Surface Chemistry and POC PDF
Surface Chemistry and POC PDF
Surface Chemistry and POC PDF
The surface of the solid has a tendency to attract the molecules of a gas or a liquid when they
come in its contact. Since energy is released on account of attraction, the solid acquires a more
stable state. These molecules attracted by the finely divided solid, remain on the surface only and
do not penetrate into the bulk of the solid. Thus, there is a high concentration of these species of
gas or liquid on the surface and they are said to be adsorbed on the surface. Hence, adsorption
may be defined as:
Adsorbent and adsorbate: The solid substance on the surface of which adsorption occurs
is known as adsorbent while the molecular species that get adsorbed on the solid surface due to
intermolecular attractions are called adsorbate.For example, activated charcoal which is finely
divided has a tendency to adsorb a number of gases like ammonia, phosgene etc. Here charcoal
acts as an adsorbent while gas molecules act as adsorbate. In a similar manner, animal charcoal is
used for decolourising a number of organic substances in the form of their solution. The
discharge of the colour is due to fact that the coloured component (generally an organic dye) gets
adsorbed on the surface of the adsorbent i.e. animal charcoal.
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Unbalanced forces on the finely divided solid surface
Due to the unbalanced forces, the atoms or molecules on the surface have a tendency to attract
and retain the molecules of the gases or liquids when they come in contact with the surface.
results into higher concentration of any particular species at the surface than in the bulk and this
leads to adsorption. The absorbent which are commonly used are activated charcoal, animal
charcoal, silica gel and a number of finely divided metals such as Cu, Ni, Pd, etc. Activated
charcoal is a powerful adsorbent since it is a microscopic crystalline variety of graphite having a
very large surface area.
Desorption:Adsorption is of reversible nature i.e., the species which get adsorbed on the
surface of the adsorbent have a tendency to come out of the surface. The reverse phenomenon is
called desorption. Though the desorption takes place of its own, it can be accelerated by
increasing the temperature. The energy absorbed weakens the forces binding the molecules of the
adsorbent and the adsorbate. As a result, the latter gets released from the surface. The desorption
is very common in gases which are adsorbed on the surface of finely divided metals as a result of
weak van der Waal’s forces of attraction. They can be easily overcome and lead to desorption.
Absorption is another important phenomenon which is noticed in our daily life. When the
molecules of a substance are uniformly distributed throughout the body of other substance, it is
known as absorption. For example, when ammonia gas is passed through water, the molecules of
ammonia get uniformly distributed in water and we say that ammonia has been absorbed by
On the basis of the above discussion, it appears that adsorption is quite different from absorption.
Where adsorption is linked only with the surface of the substance which takes up the particles of
the other substance, absorption occurs in the bulk of the substance which absorbs. In order to
make a proper distinction between the two, let us place a silica gel and anhydrous calcium
chloride on contact with water vapours taken in two separate containers. When silica gel is
placed in an environment of water vapours, it simply adsorbs these water vapours. As shown in
figure 2(a), the water vapopurs are present in a high concentration at the surface of silica gel
whereas the interior of the gel has no water vapours. On the other hand, when anhydrous calcium
Water vapours
Anhydrous CaCl2
Silica Gel
Figure 2: (a) Higher concentration of water Figure 2: (b) Uniform distribution of water
vapours at the surface of silica gel vapours throughout the body of calcium
(Phenomenon of a adsorption) chloride (Phenomenon of absorption)
chloride is placed in water vapours, it absorbs these. The water vapours uniformly get distributed
throughout the body of anhydrous calcium chloride as shown in figure 2(b). Thus, silica gel
absorbs water vapours while anhydrous calcium chloride absorbs moisture. It is quite obvious
that the concentration of the water vapours is mainly on the surface of the gel while these
vapours have penetrated into the bulk of the anhydrous calcium chloride. Now, as the adsorption
is linked with the surface only, the extent of adsorption depends upon the availability of space on
the surface. Therefore, it is expected to be quite fast to start with while its rate must decrease with
the passage of time. On the other hand, the absorption must proceed at a uniform speed since it is
no way connected with the surface of the substance which absorbs. The main points of distinction
between the two phenomenon are listed in a tabular form.
Table 1: Distinction between absorption and adsorption
Absorption Adsorption
1. It is phenomenon as a result of which It is the phenomenon as a result of which the
the species of one substance get species of one substance get concentrated
distributed uniformly throughout the mainly at the surface of the other substance
body of the other substance. which adsorbs these.
2. The concentration of the same The concentration on the surface of the
throughout the material. adsorbent is different from that in the bulk.
3. It is a bulk phenomenon since it It is only a surface phenomenon since it occurs
occurs throughout the bulk of the only at the surface.
4. Absorption proceeds at uniform rate. Adsorption is rapid in the beginning and its
rate slowly decreases with the non-availability
of the surface.
Sorption:Some cases are known in which both adsorption and absorption occur together. This
means that a particular substance gets distributed throughout the bulk of the other substance but
at the same time, its concentration on the surface also increases and is more than in the bulk.
However, it is very difficult to make a clear distinction between the two. This is known as
sorption. Certain dyes get adsorbed as well as absorbed on the fibres resulting in sorption.
the change in enthalpy taking place for the adsorption of one mole of the
adsorbate on the surface of the adsorbent.
The adsorption is also likely to influence the randomness, (T∆S) factor. The randomness of the
adsorbed species on the surface of the adsorbent is likely to decrease i.e., T∆S is negative. Let us
study the feasibility of the phenomenon in the light of Gibb’s Helmholtz equation. Since ∆H
favours while T∆S opposes the phenomenon of adsorption, the magnitude of the former must be
more. This is feasible only at low temperature and this is what we actually notice. We shall
discuss the effect of temperature on the rate of adsorption at a later stage.
∆G = ∆H − T∆S
( − ve) ( − ve)
Physical adsorption:When the particles of the adsorbate are held to the surface of the
adsorbent by physical forces such as van der Waal’s forces, it is called physical adsorption. This
is called physisorption or even van der Waal’s adsorption. Since the attractive forces are weak,
they can be easily overcome either by increasing the temperature or decreasing the pressure.
Therefore, the physisorption can be easily reversed or decreased by either raising temperature or
by reducing the pressure of the gas. The enthalpy of adsorption in case of physical adsorption is
quite low. It is varies between 20 to 40 kJ mol–1.
Chemical adsorption:When the molecules of the adsorbate and adsorbent are held together
by stronger forces similar to the chemical bonds, the adsorption is known as chemical adsorption
or Chemisorption. This leads to formation of some sort of compound on the surface of the
adsorbent. These are known as surface compounds. This is further confirmed by the fact that the
when oxygen is adsorbed on the surface of metal like tungsten or activated charcoal, the
molecules which are released from the surface are not of oxygen but those of tungsten oxide in
case of metal and of carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide in case of charcoal. Moreover, the
enthalpy of adsorption unlike physical adsorption is also quite high (nearly 400 kJ mol–1) which
is almost of the same magnitude that we come across in chemical reactions. However, it is mono
layer in nature which means that only the atoms of the molecules present on the surface of the
adsorbent are involved in the bond formation. Physical adsorption, on the other hand is
multilayer in nature because more than one layer of the adsorbent may be involved in van der
Waal’s forces of attraction. Another major difference between the two types of adsorption is that
whereas the physical adsorption can be easily reversed (i.e. desorption is very easy), it is not so in
case of chemical adsorption since bonds are to break and certain energy is needed for the same.
The important points of distinction between the two types of adsorption are given:
the minimum temperature above which a gas cannot be liquefied however large its
pressure may be
Thus greater the value of critical temperature easier will be the ease of liquefaction of the
gas and more will be the extent of its adsorption on a particular solid. The critical
temperatures of different gases along the extent of their adsorption in cc in one gram of
the activate charcoal (adsorbent) are listed.
ii) Some adsorbents are activated by strong heating in contact with superheated steam.
For example, charcoal which is commonly employed in adsorption of gases, is
activated by subjecting it to the action of superheated steam. This will remove the
molecules of gases like CH4, C2H6 (hydrocarbons) that are occupying these pores.
iii) To increase the adsorbing power, the adsorbent is sub-divided into small fine pieces.
