importance be attached to the evaluation of shale gas exploration in the Lower Carbonifer-
ous Jiusi Formation and Upper Permian Leping formation.

Key words: Dianqianbei Depression; Weixin Sag; shale gas; reservoir forming conditions; optimized exploration zone election

China has plentiful resources and large exploration poten- Luozehe fault in the west (Figure 1).
tial of shale gas[18]. The grey black–black shale regions of According to distributing features of major tectonic lines in
Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation and Lower Cambrian and around the Weixin Sag, three tectonic reforming systems
Niutitang Formation of the Weixin Sag in the Dianqianbei (including SN, NEE and NE directions) are classified in this
Depression are distributed stably and widely, with characteris- sag. These tectonic systems combine one another, with obvious
tics of high net thickness and abundant organic matter, which intersection relationship and complex phenomena of limiting,
is approximately similar to that of shale in the Sichuan Ba- crossing, merging and rebuilding, etc. The SN tectonic system
sin[5]. They are the key formations of shale gas exploration based on the Kangdian paleo-uplift during Late Proterozoic–
and evaluation. Based on the results of regional geologic sur- Early Paleozoic was formed, followed by the NEE tectonic
vey, drilling and seismic survey in the shale gas region, the system during Indo-Chinese epoch–Yanshanian. The NE tecto-
forming conditions of shale gas reservoirs of the Weixin Sag nic system was formed by the co-effect of intra-continent oro-
in the Dianqianbei Depression are studied and preferable geny and NW thrusting during the Late Yanshanian–Himalayan.
sweet spots for shale gas exploration are selected. The Weixin Sag is divided into 13 fold belts which are
nearly NE extending (Figure 1), belonging to typical trough
1 Regional geology
like fold transforming belts with the features of “even and
The Weixin Sag is located at the intersection region of the broad anticline belts, and steep and narrow syncline belts”.
Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces. Its regional struc- Anticline belts and syncline belts present arc shape promi-
ture belongs to the eastern part of the Dianqianbei Depression nent toward NW within the eastern areas to Weixin-Bijie, and
in the SW edge of the Yangzi tectonic region. It is adjacent to change to be such structural pattern as three anticline belts
Sichuan Basin in the north, Diandong–Qianzhong Uplift in alternating with syncline belts near the Chishui River. Cam-
the south, and Zhaotong Sag along the nearly south-northward brian–Lower Ordovician series are exposed at the cores of

Received date: 11 Oct. 2010; Revised date: 21 Sep. 2011.

* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
Foundation item: Supported by the National Major Science and Technology Project during the twelfth Five-year Plan “Key Techniques of Shale Gas E&P (2011ZX0501-006).
Copyright © 2011, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, PetroChina. Published by Elsevier BV. All rights reserved.
Liang Xing et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2011, 38(6): 693–699

Fig. 1 Tectonic division map of the Weixin Sag in the Dianqianbei Depression

surface anticline belts, and Middle-Upper Ordovician, Silurian, having the features of “thick, wealthy, muddy, mature, dense
Devonian, Permian and Tertiary series form the limbs of anti- and brittle”[24].
cline belts, where shale depth is less than 3 000 m. Striped North American shale gas production practice shows that
Upper Triassic–Lower Cretaceous series are exposed at axial there are several important parameters that need to be quanti-
regions of synclines, where Lower Paleozoic shale depth is up fied when assessing the potential shale play, such as reservoir
to 3 000–5 500 m. thickness, burial depth, organic matter content, thermal matur-
Two sedimentary assemblages of marine Sinian–Middle ity, gas content, mineral composition of shale, mechanics
Triassic and continental Upper Triassic–Lower Cretaceous are properties of shale and physical properties of reservoirs[25].
developed in the Weixin Sag. Black shale are developed in Based on regional distributing characteristics, TOC content,
Upper Permian Longtan Formation (P2l), Lower Carbonifer- maturation, permeability, preserving conditions and gas con-
ous Datang Formation (C1d), Lower Silurian Longmaxi For- tent, etc., the forming conditions of shale gas reservoir of the
mation (S1l) and Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation ( 1n). Weixin Sag are evaluated in this paper.
2 Forming conditions of shale gas reservoirs 2.1 Regional distributing features of shale beds
Shale gas is a kind of unconventional natural gas, occuring 2.1.1 Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation
in dark greygrey black shale with extremely low permeabil-
ity and abundant organic matter, or in the natural fractures and Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation (S1l) deposited in the
porosities of shales with high carbon content[18]. Most of foreland basin at the northwestern area of Caledonian oro-
shale gas presents as attached gas or free gas, with a small genic belt in South China. It is of stagnant anoxic environ-
amount as dissolved gas in bitumen and kerogen. Shale gas ment in shelf facies formed at the northwestern edge of South
reservoirs are a kind of continuous gas accumulation, the China orogenic belt, rich in the black shales with abundant
shale with abundant organic matter acting as source, reservoir, graptolite and organic matter[5,9,10]. S1l generally becomes
seal. They are the “self-generation and self-bearing” gas res- thinner from north to south; it is also true for the black shale.
ervoir, without migration and accumulation process basically, Limestone interbeds appear in south areas and gradually in-
Liang Xing et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2011, 38(6): 693–699

