2015 Synopsis - All Sections - 09-29-2015
2015 Synopsis - All Sections - 09-29-2015
2015 Synopsis - All Sections - 09-29-2015
2015 Edition
ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code
There will be no addenda issued to this edition, and this edition will remain valid until publication
of the 2017 edition in July of 2017. Changes that have taken place in the 2015 Edition are
indicated by “(15)” in the margin adjacent to the affected paragraph/figure/table.
Code Case Supplements continue to be published four times per year and republished as a new
Edition on a cycle concurrent with the rest of the Code.
Interpretations of the Code have historically been posted in January and July at
http://cstools.asme.org/interpretations. However interpretations approved between January 1,
2013 and December 31, 2014 have been included with the publication of the applicable Section of
the Code in the 2015 Edition as Volume 63. Following the 2015 Edition, interpretations will not
be included in the edition; they will be issued in real time in ASME's Interpretation Database at:
http://go.asme.org/Interpretations . This online Interpretation database also contains previously
approved BPVC interpretations dating back to 1977.
Errata [ publishing errors identified in the Code] are reviewed and approved by the Committee
four times a year and posted on ASME's website. Information regarding “Special Notices” and
“Errata” is published under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Resources Page at:
ASME offers users the option to receive an e-mail notification when “Special Notices” or
“Errata” are posted on their Web site. This will be especially useful now that annual Addenda are
no longer published.
Nearly 1200 changes are itemized in this Synopsis. Many of these changes are the result of new
technology and/or at the request of Certificate Holders like you.
This Synopsis was prepared by the HSB Global Standards (HSB GS) Codes & Standards staff to
provide insight into the intent of these changes, and their potential impact on Code users. Each
item that passed the ASME B&PV Standards Committee for the 2015 Edition was entered into
the Synopsis database. The “Subject” and “Description” were created by HSB CT personnel
involved with the cognizant Code Section Standards Committee, and each entry was checked
against the published standard to verify that it made it into publication. This particular report
contains a summary of changes for the three Divisions of Section VIII Pressure Vessel Code, as
well as the three reference codes, Sections II (Materials), V ( Nondestructive Examination ) and
IX (Welding, Brazing and Fusing Qualifications).
Commentary on revisions represents HSB Global Standard’s opinion of the changes, and is not
intended to be an official interpretation of the ASME Code. Every effort was made to accurately
describe the changes. However, we caution Code users to always refer to the actual Code rules
that apply and to use this document as a supplementary tool to the Code. Please contact HSB GS
Codes & Standards Group if further background information is desired on any of the revisions or
Copyright © 2015 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Inspection Company of Connecticut. All rights reserved.
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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
Code Cases published.
Executive Summary
The following Executive Summary highlights the more noteworthy revisions. We hope you find
this information helpful. If you need further clarification, please contact your Inspector,
Supervisor, or the Codes & Standards staff.
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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
2015 Edition
2015 Edition changes are identified on the pages by a margin note, (15), placed next to
the heading of the affected area.
The Foreword to the Code provides introductory information regarding the Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code. It contains general information describing the Committees
function relative to developing and maintaining the rules in the Code, some statements
concerning the difference between mandatory and non-mandatory requirements, the
different documents that are published (B&PV Standard, Code Cases, Interpretations), as
well as information concerning when Code rules must be used, and specific guidance
concerning materials. In the 2015 Edition, recognition of the Technical Oversight
Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As a result of the
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009, the "BPV
Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Section I
BPV I Standards Committee approved over 50 changes in ASME Section I 2015 Edition.
Some of the significant changes are the following :
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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
XII revised their rules (TM-110.10) in 2013 Edition and Section I finally caught up and
revised PG-11 in 2015 Edition. Section I rules now are very similar to Section VIII
Division I UG-11 requirements and some of the highlights are the following:
– Emphasis that all PG-11 parts must comply with applicable rules,
including design
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2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
The existing rules of PW-9 still apply to all other butt welds other than formed head to
cylindrical shell butt welds.
Appendix 5 - Guideline on the Approval of New Materials Under the Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code
In an effort to improve the consistency and quality of data submitted to support requests
for code cases for new materials of construction, companies submitting requests must
now identify all the ASTM test methods used to generate the material data based on
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2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
Table A5. In addition the data submitted must satisfy the units for reporting as given in
Table A5, including number of significant figures. Also, as part of this revision is the use
of the 0.2% offset method to determine the yield strength and the recognition that some
material specifications permit a different method such as the 0.5% extension under load
method to determine the yield strength. Finally new paragraph 5-1500 has been added to
address requirements for welding data that must be submitted when a new base metal is
requested for use in welded construction. Three types of welding information are now
required: 1. Data on weldability; 2. Data on strength and toughness in the time-
independent regime; 3. Data on strength in the time-dependent regime. Included in
Appendix 5 is new Table 5-1500 which contains an example of a comparison of
allowable stresses of base metals with compositions similar to those of selected welding
consumables and the proposed new base metal.
Section III
NCA-3855.3 (b)(1): Define the Audit Frequency for Approval of Suppliers
In earlier editions of the Code it was noted that NCA-3800 did not establish an audit
frequency for the approval and Control of Suppliers of Source Material and Services.
NCA-3855.3 (b)(1) previously stated: "surveying and auditing the supplier’s established
quality system that is consistent with the requirements of this Subarticle, or" .
The 2015 revision of NCA-3855.3 (b)(1) now clarifies requirements for triennial audit
frequency and annual evaluations for the approved suppliers
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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
NCA-3855.5(a)(3)(-d): Revised to Require On-Site Verification of Compliance
After Interpretation 10-883 was passed, committee members felt that the term "verifies"
did not provide an assurance that the required supplier's identification and traceability
procedures were actually being implemented at the supplier's facility.
NCA-3862.1(b) states “When required chemical analyses (including melting mill heat
analysis), heat treatment, tests, examinations, or repairs are subcontracted, the approved
supplier’s certification for the operations performed shall be furnished as an identified
attachment to the Certified Material Test Report.” This makes sense for the many SA and
SB specifications for which a report of the heat analysis on the material test report is
However, as far as SFA welding materials are concerned, there are no requirements for
source material heat analysis in any SFA specification. Chemical analysis of bare
electrodes for SAW or GMAW and filler wires/straight lengths for GTAW need to be
made to meet the requirements of the applicable SFA Specification and
NB/NC/ND/NE/NF/NG-2432. The required chemical analysis is a product analysis of
finished welding wire material, not the heat analysis during the melting.
Therefore, when a welding Material Organization issuing the Certified Material Test
Report purchases wire rods (mill rod coils) from his approved supplier of source material,
and performs all the tests and chemical analysis required by the applicable welding
material specification (SFA Specification) and specific material requirements of Section
III(NB/NC/ND/NE/NF/NG-2400), attachment of the test reports with the melting mill
heat analysis from its source material supplier is not required.
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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
NCA-3862.1(b) was revised to add new text:
Section III has accepted and incorporated the 2011 edition of ASNT SNT-TC-1A into
NB, NC, ND, NE, NF, NG, -5500, CC-5120, WB-5500 and WC-5500 and Tables NCA-
7100-2, NCA-7100-3 and WA-7100-2.
Other Boiler Code Sections have not adopted the 2011 edition of the standard. Section V
Standards Committee did not consider the 2011 Editions of ASNT SNT-TC-1A and CP-
189 adequate in covering the training, experience and examination requirements for
personnel performing computed radiography (CR), digital radiography (DR), phased
array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) and time of flight diffraction (TOFD) ultrasonic
examination techniques. See Executive Summary, Section V, T-120(g) for more details.
The differences that Section III Code users will see are;
– Identification of the test techniques within the method to which the document
applies (5.4)
– Changes to the training program per (7.1) were implemented.
Section III Updated Design by Analysis Rules for Reversing Dynamic Loads
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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
Section IV
Electric Immersion Heating Support Plates
In a previous revision to the Code, new rules were added that required electric immersion
heater plates to be designed as a flat head or alternatively, certified per Section VIII
Appendix 41. That revision essentially negated the long standing historical practice of
supplying the elements as manufacturer’s standard pressure parts in accordance with HF-
203. The change in this 2015 edition will now allow a Boiler Manufacturer to supply
these elements as miscellaneous pressure parts. The three options available are to design
and fabricate as a flat head in accordance with HG-307 and HG-325, design and certify in
accordance with Section VIII Appendix 41, or have supplied as a Manufacturer's standard
pressure part in accordance with HF-203.
