High Performance Non-Oxide Ceramics I
High Performance Non-Oxide Ceramics I
High Performance Non-Oxide Ceramics I
Managing Editor:
D.M.P. Mingos
Editorial Board:
AJ. Bard • I.G. Dance • P. Day • J.A. Ibers • T. Kunitake
TJ. Meyer -H.W. RoeskyJ.-P. Sauvage
A. Simon • F. Wudl
New York
Hong Kong
High Performance
Non-Oxide Ceramics I
With contributions by
F. Aldinger, S. Friihauf, U. Herzog, M. Jansen,
B. Jaschke, T. Jaschke, E. Miiller,
G. Roewer, H.J. Seifert, K. Trommer
The series Structure and Bonding publishes critical reviews on topics of research
concerned with chemical structure and bonding. The scope of the series spans the
entire Periodic Table. It focuses attention on new and developing areas of modern
structural and theoretical chemistry such as nanostructures, molecular electronics,
designed molecular solids, surfaces, metal clusters and supramolecular structures.
Physical and spectroscopic techniques used to determine, examine and model
structures fall within the purview of Structure and Bonding to the extent that the
focus is on the scientific results obtained and not on specialist information
concerning the techniques themselves. Issues associated with the development of
bonding models and generalizations that illuminate the reactivity pathways and
rates of chemical processes are also relevant.
ISSN 0081-5993
ISBN 3-540-43131-4
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York
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The nitrides and carbides of boron and silicon are proving to be an excellent
choice when selecting materials for the design of devices that are to be
employed under particularly demanding environmental and thermal condi-
tions. The high degree of cross-linking, due to the preferred coordination
numbers of the predominantly covalently bonded constituents equalling or
exceeding three, lends these non-oxidic ceramics a high kinetic stability, and is
regarded as the microscopic origin of their impressive thermal and mechanical
durability. Thus it does not come as a surprise that the chemistry, the physical
properties and the engineering of the corresponding binary, ternary, and even
quaternary compounds have been the subject of intensive and sustained efforts
in research and development.
In the five reviews presented in the volumes 101 and 102 of "Structure and
Bonding" an attempt has been made to cover both the essential and the most
recent advances achieved in this particular field of materials research. The
scope of the individual contributions is such as to address both graduate
students, specializing in ceramic materials, and all scientists in academia or
industry dealing with materials research and development. Each review
provides, in its introductory part, the chemical, physical and, to some extent,
historical background of the respective material, and then focuses on the most
relevant and the most recent achievements.
Since the degree of maturity reached by the materials considered is rather
varied, the focus of the respective reviews is also quite different. Thus for SiC
and Si3N4, the main emphasis is placed on processing and shaping, while for
BN its transformation to the cubic polymorph is a major concern, and, finally,
the report on the still rather young class of amorphous Si/B/N/C ceramics is
mainly devoted to aspects related to chemical syntheses and basic character-
izations. Inspite of the fact that many phenomena are dominated by kinetic
control, knowing the underlying thermodynamic equilibria is a crucial
prerequisite to any deeper understanding of the nitride and carbide based
materials discussed here. Therefore, a comprehensive and critically assessed
compilation of thermodynamic data and phase equilibria for the quaternary
system Si/B/N/C as well as its ternary and binary sub-systems has been
included as an introductory chapter preceding the reviews devoted to specific
materials and their properties.
Stuttgart, April 2002 Martin Jansen
1 Introduction 2
3 Thermodynamic Data 5
4 Binary Subsystems 7
4.1 The Si-B System 7
4.2 The Si-C System 10
4.3 The Si-N System 15
4.4 The B-C System 19
4.5 The B-N System 24
4.6 The C-N System 28
5 Ternary Subsystems 28
5.1 The Si-B-C System 28
5.2 The Si-B-N System 32
5.3 The Si-C-N System 35
5.4 The B-C-N System 41
7 Conclusion 50
8 References 51
Silicon, boron, carbon and compounds of the Si-B-C-N system (e.g.'Si3N4, SiC,
B4+5C, BN) are the basis for the development of technically important
refractory ceramics and hard materials [1], Although numerous types of
processing have been developed in the past for their production, the powder
technology and sintering at temperatures up to 2500 K is the most common
for the fabrication of components. "Pressureless" sintering, hot pressing and
hot isostatic pressing, often in combination with the use of sintering additives
and reactive or non-reactive atmospheres, are applied for materials densifi-
cation and tailoring the properties for specific applications [2-4]. Because of
technical and economical limitations inherent to these conventional tech-
niques and, especially, due to the demand for new covalently bonded Si-B-C-N
materials there is an ongoing intensive development of alternative processing
technologies. The thermolysis of metallorganic precursors is not only valid
for the production of bulk ceramics but also of composites, fibers, coatings,
powders and infiltrations and the production of fiber reinforced ceramics
[5-13]. Other promising techniques are chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
[14, 15], arc discharging for the production of nanotubes and nanoparticles
[16] or self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) for rapid materials
processing [17].
A large variety of complicated single- or multiphase microstructures results
from all these methods and requires a deep understanding of the underlying
multicomponent phase equilibria. Such information is also valuable to analyze
the individual or combined solubilities of B, C and N in liquid and solid silicon
and to find out which ceramic phases form when crossing the solvus of silicon.
The mentioned processing routes mostly do not result in equilibrium phase
assemblages and microstructures. Frequently, the materials are not fully
crystallized and consist of amorphous phases. Also, nanocrystalline and
turbostratic materials are produced. Some processing routes, such as the
thermolysis of precursors or the chemical vapor deposition, cause the
formation of metastable amorphous solid solutions (B-C-N, Si-C-N) typically
segregated into phase compositions related to equilibrium phases crystallizing
at elevated temperatures [18].
Such non-equilibrium stages as well as related high temperature reactions
during processing, machining and application can only be understood on the
basis of the underlying equilibria states. Also, the contacting of materials such
as SiC, BN, Si3N4 and/or B4C (e.g. in multilayer or fiber-reinforced materials)
Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System
Fig. 1. Scheme of the Si-B-C-N concentration tetrahedron with stable and metastable solid
phases indicated
H.J. Seifert • F. Aldinger
Thermodynamic Data
Table 1. Crystallographic data of solid phases of the system Si-B-C-N. The data are from
[26]. Data for SiBn from [27], c-Si3N4 from [28] and £-SiC2N4 and Si2CN4 from [21]
Phase Pearson Space Proto-type Lattice parameters, nm Comment
symbol group
a b c
present authors. The thermodynamic functions are derived in the course of the
so-called "thermodynamic optimization" [29, 30] where model parameters are
adjusted to various types of experimental data (phase diagrams and
thermodynamics) by using the least squares method of Gauss. The thermo-
dynamic data were stored in a computer database and the binary and ternary
system descriptions were combined for extrapolating calculations of the
quaternary system.
The thermodynamic descriptions are based on data for the pure elements Si,
B, C and N, respectively, as provided by Dinsdale [31] and stored in the SGTE
database [32]. The gas phase consists of numerous gas species. The most
important are listed in Table 2.
Their thermodynamic descriptions were also accessed from the SGTE
database [32]. Datasets for the binary systems Si-B, Si-C, B-C and B-N,
respectively, were derived by the authors and their coworkers and published
elsewhere [33-36]. Because of a lack of data and the probably small energetic
differences out of measurable quantities, a single analytical Gibbs-energy
description was used to describe a- and /?-SiC [35]. The thermodynamic data
for the binary system Si-N used in this work was taken from [37]. /?-Si3N4 is
the stable modification whereas a-Si3N4 is a metastable modification [38]. One
single description was used to describe the silicon nitride phases. The C-N
system is of relevance for the gaseous state.
The ternary system Si-B-C was optimized in the scope of our work on
the Si-B-C-N system [33, 34]. The other three ternary systems (Si-B-N, Si-C-N,
B-C-N) could be calculated comprehensively by thermodynamic extrapola-
tions since all solid phases have negligible ranges of solubility. Thermody-
namic data of the ternary phases /?-SiC2N4 and Si2CN4, are not known yet,
however they are reported not to be stable at the conditions treated here
(P = 1 bar, T > 1300 K) [21].
Table 2. Gas species in the Si-B-C-N system. Thermodynamic data were used from [32]
BCi C4
BC 2 C4N
B2 C5
CSi2 NSi
C2 NSi 2
C 2 N-CCN N2
C 2 N-CNC N3
C2N2 Si
C2Si Si 2
C3 Si 3
Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System
Binary Subsystems
The Si-B System
Since the early work of Moissan and Stock (1900) [42] on the synthesis of the
silicon borides SiB3 and SiB6, the Si-B system has been the subject of numerous
investigations. Experimental phase diagram data available on this system are
summarized in Table 3 [27, 43-61].
Comprehensive phase diagram investigations were published by Knarr
(1959) [43], Samsonov (1963) [46], Arabei (1979) [52], Lugscheider et al.
(1979) [53], Viala et al. (1980) [55] and Armas et al. (1981) [56]. Olesinski and
Abbaschian (1984) [62] presented a critical assessment and calculation of the
Si-B system.
Besides SiB3 and SiB6, a further boron-rich phase SiBn, isotypic to //-boron,
has been established [63] with 14 < n < 40 (93.3-97.6 at.% B at 1873 K [56,
69]). Armas et al. [56] as well as Male and Salanoubat [57] reported on a two
phase region between SiBn and /?-boron, whereas other authors treated SiBn as
a solid solution of silicon in /?-boron [55]. The homogeneity range of the
boron-rich solution phase SiBn is not well established but according to
Olesinksi and Abbaschian [62] "the existence of a stable, solid, rhombohedral
phase containing roughly 95 at.% B is rather indisputable". SiBn forms
peritectically at 2310 K.
Also, information on the extension of the homogeneity ranges of SiB3 and
SiB6 phases is controversial and still uncertain, mainly due to the difficulties
in phase separation and chemical analysis. Due to meager experimental
information, the SiB6 phase has been accepted as a stoichiometric phase
by Olesinksi and Abbaschian [62]. However, referring to the work of Vlasse
et al. (1986) [58] a small homogeneity (SiB5.7-SiB61, 85-85.9 at.% B) can be
assumed. SiB6 forms peritectically at 1658 K. For SiB3, Olesinski and
Abbaschian [62] accepted the results of Magnusson and Brosset (1962) [64]
and Ettmayer et al. (1970) [49], respectively, and gave the limits of the
homogeneity range as SiB2.89 and SiB 365 (74.3 to 78.5 at.% B). Similar values
for the homogeneity range were reported by Arabei (1979) [52]. Referring to
this phase various investigators reported a composition "SiB4" instead of SiB3.
This was explained by Olesinski and Abbaschian [62] by difficulties in phase
separation of SiB3 and SiB6 and therefore erroneous results. For further
discussion of the homogeneity ranges, see also Bolmgren (1994) [60]. SiB3 is
H.J. Seifert • F. Aldinger
Drop calorimetry 80-1800 SiB4, SiB6 Bolgar et al. (1990) [65]
Enthalpy of mixing
Mixing calorimetry 1920 0-38 at.% B Esin (1978) [66]
Mixing calorimetry 1873 0-40 at.% B Biletskii et al. (1988) [67]
Enthalpy of formation
Vaporization experiments 298 SiB4, SiB6 Gordienko (1995) [68]
with mass spectrometry
Chemical potential
Knudsen cell 1473-2173 SiB6 Knarr (1959) [43]
Differential mass 1550-1840 SiBn-B Armas et al. (1981) [69]
Equilibrating 1723-1923 Dilute solution Noguchi et al. (1994) [70]
experiments of B in Si
Equilibrating 1723, 1773 Si-rich Tanahashi et al. (1998)
experiments [71]
Knudsen effusion 1522-1880 1.5-100 at.% B Zaitsev and
mass spectrometry Kodentsov (2000) [72]
10 H.J. Seifert • F. Aldinger
SiB6 and SiB3. They mainly used the activity measurements of Armas et al.
(1981) [69] to derive the data. A recent calculation of the Si-B system was
presented by Zaitsev and Kodentsov (2001) [72].
Lim and Lukas (1996) [36] took into account phase diagram and
thermodynamic data and presented a thermodynamically optimized dataset
for the Si-B system. Data for the homogeneity ranges of the intermediate
phases SiBn, SiB6 and SiB3, respectively, numerous data for the solubility of
boron in silicon (solvus, liquidus) (see Table 3) and thermodynamic data were
considered. Sublattice models related to the crystal structures were used to
describe the solid solution phases. Fig. 2a shows the optimized calculated
phase diagram in comparison with experimental data. The system shows
two perticectic reactions forming SiBn and SiB6, respectively, one eutectic
decomposition of the liquid phase and a peritectoid formation of SiB3 at
1543 K. From own experimental results Kasper [34] derived the peritectoid
temperature to 1471 K. This temperature is accepted in this work for the Scheil
reaction schemes as shown later for the Si and B containing ternary and
quaternary systems.
Phase diagram calculations (P = 1 bar) show that the gas phase appears at
temperatures as high as 3500 K. Fig. 2b shows the Si-rich side of the system.
The corresponding calculated invariant reactions are shown in Table 5.
The Si-C System
Silicon carbide (SiC) is the only solid compound known in this system. It
occurs with two modifications, cubic jS-SiC (referred to as "low temperature"
modification) and hexagonal a-SiC with numerous polytypes where 4H, 6H
and 15R are the most common ones. The a-//?-SiC transformation temperature
is not well known. Kistler-de Coppi (1985) [77] studied in detail the
transformation kinetics at temperatures between 1973 K and 2573 K. Accord-
ing to these results (metastable) /J-SiC transforms at temperatures above
2273 K to a-SiC. SiC melts incongruently forming a silicon-rich liquid phase
and graphite.
An overview of experimental phase diagram data is given in Table 6
[78-87]. A first assessment of the Si-C system was provided by Olesinski and
Abbaschian (1984) [88] mainly recommending the experimental phase
diagram work of DoUoff (1960) [80].
The peritectic melting temperature of SiC was set to 2818 K and the eutectic
temperature between (Si) and SiC to 1677 K. However, these data were
significantly corrected later by Kleykamp and Schumacher (1993) [85] due to
literature assessment and their own experimental results for temperatures
between 1700 and 3300 K. The peritectic temperature for SiC was measured to
occur at 3103 K ± 40 K. This temperature confirms the data given by Scace
and Slack (1959) [79] and Kieffer et al. (1969) [89]. The (degenerated) eutectic
point between (Si) and SiC was set to 1686 K + 1 K (melting point Si: 1687 K)
and 0.02 at.%. Additionally, the liquidus on the Si-rich side of the system was
measured. Data provided by Dolloff (1960) [80] scatter significantly from data
Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System 11
• [eOBro]
[81 Mai]
T [81 Arm]
2200 • [80V
• [79Ara]
0.4 06
Mole Fraction Si Si
* • T
not used:
• [60Tru]
SiB 3 + (Si)
• [69Vic] i [63Sam] A
• [74Sch] T [68Hes]
• [77Arm]
1200 - • [80Rys]
* [87Bor]
Male Fraction Si Si
Fig. 2a, b. Calculated Si-B phase diagram in comparison with experimental data [36].
a) Complete diagram, b) Si-rich side
12 H.J. Seifert • F. Aldinger
Phase diagram
given by Kleykamp and Schumacher (1993) [85] and many other published
data and seem to be influenced by systematic error. Due to the technical
importance, a lot of work was performed on the solubility of carbon in liquid
Si (Table 6, liquidus data). However, the scatter of data is significant. An
overview was given by Yanaba (1997) [86].
Literature sources of experimental thermodynamic data are listed in Table 7
[90-110]. A source of such information is also the review of Coltters (1985)
[111] and the compilation of Gurvich (1991) [112]. Low and high temperature
heat capacity measurements are available [90-94]. Heat contents [90, 95-97]
Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System 13
Heat capacities
Calorimetry 54-296 a-SiC Humphrey (1952) [90]
53-297 jS-SiC
54-295 a-SiC Kelley (1941) [91]
373-1073 Walker et al. (1962) [92]
5-300 jS-SiC Koshchenko et al.
(1979) [93]
5-2500 /J-SiC Koshchenko et al.
(1985) [94]
H(T)-H(298 K)
Drop calorimetry 298-1200 Not indicated Magnus (1923) [95]
298-1789 a-SiC Humphrey (1952) [90]
298-1693 jS-SiC
1365-2150 Not indicated Guseva et al. (1966) [96]
1100-2900 a-SiC Chekhovskoy (1971) [97]
1100-2900 j8-SiC
Enthalpy of formation
Combustion in 298 Not indicated Ruff and Grieger
Na2O2 (1933) [98]
Oxygen bomb a-, jS-SiC Humphrey et al. (1952)
calorimetry and JANAF [90, 140]
Oxygen bomb a-SiC Yudin and Markholiya
calorimetry (1969) [99]
Fluorine bomb a-, p-SiC Greenberg et al. (1970)
calorimetry [100]
Chemical potential
SiC solubility in 1563-1963 a-, P-SiC Chipman et al. (1954)
liquid Fe-Si alloy [101]
Knudsen cell, 2000-2300 a-SiC Drowart et al. (1960)
mass spectrometry [102]
Knudsen cell, 1808-1973 a-SiC Grieveson and Alcock
transp. technique (1960) [103]
Knudsen cell, 1808-1973 a-, j3-SiC Davis et al. (1961) [104]
weight loss
SiC solubility in Pb 1693 a-SiC Kirkwood and Chipman
(1961) [105]
SiC solubility in Ag 1693 /8-SiC D'Entremont and
Chipman (1963) [106]
SiC solubility in Fe 1823-1873 jg-SiC Rein and Chipman (1963)
SiC solubility in Au 1623-1898 a-, 0-SiC Sambasivan et al. (1993)
Knudsen cell, mass 1600-2000 a-SiC Rocabois (1995) [109]
Emf 1100-1300 a-, /J-SiC Kleykamp (1998) [110]
14 H.J. Seifert • F. Aldinger
Liquid + SiC
SiC + Graphite
used: T [58Hal]
• [59Sca]
A [87Ode]
Si + SiC 4 [93Kle]
• [97Yan]
not used: • [SODol]
0 0.4 1
Si Mole fraction C
Fig. 3. Calculated Si-C phase diagram in comparison with experimental data [35]
Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System 15
The Si-N System
^ 1
^ 2000-
g 1500-
used: • [60Gri]
T [63d'E]
A |o:in--i]
500- • [9SKIt]
/ig; in kJ/mol
Si(l) + Gas
2114 K
I" 2000 Si 3 N 4 +Si(l)
5 1687 K
Gas + Si3N4
Si 3 N 4 +Si(s)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Mole Fraction Si
Fig. 5. The calculated Si-N phase diagram
Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System 17
enthalpies [126] and the standard enthalpy of formation [38, 127, 128] are
documented. Several groups published data for the Gibbs free energy [125,
129-137]. However, the thermodynamic data are rather conflicting.
For a thermodynamic evaluation see also Durham et al. (1991) [138],
Gurvich (1991) [112] and Hillert et al. (1992) [37].
Numerous values for the standard enthalpy of formation of Si3N4 have been
published. A literature compilation [112] reports data for the standard molar
enthalpy of formation AfH1^ (298.15 K) for Si3N4 spanning a range from
-621 kj/mol to —842 kj/mol. Most of the data were derived from equilibrium
N2-pressure measurements and second and third law treatments. The
calorimetric data of Wood (1973) [127] were recommended [112]. However,
as outlined in detail by O'Hare et al. (1999) [128] these data are not reliable.
Rocabois et al. (1996) [125], based on mass spectrometry data, gave a range
of -(815 ± 12) < AfH°m (Si3N4, 298.15 K) < -(770 ± 12) kj/mol. Andrievskii
and Lyutikov (1996) [137] reported a value of -736.4 kj/mol derived from
Knudsen measurements. More recently, O'Hare et al. (1997, 1999) [128] and
Liang et al. (1999) [38] published new results on the enthalpy of formation for
a- and /?-Si3N4, respectively. Both groups state that no energetic distinction
between a- and /?-Si3N4 is possible. Liang et al. [38] found that a-Si3N4 is not
stabilized by impurities (e.g., oxygen) and is probably always metastable. The
calculated value accepted by the present authors according to Hillert et al.
