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Ultrasonic Water Level Indicator and Identification Using AVR Microcontroller

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Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller



Accurate, affordable and reliable level measuring technology is of great importance for
industrial, domestic and other varieties of applications. Such applications include fuel
storage, providing flood warning, in the biochemical industry and simple water level control
in homes just to mention a few.

It has been observed that traditional liquid level sensors are based on electromechanical
techniques which are said suffer from intrinsic safety concerns in explosive environments.
Level measurement control sensors used in many industries fall into two main types: Point
level measurement sensors and Continuous level sensors .Continuous level sensors unlike
point level measurement sensors measure fluid level within a range, rather than at a one
point. Various level measurement devices have been developed particularly; optical fibre
sensors for liquid level measurement have been extensively studied .

There are different methods of implementing level measuring processes among which are
mechanical, capacitive, inductive, ultrasonic, acoustic, or optical. While mechanical and
ultrasonic methods are mainly applied in level of solid materials that are in the form of dust,
it has been observed that capacitive and optical methods give better results in detecting the
level of fluids. Optical fibre sensors have many well-known advantages such as high
accuracy, compact size, cost-effectiveness and ease of multiplexing. Many types of liquid
level sensors using silica fibre gratings have been demonstrated. Various literatures have
also shown that most of these sensors exhibit some drawbacks such as low sensitivity ,
limited range, long term instability, limited resolution, high cost and complicated
manufacturing. This paper presents the architecture and evaluation results for an
embedded stand-alone fluid level sensor based on ultrasonic technology remote monitoring
on the other hand combines both the features of localized monitoring and the ability to
access the system state from a distance. Fluid level monitoring is a critical part of industrial
processes, and its importance cannot be overemphasized due to the criticality of system
processes most often designed around such.

Nehru college of engineering and research centre (NCERC)

Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller



K. S. C. Kuang[1}(2008) This paper summarises an effort in the development of a remote

flood monitoring system based on plastic optical fibre (POF) sensors and a wireless mote
network. The wireless mote, comprising of a network of MICA2DOT™ units, was used as a
platform to monitor and record the signal from the POF sensors and transmit this
information to a base station wirelessly. A prototype of the integrated wireless POF sensor
unit has been constructed, rendering it possible to deploy the autonomous unit remotely at
multiple monitoring points as required. A flood monitoring simulation was carried out in a
24 m × 10 m × 0.9 m wave basin where four of these wireless optical fibre mote sensors
were used to detect the rising water level in the basin. The novelty of the work lies in the
successful integration of the wireless platform to a POF-based liquid level sensor and the
subsequent demonstration of the prototype of the system for the purposes of
flood monitoring applications.

The sensing principle of the POF sensor developed here is well-known and is based on the
loss of total internal reflection of the optical signal as the sensor probe comes in contact
with the liquid. Compared to optical fibre-based sensors reported previously in the
literature, the probe profile used in this study differs in terms of its simplicity in design,
while exhibiting an excellent signal intensity loss ratio without the need for additional
attachments to the probe such as optical prisms. The tests carried out showed that the POF
sensor is capable of detecting a variety of fluids. Exhibiting good signal stability, the sensor
also detects the liquid level reliably when the liquid rises or falls to the predetermined level.
The responsiveness of the optical fibre sensor was evaluated by simulating different rates at
which the liquid rises by immersing the sensor tip into the liquid and vice-versa at various
speeds ranging from 1 mm/min to 500 mm/min.

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Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller

B. Yun and N. Chen[2](2007) A highly sensitive liquid-level sensor based on etched fiber
Bragg grating (FBG) is proposed and demonstrated. Liquid level sensing is important in various
areas like fuel storage systems, chemical processing, and other applications. Electrical liquid-level
sensors are widely employed, but their applicability is limited if the liquid to be monitored is
conductive, potentially explosive, and erosive. While optical fiber sensors offer many advantages
under these rigorous conditions because they are made of dielectric and thus are nonconducting
and anti-erosion, also they are immune to electromagnetic interference. The transmission dips of
FBG spectra are affected by the fraction of the length of the etched FBG that is surrounded
by the liquid.

The transmission ratios of FBG spectra are modulated by the liquid level. The experiments
show that for a liquid-level variation of 24 mm, the difference between the transmission
ratio of FBG in air and that of FBG in liquid changes about 32 dB. Also in the linear region, a
high sensitivity of 2.56 dB/mm is achieved and the sensor can be configured to be
independent of temperature.