By doing so, the surface area increases and so is the adsorbing power.
4. Effect of Pressure:In order to study the effect of pressure on the adsorption of a gas
on the surface of a solid, we must bear in mind that adsorption is a reversible process i.e.,
desorption is also taking place simultaneously. In case, the adsorbate and adsorbent are
enclosed in a closed container, a stage is reached when the amount of gas adsorbed
becomes equal to the amount of gas desorbed. This stage is reached when the amount of
gas adsorbed becomes equal to the amount of gas desorbed. This stage is called
equilibrium state i.e. the surface of the adsorbent gets saturated with the adsorbed gas and
no more adsorption occurs. The extent of the adsorption is generally expressed as x/m
where m is the mass of the adsorbent and x is the mass of the adsorbate when equilibrium
has been attained. If we plot a graph between x/m and the pressure p of the gas at a
constant temperature, the curve is called adsorption isotherm.
On the basis of experimental studies, Freundlich gave a relation between the amount of
the gas adsorbed (x) per unit mass of the adsorbment (m) and the pressure (p). This is
known as Freundlich’sadsorption isotherm because the graph has been plotted at
constant temperature.
i) Form the adsorption isotherm (Figure 3), it is clear that at low pressure, the graph is
almost straight. This means that x/m is directly proportional to the pressure. This may
be expressed as
x x
∝ p1 or = K ⋅ p1
m m
Where K is constant.
ii) At high pressure:The value of x/m becomes almost constant, i.e., it does not
change with the change in pressure. The relation may be expressed as:
x x
=constant or ∝ p0 (Q p 0 = 1)
m m
or = K p0
iii) At intermediate range of pressure, x/m, will depend upon the power of
pressure which lies between 0 to 1 i.e., fraction power of pressure. This may be
expressed as
x x
∝ p1/ n or = K ⋅ p1/ n
m m
log x/m
The constants K and n can be determined as follows:
Intercept = log K
x 1
log = log K + log p
m n
Thus, if we plot a graph between log (x/m) and log p, a straight line will be obtained.
Thus slope of the line (figure 4) is equal to 1/n and the intercept on log (x/m) axis will
correspond to log k.
Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm: This was studied by Langmuir in 1916. The main
features of the adsorption theory are as follows:
i) All adsorption sites on the surface of the adsorbent are equivalent and the ability of a
particle to bind itself to a particular site is quite independent of the presence of other
sites whether occupied or not.
ii) The layer of the adsorbed gas is only one molecule thick i.e., it is unimolecular in
nature. Since this type of adsorption is noticed only in case of chemisorption.
Langmuir adsorption isotherm is applied only to chemisorption.
iii) Adsorption process represents two opposing tendencies i.e., condensation (or
adsorption) of the gas molecules on the surface of the solid and evaporation (or
desorption) of these molecules back to the gaseous state.
iv) The rate of condensation of a gas is proportional to the uncovered surface of the
adsorbent while that of evaporation to its covered surface.
To start with, the entire surface of the solid (adsorbent) is uncovered and the rate of
condensation is very high while that of evaporation is negligible. With the passage of
time, more and more of the surface becomes covered. As a result, the rate of condensation
decreases while that of evaporation increases till the two are equal.
k1 P
∴ θ(k 2 + k1P) = k1P or θ
(k 2 + k1P)
(k 2 / k 2 P) bP
Dividing by k2; θ = = (here b = k1/k2 = constant)
(1 + k1 / k 2 P) 1 + bP
Now, θ is proportional to x/m i.e. the mass of the gas adsorbed per unit mass of the
adsorbent (solid).
bP k bP aP
∴ x/m∝θ= = 3 =
1 + bP 1 + bP 1 + bP
Here, is a constant and is equal to k3b
Thus, x/m = (Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm)
1 + bp
Since a and b are constant, a graph between and P must be straight line. The slope
is equal to b/a and intercept on Y-axis is equal to 1/a.
For physisorption
For physisorption
Figure 6: Adsorption isobars for (a) Physical adsorption and (b) Chemisorption
From the curves, it is evident that the extent of adsorption decreases with rise in
temperature in case of physical adsorption or physisorption. This is quite expected also
because adsorption is of exothermic nature. Therefore, the reverse process i.e., desorption
is endothermic in nature. As the temperature is increased, the process desorption i.e.,
reverse process is favoured. In other words, the extent of adsorption of the gas on the
surface of the solid decreases with rise in temperature.
Gas + Solid
Gas absorbed; ∆H=-ve
The similar trend is expected in chemisorption also but here the adsorption is initially
shown to increase with the rise in temperature and then follows the same trend. This may
be attributed to the fact that the energy supplied by the initial rise in temperature provides
the molecules of the adsorbate the desired activation energy so that proper bonds could be
formed with the particles of the adsorbent. When all the species of the adsorbate have
been properly oriented, a further rise in temperature will decrease the extent of adsorption
as in case of physical adsorption.
Adsorption from Solution: Apart from adsorption of the gases, solids have also the
capacity to adsorb substances present in solutions. For example, if we place a piece of charcoal in
a litmus solution taken in a test tube and shake, the solution becomes colourless. It is because of
adsorption of the litmus which is in fact a dye, by the charcoal. Similarly, animal charcoal
decolourses impure sugar solution by adsorbing colouring dye.
The actual mechanism of adsorption from the solution is not definite. However, it is believed that
it continues till a unimolecular layer is built up on the surface of the adsorbent. The Freundlich
adsorption isotherm as well as Langmuir adsorption isotherm are applicable to the adsorption
from the solutions in the same way as from the gases. The effect of temperature is also similar.
However, equilibrium concentration (C) is used in place of equilibrium pressure and the
mathematical expressions for the two types of isotherms are:
= k ⋅ C1/ n (Freundlich Adsorption Isotherm)
x aC
or = (Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm)
m 1 + bC
Completing Adsorption: When more than one type of the adsorbate species are in
contact with a particular adsorbent, there is a competition between their molecules or
particles to be adsorbed on the solid surface. This depends upon their nature. However, the
one which can form stronger bonds is adsorbed more in preference to the other. This is
known as competing adsorption and it also happens in the reverse process also i.e.
desorption. In this case, the species which is weakly adsorbed are dislodged first from the
solid surface. It may be noted that the adsorption chromatography is based upon this
principle of adsorption.
Applications of Adsorption
The phenomenon of adsorption finds extensive applications in industry in laboratory and also in
various chemical processes. A few important applications are listed below:
1. Removal of colouring matter:Many substances such as sugar, juice and vegetable
oils are coloured due to the presence of impurities. They can be decolorized by placing in
contact with adsorbents like activated charcoal or fuller’s earth. Similarly, most of the
organic compounds that are synthesized in the laboratory are coloured. They can also be
decolorised with the help of animal charcoal.
3. In dyeing of cloth:Mordants such as alums are used in dying of cloth. They adsorb
the dye particles which, otherwise, do not stick to the cloth.
5. Heterogeneous catalysis:The use of the metal catalysts such as Fe, Ni, Pd, etc., in
the manufacturing processes such as Contact process, Haber process and the
hydrogenation oils, is based upon the phenomenon of adsorption.
8. In qualitative analysis:Certain qualitative tests such as the lake test for the
confirmation of Al3+ ions are based upon adsorption, i.e., Al(OH)3 has the capacity to
adsorb the colour of the blue litmus from the solution.
However, this classification has now historical importance and was rejected because some
substances diffuse rapidly in water but slowly in alcohol medium (e.g. NaCl), whereas some
substances diffuse slowly in water but rapidly in alcohol medium (.e.g soaps). Therefore, a new
term colloidal state was preferred.
It is therefore convenient to examine the colloidal state and not the colloids as such. Though
Graham’s concept of colloids is not fully valid, the term colloids has, however, been retained.
Characteristics of Colloids
3. It is heterogeneous state, i.e., number of phases ≥ 2, i.e, each particle is contained within
its own boundaries which separate it form dispersion medium.
