Philippine Folk Dance The Itik-Itik
Philippine Folk Dance The Itik-Itik
Philippine Folk Dance The Itik-Itik
The Itik-Itik
The best description of the Itik-Itik is that the steps mimic the way a duck
walks, as well as the way it splashes water on its back to attract a mate.
According to popular tradition, the dance was created by a lady named Kanang
who choreographed the steps while dancing at a baptismal party. The other
guests copied her movements, and everyone liked the dance so much that it
has been passed along ever since.
The Tinikling
The Binasuan
The Maglalatik
The Maglalatik is a mock war dance that depicts a fight over coconut meat, a
highly-prized food. The dance is broken into four parts: two devoted to the
battle and two devoted to reconciling. The men of the dance wear coconut
shells as part of their costumes, and they slap them in rhythm with the music.
The Maglalatik is danced in the religious procession during the fiesta of Biñan
as an offering to San Isidro de Labrador, the patron saint of farmers.
The Kuratsa
La Jota Moncadeña
The La Jota Moncadeña is adapted by the Filipinos from an old Spanish dance.
It's a combination of Spanish and Ilocano dance steps set to Spanish music and
castanets. A more solemn version of this dance is sometimes used to
accompany a funeral procession, but it is also performed at celebrations.
The Kappa Malong-Malong
The Pantomina
Also known as the Dance of the Doves, the Pantomina mimics the courtship
between doves and is often also a courtship dance between the couples that
perform it. This dance is an important part of the Sorsogon Kasanggayahan
Festival held each October, where it is mainly performed by the elders of the
The Cariñosa
The Cariñosa is a dance made for flirting! Dancers make a number of flirtatious
movements as they hide behind fans or handkerchiefs and peek out at one
another. The essence of the dance is the courtship between two sweethearts.
The Surtido
The Polkabal
The Polkabal shows some European influence in its steps. The dance is
composed of nine different steps which include various movements such as
fluttering, stepping heel-to-toe, a reenactment of a bull fight, and even a
leisurely walk.
The Magkasuyo
The Magkasuyo is a variation of the balse - the one-two-three graceful triple
meter that Filipino traditional dance borrowed from the Spanish waltz. It is a
formal series of close-step-close movements with a couple facing each other in
a courtship configuration. Balse incorporates German and Spanish influence,
but the Magkasuyo is the specific invention of Quezon province, a large
farming and fishing region southeast of Manila with a rich tradition of outside
influences, including Spanish, Malay, and Muslim. A popular song Magkasuyo
Buong Gabi (Lovers for the Night) expands on the romantic nature of the