Class XI NEET Daily Practice Test PDF
Class XI NEET Daily Practice Test PDF
Class XI NEET Daily Practice Test PDF
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k Class-XI NEET
151 12-Sep-19 Thursday Physics Daily Test-38 Work, Energy & Power:-The conservation of mechanical energy, (Motion in a Vertical Circle) The law of conservation of energy
Anatomy of Flowering Plants:- Primary and secondary xylem, primary xylem– protoxylem and metaxylem Phloem- components, types of
152 13-Sep-19 Friday Botany Daily Test-38
phloem (on the basis of position and origin), Tissue system - epidermal, ground and vascular; Types of vascular bundles
Thermodynamics:- Heat capacity, Relation between Cv & Cp for an ideal gas; Calorimetry, enthalpy and thermo chemical equation. Hess's
153 14-Sep-19 Saturday Chemistry Daily Test-39
law of constant heat summation.
Neural Control & Coordination:- Synapses: Electrical and Chemical, synaptic transmission, mechanism of transmission of nerve impulse
154 15-Sep-19 Sunday Zoology Daily Test-39
through electrical and chemical synapse. Neurotransmitters; excitatory and inhibitory.
155 16-Sep-19 Monday Physics Daily Test-39 Work, Energy & Power:-Power
156 17-Sep-19 Tuesday Botany Daily Test-39 Anatomy of Flowering Plants:- Internal structures of root, stem and leaf, Definition of secondary growth, types of tissues involved
157 18-Sep-19 Wednesday Chemistry Daily Test-40 Thermodynamics:-Enthalpy of combustion, Atomization, Bond-dissociation, Solution, Lattice and neutralisation.
Neural Control & Coordination:- Structure of Brain: Forebrain, cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic system and their functions, mid
158 19-Sep-19 Thursday Zoology Daily Test-40
brain (corpora quadrigemina and crura cerebri), hind brain (cerebellum, pons, medulla) ventricles of brain and cerebrospinal fluid.
159 20-Sep-19 Friday Physics Daily Test-40 Work, Energy & Power:-Collisions – elastic and inelastic collision, Collision in one dimension.
Anatomy of Flowering Plants:- Secondary growth in dicot stem-formation and activity of vascular cambium in stelar region, Secondary
160 21-Sep-19 Saturday Botany Daily Test-40 structures in stelar region - annual rings, heartwood and sapwood, Formation and activity of cork cambium in extra stelar region, periderm,
bark, lenticels, Secondary growth in dicot root - origin and activity of vascular cambium in stelar region and cork cambium from pericycle.
Thermodynamics:-Spontaneity and entropy, Second law of thermodynamics, Free energy change and criteria for spontaneity, Third law of
161 22-Sep-19 Sunday Chemistry Daily Test-41
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Equilibrium:-Chemical equilibrium : Liquid-vapour, Solid-liquid and solid-vapour equilibria, General characteristics of equilibria involving
165 26-Sep-19 Thursday Chemistry Daily Test-42
physical and chemical process, Law of chemical equilibrium and equilibrium constant, Homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria,
Application of equilibrium constants. Predicting the extent and the direction of reactions. Calculating equilibrium concentrations.
Neural Control & Coordination:- Reflex action: Reflex arc, characteristics of reflexes, types of reflexes-unconditioned, conditioned,
166 27-Sep-19 Friday Zoology Daily Test-42
monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflex and their examples. Detail of knee jerk reflex, importance of reflex action.
167 28-Sep-19 Saturday Physics Daily Test-42 System of Particles & Rotational Motion:-Introduction, Centre of mass,
168 29-Sep-19 Sunday Botany Daily Test-42 Plant Kingdom:- Algae-general characters
169 30-Sep-19 Monday Chemistry Daily Test-43 Equilibrium:-Relationship between equilibrium constant, Reaction quotient and Gibb's energy
Neural Control & Coordination:- Sensory perception and processing: Human eye, coats of eye, part of eye, content of eye ball (lens, aqueous
170 1-Oct-19 Tuesday Zoology Daily Test-43 humour, vitreous humour), extra occular eye muscle and their nerve supply. Mechanism of vision, accommodation, protective structures of
eye, eyebrows, eyelids.
