50 Chess and Mathematics Exercises CHAMPS Final
50 Chess and Mathematics Exercises CHAMPS Final
50 Chess and Mathematics Exercises CHAMPS Final
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This book provides material for the much-sought-after link between chess and mathematics
for the classroom. We have fully tried out all these exercises and found that most children are
enthusiastic – often more so even than their teachers! Chess is a classic board game that
children enjoy at all levels. We use the chessboard and the chess pieces to convey
mathematical insights consistent with the syllabus for primary school (i.e. children from age
6-11) mathematics in most countries. Only a basic knowledge of chess is required – how the
pieces move. It is not necessary to be a chess player to use this book. The main emphasis is
on problem solving.
The 50 exercises are categorised by age and by the most natural grouping – individuals, pairs,
quads (two pairs), groups or the whole class. The relevant topic in the mathematics syllabus
is also displayed. Most exercises have preliminary questions or extensions. Solving the
exercises should normally take no more than a lesson period. The materials required are
minimal. Chess sets can be used but the exercises work just as well using 8x8 grids and
coloured counters or markers. Printouts of board positions are useful for several exercises.
Gradually work your way through the book at the pace of the children. Some children will far
exceed the stated age range. Problem-solving requires persistence. The children are asked to
complete a task or conduct an investigation or play a game. Hints are often provided to
overcome intellectual hurdles. A solution method is provided for each problem but there is
always more than one solution method – and children should be encouraged to think for
themselves. The teacher can develop their own preliminary and extension exercises to suit
the ability of the children. The later exercises require a higher level of abstraction and
solutions are prone to error hence requiring more teacher intervention.
The mathematical games are simple and easy to play. They illustrate some fundamental
concepts such as parity and symmetry. The point of these games is not to win but to
understand the underlying concepts. Children are fascinated to discover that many of these
games can be won by recognising that there is an underlying pattern. This is part of the
realisation that mathematics provides an underlying pattern to scientific laws. From a didactic
perspective, children are delighted to learn “tricks” how to win a game or solve a puzzle.
These exercises are drawn from traditional sources and supplemented by some original
exercises from the authors. Many of the exercises will be new to recreational mathematicians.
What marks them as distinctive is that they are developed within a constrained domain of the
chessboard to create a sense of familiarity as well as accessibility.
The primary school reference syllabus is from Singapore because this is regarded as being
close to the problem-solving methodology promoted by this project. The Singapore “method”
has gained widespread international attention following its success in the OECD Pisa rankings.
The primary school syllabus is consistent with those in Europe as validated by the teaching
experts on the project. In addition to mathematics, many of these exercises incorporate some
principles of Game Theory which although not normally taught in primary school is within the
capability of most children.
Perhaps the greatest value in working through these exercises comes from having to structure
the problems. A well-structured problem is a delight to solve. Teachers are encouraged to
develop and expand these exercises and to share their classroom experiences.
This project was funded through ErasmusPlus from the European Union. The partners on the
CHAMPS project were the Slovak Chess Federation (co-ordinator), Chess in Schools and
Communities (UK), Ludus (Portugal), University of Girona (Spain) and Veľká Ida Primary
School, Slovakia. The following individuals also contributed to the project: Carlos Santos,
Carme Saurina Canals, Josep Serra, Mark Szavin, Stefan Löffler, Alessandro Dominici, Malcolm
Pein, Chris Fegan, Zdenek Gregor, Eva Repkova, Vladimir Szucs, Viera Kebluskova and Niki
Vrbova. The project manager was Stefan Marsina. The chessboard diagrams were generated
using the Logiq Board from LearningChess.net (Hungary).
March 2019
1. Each Square has a Name Individual
Age 6+ Co-ordinates, positions, movements, pencil
Hands-on exercise
Explain each square is named according to its co-ordinates:
column (file) letter and row (rank) number. Example b3 in diagram:
Walk up the street (b) to the house number 3. b3
For small children, draw a line from the square to its co-ordinates.
2. Identify the Square Colour Whole Class
Age 6+ Parity, Visualisation, Pencil
Class Discussion: What methods can you use to arrive at the answer?
Possible methods:
(a) Snake Pattern: a1 = black, b1 = white, c1 = black, …h1 = white, h2 = black, g2 = white etc.
(b) Diagonals: The long diagonals (Black a1-h8; White a8-h1) travel through the board. Find the
nearest square to the one you need and adjust colour accordingly.
(c) Parity addition (age 11+) Relabel the rows from a, b, c … to 1, 2, 3 and add the co-ordinates
of the required square. If the sum is even, then the square is black.
Pupils close their eyes and raise their right hand for white
or left hand for black square called out.
3. Piece Categorisation Groups
Age 6+ Patterns, sorting, order, sequences, pencil
Hands-on exercise
Show the class that the pawns are all the same size and smaller than the pieces
Show that the physical pieces get shorter the closer they are to the corner
♚=♛ > ♝> ♞> ♜
Tasks: find
(a) 5 ways to classify chess pieces e.g. according to colour, whether they slide or jump etc.
(b) 5 ways to order chess pieces e.g. according to their exchange value, size of their base etc.
Using piece tokens makes sorting quicker.
Teacher shows children groups of pieces and asks class to explain the grouping principle
Solution Method_
A combination of approaches is required to generate ideas
• Brainstorming involves calling out ideas in a group
• Compare and contrast two piece types
• Discuss how a third piece type differs from another two types
• Analyse the pieces alone, in their starting position, or during play.