4. Thus a colloidal state must have at least two phases. The one phase dispersed in other is
known as dispersed phase (D.P.) or internal phase whereas the other in which dispersions
are made is known as dispersion medium (D.M.) or external phase.
5. It is an intermediate state in between true solution state and suspension state, i.e., particle
size of colloidal state (of dispersed phase) lies in between true solution state and
suspension state.
6. Particles in a colloidal state are not detectable even under microscope; however, their
images can be noticed in ultra microscope.
7. Colloidal particles do not settle down under the force of gravity even in keeping for long.
8. Colloidal particles always carry charge, +ve or –ve on dispersed phase particles.
A colloidal solution differs from true solutions and coarse suspensions due to the size of solute
particles. Usually the size of the solute in true solution is of the order of atomic/molecular size
10–7 cm) whereas in coarse dispersion or suspension the particle size exceeds 10–4 cm. the
colloidal size lies between the two extremes of true solutions and coarse dispersions. In table are
shown some distinctions. Though a clear cut boundary on the basis of particle size is not
established, colloidal particles are often considered in the range 10–5 – 10–7 cm. This range is not
microscope or an electron microscope. However, emulsions, which are also considered in the
category of colloids and often have particle size towards longer side of the colloidal range, ~10–4
cm are visible under the ordinary microscope.
Coarse suspension Colloidal system True solution
Particle s shown in solid circles are those of continuous medium
(i.e. molecules of the order of angstrom i.e. 10–8 cm)
Solute particles (molecules) in true solution of the size of the
continuous medium colloidal particles range (10–510–7) whereas coarse
suspension have even bigger sized particles.
Figure 7: The colloidal dispersions
Alyophobic colloid is always heterogeneous. It consists of atleast two phases immiscible with
each other. Thus a colloidal dispersion made by two different immiscible substances contains one
phase in the form of dispersed particle called dispersed phase which remain present in a
continuous medium of the other substance called dispersion medium. Some general differences
in true solution, colloidal solution and coarse suspension are given in table.
Lyophilic and Lyophobic Colloids: Apart from lyophobic colloids, some substances,
when simply, placed in the dispersion medium, dissolve and form colloidal solutions. The two
substances are not immiscible with each other as in case of lyophobic colloids. Such colloids
solutions are called Lyophiliccolllid due to the affinity of the solute with the solvent. How then
the colloidal properties develop in such systems? As has been made clear that colloidal solutions
are typical in that they contain particles in the range 10–5 to 10–7 cm.
Lyophilic Colloids
(Collidal range)
The formation and properties of micelles will be dealt later in this unit. Soaps and detergents for
their aggregation behaviour that leads to colloidal solutions are also known as Association
colloids. Thus colloidal solutions of soap and detergents and those of high mol mass polymeric
materials (e.g., starch, gelatin, gums) in water are collectively known as hydrophilic solutions.
These are shown in figure.
The lyophobic sols consist the colloidal particles in the form of aggregates of small molecules or
atoms (gold sol, sulphur sol, As2S3 sol etc. are some examples) which are held together by van
der Waals forces. These are thus also called as multimolecular colloids.
The surface area of colloidal particles in a colloidal solution is very large. This can be nicely
illustrated considering one cube of 1 cm dimension. Its total surface area will be 6 cm2. Now if
this cube is cut into several cubes of 1 mm length, the total number of cubes will be 1000 with
each cube of total surface area = 6 mm2 = 0.06 cm2. For 1000 cubes this area will be
0.06 × 1000 cm2 = 60 cm2. Further subdivision say to cubes of 1 µm size will give a surface area
of 6000 cm2 and to 1 mm size will give a surface area as high as 6 × 107 cm2. It is due to the large
surface area of colloidal size particle, that adsorption on the particle is of great importance. It
fact, colloid chemistry and surface chemistry are highly interrelated fields.
Preparation of Colloids: The two different techniques that can be employed to obtain a
lyophobic sol are condensation methods and dispersion methods. In condensation method, as the
name suggests, the atoms and molecules of the substance condense (aggregate) leading to the
particles of colloidal dimension. The condensation can be brought about by both physical and
chemical means.
Using Chemical Methods, a sol can be prepared by hydrolysis, reduction, oxidation, double
decomposition etc.
FeCl3 + 3H 2O
→ Fe(OH)3 + 3HCl
ii) By reduction: gold sol can be prepared on reducing a solution of gold (III) chloride
with formaldehyde and tannic sol.
2AuCl3 + 3HCHO + 3H 2O
→ 2Au + 3HCOOH + 6HCl
4AuCl3 + 3NH 2 NH 2
→ 4Au + 3N 2 + 12HCl
2AuCl3 + 3SnCl2
→ 2Au + SnCl4
iii) Oxidation:Sulphur sols are obtained when H2S gas is bubbled through the solution of an
oxidisng agent like Br2, HNO3, Mn2+ etc. where H2S is oxidized to elemental sulphur.
H 2S + Br2
→ 2HBr + S
H 2S + 2HNO3
→ 2H 2O + 2NO 2 + S
Therefore during 2nd group analysis of mixture, by passing H2S in cold solution of
mixture sometimes (if it contains an oxidant) leads to the formation of white, grey
turbidity of sulphur sols instead of precipitates of 2nd group sulphides.
A colloidal solution of sulphur can also be obtained by adding dil. HCl to sodium
Na 2S2 O3 + 2HCl
→ 2NaCl + SO 2 + H 2 O + S
iv) Double Decomposition: This method is often used to prepare various colloidal
solutions. Sulphide sols are often obtained by this method. For example, on passage of
H2S through cold aqueous solutions of AsCl3, CdCl2, Hg(CN)2, their sulphide sols are
2AsCl3 + 3H 2S → As 2S3 + 6HCl
CdCl2 + H 2S
→ CdS+ 2HCl
Hg(CN) 2 + H 2S
→ HgS+ 2HCN
Also, drop wise addition of FeCl3 solution to solution of sodium ferrocyanide gives
Prussian blue sol.
Silver chloride sols, Barium sulphate sols are formed by allowingthe following reactants to react
in cold, dilute conditions.
AgNO3 + NaCl → AgCl+ NaNO3
BaCl2 + H 2SO4
→ BaSO 4 + 2HCl
The dispersion methods employed for making lyophobic sols involve the following techniques.
iii) Peptization
1. The phenomenon of converting fresh precipitate into colloidal state by the action of
solute or solvent is known as peptization. The solute or solvent used are known as
peptizing agent.
2. For example
a) Freshly precipitated Fe(OH)3 turns into in colloidal state by the action of FeCl3.
3. The process of peptization thus involves the adsorption of suitable ions (supplied by
the electrolyte added – particularly a common ion) and electrically charged particles
then split from the precipitate as colloidal particles. A coarse suspension of silver
chloride on shaking with electrolytes produces AgCl sol. Shaking of AgCl suspension
with AgNO3 solution produces positively charged AgCl sol due to adsorption of Ag+
ions whereas shaking of AgCl suspension with HCl produces negatively charged
AgCl sol due to adsorption of Cl– ions.
Purification of Sols:
Sols so obtained are contaminated with two types of impurities and need purification.
Figure: (a)
This can be done by using a bag made of
a semipermeable bag. It has small pores Dialysis bag Solvent
which allows the small molecular / ionic Colloidal particle
species to pass through but not the Anode (+) Cathode (–)
Small molecules
colloidal particles which are larger in size (or ions)
as compared to the membrane pores. impurities
Properties of Colloids: Due to their small size, these colloidal solutions remain stable over
a long period of time as they do not settle down under earth’s gravity (sedimentation rate is very
slow). At the same time most lyophobic colloids are stable due to the surface charge or a layer of
a protective material on to the surface of colloidal particles. This surface modification does not
allow the isolated particles to come close to each other, colloid and form bigger particles.
However, as the systems are associated with large surface area and consequently large surface
free energy, these systems have to break one day. Thus, lyophobic colloids are
thermodynamically unstable systems.
Large surface area provides a tremendous adsorption capacity to the colloidal particles. This
property is utilized, for example, to remove poisonous gases by use of colloidal charcoal in gas
masks and removal of effluents like dyes etc. from waste water.