Pneumatic Testing
New paragraph HG-511 was added to permit the pneumatic testing of boilers in lieu of a
hydrostatic test. There was a long standing prohibition of any type of pneumatic tests for
Section IV boilers. But over the years two ASME code cases were developed (2604 for
cast aluminum sections and 2469-1 for heating boilers) that provided specific
requirements and limited practices for pneumatically testing Section IV equipment.
These code cases, and their limitations have now been incorporated into the Code for
heating boilers and cast aluminum sections only. Some of the limitations placed on these
tests are included to provide for personnel safety while testing, such as a limit on the
calculated potential energy of no more than 1,000 ft-lbs, a pressure limit of 1.1 x MAWP
or 38 psi whichever is greater, immersion testing of the boiler in a water tank, and the
need for a pressure relief device installed while testing. Now that pneumatic testing has
been included in the Code, there is no longer a need for the Code Cases, which will be
annulled in 6 months.
Multiple Page Data Report Forms
A new Mandatory Appendix 4 was added to address completion of Data Reports
containing multiple pages. The Appendix provides detailed guidance about minimum
information that needs to appear on each of the individual sheets of multi-page Data
Report forms. Each page shall contain as a minimum, the Manufacturers name and some
form of traceability to the first page of the Data Report. For example, Mfr's. Serial No.,
CRN, National Board number or vessel serial or ID number of the product being
certified. The benefit of this revision is that it will permit a Manufacturer to generate Data
Reports via electronic means, and print them as multiple pages as a single document
rather than having to provide as back-to-back printed pages. Since this new method only
applies to Data Reports that would have multiple pages, Forms H-2, H-3, H-4, H-5, H-
5A, H-6, HLW-6, and HLW-7 were revised in format to accommodate this new
provision. No changes were made to Forms H-6, HC-1, HC-2, HA-1, HA-2, and HLW-8
which are intended to be single page documents and will not have multiple pages. This
Copyright © 2015 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Inspection Company of Connecticut. All rights reserved.
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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
appendix also includes a line-by-line instruction for completing the Forms. These line-by-
line instructions were once guidelines in Appendix L (now deleted) and are now
mandatory requirements.
Etching of Boiler Data and ASME Certification Mark
HG-530.1(b) was revised to allow boiler “stamping” certification data, including the
ASME Certification Mark and "H" Designator, to be etched on the boiler or a nameplate
rather than physically stamped. Controls and provisions for use must be included in the
Manufacturers QC System and shall be acceptable to the Authorized Inspector. Etching
of data was previously allowed only on cast iron and cast aluminum boilers due to the
lack of clarity of the Code Mark in the casting process. This change now allows for the
etching of data, including the ASME Certification Mark, to be used on any Section IV
Establishing Capacity for Pressure Relief Devices
Safety valve capacity for steam and hot water boilers rules were revised to remove the
requirement to determine relief valve capacity based on heating surface. Using heating
surface to make this determination is considered antiquated in the heating boiler industry.
The more appropriate way is to base the capacity on the maximum output of the boiler.
This revision is consistent with similar requirements in Section I for steam boilers.
However, it should be noted here that the appropriate way to express the capacity of a
safety valve, used on steam, is to base it on lbs of steam per hour (lbs/hr). Section IV has
handled this as Btu/hr for a long time, which is more appropriate for water service. And
even though using Btu/hr is not a precise way to record the relieving capacity for steam
service, it is still considered safe. Additionally, Table HG-400.1 was deleted and it's
contents relocated to Appendix A, Table A-100. Reference to the table is still needed
because many existing boilers in operation today have their safety valve capacity based
on heating surface. Further, the Table has been reformatted to more easily accommodate
US customary and metric units and the “Type of Surface” column was rearranged to
provide fuel type and firing mode for both the boiler heating surface and any waterwall
surfaces. This new Table is up-to-date and more in line with the same requirements in
Section I, A-44 and the NBIC.
Section V
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2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
other than RT and UT in the 2006 Edition of the ASNT documents , it was decided to
maintain the references to the 2006 Edition and add the requirements for the new
techniques in radiography and ultrasonic methods to the new Article 1, Mandatory
Appendix II (see below). Note that T-150(h) reaffirms that it is the prerogative of the
Construction Code whether or not to implement these additional qualification
For example, prior to the next personnel recertification period, an NDE Level III will
need to:
– Hold Level III Certification in the applicable examination method(s)
– Meet the Level II Requirements for training, experience and examinations
(general, specific and practical) listed for the applicable technique(s) as
detailed in Article 1, Mandatory Appendix II
– Have documented experience preparing procedures to the technique(s)
– Demonstrate proficiency in the evaluation of test results using the
The requirements of Article 1 and this Mandatory Appendix, when applicable, shall be
included in the employer’s written practice.
The 2015 Edition Construction Code Sections have not implemented Mandatory
Appendix II as a requirement, but some are actively considering it.
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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
• Note (1): Mandatory Appendix VII UT procedures are currently not required to be
qualified. Existing procedure qualifications written in accordance with Mandatory
Appendix VIII (“UT in lieu of RT”), however, will need to be requalified, if they
do not already document this essential variable.
• Note (2): Section V Standards Committee intended to change the wording of the
new essential variable in Table VII-421 to “Scanner (Make/Model) adhering and
guiding mechanism”. In Table VIII-421, the wording was intended to be changed
to “Scanner adhering and guiding mechanism (manufacturer and model)”. Neither
change was published in the 2015 Edition.
The full paragraphs pertaining to this topic state the following: “Illumination (natural or
supplemental white light) of the examination surface is required for the evaluation of
indications. The minimum light intensity shall be 100 fc (1000 lx). The light intensity,
natural or supplemental white light source, shall be measured with a white light meter
prior to the evaluation of indications or a verified light source shall be used. Verification
of light sources is required to be demonstrated only one time, documented, and
maintained on file.”
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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
new paragraph UW-11(a)(7), and the subsequent paragraphs and UW-11(a) were
renumbered. Also the butt weld seam in a tubesheet was added to the definition of a
Category A joint in UW-3(a). Note that similar revisions were also made to Section VIII,
Division 2.
Note for consistency purposes, similar revisions were made to Section VIII, Division 2,
Part 3, 3.11.4.
New Data Report Form for Plate Heat Exchangers [ Form U-1P]
The ASME Pressure Vessel Committee has a Task Group on Plate Heat Exchangers
working on rules specific for the construction of plate heat exchangers (PHE). The goal
is to ultimately assemble rules for PHE's into a mandatory appendix within VIII-1. As
part of this effort, a Manufacturers Data Report Form U-1P that applies specifically to
PHE’s has been produced , and is more applicable to PHEs than Form U-1. For example
Form U-1P requires specific information regarding the end plates, and the heat transfer
plates, including the maximum plate count for the frame assembly, and the quantity of
Copyright © 2015 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Inspection Company of Connecticut. All rights reserved.
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HSB Code Services
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
plates in the PHE as tested and shipped. Users should note that there is currently no
reference to Form U-1P from within the mandatory portion of Section VIII, Division 1,
outside of a generic reference to Appendix W from UG-120(g).
Exemption to Post-Bend Heat Treatment per UCS-79 for Bends in Pipe and Tube
[Case 2807]
In the 2013 Edition, revisions to UCS-79 clarified that bends in pipe and tube produced
via cold forming that exceed the fiber elongation limits given in UCS-79(d) require a
post-bending heat treatment. Although not a new requirement, previous UCS-79 language
was commonly misunderstood relative to pipe and tube bends. One contributing factor to
Code users overlooking this requirement was the fact that UCS-79 did not contain the
equation to calculate the fiber elongation in pipe and tube bends. Upon publication of the
new and improved UCS-79 in the 2013 Edition, many manufacturers protested the need
to heat treat bends in small diameter pipe and tube. This led to the development of Case
2807, which provides an exemption to post-bend heat treatment for bends in carbon and
low alloy steel pipe and tube. The limitations given in the Case are taken from Paragraph
129.3 of B31.1. For P-No. 1 material, the nominal wall thickness shall not exceed ¾ in (
19 mm), with no limit on diameter. For all other carbon and low-alloy steel, the nominal
outside diameter shall be less than 4.5 inches (114 mm), and the nominal thickness shall
be less than 1/2 inch (13 mm). In all cases the design temperature shall be less than or
equal to 650°F (345°C). The provisions of this Code Case will likely be incorporated
within Section VIII, Division 1 in the 2017 Edition.