¨ Colour of piece ¨ Heavy v light
¨ Can/cannot move from starting ¨ Pawns v pieces
position ¨ Major v minor
¨ Colour of starting square occupied ¨ Sliders/Jumpers
¨ Long-range v short-range ¨ Whether they can stand upside down
¨ Height ¨ Fastest to other side of board from
¨ Diameter of base unblocked starting square
¨ Exchange value ¨ Alphabetical (language dependent)
¨ Number of pieces of each type ¨ Number of piece-type that can fit
onto one playing square
Solutions offered by children:
4. Cross the Line Game Pairs
Place the two kings on their starting squares. The kings move as in chess. White goes first.
Who wins – the first player or the second player? – in each of these positions.
Figure 4(a) The first player to Figure 4(b) White wins by Figure 4(b) Black to play and prevent
cross the middle line is the winner reaching the 8th rank. White from reaching the 8th rank
Game Strategy
This game is related to the concept of Opposition in chess. A direct opposition occurs on a file when
two kings face each other with only one square between them. The distant opposition occurs on a file
when two kings face each other with an odd number of squares (>1) between them. Thus, this game
is closely related to the concepts of parity and symmetry.
4(a) If White goes first, 1. ♔e2 is the winning move. If we observe the
blue mirror line, Black has to be the first to choose one side, leaving the
way open for White to choose the other. If Black tries to stay on the
mirror line, the fact that there is an odd number of squares between the
kings proves to be the determining factor for White victory.
5. The Diagonal Opposition Game Pairs
Game Strategy
Opposition along a diagonal (instead of a rank or file) is called diagonal opposition.
This concept is the main idea behind this game.
1.Kb2 is the winning move. If we observe the blue mirror line, as in the previous game, Black has to be
the first to choose one side, leaving the way open for White to choose the other.
Note that, at some point, the diagonal opposition may turn into direct opposition. Consequently, the
pupil can use previously learned knowledge in a new situation - something important in mathematics.
6. Chess Arithmetic Individuals
1♞ ♝ ♛ ♖ ♙
2♕ ♞ ♞ ♜
(a) 9
(b) 3
(c) Not possible because the pieces all have odd numbers, assuming the king is not worth 0.
It is possible to find four pieces adding to 10 e.g. ♗+♗+♗+♙
1 White
2 White
3 Black
7. Four rooks puzzle Pairs
(a) Place four rooks on black squares so that all the white squares are attacked.
(b) Find another position to achieve the same task.
Solution Method_
The chessboard has 32 white squares. Each rook covers 8 white squares (4x8 = 32). Note that if a rook
stands on a white square it would only cover 6 other white squares. Standing on a black square a rook
can cover 8 white squares. Therefore, we are seeking four black squares on which to place the rooks.
If the rooks stand on black squares in adjacent lines e.g. on a1 and b2, then the coverage of the rooks
would intersect on the white squares b1 and a2 which means that instead of covering 16 white squares
between them, they would only cover 14 white squares, which is insufficient. By inspection we find
that the rooks should be an even number of squares away from each other given that their
intersections need to be restricted to black squares.
Hint: Start by finding solutions on the long black diagonal. Then find the other solutions.
8. The Fallen Pieces Quads
After chess club there are many chess pieces on the floor. You pick them up and count them.
How many chess sets did they come?
(b) In addition to the 17 black pawns you also find 3 white knights.
(c) The classroom has only just enough chess sets for 20 children to play in pairs.
Investigate the maximum solutions for each scenario above.
Solution Method_
The answer should be a range: one or more pieces could have come from each set. It is important to
be aware that not all answers are single numbers.-
9. Corner attack puzzle Quads
Solution Method_
• Establish that the only relevant pieces are the long-distance pieces ♗♖♕
• Establish that the number of squares attacked by each piece is ♗=1 ♖=2 ♕=3
• Explain that no. of attacks output equals no. of attacks input
i.e. the sum of the piece attack values = sum of the corner numbers
Note that there is only one way to obtain totals of 4 and 12,
being minimum and maximum respectively.
(a)♗♗♗♗ (d)♗♗♕♕
(b)♕♕♕♕ (e)♗♖♕♖
(c)♖♖♖♖ (f) ♕♗♗♖
10. Piece power contours Quads
The power of a piece varies according to its position on the board. Its power is the number of
squares the piece attacks.
Hands-on Task: (using coloured pencils on a printed board or coloured counters on a board)
Colour-code each square according to the number of squares attacked from that square.
The resulting pattern is the “power contour” for that piece. Find the contours for:
• Rook
• Bishop
• Queen
Which piece is depicted by these power contours?
10(a) Knight
10(b) King
11. Avoid Three in a Line Game Pairs
Starting with an empty chessboard, two players take turns to place same-colour counters on the
board. A player loses the game by making a straight line of three counters. There is no obligation to
notify your opponent that you have reached a losing condition. Use a ruler placed through the centre
of the counters to check for straight lines. The game is easy enough but there may be confusion about
how to find out if a third counter is on the same line as the first two.
Playing method
Check the board after each move. A counter may be on a straight line of three even if it is some
distance away.
Explain that there are different directions for straight lines. The straight lines used in the sliding chess
moves of the rook are the easiest to recognise:
+ Rook (Orthogonal)
• vertical (up, down)
• horizontal (left, right)
The straight lines used in the sliding chess moves of the bishop are also easy to recognise:
x Bishop (Diagonal)
• slope bottom left to top right (slope = 1)
• slope top left to bottom right (slope = -1)
The slope between any two counters is the ratio between the vertical distance and the horizontal
distance. If the slope between two counters is the same as the slope from them to a third counter,
then the counters are on the same straight line. Lines pointing up to the right have a positive slope
and those pointing down to the right have a negative slope.