P. Casanova[3}(2006)An intensity-based fiber-optic liquid-level gauge for continuous

measurement is described. The sensing principle is based on the total internal reflection of
light within the fiber optic, and for this, a measurement is made of the power
attenuation which occurs in the fiber optic immersed in the liquid tank when the liquid level
varies. The light from a LED is modulated before being directed into the fiber to minimize
measurement errors. The device contains an alarm programmable to signal any liquid level
in the tank (high or low), and data can be sent via Internet in real time to a distant point.

The gauge functions on an optical principle consisting of a single LED and only one
photodiode. LEDs are much less expensive and much easier to replace than the ones in.
Also, it is based on the difference in the intensity of light circulating through an optical fiber,
and thus the mechanism is very simple compared with far more complicated liquid-level
sensor based on the refractive-index sensitivity of long-period fiber-optic gratings. The
overall system is equipped with a visual and audible alarm which can be regulated to any liquid
height. Another specification is that the gauge is controlled by a PC capable of storing the data in the
memory, printing them or sending them in real time by Internet to distant points.

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Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller

K. Shannon[4](1999)Mode conversion is observed in a water-loaded thin-walled Al tube with

a horizontal central axis. A 1 MHz pulse is applied to the tube by a transducer coupled to the
tube's external wall in a pulse–echo configuration. The tube is filled to 36 different levels,
and a waveform is acquired at each level. Analysis shows that the acoustic energy must
propagate both in the tube wall as an A0-mode Lamb wave and as a bulk wave in the water.
Mode conversion between these two waves is shown to take place both in the air–water
interface and as energy leakage in the water-loaded portion of the tube. A unique echo train
is observed at each fill level, suggesting that a liquid level sensor can be developed based on
this mode conversion.

In this paper, we have identified the paths of the acoustic energy at the levels where periodic echoes
are observed. We have found evidence to suggest that mode conversion occurs between A0 -mode
Lamb waves in the tube wall and bulk waves in the water. We find that the thin-walled tube exhibits
similar characteristics to those reported on the thin plate in terms of its support of an, A new A0
wave and its leakage of acoustic energy into water.

G. Betta[5](1996) The paper proposes a digital level transducer based on an optical fiber
from which the cladding was removed in n zones at fixed distances from one another. A
theoretical analysis of the propagation in this type of modified fiber was carried out,
highlighting the good potentiality of the proposed sensor. A 1 m full-scale, 25 mm resolution
prototype was then designed using the results of a numerical simulation, and set up by
optimizing both the sensing element and the conditioning hardware. The static and dynamic
characterization tests carried out show high repeatability, good accuracy, and acceptable
dynamic performance.

In this paper, an optical fiber, digital level transducer was proposed. It exhibits an accuracy
equal to its resolution, no hysteresis, and high repeatability. Its dynamic characteristics,
mainly the maximum liquid-level variation speed, are already acceptable if it is used in tanks
with a height of several meters. It has to be noted that both static and dynamic sensor limits
could be overcome by more sophisticated manufacturing techniques. The resolution could
be easily enhanced using techniques that allow smaller unclad zones on the fiber to be
obtained. Further improvements could be achieved through a suitable integration of the
conditioning hardware.

Nehru college of engineering and research centre (NCERC)

Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller

A. P. Zhang, W. S. Liu[6](2011) An optical liquid-level sensor (LLS) based on a long-period

fiber grating (LPG) interferometer is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Two
identical 3-dB LPGs are fabricated to form an in-fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and the
fiber portion between two LPGs is exposed to the liquid as the sensing element. The
sensitivity and measurement range of the sensors employing different orders of cladding
modes are investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The experimental results show
good linearity and large measurement range. One of the significant advantages of such a
sensing structure is that the measurement level is not limited to the length of the LPG itself.
Also, the measurement range and sensitivity of the proposed LLS can be readily tailored for a
particular applications.

D. S. Montero and C. Vázquez[7](2012)A low-cost intensity-based polymer optical fiber

(POF) sensor for liquid detection applied to volumetric flasks is presented. Experimental
results demonstrate the viability of the POF-based sensor system in a high-accuracy liquid
level measurement scenario. Moreover, a wireless mesh sensor network based on ZigBee
specification protocol to address multiplexed POF-based sensor is also developed.
Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility to address a high number of optical sensors
in an industrial process framework by means of this low-cost wireless solution.

Nehru college of engineering and research centre (NCERC)

Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller



FIG 3.1: Ultrasonic sensor

HC-SR04 distance sensor is commonly used with both microcontroller and microprocessor
platforms like Arduino, ARM, PIC, Raspberry Pie etc. The following guide is universally since
it has to be followed irrespective of the type of computational device used.

