Architecture and Heritage Resources of Mysore City: Dr. Chidambara Swamy and Dr. B. Shankar

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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.2, Mar-Apr 2012 pp-139-143 ISSN: 2249-6645

Architecture and Heritage Resources of Mysore City

Dr. Chidambara Swamy1 and Dr. B. Shankar2

(Professor and Head, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Hosur)
(Associate Professor in Urban and Regional Planning¸ Institute of Development Studies¸ University of Mysore, Mysore)

Mysore city is known as the ‘city of palaces’. It is an II. HERITAGE OF MYSORE
ancient, historical, cultural capital and a heritage city Mysore is a cultural and prime heritage city and it
in India. The city has been recognised as a heritage exhibits both tangible and intangible elements. It
city under the cultural tag both by the state and combines the historical facts and anecdotes with a
national governments. The total harmony of harmonious combination of natural and built heritage.
architectural buildings, sites, lakes, parks and open The city is known as „cultural capital’ of Karnataka. It
spaces and the back drop of Chamundi hills adds to was the capital of Wodeyar Kings who ruled Mysore
the city’s attraction. The city has long boulevards Kingdom for many centuries and contributed significantly
radiating from a well defined central axis, with well to make the city as a cultural centre including art, poetry
recessed public buildings balanced on either side, can and music. The city is as known city of palaces and the
be a model for any town planner. Architectural museums, art galleries and the festivities that take place
heritage includes not only individual buildings of during the period of Dasara which attract worldwide
exceptional quality and their surroundings or group of audience. An image of the Goddess Chamundeshwari is
buildings providing a special setting by virtue of placed on a golden mantapa on the back of a decorated
uniqueness of their architectural style, but also all elephant and taken on a procession, accompanied by
areas and settings of cities which have historic or tableaux, dance groups, music bands, decorated
cultural interests. The city has both tangible and in- elephants, horses and camel followed by torchlight
tangible heritage elements; with many urban design parade. It has lent its name to dishes; Mysore Pak,
elements of built structure to include monuments, Mysore Masala Dosa, art; Mysore Painting and sari;
heritage buildings, precincts/ heritage areas and Mysore Silk Sari. Mysore is a classic example of
natural areas. A very few building have been architectural and cultural heritage. The total harmony of
identified by the State Archaeology Department and buildings, sites, lakes, parks and open spaces including
Mysore Urban Development Authority. This paper backdrop of Chamundi hill adds to the city‟s aesthetics
attempts to identify the heritage resources in the City with different cultures and different styles of architecture.
of Mysore for conservation. The heritage buildings have four distinct architectural
styles viz. Indo-Saracenic, Traditional Hindu Style,
Key Words: Heritage Resources, Architectural Greaco-Roman and Gothic (Pearl). Thus, the city
Buildings, Tangible and Intangible elements. exhibits both tangible and non tangible elements of
heritage character, and therefore, the Government of
Karnataka recognized the city as Heritage city and
I. INTRODUCTION Government of India has selected the city for Urban
Mysore is the third largest city in the State of Renewal Project under cultural and heritage tag and now
Karnataka and it had a population of 7,85,800 as per 2001 the UNESCO also has shown interest in identify the city
census. The name of Mysore was derived from mahisha under Heritage tag.
(a demon). Formerly, the city was the state capital and
head quarters of the Princely State of Mysore. It is Mysore city has both natural and built heritage
situated at a distance 140kms from Bangalore, on the components. The city has retained its studiously built
southern part of Karnataka State at 12° 18‟ North latitude character of a native princely city. The most imposing
and 76° 12‟ East longitude, and at an altitude of 770 mts and majestic building in Mysore is the Ambavilas Palace,
above mean sea level. The city lies in a saucer shaped which is the focal point of the city. It was built in an
basin flanked by Chamundi hills on the south-east and a Indo-Sarcenic style. The city is characterized by
raised platform near Hinakal village on the west. The city buildings, gardens, boulevards, and planned markets all
has a salubrious climate and the temperature varies from these were the contributions of Maharajas, Dewans, and
12° C to 35° C. It has an average annual rainfall of about their talented workmanship. Their architectural and urban
798mm. The city spreads across an area of design elements like vistas, focal points, landmarks,
128.42sq.kms. The literacy rate is 82.8 percent. A avenues, plazas etc., make it undoubtedly the most
majority of the city‟s population speaks Kannada important tradition city in India. Albert – Victor road is
language, while other languages such as Tulu, Tamil and beautifully laid down street, has a pathway beautifully
Hindi are also spoken. laid within the Curzon park which and hugging the palace
. gate and fort with a moat on northern side of the palace as
a landmark, represents the vista with edges. The 139 | P a g e
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.2, Mar-Apr 2012 pp-139-143 ISSN: 2249-6645
townscape of the city viewed from Chamundi hills IV. ARCHITECTURAL BUILDINGS
present a skyline of clock tower, statues, palaces,
The buildings of Mysore city have been influenced by
mansions depicts the beauty of the city.