(1992) [37] is AfH°m (Si3N4, 298.15 K) = -842 kj/mol which is in between the
values given by O'Hare et al. [128] and Liang et al. [38], respectively.
Data for molar Gibbs free energy of formation AfG°m (Si3N4, 298.15 K) for a-
and /?-Si3N4 are reported in the literature. The data derived from equilibrium
nitrogen measurements by Pehlke and Elliot (1959) [131] for a-Si3N4 were
selected by Hillert [37] to be reliable. Blegen [136] measured AfG°m for /?-Si3N4
and concluded that the stability difference between a- and /?-Si3N4 is small.
18 H.J. Seifert • F. Aldinger
Heat capacities
Adiabatic 55-310 jS-Si3N4 with Guzman et al.
calorimetry a-Si 3 N 4 impurity (1976) [123]
Adiabatic 5-100 jS-Si3N4 with Koshchenko and
Calorimetry a-Si 3 N 4 impurity Grinberg (1982)
[94, 124]
DSC 220-620 Not specified Rocabois et al.
(1996) [125]
H(T)-H(298 K)
Drop calorimetry 530-2155 Not specified Neel et al. (1962)
Enthalpy of formation
Fluorine bomb 298.15 a-Si 3 N 4 Wood et al.
calorimetry (1973) [127]
Fluorine bomb a-Si 3 N 4 , /5-Si3N4 O'Hare (1998,
calorimetry 1999) [128]
Drop solution a-Si 3 N 4) /5-Si3N4 Liang et al.
calorimetry (1999) [38]
Vapor pressure and Gibbs free energy of formation
Heterogeneous 1700 a-Si 3 N 4 Matignon (1913)
equilibrium [129]
Heterogeneous 1606-1802 Not specified Hincke and Brantly
equilibrium, (1930) [130]
pressure measurements
Heterogeneous 1673-1973 GC-Si3N4 with Pehlke and Elliot
equilibrium, /?-Si3N4 impurities (1959) [131]
pressure measurements
Heterogeneous 1618 a-Si 3 N 4 McClaine et al.
equilibrium, (1966) [132]
pressure measurements
Knudsen and langmuir 1688-1773 Not specified Ryklis et al. (1969)
vaporization [133]
Heterogeneous 1473-1623 a-Si 3 N 4 Colquhoun et al.
equilibrium, pressure j3-Si3N4 (1973) [134]
Heterogeneous 1563 a-Si 3 N 4 Wild et al. (1970)
equilibrium £-Si 3 N 4 [135]
Heterogeneous 1683-1910 jS-Si3N4 Blegen (1975) [136]
Knudsen method 1993-2293 yg-Si3N4 Andrievskii and
Lyutikov (1995)
Knudsen cell, 1515-1690 Not specified Rocabois et al.
mass spectrometry (1996) [125]
Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System 19
The data of Blegen [136] were corrected later by Hendry (1977) [139]. Janaf
[140] gives a standard entropy value of 112.967 J/mol K whereas the low
temperature heat capacity measurements recommended by Koshchenko
[94, 124] give 64.2 J/mol K. This value was accepted by Hillert et al. [37].
At 2114 K and 1 bar total pressure Si3N4 decomposes into liquid silicon and
nitrogen gas according to the reaction:
The B-C System
In the B-C system one binary phase, boron carbide, is established. This phase
shows an extensive homogeneity range and to distinguish it from stoichio-
Si 3 N 4
-2- -
y /
-4- -
/ Si(s)
1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400
Temperature [K]
metric B4C, notations such as (B4C), B13C2±X or B12(B, C)3 can be found. In the
present work it is indicated as B4+(5C.
Table 11 shows an overview of the experimental phase diagram data for the
B-C system [142-146].
The first published versions of the B-C phase diagram showed several boron
carbide phases on the boron-rich side [147, 148]. Additionally, Samsononv
et al. (1956) [147] reported a boron carbide phase to exist at about 50 at.%
carbon. Dollof (1960) [80] reported the existence of only one boron carbide
phase with an extended homogeneity range significantly narrowing at
temperatures lower than 2073 K. Elliot and van Thyne (1961) [142] compre-
hensively investigated the phase diagram from 1473 K to 2743 K and in the
concentration area from 0.75 to 40 at.%. One single boron carbide phase with
a significant homogeneity range from approximately 9 to 20 at.% carbon and
of congruent melting behavior (2723 K, 18.5 at.% C) was detected. No
temperature dependency of the homogeneity range was found. A degenerated
reaction between boron and boron carbide was documented at the compo-
sition and melting temperature of elemental boron (2348 K). An eutectic
reaction at 29 at.% carbon and 2648 K was mentioned. The data published by
Elliot and van Thyne [142] are generally accepted until today. With the same
analytical methods as Elliot and van Thyne [142] Kieffer et al. (1971) [144]
redetermined the phase diagram up to 60 at.% C. The results of Elliot and van
Thyne [142] were generally confirmed with deviations concerning the liquidus
in the boron-rich part and the eutectic reaction on the carbon-rich side. The
solubility of boron in graphite at temperatures from 2073 to 2773 K was
determined by Lowell (1967) [143]. Bouchacourt et al. [149] investigated the
boron-rich part of the phase diagram. They found a maximum carbon
solubility of 1 at.% in jS-rhombohedral boron and suggested a peritectic
reaction (1 + B4C = /?-B). The homogeneity range of boron carbide was
reported by Bouchacourt et al. (1981) [145] to extend from B 1 0 4 to B 40 C. An
overview on this work is given by Thevenot (1990) [150]. Beauvy (1983) [146]
found a maximum carbon solubility in boron carbide of 21.6 at.% at "low
temperatures" and 24.3 at.% near the eutectic temperature. This value differs
significantly from the results of Schwetz and Karduck (1991) [151] who used
EPMA and found a solubility limit of only 18.8 at.% (i.e., B4.3C) in the
temperature range from 2273 to 2623 K. The eutectic temperature of the
decomposition of the liquid phase to B4+(5C and graphite was detected to be at
2653 K in accordance with the value given by Elliot and van Thyne [142] and
Kieffer et al. [144]. Werheit et al. (1993, 1994) [152] found by lattice parameter
investigations a solubility of at least 1 at.% carbon in j8-boron at 1573 K. Some
selected experimental phase diagram data have been discussed by Okamoto
(1992) [153].
Different types of thermodynamic data were measured for the boron
carbide phase. An overview is given in Table 12 [91, 154-166].
In numerous cases the authors did not measure the exact composition of
the investigated materials but assumed a stoichiometric composition of "B4C".
Heat capacity data below room temperature (54.5-294.3 K) [91] and at high
temperatures (T > RT) [154-157] and relative enthalpy data of boron carbide
[158, 159] are available. The enthalpy of formation value (-11.6 ± 2) kj/mol of
atoms given by Smith et al. (1955) [160] determined by oxygen bomb
calorimetry was corrected by Domalski and Armstrong (1968) [161] to
-14.3 ± 3 KJ/mol of atoms. They used fluorine bomb calorimetry. Hong and
Kleppa (1978) [163] found by high-temperature solution calorimetry a similar
value of-14.0 kj/mol of atoms. Gal'chenko(1970) [162] found a similar value
but referred to a composition of B4.233C.
Froment et al. [164, 166] measured the carbon activities in the homogeneity
range of boron carbide by electromotive force method (emf, potentiometric
Heat capacities
DSC 54-294 Kelley (1941) [91]
DSC 323-973 Gilchrist and Preston (1979) [154]
DSC 300-700 Wood et al. (1985) [155]
Pulse calorimetry 300-1500 Matsui et al. (1991) [156]
Pulse calorimetry 30-300 Medwick et al. (1994) [157]
H(T)-H(298 K)
Drop calorimetry 430-1725 King (1949) [158]
Drop calorimetry 373-2600 Sheindlin et al. (1972) [159]
Enthalpy of formation
Combustion calorimetry 298 Smith et al. (1955) [160]
Calorimetry, F2 298 Domalski and Armstrong (1968)
Calorimetry 298 GaPchenko (1970)[162]
Solution calorimetry 1320 Hong and Kleppa (1978) [163]
Chemical potential
EMF 720 Froment et al. (1991) [164, 166]
Knudsen-cell Mass 2300 Froment et al. (1991) [165]
22 H.J. Seifert • F. Aldinger
cells) at 620, 670 and 720 K, respectively. The data were discussed together
with the same type of data derived from Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry
(2300 K) applied by Froment et al. [165]. Based on the data provided by
Froment et al. [164-166] a thermodynamic description of boron carbide at
1300 K was derived by Goujard et al. (1994) [75, 76]. To describe a
homogeneity range "B 10 C-B 4 C" a sublattice model Ba(C, Va)c was used.
A thermodynamic optimization of the system was performed by Dorner
(1982) [167]. This dataset was later refined by Lim and Lukas (1996) [36]. Due
to additional crystallographic information concerning the extended homoge-
neity range of the boron carbide phase [152, 168] a further assessment was
necessary [33, 34, 169]. Data for the calculated invariant reactions are given in
Table 13. Boron carbide of composition 16.4 at.% C melts congruently at
2731 K.
The single phase region of B4+^C is arranged by atoms in icosahedral
geometry at the vertices of the rhombohedral unit cell and a three atom chain
on its main diagonal (parallel to the c-axis, hexagonal setting). The
distribution of carbon atoms on the boron carbide structure elements were
investigated quantitatively in dependence of the homogeneity range [152, 168].
The authors investigated the concentrations of the structural elements (B12,
B n C icosahedra and C-B-B and C-B-B chains) as well as the proportion of
chainless unit cells of boron carbide depending on the carbon-content. They
stated that nowhere in the homogeneity range the structure is uniform, rather
it consists of mixtures of B12 and B n C icosahedra and of mixtures of C-B-C
and C-B-B chains. Additionally, with decreasing carbon content a growing
proportion of unit cells without three atom chains develops. It was outlined
that by using IR-spectroscopy it is not possible to separate/divide between a
structural unit without any chain atoms and a unit with boron atoms at the
end positions and a vacant site at the middle (BVaB-type chain).
In orientation to the crystallographic results [152, 168], Kasper et al. (1996)
[33, 34] and Seifert et al. [169] used for the model description of
the homogeneity range of boron carbide the sublattice description
(B12) BnC)(CBC, CBB, BVaB). The sublattice model (B)93(B,C)12 was used to
describe the carbon solubility in /?-boron. The Redlich-Kister parameters for
the liquid phase and graphite (ss) and general formula descriptions for the
solution phases were accepted from [36]. The calculated optimized phase
a 4500
2 3000-
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7
B Mole Fraction C
O [61 Ell] Eutect. R.
X [61E11] Solvus
* [93Wer] Solvus
X [71Kie] Inv. R.
*[71Kie] Liquidus
N[81Boul] Solvus
«[83Bea] Solvus
A[91Sch] Solvus
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
B Mole Fraction C
Fig. 7a, b. Calculated B-C phase diagram, [33]. a) Complete diagram, b) B-rich side.
Calculation in comparison with experimental data
24 HJ. Seifert • F. Aldinger
The B-N System
i i i i
Gas + Liquid
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
Mole Fraction N N
who points out that the in situ high pressure high temperature synchrotron
radiation data on the reversible h-BN-c-BN transformation provided recently
by Will et al. (2000) [215] "seem to some extent reconfirm the early
experimental diagram of Bundy and Wentorf (1963)" with a stability range of
h-BN extending at normal pressure as low as about 250 K.
The C-N System
Besides graphite no other solid phases are known in the C-N system at normal
pressure. The postulated compound C3N4 [22] was not found as a solid phase
until now. N2, CN and (CN)2 are the most important gas species.
Ternary Subsystems
The Si-B-C System
The Si-B-C system was mainly investigated with view to the understanding of
the sintering mechanisms of SiC with boron in combination with carbon and
the sintering of boron carbide with silicon [4]. The silicon solubility of about
2.5 at.% in B4C at 2323 K and the comparatively low temperatures of liquid
phase formation in the ternary system enhance the sintering of boron carbide.
Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System 29
The role of boron for favorable sintering of SiC is not completely solved.
However, a minor solution of boron in SiC seems to play an important role for
enhancing grain boundary diffusion [216].
The existence of pseudobinary sections was tracked by most of the groups
dealing with Si-B-C. Most of the authors assumed a composition B4+(5C with
<5 = 0. The phase equilibria of four different isopleths have been mainly
investigated experimentally in this system: B4C-SiC, B-SiC, B = const. = 80
at.% and B4C-Si. An overview of experimental investigations of the Si-B-C
phase diagram is shown in Table 16 [4, 217-224].
Calculated isothermal sections at 2500 K and 1400 K are shown in Figs. 10a
and b, respectively.
The calculated section B46C-SiC in comparison with experimental data is
shown in Fig. 11.
Secrist (1964) [218] reported a quasibinary eutectic reaction at 2573 K
whereas Shaffer (1969) [221] found a ternary eutectic reaction at 2518 K. Gugel
et al. and Kieffer et al. (1972) [223] reported a temperature of 2523 K. Instead
of eutectic reactions a transition reaction L + C = B4+^C + SiC at 2568 K is
calculated (Ul in Fig. 14). With respect to the scattering of the experimental
data this is a satisfying result. The solubilities of B4C in SiC and SiC in B4C
(equivalent to the solubility of silicon in B4C) seem to be lower than 3 mol.%
The experimental information for the solubility of boron in SiC is non-
uniform. Kasper (1996) [33, 34] accepted the solubility as given by Shaffer
(1969) [221] and described the solution phase with a substitutional model
where boron occupies the carbon positions.
The discussion in literature on the existence of the compound "SiB4" is
referred to in Sect. 4.1. Due to the documented isotypy of B4C and "SiB4" (i.e.-
the solid solution SiB2.89-3.6s) a complete solid solution at B = const. = 80 at.%
was assumed [219], However, due to the experimental work of Gugel et al. and
Kieffer et al. [223] and Telle [4] it is generally accepted today that no extended
solid solution exists. Telle [4] additionally rules out a complete solid solution
between SiB3 and B4C because of significant differences in the electron
The section B4C-Si was investigated in [223]. Hot pressed samples treated at
2073 and 2273 K, respectively, were analyzed. All samples contained SiC and
B4C, respectively. The optimized ternary thermodynamic datasets of [36, 167]
were refined by Kasper in 1996 [33] and used for the calculation of the
B418C-Si section (Fig. 12). It shows that additionally to SiC and B4C a
silicon-rich liquid phase forms which was not found by [223].
The silicon solubility in B4+<5C was modeled by Kasper (1996) [33] by taking
into account Si2-units occupying C-sites in the linear C-B-C chain as described
by Werheit et al. (1994) [225]. The sublattice model for B4+gC (Sect. 4.4) was
extended to (B U C, B12)(CBC, CBB, BVaB, SiSi). The maximum solubility of Si
in boron carbide at 2323 K was found to be 2.5 at.% [4, 226]. This phase is in
equilibrium with boron saturated liquid silicon. The calculated liquidus
surface with isotherms and the traces of the univariant equilibria (1) 1, C,
B4+(5C (2) 1, C, SiC and (3) 1, B4+(5C, C are shown in Fig. 13.
Table 16. Experimental phase diagram data in the system Si-B-C o
Density, electrical conductivity, Physical data, assumption 1973-2573, B4C-Si Portnoi et al. (1960) [217]
micro hardness of ternary phases hot pressing
X-ray diffraction, metallography, Phase equilibria, 2523, 2573, 2623 B4C-SiC Secrist (1964) [218]
chemical analysis eutectic reaction
X-ray diffraction, metallography Boron solubility 2273, 40 MPa B4C-SiC, B-SiC, Meerson (1966) [219]
in SiC hot pressing B = 80 at.% (const.)
X-ray diffraction, metallography Phase equilibria 1933 (B4C-SiC), B-SiC Dokukina et al. (1967) [220]
chemical analysis
Metallography Phase equilibria, eutectic 2473-2823 B4C-SiC, B-SiC Shaffer (1969) [221]
reaction, boron
solubility in SiC
X-ray diffraction Boron solubility 1933-1373 B-SiC Kalinina et al. (1971) [222]
in SiC
X-ray diffraction, thermal Complete ternary >1973 B4C-SiC B-SiC Gugel et al. (1972) [223],
analysis system B = 80 at.% B4C-Si Kieffer et al. (1972) [223]
X-ray diffraction, thermal Phase equilibria, silicon 2323 B-rich corner TeUe (1990) [4]
analysis, EELS solubility in B4C
X-ray diffraction Boron solubility Undetermined B-SiC Gierlotka et al.
in SiC (SHS) (1994) [224]
Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System 31
T = 2500K
B4C + SiB
+ SiBn
B4C + SiB+ B
Fig. 10a, b. Calculated isothermal sections in the Si-B-C system, a) T = 2500 K, b) T = 1400 K
The transition reaction Ui (Fig. 14) appears at 2568 K. The deepest eutectic
temperature is calculated to be 1657 K. It is designated as degenerated reaction
D2 in the Scheil reaction scheme of Fig. 14. It is connected to the binary
eutectic reaction e3 (1 = Si + SiB6) but B4C does not participate in the ternary
reaction. The experimental value is 1658 K [4]. Three ternary transition
reactions and three degenerated reactions, respectively, occur. According to
the calculation six three-phase fields establish the equilibria at room
A calculated isothermal section for the Si-B-C system at T = 1400 K was
presented by Goujard et al. (1994) [75, 76]. The data were derived from JANAF
[140] and assessments of the phases SiB14, SiB6, SiB3 and the solid solution
phase boron carbide. The isothermal section calculated using the data of
Kasper (1996) [33] (Fig. 10b) deviates significantly. Experimental investiga-
tions at these temperatures suffer from slow reaction kinetics and decisions
32 H.J. Seifert • F. Aldinger
0 20 40 60 80 100
4.6 C Mole Fraction SiC SiC
T [72Gug], Liquidus (Graphite furnace)
A [72Gug], Liquidus (Tungsten furnace)
• [64Sec], • [69Sha], not molten
® [64Sec], s [69Sha], partially molten
O [64Sec], • [69Sha], molten
Fig. 11. Calculated B46C-SiC section in the Si-B-C system. The horizontal line corresponds
to reaction U[ in Fig. 14 [33]
are difficult. However, the results of Kasper (1996) [33] are supported by data
given by Telle (1990) [4] concerning the sintering behavior of a sample of
composition 17.3Si72.2B7.5C (at.%) which is situated in the equilibrium
between B4+(5C and the ternary liquid. Additionally, at higher temperatures the
data of Kasper [4] are consistent with other experimental data. Goujard et al.
[75, 76] present one isothermal section at 1400 K and also find in some of the
CVD samples excess silicon which could be explained by phase relations given
in Fig. 10. For practical reasons it has to be emphasized that this isothermal
section at 1400 K is just one example and that other sections at any
temperature can be calculated using the thermodynamically optimized
The Si-B-N System
0 0 .1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 .5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
4.18 c X
Si Si
©Si-fSiC + Liquid
Fig. 12. Calculated B418C-Si section in the Si-B-C system. The horizontal line corresponds to
reaction U3 in Fig. 14 [33]
investigated phase relations in the Si-Cr-N-B system at 1873 K and 1 atm N2.
For these conditions a tie line between Si3N4 and BN was established. No stable
ternary phase has been reported.
34 H.J. Seifert • F. Aldinger
SiBn+SiB, + B(C
I = Si, SiC
1669 L + SiC = B4C + Si U,
SiC + B4C + Si
1657 I e,
1657 L = Si + SiBe, B4C D,
I = Si + SiBs
1471 I p5
1471 |Si + SiB.= SiB3, B4CID,
Si + SiB. = SiB,
The Si-B-N system was calculated in this work by extrapolation from the
binary subsystems. The isothermal section at 1273 K is shown in Fig. 15.