Power the Sensor using a regulated +5V through the Vcc ad Ground pins of the sensor. The
current consumed by the sensor is less than 15mA and hence can be directly powered by
the on board 5V pins (If available). The Trigger and the Echo pins are both I/O pins and
hence they can be connected to I/O pins of the microcontroller. To start the measurement,
the trigger pin has to be made high for 10uS and then turned off. This action will trigger an
ultrasonic wave at frequency of 40Hz from the transmitter and the receiver will wait for the
wave to return. Once the wave is returned after it getting reflected by any object the Echo
pin goes high for a particular amount of time which will be equal to the time taken for the
wave to return back to the sensor.

The amount of time during which the Echo pin stays high is measured by the MCU/MPU as it
gives the information about the time taken for the wave to return back to the Sensor. Using
this information the distance is measured .

Nehru college of engineering and research centre (NCERC)

Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller


As shown above the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic (US) sensor is a 4 pin module, whose pin names are
Vcc, Trigger, Echo and Ground respectively. This sensor is a very popular sensor used in
many applications where measuring distance or sensing objects are required. The module
has two eyes like projects in the front which forms the Ultrasonic transmitter and Receiver.
The sensor works with the simple high school formula that

Distance = Speed × Time

The Ultrasonic transmitter transmits an ultrasonic wave, this wave travels in air and when it
gets objected by any material it gets reflected back toward the sensor this reflected wave is
observed by the Ultrasonic receiver module as shown in the picture below

Fig 3.2: Working of ultrasonic sensor

Now, to calculate the distance using the above formulae, we should know the Speed and
time. Since we are using the Ultrasonic wave we know the universal speed of US wave at
room conditions which is 330m/s. The circuitry inbuilt on the module will calculate the time
taken for the US wave to come back and turns on the echo pin high for that same particular
amount of time, this way we can also know the time taken. Now simply calculate the
distance using a microcontroller or microprocessor.

Nehru college of engineering and research centre (NCERC)

Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller


Ultrasonic non-contact measurement was chosen over other forms of non-contact

measurement based on the under listed reasons:

Ultrasonic level measurement is one of the best technique used for continuous level
measurement. Ultrasonic waves can travel at the speed of sound which is, 343 m/s. This
kind of speed is not too fast for MCU’s in ATmega to measure accurately. So, practically it
will take about 20ns (nanoseconds) for the waves to reflect back from a surface located 3 m
away. Ultrasonic waves travels more narrow, like beam than normal sound wave. This
actually helps the sensor detect the obstacles that are exactly in line with it only. These
waves are not hazardous to humans. Consequently, ultrasonic sensors are used frequently
for distance measurement applications such as level control. Ultrasonic sensors are capable
of detecting most objects such as metal or non-metal, clear or opaque, liquid, solid, or
granular, that have sufficient acoustic reflectivity. Another advantage of ultrasonic sensors is
that they are less affected by condensing moisture than photoelectric sensors and ultrasonic
requires very little system complexity to implement successfully. A downside to ultrasonic
sensors is that sound absorbing materials, such as cloth, soft rubber, flour and foam, make
poor target objects.


 Operating voltage: +5V

 Theoretical Measuring Distance: 2cm to 450cm
 Practical Measuring Distance: 2cm to 80cm
 Accuracy: 3mm
 Measuring angle covered: <15°
 Operating Current: <15mA
 Operating Frequency: 40

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Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller


Pin Number Pin Name Description

1 vcc The Vcc pin powers the sensor,

typically with +5V

2 Trigger
Trigger pin is an Input pin. This pin
has to be kept high for 10us to
initialize measurement by sending US

3 Echo Echo pin is an Output pin. This pin

goes high for a period of time which
will be equal to the time taken for
the US wave to return back to the

4 Ground
This pin is connected to the Ground
of the system

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Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller


There are four major different types of ultrasonic sensors are currently in used,

1. Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors

2. Ultrasonic 2 Point Proximity Switches
3. Ultrasonic Retro-reflective Sensors
4. Ultrasonic Through Beam Sensors
Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors
In this ultrasonic proximity sensor, a special type of sonic transducer is used for alternate
transmission and reception of sound wave. This sonic transducer emits the sonic waves
which are reflected by an object and after this emission, this sensor switched into receive
mode. The total time which is passed between emitting and receiving of sound wave is
inversely proportional to the distance of object from sensor. The digital output is only
possible or sensed with in detection area. Sensing range can adjust with sensor’s

Figure 3.3: Ultrasonic proximity sensor

Ultrasonic 2 Point Proximity Switches:

This sensor consists of 2 points for switching, therefore it is called 2-point proximity
switches. It is almost similar with standard sensor only differ the 2-touch set up key and this
function is called Tech-in function. Its switches Sde1 and Sde2 could be easily programmed
within the sensing range with the help of built in Tech-in button.