various styles of architecture, and some of the important
styles are;
1) Indo – Sarcenic style
The heritage resources of Mysore are classified in two
2) Traditional Hindu style
categories namely tangible elements viz. built heritage
resources of significant buildings, structures, monuments, 3) Greco – Roman style
installations associated with architectural, cultural, social, 4) Gothic style
5) European Classical style.
political, economic; precincts of environmental
6) Traditional Bungalows.
significance or scenic beauty of natural areas, hillocks,
lakes/tanks, gardens, street pattern, land marks etc., and A. Indo- Sarcenic Architecture
intangible elements viz. culture, events, arts and crafts, The Indo Sarcenic buildings of Mysore city is led by
festivals, cuisine, customs, dresses, etc., and are given in Ambavilas Palace. Mixtures of Hindu and Islamic
the following table. characteristics of architecture are found in all these
Table: 1 Heritage Resources of Mysore buildings. The Islamic architectural influences found in
these buildings, which were used Islamic pointed and
cusped arch openings found in the verandas, projecting
Elements Heritage Areas/Buildings minarets near the entrance portico, big bulbous domes in
Built Structures the centre and in the corners of the building on their roof
Architectural a) Indo-Sarcenic: Ambavilas Main Palace, level.
Monuments City Corporation Building
b) Traditional Hindu Style: All Temples ,
Jaganmohan Palace
c) Greco-Roman: The Deputy
Commissioner‟s office, CFTRI
Building, Krishnaraja Hospital
d) Gothic- St. Philomena‟s Cathedral and
Hardwick Church
e) European Classical Style: Government
House, Lalith Mahal Palace
f) Traditional Bungalows: Agraharas Fig.1 Ambavilas Palace
Heritage a) The Palace Complex The Hindu architectural features are the curvilinear
Areas b) Royal Mansions of Mysore chatris, banana and lotus stem brackets attached to the
/Precincts c) Deveraja Market column capitals, motifs of the Hindu gods and goddesses
d) Vani Vilasa Market
in studiously created niches. The interiors of the buildings
e) Sayaji Rao Road Procession Street
f) Church Precincts have colonnaded court yards with Hindu style
g) Town Hall and Clock Tower Precincts architectural motifs on the column brackets. The doors of
h) K.R.Hospital Area the palace are carved with figures of Hindu gods and
i) Agraharas of Mysore goddesses.
j) Landsdowne Market
k) Chamarajendra Technical Institute B. Traditional Hindu Style
l) Maharani Government Women‟s College Jagan Mohan Palace building is the best example of
m) University Campus traditional style of architecture in Mysore city. The visual
Natural Areas a) Kukkarahalli and Karanji Lakes environs effect of the edifice is enhanced by an appropriately deep
b) Chamarajendra Zoo foreground.
c) Chamundi Hills
Elements Heritage components
Culture Royal Culture
Arts and Sandal Wood Carving,
Festivities Mysore Dasara
Spiritual Yoga, Meditation
Costumes Mysore Peta, Mysore Silk Sari
Painting, Vijaya Nagar Style of Painting, Paintings of Fig.2: Jagan Mohan Palace
Poetry and Ravi Verma The rich and eye catching facade is composed of triple
Music Great Poets like Kuvempu gate with rich decoration, rectangular and arched niches
Dance Bhartha Natyam on the facade with graduated end bays punctuated with
Fragrance Jasmine decorative pilasters. The shikara dominates the facade
Cuisine Mysore Pak, Masala Dosa, Chitranna, giving the temple look to the palace. All temples in
Mysore city exhibit the traditional Hindu style of
architecture. Each temple has a Garbhagruha, sukanasi,
Navaranga and Mukhamantapa. The Agrahara houses are 140 | P a g e
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.2, Mar-Apr 2012 pp-139-143 ISSN: 2249-6645
another example of traditional style with simple and
functional buildings with common masonry wall. E. European Classical Style
These structures have vast garden settings with elegant
C. Greco – Roman Style
approach on the front side. They usually consist of a
A Vatican dome rising on a drum in circular and
central atrium leading to a banquet hall, with elegant
octagonal shape dominates the elevation in these
rooms on either side. These structures have an elegant
structures. The column styles were designed on Tuscan,
portico. These structures are the royal architectural
Ionic and Corinthian; arched and plastered colonnades
elements in Mysore.
from the two wings. Greek deities define the tier and the
balustrade parapet bends are an agreeable addition to a
Lalit Mahal Palace: The building was designed by E.W.
rich composition. The Chaluvamba Mansion and
Fritchley in 1931 and this was totally aimed at the
Krishnaraja Hospital are the best examples for this style.
European visitors coming to Mysore city. The European
Krishnarajendra Hospital: Built in 1876, this stately
elements used are regimented pavilion, spherical domes
building is predominantly Greco-Roman architecture.
with lanterns placed on colonnaded drums. The building
Column styles, both in the central pediment and at either
is a two storey composition and it is famous for its twin
end of the facade, are varied between the grounds – floor
ionic columns – a projecting porch on the ground floor.
and the first floor- fluted Tuscan, Ionic and Corinthian.
On this rests slightly recessed pediment pavilion on the
Arched and plastered colonnades from the two wings. A
first floor and spherical domes with lanterns, dome which
huge dome resting on an octagonal drum, dominates the
dominates the elevation rises above the circular entrance
hall. The interior is highly decorated with stain glass,
imported tiles, luxury fittings and Venetian marbles. The
interior is a show piece of valuable skills of local
craftsman, seen in richly laid decorative motifs on the
walls and ceilings, carved wooden shutters and wall
panels and myriad details and touches of regal