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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
either an elastic analysis per 5.3.2 or an elastic-plastic analysis per 5.3.3. In the case of an
elastic analysis, the local failure check is based on setting a limit on triaxial stress less
than or equal to 4S; for an elastic-plastic analysis, the local failure check is based on
satisfying a local strain limit. Finally in Table 5.4, Load Combinations and Load Factors
for a Limit Load Analysis, the check on Local Criteria is changed from " Per Table 5.5"
to "See Paragraph".
Correction to Forming Strain Eq. for Dished Heads – Part 6, 6.10, Table 6.1
The equation in Table 6.1 for calculating the forming strain in one piece heads (known as
the Bouhelier Equation) has contained an error since it was first published in the 2007
Edition of a Div. 2. The term Do in the denominator should have been Df, which is the
final outside diameter of the head. This equation is used to determine whether or not
post-form heat treatment is required when the calculated strain exceeds certain limits.
The net result of this error is that the strain calculated for all formed heads would be
below the limit, and therefore many heads would never receive the needed post-form heat
treatment. The committee took action to correct the equation as well as some cleanup in
the Nomenclature. But they also issued a Code Case (Case 2804) to immediately publish
the correct equation, as well as issued a Special Notice to all Certificate Holders and
AIA's. Note that when calculating the strain using the equation in Table 6.1, one uses the
starting and ending diameters of the component as opposed to the starting and ending
radii as is the case in the VIII-1 equation.
Appendix 9
Prior to the 2015 Edition, paragraph KD-240and KD-250 contained rules for linear
elastic analysis. This is not the appropriate method for these high pressure vessels
(internal or external pressure greater than 10,000 psi). The appropriate method is the
elastic-plastic methodology. The rules for linear elastic have been moved to a new
Mandatory Appendix 9. As part of the move, a sentence in 9-100 has been added to state
that Appendix 9 may only be used when permitted by KD-200(d). This change will
hopefully reduce the chance of incorrectly using the linear elastic methodology.
Section IX
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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
into Section IX or have been annulled shall not be used for new qualifications, unless
permitted by the referencing Code. Furthermore, qualifications using the provisions of a
Code Case remain valid after the Code Case is annulled. In addition, the Code Case
number shall be listed on the qualification record(s).
QG-105 – Variables
All variable definitions are now found in Part QG for the convenience of the reader.
Previous paragraph QG-105 "Essential Variables" is now split into QG-105.1 "Essential
Variable (Procedure)" and new paragraph QG-105.2, which is the definition of "Essential
Variables (Performance)" copied from the former QW-401.2. QG-105.3 “Supplementary
Essential Variables” is renumbered from former QG-105.2. “Nonessential Variables” are
now addressed in the new QG-105.4. The definition was revised for clarity and to reassert
that they must be addressed in procedure specifications. QG-105.5 “Special Process
Variables” and QG-105.6 “Applicability” were renumbered without change.
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2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
is to a larger number in the indicator for impact toughness, indicating classification at a
lower impact testing temperature (e.g. F7A2-EM12K to F7A4-EM12K). Requalification
is not required if the change is to a smaller number in the indicator for impact toughness
from that qualified. In this example, a “2” impact testing indicator means that the
manufacturer tested Charpy V-notch test specimens of the deposited weld metal at -20 °F
(-29 °C) and the impact strength was at least 20 ft* lbf (27 J). A “4” impact testing
indicator means that the manufacturer tested Charpy V-notch test specimens of the
deposited weld metal at -40 °F (-40 °C ) and the impact strength was at least 20 ft* lbf
(27 J).
Section X
There are several changes in Nonmandatory Appendix AD. In paragraph AD-501.2,
equations 16 and 20 have had incorrect values. They appear to have been incorrectly
transferred from Table AD-501. Several values in AD-502 have had incorrect scientific
notation values. Table AD-506 has had numerous incorrect values which transfer to the
illustrative examples. Even though these incorrect values and tables have been in the
book since 1986, they are in a Nonmandatory Appendix and seem to contained with
illustrative examples. There was no indication from the Committee for Section X in the
correspondence on this item that there is any safety concern. However, if a Manufacturer
has used these examples to validate a design then it is suggested that they reevaluate.
Section XI
Table –IWA- 1600-1
The 2006 Editions of ANSI/ASNT CP-189, and ANSI/ASNT CP-105 were adopted into
the 2015 Edition by reference in Table IWA-1600-1. This change will impact IWA-2300,
“Qualification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel”.
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2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
incorporation required revision to IWA-6000 and Mandatory Appendix II to replace the
Form NIS-1 with Form OAR-1. The Form NIS-2 in Appendix II was revised to
incorporate the content from the Form NIS-2a in Code Case 532-5. The revised Form
NIS-2 avoids having to administratively revise 24 affected Code Cases that currently
reference use of the Form NIS-2 for reporting of repair/replacement activities.
Section XII
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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2015 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
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HSB Global Standards
Synopsis of the 2015 Edition of the ASME BPV Code
Code Book: I
Subpart/Table: Front Matter
Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Section VII Revision Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers - Section VII Recommended
Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers, has been reorganized in a single column format.
Guidelines for the Care Some of the important changes include:
of Power Boilers Gage Glass and Water Column Blowdown Procedure.
The terms "Safety/Safety Relief Valve" is changed to "Pressure Relief Valve"
The terms "examiner" and "inspector" explained.
A very detailed article about ELECTRIC STEAM BOILERS
Submittal of Inquiries Revision Editorial Revision - A URL [http://go.asme.org/InterpretationRequest. ] is now provided
to directly upload inquires on-line in paragraph 6 of Submittal of Technical Inquiries to the
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committees.
Subpart/Table: Preamble
Preamble Revision Addition of Solar Heated Steam Generator - Solar receiver steam generators have been
fabricated and constructed in accordance with Section I over the past several years.
Recognizing that there will be more of these built to Section I in the future, Section I
Committee decided to add solar energy as a fuel source as well as the definition of solar
receiver steam generators to the Preamble.
Subpart/Table: Part PG
Figure PG-31 Revision Editorial Revision - A reference to new Note (2) was added to Figure PG-31 Sketches (j)
and (k), replacing the direct reference to Eq. (2) or (5) originally listed in brackets with the
sketches. The old Note(2) is renumbered as Note(3).
Figure PG-33.1 Revision Section I Errata, Figure PG-33.1 - This is an errata item that clarifies that in the term
(1-fr1) in the equation for A1 in Figure PG-33.1, the first term is "one(1)" and not the
"letter l".
PG-6 Revision Section I, Specification SA-202 - ASTM decided to withdraw A 202 without replacement
due to lack of use or production in 2004. As result, SA-202 is deleted from PG-6. This
material has been also withdrawn from Section VIII Division 1 and Section IX via separate
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PG-9.3 and PFT-12.1.1 Revision Revision to PG-9.3 - PG-9.3 currently states that the minimum thickness shall not less
than Schedule 40 for copper or copper alloy pipe. Prior to the existence of the current code
paragraph PG-28.3 and its predecessor, PFT-51, the maximum allowable working pressure
of non-ferrous firetubes was given by Table PFT-12.2 that used to exist in Section I which
listed tubes with thickness expressed in terms of gage ranging from 12 gage to 4 gage.
While it is not clear how thickness in terms of schedule applies to tubes, it is quite clear that
12 gage represents a thickness less than schedule 40, whichsuggests that PG-9.3 was not
intended to be applicable to firetubes. This revision made in paragraphs PG-9.3 and
PFT-12.1.1 accompanied by an intent interpretation makes it clear that the minimum
thickness requirement of PG-9.3 does not apply to firetubes.