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Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller

Figure 3.4: Ultrasonic 2 point proximity sensor

Ultrasonic Retro-reflective Sensors:

The operation of ultrasonic retro-reflective sensor is similar with ultrasonic proximity
sensor. Only difference, in this sensor the distance between sensor to reflector is measured
by measuring the propagation time. In this sensor, the stationary object could be used as a
reflector and sensing distance (SD) could be adjust by adjusting the potentiometer
resistance with in ultrasonic sensor. Its working is so much simple, when any object comes
with in sensing distance then its propagation time is changed and by changing this
propagation time, the sensor has switched into active mod. This sensor also allows the
detection of sound absorbent and object deflecting sound. This sensor is shown in figure

Figure 3.5: Ultrasonic retro-reflective sensor

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Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller



Figure 4.1: ATMEGA 16 Microcontroller

Launched in 1996, the AVR core combines a rich instruction set with 32 general purpose
working registers. All the 32 registers are directly connected to the Arithmetic Logic Unit
(ALU), allowing two independent registers to be accessed in one single instruction executed
in one clock cycle. The resulting architecture is more code efficient while achieving
throughputs up to ten times faster than conventional CISC microcontrollers. AVR
microcontrollers find many applications as embedded systems; they are also used in
Arduino board designs.

The high-performance, low-power Atmel 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller combines

16KB of programmable flash memory, 1KB SRAM, 512B EEPROM, an 8-channel 10- bit A/D
converter, and a JTAG interface for on-chip debugging. The device supports throughput of
16 MIPS at 16 MHz and operates between 4.5-5.5 volts. By executing instructions in a single
clock cycle, the device achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPS per MHz, balancing power
consumption and processing speed.

AT stands for the company name, MEGA stands for the clock frequency of the micro
controller (1 MHz), 16 is the IC no.

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Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller


ATmega16 has four eight bit digital IO ports: ƒ PORT A, ƒ PORT B, ƒ PORT C, ƒ PORT D. Each
port has 8 data pins. Every port is bi-directional. Each of the 8 pins can be individually
configured as input or output. For each port, there are three relevant 8-bit registers. Data
Direction Register (DDRx) Input Pins Address (PINx). Data register (PORTx). Here, x denotes
A, B, C or D. Data Direction Register (DDRx) is used to configure a specific port pin as output
(1) or input (0).


 Advanced RISC Architecture

 High Endurance Non-volatile Memory segments
 JTAG (IEEE std. 1149.1 Compliant) Interface

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Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller



Figure 5.1: Relay switch

Relays are switches that open and close circuits electromechanically or electronically. Relays
control one electrical circuit by opening and closing contacts in another circuit. As relay
diagrams show, when a relay contact is normally open (NO), there is an open contact when
the relay is not energized. When a relay contact is Normally Closed (NC), there is a closed
contact when the relay is not energized.

In either case, applying electrical current to the contacts will change their state.
Relays are generally used to switch smaller currents in a control circuit and do not usually
control power consuming devices except for small motors and Solenoids that draw low
amps. Nonetheless, relays can "control" larger voltages and amperes by having an
amplifying effect because a small voltage applied to a relays coil can result in a large voltage
being switched by the contacts.

Protective relays can prevent equipment damage by detecting electrical abnormalities,

including overcurrent, undercurrent, overloads and reverse currents. In addition, relays are
also widely used to switch starting coils, heating elements, pilot lights and audible alarms.

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Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller



Fig 6.1: Block diagram of ultrasonic water level indicator

In this block diagram output of the ultrasonic sensor is given to the AVR microcontroller as
an input to process them according to codes which are actually feed into the
microcontroller to provide a desired output. The 2*16 LCD screen under four bit mode is
used to display the processed output. The controlled variable is also send to the motor
whenever we need to excite them. This excitation of the motor is done with the help 5v
relay switch. The block diagram for the level measurement process is shown in the Figure 1.

