Long Span Structure 050919

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Long Span Structure

• Structure with span larger than 20m can be regarded as long span
• For this span is unable to be achieved by ordinary RC structure.
Common structural forms for long span
• In situ RC tensioned
• Precast concrete tensioned
• Structural steel – erected on spot
• Structural steel – prefabricated and installed on spot
• Portal frame- In situ RC
• Portal frame – Precast
• Portal frame – prefabricated steel.
St. Peter, Rome

St. Paul, London

Super dome

Hagia Sopia
Pantheon , Rome
Material used in long span structure
• Reinforced concrete ( in situ & precast)
• All metal ) Mild steel. Structural steel
• Stainless steel or alloyed aluminium
• Timber
• Laminated timber
• Metal & Reinforced concrete combined
• Plastic coated textile material
• Fibre reinforced plastic
Form Active Structures
• Systems of flexible, non rigid matter.
• The redirection of forces is effected by particular form
design and characteristic Form.

o Cable structures
o Tent Structures
o Pneumatic structures
o Arch structures
Cable structure
• Cable Structure System is the major system under form active
structure system.
• It comprises of non-rigid, flexible cables shaped in a certain manner
and fixed at the ends to span the space.
• The load is transmitted through simple stresses; either through
compression or tension.
• Cable system forms a Funicular Shape through the stresses.
• The high tensile strength of steel, combined with the efficiency of
simple tension makes a steel cable the ideal structural element to
span large distances.
Types of cable structure
• Suspension type cables
• The main forces in a suspension bridge of any type are tension in the cables
and compression in the pillars, this not only adds strength but improves

• Stayed type cables

• The towers are the primary load bearing structures which transmit the bridge
loads to the ground.
Types of cable supported structure
• Simply suspended cables
• Pre-tensioned cable beams
• Pre-tensioned cable nets
• Tensioned straight cables
Simply supported

Pre tension cable

Cable structure
Tent Structure
• Tent or Tensile structures are the common type of thin – membrane
structures which only carry tension stresses and no bending or
• The most important and wide usage of these structures is in roof due
to its low cost and spanning capacity of large spaces.
• They are also used in making complete building structure such as
exhibition halls, warehouses etc.
• Main materials required for these type of structures is tensile
membrane and steel cables.
• There are mainly 4 types of tents fabric structures: Saddle roof, Arch
supported, Mast supported and combinations.
Tent Structure
Advantages Pneumatic structure
Disadvantages Pneumatic structure
Arch Structure
• An Arch is a compression form and a vertical or horizontal structure,
curved in a manner that spans a space.
• It may or may not support the load above it depending upon the
• It can span large areas through compression stresses neglecting
tensile stresses.
• All the bridges and old historical buildings were made in arch
structure system.
• Arches are mainly of three types: Circular Form, Pointed Aches and
Parabolic Arches.
Arch Structure
• A curved structure designed to carry loads across a gap mainly by
• The mechanical principle of the arch is precisely the same as that of
the portal frame. The straight pieces of material joined by sharp
bends are smoothened into a continuous curve. This increases the
cost of construction but greatly reduces the stresses. Arch
• The geometry of the curve further affects the cost and stresses. The
circular arch is easiest to construct, the catenary arch is the most
• Arches can be three pinned, two pinned or rigid.
Arch structure
Section Active Structures

• Systems of rigid, solid, linear elements

• The redirection of forces is effected by
mobilization of sectional forces .

o Beam structures
o Framed Structures
o Slab structures
Section active structure
• Multi storied structure
• These building contains the means of vertical circulation in the form
of stairs & lifts occupying up to 20 % of the floor area
• These means of circulation can be housed within a core inside the
structure & this can be used to provide a degree of restraint to sway
due to lateral wind pressures
o Braced structure
o Shear wall structure
o Core structure
o Hull core structure
• The portal frames are used for long
span due to their structural efficiency
ie with little use of material it
become low cost.
• They tend to be lightweight and can
be fabricated off site then bolted to
• The portal frames left exposed to the
internal spaces
• Material used for portal frame is steel
or steel reinforced precast concreteor
also can be constructed using
laminated timber
• Portal frames are type of structural
frames, characterized by beam
supported at either end by column
• A secondary framework of purlins
fixed to the rafters and rails fixed to
the column provide support for
• Generally , a building structure will
be formed by a series of parallel
portal frames running down the
length of the buildings typically 6 to
8 m apart
• Portal frame structures are offen
clad with prefabricated
composite metal panels,
incorporating insulation.
• Members of portal frame are
jointed by means of welding and
bolting so the joints of the frame
could transfer moments also in
addition to the axial load
• The majour connections in a
portal frame are the eaves and
apex connection which are booth
moment resisting
Vector Active Structures
• Systems of short, solid, straight lineal members.
• The redirection of forces is effected by vector
partition i.e. by multidirectional splitting of
single force simply to tension or compressive

o Flat trusses
o Curved trusses
o Space trusses
Load distribution
Flat truss
• Quick installation -The primary advantages of truss is that it can be
installed quickly and cost effectively, even without heavy equipment to lift
it into place
• Increased span -The uniue properties of a triangular object allow trusses to
span across longer distances
• Load Distribution- The shape of a triangle allows all of the weigth applied
to the sides to be redistributed down and away from the centre. In trusses
this transfers the entire weigth of the roof to the outer walls.
• Accessibility- since the bottom rail of a truss is typically the ceiling of the
rooms below, the trigular spaces of the installation of HVAC , electric and
other utility
• The central void of a truss system is generally the attice of a home.
Space truss
Surface Active Structures

• Systems of flexible or rigid planes able to resist

tension, compression or shear
• The redirection of forces is effected by
mobilization of sectional forces

o Plate structures
o Folded plate Structures
o shell structures
Folded plate structure
• Folded plates are assemblies of flat plates rigidly connected together
along their edges in such a way that the structural system capable of
carrying loads without the need for additional supporting beams
along mutual edges
Structural behavior of folding
Types of folded structure
Material used for folded plates
Advantages of folded plate structure
Disadvantages of folded plate structure
Shell structure
Advantages of shell structure
• Very light form of construction- to span 30m shell thk require is 60mm
• Dead load reduction can be redused economizing foundation and
supporting system
• Longer spans are possible as they take advantage of the fact that arch
shapes can span longer
• Aesthetically superior as they look good over other forms of construction
• Lighting: Top light can be provided by deck light formed in the crown of
vault or by dome light.
• The deck light can be continuous or formed as individual lights. Roof lights
are fixed to an upstand curb cast integrally with the shell.
• Advantage of the shell is that its concave soffit reflects and helps to
disperse light over area below.
Disadvantages of shell structure
• Formwork: Shuttering problem
• Accuracy: Greater accuracy in formwork is required
• Trained Labour: Good labour and supervision necessary
• Heights: Rise of roof may be a disadvantage
• Insulation: The thin shell offers poor resistance to transfer of heat. The
need to add some form of insulating lining adds considerably to cost of
shell. The most satisfactory method of insulation is to spread a light
weight screed over the shell.
• Expansion Joints: The change in temperature causes the Expansion and
contraction in concrete Structures, which causes the structures to deform
or collapse. To limit this continuous expansion joints are formed at the
interval of about 30m, along the Span and across the width of the multi-
bay and multi-span barrel vault roofs. Longitudinal Expansion joints are
formed in an up stand Valley
Comparison simple beam , portal frame, truss

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