PG-11 Revision PG-11 - Review Standard Pressure Parts - A task group (with members from I, IV, VIII
and XII ) was formed by the BPV Executive Committee in November 2007 to review
Standard Pressure Parts, and the literature that describes them. This action involves the
complete rewrite of paragraph PG-11 dealing with prefabricated or preformed pressure
parts. Examples of prefabricated or preformed pressure parts include common items such as
flanges supplied to an ASME standard such as B16.5 or B16.47, or parts made to a
manufacturer's standard or other product standard [e.g. MSS]. Aside from the restructuring
of this paragraph, there have been significant clarifications made concerning the intent of
certain requirements in PG-11. These clarifications in some cases may be viewed as new
requirements. The title of the paragraph has changed from MISCELLANEOUS PRESSURE
WITHOUT A CERTIFICATION MARK.. PG-11.1 - Introductory paragraph and now
eliminates the sentence "...... furnished by other than the shop of the Manufacturer
responsible for the completed boiler". It also provides the rules if the nameplate used for the
required marking interferes with further fabrication, installation, or service. PG-11.2 -
Contains the rules for cast, forged, rolled or die formed nonstandard pressure parts that are
supplied as material. Essentially unchanged from 2013 Edition. PG-11.3 - Contains the
rules for cast, forged, rolled, or die formed standard pressure parts that comply with ASME
product standard, either welded or non-welded. These requirements were originally located
in paragraph PG-11.3.1. The second change is that this rewritten paragraph addresses both
welded and non-welded standard pressure parts. Emphasis has been added to the paragraph
concerning parts containing welds, and the fact that these parts must fully comply with all
the applicable welding requirements of Section I. Additional clarifications are added
concerning PWHT, volumetric examination, the design of the part and how the
pressure-temperature rating is established. The Boiler Manufacturer is responsible to assure
that all applicable Code requirements in these areas have been fulfilled, and he must collect
and make documentation available to the Inspector with regard to the material used, the
pressure-temperature rating of the part, and the basis for establishing the
pressure-temperature rating. PG-11.4 - Contains the rules for cast, forged, rolled, or die
formed standard pressure parts that comply with a standard other than an ASME product
standard, either welded or non-welded. These requirements were originally located in
paragraph PG-11.3.2. These are essentially parts made to a manufacturer's standard or some
other product standard such as MSS, or could be parts that are fabricated by the Boiler
Manufacturer to an internal standard. The Manufacturer has the same responsibilities as
called out in PG-11.3, except that if he is unable to acquire documentation that establishes
the pressure-temperature rating and the basis for establishing this rating for the part, then he
must perform an analysis of the pressure part in accordance with the rules of Section I [see
PG-16.1]. This analysis shall be included in the documentation and shall be made available
for examination by the Inspector when requested. PG-11.5 - This is a new paragraph that
provides rules for the situation when the Certificate Holder elects to subcontract the
fabrication of parts made to a standard other than an ASME product standard to another
company, who may or may not be a Certificate Holder. This paragraph requires the
Certificate Holder's Quality Control System to provide controls over the subcontractor in
terms of satisfying Code fabrication requirements.THIS IS A SIGNIFICANT REVISION
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PG-19 Revision Section I, Table PG-19 Material 310HCbN - Code Case 2115-3 (allows SA-213 Grade TP
310HCbN for Section I applications ) specified that the rules of PG-19 for 347H material
shall be applied to 310HCbN material. However, when the Code Case was incorporated into
Section I in 2010 Edition, this requirement was not transferred over to Table PG-19. As a
result, the lower temperature range (150 degF (85 degC)) became applicable for heat
treatment for 310HCbN material per Note 2 of Table PG-19 which is not the intent. This
revision corrects that error by listing 310HCbN with 347H material with the higher
temperature range (250 degF (140 degC)). Revised Note 2 will now read as " While
minimum heat-treatment temperatures are specified, it is recommended that the
heat-treatment temperature range be limited to 150 degF (85 degC) above that minimum,
and 250 degF (140 degC) for 347, 347H, 348, 348H and 310HCbN".
PG-25, Table A-360 Revision Section I, Table A-360, ASTM E 125, E 186, E 280 and E 446 - Table A-360 has been
updated to reference ASTM NDE standards E125-63 (R2013), E186-10, E280-10 and
E446-10. Paragraph PG-25 references these four NDE Standards in the context of casting
quality factors. PG-25 imposes a casting quality factor of 80% if the casting is examined
only at the minimum level required by the material specification. If a casting quality factor
of 100% is desired, PG-25 imposes NDE requirements with limits on certain casting
discontinuities. The significant changes made to these standards are the following:
1. Radiographic standards have been revised to clarify acceptance criteria when multiple
types of discontinuities are present in a single production radiograph. When there are
multiple types of discontinuities that are below the agreed level for that discontinuity class,
the radiographic interpreter needs to apply judgement. The combined effect of all
discontinuities present shall not be more significant than the agreed reference plates.
2. After casting discontinuities have been removed and repair welding completed, new
discontinuities could be created during the repair. Radiographic standards now
acknowledge that these discontinuities are different than the casting discontinuities. The
purchaser and supplier are responsible for acceptance.
PG-25 is now revised to delete the title of these ASTM standards and refer to them only by
number. Their current titles are shown in Table A-360.
PG-26 Revision Table PG-26 adding WSRFs for Nickel Base Alloys - Weld Strength Reduction Factors
for Nickel Base Alloys are added to Table PG-26. As a result of this action, the usage of
these alloys containing a longitudinal weld seam are now permitted in Section I up to a
maximum temperature of 1650 degF. Some of the Nickel Base alloys added to Table PG-26
are only available through Code Cases for Section I usage. For Example, UNS N07740 –
Code Case 2702-1 up to 1472 degF, UNS 06625 – Code Case 2632 up to 1200 degF, UNS
N06025 - Code Case 2359-2. Based on the work that EPRI conducted, experimental data
was available for certain nickel base alloys such as N06617, N06230 and N07740 that
support assignment of WSRFs. For those alloys where the data wasn't available, the weld
strength reduction factors were conservatively calculated using the equation (Note 9) in
Table 302.3.5 of B31.3. Note that prior to the addition of these alloys to Table PG-26, these
materials could not be used for the design of cylindrical components with longitudinal butt
weld seam that operates in the creep regime, CC:2805 was also approved to provide the
weld strength reduction factors of these alloys for immediate use.
PG-26 Revision Section I, PG-26, Note 11 - Added Note 11 to CSEF(subcrit.) in Table PG-26. This was a
mistake and it has now been corrected.
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PG-28 Revision Section I, Review of PG-28 and Stiffening Rings - Since the external pressure rules in
PFT-51 and PFT-52 were generalized and moved to PG-28, an inquiry was received
questioning the method of attachment of stiffening rings for applications other than for Fire
Tube Boilers. Prior to the generalization, since PFT was only applicable for firetube
boilers, Section I certificate holders could use Section VIII-1 rules per PG-16.1 for
designing stiffening rings for water tube boilers when needed to be designed for external
pressure. But with the rules moved to PG-28, that was not the case any more. PG-28 makes
reference to PFT-17 for stiffening rings.
Section VIII-1 rules allow fillet welds to attach stiffening rings (See Figure UG-30) where
as PFT-17.4 requires full penetration welds . Section VIII-1 rules also allow a part of the
shell section to be considered when calculating the available moment of inertia of a
circumferential stiffening ring in UG-29(a) which Section I doesn’t in PFT-17 for Furnaces.
With the revision made in PG-28.3.1, Section VIII-1 rules could now be used via PG-16.1
for cylindrical components other than Furnaces. An editorial revision is also made to
PFT-17.4 to make those words more clear.
PG-29 Revision Revisions to PG-29 - The rules in PG-29.7 for designing blank semiellipsoidal heads
made a specific reference to PG-27.2.2 which begged the question whether or not A-317 is
acceptable. This action modifies that reference in PG-29.7 to PG-27 or A -317 in lieu of the
existing reference of PG-27.2.2 and provides the clarification that the designer may
alternatively use A-317 for calculations.
PG-31.2 Revision PG-31.2, Units for S - None of the variables defined in PG-31.2 have units in them except
for "S". The units for S are removed to maintain consistency in the nomenclature.
PG-31.3 Revision Section I, PG-31.3, h_G - Gasket moment arm is defined as "h_G" in PG-31.2, the
nomenclature for PG-31 rules. However, in the equations that uses this term in PG-31.3, it
was incorrectly shown as "h_g". This action corrects that mistake.
PG-32.3.3 Revision PG-32.3.3 Clarification of the term Nozzle Diameter - This Item was opened as a result of
an inquiry BPV I received to clarify the term Nozzle Diameter [ Inside versus Outside ] in
PG-32.3.3. Interpretation I-13-18 was issued based on the words in 2011 Addenda of
Section I that "nozzle diameter" referred to the finished opening size. Further clarification
was made in PG-32.3.3 of 2015 Edition of Section I that two-thirds of the required
compensation within a distance of three-fourths times the limit established in PG-36.2
(rather than saying nozzle diameter or finished opening) on each side of the opening as
measured from the center of the opening.
