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We investigated phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships within Juglans (walnuts), a Tertiary disjunct genus, using
15 species of Juglans and related (Juglandaceae) outgroups. The relationships were analyzed using nucleotide sequences of
the chloroplast gene matK and its flanking spacers and of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and 5.8S gene of the nuclear
ribosomal DNA. The DNA sequences provided 246 informative characters for parsimony analysis. ITS data supported as
monophyletic groups the four generic sections, Cardiocaryon, Dioscaryon, Rhysocaryon, and Trachycaryon. Within Rhy-
socaryon, the temperate black walnuts and the tropical black walnuts were supported as monophyletic groups. When the
two data sets were combined, J. cinerea was nested within Cardiocaryon. Combined analysis with published nuclear DNA
restriction site data placed J. cinerea in a monophyletic group with Cardiocaryon. These analyses consistently supported
Juglans as a monophyletic group and as the sister group to the genus Pterocarya. The results of this work are consistent
with the known geological history of Juglans. The fossil record suggests that the butternuts had evolved by the early
Oligocene in North America. The presence of butternuts in Eurasia could be the result of migration from North America to
Eurasia during the warming trend of the mid Oligocene.
Key words: ITS; Juglandaceae; Juglans; matK; phylogeny; Tertiary disjunct; walnut.
The study of the floristic similarity among the temper- know that a complex history of tectonics, climate fluc-
ate forests of North America, Europe, and Asia dates tuations, repeated emergence and submergence of land
back to the 18th century, when Halenius, a student of bridges, multiple migrations, and other factors have led
Linnaeus, defended a dissertation on the similarity of to the current distribution of northern temperate forests,
nine eastern North American and eastern Asian plants which were contiguous during the Miocene (15 million
(Boufford and Spongberg, 1983). An array of early bot- years before present), when the northern continents were
anists (including Halenius, 1750; Kalm, 1770; Nuttall, themselves in contact (Davis, 1981; Tiffney, 1985a, b;
1818; Pursh, 1814; Thunberg, 1784) also recognized the Delcourt and Delcourt, 1987).
floral similarity of the two regions. Asa Gray (1856, The purpose of this study was to examine the bioge-
1859, 1873), encouraged by his correspondence with ography of the genus Juglans L. as a function of Juglans’
Charles Darwin (Darwin, 1887, 1903; Gray, 1893), stud- phylogeny, as well as to address disagreement about the
ied the disjunction from the 1850s on into the 1870s. Asa taxonomy of Juglans. Juglans is a Tertiary disjunct with
Gray felt that the contraction of a once widespread tem- ;21 species (Manning, 1978) occurring from temperate
perate flora had caused the similarity between the Asian northern China to the arid southwestern United States to
and North American floras. Later scientists (Axelrod, the cloud forests of tropical South America. Its range
1959; Chaney, 1940, 1947) recognized that this disjunc- (Fig. 1) includes eastern and western Asia, southern Eu-
tion spanned all the temperate forests of the northern rope, eastern and western North America, Central Amer-
hemisphere, and expanded on Gray’s theory. Axelrod and ica, western South America, and the West Indies (Meusel,
Chaney believed that a temperate Arcto-Tertiary Geoflo-
Jager, and Weinert, 1965; Wilken, 1993). Walnuts are
ra, found throughout the high northern latitudes during
the Eocene (50 million years before present), had mi- among the most economically important nut trees in the
grated southward and been restricted in range as a result world, and two species, J. nigra L. (eastern black walnut)
of a gradual, global cooling and drying trend. Scientists and J. regia L. (Persian walnut), are widely cultivated for
(Yurtsev, 1972; Wolfe, 1978; Tiffney, 1985a, b) now this reason (Jaynes, 1969; Woodruff, 1979). Juglans ni-
gra is also important in commercial wood production.
Most walnut species, however, are of low economic value
1 Manuscript received 3 November 1998; revision accepted 10 Sep-
and are used only occasionally as timber or as a source
tember 1999. of brown dye. Consequently, certain species of Juglans
The authors thank Stephan Beck, Juan Fernando Hernandez, Percy
Nuqez, Robert Parks, Barry Prigge, Linda Prince, Alan Stanford, Clay have been well studied, while little is known about oth-
Weeks, George White, and Kenneth Wurdack for assistance in obtaining ers. This study includes three taxa not included in pre-
germplasm, Paul Manos and Kelly Steele for providing us with primers, vious molecular studies of the genus: J. boliviana (C.
and Hal Hill and Jonathan Wendel for other assistance. This work was DC.) Dode, J. guatemalensis Mann., and J. cathayensis
supported in part by the Biology Department of the University of North var. formosanum Hayata.