crease, which shows that the S1l deposition center was at the western Kangdian palaeo-land, the black shale shows the fea-
north of Weixin Sagthe south of Sichuan Basin (Figure 2). ture of “thin in the west and thick in the east” generally (Fig-
ure 3). Black shale thickness is over 358.5 m to the east of
Junlian—well Mang 1.

2.2 Organic content and thermal maturity

The results of regional outcrop geological survey, drilling

and sample testing show that the black shale of 1n and S1l
in the Weixin Sag is developed in the middle–lower parts of
their sedimentary series, with shale TOC of 0.55%–9.37% and
0.61%–3.24%, respectively (Table 1), most of TOC over 1.5%.
Organic matter abundance changes with lithology as shown in
Figure 4 and Figure 5. TOC values of black shale at the bot-

Table 1 Geochemical data of grey black shale in the Weixin Sag

and adjacent areas
Geological profile Forma-
TOC (%) Ro (%)
or drilling tion
Daxueshan Haiwan 0.63–3.24 (2.06) 2.23–3.13 (2.85)
Fig. 2 Integrated evaluation map of S1l shale in the Weixin Sag Yanjin Lijiawan S1l 0.61–2.70 (1.97) 2.08–2.42 (2.18)
and adjacent areas
Junlian well YQ l 0.65–3.14 (1.52) 2.92–2.99 (2.95)
Yanyuan Liaoyeba 2.08–4.78 (3.30) 2.01–4.35 (3.25)
Yanyuan well YQ2 0.55–9.37 (1.80) 4.01–4.12 (4.05)
Well Mang1 0.57–4.19 (2.67)
Well Fangshen 1 0.65–8.02 (2.70)
Note: Values in brackets are average ones

Fig. 3 Integrated evaluation map of ȯ1n shale in the Weixin Sag

and adjacent areas

2.1.2 Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation

The Weixin Sag is located at the southeastern edge of Early

Paleozoic Yangtze cratonic basin (continental shelf). Lower
Cambrian Niutitang Formation ( 1n) was formed in global
fast transgressive systems tract during Early Cambrian, be-
longing to oxygen-poor environment at slopes of shelf edge
anoxic environment of continental shelf sea (deep water con-
tinental shelf) formed by rapid ascending current[10,11], devel-
oping black rock series with abundant organic matter, bio-
genic element and nonferrous metals. Its main lithology is
shale and silica rocks[1214], forming three metallogenic belts
of Ni-Mo mine, V mine and sapanthracite[12] in plane. 1n is
distributed continuously and has great thickness. Subject to
Liang Xing et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2011, 38(6): 693–699