PG-33.3 Revision Definition of terms “t” and “t_n”, in Section I, PG-33.3 - Lack of clarity existed in
calculating the available reinforcement of nozzle openings when pipe is used for the nozzle
neck or when pipe is used for the vessel or header. The confusion is whether the thinning
allowance of pipe should be deducted from the nominal thickness of these components. To
clarify this, revision has been made using the same definitions for of terms “t” and “t_n”
from ASME Section VIII, Division 1. This mean that the nominal thickness of the pipe
nozzle neck can be used for reinforcement, but the nominal thickness less the thinning
allowance shall be used for the vessel or header made from pipe.
PG-42 Revision PG-11 - Review Standard Pressure Parts - Along with the rewrite of PG-11, paragraph
PG-42 has also been revised. In addition to the editorial changes made to PG-42, a new
paragraph PG-42.1.1 is added to address the use of forged nozzle flanges (long weld neck
flanges (LWN)) based on ASME B16.5 and ASME B 16.47 pressure-temperature
ratings.This revision eliminates the need for a Boiler Manufacturer to establish the
pressure-temperature rating for LWN flange when purchased as standard parts per PG-11.
However unfortunately ASME B16.47 is not added to Table A-360, the Table in Section I
that lists the acceptable reference standards including year/edition, due to an oversight.
This leaves it open to the Section I users about what edition of ASME B16.47 can be used
for Section I construction. Until the Committee corrects this oversight in the 2017 Edition,
it is recommended that Manufacturers use the latest edition of B16.47, which is the 2011
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PG-48.1 Revision Section I, PG-48.1 and Figure A-8(g) - It was brought to the attention of the Section I
Committee that Fig. A-8 sketch (g) was not referenced anywhere in the text of the code
which made the purpose of this sketch questionable. Upon further research, it revealed the
fact that prior to the Part PR being deleted in the summer 73 addenda, Fig. A-8 was entitled
"Detailed Sketches Showing Application of PG-48 and PFT-26 to the Staying of Boilers".
In addition, at that time PG-48 had a sub paragraph PG-48.1 which read "For staybolts
adjacent to the riveted edges bounding a stayed surface, the value of p in the formula of
PG-46 may be taken as the distance from the edge of a staybolt hole to a straight line
tangent to the edges of the rivet holes " which is what Fig. A-8 sketch (g) was depicting.
PG-48.1 was deleted in the 1974 edition as a follow-up editorial action to the deletion of
Part PR. Now that Part PR is back in Section I as a part of Part PL, this action brings the old
PG-48.1 rules and also two new sketches in lieu of the existing Fig. A-8 sketch (g) that
better explain the details of construction applied to locomotive riveted construction.
PG-52.6 Revision Section I, PG-52.6 Nomenclature - Paragraph PG-52.6 is deleted and the information
covered in there is combined with the existing paragraph PG-52.1 in 2015 Edition. By doing
so, it is clear that the nomenclature that was covered in PG-52.6 is now at the beginning of
PG-52 and would apply to all of the subparagraphs of PG-52.
PG-60.1.2 Revision Section I, PG-60.1.2 - Paragraph PG-60.1.2 is revised to clarify that the requirement for
shut off valves and drain valves applies to all externally mounted level sensing devices as
opposed to just austenitic stainless steel or nickel·based alloy water level-sensing devices.
PG-67 Revision BPV I, PRV and PARV Capacity Certification and Stamping - This proposal standardizes
the application of supercritical correction factor, correction factor for higher pressures
(1500 psig to 3200 psig), capacity certification methods and marking for both pressure
relief valves and power actuated relieving valves. It moves the supercritical correction
factors to PG-67. PG-110(e)(2) is also revised by clarifying that those requirements apply
both to pressure relief valves and power actuated relieving valves by pointing out the
appropriate paragraph references for superheated and supercritical steam services.
PG-105 Revision Adoption of the ASME CA-1 Standard - The separation of conformity assessment from
technical requirements of the book sections has been endorsed by the TOMC and S&C
The new ASME CA-1 Standard has been developed by the C-CAR Standards Committee to
uniformly address conformity assessment requirements of the ASME BPV Construction
Code Sections. ASME CA-1-2013 is the currently accepted version referenced in Table
A-360 , 2015 Edition of Section I. The subparagraphs of PG-105 have been now
significantly overhauled by stripping out the conformity assessment requirements and by
making reference to ASME CA-1 wherever appropriate within PG-105. Note that CA-1
does not address the role of the jurisdiction in the joint review. That role is covered in the
BCA Conduct Document and ASME staff functions. Since it is covered in BCA procedures,
it is being removed from PG-105.4 along with the other conformity assessment activities.
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PG-105.1 Revision Section I, Parts Fabrication Certificate Program - Under the present ASME system,
companies that only fabricate boiler or pressure vessel parts and do not take design
responsibility, have no option but to obtain the Code symbol stamp and designator
appropriate to their operation (i.e., S, U, U2, U3, H, or T) before they can manufacture
parts. The problem with requiring these organizations to obtain the appropriate certification
is they need to have a full demonstration at the time of the ASME Audit (Joint Review).
Many of these companies do not have design capability and the work they do is normally
only fabrication to print. They will have no Code design responsibility and they do not
select materials. If they perform NDE, PWHT, or welding, it is normally with procedures
approved and in some instances provided by the responsible Certificate holder. Since
design, or control of subcontracted design, is required for the associated Certificates of
Authorization, these companies are unnecessarily being required to demonstrate activities
that are outside of their established expertise.
ASME has now introduced a new program to compliment and expand the existing B&PV
product certification program in providing an option for part fabricators without design
capabilities to obtain ASME certification for the scope of activities actually performed.
Organizations that do not perform code design as part of their service would not be required
to demonstrate activities that are not part of their core competencies. This new program
allows organizations fabricating parts to essentially build to a print provided by the
purchaser. The new certificate program will also recognize authorization to fabricate parts
for multiple Code Sections based on demonstrated capabilities. The scope of activities for a
parts fabricator would be limited to the supply of materials, materials forming, welding,
NDE, and heat treating. Complete design requirements would be provided by the purchaser.
All requirements of the Code will need to be met for the services actually provided.
Individual Construction Codes will need to first adopt and implement this new program in
their Code Book Sections for the "PRT" certificate holders to be able to supply parts in
accordance with those code requirements. Section I, Section IV and Section XII have
already implemented this new program but Section VIII has not yet adopted it.
Paragraphs PG-105.1, PG-105.3, PG-105.4, A-302.3 have been revised to address the new
"PRT" certification program. A new paragraph PG-106.8.3 is added specifically to address
manufacturers of parts who do not perform or assume any design responsibility for the
parts they manufacture. Form P-4 is revised to include the new "PRT" designator which are
the data reports in Section I required to be furnished by the "PRT" certificate holder when
supplying parts to Section I Boiler Manufacturers.
PG-110(e)(2) Revision PG-110(e)(2), Power actuated pressure relieving valves - PG-110(e)(2) states that the
stamping requirements for Pressure Relief Valves for superheated steam service shall be in
accordance with PG-68.7 and for supercritical steam service shall be in accordance with
PG-69.2.3. However, PG-69.2.3 offers no guidance regarding capacity certification or
calculation for power actuated pressure relieving valves. Power actuated pressure relieving
valves are certified per PG-69.3 and their capacity is required to be marked per PG-69.4.
This action brings a revision to PG-110(e)(2) to indicate that the capacity for power
actuated pressure relieving valves shall be per PG-69.4. An Intent Interpretation is also
published to make this requirement clear.
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PG-112 Revision Guidance on use of Data Report Forms - While going through the ballot process to adopt
the new Form PL-1, Manufacturers’ Data Report For Locomotive Boilers, Section I
committee felt the need to revisit PG-112 rules in its entirety to clarify how to use each of
the data report forms contained in Section I.
PG-112.1 is revised to explicitly state that the supporting data reports such as Form P-4 and
Form P-3 when used as a Partial Data Report shall be attached and referenced in the Master
Data Report.
Paragraph PG-112.2.2 has been divided in two sub paragraphs (a) and (b). PG-112.2.2 (a)
provides rules when Form P-3 is used as Master Data Report and PG-112.2.2 (b) provides
rules when Form P-3 is used as Partial Data Report. In addition, PG-112.2.2 (b) provides
guidance when Form P-3 is used to record parts furnished to the user of an existing boiler
as replacement or repair part. It also provides guidance about documenting the design
responsibility in Form P-3 when used a Partial Data Report.
