This document provides instructions for manually creating a self-signed certificate to enable secure communication between the SAP Business One mobile app and the on-premise Integration Framework server. It describes how to install and configure OpenSSL, generate a private key and root CA certificate, import the certificate into the Integration Framework keystore, and install the root CA on mobile devices. Following these steps ensures a secure connection without certificate warnings when accessing the Integration Framework via HTTPS on mobile devices.
This document provides instructions for manually creating a self-signed certificate to enable secure communication between the SAP Business One mobile app and the on-premise Integration Framework server. It describes how to install and configure OpenSSL, generate a private key and root CA certificate, import the certificate into the Integration Framework keystore, and install the root CA on mobile devices. Following these steps ensures a secure connection without certificate warnings when accessing the Integration Framework via HTTPS on mobile devices.
This document provides instructions for manually creating a self-signed certificate to enable secure communication between the SAP Business One mobile app and the on-premise Integration Framework server. It describes how to install and configure OpenSSL, generate a private key and root CA certificate, import the certificate into the Integration Framework keystore, and install the root CA on mobile devices. Following these steps ensures a secure connection without certificate warnings when accessing the Integration Framework via HTTPS on mobile devices.
This document provides instructions for manually creating a self-signed certificate to enable secure communication between the SAP Business One mobile app and the on-premise Integration Framework server. It describes how to install and configure OpenSSL, generate a private key and root CA certificate, import the certificate into the Integration Framework keystore, and install the root CA on mobile devices. Following these steps ensures a secure connection without certificate warnings when accessing the Integration Framework via HTTPS on mobile devices.
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Create a self-signed certificate manually
For Integration Framework (B1i) version below 1.22.0 (up to SAP Business One 9.1 PL07 and SAP Business One 9.1, version for SAP HANA PL07), this is the recommended way for creating a self-signed certificate. Devices from different vendor may have different the requirements for certificates, outside the scope of our SAP solution. The following method should work on most mobile devices, if an issue is encountered please consult with the device vendor for the requirement. 1. Install and configure OpenSSL On Windows environment, OpenSSL is not pre-installed. You have to download it and install it. Please refer to The default installation path is C:\OpenSSL-Win64 (for 64-bit Windows systems) or C:\OpenSSL-Win32 (for 32-bit Windows systems). Go to the OpenSSL folder, open the bin\openssl.cfg file in a text editor, apply the changes below, and save the file: Find the [ CA_default ] section and change the line # copy_extensions = copy to copy_extensions = copy � Find the [ v3_ca ] section and change the line # subjectAltName=email:copy to subjectAltName=@alt_names � Under the [ v3_ca ] section add extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth to it. � Go to the end of the file and add one of the sections below: � � 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved 4 of 8 2019-09-27 2019275 If the Business One mobile app is going to connect with IP address: � [ alt_names ] If the Business One mobile app is going to connect with server domain name: � [ alt_names ] DNS.1=server_domain_name 2. Create your own root CA (if it does not exist for other reason) 2.1. Open Windows Command Prompt as administrator and change to the OpenSSL bin folder (for example, cd C:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin). 2.2. Before using OpenSSL, run command: set OPENSSL_CONF=C:\OpenSSL- Win64\bin\openssl.cfg (for 64-bit Windows system) or set OPENSSL_CONF=C:\OpenSSL- Win32\bin\openssl.cfg (for 32-bit Windows system) 2.3. Create a private key file: openssl genrsa -out ServerKey.key 2048 2.4. Create the certificate file myCA.cer (to be deployed to the mobile devices): openssl req -x509 -new -key ServerKey.key -sha256 -days 825 -out myCA.cer -subj /C=CN/O=SAP/OU=B1/CN=server_domain_name_or_ip_address NOTE: server_domain_name_or_ip_address must be exactly the same value used for the Server field in SAP Business One mobile app settings (for example, the server domain name or the server IP address, excluding the port). NOTE: the server_domain_name_or_ip_address must be accessible from the mobile devices. For any questions, please refer to SAP Note 1776825. 