Indicators For Disaster Risk Management: I I P D R M
Indicators For Disaster Risk Management: I I P D R M
Indicators For Disaster Risk Management: I I P D R M
Indicators for Disaster Risk Management
Study coordinated by
Instituto de Estudios Ambientales
Manizales - Colombia
August 2003
Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Manizales
Instituto de Estudios Ambientales - IDEA
Indicators for Disaster Risk Management
Prepared by
Omar D. Cardona
Technical Director
Jorge Eduardo Hurtado Ann Catherine Chardon
Gonzalo Duque Luz Stella Velásquez
Alvaro Moreno Samuel D. Prieto
Manizales - Colombia
August 2003
Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Manizales
Instituto de Estudios Ambientales - IDEA
1. Introduction
Necessarily, this framework requires governments and other stakeholders to take a broader view
of disaster risk, and to develop a better understanding of the performance mechanisms of risk
management, in the context of economic and social development. This requires improved data on
the severity and frequency of natural phenomena in a particular place, and on the existing levels
of vulnerability and resilience, in their physical, economic, social and environmental dimensions.
This calls also for a far more convincing policy-oriented analysis of such data. This implies that
government attention must focus on reducing disaster risk as a contribution to sustainable
development, and not so much on emergencies per se. In turn, this approach requires operational
tools for measuring vulnerability and risk management performance. By focusing attention on the
different levels of vulnerability and disaster risk and on the range of causal factors which give
rise to vulnerability and risk across countries, and on the fact that viable policies, approaches and
strategies exist to intervene many of these causal factors, it may be possible to encourage the
different stakeholders to take a more proactive role in reducing risk. Attention must be focused
on the social, economic and territorial processes that are the primary causal factors explaining
risk accumulation and recognition must be given to the fact that these are susceptible to
modification through the adoption of appropriate policies, legislation, instruments and
governance structures (Cardona and Maskrey 2000).
Deficiencies in data and poor quantitative analysis hamper governments in making informed
choices concerning desirable risk management policies and other policies that may have major
impacts on a country’s vulnerability levels. In general, there are hard and fast rules as to what
This document is the result of inputs and discussions of the local group of experts of the Instituto de Estudios
Ambientales, IDEA, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales, and the contributions made during the expert
meeting on disaster risk conceptualization and indicators modeling, held in Barcelona in July 9,10 and 11, 2003, for
the execution of the Component II, Indicators of Risk Management, IADB Operation ATN/JF-7907-RG. This report
has been developed by Omar D. Cardona, technical director of the project and the opinions expressed herein are only
those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Inter American Development Bank. The
document is located in:
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Instituto de Estudios Ambientales - IDEA
constitutes a norm in a well-functioning risk management system, or how best to move towards
its achievement. At present, the vulnerability and risk management performance of most
countries cannot be effectively monitored to enable decision-makers to determine whether and to
what extent vulnerability is diminishing or growing, or whether broad risk management policy
goals are being attained. Put in a global or regional context, it is not possible, with the
measurement tools available to determine how a particular country is faring in relation to others,
or whether a country’s performance is above or below the expected benchmark, taking into
account its own particular circumstances.
In order to undertake risk analysis it is necessary to estimate the hazard or threat and to evaluate
vulnerability. Risk could be evaluated taking these two factors into account (Taylor et al 1998).
Changes in one or the other of these factors change the risk levels. Once risk has been evaluated,
it may be possible to define a level of what is known as “acceptable risk” i.e. the possible social,
economic, and environmental consequences that a society or a component of it implicitly or
explicitly can tolerate. From a technical perspective it corresponds to a probability value that
certain impacts will occur in a given time period, and that these are considered acceptable with
reference to the determination of minimum demands and security requirements. Calculation of
“acceptable risk” can be useful for decisions on protection and planning, when society is faced
with the possible occurrence of a dangerous phenomenon.
It has been common to measure risk solely in physical terms given that social vulnerability is
difficult to evaluate quantitatively. This does not imply, however, that it is not feasible to analyze
vulnerability in relative terms or by means of indicators and indices, thus allowing a vision of
“relative risk” which permits decisions to be taken and priorities established as regards
prevention and mitigation. Risk indices should take into account both the physical aspects of risk
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Instituto de Estudios Ambientales - IDEA
as well as the social and cultural aspects. Such indices may be formulated, in principle, in terms
of loads and resistances, which would broadly represent pressure and capacity to withstand
pressure (demand and capacity) as is done in physical engineering applications. Load refers to the
impact of an extreme phenomenon on a social system. This has two dimensions, firstly the
magnitude and severity of the phenomenon, and, secondly, the duration of exposure. These
factors are relevant to both rapid and slow onset events and are determined by the expected
recovery time. Resistance describes the ability of a population to face up to an extreme event.
Such resistance or capacity to withstand pressure is a function of diverse technical and non-
technical factors. The technical factors relate to the level of protection afforded by technical
measures, such as, for example, by dykes and dams for protection against floods or satisfactory
construction of buildings against earthquakes, storms and floods. The non-technical aspects
include the economic capacity of the community, the ability of the population to self protect, the
social structure and its organizational levels, amongst others. These options may also be termed
hard and soft resistance, basing on the terminology used in climate change adaptation literature.