1. Physical Properties
a) Heterogeneity:Sols are heterogeneous in nature.
e) Viscosity and surface tension:Viscosity and surface tensions of sols are almost
similar to those of pure solvent in case of lyophobic colloids. In lyophilic colloidal
solutions, viscosity is higher than the solvent and surface tension being lower than the
solvent used as dispersed medium for sols.
i) It is not possible even by the help of a most powerful microscope to see colloidal
particles because clear image formation of a particle smaller in size than the
wavelength of light used is not possible. However, zones, of scattered light can be
seen by a microscope and some times with naked eye also.
ii) The upper limit of colloidal particle size has been obtained as the lower limit of
microscopic visibility. It is not possible to see any particle whose diameter is less
than half of the wavelength of visible light, i.e., (1/2) × 4000Å i.e. 2000Å since
sol particles are invisible even under microscope and thus their upper limit is
2000Å or 2 × 10–5 cm or 0.2 µ or 200mµ. The lower limit has been taken to be
10Å since particles lesser in size than10Å are assumed to be true solution
particles. Thus size of sol particles lies in between 10Å to 2000Å.
g) Surface area and adsorption:The surface area of the particles in colloidal state is
appreciably larger than compared with an equal mass of the matter in coarse grained
size. It is due to the larger surface area, sol particles shown high tendency for
adsorption. The property has got application in medicinal chemistry where drugs are
sold in from of sols.
True solutions do not show Tyndall effect because the size of molecules or ions here is
too small to cause scattering.
5. Electrical Properties:
Electrophoresis:Colloidal particles move Electrode
ii) Destabilization of sols may also be made by artificial means and the phenomenon is
known as coagulation.
The stability of a colloidal dispersion is usually achieved by using finer particles, inducing
charge on the particles or by using the dispersion of high viscosity. Stable lyophobic dispersions
can also be made by the coating of some polymers like starch, gelatin, gum etc. (These
substances are called protective colloids and their efficiency to stabilize a lyophobic dispersion is
measured in terms of gold number).
Conversely, the instability or the coagulation of sol can be achieved by adding a substance
(called coagulant) which will remove the protective layer or will neutralize the charge from the
surface of colloidal particles.
c) Mutual coagulation:A deep red +ve sol of Fe(OH)3, on mixing with bright yellow –ve
sol of As2S3 shows mutual coagulation of both leading to a colouress solution with
precipitate settled down due to neutrlalization of charges by each other.
The coagulation of sols by electrolytes has been dealt in terms of Hardy-Schulze rule. According
to this rule:
1. One of the ions furnished by an electrolyte, carrying charge opposite to that of sol
particles is responsible for coagulation of sols and is known as effective ion or
counter ion.
2. The greater is the valency of the counter-ions, the greater will be its coagulating power.
For example, in coagulating, a negatively charged sol (e.g., As2S3 sol) the order of
efficiency of coagulating ions will be Th4+ > Fe3+> Ca2+> Na+. Similarly, for a positively
charged sol say Fe(OH)3 sol, the order will be [Fe(CN)6]4–> [Fe(CN)6]3–> SO42–>Cl–.
3. More is the coagulating power, lesser is coagulation or flocculation value (i.e., the
minimum amount of electrolyte required to coagulate a definite amount of (sol).
Usually, the flocculating value of these ions are quantitatively described as where x
is the valency of the coagulating ion. For example, for mono-, di-, tri- and tetra-valent
ions, the ratio in the flocculation value will be
1 1 1 1
: 6: 6: 6 or 100 :1.56 : 0.137 : 0.025
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Addition of electrolyte to sol particles, neutralizes their charge and thus electrokinetic potential
approaches to zero. At this point sol particles do not carry charge and are either coagulated or just
to coagulate; however, they become inert towards cataphoresis. This condition is known as
isoelectric point, i.e., the H+ ion concentration at which the colloidal particles do not carry charge
and possess minimum stability.
Lyophilic colloids on the other hand are stable dispersions. In principle, these would not
coagulate but the dispersed phase can be precipitated from the dispersion medium by the addition
of large quantities of salts (‘salting out’ action of electrolytes) or by adding a liquid which is
miscible with water (dispersion medium). Both these methods work by decreasing the interaction
of dispersed phase with dispersion medium.
i) Addition of electrolyte: Salting out effect:When a large amount of an electrolyte
is added to a lyophilic sol, coagulation takes place. The excess electrolyte removes
solvent layers because of solvation of the added electrolyte and thus makes available less
solvent for solvation of colloidal particles. This leads to unstability and ultimate
coagulation of particles.
ii) Addition of a liquid in which solvent is solute: When alcohol or acetone is added
to an aqueous hydrophilic sol, water being miscible with alcohol results in the removal of
solvent layers and hence precipitation of sol.
Emulsions are colloidal dispersion of one liquid into another liquid (the two liquids should
beimmiscible). Normally one of the two liquids is water.
Emulsions are prepared by vigorous shaking of the relevant liquids or by subjecting a coarse
mixture to ultrasonic vibrations. Emulsions, like other colloidal systems are unstable and are
stabilized by the addition of a third component known as emulsifying agent or emulgents or
emulsifiers. In the absence of an emulsifying agent, the dispersed droplets coalesce together and
the two liquids are separated into separate layers. Commonly used emulsifiers a surfactants,
polymers and metal oxides and hydroxides in finely divided states. The function of an
emulsifying agent is simply to absorb onto the oil-water interface and impart stability.
Identification of Emulsion Type: Two common and routinely used methods for quickly
identifying the emulsion type are:
ii) Dye test:A water soluble dye will give uniform coloured background when added to oil-
in-water emulsion. Similarly, an oil soluble in dye will give colour background on adding
to water-in-oil emulsion.
Emulsions exhibit all those properties as shown by lyophobic sols. These are also
thermodynamically unstable and can be coagulated by adding electrolytes. The only difference in
the properties of sols and emulsions can be of the particle size. Emulsions are usually in the
larger limit of colloidal range (10–5 – 10–7 cm) and are often of the size of the order of a micro
(=10–4 cm). The large size of emulsion droplets make emulsion droplets opaque or translucent.
Emulsions have found wide applications in day to day life in cosmetics (e.g., creams, hand
lotions, cleansing milk are all emulsions), pharmaceuticals (e.g., ointments), agricultural, textile
surface by soaps and detergents principally involves emulsification. Digestion of fats in the
intestine is aided by bile salts which act as emulsifying agent to form fat in water emulsions.
Emulsions are not always desirable. Sometimes unwanted stable emulsions are formed by nature
that need to be broken, the breaking of an emulsion is called demulsification. For example, the
crude petroleum obtained by digging wells in oil fields is always associated with some water
which is in the form of water-in-oil emulsion. The crude oil is to be freed from water before
sending it to the refineries for fractionation. Here demulsification plays an important role. An
emulsion can be demulsified by physical methods like freezing, boiling or centrifugation. For
example, centrifugation provides milk cream and remaining skimmed milk contains very little
amount of fat. The chemical methods involve the use of substance (demulsifiers) which destroy
the emulsifying agent from the oil-water interface which is responsible for the stability.
Demulsification means the breaking of an emulsion into aqueous and nonaqueous phases.
Association Colloids
These colloids are better known as surface active agents (or surfactants). They do show surface
activity, i.e., the property to lower the surface tension of liquids or the tendency to increase
surface area.
above a certain concentration these ii) Micelles are colloidal size entities with 100-200 soap moelcules
The formation of micelles is a result of the hydrophobic interaction which allows the aggregation
of nonpolar (hydrophobic) tails of the surfactant. In this way the polar head groups only remain
in contact with water.
For example, a soap sodium laurate (C11H23COO–Na+) or detergents, like sodium lauryl sulphate
(C12H25SO4–Na+) or sodium salt of linear alkyl benzene sulphonate (LABS) will dissolve in water
and will form ions, say laurate ion and sodium ion from sodium laurate. Above about 100 mM
sodium laurate concentration, the micelles with an aggregation number of about 100 will form.
These spherical aggregates formed from several laurate ions are of colloidal size and will provide
the soap solutions all the properties of colloids like light scattering, electrophoresis, viscosity etc.