Nehru college of engineering and research centre (NCERC)

Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller


When the circuit is excited the ultrasonic sensor generates the sound signal towards the
bottom of the water tank (target) whose level is to be measured. After the signal is
reflecting from the target these signal are received by the receiver of the ultrasonic sensor.
The time taken by the signal to reach the receiver is the direct measure of the accurate level
in the water tank. Then the output of the sensor is processed by the microcontroller
according to the Formula: us / 58 = centimetres or us / 148 =inch; or: the range = high level
time * velocity (340M/S) / 2; Then the processed output is given to the LCD display to
visualize the readings. Here in our project the objective is not only to measure the level but
also to control it from overflow and emptiness of the water tank. If the level of the tank is
two centimetre means then the motor automatically gets excited via 5V relay switch. Also if
it attains particular maximum level the motor will automatically turn to off. This is the
working principle involved in our project.

Nehru college of engineering and research centre (NCERC)

Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller



Figure 7.1: Circuit diagram for ultrasonic water level indicator and controller using
AVR microcontroller

The circuit is excited by 12V power supply, the HC-SRO4 module is connected to the port A
of the ATmega 16 microcontroller, and the motor is also connected to the port A via 5V
relay switch and the 2*16 LCD module is connected to the port B. The circuit diagram is
shown in the Figure 2.

Nehru college of engineering and research centre (NCERC)

Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller


The Timing diagram is shown below in the Figure 3. You only need to supply a short 10uS
pulse to the trigger input to start the ranging, and then the module will send out an 8 cycle
burst of ultrasound at 40 kHz and raise its echo. The Echo is a distance object that is pulse
width and the range in proportion. You can calculate the range through the time interval
between sending trigger signal and receiving echo signal. Formula: us / 58 = centimetres or
us / 148 =inch; or: the range = high level time * velocity (340M/S) / 2; we suggest to use
over 60ms measurement cycle, in order to prevent trigger signal to the echo signal.

Fig 7.2: Timing diagram

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Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller




 Ultrasonic sensor can work in adverse condition.

 Ultrasonic sensor has higher distance compare to inductive/capacitive sensor.

 The sensor is not effected by dust,rain,snow etc.

 It save money by limiting the waste of water and electricity.

 Minimal maintenance.

 Automatic time saves your manual labour time.

 Consumes a small amount of energy.


 More difficult for installation .

 Ultrasonic sensor is very sensitive to variation in the temperature.

 Ultrasonic sensor is more difficult in reading reflection from soft,curved,thin and

small object.

 The rust, foul and deteriorate.

 No warranty or guarantee.

Nehru college of engineering and research centre (NCERC)

Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller



 Can be used in water tanks to control water level.

 Can be used in factories, commercial complexes, apartments, homes.

 Irrigation

 Automatically turn off pumps.

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Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller


The application of the embedded system in various fields in automation has been widely
increased in order to decrease the human intervention and time to complete the process.
As we have already discussed that improper level measurement of hazardous tank can
create harmful effects to both the system and the environment. The main objective of our
project is not only to attain the accurate measurement of level but also to have a safety
control over it. Finally from this seminar we conclude that level measurement in industries
using the concept of embedded system can acquire very low cost, very less man power also
the installation of the system is easy and makes it more compatible for different

Nehru college of engineering and research centre (NCERC)

Ultrasonic water level indicator and identification using AVR microcontroller

i. K. S. C. Kuang, S. T. Quek, and M. Maalej, ʊRemote flood monitoring system based
on plastic optical fibres and wireless motes, ‫ۅ‬Sensors and Actuators A, vol. 147, no.
2, pp. 449–455,2008.

ii. B. Yun, N. Chen, and Y. Cui, Highly sensitive liquidlevel sensor based on etched fiber
bragg grating,IEEE

iii. P. Casanova, and J. A.Martínez, Fiber-optic liquid-continuous gauge‫ۅ‬Sensors and

Actuators A, vol. 125, no. 2, pp. level 124–132, 2006.

iv. K. Shannon, X. Li, Z. Wang, and J. D. N. Cheeke, ʊMode conversion and the path of
acoustic energy in a partially water-filled aluminum tube,‫ۅ‬Ultrasonics, vol. 37, no. 4,
pp. 303–307, 1999.

v. G. Betta, A. Pietrosanto, and A. Scaglione, ʊA digital liquid level transducer based on

optical fiber, ‫ۅ‬IEEE Trans.

vi. H. Y. Fu, X. W. Shu, A. P. Zhang, W. S. Liu, L. Zhang, S. L. He, and I. Bennion,

ʊImplementation and characteriza

vii. D. S. Montero and C. Vázquez (2012) Polymer Optical Fiber Intensity-Based Sensor
for Liquid-Level Measurements in Volumetric Flasks for Industrial Application. ISRN
Sensor Networks Volume (2012).

Nehru college of engineering and research centre (NCERC)


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