When an intense event occurs, the load and the resistance work against each other. If the
resistance is greater than the load then the effects are dissipated and no damage occurs. If the
resistance is lower than the load, damage or disaster occurs. Analyses of this type may be a
posteriori but it is also possible to undertake such analysis a priori, in the case of future events,
thereby constituting a planning tool. This requires a prediction of the likely load of the impact
and the likely resistance to such an impact. The loads and resistances must, therefore, be based on
credible probabilities of occurrence. That is to say, maximum values for loads and resistances
should not be used, but, rather, combinations of feasible resistances and credible loads.
From the risk management angle, the term resistance is equivalent to a determined capacity level,
or, inversely, a critical level of vulnerability. The term load refers to the action of the
phenomenon. Critical vulnerability is equivalent to the load a community can bear prior to
recurring to external aid. Disaster occurs when the hazard (load) exceeds critical vulnerability
levels (Plate 2002). This is a powerful engineering heuristic and illustrates that risk can be
expressed in uni-dimensional numerical values. Amongst other things, this approach permits the
design of indexes or indicators, as has previously been mentioned. In development and territorial
planning contexts it is necessary to compare the load and critical vulnerability as a function of
time, given that these two factors are not constant. As stated above, vulnerability is made up of
many different components and depends on numerous factors such as physical and social frailty
and social resilience. The lack of resilience is a vulnerability factor and critical in determining the
time of recovery of the affected unit.
Finally, the validity of a risk model will depend on the existence of reliable and good quality data
that satisfy the demands of the conceptual model. At present, data availability is still a major
constraint. Most existing risk information is limited to hazard patterns. There is little comparative
and accurate quantitative data on social and economic vulnerability, or on risk reduction factors.
Data is produced in widely different formats and scales and in an ad hoc manner that renders its
compilation and aggregation problematic. Due to institutional and human resource constraints,
data is rarely collected systematically over long time periods. Most existing impact data such as
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Instituto de Estudios Ambientales - IDEA
that from insurance sources is limited to large-scale disasters, and that pertaining to small-scale
events is often uneven and incomplete (UNDP 2000).
There are a wide range of approaches for integrating data and modeling risk and vulnerability.
Inductive approaches model risk through weighting and combining different hazard, vulnerability
and risk reduction variables. Deductive approaches are based on the modeling of historical
patterns of materialized risk (i.e. disasters, or damage and loss that have already occurred). Other
approaches combine the results of inductive and deductive modeling. An obstacle to inductive
modeling is the lack of accepted procedures for assigning values and weights to the different
vulnerability and hazard factors that contribute to risk. Deductive modeling will not accurately
reflect risk in contexts where disasters occur infrequently or where historical data is not available.
In spite of this weakness, deductive modeling offers a short cut to risk indexing in many contexts
and can be used to validate the results from inductive models. There are no standard procedures
for measuring or weighting the effectiveness of risk reduction, given the large number of
stakeholders and the wide variety of activities involved. Approaches based on fuzzy logic and
expert systems, however, can enable quantitative values to be assigned.
In order to conceive an indicators model for risk and risk management, we need, in general, to
first reflect on the concept and utility of indicators as such. This requires an epistemological
critique and an analysis of their appropriateness in terms of the dimensioning of risk and
management options. This comprises the relationship between knowledge and policy definition
and this relationship must be as solid as possible.
The usefulness of indicators depends on how they are employed. The way in which indicators are
used to produce a diagnosis has various implications. The first relates to the structuring of the
theoretical model. The second refers to the way risk management objectives and goals are
decided on. This aspect is important given that it is preferable to promote an understanding of
reality not in strict terms of the ends to be pursued, but, rather, in terms of the identification of a
range of possibilities, information on which is critical to organize and orientate the praxis of
effective intervention. History is seen as a movement in the structure of reality and in the genesis
of social profiles, rather than as a description of its morphology. This means that we need a risk
diagnosis that, as far as possible, permits decision-making, recognizing the double dimension that
risk represents: a given situation and a possible future. Recognition of this double dimension
using indicators allows us to reflect on the potentialities present in a given situation. Knowledge
of this offers a basis for organizing effective intervention through risk management (Cardona
The measurement of risk provides a diagnosis of the possibility and impact of a dangerous event,
taking into account political, cultural and psychosocial factors. The utility of this exercise will
depend on the reliability of the figures produced. Often, as opposed to providing a range of
alternative development possibilities, a diagnosis evaluates the conditions required in order to
achieve a previously fixed goal or offers a somewhat arbitrary reference point for evaluators.
With risk, particular caution is required due to the importance of the notion of “acceptability” and
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Instituto de Estudios Ambientales - IDEA
decisions as to the cut off point that allows us to ascertain whether the situation is acceptable or
not. An important consideration in this regard relates to summing and weighting procedures.
Inappropriate weighting may lead to distortion of reality.
Another consideration relates to the aggregative level at which the index is pitched. Moreover,
we also need to know if the diagnosis permits us to distinguish between conjuncture and
structural processes and micro and macro spatial scales. The latter distinction is of great
importance in risk analysis given the local character and dimensions of risk. Analysis at a macro
scale (at the national level, for example) may hide information about local and regional levels.
Conversely, if the aggregation level is to narrow, the information may not be useful enough for
national purposes.