In agreement with experimental information at a pressure of 1 bar the
tieline Si3N4-BN exists up to the Si3N4 decomposition temperature of 2114 K.
The Scheil reaction scheme as derived from the calculation is given in Fig. 16.
Six invariant ternary reactions are calculated. All of them are of a degenerated
type because boron nitride, formed at 2767 K, does not participate in the
ternary reactions. At room temperature six three-phase equilibria are detected.
The Si-C-N System
0.4 0.6
Mole Fraction N
Fig. 15. Calculated isothermal section in the Si-B-N system (T = 1273 K) [33]
36 H.J. Seifert • F. Aldinger
2348 1 di
<ijnu | p2 2310 L + B = SiBn, BN Di
l + B - SiBn
B + SiBn + BN
2123 I P»
2123 L +SiBn = SiBs, BN D2
SiBn + SiBs+BN ,
2114 I P4
2114 G + L = SiaN4, BN D,
g + I = SisN4
G + BN + SisN4
1657 I ei L = Si + SiB., BN
1657 Ds
I = Si + SiBs
1471 P»
1471 Si + SiBe = SiBa, BN De
Si + SiB. = SiBs
c>i + SiBs+BN SiBs+S Bs + BN
SiC Si C SiC Si
Fig. 17a-d. Isothermal, isobaric sections in the Si-C-N system at 1 bar [234, 237]. The
compositions of the amorphous VT50- and NCP200- (PHMS-) derived ceramics (A, • ) and
reaction paths (arrows) are indicated, (a) 1687 K < T < 1757 K, (b) 1757 K < T < 2114 K,
(c) T = 2123 K, (d) T = 3000 K
38 H.J. Seifert • F. Aldinger
"in situ measurements" of the temperature of reaction (2) are not available but
an extended heat treatment (in nitrogen atmosphere) of Si-C-N ceramics at
1773 K showed completely crystallized material consisting only of SiC and
carbon [253]. This result confirms that reaction (2) occurs close to the
calculated reaction temperature of 1757 K. Because of the sluggishness of the
reaction its temperature can hardly be detected exactly by thermal analysis
with defined heating rates [234].
The phase equilibria at temperatures between 1757 K and 2114 K are shown
in Fig. 17b. At 2114 K silicon nitride decomposes according to the reaction (1)
(see Sect. 4.3) into liquid silicon and nitrogen. Phase equilibria at a somewhat
higher temperature, T = 2123 K, are shown in Fig. 17c. Only two three-phase
fields, (a) gas + graphite + SiC and (b) gas + SiC + liquid, remain up to very
high temperatures where liquid silicon dissolves some carbon and the ternary
gas phase region is significantly extended (Fig. 17d, 3000 K). The gas phase
does not only consist of N2 but as well of other gaseous species such as Si, Si2,
SiC2, Si2C, CN and C2N2.
A Scheil reaction scheme was given by [117] and later modified with regard
to the reaction temperatures by [234]. The Scheil reaction scheme for the
Si-C-N system (valid for P = 1 bar) is shown in Fig. 18. Three degenerated
reactions and one transition reaction occur. The reactions (1) and (2)
3216 I e,
q = l+C
Fig. 18. Scheil reaction scheme for the Si-C-N system (/J-SiC/oc-SiC and a-Si3N4//J-Si3N4
transformations not indicated) [234]
Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System 39
Fig. 19. Calculated phase fraction diagrams in the Si-C-N system for PHMS-derived ceramics
(C:Si < 1) [234, 237]
40 H.J. Seifert • F. Aldinger
with the calculated one and other experimental information [254]. The shift of
the reaction temperature (2) to higher values than calculated was explained by
kinetic hindrance [234]. Further sample analyses by X-ray diffraction (XRD),
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectros-
copy (EDX) confirmed the calculated results [234, 237].
The influence of nitrogen gas pressure on Si-C-N phase reactions is shown
in Fig. 21 by the calculated potential phase diagram for Si-C-N materials
C:Si < 1 [244].
Along the upper line the three phases Si3N4, graphite and SiC are in
equilibrium and indicate reaction (2). Below the line the two phase field
SiC + Si3N4 (C:Si < 1) exists. Si3N4 decomposes at low partial pressures of N2
according to reaction (1) (Sect. 4.3) into nitrogen and liquid or solid Si which
is in equilibrium with SiC.
The potential phase diagram in Fig. 21 gives advice for the sintering of
Si3N4-SiC samples [239, 244]. If the N2-partial pressure is above the line
Si3N4 + C + SiC the sample is stable at the sintering temperature. For
sintering of SiC + Si3N4 there are temperature-dependent upper and lower
limits for the N2 pressure for the stability range. Nickel et al. [239] determined
the SiC whisker degradation and Si3N4-matrix decomposition by this diagram.
During cooling from the sintering temperature for such samples the N2
pressure has to be lowered simultaneously to keep the sample in the
SiC + Si3N4 phase field (Fig. 21). For more details see references [239, 241,
244]. Note the change of the reaction temperatures with the changing the
partial pressure of nitrogen. The reaction temperatures given in the Scheil
reaction scheme (Fig. 18) are valid for a total pressure of 1 bar. To evaluate the
stability of Si3N4 and SiC, respectively, Wada et al. (1988) [240] and Li et al.
(1995) [243] calculated various potential phase diagrams for different carbon
activity levels (a c = 1 and ac = 10~4) and nitrogen pressures.
Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System 41
1 bar N 2
/ SiC+Si3N4
£ /
3 -3- / -Si(l)
1 Si(s)=Si(l)
ySiC+sis) 1757 K 2114 K
1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200
Temperature [K]
Fig. 21. Potential phase diagram for the Si-C-N system; C:Si < 1 [234, 244]
The B-C-N System
and above 2500 °C only two phases were found: boron-saturated graphite and
"eventually BN" existed.
Amineboranes were thermally decomposed at 1273 K in Ar to boron
carbonitrides [262], These materials were reported to show a turbostratic
structure where atoms in a carbon-like structure are partially substituted
by boron and nitrogen, respectively. At temperatures higher than 2073 K
(Ar-atmosphere) the single phase material of compositions BC4N and BC2N,
respectively, started to crystallize and a-BN, B4C and elemental C (graphite)
were observed.
Sauter (2000) [266] investigated the structure of amorphous boron
carbonitride of composition B31C37N32 by X-ray and neutron diffraction as
well as by NMR spectroscopy. It was shown that annealed precursor-derived
B-C-N ceramics (1200 K < T < 1600 K) contain predominantly tricoordinated
boron, carbon and nitrogen atoms arranged in hexagonal rings, or fragments
of them, as structural units. No phase separation occurred.
Suenaga et al. (1999) [16] produced nanoparticles and nanotubes by arc
discharging and found by means of electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS)
that such materials consist of immiscible BN and C-layers. The growth
mechanism was explained by using the calculated phase diagram sections in
the B-C-N system according to [33, 244].
Solozhenko et al. (1997) [267] carried out high pressure investigations of
metastable graphite-like BC4N. In situ powder diffraction of synchrotron
radiation was used for sample characterization up to 7 GPa and 2100 K. At
ambient pressure it was found that BC4N starts to decompose at 2050 K and
h-BN and disordered graphite are formed. With increasing pressure the
decomposition temperature decreases. Various other published works on
high-pressure, high-temperature investigations to produce dense ternary
phases in the boron-carbon-nitrogen system are cited in [267]. The synthesis
and structure of three-dimensionally ordered graphite-like g-BC2N under
high-temperature, high-pressure conditions (1200-1500 °C, 3-5 GPa) were
described by Nicolich et al. [268]. From graphite-like BC2N Solozhenko et al.
(2001) [269 and literature cited therein] synthesized superhard cubic BC2N.
The ternary system was calculated by extrapolation from the binary
subsystems (Kasper, 1996) [33]. The calculations cover phase equilibria at one
bar and do not assume any solubilities as no experimental evidence for stable
solid solutions between B4+(5C and BN or a-BN and graphite exist. The section
between graphite and boron nitride including the invariant reactions Uj, Dj
and U2 (Fig. 23) is shown in Fig. 22. A calculated potential phase diagram
(logpN2-T) can be found in [244]. The complete Scheil reaction scheme
(P = 1 bar) is shown in Fig. 23.
One maximum where boron carbide is formed from gas and liquid phases
was found by calculation. Two transition reactions and two degenerated
reactions were found. The calculated temperature of the reaction
B4C + 2 N 2 = 4 BN + C (U2 in Fig. 23) of 2597 K is experimentally not well
established. In situ investigations of the reaction of BN and graphite are not
reported and therefore only reaction temperatures indirectly derived from
X-ray analysis of quenched materials are documented. It has to be assumed
44 H.J. Seifert • F. Aldinger
Gas + Liquid
Gas + Liquid + Graphite
2700- 2657
2597 Gas + Graphite + B4tsC
3 2500-
CL Graphite + a-BN
Mole Fraction BN
Fig. 22. Calculated temperature-concentration section C-BN in the B-C-N system [33]
2657 I ez - 2657 G, L = B<C + C D,
I = C + B4C
2597 G + B4C = C + BN U2
G + C + BN B4C H C + B N
2371 Pa 2371 L+BiC = B, BN Dz
I + B4C = B
I 2348 d.
B4C + B + BN 1 = B, BN
that the temperature is lower than the one given by Fillipozzi [14]
(T > 2723 K) and higher than the one given by Badzian [258] (2473 K) or
Bill [262] (2473 K). At room temperature three three-phase equilibria are
Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System 45
The Quaternary Si-B-C-N System
Phase equilibria in this quaternary system are of main interest for the
understanding of the high-temperature behavior of precursor-derived
Si-B-C-N ceramics. An overview on their production and high-temperature
stability is given, e.g. in [6, 9, 13, 270]. The correlation of microstructure,
phase reactions and high-temperature stability for selected quaternary
precursor ceramics was discussed by Seifert et al. [236, 244, 271-273].
Interfacial reactions between silicon nitride and boron carbide processed
under nitrogen atmosphere were thermochemically calculated by Wiedemeier
and Singh (1989) [19]. The influence of nitrogen pressure and temperature on
the reaction Si3N4 + 3 B4C + 4 N 2 (g) = 3 SiC + 12 BN was investigated. It
was concluded that the SiC/BN system is stable up to temperatures of about
1800 K whereas the Si3N4/B4C system is unstable. The compatibility of SiC
with BN was confirmed by investigation of the interfacial reactions of BN-
coated SiC fibers at 1723 K [274]. However, Lee and Jacobson (1995) [20]
found experimental indications for a reaction zone at BN-SiC interfaces.
Si-B-C-N phase equilibria were calculated by extrapolating from the related
unary, binary and ternary systems into quaternary compositions [236, 244,
271-273]. This is valid since no solid solubilities and no quaternary phases
exist in the quaternary system. Calculated phase equilibria in the Si-B-C-N
system were shown exemplarily by isothermal sections at 1673 K and 2273 K,
respectively (Figs. 24a and b).
The concentration tetrahedra are divided into distorted tetrahedra indicat-
ing the 4-phase equilibria. Concentration sections through the 1673 K and
2273 K tetrahedra at a constant level of 10 at.% boron are shown in Figs. 25a
and b, respectively.
In these sections 4-phase equilibria appear as triangles or squares
depending on the way of cutting the tetrahedra. The 10 at.% section was
selected because compositions of numerous precursor-derived Si-B-C-N
ceramics are located within this section. Some compositions are indicated.
They are located in the phase field Si3N4 + SiC + C + BN. This phase
equilibrium remains stable as low as room temperature. However, at high
temperatures (e.g. 2273 K) the compositions are located in the phase field
Gas + SiC + C + BN and some decomposition of the material is expected.
Further calculated sections with numerous different precursor compositions
are discussed in [270].
The Scheil reaction scheme for the quaternary system valid for a total
pressure of 1 bar is shown in Fig. 26. It is consistent with the ternary Scheil-
reaction schemes as shown in Figs. 14, 16, 18 and 23. Twelve quaternary
invariant reactions occur: Besides the "maximum" (M) all of the reactions are
degenerated reactions where the fifth phase does not participate in the
reaction. At room temperature nine four-phase equilibria occur.
The phase fraction diagram for the high temperature stable PHBS(p)-
derived ceramic (composition indicated in Fig. 25) was calculated and is
shown in Fig. 27.
46 H.J. Seifert • F. Aldinger
1673 K
2273 K
Fig. 24a, b. Isothermal sections in the Si-B-C-N system [273]. (a) T = 1673 K, (b)
T = 2273 K (three of totally six 4-phase equilibria are shown)
As in the case for precursor-derived Si-C-N ceramics (see Sect. 5.3, Fig. 19)
reaction (2) (see Sect. 5.3 and reaction D6 in Fig. 26) appears at 1757 K. Si3N4
reacts completely with graphite to form SiC and gas phase. Excess graphite
remains. The BN phase does not take part in reaction (2; D6) and its amount
remains stable up to a temperature of 2586 K. From this result a thermal
decomposition of the PHBS(p)-derived material with significant mass losses is
expected. However, thermogravimetric analysis shows remarkable thermal
Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System 47
• PMBS(m)
• PHBS(p)
ffl PHBS(m)
• PMBS(p)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Mole Fraction Si Mole Fraction SI
Fig. 25a, b. Concentration sections in the Si-B-C-N system at constant boron content
(10 at.%) and temperatures. Composition of some high-temperature stable precursor-
derived ceramics are indicated [272, 273]. (a) T = 1673 K, (b) T = 2273 K
2722 | ui
| G + L = BN + B*C
2657 I AT~
G + L = C + B.C
2597 I U2
G + B.C = C * BN
G, L, C, G, L, I 2590 I
BN SiC, BN||G = L+SiC + BN
125861 G + L = BN *
L, BN, G, BN,
I SiC, C SiC, C
^|2568| L + C = B4C + SiC, BN | D2
L + C = B.C + SiC L, SiC,
C + SiC t B.C + BN B,C, BN
L + B,C = B, BN
* B = B4C + SiBn, BN |D3 L * B = Sia, BN
+ SiB» + BN L, BaC,
SiB., BN
1687 I dip
|1687| L = Si, SiiN., BN, SiC |D7 h
| L = Si, SiC, Si,N, L = Si, SbN., BN
L, Si,
L + SiC = B4C + Si
SiC + B.C + Si + BN
Si:B:C ratio with regard to the PHBS(p)-derived material was fixed with
Si34.3B12.4C53,3 and the nitrogen potential was varied.
Along the upper line Si3N4, SiC and graphite are in equilibrium with the gas
phase. When crossing this line, one of the phases disappears according to the
reaction (2). Above the line the solid phases Si3N4, graphite and BN are in
equilibrium with the gas phase whereas below the line graphite, SiC and BN are
in equilibrium with the gas phase. For the given Sia^B^^Css^ composition
some excess graphite remains after the complete consumption of Si3N4.
Increasing the N2 pressure from p N 2 = 1 bar to 10 bar the temperature of
reaction (2) is increased from 1757 to 1973 K which also indicates a
stabilization of Si3N4. The potential phase diagrams for other Si-B-C-N
Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System 49
30- Graphite
f 20- BN
Fig. 27. Phase fraction diagram for Si-B-C-N ceramics derived from PHBS(p) precursor
- 1 bar
- 0 . 1 bar
Fig. 28. Calculated log(p N2 )-temperature diagram (for Si34.3B12.4C53.3 composition) [273]
I 1 1
2400- Liquid /
2- 2200 - -
§ 2100- /2114
""""--..._ 10 bar
» 2000 -
£ 1973
P 1900-
1800- ^ ^ ~ — - — i _ _ 1 bar
Fig. 29. Temperature-activity (ac) diagram in the Si-C-N system [272, 273]
Thermodynamic calculations according to the CALPHAD method can be used
to track phase equilibria and phase reactions of ceramics and to contribute
to the understanding of the materials processing. Combinations of such
calculations with selected experiments are the basis for an efficient materials
development. Comparison with available experimental results show that in the
quaternary Si-B-C-N system the calculations are reliable. Based on a consistent
thermodynamic dataset the most practically useful types of phase diagrams
(isothermal sections, temperature-composition diagrams), phase composition
diagrams and property diagrams (e.g. phase fraction diagrams) can be
calculated. The results are valid to find guidelines for favorable sintering and
processing conditions and the understanding of the materials high-temper-
ature reactions during application.
However, to use thermodynamically calculated results for the interpretation
requires the consideration of the materials microstructure, specific crystalli-
zation behavior and the kinetics of phase formation and phase reaction. This is
true especially for the interpretation of dynamic thermal analysis experiments
(e.g. DTTA, TG). Moreover, heat treatments (e.g. thermolysis) are often carried
out in an inert atmosphere and evaporating gaseous species are continuously
removed by flowing gas atmospheres (inert or reactive). This effect deeply
Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System 51
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The challenge to develop tailor-made precursor molecules for silicon carbide has
significantly intensified the progress in synthesis of organosilicon polymers. A critical
overview is presented regarding useful synthesis routes towards such molecules with
appropriate chemical composition as well as controllable architecture (metal condensation
of halogenosilanes or silahalogenocarbons, disproportionation of disilanes, dehydrocou-
pling of hydrosilanes, hydrosilylation of olefins).
Furthermore, results are summarized concerning the pathways of the pyrolytic chemical
degradation of the organosilicon precursor including the structure rearrangements in the
solid state.
Finally some illustrative examples of the production of net-shaped ceramic bodies are
1 Introduction 60
3 Pyrolysis 85
3.1 Conversion of Organosilicon Precursor to Inorganic Material . . 85
3.1.1 Polysilanes/Carbosilanes 86
organosilicon chemistry over the last few decades, which has provided powerful
tools for building up pre-ceramic networks. This progress enables the chemists
to design useful organosilicon polymers with a variety of molecular structures
that are built up from monomer units.
Synthesis of Precursor Molecules
Type of Precursors and Synthesis Principles
SiC Synthesis from Small Precursor Molecules
Scheme 1. Synthetic routes and building units of silicon carbide precursor molecules
Polysilanes as Synthons Towards Silicon Carbide
Polysilanes have been the first class of precursors used to prepare silicon
carbide ceramics. In all cases, on pyrolysis, polysilanes are converted into
polycarbosilanes by a Kumada rearrangement prior to the formation of an
amorphous silicon carbide network. Several synthetic routes including
dehydro-polymerization, ring-opening polymerization of strained cyclosil-
anes, polymerization of masked disilenes, or base catalyzed disproportiona-
tion reactions of disilanes have been described to prepare linear or branched
polysilanes but despite its drawbacks the Wurtz-coupling route remains the
method applied most, especially to prepare linear polysilanes.
Polysilanes via Wurtz-Coupling
I 2 n Na [toluene, 110 °C]
n Cl—Si—Cl
- 2 n NaCI
Me Me Me H Me
-Si — S i - Si — C — S i - (2)
Me Me H H Me
Me Ph Me Ph
I 2(n+m) Na I I
n Cl — Si — Cl Si- •Si —
Cl — Si — Ci -2(n+m) NaCI
Me I Me Me
numerous polysilanes with a large variety of side chains have been prepared,
and their properties have been studied.
It has been shown, that the ceramic yield of polymethylphenylsilane (PMPS)
does not depend on the molar mass of the polymer, but can be increased either
by introduction of MeSiH or PhSiH units which provide crosslinks during
pyrolysis or by copolymerization with MeSiCl3 yielding a branched polymer.
The difference in the pyrolytic yields between poly(dimethylsilane) and phenyl
substituted polysilanes like polysilastyrene and polymethylphenylsilane
(PMPS) has been discussed as the result of two factors. First, the bulky
phenyl group may retard the depolymerization reaction, and second, the loss
of phenyl radicals followed by hydrogen abstraction and radical coupling
reaction to form polycarbosilanes [47].
West et al. have also tested the introduction of silacyclopentanes and allyl
side chains to get crosslinked polymers upon exposure to air or photochemical
crosslinking [48] (Schemes 2 and 3).
Wurtz coupling
or copolymers:
crosslinking in air at 70 °C (2 h)
Scheme 2.