Carolina and NSF Grant INT-9710505.
2 Author for correspondence, current address: Division of Science and Earlier authors (Dode, 1906, 1909a, b; Miller, 1976;
Mathematics, University of the Virgin Islands, 2 John Brewers Bay, Manning, 1978; Fjellstrom and Parfitt, 1995; Whittemore
Saint Thomas, United States Virgin Islands 00802. and Stone, 1997) have been largely in agreement about
Fig. 1. The worldwide distribution of Juglans. Although the distribution of J. regia extends as far east as western China, its natural range is
unclear because of a long history of cultivation. The hatched area represents the part of its distribution that may not be part of its natural range.
the classification within Juglans. In the only published perate black walnuts or the tropical black walnuts as
revision of the genus, Dode (1906, 1909a, b) divided Jug- monophyletic lineages.
lans into four sections based on leaf and flower mor- According to various authors (Heimsch and Wetmore,
phology: Dioscaryon Dode (traditionally Juglans), Rhy- 1939; Conde and Stone, 1970; Smith and Doyle, 1995),
socaryon Dode (black walnuts), Cardiocaryon Dode Pterocarya Kunth is the genus most closely related to
(Asian butternuts), and Trachycaryon Dode (American Juglans. A cladistic analysis (Smith and Doyle, 1995)
butternut). The four sections were also supported by reported that Carya Nutt. was the sister group to the Jug-
Manning’s (1978) work on fruit and nut morphology. lans–Pterocarya clade, and Platycarya Sieb. et Zucc. the
Manning did disagree with Dode about the number of basal sister group to the Carya–(Juglans–Pterocarya)
species in the genus. For instance, within Rhysocaryon, group. Three more genera of the Juglandaceae, Alfaroa
Manning (1978) recognized J. californica S. Wats. and Standl., Engelhardia Lesch. ex Blume, and Oreomunnea
J. major (Torr. ex Sitsgr.) Heller as distinct species, while Oerst., were reported to be more distantly related to Jug-
Dode (1909b) considered them to be synonymous. An- lans than Pterocarya, Carya, and Platycarya (Smith and
other species of interest is J. guatemalensis, which Man- Doyle, 1995). Cyclocarya Iljinsk., considered to be an-
ning named as a new species (Manning, 1952), but later other Juglandaceous genus by some authors (Iljinskaya,
merged with J. olanchana Stadl. et L. O. Williams (Man- 1953; Manchester, 1987), has often been considered to
ning, 1957). All four of the aforementioned taxa (J. cal- be congeneric with Pterocarya (Leroy, 1955; Conde and
ifornica, J. major, J. guatemalensis, and J. olanchana) Stone, 1970; Manning, 1978).
have been included in this study. To further explore the systematics of Juglans, our pa-
Dioscaryon contains just one species, J. regia (Persian per presents a phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide se-
walnut), which is native to southeastern Europe and west- quences from 15 walnut species and four outgroup taxa
ern Asia Minor. The 16 species of black walnuts, section using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nu-
Rhysocaryon, are found only in America. Based on dif- clear ribosomal DNA and the plastid gene matK with its
ferences in wood anatomy between the black walnuts of surrounding spacers. The ITS region consists of two in-
the United States and northern Mexico and the tropical ternal transcribed spacers, ITS1 and ITS2, and the inter-
black walnuts of southern Mexico, Guatemala, and South vening 5.8S nuclear ribosomal gene. The small and rather
America, Miller (1976) suggested dividing Rhysocaryon conserved 5.8S region does not yield many characters for
into two groups, the north-temperate black walnuts and phylogenetic analysis, even at the division and class lev-
the tropical black walnuts. The butternuts are divided into els (Jorgensen and Cluster, 1988; Hillis and Dixon, 1992).
two sections, the Asian section Cardiocaryon, containing However, the highly variable ITS1 and ITS2 regions are
three species native to China, Korea, and Japan and the commonly used for species-level comparisons—a level at
American section Trachycaryon, consisting solely of J. which few genes have provided sufficient characters for
cinerea L. of the eastern United States (Dode, 1906, phylogenetic analysis (Baldwin, 1992; Baldwin, et al.,
1909a, b; Manning, 1978). Miller (1976) also found ev- 1995; Wen and Zimmer, 1995; Moller and Cronk, 1997;
idence from wood anatomy supporting the placement of Stanford, Harden, and Parks, 1997; Vargas, Morton, and
all the butternuts into one group, but he did not suggest Jury, 1999).
