Network Laws and Theorems

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The key takeaways are that there are several circuit analysis theorems like Superposition, Thevenin's, Norton's and Maximum Power Transfer theorems that can be used to simplify circuits and determine voltages, currents and power transfer efficiency.

The Superposition theorem states that the total response of a linear system to various inputs is the sum of the responses of the system to each individual input. It is used to analyze circuits with multiple sources by considering one source at a time and then combining the results.

Thevenin's theorem states that any linear network with voltage sources and resistances can be replaced by an equivalent circuit with a single voltage source (Thevenin's voltage) in series with a single resistance (Thevenin's resistance). The equivalent voltage is calculated between two terminals by opening the terminals and the equivalent resistance is found by shorting all voltage sources.


Electric circuit theorems are always beneficial to help find

voltage and currents in multi loop circuits. These
theorems use fundamental rules or formulas and basic
equations of mathematics to analyze basic components
of electrical or electronics parameters such as voltages,
currents, resistance, and so on. These fundamental
theorems include the basic theorems like Superposition
theorem, Tellegen’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Sup
er Position Theorem
Maximum power transfer theorem and Thevenin’s
Super position theorem is used only in linear networks.
This theorem is used in both AC and DC circuits wherein
Other group of network theorems which are mostly used
it helps to construct Thevenin and Norton equivalent
in the circuit analysis process includes Compensation
theorem, Substitution theorem, Reciprocity theorem,
Millman’s theorem and Miller’s theorem.
In the above figure, the circuit with two voltage sources is
divided into two individual circuits according to this
All these theorems are briefly discussed below.
theorem’s statement. The individual circuits here make
1. Super Position Theorem the whole circuit look simpler in easier ways. And, by
combining these two circuits again after individual
The Super position theorem is a way to determine the
simplification, one can easily find parameters like voltage
currents and voltages present in a circuit that has multiple
drop at each resistance, node voltages, currents, etc.
sources (considering one source at a time). The super
position theorem states that in a linear network having a 2. Thevenin’s Theorem
number of voltage or current sources and resistances, the
Statement: A linear network consisting of a number of
current through any branch of the network is the algebraic
voltage sources and resistances can be replaced by an
sum of the currents due to each of the sources when
equivalent network having a single voltage source called
acting independently.
Thevenin’s voltage (Vthv) and a single resistance called

Thevenin’s Theorem
The above figure explains how this theorem is applicable impedance for maximum power transfer even if the load
for circuit analysis. Thevinens voltage is calculated by the is operating at different power factor.
given formula between the terminals A and B by breaking
the loop at the terminals A and B. Also, Thevinens
resistance or equivalent resistance is calculated by
shorting voltage sources and open circuiting current
sources as shown in the figure.

This theorem can be applied to both linear and bilateral Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
networks. It is mainly used for measuring the resistance For instance, the above figure depicts a circuit diagram
with a Wheatstone bridge. wherein a circuit is simplified up to a level of source with
internal resistance using Thevinens theorem. The power
3. Norton’s Theorem transfer will be maximum when this Thevinens resistance
This theorem states that any linear circuit containing is equal to the load resistance. The Practical application
several energy sources and resistances can be replaced of this theorem includes an audio system wherein the
by a single constant current generator in parallel with a resistance of the speaker must be matched to the audio
single resistor. power amplifier to obtain a maximum output.

5. Reciprocity Theorem

Reciprocity theorem helps to find the other corresponding

solution even without further work, once the circuit is
analyzed for one solution. The theorem states that in a
linear passive bilateral network, the excitation source and
Norton’s Theorem its corresponding response can be interchanged.
This is also same as that of the Thevinens theorem, in
which we find Thevinens equivalent voltage and
resistance values, but here current equivalent values are
determined. The process of finding these values is shown
as given in the example within the above figure.
Reciprocity Theorem
4. Maximum Power Transfer Theorem In the above figure, the current in R3 branch is I3 with a
single source Vs. If this source is replaced to the R3
This theorem explains the condition for the maximum
branch and shorting the source at the original location,
power transfer to load under various circuit conditions.
then the current flowing from the original location I1is
The theorem states that the power transfer by a source to
same as that of I3. This is how we can find corresponding
a load is maximum in a network when the load resistance
solutions for the circuit once the circuit is analyzed with
is equal to the internal resistance of the source. For AC
one solution.
circuits load impedance should match with the source
6. Compensation Theorem

Tellegen’s Theorem
This theorem is applicable for circuits with a liner or
nonlinear, passive or active and hysteric or non-hysteric
networks. It states that summation of instantaneous
power in circuit with n number of branches is zero.
Compensation Theorem
In any bilateral active network, if the amount of 9. Substitution Theorem
impedance is changed from the original value to some
This theorem states that any branch in a network can be
other value carrying a current of I, then the resulting
substituted by a different branch without disturbing the
changes that occurs in other branches are same as those
currents and voltages in the whole network provided the
that would have been caused by the injection voltage
new branch has the same set of terminal voltages and
source in the modified branch with a negative sign, i.e.,
current as the original branch. Substitution theorem can
minus of voltage current and changed impedance
be used in both linear and nonlinear circuits.
product. The four figures given above show how this
compensation theorem is applicable in analyzing the 10. Miller’s Theorem

7. Millman’s Theorem

Miller’s Theorem
This theorem states that, in a linear circuit if a branch
Millman’s Theorem exists with impedance Z connected between two nodes
This theorem states that when any number of voltage with nodal voltages, this branch can be replaced by two
sources with finite internal resistance is operating in branches connecting the corresponding nodes to the
parallel can be replaced with a single voltage source with ground by two impedances. The application of this
series equivalent impedance. The Equivalent voltage for theorem is not only an effective tool for creating
these parallel sources with internal sources in Millmans equivalent circuit, but also a tool for designing modified
theorem is calculated by the below given formula, which additional electronic circuits by impedance.
is shown in the above figure. These are all basic network theorems used widely in the
electrical or electronic circuit analysis. We hope that you
8. Tellegen’s theorem
might have got some basic idea about all these theorems.
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