Micelles have the core usually made of a non-polar portion of the soap. Thus these are capable of
solubilizing substances otherwise insoluble in water. For example, fat soluble vitamins like A,E,
E, K and stored drugs can be made soluble in aqueous solutions of micelles.
Applications of Colloids
Colloidal dispersions play a very significant role is natural processes in our daily life and in
industries. Some of the important applications of colloids are in:
Food:Most of our food preparations are colloidal in nature. Milk, butter and cream are
example of emulsions, Jam, jellies, ice-creams, salad dressing, bread etc., are all
examples of food colloids.
Formation of the Delta: as the mouth of the river is an example of coagulation. Rivers
carrying muddy water as suspension when come near sea, the high salinity (salt content) of the
sea cause suspension to coagulate forming delta. Artificial rain can be made by coagulating the
water containing clouds in the sky.
One can endlessly quote the application where the stability or instability of colloidal dispersions
is desired.
Rubber Plating:The negatively charged rubber particles from the latex are deposited on
wares and handles of different tools. Ruber gloves are formed by rubber plating on
suitable templates.
In nontechnology: nanosized materials are prepared for use as catalyst by using
reverse micelles.
In metallurgy:The metal sulphide ores are concentrated by froth-floatation process
which involves the treatment of the pulverized ore in emulsion of pine oil.
In road construction:Asphalt in water emulsion is used for building roads without the
necessity of melting the asphat.
Detection of Elements in Organic Compound: Besides carbon and hydrogen, an
organic compound may also contain elements like nitrogen, sulphur, halogens, oxygen and
sometimes metals and other non-metals.
Detection of carbon and Hydrogen: The compound is mixed with dry cupric oxide (CuO)
and strongly heated. C and H present in the compound gets oxidized to CO2 and H2O
respectively. CO2 turns lime water milky which dissolves in excess to form Ca(HCO3)2, whereas
water vapours turn anhydrous CuSO4 to blue.
C + 2CuO → CO 2 + 2Cu
CO 2 + Ca(OH) 2
→ CaCO3 ↓ + H 2 O
CaCO3 + H 2 O + CO2
→ Ca(HCO3 )2
(So lub le)
H 2 + CuO
→ H 2 O + Cu
CuSO4 + 7H 2 O
→ CuSO4 + 7H 2 O
(White) (Blue vitriol)
Detection of Nitrogen, Halogens and Sulphur: These elements are detected by means of
Lassaigne test. The Lassaigne solution is prepared by fusing the organic compound with dry
sodium pieces (two or three such fusions are made). The fusions are added in distilled water
which is boiled and filtered off. The clear solution is known as Lassaignesolution (or sodium
extract). Under the fusion conditions the following reactions take place:
Na + C + N
→ NaCN
Sodium cyanide
Na + Cl
→ NaCl
Na + Br
→ NaBr
Na + I
→ NaI
2Na + S
→ Na 2S
FeSO 4 + 2NaOH
→ Fe(OH)2 ↓ + Na 2SO 4
(Green ppt.)
Fe(OH) 2 + 6NaCN
→ Na 4 [Fe(CN)6 ] + 2NaOH
Sodium ferrocyanide
Na + S + C + N
3NaSCN + FeCl3
→ Fe(SCN)3 + 3NaCl
Ferric sulphocyanide
(Red colour)
Diazo compound (—N=N—) do not give test of nitrogen as above, but a mixture of potassium
carbonate and magnesium powder is used in place of sodium for the preparation of extract.
Soda lime test for nitrogen:Many organic compounds on heating with soda lime (CaO +
NaOH) give smell of ammonia.
Nitro and diazo compounds do not give ammonia on heating with soda lime.
Detection of Halogens
Lassaigne test:The extract is boiled with conc. AgNO3 to expel nitrogen and sulphur, because
NaCN and Na2S react with AgNO3 to give white and black precipitates, respectively.
NaCN + AgNO3
→ AgCN ↓ + NaNO3
Na 2S + 2AgNO3
→ Ag 2S ↓ + 2NaNO3
Boiling with conc. HNO3 evolves HCN and H2S as volatile gases.
NaCN + HNO3 → NaNO3 + HCN ↑
Na 2S + 2HNO3 → 2NaNO3 + H 2S ↑
NaCl + AgNO3
→ AgCl ↓ + NaNO3
ii) Formation of a light yellow ppt, which is sparingly soluble in NH4OH shows the presence
of iodine.
NaI + AgNO3
→ AgBr ↓ + NaNO3
(Light yellow )
iii) Formation of a lemon yellow ppt. insoluble in NH4OH shows the presence of iodine.
NaI+ AgNO3
→ AgI ↓ + NaNO3
(Lemon yellow )
Layer test for bromine and iodine:The presence of nitrogen and sulphur does not interfere
in this test. In this test acidify a little sodium extract with dil. HNO3 or dil. H2SO4 and add CHCl3
or CCl4 and excess of chlorine water. If organic layer becomes yellow or brown, bromine is
present and if violet, iodine is present.
2NaBr + Cl2
→ 2NaCl + Br2
CHCl3 + Br2
→ Yellow or brown layer
2NaI + Cl2
→ 2NaCl + I 2
CHCl3 + I 2
→ Violet layer
Beilstein’s Test:Many organic compounds containing halogens impart a green colour to the
Bunsen flame when heated on a copper wire. The green colour is developed due to the formation
of volatile halides of copper. However, nitrogen compound urea also imparts green colour to the
Detection of Sulphur: The test of sulphur from sodium extract many be done in three ways:
Na 2 [Fe(NO)(CN)5 ]+ Na 2S
→ Na 3 [Fe(O = N — S — Na)(CN)5 ]
Sodium nitroprusside Violet complex
ii) Lead acetate test:Add a few drops of lead acetate solution to sodium extract;
appearance of a black ppt. shows the presence of sulphur.
(CH 3COO) 2 Pb + Na 2S
→ 2CH3COONa + PbS ↓
(Black )
iii) Silver coin test:On adding a silver coin to the sodium extract, the coin turns black.
iv) Oxidation test of sulphur:The unknown compound is heated with fusion mixture
(Na2CO3 + KNO3) in an ignition tube when sulphur is oxidized to sulphate.
Na 2 CO3 + S + 3[O]
→ Na 2SO 4 ↓ + CO 2 ↑
The fused mass is extracted with hot water, filtered and a few drops of barium chloride
solution are added. The appearance of a white precipitate which is insoluble in conc. HCl
or HNO3, confirms the presence of sulphur.
Na 2SO4 + BaCl2
→ BaSO4 ↓ + 2NaCl
BaSO 4 + HNO3
→ Inso lub le
Test of halogen present in the ionic form:Benzene diazonium halides and halide salts of
aliphatic and aromatic amines contain halide ions. If the aqueous solution of any compound gives
a white or yellow ppt. on addition of AgNO3, halide ions are present.
C6 H 5 N +2 Cl – + AgNO3
→ C6 H 5 N +2 NO3– + AgCl ↓
Benzene diazonium
C6 H 5 N 2 Br + AgNO3
→ C 6 H 5 N 2 NO3 + AgBr ↓
C6 H5 NH 3+ Cl – + AgNO3
→ C6 H 5 NH3+ NO3– + AgCl ↓
Aniline hydrochloride
Detection of sulphur present in the side chains: If the addition of BaCl2 solution to
aqueous solution of organic compound gives white precipitate, it indicates the presence of
sulphate ion in it.
C6 H5 N 2 HSO4 + BaCl2
→ BaSO 4 ↓ + HCl + C6 H 5 N 2 Cl
Diazonium Sulphate
Detection of Oxygen: There is no satisfactory qualitative test for oxygen. If the compound on
heating in an atmosphere of hydrogen gives water drops, oxygen may be present.
Summary of SolubilitiyBehaviour
It is convenient to summarize the solubility characteristics of the common classes of organic
compounds into seven groups as specified in Table 1. The compounds are grouped according to:
(a) their solubility towards the reagents specified above, and (b) the elements, other than carbon
and hydrogen, that they contain.