Scheme 3.
Li [THF]
Si Si (5)
X=CI, Br
Disproportionation of Disilanes
ci CI CI SiCI2Me
I NMe, I
Me-Si — Si —Me CI —Si—Me Me—Si —SiCI2Me (7)
Several catalysts were tested, and Baney et al. used 1 mass% Bu4PCl to
disproportionate a disilane fraction, and also pure SiCl2Me-SiCl2Me as well as
70 G. Roewer • U. Herzog • K. Trommer • E. Miiller • S. Friihauf
SiCl2Me-SiClMe2. The reactions, carried out under argon until 250 °C, yielded
in the first case 14.8% of a yellow glassy solid with the empirical formula
(MeSi)5.7(Me2Si)i 0Qi.9 [55]. Besides phosphonium and ammonium halides
HMPA, imidazol and pyrazol derivatives proved to be valuable catalysts for the
disproportionation reaction. N-Methylimidazol catalyzes the disproportiona-
tion of SiCl2Me-SiCl2Me even at room temperature, and also SiClMe2-SiClMe2
can be converted into Me2SiCl2 and a,co-dichloropermethyloligosilanes
(Si3—Si5) using this catalyst. The structure of the observed oligomers as well
as the nature of the monosilanes and the observed graduation of reactivities of
several methylchlorodisilanes suggest a mechanism via the formation of base
stabilized silylenes and subsequent insertion into Si—Cl bonds of other
disilane or already formed oligosilane molecules as is discussed in detail in
Cl | Cl
Cl Gl Cl Cl Cl Cl Si Cl
cat. I I I
I /
Cl Cl
- MeSiCI, I I
Cl Me Cl Me Me Me
Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl (8)
\ / \ / \ /
Me—Si Cl Me-Si Si—Me
\ / \ /
Me-Si—Si—Me Me—Si—Si—Me
/ \ / \
Me—Si Si—Me Me—Si Si—Me
Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl
For further processing of the methylchloropolysilanes it is crucial to obtain
the product free from traces of the disproportionation catalyst. Otherwise the
disproportionation will proceed further, e.g., during melt spinning to get
polysilane fibers. Therefore several catalysts bearing HMPA-like structures or
nitrogen heterocycles have been fixed on a silica carrier [57] (Scheme 4).
Scheme 4.
Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl
Me-Si—Si—Me +
Ph—Si—Cl =»
Ph—Si— Si—Me
1 1
- MeSiCI3
C, c, Cl Cl C,
i Me Cl
Me (9)
Cl •"Si Cl
1 /
1 1
1 Me Me
Me Me Me
I I 220 °C I
MeO—Si—Si—OMe MeO -Si- -OMe (10)
I I - Me 2 Si(OMe) 2 I
Me Me Me
n = 3, 4
MeO OMe Me-Si OMe
200 °C /
Me-Si—Si—Me Me-Si—Si—Me (11)
- MeSi(OMe)3 | \
MeO OMe Me-Si OMe
MeO | ,OMe
MeO OMe MeO ^ S i OMe
I I 200°C \ | /
MeO—Si—Si—OMe MeO -Si—Si—Si—OM (12)
I I -Si(OMe) 4 / | \
MeO OMe MeO ^ S i OMe
MeO | OMe
polymers depend strongly on the molar ratio of the two disilanes used. While
an initial content of 70% Si2Me2(OMe)4 resulted in a polymer with Mw of
6600 g/mol (PD = 3.9) and a melting point of 200 °C, a disilane mixture
containing 90% Si2Me3(OMe)3 yielded a product with a Mw of 2900 g/mol
(PD = 2.2) and a melting point of 30 °C. Phenyl groups could be introduced
into the polymer by adding l,2-dimethyl-l,2-diphenyldichlorosilane to the
methoxymethyldisilane mixture [63].
Polysilanes via Dehydro-Coupling
Si —X — Y — H
M1: group 8-10 metal, M2: group 3-4 metal, M3: group 10 metal
a: oxidative Addition, b: hydrosilylation, c: a-substituent migration, d: fS-hydride
elimination, e, f: reductive elimination, g: insertion of unsaturated compounds, h:
Scheme 5.
Silicon Carbide - A Survey of Synthetic Approaches, Properties and Applications 73
Me Me Me
Cp.TiMe, I 1000 °C
n H- -Si—H — -~ H- -Si- -H - SiC (14)
-m H, (Ar)
ceramic yield: 77 %
I Me Me"
H — Si — H Cp2TiMe2 I 1500 °C
I -Si- -Si- H - SiC (15)
H — Si —H •mH, I (Ar)
Me ceramic yield: 88 %
Me Me
I -Si-
Cp 2 TiMe 2
crosslinked polymer
*- SiC
- m H, (Ar)
ceramic yield: 72%
M — HJ
M —H M — SiH,R
Scheme 6.
Other Synthetic Routes to Polysilanes
0.2 M Bu4NBF4/DME
2 F/mol
CISiR 1 R 2 -SiR 3 R 4 CI
2 Ph
- PhPh - 2 LiCI
R1 R3
RLi [THF] -70 °C
-Si — Si- (20)
- n PhPh
R2 R4
Reported polymer yields of 60-80% are much higher than by the Wurtz-
coupling synthesis, and the resulting polymers have Mn values in the range of
104-105 depending on the amount of RLi used to initiate the polymerization.
Furthermore GPC profiles reveal a monomodal distribution of molecular
weights and polydispersities between 1.2 and 1.9.
As is obvious from the case of polymethylsilane, the use of a polymer that has
a Si/C ratio of 1:1, but where the carbon is located in the side groups, does not
necessarily lead to a ceramic product which retains the starting Si/C ratio. A
potential solution to this loss of carbon on pyrolysis is to incorporate it as
Silicon Carbide - A Survey of Synthetic Approaches, Properties and Applications 77
Polycarbosilanes via Grignard Coupling
Ph H Cl H
I I HCI 1 1
-Si—C- [Aicy 1 1
I I Cl H
Ph H
H H R H Cl Cl
I I 1 1
—Si—C- — Si—C 1 Si—C—
I 1 1
H H R H Cl Cl
Mn = 690 R = Vi, All, ...
PD = 9.4 Mn = 800... 1850
ceram. yield = 40.3 % PD = 30 - 60 R1 R1
ceram. yield = 50-60 % I I
Scheme 7.
Br—(Cjy~ Si—OEt Si — (22)
BrMg -MgBr + TfO—Si—OTf (23)
- 2 MgBrOTf
Me Me
BiMg—(^j)— MgBr + ^ crosslinked polymer
Me Me H Me
2 Mg [Zn] I I I
Cl-Si —C—Si —Cl
Na (toluene) + PhMeSiCI2
110 °C Na (toluene)
110 °C
Me H Me Ph Me H Me "
-Si — C — Si-
Si- ol
H H H Me H H H
0.4 -
Scheme 8.
Polycarbosilanes via ROP of Sila- and Disilacyclobutanes
Cl Cl 3 BuLi
Cl -78 °C
Me Me Me Me Me Ph Ph
I i I I
H-Si- -Si-H Si~Si — -Si- -Si- -^—Si —
i i i i I
Me Me Me Me Me Me Ph
Me Me
I !
-Si- -Si —
Me Me
Scheme 9.
Me Me Me
2 CIMgCCH I 2 BuLi I
H-C=C-Si—C=C-H l_i-CSC-Si-C=C-Li
—CBC-Si—CSC—Si— —C=C-Si—CSC—Si—
- LiOTf
O= S =
Scheme 10.
Me Me
Me Me
(f))—Si —Si—
Me Me
Scheme 11.
Pt°L 3 (CH2)3SiMe2
Me Me
Scheme 12.
Me Me
M6 Mi
I O I Me U ' MC^
Me-Si—| BuLi ^Si—1 (CH 2 ) 3 SiMe z , ^Si—i (25)
| I - BU | | ir Bu-si-(CH2)3 I I i_r
ci CI OEt
I CI, | 2 EtOH I
CI-CH,—Si-CI C I - C R , —Si - C I
CH3 — Si-CI -HCI - 2 HCI
Mg [THF]
- MgCI2
CI—Si 840 °C AcCI [FeCy EtO—Si —
30% 1
-Si - O E t
Si - C I I
90 °C [(olefin)PtCI2]
-Si -CH, - Si - C H , -
I [Et2O] [Et2O]
Scheme 13.
R = Et, CH2CF3, Ph, Ac
Si — Si —CH 2 —
Me Me
CH2=CHR [Pt]
Et2O / BF3
Me Me
Scheme 14.
Polycarbosilanes by Hydrosilylation
[H 2 Ptcy I 1200 °C
n H-C=C—Si—H -Si' SiC (27)
Scheme 15.
Conversion of Organosilicon Precursor to Inorganic Material
intermediates starting with further cross linking and ending up with crystalline
ceramic. Scheme 16 represents an overview over the characteristic stages and
their sequences depending on the pyrolysis temperature.
The processes occurring during cross linking and ceramization as well as
the structure of the preceramic network and the amorphous covalent ceramic
depend strongly on the chemical structure of the synthesized precursor
molecule. The influence of the type of the polymer molecule, of the catalysts,
steric effects of the side groups, bond strengths, as well as radical stabilities are
crucial factors.
Apart from the specific properties of the precursors the parameters used for
the ceramization steps like heating rate, atmosphere, and duration of pyrolysis
also influence the ceramic yield and composition as well as the evolution of
gaseous species during pyrolysis.
The presence of functional groups on the polymer material is vital for the
cross-linking and doping steps, as well as for promoting adhesions to substrate.
Intrinsic functional groups on polysilanes (Si—H, Si—Cl,...Si—CH=CHR) or
additional built in functionalities must be utilized to "cure" the precursor, i.e.,
to stabilize the network and also to gain an increase of the ceramic yield. Small
amounts of reactive curing gases (O2, H2O, NH3, etc.) and/or a low level of
Silicon Carbide - A Survey of Synthetic Approaches, Properties and Applications 87
unsaturated side groups should give a strong cross-linking effect. From such a
curing process heteroatom doping also arises in the SiC-ceramic.
The thermal treatment of vinylic polysilane SiC precursor polymers involves
<300 °C cross-linking and loss of low molecular weight oligomers. Polymer
degradation, which is characterized by significant decomposition of the side
groups and chain scission, along with conversion of the polysilane skeleton to
poly(carbosilane), takes place between 300 and 750 °C [124].
The decomposition chemistry of most polysilanes above 300 °C is quite
complex and involves restructuring of the polymer backbone as well as
substantial cleavage of the side groups. Generally a poly(alkyl)silane must go
through a carbosilane intermediate prior to formation of the SiC network
(Kumada rearrangement) [125]:
volatile oligomers
C—H yS
^ — S'-H (28)
Si—Si —
The intensities of the Si-H stretching band (~2080 cm x) and the Si-CH2-Si
deformation band (~1050 cm" 1 ) of the IR spectrum increase with an increase
in pyrolysis temperature from 250 to 400 °C. Methylene insertion reactions are
also suggested by changes in the XH CRAMPS, 13C MAS, and 29Si MAS NMR
spectra. The observation of more than one distinct methylene carbon/proton
resonance is consistent with the complicated chemistry of the system, wherein
different reactions generate chemically distinct methylene environments.
High yields of SiC can be expected when cross-link formation is encouraged
so as to minimize loss of silane fragments by competing chain-scission
\ + HC"? — ? i (29)
-Si- "Si" "Si- ?
spectra between 300 and 450 °C, a rapid loss of -CH3, -C6H5 and hexyl groups
takes place. At temperatures above 600 °C the remaining Si-CH3 groups are
lost, and there is a progressive conversion from the imperfect to perfect SiC
network. The escaping gases detected by TG/MS analysis arise from
condensation reactions between the various functional groups (Si—H, Si—CH3,
C—H, Si—CH2—Si).
ESR experiments also indicate that a substantial concentration of free
radicals is present in the solids, which corroborates the participation of radical
species during the decomposition. A variety of radical combination and
abstraction reactions are possible at high temperature and can account for the
various hydrocarbons and silane products observed. In general, hydrogen
atom as well as carbon or silicon atom centered radicals could be created (c.f.
Scheme 17).
-Si- 4- -H
Qi f"*M Qi - -Si- +• CH 2 -Si
Sl CH 2 Sl 1
Scheme 17.
1 ! I i
R-C- + C-R -— R-C-C-R
1 1 I I
1 1 I I
R-Si- + •C-R —~ R-Si-C-R
1 I I i
R-Si- + •Si-R — R-Si-Si-R
I I I i
Scheme 18.
i i i i
R-E- + H-Si- •-«- R-E-H + Si-
i I I I
R-E- + H-C- - ~ - R-E-H + C-
E=C, Si
Scheme 19.
Pyrolysis under Ammonia
. 1
R- + -Si-NH-Si- — R-H H- -Si-N-Si
i I I I
Scheme 20.
Silicon Carbide - A Survey of Synthetic Approaches, Properties and Applications 91
Me „. Cl Me Me Cl ,.
\ C \ / \ / Me
\Si S i/ ^ _ , n \ S i S Ii ^ \ I I
I \ Cl / \ -MeSiCI3 1
Me Me Me
Scheme 21.
i i ii
-Si-H + H-Si- -Si — Si-
i I II
Scheme 22.
92 G. Roewer • U. Herzog • K. Trommer • E. Miiller • S. Friihauf
Transformation of the Amorphous Si-C Network into Poly-Crystalline SiC
Amorphous Covalent Ceramics
After a heat treatment of the precursor polymer up to about 800 °C a state has
been reached which is termed "amorphous covalent ceramics" or "ACC
phase" [133]. It is characterized by the following items [133-135]:
- The weight loss is more or less finished for the present, i.e., during a further
increase of the temperature only hydrogen - which is contributing only at a
negligible rate to the mass loss - (and in the special case of chlorine
containing polymers also traces of HCl) are detectable by mass spectroscopy
or gas chromatography up to the temperature range of about 1200 °C. Here,
reactions between free carbon and often unavoidable regions of silica start,
and once more weight losses are observable.
- Densities are - depending on the real composition and foregoing treatment
- in the range 2.2-2.4 g cm" 3 .
- Hints of crystallinity cannot be detected neither by XRD nor by TEM or
SAED (selected area electron diffraction).
- In the IR spectrum, the Si—CH2—Si wagging vibrations in the range of
1000-1100 cm" 1 which are characteristic for the existence of poly(carbos-
ilane) have disappeared completely.
- The 29Si MAS NMR signal shows only one single peak with a chemical shift
of about - 8 ppm, typical for a [SiC4] coordination. However, the linewidth
of this peak is large (about 35 ppm), i.e., the surrounding of the silicon
atoms is still irregular. Signals which could arise from residual Si-Si bonds
of the polymer are no longer observed.
- The 13C MAS NMR spectrum is characterized by a broad signal at about
18 ppm which is correlated with an irregular [CSi4] coordination. In the case
Silicon Carbide - A Survey of Synthetic Approaches, Properties and Applications 93
of systems with a C/Si ratio significantly larger than 1 [133, 134], a broad
peak around 135 ppm is also detected arising from C=C bonds.
- The spin densities measured by EPR are still relatively low (0.5 x 1019 cm"3
[135] - 1 x 1019 cm"3 [134]) compared to values obtained after a treatment
at higher temperatures (up to 1020 cm"3 at 1000 °C).
Beyond all doubt, the state of the "amorphous covalent ceramics" forms a
specific and, by knowing the preparation route, a more or less exactly
definable state which occurs as an intermediate during the transformation of
the silicon organic polymer into the final crystalline ceramics. This state
appears to be stable at room temperature for a long time. And, of course,
materials in this state are distinguished by specific properties different from
the state of crystalline ceramics.
However, the authors are reluctant to denote this state as ACC "phase".
The term "phase" implies - by its meaning in chemical thermodynamics - an
equilibrium state. It refers to a state which is unequivocally defined by the
fhermodynamic parameters like temperature and pressure present or, in
other words, a material constituting a real phase is characterized by
properties which are independent of the route leading to that phase. In the
case of the amorphous covalent ceramics, however, the properties will depend
strongly on the particular history of the material, on parameters like heating
rate, maximum temperature and length of the heat treatment, kind of
atmosphere during this treatment, etc. Therefore, it is wrong to speak about
the ACC state of SiC. In reality, a lot of different ACC states in the Si-C
system are possible, depending on the real formation route and characterized
by differences in properties like density, electrical conductivity, spin density,
Obviously, such a state may be termed a "frozen state", far from the
thermodynamic equilibrium. However, we cannot agree to a definition given
by Chawla [136]: "Noncrystalline or amorphous (...) ceramics are not really
solids but supercooled liquids.... Thus, noncrystalline ceramics such as glasses
may, in many respect, behave like solids but structurally they are liquids."
Without any doubt this statement is true of amorphous ceramics like the
usual silicate glasses which can be formed from melts by rapid cooling. In the
case of amorphous ceramics organized as covalent networks such a definition
does not correspond to the reality. This is especially obvious in the case of the
amorphous Si-C ceramics: not only does a silicon carbide melt from which a
supercooled state could arise not exist under normal pressure, but also the
chemical composition of the amorphous ceramics is far from that one of an (at
high pressure) imaginable SiC melt since the solid amorphous state is
stabilized by hydrogen (as well as by excess carbon, impurities etc.). The
relative stability of the solid amorphous Si-C network is due to the saturation
of the majority of "broken" (better: "not yet formed") Si—C bonds by H atoms
[134]. It is to be expected that under conditions where a fictitious melt could
exist such Si—H bonds are no longer stable. Thus it will be improbable to find
the most important structure units of the amorphous solid also in the
(unknown) structure of an (unknown) melt.
94 G. Roewer • U. Herzog • K. Trommer • E. Miiller • S. Fruhauf
We will see in the next section that phase separation processes, although
occurring in Si-C systems, are not sufficient to initiate crystallization processes
in the carbide system, but that we also have to remove the hydrogen atoms as
"network modifiers". Due to its monovalently covalent bonding character the
hydrogen atoms cannot act as connecting links to neighboring tetrahedra.
Thus only the removal of the hydrogen atoms can lead to crystallizable
structure units. However, that means simultaneously that the crystallization
process in such polymer derived ACC systems is always combined with
changes in the chemical composition. Therefore, there is no kind of
reversibility between amorphous and crystalline states - in contrast to most
silicate glasses.
Hitherto we have discussed the formation of amorphous covalent ceramics
only on the basis of polymer derived materials. In Sects. 2.2 and, thin
amorphous, hydrogen stabilized SiC layers (a-SiC:H) are also considered
which are formed, first of all, by gas phase processes (CVD, PVD). They
represent another type of amorphous covalent ceramics. And though it is not
expected that properties of such layers agree completely with those of the
polymer derived ACC, the basic ideas of stability and transformability of the
ACC state discussed above should be transferable to this type of amorphous
covalent ceramics, too.
Nucleation and Crystal Growth
Table 1. Survey of the temperature dependence of the main physico-chemical events on the
thermal evolution of some polymer derived ceramic materials (after [147])
C/Si 900 950 100(1 1100 1200 1250 1350 1400 1450 1600
Si-C 1.1 Cr
limn dill
cei •a mic
2.1 BSU (d/Cr) d/Cr
concerning C/Si ratios of 1.4 and 2.1 were listed in the scheme which is given
in Table 1.
The first row in this table (C/Si =1.1) was added by the present authors and
resulted from [144-146]. By investigations which will be described in detail in
the following section, we have been able to show that in amorphous systems
derived from chlorine containing polysilanes (see Sect. 2.4.2) - where a nearly
stoichiometric C/Si ratio becomes possible - obviously a SiC nucleation is
occurring already in the temperature region of only 900 °C without a
preceding formation of BSUs!
Which phenomena give hints for another nucleation mechanism besides the
one described by Monthioux et al.?