Thus, in the same way as we may make reference to the significant articulation of concrete and
abstract categories, we may also conceive the articulation of concepts and indicators thus
providing an indicative structure. Faced with the difficulty of finding adequate indicators for
representing risk and risk management it is important to emphasize the possibility of using
“tracer” or joint indicators. Here, we are dealing with indicators that not only indicate orders of
magnitude, but that may also help contribute to an understanding of a total or holistic situation
(Cardona and Barbat 2000). This requires qualitative indicators that help provide an
understanding of the significance of reality for particular actors. These indicators attempt to
improve the limits of our understanding of reality. From this perspective the question is not how
to arrive at an explanation that is increasingly exhaustive, using aggregation procedures, but
rather how to enrich our understanding of reality in the most inclusive form possible. Thus, the
problem basically refers to how we may establish a relationship between diverse concept-
indicators and the empirical reality they are used to depict, in order that the structuring or linking
of these not only reflects the specific characteristics of a given situation, but also indicates the
different ways of advancing in the solution of problems.
The most serious weakness of indicators or indices is principally associated with subjectivity in
their estimation, the selection of variables, the measurement technique used, and the aggregating
procedures employed, when they are composite indicators. The question of the subjective
selection of variables is difficult to resolve mainly because the weighting or value they are given
is essentially qualitative. Particularly, if weighting is applied, an important subjective component
is introduced (Briguglio and Pratt 1999). The measurement technique may have limitations due to
the absence of data or the reliability of this. In the case of composite indicators these are the
result of summing and averaging other sub indices. This may hide useful information of an
individual nature. These aspects signify that in general, a model of indicators is susceptible to
academic questioning. Due to this, and taking into account such limitations and weaknesses, the
indicators should, as far as possible, be easy to measure, tangible and adequate for the level of
aggregation of the system under analysis. They should be focused on clear and practical aspects,
sensitive to changes in the system and the collection of information should neither be difficult or
costly. Measurements should be susceptible to being repeated in the future. A problem often
encountered when compiling composite indices relates to the summing and weighting of its
components. There are no standard procedures for measuring or weighting the effectiveness of
risk reduction, given the large number of stakeholders and the wide variety of activities involved.
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Instituto de Estudios Ambientales - IDEA
Approaches based on fuzzy logic and expert systems, however, can enable quantitative values to
be assigned
Different indicators can be designed for risk analysis and risk management purposes. These may
include context indicators which can be descriptive or predictive, or management indicators that
may relate to efficiency and results. They may be numeric, relational, or composed indicators,
amongst others. In their design, we need to define what they express or singularize, design their
attributes (quantity and quality) and specify the unit of measurement or operational unit
(numerical, linguistic, or formula). The cases may vary in quantity and quality and can, therefore,
be classified as qualitative and quantitative. The quality of an indicator depends on the quality of
the components used in its design and the quality of the systems used in collecting and registering
data. Specifically, the quality and utility of the indicator mainly relate to its validity (if it
effectively measures what it attempts to measure) and reliability (if repeated measurement under
similar conditions always give the same result). Other quality attributes of indicators are:
specificity (that it only measures the phenomenon it intends to measure), sensitivity (that it can
measure the changes that need to be measured), measurability (that it is based on available and
easily obtained data), relevance (that it is able to give clear replies to the most important
questions), comparability (that the variable can be used for comparisons across countries or over
time) and cost-effectiveness (that the results justify the investment in time and other resources)
(PAHO 2001). In addition care must be taken to avoid redundant variables (i.e. taking two
variables which measure the same things are would therefore be very closely correlated).
The usefulness of a risk indicator will depend on the underlying conceptual framework. An
indicator cannot be decontextualized given that it expresses the magnitude of a force in a given
moment. This force results from the articulation of a series of processes that are integrated in a
conditional manner and articulated to the constitutive actions of the subjects. Here we are dealing
with the possible configuration of potential in progress: knowledge in order to transform
(Zemelman, 1989). As argued above, there are many different definitions and conceptual models
of hazard, vulnerability and risk currently in use. These can create confusion and impede
communication of information. Establishing a set of clearly defined working definitions is
therefore a basic precondition for modelling. In the case of risk indicators, conceptual models
need to consider not only hazard and vulnerability factors but also the effectiveness of risk
management and reduction measures. Different models would be required to measure different
aspects of risk, for example, potential loss of life, possibility of loss of livelihood, probability of
infrastructure disruption etc. Similarly, vulnerability does not exist as an abstract category and
can only be defined with respect to a given hazard or hazards. There are important differences
between absolute and relative risk, which also need to be confronted. Small countries may have a
high relative risk levels, but very low absolute risk, in comparison with large countries (UNDP
With the analysis or depiction of collective risk using indicators it is important to recognize three
methodological levels: articulation between levels or areas of reality (economic, political, cultural
etc.), articulation of temporal and spatial dimensions (macro-micro, conjuncture, sequence) and
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Instituto de Estudios Ambientales - IDEA
the articulation that ensues from the dialectic between praxis and structure (actors and social
forces). The importance of the first level resides in the achievement of a contextualization of the
data and in the heuristic richness this isolated data then achieves in permitting the
characterization of a given situation. The spatial-temporal articulation responds to the need to
delimit the spatial scale used and take into account the temporal rhythms and horizons of this
representation. Finally, the third level of articulation relates to a context where not only the
government but also other social forces exist which, under certain circumstances, can impress
certain directions on the types of intervention to be pursued.
Result indicators must be used with care where reality is conceived as a process with transitory
properties that are not necessarily reflected by the indicator. This does not signify that result
indicators should be thrown out. Rather, we need to anticipate their uncritical and ingenuous use.
This is apparently the case today with diverse methods proposed for the estimation of risk and
vulnerability at different spatial scales. The indicatum or reality comprises a series of processes
that need to be reconstructed (Zemelman 1989). In our case we are dealing with risk or risk
factors (hazard and vulnerability), which in themselves may be complex and composed realities.