The lower members of Polybasic acids and Acids. Phenols. Primary amines. Unsaturated Saturated aliphatic Nitro compounds
the homologous series hydroxyl acids. Imides. Some Secondary aliphatic hydrocarbons. hydrocarbons. (tertiary). Amides
of; Alcohols; Acids; Glycols, polyhydric primary and and aryl-alkyl Some polyalkylated Cycloalkanes. and derivatives of
Esters; Phenols ; alcohols, secondary nitro amines. Aliphatic aromatic Aromatic aldehydes and
Anhydrides; Amines; polyhydroxy compounds; and some aryl-alkyl hydrocarbons. hydrocarbons. ketones. Nitriles.
Nitriles; aldehydes and oximes. Thiols and tertiary amines. Alcohols. Halogen derivatives Negatively
Polyhydroxyphenols. ketones (sugars). thiophenols. Hydrazines. Aldehydes. of the above substituted amines.
Some amides, Sulphonic acids, Ketones. Esters. hydrocarbons, Nitroso, azo,
amino acids, di- and sulphinic acids, Anhydrides. Etehrs Diaryl ethers. hydrazo and other
polyamino aminosulphonic and acetals. intermediate
compounds, amino acids and Lactones. Acyl reduction products
alcohols. Sulphonic sulphonamides. halides. of nitro compounds.
acids. Salts. Some diketones and Sulphones,
β-keto esters. sulphonamides of
secondary amines,
sulphides, sulpahtes
and other sulphur
4. Compounds insoluble in water, but soluble in dilute hydrochloric
acid:It should be remembered that the hydrochlorides of some bases are sparingly
soluble in cold water and one should therefore not be misled by an apparent insolubility
of a compound (containing nitrogen) in dilute hydrochloric acid. The suspension in dilute
hydrochloric acid should always be filtered and the filtrate made alkaline. A precipitate
will indicate that the compound is indeed a base and should be included in this group.
Distilled on water-bath
1. Sodium Test:to 1 mL of aqueous (or alcoholic) solution of the compound add a few
drops of ferric chloride solution. A violet, red, blue or green coloration indicates the
presence of phenolic group.
3. Molybdate Test:Heat a little of the organic compound with 2 pellets of KOH. Cool and
add 1 mL of ether and 2-3 drops of CS2. A yellow precipitate will be obtained. Filter the
solution and to the filtrate add 1 mL of ammonium molybdate solution and excess of
dilute HCl. A red or blue coloration indicates the presence of ––OH group.
1. Ferric Chloride Test:To 1 mL of aqueous (or alcoholic) solution of the compound add
a few drops of ferric chloride solution. A violet, red, blue or green coloration indicates the
presence of phenolic group.
3. Phthalein Test:Heat about 0.1g of the compound with 0.1g phthalic anhydride and few
drops of concentrated H2SO4. Cool, pour the solution in dilute KOH solution. A red, blue
or fluorescent green coloration indicates the presence of phenolic group.
2. Sodium Bisulphite Test:Shake a little organic compound (say, 0.2g or 4-5 drops)
with 1 mL of a saturated solution of sodium bisulphate. A crystalline precipitates
indicates the presence of carbonyl group.
1. Tollens Reagent Test:To a little of the organic compound in a test tube add a 1 mL of
Tollens reagent (ammonical solution of silver nitrate). Warm and allow to stand. The
appearance of silver mirror at the sides of test tube indicates the presence of aldehydic
If a carbonyl group is present, the absence of aldehydic group tests indicates the presence of
ketonic group.
2. Ester Test:Warm a little organic compound add 2-3 drops of concentrated H2SO4 and 2
mL of alcohol. A fragrant smell indicates the presence of ––COOH group.
1. Isocyanide Test:Warm a little of organic compound with 2-3 drops of chloroform and
1 mL of alcoholic KOH. A very unpleasant odour of isocyanide indicates the presence of
––NH2 group.
After performing the test, add 2-3 mL of concentrated HCl to destroy isocyanide.
2. Dye Test for aromatic primary amines:Cool in ice 0.2g (or 4-5 drops) of the
organic compound with 1 mL concentrated HCl. Add 2 mL of iced-cold dilute NaNO2
solution. Shake and add-23 mL of alkaline β-napthol solution. A red or orange dye
indicates the presence of aromatic ––NH2 group.
Liebermann’s Nitroso Reactions: Cool in ice 0.2g (or 4-5 drops) of the organic compound
with 10 mL of dilute HCl. Add 2 mL of iced-cold dilute NaNO2 solution. A white or yellow oily
emulsion is obtained. Take 2-3 drops of this emulsion and add 3-4 drops of phenol and 3-4 drops
of concentrated H2SO4. Warm the solution. A blue coloration which changes to red on adding
1-2 mL of water. The colour changes to blue on adding a few drops of NaOH solution.
1. Dye Test: To a little or organic compound add 1 mL of concentrated HCl and 3-4 small
pieces of granulated tin. Heat the mixture for 5 minutes in a boiling water bath. Filter the
solution and cool the filtrate in ice-cold water. Add 1-2 mL of NaNO2 solution followed
by 2 mL Of alkaline β-naphthol solution. The appearance of red or orange coloured dye
indicates the presence of ––NO2 group.
Element % Relative No. of atoms = % /at. wt. Simplest Ratio Empirical formula
Relative No. of Atoms:Divide the percentage of each element present in compound by its
atomic weight. This gives the relative number of atoms of element in molecule.
Simplest Ratio:Find out lowest value of relative number of atoms and divide each value of
relative number of atoms by this value to get simplest ratio of elements.
If the simplest ratio obtained are not complete integers, multiply them by a common factor to get
integer values of simplest ratio.
Empirical Formula:Write all constituent atoms with their respective number of atoms
derived in simplest ratio. This gives empirical formula of compound.
molecular weight of organic compound can be determined by any method for which data is
Solved Problems
Problem 1: At 400K energy of activation of a reaction is decreased by 0.8 kcal in presence of
catalyst. Hence rate will be
(a) Increased by 2.71 times (b) Increased by 1.18 times
(c) Decreased by 2.72 times (d) Increased by 6.26 times
Problem 2: A white precipitate of Sn(OH)4 is peptized with dil. HCl. The sol particle will
(a) Positive charge
(b) Negative charge
(c) Sometimes positive and sometimes negative charge
(d) No charge
Problem 3: Which of the following reactions leads to the formation of a substance in colloidal
(a) 2HNO 3 + 3H 2S
→ 3S + 3H 2 O + 2NO
(b) SnCl2 + HgCl2
→ SnCl4 + Hg
(c) 2Mg + CO 2
→ 2MgO + C
(d) Cu + CuCl 2 →
Cu 2 Cl2
Solution: (a) Due to oxidation of H2S by HNO3 colloidal particles of sulphur (S8) are
formed. In other cases, particles of colloidal size are not formed.
Problem 4: Graph between log and log P is a straight line inclined at an angle θ - 45°.
When pressure of 0.5 atm and log k = 0.699, the amount of solute adsorbed per g
of adsorbent will be
(a) 1 g/g adsorbent (b) 1.5 g/g adsorbent
(c) 2.5 g/g adsorbent (d) 0.25 g/g adsorbent
Solution: (c) = k ⋅ P1/ n since log k = 0.699, hence k = 5
hence k = 5
1 x
slope = = tan 45° = 1, thus, = 5 × 0.5 = 2.5 g/g adsorbent
5 m
Problem 5: For adsorption, the thermodynamic requirement is that:
(a) ∆H must be negative (b) ∆S must be negative
(c) ∆G must be negative (d) ∆H, ∆S and ∆G must be negative
Solution: (a) The conversion of a fresh ppt. into colloidal state by addition of small amount
of a suitable electrolyte is called peptization e.g.
Fe 3+
3+ − 3+
Fe(OH)3 + Fe + 3Cl
→ Fe Fe(OH)3 Fe 3+
Fe 3+
i.e., ions are adsorbed on particles to give colloidal size.
Solution: (d) Due to preferential adsorption of similar ions, an electrical double layer
formed on the surface of colloidal particles e.g., arseniussulphide solution.
