Benefits Derived From Seaweeds: Source of The Technology

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Benefits Derived from Seaweeds

 Seaweed snacks contain very few calories. A 6-g

pack of seaweed snacks is equivalents 30 calories. Source of the Technology:
 Seaweeds are potential ingredients for nutritious
foods. Researchers:
 Seaweeds contain bioactive molecules such as Zenaida M. Agngarangay, Susan G. Aquino,
proteins, polypeptides, sterols, polysaccharides, Lory B. Rafael, Corazon A. Sabuco, Delia A. Rebucal,
vitamins and minerals Erle B. Damaso, Prima Fe R. Franco
 Seaweeds possesses many functional benefits Agency:
associated with antioxidant, antimicrobial, MARIANO MARCOS STATE UNIVERSITY
cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndromes. City of Batac, 2906 Ilocos Norte

Cost and Benefit Analysis

of Seaweeds Food Products


Total Production Cost P 297.56 P 121.25 P 248.87 For more information, please contact:
Gross Income P 600.00 P 330.00 P 500.00
Net Income P 302.44 P 208.75 P 251.13
Benefit Cost Ratio 1.02 1.72 1.01 Susan G. Aquino
*Seaweed flour (kanot-kanot, balbalulang and gamgamet) = P60/
Delia A. Rebucal
kg; Gamet (dry) = P250.00/kg; Labor = Wage rate at P250.00/day Erle B. Damaso
Mariano Marcos State University
City of Batac 2906, Ilocos Norte
(077) 792-2547, 792-3131
(077) 670-1898
[email protected]
Dr. Prima Fe R. Franco
Consortium Director
Ilocos Agriculture Aquatic and Natural Resources Research Research and Development Directorate
and Development Consortium Mariano Marcos State University
CRL Bldg. MMSU, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte City of Batac, 2906 Ilocos Norte, Philippines
(077) 792-3420
[email protected] Ilocos Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources
Research and Development Consortium (ILAARRDEC)
Mariano Marcos State University
Batac City, 2906 Ilocos Norte, Philippines
K in ds of Seawee ds use d in the
Introduction Pro duc t De ve lopmen t
P r od u c t s f r om S ea w ee d s
Ready-to-eat products have become Seaweed Sticks
increasingly popular in recent years because
of their convenience. However, most of these Seaweed material:
convenient foods contain chemical  Hydroclatus
preservatives acting as either antimicrobials or clathratus
antioxidants. (balbalulang)
Seaweeds have a broad chemical
composition, hence, has been attracting Most preferred in
interest recently as a valuable food source with terms of appearance,
Gamgamet Aragan taste/flavor, texture,
a number of health benefits. Being such a rich
( Ulva lac tuc a) ( Sar gas s um duplic atum ) aroma/smell
source of essential macro and micro nutrients,
these are potential ingredients for nutritious
Product development for seaweed Miki noodles/canton noodles
commands greater utilization of its nutritional
Seaweed Material:
potentials. It also offers new benefits to
 For miki - Ulva
customers through formulation of an
lactuca (gam-gamet)
entirely novelty product that satisfies a newly
 For canton-
defined customer want or market demand.
Eucheuma gelatinae
Kanotkanot Lumot
( Euc heuma gelatinae) (Enteromorpha intestinales)

Seaweed embutido

S eawe ed M at eri al :
 Porphyra spp (gamet)
“foods for the gods”

Gamet Balbalulang high price
(Por phyra spp) ( Hydr oc latus clathr atus )

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