There are different types of hazard and many dimensions of vulnerability. Moreover,
vulnerability is conditioned by the type of hazard. This makes the reconstruction of reality and
possibility, referred to here as risk and risk management, more complex.
In the case of collective risk it is important to recognize that complex systems are involved
involving multiple facets of society (physical, social, economic, cultural) that are not likely to be
measured in the same manner. Physical or material reality have a “harder” topology that allows
the use of quantitative measure, whilst collective and historical reality have a “softer” topology in
which the majority of the qualities are described in qualitative terms (Munda 2000). These
aspects indicate that a weighting or measurement of risk and risk management involves the
integration of diverse disciplinary perspectives and this may usher in problems of comparability.
In other words, in order to measure risk and its management we need a holistic focus (Cardona
2001). This type of integral and multidisciplinary focus can more consistently take into account
the non- linear relations of the parameters, the context, complexity and dynamics of social and
environmental systems, and contribute to more effective risk management by government and
other critical actors in order to achieve a preventive attitude when faced with risk and disaster.
These types of models may elicit controversies when seen from a reductionist perspective.
Nevertheless, when faced with the complexity of the socio-technical system to be represented
when modeling risk, an approximate response to the correct formulation of the problem seen
from a holistic perspective (that will necessarily be more or less vague) may be preferable to an
exact response to an incorrect formulation of the problem when this is achieved with certain
precision, but in a fragmented and reductionist fashion.
A number of questions may be useful in guiding the design of a model or system of risk and risk
management indicators. In the design of risk indicators a series of aspects must be taken into
account, such as the character or type of evaluation, the objectives, approach, and methodology,
the availability of information, quality control, and the extent to which the indicator represents
Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Manizales
Instituto de Estudios Ambientales - IDEA
reality. The Appendix I presents a group of oriented questions to facilitate the formulation of a
model of indicators for the relative measurement of risk.
Political decisions on risk are many times taken under conditions of uncertainty and are based on
data of variable, and at times, undetermined quality. This may be complicated by the political
manipulation of uncertainty in order to speed up or slow down a decision and action. Quality,
understood as the ability of a product to satisfy determined requisites, is the concept that
underlies the determination of its attributes, and a criteria that allows an analysis of the decision
making process (Funtowicz and Ravetz 1990, 1992). So, the key question is: what is the role of
the information in decision-making? Once the problem of designing criteria has been resolved,
the following question arises: who will determine the criteria to be used? (Corral 2000)
Uncertainty with regard to collective risk and the fact that the scientific community can not
possibly resolve and characterize these problems totally (“given that no expert can provide
certainty for political decisions”) has led to a request for the inclusion of more actors, including
the community, in the decision making process. This permits a plurality of perspectives which,
whilst not denying the competence of experts, permits the inclusion of a wide range of
stakeholders in decision-making. It provides a combination of skills that permit all those involved
in the problem to enrich the collective vision. Thus, the determination of criteria must be arrived
at by dialogue and cooperation between experts, decision makers and other relevant actors, using
the notion of “quality” as a baseline.
The perceptions of different actors must be taken into account in the design of criteria, thus
providing the analysis with a capacity to change or adapt and accompany the dynamic nature of
the process. The legitimacy of the obtained results is another point to be considered. When social
analysis is undertaken, the results very often relate to the position taken by the analyst or the
institution that requires the study (Corral 2000). Where criteria are decided by a process of plural
representation of stakeholders, the results could be legitimized on the grounds that they were
obtained in an open and transparent manner, even when they are not acceptable to all parties.
Therefore, the models that are applied in the design of public policies such as risk management
may influence the quality of the decision process. Opting for one type of modeling over another
(for instance, mono as opposed to multi criteria models) may lead to different results which then
push public policy objectives in a determined direction. Therefore, despite what many believe,
the design of a public policy like risk management is very much related to the evaluation
technique used to orient that policy. The quality of the evaluation technique, called by some its
scientific pedigree, has unsuspected influence on policy formulation. If the diagnosis invites
action it is much more effective than where the results are limited to identifying the simple
existence of weaknesses or failures.
confidence of the information required. Transparency is related to the way the problem is
structured, facility of use, flexibility and adaptability and to the level of intelligibility and
comprehensiveness of the algorithm or model. Presentation relates to the transformation of the
information, visualization and understanding of the results. Finally, legitimacy is linked to the
role of the analyst, control, comparison, the possibility of verification and acceptance and
consensus on the part of the evaluators and decision makers.