The knight moves in a 2:1 L-shape. Straight lines also radiate from the
knight but these are harder to recognise. The slope is important when
considering the knight. In the diagram on the right, the knights all
appear on the same line and their slope is ½ because the vertical
distance (1) is divided by the horizontal distance (2).
In the diagram on the left, there are two counters (a4, d5) with a
vertical (up) distance of 1 and a horizontal (across) distance of 3 (like
a long reach knight). Hence their ratio is 1/3. By inspection, the
square g6 is also on a 1/3 slope from d5. If a4-d5 is a 1/3 slope and
d5-g6 is a 1/3 slope, then a line runs through the three squares a4-d5-
g6. The player to moves should select another square than g6.
12. Counters on a Line [11] Pairs
(a) How many sets of three counters on a straight line can you find?
(b) Put a twelfth counter on the board and create four more sets of
three in a line.
Solution Method
(a) The children can find the vertical and diagonal lines easily (a7-c6-e5; e5-e4-e3; g7-e5-a1).
It is more difficult for them to find lines whose slope is other than diagonal.
Place a ruler between the centre of any two counters. Ensure the
ruler goes through the centres. Find if there is a third counter along
the straight edge. Test for all pairs of counters.
Alternatively, find the slope of the line between any two points.
The slope is the ratio between the vertical and horizontal distance
from one counter to the next e.g. two up and three across. Then
from the second point find if there is another point which has the
same slope. If so, then all three points are on the same line. Test
using a ruler (more details on Exercise 11).
13. Wythoff’s Game [Q] Pairs
Place a queen on h5 on an empty chessboard. This queen can only move West, South West or South.
The players take turns moving the queen. The first player to move the queen to a1 is the winner.
Solution Method_
First play the game to get a feeling of possible best play.
Identify the ‘safe squares’ where you would like to move to in order to
win. To do this, work backwards from a1. Use counters to mark the safe
On their first move, the first player cannot avoid allowing the second player to either reach a safe
square or go directly to a1.
14. Rook Corner Puzzle Pairs
Solution Method_
Having tried a few different routes the children will conclude that there is no solution. They may
need some convincing to grasp that failing to find a solution does not mean that there is none to be
found. Proving that something is impossible is a giant leap in children’s mathematical understanding.
Hints and leading questions to guide towards the solution:
• The rook should proceed in one-step moves on its journey. Use
two colours: e.g. red for odd (1st, 3rd, 5th etc.) and blue for even
moves as shown in the diagram.
• How many squares does the rook visit on its way to h8?
• What is the colour of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. squares?
• What is the colour of the 63rd square?
• What is the colour of the h8 target square?
Every odd visited square is a light square, so the 63rd last square should also be light, but it is in fact a
dark square so the rook can never complete the mission.
Question: On what size boards would the rook tour work?
Answer: The task is only possible for odd sized boards (7x7, 5x5 3x3 etc.)
15. Shortest Rook Tour Individual
Age 8+ Enumeration
Use pencil and paper with many prints of a chessboard with a rook on a1.
Alternatively, use plastic sheets over a board template. Show a rook on a1 and a marker on h8.
Task: The rook must visit all the squares on the board and return to a1.
Condition: The rook is not allowed to visit the same square twice.
Suggested activities:
• Find as many ways as you can to complete the rook's tour.
• Draw each route on paper.
• Find the length of each tour that you have drawn.
Note that the squares passed through by the rook en route from one stopping place to another are
'visited' during that move. It is important to emphasise that the rook returns to its starting point, a1.
Let children explore the various tours and state their lengths.
• What is the smallest number of moves in which the tour can be completed?
• What is the longest tour (the largest number of moves) that you can find
A tour with the minimum 16 moves A tour with 28 moves The longest tour with 56 moves
It can be proved that the shortest tour consists of 16 moves. Some interesting properties of the
rook’s tour, however, can be investigated. For discussion:
• If a tour starts with a vertical move, it must end with a horizontal move.
• Vertical and horizontal moves alternate.
• There are equal number of horizontal and vertical moves.
• The length of each tour is even.
16. Race to the corner [rook] Pairs
Age 8+ Symmetry
Use a chessboard, a rook, and counters to mark the moves. Place a rook on h8 and a marker on a1.
This rook can only move South or West.
Players take turns to move the rook.
The first player to reach a1 wins the game.
This is a game that children like to play. Who wins – the first player or the second player?
Playing method_
The second player has the winning strategy. He /she must move
the rook to the a1-h8 long diagonal. Here is how to guide children
towards the solution:
17. Chomp Pairs
Using a printout of a board with a “poison” marker on h8. See Figure 18(a).
Each player takes turns to fold (“chomp”) the paper chessboard horizontally or vertically along any
marked line. See Figure 18(b).
There are no pieces in this game. The section further from the marker is discarded. The loser is the
one left holding the poison. In the original game they played with a large bar of chocolate!
Who wins – the first or second player?
Playing method_
In order to win, a player should use a geometrical strategy. Whatever the first player does, the second
player should fold the paper so as to leave a square-shaped board. See Figure 18(c).
In other words, the winning strategy is to chomp along the diagonal to h8.
The opponent will have no other choice but to fold into an oblong.
Successively, in each move, the strategy of leaving square-shaped
shapes is repeated until the poisoned square is achieved.
18. Army Power Puzzle Pairs
Place one of each of the six piece types of the same colour on their starting squares.
See Figure 19(a).
1 attack
2 attacks
3 attacks
Q3: The minimum number of attacks is 5, achieved various ways. See Figure 19(d).