uniting the butternuts in a single section. The recent nu- The plastid gene matK, previously known as orfK, is
clear RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) a maturase-encoding gene located in the intron of trnK
work of Fjellstrom and Parfitt (1995) supported Dioscar- (the transfer RNA gene for lysine), found in the large,
yon (or Juglans), Rhysocaryon, the butternuts (Cardi- single-copy region of the chloroplast genome. The matK
ocaryon plus Trachycaryon), Cardiocaryon, and Trachy- gene, which is more variable than the widely sequenced
caryon as monophyletic groups. The molecular study rbcL gene, has been used in molecular systematics at the
(Fjellstrom and Parfitt, 1995) did not support the tem- genus and family levels (Steele and Vilgays, 1994; John-
son and Soltis, 1995; Liang and Hilu, 1996; Kron, 1997; recorded by hand. Sequences generated through automated methods
Manos and Steele, 1997). were manually edited and assembled into a consensus sequence. Se-
quences were aligned manually. All sequences can be obtained through
The data were analyzed using PAUP 3.1 (Phylogenetic Analysis Us-
We were able to obtain 16 Juglans taxa, representing all four sections ing Parsimony; Swofford, 1993) software. Pairwise distances were cal-
of the genus, for this analysis. Included were 15 species widely accepted culated for the data using the PAUP 3.1 software. All informative base-
in the literature plus two varieties of J. cathayensis Dode, J. cathayensis pair differences were used in the analyses, and indels were coded
var. cathayensis and J. cathayensis var. formosanum. Four outgroups, plus(1)/minus(0) or treated as missing data. Uninformative characters
Carya, Cyclocarya, Platycarya, and Pterocarya, were also sequenced were excluded from the analysis. In analyses of matK, all indels were
for this study. These outgroups were chosen based on previous phylo- treated as missing data. In analyses of ITS, data were analyzed twice:
genetic analyses (Heimsch and Wetmore, 1939; Conde and Stone, 1970; in one analysis, five indels, coded for presence or absence were includ-
Smith and Doyle, 1995). The matK analyses were also performed using ed. The ITS data were then reanalyzed with indels treated as missing
as outgroups sequences taken from GenBank for Alfaroa (GenBank data. Based on previous analyses of the Juglandaceae (Heimsch and
accession number GBAN-U92849), Betula (GBAN-U92853), Casuari- Wetmore, 1939; Conde and Stone, 1970; Smith and Doyle, 1995), out-
na (GBAN-U92858), Comptonia (GBAN-U92857), and Myrica groups were specified as paraphyletic to the ingroup. Branch-and-bound
(GBAN-U92857). (The prefix GBAN-has been added for linking the searches were executed to identify the most parsimonious trees. Several
online version of American Journal of Botany to GenBank, but is not statistical measures were calculated, including bootstrap (Felsenstein,
part of the actual GenBank accession number). All taxa were vouchered 1985) with 100 replicates, consistency indices (Kluge and Farris, 1969),
as herbarium specimens and deposited at the University of North Car- decay indices (Bremer, 1994), retention indices (Farris, 1989), homo-
olina Herbarium in Chapel Hill (NCU) (Table 1). plasy indices (Kluge and Farris, 1969), and Hillis and Huelsenbeck’s
Total genomic DNA was extracted from fresh or silica gel-dried g1 statistic (1992), obtained by generating 1 000 000 random trees. Sep-
(Chase and Hills, 1991) leaf tissue using a modified version of the hot arate phylogenetic analyses of the matK spacers, the matK coding re-
cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method outlined by Doyle gion, the entire matK region, the ITS region alone, and the combined
and Doyle (1987). Amplifications of the ITS region of the nrDNA were matK and ITS data sets were conducted. Because transitions were 1.8
obtained using the ITS5A/ITS4 primer pair (Table 2). Amplifications of times more common than transversions in the ITS data set, an analysis
the matK region were primarily performed using primers trnK1 and of ITS data was also performed with transversions weighted 1.8 times
trnK2r (located within the flanking trnK gene), and sometimes using more than transitions. A combined analysis of the molecular data (ITS
primers matK161f (located within the matK gene) and trnK2r (Table 2). and matK) generated in this study and the RFLP data generated by
Double-stranded DNA amplifications were performed in a 25-mL vol- Fjellstrom and Parfitt (1995) was also conducted.
ume containing 12 mL of sterile distilled water, 4 mL of 200 mmol/L To study the biogeography of the genus, species distributions were
dNTPs in equimolar ratio, 2.5 mL of 10X Taq DNA Polymerase buffer mapped onto the phylogeny to create an area cladogram for Juglans.