First of all, the paper of Monthioux itself it should be mentioned. He
considers the dependence of the temperature of the first BSU occurrence on
the carbon content of the system and finds an inverse correlation between
these two parameters: the lower the carbon content is, the higher a
temperature of BSU formation is observed. This can be understood by taking
into consideration that the driving force for the BSU formation will increase
with increasing carbon content as well as that the diffusion paths during that
formation will decrease. Therefore, already Monthioux seems not to be
absolutely sure if in the case of the C/Si ratio of 1.4 a foregoing BSU formation
really occurs and gives only a cautious reference to a possible BSU formation
by setting it in parentheses (Table 1). In another paper of this group [148] it is
explicitly reported that after a treatment at only 900 °C the formation of BSUs
is not yet observable.
By using data given by Monthioux a rough estimation of the temperature
for a possible BSU formation in case of a C/Si ratio of about 1.1 leads to a
temperature of about 1050 °C. That is more or less compatible with the
following own results [146]:
- Investigations of the atmosphere during pyrolysis and crystallization
processes via gas chromatography show that hydrogen - cleaved also by
the edge-to-edge association of the BSUs - is found up to temperatures
exceeding 1000 °C.
- Si CP MAS NMR signals which need the presence of hydrogen atoms
disappear at T > 1100 °C.
- The content of free carbon detectable by hot gas extraction (LECO RC-412)
begins to increase only above T = 1100 °C.
- EPR investigations reveal a characteristic change in the kind of the
dominant signal. In the temperature range 1050-1100 °C a g-value of 2.003
is observed which is characteristic for radicals of carbon (or also -
g = 2.0035 - for radicals of silicon atoms bonded to carbon [149]). At
T > 1050 °C this signal has disappeared and a signal with a g-value of 2.005
becomes dominant corresponding to Si radicals. It means that, obviously,
C—C bonds were formed predominantly by combining C radicals (or that
even Si—C bonds were cleaved to form C—C bonds.)
On the other hand, there is some experimental evidence for a temperature
of maximum nucleation of silicon carbide at about 900 °C in our ACC system
98 G. Roewer • U. Herzog • K. Trommer • E. Miiller • S. Fruhauf
with a C/Si ratio of 1.1 [144-146] (which would also be in agreement with
former 29Si MAS NMR studies of Soraru et al. on pyrolyzed polycarbosilanes
[150] revealing that the linewidth characterizing the disorder in the silicon
environment is increasing only up to 840 °C, whereas a treatment at higher
temperatures leads to a more regular silicon coordination as a first step to the
SiC nucleation.)
To investigate the nucleation behavior of our system we applied methods
and theories usually used for analyzing the crystallization processes of glasses
By starting from an ACC system characterized by a standardized pre-
treatment up to 700 °C (heating at 2 °C min" 1 to 700 °C and holding for 1 h
under an argon atmosphere) a series of samples was firstly pyrolyzed for 8 h at
different temperatures in the range of supposed nucleation (800-1100 °C) and
finally all the samples were held for 20 min at the same temperature
T = 1500 °C in order to let the nuclei grow which had been formed before at
the lower temperatures. These samples were analyzed by XRD.
Crystallite sizes dXRD determined by measuring the line broadening in XRD
reveal a distinct dependence on the nucleation temperature. We find a
significant minimum (dXRD, 900 = 8 nm) for samples nucleated at 900 °C,
whereas these mean crystallite sizes increase at lower as well as at higher
nucleation temperatures (dXRD> 8Oo = 16 nm, dXRD; 1100 = 12 nm). It means
that at T = 900 °C the most nuclei were formed, with the consequence that
under the final uniform crystallization regime at 1500 °C the many nuclei
formed at 900 °C were able to grow only to a lower degree until the crystallites
touched one another. The crystallizable material has been consumed, and the
crystal growth is stopped earlier, than in the other cases where a less number
of nuclei formed at lower or higher temperatures.
SAXS investigations (which were performed by A. Hoell and R. Kranold at
the University of Rostock, Germany) lead to similar conclusions. By that
method sizes of heterogeneities ("particle sizes") as well as their relative
frequency per volume ("relative particle density") and the relative volume of
all particles ("volume fraction") can be determined. An advantage of this
method is the feasibility to detect particles with dimensions already in the
range of the nuclei themselves, i.e., after the nucleation no crystal growth at
higher temperatures is necessary for detection as is needed in the case of XRD.
Therefore, samples used for these investigations were held only at the
nucleation temperature (900, 1000, 1100 °C), but with additional variations of
the nucleation time (1, 2, 4, and 8 h).
- By increasing nucleation time one can observe that the particle sizes dSAXS
remain nearly constant (dSAXS; 900 =1.2 nm) for the system nucleated at
900 °C, whereas at 1000 °C a slight (dSAXS> 1000=1-5 nm -» 2.2 nm) and at
1100 °C a significant (dSAxs, iio<>2.1 -> 4.3 nm) growth of these sizes is
observable; i.e., obviously, the temperature of only 900 °C is not sufficient to
activate the growth of particles, but only to form nuclei.
- The relative particle density is significantly the highest one for T = 900 °C
and increases with nucleation time (especially by going from 1 to 2 h) only
Silicon Carbide - A Survey of Synthetic Approaches, Properties and Applications 99
the dominant mechanism responsible for the measured activation energy, i.e.,
it is more or less the real activation energy for the growth of crystallites from
an amorphous matrix (but also influenced by further nucleation processes
which still take place at T > 900 °C!).
In the second case our result is equally influenced by both processes,
nucleation and crystal growth. Of course, it does not make sense to try to
attribute the difference between these two values to the real activation energy
for the nucleation process alone because both processes are "smeared" and
overlapping in the temperature range. However, obviously the activation
energy for nucleation is significant smaller than the one for crystal growth.
This is in agreement with former results of Soraru et al. [133] who determined
an activation energy for the densification of SiC ACC in the temperature range
900-1000 °C - i.e., in a range where the nucleation forms the dominating
process, but also already overlaps with growth processes! He found
343 KJ mol" 1 .
An activation energy in the range 550-600 KJ mol" 1 reflects the mecha-
nisms responsible for the crystallization. Obviously, at the interface between
the growing nucleus and the amorphous matrix, reconstructions are necessary,
which require, on average, the cleavage of more than one covalent bond (e.g.:
Si-H: 323 KJ mol" 1 , C-H: 416 KJ mol" 1 , Si-C: 306 KJ moP 1 [155]). This means
that the cleavage of chemical bonds connected with the formation of radicals is
the process dominating the crystallization. That is absolutely in agreement
with our EPR investigations mentioned above, where the maximum of the
radical concentration was detected after a treatment at exactly the same
temperature (1050 °C) where the exothermic DTA peaks begin to form. Taking
into consideration that the EPR signal from samples treated at 1050 and
1100 °C are dominantly caused by carbon radicals, it does not seem to be
misleading to interpret the formation of these radicals as the step dominating
the growth of SiC crystals from the ACC.
A similar value of the activation energy for the crystallization of SiC like the
second one mentioned above was found by Yoshi [156] investigating the
crystallization behavior of amorphous Si!_xCx films prepared by RF sputtering.
He gives a value of 685 KJ mol" 1 . In that connection, it may also be interesting
to mention that the activation energy for self diffusion processes of Si and C in
SiC was found to be still higher: 8 eV = 772 KJ mol" 1 [157].
The DTA measurements reveal a further - somewhat smeared - exothermic
peak in the temperature range from 1390 to 1510 °C. Obviously, this peak
arises from processes of re-crystallization. By XRD a drastic increase of the
crystallite sizes is observable in the same temperature region. Thus, when the
ACC is consumed by the crystallization process, a new mechanism starts to be
responsible for the development of the microstructure of the final SiC
ceramics. A further increase of the crystallite size becomes possible only by re-
crystallization, i.e. Ostwald ripening. The activation energy for such processes
determined by the Kissinger equation in the way mentioned above was found
to be significantly lower: EA; recr = 381 ± 20 KJ mol" 1 .
All the results reported hitherto refer to our ACC system with a C/Si ratio of
about 1.1 which leads to a nearly stoichiometric SiC ceramic. Of course, in spite
Silicon Carbide - A Survey of Synthetic Approaches, Properties and Applications 101
Fig. 2. Inner surface of SiCN ceramic with large Si3N4 single crystals and small SiC crystallites
grown by gas phase reactions under annealing in N2 at 1540 °C. (Courtesy of H.-J. Kleebe,
University of Bayreuth, Germany)
Alternative Routes to SiC
Routes Using Phytogenic Material
Routes Starting from Sugar
The classical route to SiC, the so-called Acheson process, has recently been
described thoroughly by Schwetz [169]. It is well known that high-purity
quartz sand and petroleum coke are used to get silicon carbide corresponding
to the summarizing equation for this strongly endothermic carbothermal
reduction process (ARH298 = 618.5 KJ mol" 1 ):
SiO2 + 3 C SiC + 2 CO (33)
and that high temperatures (typically exceeding >2000 °C) are needed.
If we use the term "alternative routes to SiC" here, we want to exclude this
Acheson process as well as the main topic of this paper, the polymer route!
By considering the thermodynamical data of this carbothermal reduction it
becomes obvious that the temperatures used in industrial scale applications
are significantly higher than the one needed to get a negative Gibbs energy for
the reaction. (ARG becomes zero at about 1800 K.) This is not to mention that
in the case of such an equilibrium where one of the products may escape in
open systems, the reaction would take place also already at lower tempera-
tures. Thus, the need for such high temperatures is predominantly due to
kinetic reasons.
The mechanism of this carbothermal reduction has been intensively
investigated [170, 171] and a scheme of consecutive partial reactions has
been proposed revealing that the reaction rate is controlled by diffusion and
gas phase processes. Therefore, it can be concluded that the reaction rate may
become the higher the finer the distribution of the solid educts is. That is, if we
are able to start from a colloidal dispersed mixture of silica and carbon, it is to
be expected that the reaction temperature will drop as well as that finer SiC
particles can be obtained.
Such considerations have led to a process forming finely dispersed and pure
SiC powders by starting from a solution of sugar (saccharose) in silica sol
[172]. After drying the solution and pyrolyzing the sugar, an intimate nano-
scaled mixture of silica and carbon results which may be transformed into SiC
by pyrolysis under an inert atmosphere at T < 1800 °C.
In the last decade there have been some efforts to optimize this process in
order to drop the reaction temperature and to get nano-scaled SiC powders
without agglomeration and contamination [173-175]. Our group was also
engaged in this field [176, 177]. We were able to show that it is feasible to
control the particle sizes by controlling the gas pressure during the reaction as
a function of the reaction temperature. In order to minimize the particle
growth, the carbothermic reduction is suppressed during the heating phase by
104 G. Roewer • U. Herzog • K. Trommer • E. Miiller • S. Friihauf
0 150 nm
Fig. 3. TEM micrograph of a SiC powder prepared from silica sol and sugar at T = 1800 °C.
(Courtesy of Ch. Oestreich, TU Freiberg, Germany)
gas pressure; only when the intended reaction temperature has been reached is
the pressure lowered down to a vacuum of about 20 Pa with the consequence
that the reaction takes place very abruptly. Thus, nano-scaled SiC powders
characterized by specific surface areas of 25-30 m2 g~x were feasible at
reaction temperatures of 1500-1800 °C. Figure 3 shows a TEM micrograph of
such a powder synthesized at 1800 °C. Stacking faults inside the monocrys-
talline particles of /?-SiC are distinctly observable.
Routes Starting from Silica-Containing Plants
It has already been well known for more than two decades that it is feasible to
produce SiC powders and/or whiskers by pyrolyzing rice husk [178] under an
inert atmosphere, since a considerable content of colloidal amorphous silica is
incorporated in husks and straws of this vegetable. It means that nature by
itself is supplying a similar intimate mixture of carbon-containing molecules
(cellulose) and colloidal silica like those artificially made mixtures we
discussed in the last section. Thus, also in this case, silicon carbide may be
formed by a carbothermal reduction process. This process starts in the
temperature range 1100-1400 °C!
Although this process is already used industrially for producing SiC
whiskers [179], recently investigations have been performed with the aim to
control the shape of the produced particles - globules or whiskers - by process
parameters [180, 181].
In the authors' group similar investigations have been performed using
silica-containing plants available in Germany. We chose the so-called "horse-
tail" (Equisetum arvense), a weed-like vegetable, which traditionally had been
Silicon Carbide - A Survey of Synthetic Approaches, Properties and Applications 105
used for cleaning the surfaces of pewter (tin vessels, table-ware, etc.). That
cleaning effect is due to the abrasive influence of small silica-like inclusions,
preferentially inside the tops of the needle-like "leaves" arranged like twirling-
sticks. Figure 4 shows a SEM micrograph of a top of such horse-tail leaves. By
EDX the white points reveal a significantly higher amount of silicon than the
residual parts of the plant.
We found a silicon content of about 5-6 wt% in dried material from the
whole plant. That content increases up to 8% by analyzing only the leaf tops.
Of course, there are also various mineral impurities (mainly Ca, K, S, Cl) in the
dried vegetable material (up to about 10 wt%), whose type and amount may
depend significantly on the place from where the material arises. However, the
majority of such impurities can be washed out before pyrolysis.
After pyrolyzing under Ar at 1400 °C a nano-scaled SiC powder is obtained,
but the XRD pattern still reveals a significant background arising from residual
amorphous silica. A pyrolysis at 1550 °C, however, yields a powder charac-
terized by the distinct XRD pattern of /3-SiC and residual free carbon. The
mean particle size derived from the line width of the SiC diffraction peaks is
about 30 nm.
Routes Starting from Wood
In the last decade there has been much activity concerning the use of biological
materials while maintaining their structures for producing advanced ceramic
106 G. Roewer • U. Herzog • K. Trommer • E. Miiller • S. Friihauf
pyrolysis carhruni/ed
Ih 70 C ~~^ 18(WC41i N , — preform —
Tflildl nfiltration
-» SiSlC-ceramics —p- etchinn - Sit" ceramics
*" L600'( 4h argon ~~
Fig. 5. Processing scheme of manufacturing different types of cellular SiC ceramics from
wood (after [191])
Silicon Carbide via Gas Phase Processes
Single Crystals
Due to its wide band gap, silicon carbide is also an interesting semiconductor
for high-temperature applications [193]. In order to get monocrystalline
Silicon Carbide - A Survey of Synthetic Approaches, Properties and Applications 107
£. -A •
Fig. 6a, b. The microstructure of beech: a after carbonization; b after a subsequent silicon
melt infiltration. (Courtesy of H. Sieber, University of Erlangen, Germany)
•W A
4-H-SiC 6H-SIC
Fig. 7. Scheme of the structures of four SiC polytypes by comparing the views on (110) (3C)
and (1120) (2H,4H,6H), respectively. For emphasizing the differences in stacking sequence
in the direction [111] and [0001], respectively, a sequence of bondings has been marked
transport across an inert atmosphere (Ar, He, or N2) from the SiC source at
higher temperature to the seed at lower temperature in the course of which
reactions of the gaseous species with the crucible wall of carbon may take
place, too.
Recent reviews on the growth of high-purity SiC single crystals and their
properties have been given by Miiller et al. [195] and Augustine et al. [196].
Today, wafer diameters up to 50 mm are feasible on an industrial scale for the
polytypes 4H and 6H; the density of micropipe defects can be reduced to less
than 100 cm" 2 (down to about 1 cm" 2 ).
To illustrate the meaning of the polytype symbols used here, Fig. 7 shows
the structures of the simplest four SiC polytypes 3C (/?-SiC) as well as 2H, 4H
and 6H (polytypes of a-SiC). They are distinguished by the stacking sequence
of the layers formed by [SiC4] tetrahedra.
SiC layers
Monocrystalline Layers and Surfaces
In the last section the growth of single crystals has been described. In this case
the aim is to obtain crystals of uniform polytypes. On the other hand,
remarkable differences in physical properties of the different polytypes may
occur (see also Table 3): e.g. the cubic polytype 3C has a band gap of about
2.3 eV, in the case of the polytype 4H; however, this band gap is about 3.2 eV.
Silicon Carbide - A Survey of Synthetic Approaches, Properties and Applications 109
It has already been mentioned that this band gap predestines SiC for electronic
devices at high temperatures, but also for high power and high frequency
operations and devices operating in harsh environments [197]. Therefore, it
may be of interest to "tailor" this band gap for special applications. That is
feasible by the formation of so-called superlattices, i.e., by forming exactly
defined sequences of monolayers of different polytypes.
Therefore, growth conditions are needed other than the ones described
above to make possible controlled changes in the nucleation conditions in the
gas phase process. Such changes become feasible by molecular beam epitaxy
(MBE) [198]. Here the concentrations of gaseous silicon and carbon,
respectively, may be controlled independently by two separate electron beam
sources in an UHV system, and are simultaneously analyzed by mass
spectroscopy. A scheme of such equipment is given in Fig. 8. The feasibility for
reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) allows us to observe when
a monolayer of a defined polytype has completely formed. By changing the
partial pressures of silicon and carbon, respectively, as well as the temperature
of the substrate (800-1000 °C), it becomes feasible to control the nucleation of
a definite polytype independently of the polytype of the substrate [199].
In this way, superlattices composed of definite monolayer sequences of
different polytypes may be formed by MBE [200, 201]. Figure 9 shows a cross
sectional TEM micrograph of such a structure consisting of alternating
sequences of 6H and 3C layers.
heater (I650K)
RHEED screen
Fig. 8. Principle of the MBE equipment for SiC. (Courtesy of A. Fissel, University of lena,
no G. Roewer • U. Herzog • K. Trommer • E. Miiller • S. Friihauf
6H-S1C substrate
1.3C-SiC layer
1. SH-SiC layer
2. 3C-SiC layer
2. 6H-SiC layer
Amorphous (a-SiCH) and Polycrystalline Layers
SiC Fibers and Whiskers
SiC Monofilaments
In the following section (Sect. 5) an overview will be given over "thin" SiC
fibers characterized by "small" diameters of one to few tens of a micrometer
and produced via the polymer route (in most cases). This kind of fiber is
applied as rovings consisting of some hundred up to more than a thousand
single filaments, so-called multifilament fibers, which may be woven and is
predominantly used for reinforcing brittle matrices (ceramics and glasses).
Beside this type of SiC fibers another type is commercially available (e.g. the
type SCS-6 of Textron), so-called monofilaments, characterized by "large"
diameters up to about 150 (im which are formed by CVD processes. For
producing such SiC monofilaments thin substrate fibers are needed. Thin
carbon or tungsten fibers are used for that purpose. In the simplest case, they
are coated by SiC using, for instance, the thermal decomposition of CH3SiCl3.
The fiber type SCS-6 consists of a more complex, graded structure charac-
terized by a carbon core, an inner zone of carbon-rich /?-SiC, an outer zone of
stoichiometric /?-SiC, and a surface coating of carbon. Structure and properties
are thoroughly described in the literature [136 (p 92), 224]. An overview over
some properties is given in Table 2. Predominantly these fibers are used for
reinforcing metal matrices.
SiC Whiskers
Whiskers are monocrystalline fibers of very small diameters (down to 0.1 um)
typically grown by gas phase processes. Due to their nearly ideal structure and
the absence of crystalline imperfections like grain boundaries or dislocations,
SiC whiskers may possess outstanding mechanical properties; for example,
112 G. Roewer • U. Herzog • K. Trommer • E. Muller • S. Fruhauf
tensile strengths up to 23.7 GPa [136 (p 104)] were measured, i.e., the order of
magnitude of the theoretical value (about 84 GPa) estimated from strengths of
chemical bonds is reached.
Recently Schwetz [169] gave an overview of the different mechanisms
forming SiC whiskers. One of the processes technically used for SiC whisker
production has been mentioned before in Sect. 4.1.2, the pyrolysis of rice
husks. This process counts among the type VS (Vapor-Solid mechanism) since
the dominating reaction responsible for the whisker growth is the second step
of the reaction sequence:
SiO, + C — SiO + CO
SiO + 2C — SiC + CO
A scheme of the process technology for making silicon carbide whiskers
from rice husks is given by Chawla [136 (p 103)].