Q5 Give the locations unoccupied squares and ask the class to figure out
the position of the pieces.
What is the maximum number of knights that can be placed on a chessboard such that no knight
attacks another?
Use counters instead of knights.
Solution Method_
Knights that do not attack each other are called independent knights.
Notice that a knight changes colour on each move (from a light square
to a dark one and vice versa). Knights placed on the same colours will
be independent.
20. Mystery combination piece Pairs
Solution Method_
Figure 20: Mystery Combination Piece
Detect the symmetry around d2.
(a) Find the longest lines and join them together with a ruler and pencil.
These are the ranges of the long-distance pieces. See where they intersect.
d8-d1, a5-e1, h6-c1, a2-h2
(b) Notice that a queen on d2 is consistent with the pattern of crosses. Subtract the
queen’s pattern and see what is left. This is consistent with the moves of a knight.
(a) d2
(b) queen + knight
21. Positional logic Pairs
Age 8+ Logic
Starting pieces ♚♛♜♝♞♟
This is a hands-on activity. The children must set up the correct position on the chessboard.
Task: Set up a position with the above pieces obeying the following rules:
1. The pieces stand next to each other on the same line
2. The king is next to the queen which is on c4
3. The rook is between the bishop and a pawn
4. The bishop is the furthest piece from the queen
5. The knight stands on a higher rank than the king
Solution Method_
This can be solved using guesswork, trial and error. Alternatively, a more structured approach can
be deployed. The key is to find a good starting point. Make use of the information such that no
guessing is necessary. For example:
(a) From (5) we learn that the pieces are arranged vertically along the c file
(b) From (2) we know that the position of the queen is fixed at c4
(d) From (5) the knight is above the king which, since c4 is occupied, implies that it must be
at c5 or above
21. Solution
22. Counters on a Line Pairs
Children recognise horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines. They find it difficult to identify lines with
other slopes especially when the counters are spaced apart.
Task 1: Hand out printouts of these two positions and ask the class to find the spoiling lines where
three counters are in a row.
(a) (b)
Task 1
Task 2
23. Minimum Moves Map Pairs
Solution Method_
Starting at d4, mark all the squares reachable in one move. Then from each of these repeat the
process using different coloured counters. Repeat until there are no more squares.
24. How Many Routes? [pawn] Pairs
The pawn can make any move one square forwards whether straight or diagonal. Note the pawn can
also make a move by capturing an imaginary piece – hence diagonal moves must be counted as well.
Task: (Using printouts of these positions) How many different routes are there for the pawn:
From To
(a) a2 Other side
(b) d5 Other side
(c) d4 d8
Solution Method_
For each possible position of the pawn count the number of ways the pawn can reach that square
and write that number in the square. Start from the original position. Some leading questions:
• How do you proceed to the next rank?
• What do you do with the numbers when you move up a rank?
• Is the pawn equally likely to occupy every possible square?
21(a) 35 ways to reach back rank 21(b) 27 ways to reach the back rank 21(c) 19 ways to get to d8
25. The Light Pawn Pairs
Solution Method_
In this thought experiment, the key idea is that if you know that one item is a different
weight, then if you weigh two items, you can derive conclusions about the third item.
1st weighing
2nd weighing
The pupils should understand that the eight possibilities (eight pawns) match the eight terminals of
the tree that describes the strategy.
What happens if there are nine pawns, one of them slightly lighter than the others?
The strategy still works, with one more branch (for the balanced ABC vs DEF). There are three
possible results (left<right; left=right; left>right). There are three ways to walk through a one-
weighing tree and nine ways (3x3) to walk through a two-weighings tree, and so on. Note that 10
pawns cannot be solved with only two weighings – three weighings are required.
26. Wythoff’s Game [QQ] Pairs
Place two queens of the same colour on h5 and g8 on an otherwise empty chessboard. Stipulate that
these queens can only move West, South West or South. The players take turns moving either queen.
Provide markers to place on the board. The first player to move the queen to a1 is the winner.
Who wins – the first player or the second player?
Solution Method_
Set up a symmetric position around the a1-h8 main diagonal.
Thereafter the first player copies the moves of the second player –
a strategy known as Tweedledum-Tweedledee.
The first player can win by moving a queen to e8.
Let’s play with a single king starting from h8. Like before, the first player to
move the king to a1 wins.
Hint: Work backwards from the solution. Identify the squares where you do not want to land the
king (marked in red). Winning strategy: avoid the red squares.
The first player can win with best play: King to g7, then copy the opponent’s move.
Wythoff’s king game: The final moves Wythoff’s king game: full pattern
27. The domino tiling puzzle Pairs
Q1 Yes, depicted in Figure 28(a). There are many ways to cover the board.
Q3: Yes. Suppose that you remove two squares of different colors.
Yes. There is an ingenious geometric solution. The line in Figure 28(c) goes through all squares.
Remove one black and one white square. The removal divides the line into
two segments (See Figure 28(d)). One connects the yellow sides and the
other connects the blue sides).
28. The tromino tiling puzzle Individuals
Solution Method_
With Trial and Error children will find one of the four symmetrical solutions - Figure 29(b).
The proof is beyond primary school level.
Figure 29(b)
29. Two queens puzzle Quads
Tasks: Place two queens on a chessboard such that they attack the:
(a) maximum number of squares
(b) minimum number of squares
Only count unoccupied squares. A second attack on a square is not counted. Ignore colours.
Solution Method_
(a) We know from its power contour that the queen is strongest at the centre of the board.