National level aggregated variables may facilitate the identification of macro level actions and
policies by national level decision makers (Briguglio 2003). But, an indicator designed for this
particular scale of analysis would provide only a limited amount of the information required by sub
national and local risk managers and decision makers. Due to this fact, it is also convenient and
desirable to explore indicator systems that allow for the measuring of relative risk at the sub
national level- departments, provinces, states or economic regions- and at the urban-metropolitan
levels including the districts, municipalities or localities that comprise such areas (Cardona 2003;
Barbat 2003) providing non national level decision makers with relevant policy and action
information and national decision makers with additional elements for the design of national level
policies related, for example, to the need for decentralization and overall regional or urban level
strategies and actions. The indicators required at these different levels may have elements in
common but will also require the use of different variables according to the scale of resolution
Taking into consideration the need for different scale approaches, in this document we present ideas
on three different categories of indicators which adhere to similar conceptual and methodological
premises but allow an analysis at the national, sub national and urban-metropolitan scales. These
indicators or indices, should allow us to capture different analytical elements (economic, social,
resilience etc.) which would then allow a situational analysis and, possibly, some understanding of
causal aspects. That is to say, these could comprise part of an integral system which reflects
holistically and comparatively the different aspects of risk and risk management. (Cardona 2001)
Whether we are dealing with the national, sub-national, urban-metropolitan or local levels, analysis
must commence from the perspective of physical phenomenon that may negatively affect exposed
elements. This implies the definition of some arbitrary reference point in terms of the severity or
period of return of dangerous phenomenon. This risk factor must be modeled in the most objective
fashion taking into account existing restrictions as regards information and knowledge. However,
given that the potential influence of events is progressive ranging from lower to higher severity
levels (more frequent events will have lower intensities and less frequent events, higher levels) it is
necessary to consider some reference point, considered adequate for analytical purposes. This
means that it is necessary to define a feasible maximum hazard level as a basis for the elaboration
of a risk scenario. In doing this one introduces a temporal framework for the analysis. In other
words, we would attempt the same procedure as is used in the insurance industry where a reference
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point is established for calculating feasible losses, known as the Probable Maximum Loss (Ordaz,
2002), whose period of return is fixed arbitrarily at 100, 200 or 500 years. In this case it is also
necessary to define a Probable Maximum Event for which it is relevant to plan corrective or
prospective actions that allow a reduction of the possible negative consequences for the country or
sub- national unit considered for analysis.
One may conclude that even where different hazards exist with potentially different impacts on the
country, their impact in similar time periods will not be the same. An indicator could be constructed
that represents the maximum probable demand in socio economic terms associated with the most
critical loss scenario taking into account the maximum probable event for the unit under analysis.
This situation would generally be associated with a major or extreme catastrophic event such as a
very severe earthquake, hurricane, tsunami, volcanic eruption or flood. Such a selection does not
necessarily require detailed analysis of all possible dangerous phenomenon only for one or two
types of event given that the type of event that is likely to be associated with catastrophic damage
may be easily identifiable.
One of the major concerns associated with the impact of dangerous events comprises the
relationship of probable losses to the capacity of the affected country or sub national unit to
confront the ensuing economic and social consequences. It is thus convenient to be able to provide
some dimensioning of this relationship, which may perhaps be termed an index of deficit due to
disaster, in the form of indicators or sub indicators. As regards the economic demands that the
impacts of catastrophic events signify, the indicator must take into account available resources and
resource deficits from national and international sources, the fiscal and debt situations, insurance
coverage etc.
Below, we will only develop notions with regard to three different but complimentary approaches
that may be taken. The first relates to the probable maximum intensity event and economic loss that
the analyzed spatial unit could suffer when faced with the occurrence of a catastrophic event and
the implications in terms of needed resources to confront the situation. This implies a predictive
analysis based on historical and scientific evidence and the dimensioning of the value of probably
affected elements. The second relates to the dimensioning of historical losses suffered due to all
large and medium scale events during a manageable historical period, let us say 30 years, and their
relationship to the capacity of the affected unit to absorb and adjust to the shocks. This signifies a
deductive analysis based on historical experience. The third approach considers the significance for
a country or sub national unit of the recurrent occurrence of small scale events that rarely enter
international or even national disaster data bases but which pose a serious and accumulative
development problem for local areas and, given their overall probable impacts, for the country as a
Possibly, the greatest difficulties faced would be associated with the process for modeling an index
of deficit due to disaster given the complexity of evaluating the hazard and the Probable Maximum
Event, and due to the type of suppositions that need to be made and which would undoubtedly
generate controversy.
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At the sub national level it is usual for countries to be divided in departments, provinces or states.
These will have differential levels of autonomy depending on the levels of political, administrative
and fiscal decentralization implemented.
In the case of national level calculations of Maximum Probable Events and losses one would take
the single most catastrophic event conceivable. However, this event is only the most critical of a
series of events that could affect different areas of the country. Maximum probable impacts in these
areas will not necessarily be associated with the same type of hazard event identified for the
national level. This makes sub national analysis even more important. On the other hand, such sub
national events would not occur simultaneously.
Analysis at the sub national level would allow national decision makers to evaluate and compare
the risk levels in different areas of the country. Most surely other critical contexts will be identified
which though not reaching the levels implied in the Maximum Probable Event at the national level,
could approach these and demand resources that the national level would have to assume to a great
degree. On the other hand, this type of sub national analysis would be of great use to sub national
decision makers helping them to identify key risk problems and identify actions that they must take
on their own or in coordination with the national levels. Such sub national level analysis requires
greater effort and levels of information and scale resolution. However, it is convenient to undertake
such analysis as it offers national and sub national decision makers a tool that is useful in defining
public policies and planning needs in order to reduce risk in the different regions of the country.
The variables and indicators for these sub national levels will be similar to those at the national
level, but may require modifications considered appropriate in accord with the spatial scale of the
sub national units.
What might be different between national and sub-national levels is that resources may exist at the
sub national level in order to cover response and reconstruction needs. To the extent greater fiscal
decentralization exists and the Maximum Probable Event is smaller than at the national level the
responsibility assumed by the sub national level will possibly be greater. This type of evaluation is
thus of great importance to decision makers in order for them to predict or plan for the social and
economic implications faced by sub national decision makers and those that need to be coordinated
and agreed with national levels.