S′′ S′′
S′′ Ag 2S3 S′′ H +
S′′ S′′
Problem 10: When FeCl3 solution is added to NaOH a negatively charged sol is obtained. It is
due to the
(a) Presence of basic group
(b) Preferential adsorption of OH– ions
(c) Self dissociation
(d) Electron capture by sol particles
Solution: (b) FeCl2 + 3NaOH → Fe(OH)3 + 3NaCl
NaOH → Na + + OH −
OH– ions having similarity with Fe(OH)3will be adsorbed on the surface of
Fe(OH)3 to form an electrical double layer.
OH − Na +
Fe(OH)3 OH − Na +
OH − Na +
Problem 1: A mixture of p-amino benzoic acid and p-hydroxy benzoic acid is taken in
diethyl ether. How will you separate them (in not more than three steps)?
Write the reagents and all the required conditions to separate them. Given
confirmatory test for the presence of each functional group.
p-HO-C6H4CO2H p-CO2H-C6H4NH3+Cl-
Problem 2: Artificial rain can be caused by spraying charged dust particles over
Solution: Clouds represent the colloidal solutions of water drops in air (liquid in gas
type). These drops are expected to carry some charge (positive or negative). In
order to neutralize the charge on these, charged dust particles carrying
opposite charge are sprayed over a certain layer of cloud. These will neutralize
the charge on water droplets resulting in their coagulation. The bigger water
drops can no longer be retained by the atmosphere and will result in the
artificial rain.
Solution: Ferric hydroxide sol is positively charged and to cause its coagulation, ions
carrying negative charge are needed. Since PO 3–4 ions have higher negative
charge than Cl ions therefore, Na3PO4 coagulates the ferric hydroxide sol
most efficiently.
Problem 4: Delta is generally formed when river meets the ocean.
Solution: River water is generally muddy and carries along with colloidal dust particles
which are charged in nature. Sea water contains a large number of electrolytes.
When the river comes in contact with the sea water, the colloidal particles get
their charge neutralized by the oppositely charged ions present in sea water
and are coagulated. This ultimately results a hard solid mass known as delta.
Problem 5: The layer of fat in the pans used for preparing soaps can be removed by
adding boiling washing soda solution. How will you account for it?
Solution: Washing soda (Na2CO3) gets hydrolysed to form NaOH as follows:
Na 2 CO 3 + H 2 O
→ 2NaOH + H 2 O + CO 2
NaOH reacts with fat which is a triglyceride to form soap and glycerol by
saponification reaction. The soap thus formed helps in cleaning the pan.
Problem 6: SnO2 forms a positively charged colloidal sol in the acidic medium and
negatively charged sol in the basic medium. Explain.
Solution: SnO2 is of amphoteric in nature which means that it can react with both acis
and bases. With an acid such as HCl, if forms SnCl4. The Sn4+ ions are
adsorbed on the surface of SnO2 to give a positively charged colloidal sol.
SnO 2 + 4HCl
→ SnCl4 + 2H 2 O
SnO 2 + Sn 4 +
→ [SnO 2 ]Sn 4+
Positively ch arg ed
Similarly with base like NaOH, if forms sodium stannate (Na2SnO3). The
stannate ions get adsorbed on the surface of SnO2 to give negatively charged
colloidal sol.
SnO 2 + 2NaOH
→ Na 2SnO 3
SnO2 + SnO32–
→ [SnO 2 ]SnO32–
negatively ch arg ed
Solution: Ice cream is an emulsion of milk or cream in water (oil in water). Gelatin is
added in the preparation of ice cream to act as emulsifier i.e., it helps in the
formation of a stable emulsion.
Solution: This is possible only in case equimolar solutions (solutions with same number
of moles) are mixed. Since the ferric hydroxide sol carries positive charge and
arsenic oxide sol is negatively charged on mixing they will get their charge
neutralized and will be coagulated.
Problem 10: In fine weather, we normally see red colour of setting sun. Can you co-relate
this with the colloids?
Solution: We all know that dust particles are present in the atmosphere. When light
emitted by the setting sun passes through the blanket of dust, the blue part of
the light is scattered away from our eyes and at the same time the red colour is
seen. Thus, the setting sun has red colour.
Problem 11: Which out of the following solutions having the same concentration will be
most effective in causing the coagulation of the arsenic sulphide sol which is
yellowing colour: KCl, MgCl2, AlCl3 or Na3PO4 ?
Solution: Arsenic sulphide (As2S3) sol has a negative charge on it. To cause it
coagulation or precipitation the active ions must be positively charged.
According to hardy-Schulze rule, greater the magnitude of the positive charge
on the ion more will be its coagulating power. Thus, AlCl3 containing Al3+
ions will be the most effective in causing the coagulation of the sol.
Problem 12: The coagulation values of the electrolytes AlCl3and NaCl for As2S3 sol are
0.093 and 52 respectively. How many times AlCl3 has greater coagulating
power than NaCl?
Solution: It may be noted that the coagulating powers of the electrolytes are inversely
proportional to their coagulating values. Thus,
Coagulatign power of AlCl3 52
= = 559
Coagulating power of NaCl 0.093
Thus, coagulating power of AlCl3 is 559 times more than that of NaCl.
Problem 13: Draw a flow diagram for the separation and recovery in almost quantitative
yield of a mixture of the water – insoluble compounds PhCHO, PhNMe2,
PhCl, p-MeC6H4OH and PhCOOH.
Lower aq. NaHCO3 layer Upper ether layer Lower aq. layer Upper ether layer
2. Copper in an alloy is estimated by dissolving in conc. nitric acid. In this process copper is converted to
cupric nitrate with the evolution of nitric oxide (NO). The misture when treated with potassium iodide
forms cupric iodide. Which is unstable and decomposes to cuprous iodide and iodine. The amount of
copper in the alloy is estimated by litrating the libereated iodine with sodium thiosulphate. The
reactions are (2010)
a Cu + b HNO3 → c Cu(NO3 )2 + d NO + eH2 O
f Cul2 → gCu2I2 + hI2
i Na2 S2O3 + ˆjI2 → k Na2 S4 O6 + INal
(Fill up the blanks)
(A)The coefficients are : a = 3 .b = 8 ,c = 3 ,d = 2 and e = 4
(B)The coefficients are : f = 2 ,g =1 and h = 1
(C)The coefficients are : i = 2 , j =1 ,k =1 and I = 2
(D)If 2.54 g of I2 is evolved from a 2.0 g sample of the alloy, what is the percentage of copper in the
(atomic, weight of iodine and copper are 127 and 63.5, respectively) = 63.5%
3. A water droplet spreads on a clean gold surface. The droplet, however, does not spread onto a gold
surface which is pre-treated with a dilute solution of hexanethiol CH3 − ( CH2 )5 − SH and washed
with excess water. This is because (2007)
(A) chemisorption of hexanethiol on gold surface renders it hydrophilic
(B) chemisorption of hexanethiol onto gold surface renders it hydrophobic
(C) physisorption of hexanethiol onto gold surface renders it hydrophobic
(D) physisorption of hexanethiol onto gold surface renders it hydrophilic.
SECTION – I Single Choice Questions
1. The size of particles in suspension, true solution and colloidal solution varies in the order
(a) Suspension > Colloidal > True Solution (b) True Solution > Suspension > Colloidal
(c) Suspension > Colloidal = True Solution (d) None of the above
2. Out of the following which reaction gives a colloidal solution?
(a) Cu + HgCl2→ CuCl2 + Hg (b) 2HNO3 + 3H2S → 3S + 4H2O + 2NO
(c) 2Mg + CO2→ 2MgO + C (d) Cu + CuCl 2 → Cu 2 Cl 2
(in presence of excess of HCl)
12. Lyophilic solutions are more stable than lyophbic solutions because
(a) The colloidal particles have positive charge
(b) The colloidal particles have negative charge
(c) The colloidal particles are solvated
(d) The are strong electrostatic repulsions between the negatively charged colloidal
16. The colour of the collidal particles of gold by different methods differ because of
(a) variablevalency of gold (b) different concentration of gold particles
(c) different type of impurities (d) different diameters of colloidal particles
17. On adding few drops of dil. HCl to freshly precipitated ferric hydroxide, a red coloured
colloidal solution is obtained. This phenomenon is known as
(a) Peptization (b) Dialysis
(c) Protective action (d) Dissolution
18. The ability of an ion to bring about coagulation of a given colloid depends upon
(a) Its size (b) The magnitude of its charge only
(c) The sign of its charge alone (d) Both magnitude and sign of its charge
19. A negatively charged suspension of clay in water will need for precipitation the minimum
amount of
(a) Aluminium chloride (b) Potassium sulphate
(c) Sodium hydroxide (d) Hydrochloric acid
20. The coagulation power of an electrolyte for As2S3 decreases in the order
(a) Na+, Al3+, Ba2+ (b) Cl–, SO 24 − , PO 34−
(c) Al3+, Ba2+, Na+ (d) PO 34− , SO 24 − Cl–
21. Which of the following pairs of ions would be expected to form precipitate when dilute
solutions are mixed?