Start by placing a queen in one of the central squares (e.g. d4). Then systematically try placing
the second queen as close as possible. The maximum number of unoccupied squares attacked
42 arises where the queens are (i) orthogonally adjacent in the centre, or (ii) are a knight’s
distance away on the roomy side of the first queen (e.g. d4 & e6).
(b) We know from the power contour that the queen is weakest on the edge of the board. We
can also restrict movements by placing two queens on the same line. As a first attempt,
placing the queens on the corners (opposite or lateral) gives 32. However, there is a lower
number of 31 which arises with (i) a1 & a3/a5/a7 or (ii) b1 & d1/f1/h1 (plus symmetries).
Figure 30(c) is a two queens joint contour map for the number of unoccupied squares under
attack given one queen on a1 – which incorporates the solution in Figure 30(b)(i).
Figure 30(b) minimum (i) Figure 30(b) minimum (ii) Figure 30(c) Joint contour with Qa1
30. Equidistant checkmate Pairs
Solution Method_
Set up positions with two white pieces that are the same distance away from the a1 square.
Now place the white king on c3 and the black king on a1
i. Find two white pieces to deliver checkmate
ii. Ensure that these two white pieces are the same distance away from the black king
There are a few different solutions with legal checkmate. In Figures 31(a) and 31(b) the queen can
swap with the other piece and still deliver checkmate. Note Figure 31(c) is a false solution because the
white queen can be captured. Nor is Figure 31(d) a solution because the position is illegal – the black
king was already in check in the previous move.
31. The Subtraction Game Pairs
Place 10 counters on three rows. Players take turns to remove 1, 2 or 3 counters from
the end of any row. The player to remove the last counter is the winner.
This game is related to the 3 times table (or the 4 times table if the maximum number
of counters to be removed is 4, etc.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Game strategy_
The best strategy in last-move-wins games is to create independent pairs of identical
components. Thereafter, for each pair, mimic the move of your opponent - the
“Tweedledum and Tweedledee” strategy (see also Exercise 26).
Winning Plan }
The winning move is to remove the third row.
In Figure 32(b) the pairs of identical components are bracketed together.
From this position, copy anything the opponent does. }
Figure 32(c) Pairs of identical
32. Nim Pairs
Players take turns to remove one or more counters from the end of
any rank. The person to remove the last counter is the winner.
Game strategy
A winning plan is to try to obtain symmetry and then copy your opponent’s moves. Symmetry arises
when there are pairs of rows with the same number of counters in each row. If your opponent
removes one or more counters, you remove the same number of counters in the other row:
Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
Winning Plan
The winning move for the first player is to remove four counters from the first row to leave {1,3,2}.
Whatever your opponent does, you can create symmetry on your next turn. For example:
• Your opponent removes row 1 leaving {0, 3, 2}. On your move, remove one counter from the
second row to leave {0, 2, 2}. This is a symmetrical and you can win as described above.
• Your opponent removes the third row leaving {0, 3, 5}. On your move, remove two counters
from the first row to leave {0, 3, 3}. This is a symmetrical and you can win as described
[Age 11+] More generally, the winning plan is to achieve symmetry regarding the number of “powers
of 2” (1,2,4,8). For example, a row of 7 comprises three powers of 2: 1, 2, and 4. In the starting position,
the groups are {5,3,2} decompose as follows:
This gives us
Powers of 2 1 2 4
No. of these 2 2 1
By removing the one 4 we are left with these paired powers of 2: two 1’s and two 2’s
Hence the winning play on the first move is to remove four counters from the first row.
33. Golden Coin Game Pairs
Place ten red counters on three rows: 5,3,2. In addition to these counters,
append one golden counter to the longest row. See Figure 34(a).
Players take turns removing any number of counters from anywhere
within any row. The golden counter must be the last one to be removed
and it cannot be removed along with a red counter.
The player to remove the golden counter is the winner. Who wins?
This game benefits from having played the Subtraction Game (Exercise 32)
and Nim (Exercise 33).
The conventional strategy when playing subtraction games is to be the person to remove the last
counter. The twist in this game is that the person who removes the last red counter is the loser not
the winner - this is the misère version of the subtraction game. The best strategy is to follow the
conventional winning strategy as if the game were played just with red counters. However, just before
the end, give the other side no choice but to remove the last red counter.
Winning Plan
To simplify matters, we ignore the golden counter and play to lose the game with red counters. Notice
that the arrangement of red counters is the same as in Exercise 33. Hence, to take control of the game,
the first player should remove 4 red counters from the first row. The play then follows the game tree
in Figure 34(b) which sets out the responses from Player 1 to moves by Player 2. Player 1 wins by
ultimately leaving one unit (Box 10) which is reached by various routes. Player 2 must pick up the last
red counter after which Player 1 picks up the Golden Counter. Player 1 reaches a winning position by
leaving either two pairs (Box 7) or three units (Box 8).
After Player 1
2 3 4 5 6
After Player 2
7 8 10
After Player 1
After Player 2
Player 1 has counters on a4, a5 and a6 and Player 2 has counters on g4, f5 and e6.
Northcott's Game
Solution Method_
This exercise is equivalent to Nim (Exercise 32) but with spaces representing counters. The
horizontal distance between each of the differently coloured counters is {2,3,5}. Each move
reduces the distance, equivalent to removing a counter in Nim. The playing strategy is therefore
the same as in Nim.
35. Sliding Rooks Game Pairs
Place eight white rooks on the left side of the board and eight black rooks
on the right-hand side of the board (Figure 36). These rooks can only slide
sideways, not up and down. The white rooks can only move rightwards,
and the black rooks can only move leftwards. Capturing or jumping over
pieces is not permitted. The last person to move is the winner.