Fig. 5 Longitudinal distribution graph of TOC and Ro in 1n

shale of Yanyuan well YQ2

tom of sedimentary series are obviously higher, being the

most favorable layers for the formation of shale gas reservoir.
For example, TOC values of shale at bottom of S1l between
196.75–219.58 m of Well YQ1 are more than 2% (single layer
Fig. 4 Longitudinal distribution graph of TOC and Ro in S1l thickness up to 32 m), averagely 2.26% (Figure 4); TOC val-
shale of Junlian well YQl
ues of 1n shale between 192.39–281.68 m of well YQ2 are
more than 2%, averagely 2.94% (Figure 5). The higher TOC
values of grey black shale are related to Silurian plankton
biosphere of surface water with high productivity and the
physical & chemical conditions of anoxic water favorable for
organic matter preservation[12].
The kerogen types of organic matter in marine origin shale
here are I–II1, and Ro is 2.00%–4.35%. Ro of S1l shale is a
little lower than that of 1n. For instance, Ro of S1l shale in
well YQ1 is 2.92%–2.99%, and that in Well YQ2 is
4.01%–4.12%. Interstratified illite/smectite ratio of S1l shale
in well YQ1 and 1n shale in well YQ2 is 5%–10%, and
į13C2–į13C1 in well YQ1 is–3.2‰–0.3‰, which shows that
kerogen in shale has reached high mature–over mature stage,
belonging to gas generation state at late period of over matur-
ity stage.
Shale gas was found in grey-black shale at S1l bottom of
well YQ1. When core was soaked into hot water, dense air
bubbles were separated out, and the collected gas can be ig-
nited (blue flame can be up to about 30 cm), with methane
content of 73.12%–88.32%. This gas-bearing section is 52 m
thick, with TOC of 2.12%–3.14%, Tmax of 484–524 qC and
Liang Xing et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2011, 38(6): 693–699

highest gas content of over 0.429 m3/t. The discovery of Average 0.65 0.012 0
methane in so shallow shale shows a great shale gas explora- 0.006 7×10 –0.015 0×10 ȝm , averaging 0.012×10–3 ȝm2.
–3 –3 2

tion potential in the Weixin Sag. Compared with porosity (2%–10%) and permeability
The TOC content and thermal maturity of gas shale in the (1×10–13–10×10–7 ȝm2) of commercially produced shale gas in
Weixin Sag are similar to that of the south part of American North America, the shale porosity in well YQ1 and well YQ2
Fordworth Basin. They both underwent obvious evolution is lower and the shale permeability is of middle level. Core
process of burying—uplift—re-burying—extensive re-uplift slice identification shows that quartz in shale is mainly from
and erosion, and both had evident secondary hydrocarbon terrigenous clastics, which is different from American Barnett
generation. According to research and analysis results, S1l in shale whose quartz is mainly of biological source. This may
the Weixin Sag was uplifted extensively before completely be an important factor that leads to lower shale porosity in the
entering the cracking gas stage, and Lower Cambrian had Weixin Sag. Furthermore, shale porosity measure methods in
been in the over-mature stage, which suggested better shale China are different from those of North America, which is
gas E&P prospect in this sag. another key element of lower measured porosity.
2.3 Reserving and permeable conditions Shale porosity has certain positive correlation with perme-
ability. Porosity and permeability in about 60 m thick shale at
Based on the results of regional geologic survey and shal-
the S1l bottom in well YQ1 are better (Figure 6). Certain well
low geologic well drilling, shale structure is tight, with poor
that was just drilled near well YQ1 uncovers the shale lamel-
porosity development. Shale densities of S1l in well YQ1 and
3 lation development at the S1l bottom. While cores were driven
1n in well YQ2 are close (averagely about 2.66 g/cm ). The
from barrel, gas escape was evident. On-site analysis shows
densities of gas-bearing shale section are about 0.05–0.21
that adsorbed gas content is up to 0.21–0.27 L/kg, which
g/cm3 lower than that of non-gas-bearing shale section. They
means that shale gas resource potential in higher porosity
are almost identical to those of commercially produced shale
zones is large and its economic recoverability is high.
in America[4].
Rock scanning electron microscope and slice observation
According to the analysis of shallow well samples by
show that a few micro-pores and micro-fractures exist in shale
Langfang Branch of PetroChina Research Institute of Petro-
of the Weixin Sag, and there are abundant dissolved pores on
leum Exploration & Development (Table 2), the porosity of
grain surface (Figure 7). The main cements are illites and
S1l shale in well YQ1 is 1.1%–4.9%, with average of 2.63%,
chlorites, including a few calcites. Many clay mineral and
and its permeability is 0.004 3×10–3–0.042 0×10–3 ȝm2, aver-
organic matter fill in micro-pores, which may be the main
aging 0.019×10–3 ȝm2; the porosity of 1n shale in well YQ2
reason that leads to higher irreducible content in shale layers.
is 0.3%–1.3%, averaging 0.65%, and its permeability is
By surface outcrop section and core observation, a great many
Table 2 Porosity and permeability in well YQ1 and well YQ2 high-angle fractures and micro-fractures were found in shale.
They are mainly structural fractures and sutures. For example,
Porosity Permeability
Well No. Sample No. Depth (m) there are about 1 to 14 fractures per meter in well YQ1 cores
(%) (10–3 ȝm2)
1 YQ1-D26 31.55–31.69 1.8 0.018 0
2 YQ1-D4 80.81–81.08 3.5 0.042 0
3 YQ1-D32 161.99–162.17 3.1 0.004 3
4 YQ1-D34 203.34–203.51 4.9 0.028 3
5 YQ1-D59 224.87–224.98 2.6 0.006 0
6 YQ1-D37 232.19–232.34 1.4 0.008 9
7 YQ1-D38 295.75–295.98 1.1 0.026 0
Average 2.63 0.019 0
YQ2 1 YQ2-3 38.27–38.47 1.3 0.015 0
2 YQ2-8 65.27–65.51 0.9 0.015 0
3 YQ2-11 83.36–83.62 0.7 0.013 0
4 YQ2-14 117.61–117.91 0.7 0.014 0
5 YQ2-17 146.01–146.29 0.5 0.013 0
6 YQ2-20 178.25–178.56 0.7 0.012 0
7 YQ2-23 206.41–206.71 0.7 0.010 0
8 YQ2-28 236.50–236.75 0.4 0.010 0
9 YQ2-32 261.37–261.65 0.3 0.007 1
10 YQ2-35 281.91–289.20 0.3 0.006 7
Liang Xing et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2011, 38(6): 693–699

