Selection and Setup of Backpressure Regulators To Optimize Performance in Lubrication Oil Service
Selection and Setup of Backpressure Regulators To Optimize Performance in Lubrication Oil Service
Selection and Setup of Backpressure Regulators To Optimize Performance in Lubrication Oil Service
April 2016 Controlling Pressures in Lubrication Oil Service
Seal Oil
Backpressure Regulator
Regulator Filter P3
PLV Lube Oil
Primary P4
Pump PLV Control Oil
Reservoir (optional)
in lubricating oil consoles, flows can vary widely Figure 2. Flow vs. Travel of Various Cage Styles
through the backpressure regulators. With one
pump in operation, flow rates will be low through the highest turndown ratio available. The order of cage
regulator and with both pumps in operation, flow progression typically is:
rates can increase to over 12 times the amount seen 1. Linear
with one pump on. When selecting the appropriate 2. Equal-Percentage
backpressure regulator, one should use the buildup 3. Quick-Open
capacity information provided by the manufacturer When a backpressure regulator cannot meet low flow
to determine appropriate regulator size. Per API 614 requirements, then the regulator typically exhibits
standards, header pressure should be limited to a 25% instability. This usually is represented by wide pressure
maximum buildup pressure when both pumps are in swings in the lubrication oil header pressure and can
operation and downstream demand is at the minimum result in system vibration, safety valves opening or
expected value. Since the backpressure regulator is even high/low pressure alarms that can trip the entire
actually controlling the header pressure, it is important system and result in costly downtimes.
to consider the turndown characteristics of the
Oversizing a backpressure regulator can also lead
backpressure regulator selected.
to system instability, because a higher turndown
Turndown of a regulator at a basic level describes the ratio is needed for larger regulators. When selecting
minimum amount of flow through a regulator that a backpressure regulator, it is ideal to choose the
can be accurately controlled. Typically, self-operated smallest valve or trim size. When selecting trim or cage
regulators have larger turndown ratios than profiles, it is recommended to start with linear or equal
pilot-operated regulators or control valves. Many percentage; only choose the quick-open profile when a
backpressure regulators utilize different cage profiles higher flow demand is required.
to manage the turndown vs. high flow characteristics
In systems where only a pressure reducing valve
of a valve. Figure 2 details the flow rate vs. travel
is present, it is important to remember that inlet
of different cage profiles and provides a visual
pressures to the regulator will vary due to the on/off
representation of what happens inside the regulator as
actions of the pumps. In this case, sizing the pressure
the travel increases.
reducing valve for the worst case scenario is important
Due to the turndown requirement for backpressure to prevent pressure droop. The worst case condition
applications, it is important to choose the cage profile would be the maximum system flow requirement with
that meets flow requirements while also providing the the lowest inlet pressure.
White Paper
April 2016 - Page 3 Controlling Pressures in Lubrication Oil Service
ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE Figure 3. Diagram of Needle Valve with Integrated Check Function
Speed of Response Requirements flow through the needle valve will slow the regulator
speed of response, while opening the needle valve will
The 2-pump system also sees almost instantaneous
increase speed of response. The needle valve should
pressure spikes when pumps are turned on and
be accurately sized to ensure that the regulator will
off. Due to the near instantaneous action and the
still respond quickly when the needle valve is in the
incompressibility of liquids, system pressure is
wide-open position.
often characterized by sharp spikes or decreases in
header pressure. The integrated check function allows for full flow in
the outbound direction from the regulator spring case.
To mitigate this, it is recommended to utilize
This is very useful in lubrication oil applications, as the
direct-operated backpressure or pressure reducing
sudden shutdown of one pump requires the regulator
regulators that can respond rapidly to these pressure
to immediately close to prevent a sudden loss of
fluctuations. This means that when the header
header pressure.
pressure changes, the regulator will make a quick
position correction to match the demand requirement. Figure 3 details the operation of the needle valve in the
However, the regulator will begin to interact with the operational schematic of a backpressure regulator.
pressure variation caused by the pump and this can
lead to large unstable pressure swings, leading to Summary
system shutdowns or vibrations. Consistent operational performance is key in
Sometimes a needle valve with an integrated check turbomachinery support applications. By utilizing
function is used to tune the regulator response speed. some of these troubleshooting methods, operators
The needle valve is installed in the sensing line of the can ensure that their oil support systems stay online,
backpressure regulator and can be adjusted to either which prevents machinery downtime and lost revenue
lower or raise the regulator speed of response. Limiting due to repair and unplanned maintenance.