Paragraph PG-112.2.4 is now divided into two sub paragraphs (a) and (b) making it clear
that Form P-4 shall be used only to provide supporting data for the information given on
the Master Data Report or on a Form P-3 that is used to record a superheater, waterwall, or
economizer. PG-112.2.4(b) provides few permitted exemptions to this rule. In addition, it
also provides guidance about documenting the design responsibility in Form P-4.
A new paragraph PG-112.2.9 is also added to provide requirements to fill out Form PL-1,
Manufacturers’ Data Report For Locomotive Boilers.
PG-112.1 Revision Multi Page Data Report Forms - A new paragraph A-350.1 is added to the non mandatory
Appendix A-350 offering guidance about minimum information that needs to appear on
individual data sheets of multi-page data report forms. For forms P-2, P-2A, P-3, P-3A and
P-5, each page shall contain, at the top of the page as a minimum, the Manufacturers name,
Mfr's. Serial No., CRN, and National Board number, as shown on the first page. For forms
P-4, P-4A, P-4B, P-7, and P-8, each page shall contain, at the top of the page as a minimum,
the Manufacturers name, and Form ID number, as shown on the first page. No changes are
made to Form P-6 which is intended to be a single page form attached to another Form.
Paragraph PG-112.1 is revised to make reference to the new paragraph A-350.1.
Table PG-19 Revision Incorporation of Code Case 2328 in Section I - Code Case 2328 has been incorporated into
Section I allowing Austenitic Stainless Steel Seamless Tubes (18Cr-9Ni-3Cu-Cb-N),
SA-213 UNS S 30432 commercially known as super 304H up to 1500 degF. Table PG-19 is
revised to include this alloy by adopting the rules for TP347H. This material has been used
worldwide for last two decades for superheater and reheater applications.
Subpart/Table: Part PW
Figure PW-16.1 Errata Section I Errata, Fig. PW-16.1 - This action corrects an error in Figure PW-16.1 sketch
(z-2) Section 2-2 by correctly showing the through thickness hole with out the step.
PW-9.3 Revision PW-9, Head to Cylindrical Shell Attachment Details - PW-9.3 is revised by adding a new
paragraph PW-9.3.3 to explicitly show the required 3:1 taper for formed head to cylindrical
shell attachment welds when the thickness of the two parts are not the same. This action
essentially incorporates Section VIII, Division 1 head to shell attachment details in Fig.
UW-13.1 sketches (j), (k), (l) and (m) in Section I (See Figure PW-9.3.3). The existing
rules still apply to all other butt welds other than formed head to cylindrical shell butt
welds. The existing Figure PW-9.1 is removed and replaced with new Figure PW-9.3.1. The
dashed head lines that are in the existing Figure PW-9.1 were removed in the new Figure
PW-9.3.1, since head attachment details are shown in the new Figure PW-9.3.3.
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PW-16.8 Addition Section I, Oxide Growth - Ferritic High Temperature Headers - Cracking between the stub
tube weld and the header is a common problem for high temperature boiler headers. The
two major causes of this cracking are creep swelling of the header and stress caused by
oxide growth between the tube stub and the header.
This action will require the oxide growth to be addressed in the design of the shell, drum, or
header when a socket type tube attachment is used. The bevel [Figure PW-16.8 illustration
(a), (b), (c), (d)] improves oxide spalling, and is usually preferred over the open gap (f).
The illustration (e) isn’t necessarily a recommended solution (as there is a mating face
where oxide can “jack” the faces away from each other), but as the majority of face is open,
it allows oxide spalling. Ferritic alloys include carbon and low alloy steels. The designer
could also choose other geometries that can achieve the same oxide spalling.
PW-36.3 Addition PW-36.3, Minimum Thickness For Weld Overlay - Section IX added QW-424.2 in 2013
which states that "For welds joining base metals to weld metal buildup or
corrosion-resistant weld metal overlay, the buildup or overlay portion of the joint may be
substituted in the test coupon by any P-Number base material that nominally matches the
chemical analysis of the buildup or overlay." However, the minimum thickness of the
overlay or weld metal build-up that is required to assure that the heat affected zone from
welds made to the overlay or weld metal build-up is not detrimental the core base metal is
not addressed in Section IX.
A new paragraph, PW-36.3 is added to Section I which requires the rules of PW-44.2 (a)
and (b) be followed when attachment welds are made to the clad portion of pressure parts
constructed from P-No 5B, P-No 6 or P-No 15E and other creep strength enhanced ferritic
steels having weld metal buildup or corrosion-resistant weld metal overlay.
PW-43 Revision Section I, PW-43 - The existing rules of PW-43 are relocated to a new Paragraph PG-56.
In addition, PG-56 now offers some alternate rules such as WRC 537, WRC 198, PG-16.1
PW-43.2 Errata Section I Errata, PW-43.2 - This action editorially changes "Step 1" in PW-43.2.2 to "Step
3" and changes "Step 1" in PW-43.2.3 to "Step 4" and revises the words in PW-43.2.3 as
"Steps 1 through 3". Note that these changes will show up in PG-56.2 in the 2015 Edition.
PW-44.1 Revision Section I Editorial, PW-44.1 and Endnote 8 - This action corrects some of the old incorrect
references made to ASME Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A further to its
revision made in 2013. A-360 is changed to A 207 in PW-44.1 and A-370 is changed to
A-205 in End Note 8 .
Table PW-39-1 Revision Table PW-39-1, note (a)(1), Welded Stays - This revision modifies Table PW-39-1
Note(a)(1) to exclude welded stays from the requirement of the 200 F preheat for the
PWHT exemption.The preheat requirement in this Note is to reduce concern that a thick
plate adjacent to the weld would act as a heat sink quenching the weld and increasing
residual stresses. For groove welds between two plates, the thicker plate does act as a
significant heat sink as the thick plate can conduct heat away from the weld pool essentially
over a full 180 degrees. However, for a welded stay attached in accordance with PW-19, the
stay does not literally have a thickness, but it has a diameter. More importantly, the heat
transfer can only occur in one dimension along the axis of the stay. Thus the ability of a
stay with a diameter greater than 1 in. to quench the weld pool, as a thick plate would do, is
not present.
Table PW-39-1 Revision Table PW-39-1, Carbon Equivalent - The phrase “of any of the basemetals” in Note
(a)(2)(a) of Table PW-39-1 offers confusion and the possibility for a misinterpretation of
the rules that if only one of the basemetals in a weldment meets the CE limitations, then
PWHT is not required. This revision makes it clear that all basemetals covered by this note
must meet the CE limitation requirements by changing the word "any" to "each" Note
Table PW-39-9 and Revision Table PW-39-9 and Proposed Table PW-39-12 - All of the PWHT Tables in PW-39 use
Proposed Table the phrase "Minimum Holding Temperature" except Table PW-39-9 and the new Proposed
PW-39-12 Table PW-39-12 (scheduled to be published in E15) which use the phrase "Minimum
Normal Holding Temperature". The word "Normal" is removed from the column headers of
these two tables for consistency.
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TablePW-39-13, PG-19 Revision Table PW-39-13, Rules for Alloys 800, 800H and 800HT - Studies have shown that Alloy
800H (UNS N08810), Alloy 800 (UNS N08800) and 800HT (UNS N08811) are susceptible
to Stress Relaxation Cracking (SRC) especially in the welded condition and after cold
forming. Heat treatments [PWHT and Post Forming Heat Treatment] have proven to be
effective methods to avoid this degradation mechanism. As a part of this action, Table
PG-19 is revised to list Alloy 800HT. PWHT requirements for Alloys 800H (UNS
N08810), Alloy 800 (UNS N08800) and 800HT (UNS N08811) are now added to Table
In 2013 Edition, Table PW-39-12 was added to Section I for P.No-43 materials and
specifically for Alloy 617 (UNS N06617) which is also prone to stress relaxation cracking
with a minimum holding temperature of 1625 degF. More recent studies show that the
minimum holding temperature needs to be 1,740 degF for this alloy for PWHT and
therefore it is changed from 1625 degF to 1,740 degF.
PWT-12 Revision PWT-12, Construction of box headers and waterlegs - The arbitrary design pressure limit
of 200 psi is removed from PWT-12.2. Paragraph PWT-12 has been considerably shortened
by making reference to PFT-21 and Figure PFT-21 as there was no reason why all of the
methods shown in Figure PFT-21 are not suitable/applicable to water tube boilers also. The
exemption from volumetric examination for the paragraph PWT-12.2 is now listed in Table
PW-11 as General Note (n).
