Deltoid Muscle: 13 Main Muscle and Type Exercises
Deltoid Muscle: 13 Main Muscle and Type Exercises
Deltoid Muscle: 13 Main Muscle and Type Exercises
Sit-ups or Curl-ups
Bicycle crunch
Lie on your back with your arms
1.Start by lying on the ground, with your
crossed over your chest, keeping
lower back pressed flat into the floor and
your knees slightly bent. Raise your your head and shoulders raised slightly
upper body off the floor by flexing above it.
your abdominal muscles. Touch your 2.Place your hands lightly on the sides of
elbows to your thighs and repeat. your head; don’t knit your fingers behind.
During the PFT, someone will be Be careful not to yank your head with your
counting and holding your feet for hands at any point during the exercise.
you. Lift one leg just off the ground and extend it
5. Finger Flexor/extensor out.
3.Lift the other leg and bend your knee
towards your chest.
As you do so twist through your core so the
opposite arm comes towards the raised
knee. You don’t need to touch elbow to
knee, instead focus on moving through your
core as you turn your torso. Your elbow
should stay in same position relative to your
Dip Flexion head throughout – the turn that brings it
closer to the knee comes from your core. It
1. With your good hand, grasp your might be best to think shoulder to knee as
affected finger. Your thumb will be on you move, rather than elbow to knee.
the top side of your finger just below the 4.Lower your leg and arm at the same time
joint that is closest to your fingernail. while bringing up the opposite two limbs to
mirror the movement.
5.Keep on alternating sides until you’ve
managed 10 reps on each, aiming for three Shoulder blade squeeze
sets of 10 in total, or add the bicycle crunch 1.Stand with good posture.
into circuit training and just keep going for 2.Slowly squeeze the shoulder
as long as the timer runs.
blades together and hold for 3
7. Quadriceps
3.Slowly release the shoulder blades
back to their relaxed positions.
4.This exercise can also be done
using cables, a resistance band, or
holding your arms out front in a goal
post position.
9. Triceps
Leg extension
Sit up straight on the leg extension machine
and imagine you have a seat belt around
your waist pulling your hips down into the 2. Dip
seat. Use your quads to initiate the To start, though, just use whatever
movement and avoid “kicking” the weight grip you find most comfortable.
up. Extend your legs fully and pause for one
second at the top, then lower under One of the things that makes the dip
control. unique among bodyweight exercises
is that it’s easy to overload if you
8. Trapezius use a dip belt or hold a dumbbell
between your legs.
Stand with your feet slightly wider than
shoulder-width apart, turning out your toes
and knees slightly. Bend your knees to
Doing a row on one leg adds a
lower your body like you’re sitting in a
balance challenge and, for that
chair, keeping your chest up. When your
reason, you'll probably use a lighter
thighs are parallel to the ground, push up
through your heels and toes to raise
1.To start, shift the weight to the yourself back up. When you reach the top
right leg and tip from the hips, of the move, squeeze your glutes. That's
taking the torso parallel to the floor one rep
as you lift the left leg straight up.
Your body should be in a straight
line from head to heel. 12.Hamstring
2.Hold onto a wall for balance if you
need to. From this position, pull the
elbow up into a row and slowly
lower down.
3.If you feel shaky, take the leg down and rest
lightly on the toes, keeping most of the weight
in the front leg. Repeat for 12-16 reps on each
Glute Bridge
Lie flat on your back with feet flat on
the ground and shoulder-width apart,
legs bent to 90 degrees. Drive your
heels into the ground, and lift your torso
and upper legs into the air, extending
your hips until your thighs and torso are
in line with each other. Squeeze your
glutes. Hold for a 2-second count.
Return to the start. That’s 1 rep; do 3
sets of 10.
1. Deltoid muscle
Pec deck
Keep your feet flat on the floor, at
least shoulder-width apart.
With your back firmly against the
seat, lift your arms until they reach
shoulder level (the angle of your
elbows should be between 75 and
90 degrees). Place your elbows on
the center of the pad on the wings of
Standing Dumbbell Press the machine.
5. With your feet shoulder-width apart, With smooth and slow movement,
take a dumbbell in each hand. push the wings together, stopping
6. Raise the dumbbells to eye level just before they touch.
with your elbows bent to about 90 Reverse to the starting position
degrees. slowly.
7. Brace your core and drive the 2. Biceps
dumbbells up and together,
extending the elbows to 180
8. Pause, and slowly return the weight
to the starting position.
2.Pectoral muscle
5. Oblique
Sit-ups or Curl-ups