Fig. 6 Pore structure profile of S1l shale gas reservoirs in

Junlian well YQ1

Fig. 7 Shale scanning electron microscope photos in Junlian well YQ1 and Yanyuan well YQ2

Table 3 Whole rock quantitative element analysis of shale in the Weixin Sag
Profile or drilling Formation Clay (%) Quartz (%) K-feldspar/% Plagioclase (%) Calcite (%) Dolomite (%) Pyrite (%)
Yanyuan 1n 25–55 (39.4) 32–45 (39.10) 1–5 (2.8) 6–26 (16.5) 2–5 (3.3) 0 0
Haiwan S1l 9–53 (26.3) 3–40 (28.70) 1–12 (4.8) 2–10 (4.7) 3–86 (24.7) 6–22 (14.75) 1–8 (3.7)
Liang Xing et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2011, 38(6): 693–699

Lijiawan S1l 26–48 (39.0) 9–43 (26.17) 2–7 (4.0) 4–16 (6.8) 1–65 (26.0) 7 0
Xiaocaoba C 1j 11–82 (60.6) 8–42 (29.56) 1–2 (1.5) 1–2 (1.5) 2–57 (29.5) 24 0
S1l 20–55 (7.5) 23–38 (32.25) 1–5 (2.0) 1–6 (3.3) 5–26 (12.0) 2–29 (11.87) 1–4 (1.9)
Well YQ1
O3w 40–48 (44.0) 30–35 (32.50) 1–6 (3.5) 4–8 (6.0) 7–10 (8.5) 3–4 (3.50) 1.9–2.0 (1.9)
Note: Values in brackets are average ones