A second mechanism, the Vapor-Liquid-Solid mechanism (VLS) has also
been investigated thoroughly and is used industrially today. A particular
aspect of this process is the role of the "liquid": small droplets of metallic
melts, e.g. of iron alloys which may exist as an impurity in the reactor or which
are added to the process, act "catalytically" by dissolving gaseous species of Si
and C in the first step. This solution becomes supersaturated with time and the
precipitation of SiC begins. By continual dissolution and precipitation the
whisker grows bearing the droplet like a "head" on its top.
In the authors' group the formation of SiC whiskers has been observed for
the pyrolysis of the chlorine-containing polysilanes discussed in Sect. 2.4.2.
The pyrolysis was performed under streaming argon at temperatures up to
1500 °C. At very low streaming rates (<2 1 min" 1 ) whiskers of /f-SiC were
formed at cooler surface regions within the furnace, obviously arising from
escaping oligomers of the polysilane. Figure 10 gives an impression of these
whiskers characterized by unusually high aspect ratios (up to 1500) and
diameters in the range 0.2-2 um. No indication of a VLS mechanism was
found. The growth rate was estimated to about 30 um min" 1 .
SiC Nanopowders
Fig. TO. SEM micrograph of p-SiC whiskers grown during the pyrolysis of polysilanes at
low streaming rates of argon. The electron diffraction pattern inserted into the corner
reveals the monocrystalline structure and the growth direction [111]. (Courtesy of B. Ullrich,
TU Freiberg, Germany)
carbide powders. However, often parts or, at least, traces of elemental carbon
or silicon are found, too.
One of the advantages of lasers for activating gas phase reactions is the
feasibility to control the dimension of the process zone by laser focus. In this
way very small regions may be achieved where nucleation and particle growth
happen. The same advantage is applicable to processes where the laser is used
for evaporating coarse ceramic material in order to get nano-scale ceramic
powders by re-condensation via homogeneous nucleation [232]. This
technique has also been used to prepare SiC nanopowder with yields up to
100 g h" 1 [233]. However, with this approach, traces of free silicon were also
SiC for High Temperature Application
SiC Properties Related to Advanced Applications
In the above sections new routes to SiC have been thoroughly discussed in
terms of chemical synthesis of SiC precursors, transformation to amorphous
and crystalline SiC, as well as alternative routes to SiC. The intention of this
concluding section is to review the potential of SiC for high temperature
application resulting from new fabrication technologies, illustrated by a few
typical parts and components.
The main potential of application results from the excellent high temper-
ature properties of SiC. General properties of pure SiC and conventional
manufactured SiC materials are listed in Table 3 [234, 235]
High creep resistance coupled with low density as well as good oxidation
resistance of pure SiC and most SiC-based materials compared with highly
advanced metallic alloys predestine this ceramic for devices operating at high
temperatures, up to 1500 °C, in the fields of:
Fabrication of SiC-Based Fibers and Structures
Starting from SiC powder made, for instance, by the well known Acheson
process, the conventional processes for SiC components are sintering and hot-
pressing (for more details see [235]). Since the lack of toughness of monolithic
SiC is going to be compensated by the fabrication of composites, unconven-
tional techniques like infiltration of pre-forms by siliconorganic polymers are
required to produce composites and their components. Related to this an
important advantage of the polymer route in ceramics technology is that
forming processes can be outlined with melts of the pre-ceramic polymer at
very low temperatures in the range 150-250 °C; for instance melt-spinning of
fibers, liquid infiltration process for composite matrix production and spin-
coating of thin layers. That means complex parts - also with extreme
dimensions like fibers - can be made with nearly final size, and expensive
finishing can be considerably reduced.
The scheme in Fig. 11 shows several ways in which SiC components and
structures can be made. (Technologically preferred routes are represented by
thicker lines.)
In previous sections several Si-organic precursors for SiC fibers have been
compared. In Fig. 12 the processing steps of SiC-fiber production starting
116 G. Roewer • U. Herzog • K. Trommer • E. Miiller • S. Friihauf
processing of SiC-componenls
SiC-powder + •siliconorganic • reaction of Si- and • infillraliori of carbonous
sinlering aids + precursor + C'Con[aining organics prc-form by liquidus Si
binder + (filler +) • ••' high temperatures or Si-vapour +
sinlering/ hol-pressing pyrolysis reaction
from Miiller-
synthesis of
spinning of
Fig. XI. SiC-fiber processing from Si-organic precursor: "Freiberg way". (Courtesy of
H.-P. Martin, TU Freiberg, Germany)
shiny structures by
filament winding
n L.iiiiii powder
Filament winding -
lamination of
fibers fiber coating [ ' prepress
Fig. 13. Liquid polymer infiltration route for fabrication of SiC composite structures from
Si-precursors [from 251]
with molten metals and diffusion. MMCs will be left out of our
consideration in the following; for further information see [257, 258]
Properties of SiC Fibers and their Coatings
resin injection/
autoclave process
200'C S-20bar
pressureless pyrolysis
900*C nitrogen
c * rut 4'.
coupled with
chemical reaction
1550'C vacuum
integral structure
from CMC
Fig. 14. Fabrication of SiC components through Si-infiltration of C-pre-forms [from 255]
Properties and Applications of SiC Reinforced Glass and Glass-Ceramics
I 1
i =3
V v o CO*
o o
i-H CN i—( O
i-H (N --H O
00 CO
f^ ^ CO
< w
£2 uS K
=J =>
iTi fN
II ^ q ^
£ I O CN *-H CO
I-H O\
B | *
•a -ts a
Table 5. Properties of small-diameter SiC-fibers
Rt-modulus (GPa) 220 273 390 386 199 180 420 200 233
Rt-strength (GPa) 3.0 2.8 2.6 3.4 2.9 2.8 2.8 3.4 3.5 3.23 3.0
Elongation (%) 1.4 1.0 0.6 0.75 1.5 1.6 0.7 1.7 1.5
Ht-strength (GPa) 2.94 1.75 1.75
Electrical resistance Clem 103-104 1.4 0.1 0.8 2.0
Lin. thermal expansion K 3.2 3.5 5.4
Heat conductivity 2.97 7.77 18.4 40-45 2.4 64.6 2.52
(20 °C)
2.20 10.1 16.3
Silicon Carbide - A Survey of Synthetic Approaches, Properties and Applications 123
Fig. 16. Si-terminated 6H-SiC and DURAN glass (lattice plane resolved micrograph).
(Courtesy of J. Woltersdorf, Max-Planck-Institut, Halle)
Table 7. Mechanical properties of C/C-SiC, SiC(LPI), and SiC (CVI) composite materials
Fig. 17. Integrally laminated edge-panel of a spacecraft heat shield, edge length 400 mm.
(Courtesy of A. Miihlratzer, MAN Technology, Germany)
Properties and Application of C/SiC and SiC/SiC Composites
Porous SiC for Membranes and Filters
Fig. 19. Microstructure of a SiC foam ceramic for filters and other applications [283]
Silicon Carbide - A Survey of Synthetic Approaches, Properties and Applications 127
membranes with smaller pore size and SiC filters with higher pore size possess
the advantage to operate under high-temperature conditions and to allow a
high number of regeneration cycles. While SiC-membrane fabrication via the
polymer route has just begun, several routes for filter fabrication are known.
For example so-called foam-ceramic organic (polymeric or natural) pre-
structures are pyrolyzed to carbon, and then they are infiltrated either by
liquid silicon or silicon vapor together with simultaneous reaction of Si and C
to SiC. Using polysilanes, the pyrolysis can be outlined in special cases after
infiltration to summarize the transformation organic-inorganic in one
processing step. Fiber reinforced SiC-matrix composites are modified for
filter applications stopping the densification during the infiltration process of
the pre-form [281, 282].
The microstructure of an SiC-filter made from silicon infiltrated polymer
foam is shown in Fig. 19. Cell size, cell geometry, and cell anisotropy is
controllable during processing [283]. The structural variability of this material
reaches from tube-like anisotropic to isotropic pore nets with several pore and
bridge averages. This porous SiC material cannot only be applied to niters and
membrane supports; it can also be used as catalyst support or heat exchanger
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Amorphous Multinary Ceramics in the Si-B-N-C System
Martin Jansen1, Britta Jaschke2, Thomas Jaschke3
Max-Planck-Institut fiir Festkorperforschung, HeisenbergstraBe 1, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
Inorganic random networks composed of silicon, boron, nitrogen, and carbon constitute a
novel class of ceramics with outstanding durability at elevated temperatures. The only
approach known to their synthesis is the pyrolysis of appropriate pre-ceramic polymers, which
on their part are either accessible via co-condensation of different molecular species, or by
polycondensation of single source precursors exhibiting structural features that are desired to
be present in the final ceramics. In this report the different synthetic routes known to date have
been compiled and critically assessed. Although the reliable knowledge of this rather young
class of materials is still limited, their fundamental features with respect to structures and
performance have already began to shine through. The range of their properties - mainly
depending on the synthetic route, but to some extent also on the composition - is quite
considerable. The upper limits for thermal loads with respect to the onset of weight loss
(decomposition) in an inert atmosphere, to the onset of crystallization and phase separation,
and to the resistance to oxidation in air, seem to be -2000 CC, -1900 °C, and -1500 °C,
respectively. Some representatives show unique combinations of properties, relevant for an
application at high temperatures, which clearly surpass those of SiC or Si3N4. For instance,
fibers made of SiBN3C, derived from the single source precursor Cl3Si(NH)BCl2, keeps its high
mechanical durability, as measured by creep resistance and tensile strength, up to
temperatures of -1400 °C. This is related to the fact that these amorphous fibers do not
show any grain boundaries and are virtually free of macroscopic pores. SiC, in contrast, is
crystalline and suffers from grain boundary sliding and subcritical crack propagation at
mechanical loading, at elevated temperatures. By now the feasibility of scaling up the synthesis
of SiBN3C to technical dimensions has been demonstrated by processing 150 kg-batches
(of polymer) which have been spun and pyrolyzed to ceramic long fibers.
Keywords: Si/B/N and Si/B/N/C systems, Single source precursors, Ceramic fibers, Ceramic
coating, Microstructuring
1 Introduction 138
4 Pyrolysis 164
4.1 Introductory Remarks 164
4.2 Experimental Procedures 165
4.3 Mechanistic Studies 166
5 Processing 168
5.1 Introductory Remarks 168
5.2 Powder Processing, Coating, CVD, Infiltration,
Microstructuring 168
5.3 Fiber Spinning 171
7 SiBN3C-Fibers 181
7.1 Technical Performance 181
9 References 187
The class of oxide materials has greatly benefited from the chemical
exploration of multinary systems, virtually right from the beginning. Thus,
besides a number of binary compounds, mainly in use as structural ceramics,
there is an impressive plethora of multinary oxide materials being applied as
functional, as well as structural ceramics. In some instances these are even
Amorphous Multinary Ceramics in the Si-B-N-C System 139
top performers in their field, e.g. PZTs as ferroelectrics [1, 2] or the HTSC
cuprates [3-5]. These examples demonstrate at the same time how the
optimization of any desired properly by fine-tuning the chemical composition
greatly profits from the inclusion of multinary systems. For YBa2Cu307_x) the
maximum Tc is achieved when x is close to 0.4, while for x > 0.5 no transition
to the superconducting state is observed at all [5].
As a pronounced contrast, in the field of high performance non-oxide
ceramics, currently only binaries are in use. Thus, the manifold opportunities
for creating new and ever more capable nitride or carbide ceramics offered by
the use of multi-component systems seem to have remained essentially
unexplored. The main chemical reason for this lagging behind of non-oxide
ceramics are clearly the extremely low self-diffusion coefficients of silicon or
boron in their nitrides or carbides [6, 7]. Although the experimental data
available are rather limited, the numbers presented in Table 1 [8] suggest that
the temperatures needed to complete a solid state reaction between SiC and
Si3N4 in an acceptable length of time reach, or even exceed, the decomposition
temperature of at least one of the reactants.
This is in agreement with experiment, according to which no solid state
syntheses of multinary compounds within the system Si/B/N/C from the binary
border phases have been successful so far (for the corresponding thermody-
namic considerations cf. [9]). In the course of the past decades, however,
considerable progress has been achieved in the synthesis of multinary
compounds by applying an alternative synthetic approach via molecular and
polymeric intermediates (cf. Fig. 1).
This so-called 'polymer route' was introduced by Chantrell and Popper [10],
who proposed the use of inorganic polymers as starting materials for the
preparation of ceramics, opening up the rather ambitious perspective of easily
shaping monolithic 'green bodies' via this route. At the end of the 1960s,
Winter et al. [11, 12] pioneered such a process for the production of Si/C/N
fibers, and developed it to technical feasibility. Following the route developed
by Yajima et al. [13, 14], ceramic fibers (SiC, Nicalon) have been available on
Table 1. Self-diffusion coefficients of carbon, nitrogen, and silicon in Si3N4 and SiC [6-8]
Solute D o [1(T 4 m 2 s"1] T [K]
(self-diffusion coefficient)
Molecular Single Source Precursors
Introductory Remarks
R 2 -Si-R 4 x
R3 < 2
Fig. 2. General structures of molecular precursors for Si/B/N/C ceramics (for further
explanation see text)
Amorphous Multinary Ceramics in the Si-B-N-C System 141
The multinary non-oxide ceramics considered here are not investigated for
primarily academic reasons but mainly for the purpose of future industrial
application. Thus, with regard to a sustainable and cost-effective production of
a given single source precursor on a large scale, the syntheses should not
involve costly steps. In particular, metallizations (Grignard reactions, lithia-
tions) must be avoided. In fact, meeting this point is challenging since in
current molecular chemistry metal organic intermediates play a key role in
running syntheses efficiently and well directed. These approaches are
affordable in the laboratory, but not yet on a technical scale. Nevertheless, it
can be reasonable to apply these advanced techniques of synthetic molecular
chemistry while screening new systems. However, as soon as one of the newly
found ceramics exhibits promising properties, the synthesis has to be adapted
to the demands of technical feasibility. In any case, for the development of
single source precursors intended to be utilized for mass production it is
indispensable to select appropriate starting materials which should be readily
available, easy to handle, and as cheap as possible.
The synthesis of a single source precursor can be laborious, and usually
requires several steps. Fortunately, for the formation of element-nitrogen
bonds a large stock of chemical tools developed in basic research can be
utilized [20]. In contrast, the options for establishing element-carbon bonds
are much more limited. Wurtz-analogous dehalogenations play a dominating
role, while for more special purposes hydroborations, salt eliminations, or
Miiller-Rochow type of reactions can be employed. However, as a fortuitous
circumstance, carbon from the substituents frequently inserts spontaneously
into the inorganic network upon pyrolysis.
The silazane cleavage offers a rather convenient and versatile access to
precursors containing a nitrogen bridge between the electropositive elements,
142 M. Jansen • B. Jaschke • T. Jaschke
e.g., silicon and boron. This approach has been applied during the synthesis of
the, so far, most successful precursor (trichlorosilylamino)dichloroborane
(TADB). Starting from hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS), this single source
precursor is prepared in a two-step reaction with almost quantitative yields
[17, 21] (Eq. 1):
| +(H3C)nSiCI(4_n| | +BCI3 j
N ». ^,N^ m- N.
(H 3 C) 3 Si Si(CH 3 ) 3 -(CH3)3SiCI (H 3 C) 3 Si SiCI 3 _ n (CH 3 ) n -(CH3)3SiCI C I 2 B ^ ^ S i C I 3 n ( C H 3 ) n
n =0 TADB
n =1 MADB
n =2 DADB
n =3 TMDB
If the second step of this reaction is carried out with equimolar amounts
of BC13 and stannazane, the resulting dichloroboryl-trichlorosilyl-trimethyl-
stannylamine cannot be isolated as such, but dimerizes spontaneously [25] to a
cyclic precursor containing silicon and boron in a 1:1 ratio (Eq. 3):
Amorphous Multinary Ceramics in the Si-B-N-C System 143
N-Sn,CH3)3 C I 2 B - l / ^N—B
- 2 ( CH 3 , 3 SnC,
However, since organotin compounds are more or less toxic, depending on
their degree of alkylation, the production of a precursor on an industrial scale
using the stannazane route does not seem to be reasonable.
Recently, the well known dehydrohalogenation reaction has been employed
to open the access to another family of single source precursors [26]. Using a
gas phase reaction, dichloroboryl-methyl-trichlorosilyl-amine and dichloro-
boryl-dichloro(methyl)silyl-methyl-amine, respectively, can be produced in
high yields (Eq. 4). As this synthesis can be performed in a continuous process
and the appropriate educts are cheap, it is particularly well suited for a scale up:
+ 4(H 3 C)NH 2 3 3
2 (H3C)nSiCI4_n r -
-2(H 3 C)NH 3 CI -(CH3)nCI3-nSiN(CH3)H2CI
n = 0 DMTA
n = 1 DDMA
For the formation of carbon-boron bonds basically two reaction types are of
importance: hydroboration and transmetallation (salt elimination). An elegant
route to alkyldihaloboranes has been introduced by Soundararajan and
Matteson [28,29], who employed a mixture of trichloroborane and trialkylsilane
to generate HBC12 in situ. This highly reactive intermediate hydroborates
alkenes readily and in high yields, even at low temperatures. In 1997 Jansen and
Jiingermann applied HBC12 for the hydroboration of vinylchlorosilanes, and
opened up a convenient access to a family of single source precursors containing
a (branched) carbon bridge between boron and silicon (Eq. 6) [30, 31]:
DSDE (6)
(CH 3 ) n CI 3 _ n Si (CH 3 ) n CI 3 _ n Si CSDE
Based on the results of Riccitiello et al. [32], who reported on the synthesis
of polyborosilanes through hydroboration of methylvinylsilanes by borane
144 M. Jansen • B. Jaschke • T. Jaschke
adducts or diborane, Aldinger et al. [33], as well as Riedel et al. [34], applied
the hydroboration reaction of different borane adducts with various vinylsil-
anes obtaining single source precursors with a carbon bridge between silicon
and boron (Eq. 7):
C—Si—R (C2H4)—Si—R
| -D
Cl Cl (7)
Originally this approach had already been developed by Jones and Myers
about 30 years ago [35], who used the reaction of unsaturated organosilicon
compounds with diborane to produce silylorganoboranes. As a certain
drawback, mixtures of single source precursors are obtained along this route,
due to the lack of regiospecificity [35, 36]. Moreover, the regioisomers exist as
different diastereomers resulting in a complex mixture of molecules with
different chemical and physical properties. A workup procedure to isolate the
individual isomers prior to polymerization is supposed to be costly and has
not been tried, so far.
Another way to introduce carbon-boron bonds is the transmetallation
reaction, a rather versatile tool which can also be used to realize other element-
boron bonds [37].
The most widely employed procedure for the preparation of such
organoboranes is the well known Grignard reaction starting from a suitably
substituted halogenoalkylsilane and magnesium. Subsequent reaction of the
Grignard reagent with a haloborane leads to the desired organoborane (Eq. 8):
Cl Cl Cl ,
Mg C B( R)2 /
R—Si—CH2-CI > R—Si—CH2-Mg-CI ' ° » R—Si—CH 2 -B + MgCI2
ci ci ci °RI
RCI 2 Si-CH 2 ^ ^ N v ^CH 2 SiCI 2 R
| /Cl + 3 (H3C)3Si-NH-Si(CH3)3 I I
3 R—Si-CH2-B^ • HN ^ N H
I Cl - 3 (H3C)3SiCI ? R = Cl TSMB
SiCI 2 R
A survey of all molecular single source precursors documented in the
literature up to the end of the year 2001 is given in Table 2.