(a) Na+, SO 32 − (b) NH +4 , CO 32 −
(c) Na+, S2– (d) Fe3+, PO 34−
22. Silver iodide is used for producing artificial rain because AgI
(a) is easy to spray at high attitudes (b) is easy to synthesize
(c) has crystal structure similar to ice (d) is insoluble in water
23. Which of the following electrolytes is least effective in causing flocculation of ferric
hydroxide solution?
(a) K3[Fe(CN)6] (b) K2CrO4
(c) KBr (d) K2SO4
29. In sodium fusion test of organic compounds, the nitrogen of an organic compound is
converted to
(a) sodamide (b) sodium cyanide
(c) sodium nitrite (d) sodium nitrate.
30. A compound which does not give positive test for nitrogen is
(a) Urea (b) Azobenzene
(c) Glycine (d) Phenylhydrazine.
31. In Lassaigne’s test for nitrogen the blue colour is due to the formation of
(a) Ferric ferrocyanide (b) Potassium ferrocyanide
(c) Sodium ferrocyanide (d) Sodium cyanide.
32. Sodium extract of an organic compound gives blood red colour with FeCl3. It contains
(a) N (b) S
(c) N and S (d) S and Cl.
33. If N and S both are present in an organic compound, during Lassaigne’s test both changes
(a) Na2S and NaCN (b) NaSCN
(c) Na2SO3 and NaCN (d) Na2S and NaCNO.
34. The compound that does not give a blue colour in Lassaigne’s test is
(a) aniline (b) glycine
(c) hydrazine (d) urea
35. Liebig method is used for the estimation of
(a) nitrogen (b) sulphur
(c) C and H (d) halogens.
40. The yield of organic reactions is generally poor because they are
(a) Accompanied by side reactions (b) Between covalent bonds
(c) Stoichiometric in nature (d) Very fast.
41. An organic compound contains about 52% carbon. It could be
(a) only ethanol (b) only dimethyl ether
(c) both (d) none of these.
42. The simplest formula of a compound containing 50% of element X (at. Wt. 10) and 50%
of element Y (at. wt. 20) is
(a) XY (b) XY2
(c) X2Y (d) X2Y2.
43. A dibasic acid containing C, H and O was found to contain C = 26.7% and H = 2.2%. The
vapour density of diethyl ester was found to be 73. What is molecular formula of acid?
(a) CH2O2 (b) C2H2O4
(c) C3H3O4 (d) C4H4O4.
44. Soda lime test is used to detect the following element of organic compound
(a) C (b) H
(c) N (d) S.
49. Which one of the following is not used for the purification of solid impurities?
(a) Distillation
(b) Sublimation
(c) Crystllisation
(d) All of these are used for the purification of solid impurities.
50. In a solution, solvent can be separated from solute by one of the following process
(a) Decantation (b) Filtration
(c) Distillation (d) Sedimentation
3. A poisonous gas is adsorbed at activated charcoal. Which among the following is true:
(a) Activated charcoal is absorber (b) Activated charcoal is adsorbate
(c) Activated charcoal has a porus surface (d) Activated charcoal is adsorbent
9. Which plot among the following don’t represent adsorption isobar for chemi-sorption?
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Write-up I
An iron (III) hydroxide sol. Can be made to aggregate by the addition of an ionic solution,
particularly if the solution contains anions with multiple charges (such as phosphate ions
PO 34− ). Coagulation is the process by which the dispersed phase of a colloid so made to
aggregate and thereby separate from the continous phase.
1. Colloidal sulfur particles are negatively charged with thiosulfate ions, S2 O 32 − , and other
ions on the surface of the sulphur. Indicate which of the following would be most
effective in coagulating collidal sulfur.
(a) NaCl (b) KCl
(c) MgCl2 (d) Al2(SO4)3
2. Which of the following ions is most effective in the coagulation of an arsenioussulphide
(a) K+ (b) Mg2+
(c) Al (d) Ca2+
3. Which of the following ions is most effective in the coagulation of ferric hydroxide sol?
(a) Cl– (b) Br–
(c) NO −2 (d) SO 24 −
Write-up II
If accumulation of gas on the surface of a solid occurs on account of weak Vander Waals
forces, the adsorption is termed as physical adsorption or physio-sorption. When the gas
molecules or atoms are held to the solid surface by chemical bonds, the adsorption is
termed chemical adsorption or chemisorptions. The chemical bonds may be coralent or
ionic in nature. Chemisorptionshas a rather high energy of activation and is therefore
often referred to as activated adsorption.
Write-up III
Enzymes are complex nitrogenous organic compounds which are produced by living
plants and animals. Enzymes are actually high molecular mass protein molecules.
Enzymes form colloidal solutions in water and are very effective catalysts. They catalyse
numerous reactions, especially those connected with natural processes. These reactions
are catalysed by enzymes. The enzymes are thus termed as bio-chemical catalysts and
phenomenon is known as bio-chemical catalysis.
11. Enzyme catalysis is an example of
(a) Auto-catalysis (b) heterogeneous catalysis
(c) homogenous catalysis (d) induced catalysis
Write-up IV
The clouds of charged particles of water disperse in air. Some of them are +vely charged,
others are negatively charged. When +vely charged clouds come closer they cause
lighting and thundering whereas when +ve and –ve charged colloids come closer they
cause heavy rain by aggregation of minute particles. It is possible to cause artificial rain
by throwing electrified S and or AgI from an aero plane and thus coagulating the mist
hanging in air.
16. When excess of AgNO3 is treated with KI solution, AgI forms
(a) +ve charged sol. (b) –vely charged sol.
(c) neutral sol. (d) true solution
17. Clouds are colloidal solution of
(a) liquid in gas (b) gas in liquid
(c) liquid in liquid (d) solid in liquid
18. AgI helps in artifical rain because
(a) It helps in condensation process (b) It helps in dispersion process
(c) It helps in coagulation (d) All of them
19. Electrical chimneys are made on the principle of
(a) Electro osmosis (b) Electro phoresis
(c) Coagulation (d) All of these
20. Smoke screens consist of
(a) Fine particles of TiO2 dispersed in air by aero planes
(b) Fine particles of AgI dispersed in air by aero planes
(c) Fine particles of Al2O3 dispersed in air by aero planes
(d) none of these
Answers to Assignments
1. (a), (b) 8. (a), (b), (c) 15. (a), (b), (d) 22. (a), (b), (c)
2. (a), (c) 9. (a), (b), (d) 16. (a), (b), (c) 23. (b), (c), (d)
3. (c), (d) 10. (b), (c), (d) 17. (a), (b), (d) 24. (a), (b)
4. (a), (b), (c) 11. (a), (b) 18. (a), (b), (c) 25. (a), (c)
5. (a), (b), (d) 12. (a), (b), (d) 19. (a), (b), (d)
6. (a), (b), (c) 13. (a), (b), (c) 20. (a), (b)
7. (a), (b), (d) 14. (a), (b) 21. (a), (b), (d)
1. (d)
2. (c)
3. (d)
4. (b)
5. (d)
6. (a)
7. (b)
8. (d)
9. (b)
10. (c)
11. (b)
12. (b)
13. (c)
14. (c)
15. (b)
16. (a)
17. (a)
18. (a)
19. (b)
20. (a)