171 2-Oct-19 Wednesday Physics Daily Test-43 System of Particles & Rotational Motion:-Motion of centre of mass, Linear momentum of system of particles.
172 3-Oct-19 Thursday Botany Daily Test-43 Plant Kingdom:- Economic importance of algae, Characters of different classes of algae- chlorophyceae
Equilibrium:-Factros affecting equilibria: Change in concentration, pressure, temperature and effect of catalyst and effect of addition of inert
173 4-Oct-19 Friday Chemistry Daily Test-44
Neural Control & Coordination:- Defects of eyes: Myopia, hypermetropia, presbyopia, astigmatism, cataract and glaucoma. Nose: Olfactory
174 5-Oct-19 Saturday Zoology Daily Test-44 receptors, its structure and mechanism/working. Tongue: Different types of papillae & taste buds, its structure and working. Different types
of receptors in skin-Tangoreceptor, algesireceptor, thermoreceptor.
175 6-Oct-19 Sunday Physics Daily Test-44 System of Particles & Rotational Motion:-Vector product of two vectors, Angular velocity & its relation with linear velocity,
176 7-Oct-19 Monday Botany Daily Test-44 Plant Kingdom:- Phaeophyceae, rhodophyceae
Equilibrium:- Acids bases : Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis concepts, Ionisation of acids and bases, Ionisation constant of water and its
177 8-Oct-19 Tuesday Chemistry Daily Test-45
ionic product.
178 9-Oct-19 Wednesday Physics Daily Test-45 System of Particles & Rotational Motion:-Torque & angular momentum.
179 10-Oct-19 Thursday Botany Daily Test-45 Plant Kingdom:- Bryophytes–general characters
180 11-Oct-19 Friday Chemistry Daily Test-46 Equilibrium:-The pH scale, ionisation constants of weak acids and weak bases, Relation between Ka and Kb. Di and Polybasic acid and bases.
181 12-Oct-19 Saturday Physics Daily Test-46 System of Particles & Rotational Motion:-Equilibrium of rigid body, Moment of inertia, Theorems of perpendicular of parallel axis.
182 13-Oct-19 Sunday Botany Daily Test-46 Ecosystem:-Ecological succession, Ecosystem services.
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Animal Kingdom–General Account & Non chordates :- Aschelminthes / Nematode: General characters, Renette cells, Reproduction with
224 24-Nov-19 Sunday Zoology Daily Test-55
examples, Life cycle of the Ascaris (outline), other nematodes-Ancylostoma, Wuchereria, Enterobius, etc.
225 25-Nov-19 Monday Physics Daily Test-57 Mechanical Properties of Fluids:-Viscosity, Reynolds number
Transport in Plants:- Uptake and transport of mineral, Nutrients, Phloem transport–pressure flow or mass flow hypothesis, Demonstration of
226 26-Nov-19 Tuesday Botany Daily Test-57
translocation of food by phloem by girdling experiment.
The p-Block Elements:-The carbon faimly : Physical properties. ; Chemical properties of group 14 elements, Allotopes of carbon, Compounds
227 27-Nov-19 Wednesday Chemistry Daily Test-58
of C and Si : CO, CO2, SiO2, silicones, silicates and geolites.
Animal Kingdom–General Account & Non chordates :- Annelida: General characters, Reproduction, Larval form, Nereis–Heteronereis,
228 28-Nov-19 Thursday Zoology Daily Test-56
Pheretima, Hirudinaria, Pontobdella, Botryoidal tissue in leech
229 29-Nov-19 Friday Physics Daily Test-58 Mechanical Properties of Fluids:-Surface tension.
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k Class-XI NEET