Structural and Bonding Properties
Single source precursor Crosslinking reagent Composition of the Onset of weight References
ceramic loss/ c C
(Trichlorosilylamino)dichloroborane (TADB)
(Methyldichlorosilylamino)-dichloroborane (MADB)
H Methylamine SiB3.8N4.6C3.3 >2000 [22]
Ammonia 1437
(Dimethylchlorosilylamino)-dichloroborane (DADB)
H Not investigated Not determined Not investigated [23]
(H3C)3Si BCI2 3
H Cyanamide SiBN2C2 5 1671 [87]
Guanidine SiBN2.5C2 1465
Cyanguanidine SiBN2C0.4 1625
((H3C)2N)3Si ^B(N(CH 3 ) 2 ) 2
Formamidine 1358
Melamine Si3BN4C2 1812
borane (TABB)
H H Ammonia Not determined Not investigated [136]
CI 3 Si X ^BCI X S i C I 3
Bis(trichlorosilylamino)-chloroborane (TACB)
CH 3 Methylamine Si2B2N5C4 1800 [30, 31, 85] •3
•JOI Dulo
l-(dichloroboryl)-l-(trichlorosilyl)-ethane (TSDE)
CH3 Not investigated Not determined Not investigated [30, 85]
(H 3 C)CI 2 Si / "BCIj
l-(dichloroboryl)-l-(dichloromethylsilyl)ethane (DSDE)
CH, Not investigated Not determined Not investigated [30, 85]
(H3C)2CISi "BCI2
l-(dichloroboryl)-l-(dichloromethylsilyl)ethane (CSDE)
CI,Si Methylamine Si2BC2N3 1850 [25]
Table 2. (Contd)
Single source precursor Crosslinking reagent Composition of the Onset of weight References
ceramic loss/°C
Dichloroboryl-methyl-trichlorosilyl-amine (DMTA)
CH, Not investigated Not determined Not investigated [25]
(H3C)CI2Si ^BCI2
CH 2 Methylamine Si3B3N7C5 >1900 [39]
CI3Si "BCI 2
Trichlorosilyl-dichloroboryl-methane (TSDM)
CH2 Methylamine Si3B3N5C7 >1900 [39]
(H3C)CI2Sii ^BCI
Dichloro(methyl)silyl-dichloroboryl-methane (DSDM)
H Methylamine Si3B3N7C4 >1900 [40]
CI3Si-CH2^ ^ N ^ ^Ch^-SiC^
CH 2
B,B',B"-trichlorosilylmethyl-borazine (TSMB)
H Methylamine Si3B3N5C5 >2000 [40]
CI2(H3C)Si-CH2^ ^ N x / CH 2 -SiCI 2 (CH 3 )
CH 2
B,B',B"-dichloro(methyl)silyl-methyl-borazine (DSMB)
Table 2. (Contd)
Single source precursor Crosslinking reagent Composition of the Onset of weight References
ceramic loss/°C
R' = C2H4Si(R)CI2
Ammonia R = CH3: not determined Not investigated [91]
R' R = H: not determined Not investigated [91]
R"^ ^ChT
R = CH3, H
R1 = C2H4Si(R)H2
Si(Si(CH3)3)3 Hexamethyl-disilazane Si0^BNj 26C0_ Not investigated [88] >
152 M. Jansen • B. Jaschke • T. Jaschke
Preceramic Polymers
Introductory Remarks
H H CH 3
Cl \l .Cl Cl \
£ % 3
( :i
2 \ c
Cl Cl
3 5
Cl(2)Si-NH-BCl(4)Cl(5) lying in one plane Cl(2)Si-C(l)-B and C(l)-B-Cl(4)Cl(5) lying in one plane
Fig. 4. Optimized geometry (B3LYP) for the single source precursors TADB and TSDE
rather wide ranges. While providing valuable options for tuning the process,
this plethora frequently makes it difficult to run the polymerization
Quite generally, the polymerization stage in the polymer route to ceramic
materials plays a crucial role. Its effect on costs and ceramic yields is obvious,
as is its significance for the rheological properties of the polymer that influence
further processing. More importantly, the linking reagents selected, and the
choice of pressure and temperature during polymerization, widely determine
the structural features (crystalline, amorphous, homogenous) and thus the
overall performance of the final product.
With respect to the monomers used, two fundamentally different
approaches for generating preceramic polymers with several cationic species
can be distinguished. Either mixtures of molecules, each containing just
one electropositive element, are subjected to co-condensation, or single source
precursors which contain all the cations in the ratio needed for the final
ceramic are polymerized.
Preceramic Polymers by Co-Condensation
Polymers for Si/B/N Ceramics
Polymers for Si/B/C Ceramics
Riccitiello et al. have synthesized preceramic polymers with Si—B bonds in their
backbones by a Wurtz analogous reaction of dialkyldichlorosilanes and boron
halides, either with or without adding methyl iodide for the control of molar
masses of the condensation products. Most of the polymers obtained are solid,
and soluble in hydrocarbons. Even though the Wurtz reaction is not specific, the
IR spectra of the polymer clearly indicate that Si—B bonds have formed
preferentially, but do not provide any evidence for the presence of Si—Si or B—B
bonds. Based on these results the authors suggest that the backbones generated
mainly consist of an alternating sequence of Si and B [55-59].
Furthermore, Riccitiello et al. have applied the hydroboration reaction to
preparing silicon boron carbon polymers. These polymers are generated by
reaction of a monomeric silicon compound exhibiting at least one carbon
double or triple bond, with diborane as well as various amine adducts of
borane. As silicon components, various vinyl- and ethinylsilanes can be
employed. When the borane ammonia adduct was used as a hydroboration
agent the polymers obtained contained small amounts of nitrogen. Regarding
the incorporation of nitrogen, it is assumed that part of the borane and
ammonia react with each other to form borazine, which then hydroborates the
unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds [60].
Riedel et al. have applied the hydroboration reaction for modifying
polymethylvinylsilanes with several borane adducts. The polymethylvinyl-
silane polymers were synthesized by a dechlorination reaction (Wurtz type
reaction) of dichlorodimethylsilane and dichloromethylvinylsilane with sodi-
um. The subsequent hydroboration of the vinyl groups has resulted in an
enhanced crosslinking of the polymers. The viscosity of the polyorganosilanes
can be tuned by varying the amount of borane as well as of vinyl groups in the
starting polymer [61].
Hemida et al. have prepared Si/B/C polymers by mixing polydimethylsilane
and the borane triethylamine adduct, followed by thermal treatment of the
mixture. Polydimethylsilane is assumed to undergo partially Kumada [62, 63]
rearrangements forming a polysilacarbosilane with Si-CH2-Si sequences and
reactive Si-H groups. The borane adduct acts as a crosslinking agent yielding
156 M. Jansen • B. Jaschke • T. Jaschke
the final Si/B/C polymer. In order to increase the content of boron and the
extent of crosslinking, the polydimethylsilane is partly converted under
elevated pressure into a polysilacarbosilane, and subsequently again treated
with the borane [64].
Polymers for Si/B/N/C Ceramics
Preceramic Polymers from Single Source Precursors
Linking Reagents
All crosslinking species that have been employed up to now for the
synthesis of preceramic polymers are compiled in Table 2. Among these,
ammonia and methylamine are the most versatile, and thus these have been
preferably used. Ammonolyses or aminolyses, respectively, of chlorine
substituents at the single source precursors are the initial steps, which are
followed by condensation through deamination reactions. Using ammonia,
such polycondensation reactions proceed rapidly and provide highly cross-
linked polymers as solid, unsolvable, and unmeltable products, which with
certain respects is disadvantageous. Another drawback of using ammonia is
related to the formation of ammonium chloride as a byproduct, which is
difficult to separate from the polymer. The salt can be washed out using liquid
ammonia, a laborious process, or removed by sublimation, which is expensive.
Employing instead the bidentate methylamine results in polymers with a
significantly lower degree of crosslinking and lower molecular weights. The
oligomeric condensation products are liquid and can be easily separated from
the ammonium salt by filtration. Another advantage of aminolyses is that the
as obtained polymers can be tailored by an appropriate heat treatment to be
liquid, meltable, soluble, or unmeltable. Thus the polymers can be adjusted to
any desired application. At present, methylamine appears to be the most
attractive crosslinking reagent, and the carbon containing ceramics obtained
this way exhibit a very good overall performance [20].
Alkylamines bearing longer hydrocarbon chains show no improvement but
cause higher costs. In particular, including these chains in the preceramic
polymer is not a feasible route to increase the carbon content of the final
ceramic, since they facilitate undesired segregation of graphite [86, 87].
In some cases the less reactive hexamethyl disilazane represents an
attractive alternative to ammonia for crosslinking, because here the formation
of ammonium chloride as a byproduct can be avoided [88].
All crosslinking reagents mentioned so far generate nitrogen bridges
between the single source precursor molecules. In order to integrate carbon
into the main chain of the polymer and thus to vary the ratio of carbon to
nitrogen, alternative crosslinking reagents have been applied, which contain
carbon and at least two reactive amino- or imino groups, prerequisites that are
fulfilled by cyanamide, bis(trimethylsilyl)carbodiimide, formamidine, cyan-
guanidine, guanidine, or melamine. Since the latter agents are multifunctional,
crosslinking can be achieved not only by dehydrohalogenation but also by
hydrosilylation and hydroboration reactions (at the unsaturated carbon
nitrogen bonds) [86, 87].
Polymers for Si/B/N, Si/B/C, and Si/B/H/C Ceramics
Up to now the single source precursor route is mainly used for preparing
polymers in the quaternary Si/B/N/C system, and only to a minor degree in the
Si/B/N and Si/B/C systems. A synopsis of the reactions of the single source
precursors with respective crosslinking reagents is included in Table 2. The
most commonly used, and most versatile, procedure for synthesizing prece-
Table 3. Survey of polymers and derived ceramics obtained via co-condensation
x SiCl4 + y BC13 + NH3 Ammonolysis 39.1% Si, 14.5% B, 45.2% N x:y = 1:1) 900 [49]
(x:y from 9:1 to 1:9) 23.1% Si, 26.2% B, 49.2% N (x:y = 1:3) 900
x Si(NHMe)4 + y BH3 • Nme 3 Dehydrogenation 1000 [50] i?
(x:y from 10:1 to 1:1) Si3B3N7(;c/=l:l) 1500 3
x Si(NHMe)4 + y B(NMe2)3 + NH 3 Ammonolysis 1000 [51-53]
IICS 1in
x (H3C)2SiCl2 + y BC13 + z H3CI + Na Red. elimination 53.7% Si, 7.8% B, 30.3% C (x:y:z = 2:3:0) 1100 [55-57]
44.2% Si, 11.0% B, 32.0% C (x:y:z = 1:1:1) 1300 1
x (H3C)2SiCl2 + y (CH3)BBr2 + Na Not determined
x (C6H5)2SiCl2 + y (C6H5)BC12 + z Red. elimination Not determined [58, 59]
CH2Br2 + Na
x (C6H5)2SiCl2 + y BBr3 + z Not determined
CH2Br2 + Na
x (H3C)nSiR4.n + y H3B <- D (n = 0-3) Hydroboration Not determined 1000-1100 [60]
R = vinyl, ethinyl
D = NH3, N(C2H5)3, BH3
Polymethylvinylsilane + H3B <— D Hydroboration 48.8% Si, 6.7% B, 38.7% C 1000 [61]
D = S(CH3)2> THF 49.4% Si, 6.9% B, 39.4% C 1700
49.5% Si, 6.3% B, 39.9% C 2000
[(H3C)2Si]n + H3B <- N(C 2 H 5 ) 3 Kumada-rearrangement/ 35.1% Si, 3.6% B, 54.0% C 1000 [64]
Table 3. (Contd)
[(H3C)2Si]n + [(H3C)BN(C6H5)]3 Thermal decomposition 60.5% Si, 0.9% B, 1.2% N, 34.7% C 1300 [65, 66]
[(H3C)Si(NH)]6 + H3B *- S(CH3)2 Dehydrogenation 45.3% Si, 5.4% B, 42.7% N, 0.3% C (Si:B = 4:1) 1500 [68, 69]
Hydropolysilazane + H3B <- THF Dehydrogenation Not determined [70]
Hydridopolysilazane (HPZ) + (HBNH)3 Dehydrogenation Si2.3B0.2N2.4CL0 (26.0 g HPZ + 21.68 g borazine) 1400 [71]
Si2.3B0.5N2.9CL0 (1.52 g HPZ + 3.24 g borazine) 1400
SiL9B2.6N4.gCL0 (1-51 g HPZ + 3.15 g borazine) 1400
Hydridopolysilazane (HPZ) + PIN-H Dehydrogenation Si1.00B0.10N0.95C0.51 (7.98 g HPZ + 8.00 g PIN-H) 1400 [72, 73]
(PIN-H: pinacolborane)
Hydridopolysilazane (HPZ) + Si1.00B0.04NLi0C0.50 (8.04 g HPZ + 8.29 g BCP-H) 1400
BCP-H(BCP-H: 1,3-dimethyl-l,
Hydridopolysilazane (HPZ) + Si1.00B0.12N1.07C0.54 (7.96 g HPZ + 8.00 g DEP-H) 1400
DEP-H(DEP-H: 2,4-diethylborazine)
T H| .TO 3 ' if H|
Jn LR J n
R = CH 3 , H, (NH) 0 . 5
H^C^CH2 ^B^ ,CH 3 Hydroboration Not determined [76-78]
-J4I_N=C=J- !- < H3>2 X|i_N=c=Nl
R = CH3, H, (NCN)o.5
[SiH2-NH]n + B(OCH3)3 Different elimination 50.5% Si, 6.8% B, 38.7% N, 0.6% C 1750 [79-82]
[SiH2-NH]n + B(NHC4H9)3 reactions (autoclave) 50.6% Si, 6.8% B, 39.3% N, 0.7% C 1750
[SiH2-N(CH3)]n + B(OC4H9)3 48.9% Si, 7.3% B, 38.2% N, 0.4% C 1750
x ((H3C)3SiNH)3SiH (TTS) + y (HBNH)3 Dehydrogenation Sioj9B1.00N1.o5C0.04 (xy = 20.7:38.3) 1400 [73, 83, 84] I
Sio.oiBi.ooN0.86C<0.oi (x-7 = 20.7:38.3) 1800
x ((H3C)2SiNH)3 (HCT) + y (HBNH)3 Sio.37B1.00N1.45C0.23 (x:y = 24.3:43.5) 1400
Sio.97Bi.0oN2.5sCo.30 (xy = 24.3:43.5) 1800 T"
2,1,3-azadisilolidone (TMMA)
162 M. Jansen • B. Jaschke • T. Jaschke
ramie polymers starts with combining a solution of the respective single source
precursor and a cooled mixture of an excess of methylamine, or ammonia, and
hexane. This reaction mixture is then allowed to warm up to room temperature.
In the case of methylamine, the hydrochloride is filtered off and hexane is
removed from the polymer by vacuum distillation. Usually the polymer
obtained is a liquid of moderate viscosity. Through further heat treatment,
which must be carefully adapted to the respective polymer, the condensation of
the polymer can be continued until the desired viscosity is reached. TADB can
be processed using both ammonia and methylamine. Ammonolysis provides
an insoluble white solid, while the aminolysis yields AT-methylpolyborosilazane
(PBS-Me), which is liquid and soluble in hexane. It can be tailored by an
appropriate heat treatment to be liquid, meltable, soluble, or unmeltable. For
example, heating of the obtained PBS-Me in vacuum at 160 °C for about 2 h
gives a meltable and soluble polymeric borosilazane [17, 21].
Since crosslinking with cyanamide, formamidine, cyanguanidine,
guanidine, and melamine in any case leads to insoluble polymers, the
respective dimethylamide derivatives instead of fully chlorine functionalized
single source precursors have been used during explorative laboratory studies.
This requires the additional synthetic step of transforming TADB to
((CH3)2N)3Si-NH-B(N(CH3)2)2 (TABB). However, the latter precursor offers
a significant advantage since the byproduct dimethylamine is volatile and can
be easily separated from the polymers [86, 87]. So far, TADB and TABB are the
single source precursors to which the largest diversity of crosslinking reagents
has been applied.
Similarly, the single source precursors MADB and DADB can be polymer-
ized using ammonia and methylamine. MADB and DADB are different from
TADB in that one, or two, of the chlorine atoms, respectively, attached to
silicon are replaced by inert methyl groups. Due to the lower number of
chlorine functions available for polycondensation the resulting polymers show
a smaller degree of crosslinking than the TADB derived polymers. For example,
the polymer made from DADB and ammonia at room temperature is a soluble,
highly viscous liquid, whereas the corresponding polymer of TADB is an
insoluble solid. Accordingly, in addition to the already mentioned thermal after
treatment, there is another option for tuning the viscosities of the polymers by
varying the number of sites for crosslinking at the precursor molecules [22].
The precursors TSDM, DSDM, TSMB, DSMB, and [(Cl2B)2NSiCl3]2 have
been polymerized with both ammonia and methylamine, whereas DMTA,
TSDE, and Cl2BN(SiCl3)2 have only been reacted with the most promising
crosslinking reagent methylamine, up to now (Table 2) [25, 31, 41].
Polycondensation of tris[(dichloromethylsilyl)ethyl]borane with ammonia
results in an organopolyborosilazane with 4 wt% boron content. Again, the
nasty disadvantage of this procedure is the separation of the polymer from the
byproduct ammonium chloride [89, 90].
Employing bis(trimethylsilyl)carbodiimide instead of ammonia elegantly
leads to boron modified polysilylcarbodiimides. This has been found when
using the single source precursors, tris[(dichloromethylsilyl)ethyl]borane,
as well as its derivatives tris[(dichlorosilyl)ethyl]borane, and
Amorphous Multinary Ceramics in the Si-B-N-C System 163
Structural and Physical Properties of Polymers
N \ 'CH3 PH. %
3 N
CH3 " ° " \ X""*S / ~-H W"
Si .N~rn NH
,SU / \ ""'"—Sk^ /CH3
/ V ^ / I IM M \ NH
.NH -=v vr* ^ 1 "" —
(3414 cm" 1 ), v(CH3) (2933, 2886, 2808 cm" 1 ), <5(CH3) (1496, 1357 cm" 1 ), v(BN)
(1196 cm" 1 ), v(CN) (1080 cm" 1 ), v(SiN) (1050, 929 cm" 1 ), and <5(SiN) (768,
695 cm" 1 ). The 29Si MAS NMR spectrum exhibits one relatively sharp signal
with a half width of about 500 Hz at -33.5 ppm, which is the typical chemical
shift for silicon in a tetrahedral coordination by nitrogen. Finally, the n B MAS
NMR spectrum exhibits a signal at 13.3 ppm with a shape characteristic for
trigonal planar BN3-units [92].
The feature, which is crucial for the rheological properties of a polymer, is
its molecular mass distribution. This quantity has been determined for PBS-
Me by gel permeation chromatography in the range between 100 and
50,000 g mol" 1 (Fig. 6). Samples with viscosities from 4 to 290 Pa s have been
studied. While those samples with low viscosity (4-50 Pa s) contain predom-
inantly oligomers with relatively low molar masses of about 2000 g mol" 1 , the
more viscous samples (70-290 Pa s) show a bimodal distribution; in addition
to the peak corresponding to molar masses up to 2000 g mol" 1 , a second
peak for masses above 50,000 g mol" 1 appears. The latter peak grows with
increasing viscosity of the polymer, indicating that the fraction of the heavier
oligomers rises at the expense of the lighter oligomers [48].
For the polymers derived by polymerization with methylamine from TADB,
MADB, and DADB, respectively, rheological studies have been performed.
While the TADB-based polymer exhibits viscoelastic behavior, with the
viscous contribution being ~10 times higher than the elastic one, the MADB-
and DADB-based polymers show an almost purely viscous behavior. For the
latter two polymers, the ratio of the viscous and the elastic contributions
amounts to ~100. Furthermore, it has been found that the TADB-based
polymer shows a higher tendency to further crosslinking than the MADB- and
DADB-based polymers [93].
Introductory Remarks
compounds evolved and the densification reactions have been monitored for
some selected polymers. This empirical knowledge has allowed the optimi-
zation of the process, and increased its reproducibility.
Experimental Procedures
Since all preceramic polymers for Si/B/N/C ceramics are extremely sensitive to
oxygen and moisture, they have to be handled under strictly inert conditions.