Who wins?
The rows are independent of each other because the rooks can only move horizontally. Work
backwards and consider a single row and then take the other rows into account. The first player can
win the first row by moving their rook next to their opponent’s rook. Similarly, the second player can
win the second row. If there are only two rows, the second player is the last player to move and hence
wins the game. The second player will win following this symmetrical strategy because there is an
even number of rows.
The first player must try and “lose a move” to obtain symmetry. One
trick is for the first player is tempt the second player to unwittingly
break symmetry. For example, on the first move, the first player could
leave one square between their rook and their opponent’s (e.g. ♖a1-
f1) tempting the second player to close the gap. However, the second
player’s correct response would be to mirror the move on another
row e.g. ♜h8-c8. As long as the second player is alert, he or she
should win.
36. How Many Routes? [rook] Pairs
Introductory questions
• Why do you think that the rook can only move North or East? So that the rook gets closer to
the target square on every move. Otherwise there could be countless ways to get there.
• Why is it important to alternate direction on every move? We are looking for different
routes, but subsequent moves in the same direction would be part of the same route.
How many ways can the rook get to a5 from a1? (Figure 37(a)
As it alternates direction on every move, there is only one route, the single move from a1 to a5.
Solution Method_
• Start from the original position. For each possible position of the rook, count the number of
ways it can reach that square and write that number in the square.
• Solving trick: look for the neighbouring squares in the direction where the rook could have come
from. For example, for the rook to reach c2 it could have come through b2 or c1, so the sum of
the numbers in b2 and c1 gives the total number of routes to c2; see Figure 37(b).
• Continue numbering each square this until you get to the target square.
There are 20 routes to d4 as shown on Figure 37(e). There are 330 ways to get to e8.
37. Rook’s Tour on a Mutilated Board Pairs
Remove the opposite corners of a chessboard. Place a rook on any square. Can the rook visit all the
squares of the mutilated chessboard without landing twice on the same square?
This is an advanced version of Exercise 14, the Rook Corner Puzzle.
Solution method
Use pencil and paper and chessboard printouts. Children should have an unguided investigation first.
Let them ask for clarification about the problem. Expect questions like these:
• Does it matter where the rook starts?
No, the rook can start from any square.
• Does the rook have to go back to the starting square?
No, the rook can finish on any square provided it has visited every square once and only once.
The children will not be able to find a solution. Now you can guide
them towards the proof with the following hints and questions:
• How many dark and how many light squares does the rook have to
30 dark and 32 light squares.
• The rook should proceed in one-step moves on its journey. Use
two colours, for example red for odd (1st, 3rd, 5th etc) and blue for
even (2nd, 4th, 6th etc.) moves as shown in the diagram.
• How many one-step moves would the rook have to do to complete
the tour?
61 moves.
• How many odd and how many even one-step moves would the
rook have to do to complete the tour?
31 odd and 30 even moves.
• Suppose the rook starts on a light square, such as a2. What can you say about the colour of the
target square (where the rook lands) on odd and on even one-step moves?
The target square of odd moves is always a dark square, while the target square of even moves is
always a light square.
• Suppose the rook starts on a light square, such as a2. Count the number of dark target squares it
needs to complete the tour. Can you explain why the rook cannot complete the tour?
The target square of odd moves is always a dark square and there are 31 odd moves altogether.
Hence there are 31 dark target squares. The rook cannot complete its tour as it would need to
visit only 30 dark squares.
• Suppose the rook starts on a dark square, such as b2. Count the number of light target squares it
needs to complete the tour. Can you explain why the rook cannot complete the tour?
The target square of odd moves is always a light square and there are 31 odd moves altogether.
Hence there are 31 light target squares. The rook cannot complete its tour as it would need to
visit 32 light squares.
By a process of elimination the answer is no, the rook cannot complete a tour of the board.
38. Bishop Zigzag Puzzle Pairs
(a) There are 7 routes from b1 to g8.
(b) There are 14+28+20+7=69 routes to the other side; see Figure 38(a).
(c) There are 296 different routes. Add all numbers in the 8th rank of Figures 38(a), 38(b), 38(c)
and 38(d).
39. Five queens domination puzzle Quads
Age 10+ Enumeration, Pascal’s triangle
Rearrange five queens such that they attack every square on the board at least once.
The attacks must cover all the occupied squares. Pieces that attack every unoccupied square are said
to dominate the chessboard. A minimum of five queens are required to dominate the chessboard.
Introductory question
How many squares can a queen attack?
Note that the queen does not attack the square on which she stands.
21, 23, 25 or 27 depending on her position. See the queen’s contour in question 40.
Solution Method_
Place five queens on the chessboard.
Mark every square that is under attack by one or more queens with a counter.
How many free (unoccupied and not attacked) squares can you count?
Try to reduce the number of free squares by moving a queen to a different square.
Can you reduce the number of free squares to zero? If so, then you have solved the task.
There are exactly 4860 different ways to accomplish the task.
Let’s look at some interesting arrangements:
Figure 42(a) All queens are placed on a long diagonal
Figure 42(b) All queens are placed on a diagonal that is not the long diagonal
Figure 42(c) All queens are placed along a single file of the chessboard
Figure 42(d) None of the queens attack one another
Note that in in (a) - (c) the attacks cover all the occupied squares as well.
40. Dividing the board Individual
Divide the chessboard into eight smaller squares so that each one
contains at least one cross. Not all the drawn squares need to be the
same size.
Try different size squares from 2x2. There are several potential squares which contain one cross.