Dropping down the spatial and administrative scale the need for evaluations within urban-
metropolitan and large cities is also desirable. Taking into account the spatial scale at which urban
risk analysis is undertaken, it would be necessary to estimate the damage and loss scenarios that
could exist for the different exposed elements that characterize the city (buildings, infrastructure,
installations etc.). The Maximum Probable Event for the city would allow us to evaluate in greater
detail the potential direct damage and effects and, then, prioritize the interventions and actions that
are required in each area of the city in order to reduce risk
It is important to indicate here that the most critical situation for the urban area as a whole could be
related to a phenomenon that is different to that which could cause the most serious impacts in a
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particular area of the city. This makes analysis difficult because we would have to make
estimations for various hazards given that risk and hazard could vary notoriously spatially (as is
demonstrated by micro-seismic and flooding studies). However, using historical information one
can identify the hazard that in general would cause the most critical impact in the whole city and
make comparisons of risk based on this point of reference.
The type of evaluation proposed for the urban level should be applied in various cities in the region
with the idea of illustrating the type of results that could be obtained and, consequently, the type of
risk management activities that are most appropriate. For this type of examples it is necessary to
identify cases where the information required is easy to obtain and where hazard and physical risk
studies exist at an adequate level of refinement and resolution.
The maximum probable event method outlined above allows a dimensioning of the worst possible
impact scenario taking into account a period of return ranging between 500 and 1500 years. Such a
long term scenario, which could in fact occur at any time in the future, could be complimented with
analysis that takes shorter time frameworks into account, based on the analysis of medium and
large scale disaster occurrence over, lets say, the last 30 years. A thirty year time period although
not capturing all possible large scale or catastrophic events may be seen to be sufficient to depict
losses of great relevance for national and sub-national decision makers or international
development and financing agencies. In fact, if we take the period from 1970 to date in the Latin
American and Caribbean region most disaster prone countries have suffered numerous medium and
large scale events and disasters covering a wide range of possible detonating phenomenon.
Moreover, this period covers the end of the import substitution and commercial agriculture export
development model dominant until the late 70s and the period of evolution of more recent neo-
liberal and globalization models and frameworks. This is important when considering modern
impacts and losses associated with disasters.
An indicator constructed on the basis of calculable direct and indirect disaster losses in different
countries, sub-national and urban units over the last 30 years is feasible given existing data bases
and studies on disaster impact. Although not exhaustive, existing data is sufficiently representative
to be used in an indicator model. Moreover, existing data and the number of disasters it covers
could be pondered in order to arrive at a reasonable approximation to minimum total economic and
human losses during this period. Once this has been calculated using all available sources (data
from ECLAC studies, from national governments, insurance companies, OFDA-AID etc.) the
losses may be compared on an annual average basis or for the whole period using data on national
income, national GDP, national external and internal debt, financial resources made available for
disaster reconstruction and other financial variables in order to come to conclusions in terms of the
impact on the countries and in terms of their capacity to absorb and respond to disasters. This type
of analysis has been used previously and could be widened to take into account a wider range of
variables than has been the case to date, where calculations are normally made in terms of loss
compared to the size of the countries GNP, external debt and financial reserves.
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4.1.3 Indices for recurrent, small scaled disasters at the local level
Although the previous maximum event and historical incidence approaches are convenient in order
to determine the most critical feasible situations and the medium term impact of medium and large
scale disasters that should be the objective of specific social and economic policies, it is also
necessary to construct a complimentary index or indicator which can account for recurrent lower
scale events that systematically affect local development and which may in many cases be the
result of socio-natural processes associated with environmental deterioration (Lavell, 2003). Such
events are associated with persistent or chronic events such as land slides, avalanches, forest fires,
drought and also lower scale earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and flooding.
Thus, we can also suggest the construction of a complimentary index of recurrent local disasters
where the objective is to demonstrate and measure the susceptibility of a country to s small scale
and recurrent disasters, the accumulative impact of which may be highly significant at the local
level, and, consequently, at the national level. This index could attempt to represent the spatial
variability and dispersion of risk within a country as expressed in the occurrence of smaller and
more recurrent events. Here it should also be remembered that small and medium scale events
today maybe the precursors of larger disasters in the future given the future possible rapid increase
in population, production and infrastructure in the affected areas.
Information for this indicator could be taken from the data base DESINVENTAR constructed by
The Social Network for Disaster Prevention in Latin America-LA RED. This base has data for over
16 countries in the region discriminated according to type of event and type of effects at the local
level for a period which in many cases extends from 1970 to date. The DESINVENTAR base has
over 80,000 registries for the 16 countries, 70% of which are post 1970. Procedures could be
undertaken in order to fine tune the base and guarantee its statistical consistency and guidelines
established for the characterization of the events in terms of disaster size or magnitude.
The formulation of this index would be of particular importance in order to elaborate a scaling
factor allowing the adequate comparison of large and small countries which when compared only
in terms of the Maximum Probable Event and the disaster deficit indicator could generate
inconsistencies and false perceptions.
Such an index is of equal use at the sub national level because it allows us to identify how
susceptible the area is to lower level disasters and the impacts this signifies for local and municipal
development. This index would allow us to obtain a notion of the spatial variability and dispersion
of risk within a sub national unit resulting from smaller and recurrent events. From the risk
management angle this type of information could contribute to orienting advisory capacities and
support resources to municipalities, in accord with the history of past events and impacts. Many
municipalities have not recovered from previous events when they are affected by another event
which may not be considered relevant at the national or even sub national levels, but which
signifies a constant erosion of local development gains and opportunities. This type of context must
be identified given that recurrent small scale disasters notably increase the difficulties of local
development. Such events usually affect the livelihoods and means of subsistence of poor
populations thus perpetuating their levels of poverty and human insecurity.