3. Deploy the self-signed certificate on the SAP Business One Integration Framework (B1i) server 3.1. Read the Keytool command usage section carefully before proceeding. 3.2. Create a PKCS12 keystore: openssl pkcs12 -export -out keystore.p12 -inkey ServerKey.key -in myCA.cer (For the Export Password, please enter the default Keystore password). 3.3. Copy the keystore.p12 file to the Xcellerator folder of the SAP Business One Integration � 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved 5 of 8 2019-09-27 2019275 Framework (B1i) server (..\SAP Business One Integration\IntegrationServer\Tomcat\webapps\B1iXcellerator\keystore.p12) to make sure that it can be accessible by keytool. 3.4. In the Command Prompt, change to the SAP Business One Integration Framework jre bin folder according to your system (for example, cd C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One Integration\sapjre_64\bin for 64-bit Windows systems). NOTE: Different SAP Business One Integration Framework versions may have a different name for this folder (for example, sapjre_7_64). 3.5. Delete the original self-signed certificate from the keystore: keytool -delete -alias tomcat -keystore "C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One Integration\IntegrationServer\Tomcat\webapps\B1iXcellerator\.keystore" -storepass <keystore_password> 3.6. Import the PKCS12 keystore into the Java keystore: keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore "C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One Integration\IntegrationServer\Tomcat\webapps\B1iXcellerator\keystore.p12" -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore "C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One Integration\IntegrationServer\Tomcat\webapps\B1iXcellerator\.keystore" -deststoretype JKS -deststorepass <keystore_password> -srcstorepass <keystore_password> 3.7. Change the default alias name to tomcat: keytool -changealias -alias 1 -destalias tomcat -keystore "C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One Integration\IntegrationServer\Tomcat\webapps\B1iXcellerator\.keystore" -storepass <keystore_password> 4. Restart SAP Business One Integration Service from Services window 5. Install your own root CA certificate (myCA.cer file) on mobile devices The Server field in the SAP Business One mobile app settings must use the same address used in step 2.4 above to create the myCA.cer file. NOTE: In the iOS mobile app, the Server field must also have the port number. Procedure for iOS devices Email the myCA.cer file to the iOS device. � Click the email attachment to install the CA into the system. � � 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved 6 of 8 2019-09-27 2019275 Set the certificate as trusted on the device in: Settings ? General ? About ? Certificate Trust Settings � Procedure for Android devices Copy the myCA.cer file via a microSD card onto the Android device. � Install the file via Settings ? Security ? Credential Storage ? Install from storage, and follow the prompts. � 6. Verify that the certificate has been successfully imported Check access to SAP Business One Integration Framework via the https port (for example, open https://<servername/IP>:8443 in the browser of the mobile device). If successful, you should not receive any warning regarding https/certificates. Keytool command usage ** Please read the following instructions carefully and pay attention to uppercase and lowercase (entries are case-sensitive)! ** keytool.exe location: ..\SAP Business One Integration\sapjre_64\jre\bin\ (for 64- bit Windows system) or ..\SAP Business One Integration\sapjre_32\jre\bin\ (for 32- bit Windows system) � Keystore file: ..\SAP Business One Integration\IntegrationServer\Tomcat\webapps\B1iXcellerator\.keystore � Keystore password (<keystore_password>): Find the default password in the ..\SAP Business One Integration\IntegrationServer\Tomcat\conf\server.xml file in the keystorePass attribute (for SAP Business One 9.2 PL07 and integration framework version 1.22.10 or higher, the value of the keystorePass is encrypted and can be modified as outlined in SAP Note 2405043) � Alias key password (<key_password>): The default key password is the same as the keystore password � Key alias: tomcat � If you are using Windows Command Prompt, please ensure to run it as Administrator. � Default Integration Framework Xcellerator path: C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One Integration\IntegrationServer\Tomcat\webapps\B1iXcellerator