Fig.3: K.R.Hospital
D. Gothic Style:
Spires or long tapering roof-like elongated pyramids that
are commonly found in churches are the typical
characteristics of gothic style. The main hall or nave with
multiple moulded columns culminates in stately arches.
Alter is set against arched screens of stone works which
are in harmony with the arched vertical lines and tapering
vaults of the structure. Pointed arches are the features and Fig. 5: Lalitha Mahal Palace
the external structure. St. Philomena‟s Cathedral and
Hardwick church are the best example of Gothic style of F. Residential Architecture
architecture. Residential architecture of Mysore city is lead by
traditional vernacular architectural buildings with sloped
St.Philomenas Church: The plan of the church is Mangalore tiled houses, colonial bungalows, monkey
Byzantine, very typical of any church. The main hall or topped bungalows and a mixture of colonial and Indian
nave is designed to accommodate 800 worshippers. The decorative style bungalows.
floor plan of the cathedral is in the form of a cross. The a) Colonial Bungalows : This style of architecture is seen
long parts of the cross are the nave which is the in big bungalows extensively seen in the south east part
congregation hall. The two arms of the cross are the of the Mysore city. The buildings of the Administrative
transepts. The fourth part containing the altar and the Training Institute (ATI) campus, Mounted Police
choir is the crossing. building, DGP office are some of the interesting examples
of this style of architecture. All these buildings are
wooden sloped roof structures and are interesting in terms
of their simple planning. The simple variation of roof
heights, the use of dormer windows, interesting floral
patterns of eve-board and gable end detailing have made
the elevations of these buildings look interesting.

Fig. 4: St. Philomena‟s Church Fig.6 : Administrative Training Institute 141 | P a g e
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.2, Mar-Apr 2012 pp-139-143 ISSN: 2249-6645
music, poetry etc,. The festivals of Mysore are a
b)Monkey Topped Bungalows: Monkey topped fascinating indicator to the cultural unity of the people.
bungalows are again a precious part of the Mysore‟s Inhabited by people of different faiths and beliefs Mysore
architectural heritage. The bungalow, as an architectural becomes a common cultural canopy under which the
prototype, has been perhaps the most “endangered various social festivals are celebrated by one and all.
species” in the world heritage of architecture. Although, Dasara festival is a major festival celebrated by the
these types of buildings contributed greatly to the people of Mysore with enough mirth and enthusiasm.
architectural image, the most of the privately owned
bungalows have deteriorated due to lack of maintenance.