166 M. Jansen • B. Jiischke • T. Jaschke
This holds true, in particular, for the stage of pyrolysis, during which oxygen
contaminations of up to 10% may occur. Since oxygen impurities exceeding
1 wt% significantly affect the performance of the ceramic product this issue is
of crucial importance.
On a laboratory scale, the pyrolyses are performed in horizontal furnaces
equipped with quartz or gas-tight corundum tubes. The most relevant
experimental parameters are temperature, with special emphasis on the
temperature program applied, pressure, and the type of atmosphere. Two
different classes of gas atmospheres have been employed: inert gases,
commonly argon or nitrogen, and reactive gases. In the former case the
flowing gas merely acts as a carrier for removing the volatile decomposition
products, while in the latter it takes part in the reaction itself. For nitrides, the
reaction gases preferably used are ammonia and nitrogen. Ammonia is of
primary importance in the synthesis of pure nitrides from carbon-containing
precursors, since it removes carbon very efficiently. Apparently NH3 works as
an aminizing or transaminizing agent, substituting alkylamines, and enhances
A typical temperature program includes three steps: (1) heating to the
desired pyrolysis temperature at a rate of 3-10 K min" 1 , (2) remaining for a
dwell time at the maximum temperature, and (3) cooling the sample to room
temperature with a rate of 5 K min" 1 [20].
Mechanistic Studies
Since all polymeric intermediates, and in many instances also the final
ceramics, are amorphous, only thermal and spectroscopic methods can be
utilized to characterize the thermal conversion. The most extensive studies
have been performed on the polymer W-methylpolyborosilazane (PBS-Me),
made from the single source precursor TADB. The pyrolysis has been
monitored in situ by differential thermal analysis combined with thermo-
gravimetric analysis and mass spectrometry (DTA/TG/MS). For ex situ
investigations, batches of the polymer were treated at different temperatures,
cooled to room temperature, and characterized by infrared spectroscopy and
nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
The thermal degradation, as monitored by DTA/TG/MS, passes through
three well resolved stages. From 200 to 500 °C the polycondensation,
accompanied by methylamine elimination, is completed (weight loss approx.
12%). In the second step, at about 600 °C, the biggest weight loss (approx.
28%) occurs. Mostly methane and hydrogen, but also hydrogen cyanide,
methylamine, acetonitrile, and dimethylamine are emitted. Another inflection
point of the TGA plot occurs at about 1100 °C. The weight loss is rather low
(approx. 4%), and is attributed to the loss of residual hydrogen, and small
amounts of nitrogen [20, 92].
Similar investigations on some other polymers have been reported.
Particularly, the second step of the pyrolysis at 600 °C, which is characterized
by the release of mainly methane and ammonia, also occurs for other polymers
Amorphous Multinary Ceramics in the Si-B-N-C System 167
such as polysilazanes [94-96] and polyborosilazanes [50, 68, 83, 97] produced
by co-condensation reactions. In contrast, the decomposition of hydridopo-
lysilazanes does not proceed in such well resolved distinct steps, but virtually
continuously within the temperature range from 200 to 800 °C [71].
Depending on the nature of the polymer, condensations can proceed via
hydrogen elimination [71], release of ammonia [96-100], or elimination of
trimethylsilyl groups [83]. In those few cases where the investigations were
extended to temperatures above 1000 °C, always some release of hydrogen was
observed at 1100 °C [96,97].
For the ex situ investigations of the pyrolysis, a series of FT-IR spectra were
recorded on samples of PBS-Me, which had been pyrolyzed at temperature
intervals of 100 °C between 200 and 1100 °C. Up to 600 °C no significant
changes were noticeable; the characteristic functional groups of the polymer
remaining virtually unchanged. At 600 °C the IR-spectra indicate fundamental
changes in the constitution of the samples. The intensity of C-H stretching
vibrations decreases dramatically and, instead of numerous sharp absorption
lines, broad bands appear in the region for nitrogen-element vibrations. Most
significantly, a vibration related to a Si-H stretching mode at about 2200 cm" 1
emerges. As the pyrolysis proceeds this peak disappears at about 1000 °C,
along with all other element-hydrogen vibrations [126, 128]. The 29Si MAS
NMR spectra recorded on the same samples all show one broad signal, which
corresponds to a chemical shift typical for silicon in a tetrahedral coordination
by nitrogen. At about 600 °C the resonance shifts from -34 ppm to -41 ppm,
which is due to changes in the second coordination sphere. Remarkably, the
half width of the signal grows from 500 up to 2000 Hz during the densification
and curing of the network. This can be related to two effects: a decrease in
mobility and an increase in strain. The latter causes deformations of the
characteristic surroundings of the constituting elements in the course of the
transformation of the polymer into a fully inorganic, amorphous material.
That kind of inhomogeneous line broadening has to be attributed to angular
distortions rather than to a spread in Si-N distances which according to the
pair distribution function (PDF) is surprisingly small [126-128]. The marked
increase of the half width of the signals in 29Si NMR spectra during pyrolysis
has been observed for all polymer derived Si/B/N/C materials investigated so
far, and appears to be a common feature of these systems [101, 102]. Over the
whole range of the thermal degradation, the n B MAS spectra exhibit one signal
characterized by a shift and lineshape typical for boron coordinated trigonally
planar by three nitrogen atoms. As compared to the n B MAS signals of the
fully pyrolyzed samples, which exactly match those of h-BN, the boron signal
of the polymer exhibits some deviation from this typical lineshape due to a
more irregular environment of the boron atoms.
The so-called 'ceramic yield' is a very problematic issue, from two points of
view. First, the economic performance of a ceramic processed along the
polymer route is strongly determined by the availability (i.e., price) of the
starting materials and by the degree to which they can be converted to the final
product. Second, during pyrolysis the organic fragments separate in a gaseous
state, and the size and number of macroscopic pores or cracks depend on the
168 M. Jansen • B. Jaschke • T. Jaschke
amount of the mass loss, and in order to obtain ceramics as dense as possible
the mass loss has to be kept low. Unfortunately, the issue of ceramic yield is, as
a rule, not addressed properly in the literature. In particular, the reference
points for calculating the mass balance are not defined uniformly, mostly not
at all. It would be desirable to have two numbers characterizing the material
losses, one referring to the economic, and the other one to the processing
aspects, respectively. In the first the whole input of material should be
balanced against the yield in product and the reusable byproducts. This has
been done for Si3B3N7 and SiBN3C: 8.5 kg primary materials are required for
1 kg Si3B3N7, 6.8 kg byproduct can be recycled, and during pyrolysis 0.7 kg
are lost. The corresponding values for SiBN3C are: 7.0 kg starting materials
yield 1 kg ceramic, 5.3 kg recyclable waste, and 0.7 kg loss upon pyrolysis
[20]. Regarding the second aspect, it is much harder to define a proper
reference point for balancing the losses during pyrolysis. To us, as the only
viable possibility, it appears to be reasonable to define a certain value for the
viscosity, and use the masses of polymers at the stage of that very viscosity as
Introductory Remarks
Since the preceramic molecules and polymers under discussion are available in
virtually any physical state a wide variety of options is available for their
processing. Gaseous or volatile single source precursors can be employed for
chemical vapor deposition, liquid or meltable preceramic polymers can be
used for injection molding, coating, infiltration, and fiber spinning, and,
finally, solid precursors and the derived ceramics can be processed via the
conventional powder route. In particular in the liquid state the full range of
technologies developed in classical polymer chemistry can be applied to the
preceramic polymers. Although, up to now, only a few of those possibilities
have been explored in depth, the extremely promising potential of this novel
class of materials clearly has become apparent, also with respect to processes
leading to a broad variety of shapes.
Powder Processing, Coating, CVD, Infiltration, Microstructuring
250 \im
Fig. 7a, b. SEM images of: a hexagonal grid; b a free-standing micrometer-sized gear of
Si/B/N/C ceramic [112]
Fiber Spinning
Because of the high ceramic losses, a disadvantageous feature common to all
polymer routes, the most promising applications to start with are those aiming
at parts of small dimensions. Generally, films or fibers can be produced free of
macroscopic pores and cracks as long as the thicknesses do not exceed a few
tenths of a millimeter.
The combined properties of SiBN3C make it ideal for the production of
ceramic fibers. Since the preceramic polymer PBS-Me is extremely sensitive to
oxygen and moisture, all processing steps, fiber spinning, curing, and
pyrolysis, have to be carried out in an inert gas atmosphere. Fortunately,
the preceramic polymer PBS-Me can be processed via conventional polymer
techniques, either by melt-spinning or by a dry-spin process. Melt-spinning is
preferable because no solvent is required and, in general, the resulting "green"
fibers show better properties. Usually, a continuous melt-spinning process
comprised of spinning and drawing is used. After melting, and filtering, the
molten polymer is extruded through a spinneret with more than 300 holes at
temperatures of ~ 150 °C into a spinning funnel where the melt solidifies into a
filament form [113, 114]. The viscosity of the PBS-Me polymer can easily be
adjusted to the desired working range of 80-260 Pa s at shear rates between
400 and 1000 Pa s. Under these conditions, ceramic fibers with lengths
exceeding 200 m and diameters larger than 15 urn can be produced. Within
this range of shear rates, the polymer essentially behaves like a Newtonian
fluid. For production of fibers with diameters less than 15 um, smaller
capillary diameters and higher shear rates (up to 3200 Pa s) are required.
Curing of the (thermoplastic) green fibers can be achieved either thermally
or chemically. As thermal curing is slow for kinetic reasons (removal of
methylamine), chemical curing with gaseous species is preferred. Besides
curing of batches of the green fibers, in situ curing directly in the spinning
172 M. Jansen • B. Jaschke • T. Jaschke
Chemical and Physical Properties of Si/B/N/C Ceramics
Introductory Remarks
Chemical Analyses
Structure Determination and Structural Features
Short Range Order
From conventional 29Si- and n B-magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectra the
local structural units, i.e., the polyhedra associated with silicon and boron,
have been determined [122, 123]. The spectra for the ceramics derived from
TADB, TSDE, and MADB (Eqs. 1 and 6) are characterized by a remarkable
similarity among each other. By comparing the 29Si chemical shifts from the
amorphous compounds with the shifts from crystalline /?-Si3N4, one concludes
that silicon exhibits a fourfold tetrahedral coordination by nitrogen. The
lineshapes of the H B MAS spectra exhibit quadrupolar asymmetry parameters
near 0.1 (coupling constant 2.9 MHz) and isotropic chemical shift values of
30 ppm, from which a trigonal planar coordination of boron with three
nitrogen atoms can be deduced. While the n B MAS signals exactly match those
of the references [124] the 29Si lines show significantly larger half widths. This
has been traced back to an inhomogeneous linebroadening caused by the
distortion of the local environment of silicon. Since the spread in Si-N
distances, according to the pair distribution function (PDF) curves, is
remarkably small, the major contribute should come from the angular
distortion. The role of carbon in the quaternary networks discussed here is still
under investigation, but apparently anionic carbon, i.e. carbon directly bonded
to silicon or boron, can be excluded in most of the ceramics. Instead, sp 2
hybridized carbon seems to be present in two different substructures: first,
Amorphous Multinary Ceramics in the Si-B-N-C System 175
Medium and Long Range Order
The most powerful tool to study the intermediate range order in amorphous
Si/B/N/(C) networks is MAS-NMR spectroscopy including advanced double
resonance techniques such as n B-{ 29 Si}rotational echo double resonance
(REDOR), 29 Si-{ n B} rotational echo adiabatic passage double resonance
(REAPDOR), and 13 C-{ n B} REAPDOR. These methods utilize the heteronu-
clear coupling between the observed nucleus and a nucleus in the second
coordination sphere to get information about the internuclear distance of the
two nuclei.
In nitrides, the second coordination sphere of silicon consists of eight
cations, whereas in the second coordination sphere of boron a maximum of six
cationic species is possible. In the case of a fully random cationic partial
structure, these positions should be equally occupied by silicon and boron.
However, the experimental results are in striking contrast to that expectation:
in Si3B3N7, silicon is surrounded by 1.8 boron and 6.2 silicon atoms, while
boron has only 1.4 silicon, plus 4.6 boron, neighbors in the second
coordination sphere. Accordingly, the medium range order of the investigated
random network Si3B3N7 is characterized by an agglomeration of B-N-B
linkages and Si-N-Si linkages to form boron-rich and silicon-rich domains
(Fig. 8). Similar results have been obtained for SiBN3C [122].
176 M. Jansen • B. Jaschke • T. Jaschke
Si N—Si N
\ / ol i y"
N—B :N—SI-N^
Si N—Si Si' Si
/ N
B ' ' ~"Si
a b
Fig. 8a, b. Second coordination spheres in Si3B3N7 for: a boron; b silicon
For Si3B3N7 the maximum in the PDFs (X-ray and neutron) at about 2.5 A
can be assigned to either an N-N or B-B separation in a BN2 or NB2 triangle.
The next maximum at ca. 2.8 A represents two adjacent nitrogen atoms
coordinated to silicon but may also include a Si-B interatomic distance. With
neutron contrast techniques applied to nitrogen, additional information
concerning the higher coordination shells has been gained. Regarding the
third coordination shell, four possible chain configurations of Si-N and B-N
pairs connected via three bonds are possible. The dihedral angle distribution
for each chain has been extracted snowing all possible combinations of the
precursor unit B/Si-N-B/Si-N present in this nitride ceramic [126, 127].
Finally, the spatial homogeneities of SiBN3C and Si3B3N7 have been checked
with high resolution mapping of the elements Si, B, N, and C through electron
spectroscopic imaging (ESI). It turns out that both compounds, Si3B3N7 and
SiBN3C, are highly homogeneous above a lateral resolution of the method
applied in the range of 0.8-1.0 nm [128].
Modeling of Si/B/N Random Networks
Fig. 9. Structure model for Si3B3N7: Si (black), B (light gray), N (white, small). The
heterogeneous cation distribution is clearly visible
Bulk Properties of Polyborosilazane Derived Ceramics
Fig. 10. Comparison between experimental (dashed line) and simulated (solid line) pair
correlation functions (PCF) for neutron and X-ray scattering for the optimized crystal
fragments model
temperature / °C
Fig. 11. High temperature TGA curves of ceramics derived from single source precursors
and methylamine as crosslinking agent
temperature / DC
Fig. 12. High temperature TGA curves of ceramics derived from the single source precursor
TABB and different crosslinking agents
•I M l
from, e.g., TADB, TSDE, TSDM, or TSMB were exposed to pure oxygen at
temperatures up to 1400 °C during a TGA-measurement, an increase in weight
of only 2-3% was observed, without any degradation or crystallization taking
place (Fig. 14).
The oxidation behavior of SiBN3C in air has been investigated over a longer
period of time employing isothermal TGA measurements at temperatures
between 1520 and 1550 °C. The recorded weight loss (evaporation of B2O3)
reveal a parabolic gradient (Vt-law), and the overall oxygen content ap-
proaches a low limit value indicating a diffusion-controlled oxidation process
that is strongly impeded kinetically. At the beginning of this oxidation process
a protective double layer on the surface of this ceramic material forms, leading
to an excellent oxidation resistance even at high temperatures: the outer layer,
rich in Si and O but depleted with respect to B, acts as a diffusion barrier for
oxygen, while the inner layer, rich in N and B but with less Si, suppresses
cation diffusion.
Depth profile investigations by Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry
(SNMS) of SiBN3C powder, oxidized at 1520 °C in air, together with a SEM
image of the intersection of a SiBN3C fiber also exposed to air (50 h at
1500 °C) clearly show the presence of that double layer of approximately
1.2-1.4 um thickness (Fig. 15).
Technical Performance
TG /%
temperature / °C
Fig. 14. TGA curves of some selected Si/B/N/C ceramics in pure oxygen atmosphere
182 M. Jansen • B. Jaschke • T. Jaschke
40 ywJK ,N
/Si ^ ^ ^ l ^ ^
I \J
C/% c
10- B
Fig. 15a, b. Formation of a double layer on SiBN3C after heat treatment in air: a SNMS
(secondary neutral mass spectra) of the surface of SiBN3C powder, oxidized at 1500 °C in air
(erosion rate: 2 |im in 3000s); b scanning electron micrograph of an oxidized SiBN3C fiber
(1500 °C, 50 h in air)
few attempts [114, 134] to spin fibers of multinary systems, not to mention
amorphous ones, have been reported. Thus the SiBN3C fiber is the first
representative of a new, very promising family of high performance ceramic
fibers [103, 114]. The fibers have been produced from the meltable
JS[-methylpolyborosilazane as a multinlament of up to 300 individual fibers
with adjustable diameters of 8-15 urn and a length exceeding 200 m. The
fibers have a very smooth surface and very constant diameter. Their oxygen
content is below 1 wt%. In general, the fibers reflect the properties of the bulk
SiBN3C ceramic, and show an outstanding thermal stability, a high resistance
against crystallization, and, in particular, oxidation. The amorphous state is
retained at least up to 1800 °C, and is not subject to microstructural changes
up to this temperature. This results in a remarkably good high-temperature
Amorphous Multinary Ceramics in the Si-B-N-C System 183
Comparative Assessment of SiBN3C- and SiC-Fibers
Until now, only a handful of ceramic fibers for use in CMCs, mainly fibers
made from silicon carbide, have reached the market. While Ube Industries,
Nippon Carbon, and, lately, Dow Corning produce SiC fibers, 3 M has
developed some oxidic ceramic fibers (e.g. aluminoborosilicate, aluminosilica,
or alumina) for this purpose. Since up to now for high-temperature
applications only fibers made from SiC or SiBN3C are suitable, the most
important features of these two classes will now be discussed.
In contrast to the different polycrystalline SiC fibers, SiBN3C fibers exhibit a
higher tensile strength at elevated temperatures combined with an excellent
Table 4. Mechanical data of SiBN3C-fibers compared with the requirements of potential users (European turbine producers) and to various SiC-fiber
Properties End user SiBN3C [137] Sylramic [138-140] HiNicalon [138-142] Ube SA [140, 143]
specification (Dow corning) (Nippon carbon) (Ube industries)
Concluding Remarks
Thinking conventionally, the approach of employing amorphous solids as
high-performance ceramics would imply a contradiction in terms since
such materials are thermodynamically unstable with respect to transformation
or decomposition to crystalline phases, which would exclude them from
applications in safety sensitive areas at high temperatures. However, in
constructing devices, e.g., engines or turbines, usually different materials are
combined, and the whole assembly is by no means in thermodynamic
equilibrium. So, it is the kinetic stability that counts in the first place, though,
incontestably, high thermodynamic stability represents an attribute highly
186 M. Jansen • B. Jaschke • T. Jaschke
The production of the polymer has reached pilot plant scale (batches of
150 kg), and the polymer can be spun and pyrolyzed continuously to long
fibers. However, the mechanical properties of fibers made in such large
quantities still suffer from too high an oxygen contamination and lag behind
by about 20% with respect to tensile strength, as compared to laboratory scale
TADB-derived ceramic fibers, with the idealized composition SiBN3C, do
not reach the E-modulus of the most advanced SiC fibers at room temperature.
However, they are clearly superior to the latter in a crucial point, namely the
drop of the E-modulus and of the creep resistance at high temperatures. SiC
fibers already lose a large part of their mechanical strength below 1400 °C, as
can be measured by creep resistance. These limitations are fundamental in
nature, since they are related to grain boundary sliding and thus to the
crystallinity of SiC. In contrast, amorphous SiBN3C fibers do not show any
grain boundaries and, moreover, the concentration of microstructural flaws is
extremely low.
The prospects of widespread application of amorphous Si/B/N/C ceramics
are rather promising. These expectations are not only based on the attractive
properties (low density, low thermal coefficient of expansion, low thermal
conductivity, high thermal shock resistivity, and good mechanical perfor-
mance, in particular at high temperatures) but also on the broad choice in
ways of processing. Many of the precursor syntheses as worked out in the
laboratory have the potential for being scaled up to technical dimensions,
which has been already demonstrated for the TADB-based route.
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Author Index Volume 101
Seifert HJ, Aldinger F (2002) Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System. 101:1-58