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Using the three methods outlined above it may be possible to construct an index for probable
extreme hazards (scientific prevision), for events occurring in defined time periods (deductive
approach) and one for historical events with differing levels of impacts (memory) at the national,
regional or local levels. However, some phenomenon associated with slow onset processes such as
drought and environmental deterioration may be difficult to dimension deductively or inductively
such that they require a special treatment. In any of the three cases diverse suppositions must be
made and the best possible criteria used in the process of estimating indicators given that certain
information will be unavailable at an adequate scale of resolution or with acceptable levels of
accuracy and quality. Nevertheless, the sum of the results could facilitate the identification and
justification of relevant risk management actions.
Given that the notion of the national level has no relationship to spatial scale, it is important to be
particularly careful when considering the physical and economic size of countries (Briguglio 2003).
Although in general one considers small countries to be more vulnerable, when risk is expressed
not only in terms of possible adverse effects but also in terms of resilience and the capacity of
countries to face up to critical situations, paradoxical situations may appear (Benson 2003). In the
same way, the impact of small and recurring events that are paid little attention at the national level
in a large country may signify accumulative negative effects of great importance at the local level
(Lavell 2003). For this reason it is necessary to identify and model this type of situation given that
it may disorient or affect the pertinence or effectiveness of risk management. In other words, apart
from the consideration given to the conceptual framework that helps structure the problem, it is also
necessary to consider the deviations or influence that the particular methodological framework used
may have on the results (Benson 2003). This aspect may have an unsuspected influence as regards
the identification of management policies,
5. Representing vulnerability
Vulnerability is a key issue in understanding disaster risk and impacts and must be adequately
dimensioned in any indicator model according to the spatial or social scale considered. In the
present section of our document we will attempt to identify certain needs and options as regards
this dimension recognizing from the outset that a clear specification needs to be made prior to
analysis as regards the particular social structures or contexts to which we are referring with the
application of vulnerability analysis, taking into consideration the insecurity, fragility, resilience,
etc. of the different components that come into play-poor population, critical infrastructure,
subsistence economies, modern agricultural sectors, at the national, sub national or local levels, etc.
Barcelona in July by Terry Cannon and Ian Davis, co authors of the mentioned study. Wisner et al
identify five vulnerability factors or components that help explain the vulnerability of people and
their livelihoods—initial well being, resilience of livelihoods, mechanisms for self protection,
mechanisms of social protection, and aspects related to the structure of government, civil society,
participation, development of social capital etc. These factors represent in many ways a more
detailed development of the three factors we consider below.
Indicators used for describing exposure, prevalent socio-economic conditions and lack of resilience
must be formulated in a consistent fashion (directly or in inverse fashion, accordingly), recognizing
that their influence explains why adverse economic, social and environmental effects are
consummated when a dangerous event occurs. Each aspect may be a series of indicators that
express situations, causes, susceptibilities, weaknesses or relative absences affecting the country,
region or locality under analysis and in favor of which risk reduction actions may be oriented.
These indicators must be chosen such that they best represent the situation under analysis using
reliable, quality information (Comfort, 2003). The use of variables that represent similar aspects, or
the repeated use of the same indicator means that they are being assigned a greater weight as
regards other variables used in the indicator system or model (Davidson, 1997, Cardona, 2001,
Briguglio, 2003).
In the case of exposure and /or physical susceptibility, the indicators that best represent this are
population, fixed capital, livelihoods, investment, production, essential patrimony, and human
activities (Masure 2003). It is desirable to have available data on the more susceptible segments
such as poor population, insecure settlements and infrastructure, fragile crops, unstable sources of
work. Other indicators of this type may be found in population, agricultural and urban growth and
densification rates.
The lack of resilience or capacity to confront or absorb the impact of dangerous phenomenon is
related to development levels and the explicit existence of risk management policies and actions.
The lack of resilience, seen as a vulnerability factor, may be represented at all levels by means of
the inverse treatment of a number of variables related to governance, financial protection, economic
redistribution, human development levels, collective perceptions, human capital, the level of
technological development and preparedness to face crisis situations. This collection of indicators
on their own and particularly where they are disaggregated at the local level could help in the
identification and orientation of actions that should be promoted, strengthened or prioritized in
order to increase human security (Cannon 2003; Davis 2003). Their participation in an indicator
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system is justified to the extent that the execution of effective prevention, mitigation, preparedness
and risk transfer actions help reduce risk whilst their absence or insufficiency leads to increases in
Using indicators to estimate or measure risk permits the combination of quantitative and qualitative
techniques relating to hazards and vulnerability. Indicators permit the identification of features that
are not possible to estimate or turn out to be imprecise using mathematical models or algorithms.
However, any indicator model must be consistent in the way it relates the selected variables. This
implies, for example, that with proposed estimations we must define if the relations are
accumulative or multiplicative. We must also be able to discern if variables are to be given
different weights that allow us to judge their contribution to what we wish to measure or represent,
or if their contribution is merely indicative and for comparative purposes.
Indicators proposed for different spatial or social levels must be based on figures, indices, existing
rates or proportions that derive from reliable data bases available in the countries, regions or cities.