Start from a corner of the board and then systematically move down and across.
41. Tiling the board Quads
Introductory questions
1. A single square of the chessboard has area of 1 unit.
What is the area of the chessboard?
64 units.
2. Squares are drawn on the chessboard. List the area of these
What name is given to these numbers?
1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49 and 64. These are square numbers.
Getting into the problem
1. Tile the chessboard with squares. Try to use many different sizes of squares.
Count the number of squares that you used.
2. Try to use 16 squares to tile the chessboard. Find as many different solutions as you can.
Solution Method_
Rearranging the same set of squares does not constitute a new answer. The task can be completed
in eight different ways. The teacher may give hints to guide the children towards each solution.
1. All squares are the same size: Figure 41(a)
2. There is a 7x7 square: Figure 41(b)
3. Use a 5x5 square and three 3x3 squares: Figure 41(c)
4. Use three 4x4 squares: Figure 41(d)
5. There are two 4x4 and six 2x2 squares: Figure 41(e)
6. There is a 4x4 square and four squares of unit area: Figure 41(f)
7. Use a 4x4 square and the same number of 3x3 and 2x2 squares: Figure 41(g)
8. There are eight 2x2 squares in this solution: Figure 41(h)
42. Twelve knights problem Pairs
Place twelve Knights on a chessboard so that every square is either attacked or occupied.
If you do not have enough knights, use counters to represent them.
Introductory question
How many squares can a knight attack?
2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 depending on its position. See the knight’s contour in Exercise 10.
Solution Method_
1. Put twelve knights on the chessboard. Mark every square that is under attack (by one or
more knights) with a counter. How many free (unoccupied and not attacked) squares
can you count?
a) Try to reduce the number of free squares by moving a knight to a different square.
b) Can you further reduce the number of free squares?
2. Place three knights on b6, c6 and c5. Mark every square that is under attack by one or
more knights with a counter. Now one quarter of the board is almost fully covered with
knights and counters. Try to use this knight arrangement to cover the rest of the board.
If every square is either occupied or attacked by the knights, then we say that the knights
dominate the chessboard. The two solutions are shown in Figure 39(a) and Figure 39(b).
Note if we reflect either solution around the horizontal or vertical central axis, or along the
main diagonals, then we get the other solution. Also, the diagrams have a rotational
symmetry of order four (i.e. they look the same when rotated a quarter turn).
43. Eight queens puzzle Groups
Solution Method_
• Put two queens on the chessboard that do not attack each other
e.g. a knight’s move apart
• Add another queen such that no queen attacks any other
• Add another queen. Check that still no queens are under attack.
Increase the number of queens one by one. Can you get to eight queens?
There is no formula for doing this. Computer scientists use a method called “backtracking”:
every time you find a conflict, backtrack to the last placement and instead try the next square.
In a simplified version of this investigation one, two or three queens are missing from the
solution and the task is to place the remaining queens on the correct squares.
Best done on paper with prepared diagrams.
Altogether there are 92 positions which satisfy the requirements. If we exclude all rotations
and reflections, then there are only 12. Some of these are shown below:
Figure 43(a) Four in a row solution Figure 43(b) Another four in a row
44. How many Squares on a Chessboard? Individuals
Age 10+ Enumeration, shapes, arithmetic, organising information in tables
Task 1: How many squares of all sizes can you find in this grid?
Total 5
Task 2: How many squares of all sizes can you find in this grid?
Total 14
Solution Method_
Start from a small grid and step by step expand the size of the square.
Task 3: How many squares of all sizes can you find in a 4x4 grid?
Task 4: How many squares of all sizes can you find on a chessboard? Complete the grid.
Number of squares
Grid size 1x1 2x2 3x3 4x4 5x5 6x6 7x7 8x8 Total
1x1 1 1
2x2 4 1 5
3x3 9 4 1 14
4x4 16 9 4 1 30
5x5 25 16 9 4 1 55
6x6 36 25 16 9 4 1 91
7x7 49 36 25 16 9 4 1 140
8x8 64 49 36 25 16 9 4 1 204
1) 5
2) Missing number is 4
3) 30
4) 204
45. Tournament Scoring Puzzle Quads
Age 10+ Logic, organising information in tables
The scoring system for a school tournament is:
Win = 3 points Draw = 2 points Loss = 1 point
Four children (Albert, Bridget, Cecilia, and Dirk) play each other once in an all-play-all tournament.
You are told that:
1) Bridget was the winner
2) Dirk came last
3) Cecilia scored a win, a draw and a loss
4) All the players scored a different number of points.
How many points did Albert score?
Introductory Question (the relevance of this will become apparent later)
Distribute 10 counters into three squares subject to minimum=2 and maximum=4 per square.
4,4,2; 4,3,3 excluding permutations
Solution Method_
There are intricate solutions going through all the game outcomes. We can take a shortcut by
examining the implications of condition (4) that each player scored a different number of points.
Establish that in a 4-player all-play-all there are 6 games (see diagram).
Show that each game results in 4 points giving a tournament total of 24 points. (24 is an invariant.)
We want to distribute 24 points across 4 players with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 9.
The combinations with unique point counts are:
Winner Second Third Last Total A B
9 8 4 3 24 3
8 7 6 3 24 4 2
8 7 5 4 24
Only one of these combinations has 6 points. C D
This gives the final points table. 5
Albert scored 7 points.
46. Kings random jump Pairs
Age 10+ Enumeration, Trial and Error, Symmetry
Each square of a chessboard is occupied by a king. Each king moves randomly to
an adjacent square. Assume each square can accommodate more than one king.