and their widths are 5 to 15 ȝm, fillings’ roundness being gas quantity in shale is also positive related to shale specific
sub-prismatic to sub-round shapes; the cement type is porous surface area. For instance, shale at the S1l bottom of well YQ1
cementation, with linear granular contact relationship. Structural whose specific surface area is 8.69–20.36 m2/g adsorbs much
fracture widths in YQ2 are 3075±10 ȝm; most of them are less more gas than adjacent shale in upper S1l and limestone in
than that of Barnett shale (0.05 mm). Thus in generally shale Baota Formation (O2b). The latter two rocks have bigger av-
reservoirs in the Weixin Sag are tight and have low porosity erage pore diameter and smaller specific surface area (only
and permeability, but still have better reserving conditions. 0.487 m2/g in the O2b limestone).
Exploration research shows that natural gas in the interme-
3 Optimal selections of sweet spots for shale gas
diate thin pelitic siltstone and sandstone of shale is mainly
free gas that can be produced together with absorbed shale gas.
At present in America, absorbed shale gas is produced mainly 3.1 Optimal selection principles
by adopting large scale fracturing to generate factures. There- After surveying North American shale gas E&P experience
fore, shale brittleness and hardness are very important for and combining geologic conditions of shale gas in the Weixin
shale gas production. In the mineral components of S1l and Sag, we think that the following preferential factors for se-
1n shale in the Weixin Sag, brittle mineral content is higher, lecting the sweet spots of shale gas exploration should be
quartz content is 26%–40%, and average of gross quartz and considered: (1) Grey-black shale layers deposited steadily and
feldspar is over 56% (the maximum can be over 65%); calcite continuously, with net thickness of over 30 m; (2) TOC value
and dolomite content is about 10%–25% (the higher can be of grey-black shale is equal to or more than 1.5%, main kero-
over 86%) (Table 3). Sandy and calcareous content in shale is gen is of I–II1, and maturity is not too high; (3) Silicon content
higher, which means that shale is harder and brittle, and fa- in shale is equal to or more than 40%; (4) There are certain
vorable for fracture frame generation when using hydraulic matrix porosity and well-developed fractures; (5) Structure is
fracturing to rebuild reservoirs, and favorable for shale gas relatively simple, without break changes on transverse forma-
commercial production. tion occurrence, and shale layer depth is less than 3 500 m; (6)
2.4 Preserving conditions and gas content Overlaying cap rocks are clastics; there is no exposed faults;
there is generally integrated sealing system and good preserv-
Conventional gas reservoirs require very strict preserving ing conditions in shallow layers; (7) there is a gentle relief and
conditions. In the past, shale gas was considered being free better traffic condition, which facilitates the seismic survey
from preserving conditions. But shale gas exploration practice and drilling engineering.
in the Weixin Sag within the past one year shows that pre-
serving conditions control shale gas content and gas compo- 3.2 Selection results
nents (especially methane content and nitrogen content). The After integrated evaluation and optimized selection of shale
main points include: (1) Cap rocks above target shale gas se- gas exploration zones, it is determined that the Junlian–Luobu
ries are needed to protect shale gas, and clastic cap rocks are zone in the north of Weixin sag is the most favorable sweet
the best; (2) Reservoirs should be far away from the faults that spot for shale gas exploration in the overlapping target layer
extend to the surface to avoid the gas escape from the vent. of S1l and 1n, and the Huani–Weixin zone in the middle of
Lateral influence scope of fault should be slightly bigger than the sag is proposed to be the sweet spot for shale gas explora-
faulting depth; (3) There is a general integrated sealing and tion of 1n.
preserving system, and confined hydrogeology environment is
3.2.1 Junlian-Luobu area
the best in shallow layers. Coexistence of the above “three
major factors” is an important condition for selecting favor- It refers to the north area to the Yanjin–Daxueshan anticline
able sweet spots of shale gas. belt, located at the south edge of the Sichuan Basin. It is gene-
According to desorption experiment of enclosed core in rally a wide syncline, with relatively simple structure and sta-
shallow geological well, natural gas content and methane ble formation distribution. Regional Permian and Triassic cap
content desorbed from shale increase with well depth, and rocks developed extensively. There are seldom large and mid-
desorption rate accelerates with marinating water temperature. dle scale faults. It is generally in confined hydrogeology envi-
Methane content adsorbed in shale increases with TOC value. ronment, with good regional gas preserving conditions. There
This proves that organic-rich shale has more micro-pores than are two suits of shale gas reservoirs (S1l+ 1n) distributed
organic-poor shale and can absorb more natural gas. Absorbed stably. Burial depth of shale gas layers is generally 1 800–
Liang Xing et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2011, 38(6): 693–699

3 000 m. S1l shale gas has been found in wells. This area is hilly recommended that they should be paid enough attention and
landform, with continuous low-lying flat dams and convenient the evaluation of shale gas exploration should be enhanced.
traffic condition. It is near the gas production area of the Si-
chuan Basin, with better convenience of technical guarantee. References
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are black fine clastic series formed in Late Paleozoic shore [14] Li Youyu. The geological characteristics of sea floor exhala-
and shallow sea sediment environment, distributed widely in tion sedimentary chert in Lower Cambrian black shales in
the southwest and northeast of Weixin Sag. Obvious gas Dayong Cili Area, Hu’nan Province. Acta Petrologica Sinica,
shows have been found here by recent drilling exploration. 1997, 13(1): 121126.
They may be the potential shale gas exploration series with
very large quantity of shale gas resources. Therefore, it is

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