Some values will have to be standardized for the study area or population. Nevertheless, the option
also exists of making qualitative valuations using pertinent variables for which no specific indicator
exists and that reflect what we want to measure. In these cases it is necessary to qualify the
variables using linguistic scales that may run from 1 to 7 or 1 to 5, for example (Briguglio 2003;
Davis 2003; Masure 2003). For example, in relationship to some desirable characteristic we may
evaluate whether it is non existent, below average, average, above average or optimum. Thus,
variables may be proposed that more clearly reflect what we want to represent as it is presented in
the Appendix II and III. Fuzzy logic permits the use of linguistic variables that define functions of
pertinence to fuzzy groups and fuzzy base rules that permit the aggregation and intersection of
facets and variables (Pedrycz 1995; Jang et al 1997; Leondes 1998). This type of technique even
allows us to obtain numeric indices (defuzzification) resulting from the relationship between
variables and these are an alternative for qualitative evaluation and for their combination with
numeric values (Cardona 2001). These considerations will be the object of future study with the
objective of defining in detail the definitive indicators and the means to relate them.
In conclusion, this type of holistic approach to evaluation will probably be increasingly accepted
and used as one of the best options for representing risk and risk management situations. This is
due to its flexibility, possible compatibility with other specific evaluation techniques, its complexity
and imprecision. Its strength rests in the ability to disaggregate results and identify factors that
should be the objective of risk management actions, allowing the measurement of their
effectiveness. The objective is to stimulate decision making. The concept underlying the method is
one of control and not the precise evaluation of risk, a procedure and objective that is normally
based on the concept of physical truth.
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Quality control:
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In all sources consulted by IDEA, numerous factors are associated with risk and vulnerability.
These have been brought together and classified here in order to take account of the complexity
of the concepts. Diverse methodologies exist. The most recent of these developed by UNDP and
GTZ have been proposed for the national and local levels and include risk indicators that attempt
to reflect some or the majority of the factors that are included in our list below. (UNDP 2003;
GTZ 2003). A classification of the principle physical, natural, ecological, technological, social,
economic, cultural, territorial, educational, functional, politico-institutional, administrative and
temporal factors was achieved. Some of these factors are intimately linked, given they are
mutually conditioned and reinforced.
¾ Physical factors
¾ Natural factors
Nature of the phenomenon and magnitude
Fragile ecosystems
Soil type
Global climatic phenomenon. Warming leads to increase in sea levels that
render certain coastlines and islands uninhabitable due to flooding
¾ Ecological factors
Environmental degradation
¾ Technological factors
Housing type
Technical deficiencies in construction. Height, materials, construction
system, hammer effect, maintenance.
Quality of infrastructure
Water treatment and supply
¾ Social factors
Mortality rate at birth
Child mortality rates
Life expectation
Population density
Population growth
Urban population
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¾ Economic factors
GNP and its growth
Production structure
Low levels of economic diversity
Marginalization from markets
Dependency on external economic conditions
Need for imports in the electricity and manufacturing sectors
National external and internal debt
Commercial openness
Concentration on few export products
Peripheral status
Investment in health, education and infrastructure
Increase in external debt obliges the export of natural resources at any price.
The pressure on the environment is high.
Tourism development in coastal areas and lumbering has generated intense
pressures on land, thus increasing erosion.
Presence of particular branches on the economy. Tourism, Agriculture,
Transport- road networks and transport systems
High freight costs
Lack of access to land and property
Access profiles of households
Income opportunities
Household budgets
Market access
Access to banks
Access to credit
Access to emergency aid permitting a household to purchase food, reconstruct
Economic crisis does not allow maintenance of structures
Recovery capacity
¾ Territorial factors
Ability to attain certain level of planning competence
Land property land
Land use
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¾ Cultural factors
Class and class relations
Domination structures
Lack of ethics
High levels of fatalism
Traditional pernicious habits
Lack of a multi hazard perspective
Waste management
¾ Educational factors
Illiteracy rate
Lack of development of a prevention culture
Access to information
¾ Functional factors
Response capacity during emergencies
Evacuation capacity
Food policy
Continuity in policies
Prevention and mitigation policies
Lack of national organization for prevention and attention
Institutional location of responsible organizations- Ministry of the Presidency,
Army etc.
Existence of impact studies when a new project is designed. Norms exist and
are applied.
Lack and failings in construction codes
Personnel training
Distribution of the budget
Lack of coordination
Lack of or insufficiency in the mechanisms or instruments for financial risk
spreading-disaster funds, insurance policies.
Lack of research institutes in natural and physical sciences, hydrometeorology,
development, engineering and technical sciences, political science,
seismology, volcanology, cartography and geodesics, geography, geology,
Lack of a multi hazard perspective
Periodicity of meetings of operational organizations
Lack of technical organizations
Local and regional committees with real legal faculties
Low density of educational and health facilities
¾ Temporal factors
Time of occurrence
Duration of the event
A consideration of one or another vulnerability factor depends on the type of hazard, the spatial
scale (national, regional, local) and, finally, the temporal scale that is contemplated (before, and
/or during and /or after impact).
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The following proposal aims to develop a common framework for understanding, guiding and
monitoring disaster risk reduction at all levels. The ultimate goal of this collective and interactive
endeavor is to encourage and increase appropriate and effective disaster reduction practices
(ISDR 2003).
Attached, please find a very preliminary first draft proposal for a conceptual framework to guide
and monitor disaster risk reduction, in matrix form, organized around the following categories
and components:
Political Commitment
Policy and planning
Institutional organization
Normative framework
Risk identification Risk assessment (hazard analysis and vulnerability and capacity
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