PFT-20.3 Revision Section I PFT-20.3, Attachment of Furnaces - For furnace to tubesheet attachment welds,
PFT-20.3 presently requires full penetration weld through tubesheet with the furnace
projecting completely through the tubesheet thickness. The revision made to PFT-20.3 in
2015 Edition offers an alternative by allowing the furnace abut the tubesheet or head with a
full penetration weld made through the furnace similar to tubesheet to shell welds in
PEB-8.3 Revision Section I PEB-8.3 - When PEB-8.3 was added to allow the use of Section VIII Div. 1
Mandatory Appendix 41 to design element support plates in 2013, it inadvertently
prohibited the common practice followed in the Industry of treating these parts as
miscellaneous pressure parts per PG-11. In the proposed code change, paragraph PG-11 is
specifically referenced to reverse the previous action and retaining with the options offered
earlier. An Intent Interpretation (I-13-21) is also published for additional clarification.
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PHRSG-3.3 Revision Section I, Revisions to PHRSG-3.3 - PHRSG-3.3 presently requires the MAWP of the
piping ( intended for removal of condensate or unvaporized water from steam spaces) be
higher than that of the MAWP of the steam space. However, the intent was that the “design
pressure” of the piping be increased and not the MAWP of the piping. If the MAWP of this
piping is increased in excess of the MAWP of the steam space, the minimum code required
hydrostatic test pressure of the piping will be higher than that of the steam space itself , and
as a result, the system hydrostatic test would be governed by the drain piping MAWP. The
revision made to PHRSG-3.3 corrects this mistake by changing “The MAWP of the piping”
to “The design pressure of the piping”
PFE Addition Part PFE - Requirements for Feedwater Economizers - A new part PFE is added to Section
I to clarify the requirements of feed water economizers.
The action recognizes the current manufacturing practice of installing a Section VIII
designed and manufactured fired pressure vessel with a Section I Boiler. The new rules
allows this practice by explicitly stating the economizer shall be manufactured either in
accordance with ASME Section VIII Division 1 rules or Section I rules when the
economizer is placed outside the scope of BEP. It also makes it very clear that the
economizer shall be built in accordance with Section I when it is placed within the scope of
Figure PG-58.3.1(b) is revised to show two configurations of feed water economizers
within the scope of BEP and one outside the scope of BEP. Preamble is also revised by
adding words that economizers located outside the limits of BEP are considered fired
pressure vessels. PG-5.5 (provisions in Section I to use austenitic alloy steel) is revised by
adding reference to PFE-4 which applies to those economizers that are outside the scope of
Data reports for Section I economizers within the limits of boiler external piping shall be
referenced and incorporated into the Master Data Report (PG-113). Data reports for Section
I or Section VIII economizers outside the limits of boiler external piping are stand alone
pressure vessels and may be referenced on the Master Data Report for the completed boiler.
Subpart/Table: Part PL
Form PL-1 Revision PL-1 Manufacturers Data Report Form for Locomotive Boilers - A new Form PL-1,
Manufacturers Data Report Form for Locomotive Boilers, is introduced in Section I.
Revisions are made to PG-112 and PG-113 to explain the use of this new Form.
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Part PL Revision Section I, Part PL Requirements for Locomotive Boilers - A new Part PL is added to
Section I for steam locomotive boilers, their parts and appurtenances. These rules are meant
to be used in conjunction with the general requirements in Part PG, and the specific
requirements in the applicable paragraphs of PL shall apply to the method of fabrication
used. The breakdown of the new Part PL is as follows:
PL-1 General
PL-2 Scope
PL-3 Testing and Stamping
PL-4 In the course of preparation
PL-5 General
PL-6 In the course of preparation
PL-7 Allowable Stress Values for Materials
PL-8 through PL-17 In the course of preparation
PL-18 Cylindrical Boiler Shell
PL-19 In the course of preparation
PL-20 Reinforcing and Doubling Plates on Unstayed portions of the Boiler
PL-21 Requirements for Domes of Locomotive Boilers
PL-22 through PL-23 In the course of preparation
PL-24 Flues
PL-25 through PL-26 In the course of preparation
PL-27 Stayed Surfaces
PL-28 Mudring (Firebox Foundation Ring)
PL-29 In the course of preparation
PL-30 Staybolts
PL-31 through PL-32 In the course of preparation
PL-33 Crown Bars
PL-34 through PL-35 In the course of preparation
PL-36 Braces
PL-37 through PL-38 In the course of preparation
PL-39 Arch Tubes, Circulators and Thermic Syphons
PL-40 through PL-41 In the course of preparation
PL-42 Water Gage Glasses and Water Columns
PL-43 Boiler Blowoff Systems
PL-44 In the course of preparation
PL-45 Feedwater Supply
PL-46 through PL-47 In the course of preparation
PL-48 Dry Pipe
A-70 Revision ASME Code Section I, A-70 - The statement "The vessel does not qualify for the
exception in PG-32 and therefore must comply with PG-26, PG-27, and PG-33” in the
example problem provided in A-70 was questionable and this revision provides the
The example problem A-70 is now subdivided into two example problems A-70-1 and
A-70-2. In A-70-1, the nozzle opening is exempted from compensation calculations and
weld size calculations are performed. In A-70-2, the nozzle opening does not qualify for the
exemption, so reinforcement calculations are performed along with weld size and weld
strength calculations.
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A-125 Revision Replace A-125 with A-317 - A-125 is replaced with A-317 since both A-125 and A-317
are acceptable methods for determining MAWP or minimum thickness for thick wall
cylindrical shells. A-317 equation is a better fit to the data, originally used for developing
the current equations, than are the current equations themselves. It contains no arbitrary
constants. It is consistent with the current state of the art. It has the same safety factor in
both the time dependent and time-independent regimes, and it also simplifies the use of
PG-27 by using a single equation for all product forms and sizes.
A-250.2.3 Revision Section I, Appendix A-250, Thickness t - The proposal clarifies by making a revision in
A-250.2.3 that weld reinforcement is not included for determining the Thickness t when
evaluating the rounded indications in welds.
A-260.1 and A-270.1 Revision Qualification of NDE Procedures - The introduction of paragraph T-150(d) in Article 1 in
the 2013 Edition of Section V caused confusion among Section I users because it provides
the opportunity for someone to interpret that NDE procedures are now mandatorily required
to be qualified instead of being demonstrated. Revisions made to Nonmandatory
Appendices A-260.1 (MT) and A-270.1(PT) in 2015 Edition eliminate this confusion by
making specific references only to T-150(a) or (b) instead of T-150 as a whole and also by
adding the words "demonstration to the satisfaction of the Inspector" in these two
Figure A-250.3.6 Revision Editorial Revision - Figures A-250.3.6-1, 2,3,4,5 and 6 are editorially revised by
numbering and consolidating the notes at the bottom of these figures.
Figure A-8 Revision Editorial Revision - Figure A-8 has been editorially revised and a general note added
stating “p” is same as given in PG-46.
Table A-356 Revision Section I, Table A-356 Line 19 - Note 19 of Table A-356 is updated by adding the metric
unit kg/hr in parenthesis next to the existing US customary unit lb/hr
Table A-360 Revision Table A-360 Reference to B18.1.2 - This action changes the acceptable edition of B18.1.2
standard from 1972 (R2006) to 1972 (R2011) in Table A-360.
Table A-360 Revision Section I, Table A-360 Reference to B16.9 - This action changes the acceptable edition of
ASME B16.9 standard from 2007 to 2012 in Table A-360
Table A-360 Revision Table A-360 Reference to B1.20.1 - Revised Table A-360 to update the version of B1.20.1
from 1983 Edition to 2013 Edition. No changes were noted that would affect Section I.
Table A-360 Revision ASTM E8/E8M Tension Testing of Metallic Materials - This action changes the ASTM
standard "Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials" E8/E8M-11 to
E8/E8M-13a in Table A-360.
Table A-360 Revision Table A-360 Reference to QAI-1 - This action changes the acceptable edition of QAI-1 to
the latest edition in Table A-360 consistent with other code book sections in terms of how
this standard is referenced.
Table A-360 Revision Table A-360 Reference to B16.25 - This action changes the acceptable edition of ASME
B16.25 standard from 2007 to 2012 in Table A-360
Table A-360 Revision Table A-360 Reference to B16.20 - Revised Table A-360 to update the version of B16.20
from 2007 Edition to 2012 Edition.