(Promega, Madison, Wisconsin, USA), 1.5 mL 25 mmol/L MgCl2, 2.5
mL dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 0.5 mL each of 10 mmol/L primer, RESULTS
0.125 mL 10% BSA, 0.5 units of Taq DNA Polymerase (Promega), and
1 mL of genomic DNA (1–10 ng). For DNA amplifications, the first
The aligned matK data matrix consisted of 2427 nu-
cycle was 1 min at 948C for denaturation, 1 min at 508C for annealing, cleotide sites. Of these sites, only 173 were parsimony
and 1.5 min at 728C for primer extension. Primer extension time was informative. The matK region yielded a minimum of 50
increased by 3 s in each cycle; an additional 10 min of extension time pairwise differences at the species level in this study. The
followed the final cycle. Prior to manual sequencing, 40 cycles were ratio of transitions to transversions in the matK data set
used, and prior to automated sequencing, 30 cycles were used. Positive was 1 to 1.1. The aligned ITS data matrix contained 658
and negative controls were included in each set of amplifications. Ex- sites, of which 73 were parsimony-informative. The ratio
cept for Cyclocarya, all of the taxa listed in Table 1 were sequenced of transitions to transversions in the ITS data set was 1.8
for both the ITS and the matK regions. Cyclocarya was sequenced for to 1. Sequences for either region proved to be identical
the ITS region only. within one species and nonidentical between species, in-
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product was purified using an en- cluding controversial species J. californica, J. major, J.
zymatic clean-up method: 1 mL Exonuclease I (Amersham, Arlington guatemalensis, and J. olanchana.
Heights, Illinois) and 4 mL shrimp alkaline phosphatase (Amersham) All analyses supported Cyclocarya as a separate genus
were added to 20 mL of PCR product. The mixture was incubated first from Pterocarya, and Juglans as the monophyletic sister
for 15 min at 378C to degrade primers and dNTPs, and then for 15 min group to Pterocarya. Within Juglans, analyses of all but
at 808C to denature the enzymes. Both strands were sequenced for all the matK data supported section Rhysocaryon as the sister
taxa, and, whenever possible, sequences were generated for more than group to the other three Juglans sections. All combined
one individual of each Juglans taxon to check for intraspecific hetero- analyses supported a temperate clade and a tropical clade
geneity (Table 1).
of black walnuts; the tropical clade included J. olan-
Initially, sequences were generated according to manual dideoxy nu-
cleotide sequencing methods outlined by Chase et al. (1993), using
SequenaseTM (USB, Cleveland, Ohio, USA) and alpha 32P labeled dATP.
Separate analysis of the matK spacer regions (59 and
However, most data were generated by cycle sequencing, and the se- 39) and coding region yielded trees that were largely un-
quences were produced through automated sequencing on a Perkin- resolved due to the small number of informative char-
Elmer (Norwalk, Connecticut, USA) Applied Biosystems, Inc. model acters contained in any one of the three regions.
377 according to the manufacturer’s protocols. For sequencing of the When the entire matK region, including both spacers
ITS region, primers ITS2, ITS3, ITS4, and ITS5A were used (Table 2). and the coding region, was analyzed, pairwise distances
For sequencing of the matK region, primers trnK1, matK161f, ranged from 0.7% within Rhysocaryon to 9.3% between
matK720f, matK4, matK5, matK7, matK77, trnK2r, matK7r, matK820r, J. boliviana and J. cathayensis. The same results were
matK1290r, and matK1300r, were used (Table 2). Autoradiograms gen- obtained both when Alfaroa, Betula, Casuarina, Comp-
erated through manual sequencing were read by sight, rechecked, and tonia, and Myrica were used as outgroups and when they
June 2000]
Juglans regia L. LP95-027 C. Parks Coker Arboretum, Chapel Hill, NC GBAN-AF118038 GBAN-AF179581
LP95-037 R. Parks San Francisco, CA
Carya glabra (Mill.) Sweet LP94-050 L. Prince Coker Arboretum, Chapel Hill, NC GBAN-AF118039 GBAN-AF179582
Cyclocarya palouris (Batal.) Iljinsk. E43 AA MA ‘91 K. Wurdack J. C. Ralston Arboretum, Raleigh, NC GBAN-AF179583
were not. (These genera have therefore been excluded were treated as a fifth character state. The monophyly of
from our cladograms.) The search yielded four most par- all four Juglans sections was also supported. Trachycar-
simonious trees (Fig. 2), which differed only in the place- yon was the sister group to Cardiocaryon, and Dioscar-
ment of J. major. The consensus tree contained a Car- yon was the sister group to the butternut clade.