c) Band House: Band house was built in the twenties as a A. Mysore Dasara
practice hall for the palace band; it now houses the State Dasara festival has both mythological and historical
Reserve Police Mounted Company band. Situated in a background and has its origin in the great epic of
garden setting overlooking the Nishat Bagh, the structure Mahabharata. The legendary pandava brothers celebrated
is a composition of gables and dormers over the tiled roof the festivals to mark of triumph of good over evil. They
and monkey topped lean to verandas. It has a very worshipped hidden weapons which are now being
symmetrical planning which is reflected in the elevation celebrated as “ayudha pooja”. The Navaratri is associated
as well. with Devi Purnima, celebrated to mark the destruction of
d) Agraharas: Agraharas which were traditional
residential buildings of Mysore, where Brahmins were
accommodated. Each of these agraharas was built by the
king as a symbol of some important event during his
kingship. These are traditional row houses and are
predominantly built in Hindu architecture with common
walls for a stretch which is then broken at regular
intervals. There are many agraharas in the city, viz.
Veene Sheshanna Agrahara, Cheluvamba Agrahara,
Devamba Agrahara. Srinivasa and Ramanuja Agraharas,
which were known for planning and architectural
Ramanuja and Srinivasa Agrahara: Typical residential
houses constructed during the first two decades of the
century. The plan is in U- shape with landscaped park
and around this row houses were built. It also provides Fig. 8: Dasara Festival
facilities for community socializing and play area for
children‟s. Every two room house has a small compound, Dasara is the Nadahabba (State festival) of Karnataka
or veranda and backyard with a common wall state, and Mysore is well known for the festivities that
construction system. take place during the Dasara period. It is also known as
Navaratri (Nine nights) and 10 day festival and it usually
falls in the month of October. During this period, various
cultural and religious programmes highlighting dance,
music and culture of the state of Karnataka are
performed. Mysore palace and surrounding areas and
buildings are illuminated on all the ten days and
prominent cultural programmes are held in Palace and
surrounding grounds. The festivities commence with a
pooja performed to the goddess Chamundeswari a top the
Chamundi hills. One of the main attractions of the festival
is Dasara exhibition, which starts during the dasara and
continues for around two months. It is held in the grounds
opposite to the Mysore palace. The conclusions of the
Fig.7: Traditional Agraharas festivities are marked by a colourful Dasara procession
popularly known as Jamboo Savari. The main attraction
V. CULTURAL HERITAGE (INTANGIBLE) of the procession is that the idol of goddess
Mysore is known as the “Cultural Capital” of the state Chamundeshwari is carried in Golden Howdah on top of
and is a fine combination of the historic heritage and an elephant. Various tableaux created by different state
contemporary achievements of the city. The Wodeyars organizations participate in the procession. Musical bands
were patrons of art and culture and have contributed belonging to state police lend music to the procession.
significantly to the cultural growth of the city. The The culminating program of the Dasara festivities is the
continuous patronage and support of the kings in every torch-light parade and is also known as Panjina
field led to the evolution of a distinct style known as the Kavayatthu held at night in the Bannimantap grounds on
“Mysore Style” in all the fields like painting, architecture, the outskirts of the city. 142 | P a g e
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.2, Mar-Apr 2012 pp-139-143 ISSN: 2249-6645
B. Art, Crafts and Cuisine growth of the city. Mysore city is a classic example of
Mysore is a land of artists and is known to people for architectural and cultural heritage. The prominent styles
their skills. Mysore art and handicrafts reflects the rich of architecture are (a) Indo– Sarcenic style (b) Traditional
heritage and cultural aura of the city which includes Hindu style (c) Greco – Roman style (d) Gothic style (e)
paintings, yoga and silk textiles. Mysore region is rich of European Classical style and (f) Traditional Bungalows.
natural resources like Sandal wood, silk, the best quality As a land of the mighty maharajas Mysore has always
Jasmine flowers which are referred to as Mysore Mallige. been an appealing place of grandeur. The city has living
Mysore silk is woven into a range of cloths, like Mysore heritage in the form of tangible and intangible resources.
peta, shawls, saris etc. The most famous of them are The total harmony of buildings, sites, lakes, parks and