What is the greatest number of empty squares that could remain?
Hint: use counters that have different-coloured sides. This ensures that all jumps
are ‘recorded’: if a king jumps, the counter is turned over and put on the arrival
square. Older children can also work on paper with a set of empty chessboard
Introductory questions
• What is the greatest number of kings that can end up on the same square?
A square can be surrounded by a maximum of eight squares, but the resident king must jump
away from this square, so the answer is 8.
• Is it possible that all squares are occupied after the jumps?
Yes, it is, for example if neighbouring kings on the same file swap places.
• Is it possible to have an isolated king after the jumps? An isolated king has no neighbours on
adjacent squares.
No, it is not possible. If there were an isolated king, then the king that was originally on that
square would have had nowhere to jump to.
Solution Method_
1. Place the counters on every square of the chessboard with the same colour up. Make every king
jump to an adjacent square by moving each counter to an adjacent square and turning it over at the
same time. When all kings jumped count the number of free squares on the board.
2. Repeat 1. and try to increase the number of unoccupied squares.
Having explored the problem children may come to the correct conclusion that at most 52 squares
can remain empty, so all the kings can gather on 12 squares. See 46(a) and 46(b).
Ask the class to collect as many possible answers with 52 unoccupied squares as they can. Discuss
how some of these are related to each other by symmetry. For example, Figure 46(c) is a reflection
of Figure 46(b) around the vertical bisector of the board, and Figure 46(d) is a rotation by 90 degrees
clockwise of Figure 46(b).
Some solutions have their own symmetry: Figure 46(a) has a rotational symmetry of order 4 around
the centre, while Figure 46(b) has a line symmetry with the horizontal bisector of the board as the
mirror line. The colour of the squares is ignored.
47. King’s random walk Pairs
Age 11+ Enumeration, Proportion, Organising information in tables
A king moves randomly starting at a8. What is the probability that the king returns to a8 after:
(a) Two moves?
(b) Three moves?
Introductory questions
• How many squares can the king move to from a8?
3: a7, b7 and b8
• How many squares can the king move to from a7 (and b8 by symmetry)?
5: a6, b6, b7, b8 and a8
• How many squares can the king move to from b7?
8: a8, a7, a6, b6, c6, c7, c8 and b8
Solution Method_
(a) Complete this table to account for all possibilities:
First No. of possible No. Of moves when
move to moves from there king returns to a8
a7 5 1
b7 8 1
b8 5 1
TOTAL: 18 3
The king returns to a8 three times out of 18 i.e. 1 out of 6 times on average (16.7%).
The king returns to a8 six times out of 105 i.e. 2 out of 35 times on average (5.7%).
48. The Invention of Chess Groups
There is a legend about the invention of Chess. The modern version is this. When the inventor showed
the Persian king his new game, the Shah was very impressed and offered him a choice of two rewards.
Either the inventor could have €1 million for every square on the chessboard i.e. €64 million for the
whole board, or he could have 1 cent for the first square, 2 cents for the second square, 4 cents for
the third square, doubling each time, all the way up to sixty-four squares.
Which option would you choose?
To understand the inventor’s dilemma, use a reduced chessboard (4x4). Fill all the squares of the
board with rice grains. Children can «feel» the very rapid growth through this simple procedure. The
growth rate gets faster the more rice grains we get – the illustration of exponential growth. With a
standard 8x8 board, we get the following which is impossible to handle manually.
Intermediate question
Which is greater:
a) The total of the grains of rice in squares 1-8
b) The number of grains of rice in square 9
Answer: b)
Repeat question for comparisons {1-16 v 17} and {1-32 v 33} with the same answer.
Solution Method_
This exercise involves doing a lot of long calculations. A calculator or spreadsheet should be used to
save time and achieve accuracy. The formula for the number of grains of rice for n squares is 2n – 1.
Multiply 2 by itself according to the number of squares required and subtract 1.
To convert cents to euros, divide by 100.
The doubling option gives a much higher figure. Although starting slowly, once half the board is
covered, the situation has changed dramatically. By square 33, the doubling total has reached nearly
€43 million overtaking the first option of €33 million. Filling the complete board would cost more than
all the money in the world.
49. How many rectangles on a chessboard? Pairs
This is a challenging task for primary students, therefore best done as a teacher-led activity.
First present this table without the numbers in the second column:
Advanced Solution Method: A rectangle is bounded by two vertical and two horizontal lines as shown on Figure
49(a). Every rectangle is uniquely determined by a vertical and a horizontal pair of lines. There are as many
horizontal pairs as vertical ones, so it is enough to count the total number of vertical pairs that can be drawn.
There are 9 ways to choose the first vertical line and 8 ways to choose the second. We have double-counted
each pair, so the number of vertical pairs is 9x8/2 = 36. There are 36 horizontal pairs as well. For each vertical
pair we can choose any of the 36 horizontal pairs, hence there are 36x36 choices, giving a total of 1296
50. Leaper problem Pairs
Leapers are pieces which move m squares in one direction and then n squares at a right
angle. The only leaper used in chess is the knight which is a (2,1) leaper. m
(a) Produce a Power Contour for each of these leapers below
: (Fig. 50)
(2,1) Knight
(2,2) Alfil
(3,1) Camel
(3,2) Zebra [optional]
(3,3) Tripper [optional]
(4,1) Giraffe [optional]
Fig. 50 Leapers
Hint: To build a piece contour, take a look at some examples of piece power contours (Exercise 10).
Solution Method_
Visually compare the diagrams drawn in (a) with the contours given in (b).
(a) Alfil (2,2)
(b) Camel (3,1)