diocaryon clade with J. ailantifolia Carr. and J. cathay- In analysis of the ITS data set, weighting transitions/
ensis as the sister group to J. mandshurica Maxim. Jug- transversions resulted in five most parsimonious trees,
lans regia was the sister group to Cardiocaryon, and the differing only in the placement of J. major and J. micro-
Cardiocaryon–Dioscaryon clade was the sister group to carpa Berl. The consensus tree was consistent with the
a Rhysocaryon–Trachycaryon clade. Bootstrap values consensus tree resulting from unweighted analysis except
were ,50% for most branches, and decay values were within Cardiocaryon. The trees resulting from the
between one and two steps. weighted analysis featured J. ailantifolia and J. cathay-
The ITS data set, with pairwise differences from 0.3% ensis as the sister group to J. mandshurica, while un-
between J. major and J. nigra to 7.4% between J. cali- weighted analysis featured J. ailantifolia and J. mand-
fornica and J. mandshurica, contained 73 potentially in- shurica as the sister group to J. cathayensis.
formative characters. Analysis resulted in two most par- When the combined ITS and matK data sets were an-
simonious trees (Fig. 3), which differed only in the place- alyzed, three most parsimonious trees, differing only in
ment of J. nigra. Analyses that treated indels as missing the arrangement within the J. major–J. microcarpa–J. ni-
data yielded the same trees as analyses in which indels gra clade, resulted (Fig. 4). The consensus tree was sim-
Fig. 2. One of the four most parsimonious trees resulting from analysis of the entire matK region. Branch lengths are above the branches, and
decay indices (left or alone) and bootstrap values (right or absent) are below (tree length 5 1269 steps, consistency index 5 0.656, retention index
5 0.705, and g1 statistic 5 20.839).
Fig. 3. One of two most parsimonious trees resulting from analysis of the ITS region. Branch lengths are above the branches, and decay indices
(left or alone) and bootstrap values (right or absent) are below (tree length 5 238 steps, consistency index 5 0.644, retention index 5 0.808, and
g1 statistic 5 20.646).
ilar to the tree obtained from analysis of the ITS data set ed. Analysis of 289 potentially informative characters
alone. The topology within Rhysocaryon was both more yielded just two most parsimonious trees (Fig. 5) that
resolved and better supported than within the ITS-based differed only in the placement of J. cinerea and J. mand-
tree. Within the tropical black walnut clade, J. olanchana shurica. In these trees, Rhysocaryon was better resolved
was the sister group to the four species found farther than in the ITS/matK trees. The trees had essentially the
south, J. guatemalensis was the sister group to the species same topology as the trees resulting from the combined
found south of it, and J. neotropica Diels was the sister analysis of the ITS and matK data. The Mexican species
group to J. australis Griseb. and J. boliviana. The tem- J. mollis Engelm. ex Hemsl. (which was not included in
perate black walnut clade contained two groups, a ‘‘west- the ITS and matK studies) fell within the temperate black
ern’’ clade containing J. californica and J. hindsii (Jeps.) walnut clade. The United States’ black walnut species
Rehder and an ‘‘eastern’’ clade containing J. major, J. formed a monophyletic sister group to J. mollis.
microcarpa, and J. nigra.
Finally, a combined analysis of the molecular data (ITS DISCUSSION
and matK) generated for this study with the RFLP data Phylogeny—Section Rhysocaryon was well supported
generated by Fjellstrom and Parfitt (1995) was conduct- as a monophyletic group in these analyses. Analyses of
Fig. 4. One of three most parsimonious trees resulting from analysis of the combined matK and ITS regions; the trees differed only in the
placement of the ‘‘dotted’’ branch. Branch lengths are above the branches, and decay indices (left or alone) and bootstrap values (right or absent)
are below (tree length 5 1520 steps, consistency index 5 0.809, retention index 5 0.912, and g1 statistic 5 20.771).