Mysore silk sari and Mysore silk peta (Turban). Mysore open spaces of Mysore and the back drop of Chamundi
cuisine includes a delicious palate of food with rice as the hill adds to the city's attraction. The heritage resources are
main ingredient, besides common items like dosa, idli, not been addressed properly. In order to address these
uthapam, vada sambar and different types of dosa are issues, the conservation of the heritage areas is to be
popular. Traditional lunch of Mysore is a splendid spread made as an integral part of Master Plan.
that includes a cereal salads like kosambari, pappad,
palyas (vegetable salads), chitranna (rice with lime), REFERENCES
vangibath and pulivogare. Mysore pak is the most [1]. Chidambara Swamy and Dr. B. Shankar, Conservation
important sweets made of pure ghee are very popular. Strategies for Heritage City: Mysore, Vol.3, No.5,
Mysore is an important spiritual tourism destination. International Journal on Recent Trends in Engineering and
Technology (IJRTET), ISSN 2158-5563, May 2010.
[2]. Chidambara Swamy and Dr. B. Shankar, Reprising the
VI. ISSUES AND APPROACHES Eternal Glory of Udaipur: Issues and Strategies for
Mysore has extremely rich and varied cultural heritage Heritage Conservation, Vol. 54, World Academy of
through its tangible and intangible heritage resources. The Science and Engineering, Technology (WASET), June-
heritage resources is threatened by many factors namely 2009
uncontrolled developments without any harmony, [3]. Government of India, Heritage Tool Kit for Preparation of
environmental pressures, and lack of inventories of City Development Plan under JNNURM, Ministry of
heritage resources, inadequate heritage legislations and Urban Development, New Delhi, November 2006.
development control, low levels of funding, inadequate [4]. Kamataka Town and Country Planning Act. 1961.
expertise, and political will. Besides, built heritage Department of Town Planning. Govt. of Karnataka, 2006.
including heritage buildings, monuments and areas are [5]. Report on JNNURM by STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd. for
threatened by the decay, obsolescence, deterioration, Department of Tourism, Karnataka on Heritage and Urban
renewal of Heritage core under J.N.NURM Scheme
ignorance. The development control includes zoning
regulations, building bye-laws and sub-division [6]. Thakur, Nalini (1997), “Rich Past, Dismal Present”, Indian
regulations are not adequate to prescribe the Architect and Builder, July.
comprehensive heritage rules and regulations for
[7]. Thapar, B.K. (1989), “Reflections: On the Role of
identifying and managing the heritage areas effectively INTACH in India‟s Conservation Movement”,
The State Archaeological Department has identified few Architecture + Design, Nov-Dec.
monuments in the city for protection and preservation, but [8]. Urs Nanjaraja (2007), Mysore: Noorinnooru Varshgala
Hinde, Abhiruchi Prakashana, Mysore.
it has no control over the areas beyond protected limits.
The planning legislations tends to factor the concept of
monuments by neglecting the other types of heritage
structures such as built environment, urban design Dr. Chidambara Swamy received the Bachelor degree in
elements, built structures, architecture, imageability and Architecture in 1994 and M.U.R.P degree in Urban and
Regional Planning in 1999 from the University of
landscapes. For planning and conservation of heritage
Mysore, Mysore. He is working as the Professor and
areas, legislative provisions of the Karnataka Town and Head, Department of Architecture, Adhiyamaan College
Country Planning Act, 1961 is inadequate. The of Engineering-Hosur.. His research interest includes,
conservation of the heritage areas are to be made as an heritage planning and conservation, city planning.
integral part of Master Plan. The plan will be a statutory
document which mandates the Planning Authority Dr. B. Shankar received the B.E. degree in Civil
(Mysore Urban Development Authority) to undertake Engineering in 1984, M.U.R.P degree in Urban and
conservation measures with detailed planning studies, Regional Planning in 1989 and Ph.D degree in Urban
assessment of heritage areas and involvement of all the and Regional Planning in 1997 from the University of
Mysore, Mysore. He is working as Associate
stakeholders including local authorities, agencies, NGOs
Professor in Urban and Regional Planning at the
and public. Institute of Development Studies, University of
Mysore, Mysore.. His research interests to include
VII. CONCLUSIONS Urban Planning, Urban Poverty, Community
Mysore is an historic city ruled by Wodeyars for many Development, Heritage Conservation, and Planning
centuries and the Wodeyars were patrons of art and Legislation.
culture and have contributed significantly to the cultural 143 | P a g e

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