Fig. 5. One of two most parsimonious trees resulting form analysis of combined matK, ITS, and nuclear RFLP (Fjellstrom and Parfitt, 1995)
data; the trees differed only in the placement of the ‘‘dotted’’ branch. Branch lengths are above the branches, and decay indices (left or alone) and
bootstrap values (right or absent) are below (tree length 5 1528 steps, consistency index 5 0.824, retention index 5 0.633, and g1 statistic 5
ITS, total sequence data, and combined sequence and analysis of unweighted ITS data. However, Fjellstrom
RFLP data yielded a monophyletic Rhysocaryon, with a and Parfitt’s (1995) analyses consistently supported a
decay index greater than ten and a bootstrap value of closer relationship of J. ailantifolia and J. mandshurica.
100% in analysis of total sequence data (Fig. 4). Al- The butternuts as a whole were strongly supported as
though matK data did not present any well-supported hy- a monophyletic group in analyses of ITS data and of total
pothesis for relationships within Rhysocaryon, ITS data data, but analysis of matK data placed J. cinerea in a
and total data analyses suggested that Rhysocaryon con- clade with Rhysocaryon. With a decay index of 10 and a
tains two monophyletic groups. The analysis supported bootstrap support of 99%, the monophyly of the butter-
dividing Rhysocaryon into two subclades, a temperate nuts suggested by ITS data was better supported than the
black walnut clade and a tropical black walnut clade. This relationship (with decay indices of 2 or less and bootstrap
same division was suggested by Miller (1976). Within values of 50 or less) suggested by matK data.
the temperate black walnut clade, two monophyletic Both matK and ITS data, when analyzed separately or
groups were supported: a clade of J. californica and J. together, supported section Dioscaryon as the sister group
hindsii (the two California species) and a clade of J. mi- to the butternuts. Analysis of total data indicated that 16
crocarpa, J. major, and J. nigra. Within the tropical black characters supported the monophyly of the butternuts and
walnuts, the northernmost species, the Mexican J. olan- the Persian walnut (J. regia). The butternut–Dioscaryon
chana, is the basal sister group to all the more southerly clade was consistently supported as the monophyletic sis-
taxa, J. guatemalensis, J. neotropica, J. australis, and J. ter group to the Rhysocaryon clade.
boliviana. Of those four species, the northernmost, J. In general, the phylogenetic trees generated by these
guatemalensis, is the basal sister group to the remaining analyses became more resolved and better supported as
three. It seems likely that southward migration has been additional data sets were added. This increased resolution
closely followed by speciation in the tropical species of seems to be a common result of combining data sets in
the genus. All analyses supported J. californica, J. major, the literature (Schnabel and Wendel, 1998; Yasui and Os-
J. guatemalensis, and J. olanchana as distinct species. nishi, 1998; Les et al., 1999). The inclusion of multiple
Cardiocaryon was supported as a monophyletic group data sets provides additional characters, and may help
in these analyses, but it was supported less strongly than cancel out ‘‘noise’’ present in individual data sets. Al-
Rhysocaryon. Analyses of the matK data and of weighted though it is not always possible, it may be advisable to
ITS data indicated that J. ailantifolia was more closely include two or more data sets in all molecular phyloge-
related to J. cathayensis than to J. mandshurica, while netic studies.
analysis of unweighted ITS data indicated that J. ailan-
tifolia was more closely related to J. mandshurica than Morphology—The phylogenies generated by these
to J. cathayensis. The closer relationship of J. ailantifolia analyses are largely in agreement with previous, mor-
and J. cathayensis resulting from analysis of matK data phology-based, analyses. The four sections delineated by
had much stronger support (with a bootstrap value of Dode (1906, 1909a, b) and Manning (1978) coincide with
98% and a decay index of 5) than the closer relationship four monophyletic groups generated by parsimony anal-
of J. ailantifolia and J. mandshurica (with a bootstrap ysis of gene sequence data performed in this study and
value of 67% and a decay index of 2) resulting from by parsimony analysis of RFLP data (Fjellstrom and Par-
origins. The history of the butternuts and Rhysocaryon phylogenies generated for Juglans, combined with the
seems clearer. well-studied fossil record of the group, present a clear
The earliest known walnut fossils from Asia (Miocene picture of the history of Juglans.
J. megacinerea Miki ex Chaney from ;25 million years
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