Table A-360 Revision Section I, Table A-360 Reference to B16.5 - This action changes the acceptable edition of
ASME B16.5 standard from 2009 to 2013 in Table A-360
Table A-360 Revision Section I, Table A-360 Reference to B16.34 - This action changes the acceptable edition of
ASME B16.34 standard from 2009 to 2013 in Table A-360
Table A-360 Revision Table A-360 Reference to B16.15 - Revised Table A-360 to update the version of B16.5
from 2011 Edition to 2013 Edition. In the 2013 edition, Section 7 was revised and now
requires threads and gaging practices to be as per and identical with B1.20.1 and other B16
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Code Book: II
Part: A
Subpart/Table: Appendices
Appendix A Revision Sources of Standards - Updated Appendix A with new/changed addresses of organizations
that are sources of non-ASTM material standards.
Appendix II, Table Revision Editorial Correction to SA-789 and SA-790 - (1) For SA-789/SA-789M, the limit on
II-200-1 silicon, S, for S32808 corrected to 0.010% MAX in Table II-200-1.
(2) For SA-790.SA-790M, Item (b), the term " 1870-1976 (1020-1080)" was corrected to
read "1870-1976°F (1020-1080°C)".
(3) For SA-790/SA-790M, Item (c), the term " 1960-2085 (1070-1140)" was corrected to
read "1960-2085°F (1070-1140°C)". Also the phrase "..... and maximum hardness in Table
2 shall be 300" was corrected to read "....... and maximum hardness in Table 3 shall be 300
(4) For SA-790/SA-790M, Item (d) was corrected to read: "S32808 the maximum S in
Table 2 shall be 0.010% for editions prior to –10".
Appendix II, Table Errata Correction to Acceptable Edition Column for SA/CSA-G40.21 - The Other Acceptable
II-200-2 Editions column for SA/CSA-G40.21 was corrected by errata to read: " 1992 and, 2004
through 2004(R2009).
Appendix II, Table Errata Correction to Book Section Applicability - In Table II-200-2 for the entry for SA/JIS
II-200-2 G5504, the Book Section applicability was changed from Section I to Section III.
Appendix IV, IV-1500, Addition New Paragraph to Address Requirements for Welding Data - Requirements similar to
Table IV-1500 those for base metals are added for weld data for new alloys in new paragraph IV-1500.
Requirements similar to those for base metals are added for weld data for new alloys. Three
types of welding information are now required when a new base metal is requested for use
in welded construction in the ASME boiler and pressure vessel code; (1.) Data on
weldability; (2.) Data on strength and toughness in the time-independent regime, and (3.)
Data on strength in the time-dependent regime. Also Table IV-155-1 has been added
containing an example of a comparison of allowable stresses of base metals with
composition similar to those of selected welding consumables and the proposed new base
Appendix IV, IV-800 Revision Time-Independent Properties - For time-independent properties, clarified the temperatures
at which data must be provided for various classes of alloys.
Appendix IV, Table Addition Revision to Appendix IV - Mandatory Appendix IV contains Guidelines on the Approval
IV-800-1 of New Materials Under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. In an effort to
improve the consistency and quality of data submitted to support requests for code cases for
new materials of construction, companies submitting request must now identify all the
ASTM test methods used to generate the material data based on Table IV-800-1. In
addition, the data submitted must satisfy the units for reporting as given in Table IV-800-1,
including number of significant figures. Also as part of this revision is the use of the 0.2%
offset method to determine the yield strength and the recognition that some material
specifications permit a different method such as the 0.5% extension under load method to
determine the yield strength.
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SA-20 Revision Adoption of ASTM A20/A20M-13 - Note 3 was deleted from 19.1.1 regarding reporting
residual elements at levels <0.02%; the elimination of this Note now simply requires that
elements in SA-20/SA-20M Table 1 be reported, whatever the amount. Section 11.6.1 was
revised to permit elongation adjustments below 0.193 in. [4.90 mm] to agree with
SA-31 Revision Adoption of ASTM A31-14 - SA-31 is a specification for steel rivets and bars for rivets
and pressure vessels. The revisions to a specification can about per request from BPV I
Subgroup on Locomotive Boilers, which is currently modernizing the rules for construction
of locomotive boilers in Section I. A maximum carbon limit was added to Grade A, but
older ASTM editions are still permitted. The upper limit on tensile strength for Grade A
was also increased.
SA-36 Revision Intent Interpretation of Product Analysis Requirement - An inquiry from an ASME user on
the intent of paragraph 7.2 of SA-36 concerning whether or not a product analysis is
mandatory has resulted in a revision to that paragraph.
Question: Is it the intent of paragraph 7.2 of SA-36/SA-36M that performance of product
analysis is mandatory? Reply: No.
SA-36 was revised to clarify this intent that a product analysis is not mandatory, but when
the product analysis is performed, the requirements of 7.2 shall be met.
SA-182 Revision Adoption of ASTM A182/A182M-14a - ASME has adopted ASTM A182/A182M-14a
"Specification for Forged for Role Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings,
and Valves and Parts for Hgh-Temperature Service". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Added the following grades: S32304, S32101, S31730, and S32808
(2) The nitrogen range for Grade F 44 (S31254) changed from 0.18 – 0.22% to 0.18 –
(3) Revised 6.4.3 to correct the inadvertent exclusion of ferritic stainless steel parts. This
paragraph permits cylindrically-shaped low alloy and stainless steel parts, NPS-4 [DN 100]
and under, to be machined from forged or rolled bar, without additional hot working.
(4) Section 9.3 was revised to clarify test specimen location.
(5) Revised Section 11 to include testing for detrimental phases in austenitic/ferritic
stainless steel grades.
(6) Added Supplementary Requirement S 12 to allow the purchaser to mandate testing for
detrimental phases in austenitic/ferritic grades if the grades are contained in Test Methods
A923 or Test Method A1084.
(7) Removed footnotes I and J from Table 2 and put the nitrogen requirements in the Table
column under "Other Elements".
(8) Table 2 was edited to correct the N entries 4304, 304L, 304 and, and 304LN.
(9) Revised Table 3 to put footnote G into the table. Footnote G was revised to indicate that
the thickness breaks for the F 53 Grade apply to the thickness of the bar at the time of heat
SA-193 Revision Adoption of ASTM A193/A193M-12b - ASME has adopted ASTM A193/A193M-12b
"Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting for High-Temperature or High
Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Applications". Revisions to this specification
(1) Added Grades B8CLN, B8CLNA, UNS S34751 (347LN).
(2) Added Nitrogen requirement for Grades B8T and B8TA in Table 1.
(3) Reorganized and edited 7.1 to clarify and separate ferritic grades from austenitic grades.
(4) Clarified use of water quenching for threaded ferritic grades and intent relative to stress
relief of cold worked B6X.
(5) Revised title and replaced “bolting materials” with “bolting.”
(6) Clarified certification and marking.
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SA-194 Revision Adoption of ASTM A194/A194M-12 - ASME has adopted ASTM A194/A194M-12
"Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure or
HighTemperature Service, or Both". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Type 347LN, Grades 8CLN and 8CLNA added.
(2) Added Nitrogen for Grades 8T and 8TA in Table 1.
(3) Adopted requirements for grade 16 from Specification A193/A193M.
(4) Clarified stress relief requirements in Section 6.
(5) Clarified certification and marking requirements in 12.1 and 13.1, respectively.
(6) Revised requirement covering testing of nuts.
SA-213, 6.2.2 Revision Revision of SA-213 6.2.2 - Paragraph 6.2.2 added S30432 to the list of alloys for which
in-line solution heat treating is not permitted.
SA-213, Table 5 Errata Correction to Column Heading in Table 5 - In SA-213 Table 5, the column heading "T22"
was corrected to "T36" as errata.
SA-240 Revision Adoption of ASTM A240/A240M-13c - ASME has adopted ASTM A240/A240M-13c
"Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip
for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Added: UNSs S33425, S34751, S30441, S82121, S44725, S82122, S33550, N08925,
S44537, S44100, S82012 and S82031.
(2) A requirement was added to Table 1 for the S32750 grade that mandates the Cr + 3.3Mo
+ 16N = 41 minimum.
(3) The N range has been changed for the S31254 grade from 0.18 – 0.22% to 0.18 –
(4) In Table 2 the thickness range for which the lower minimum yield and tensile strength
requirements apply was changed from "t > 0.187 in. [5.00 mm]" for S32003.
(5) Both the Al and Ti requirements in Table 1 were changed from "0.15 – 0.60" two" "0.25
– 0.60" for N08811.
SA-249 Revision Adoption of ASTM Specification A249/A249M-14 - ASME has adopted ASTM
A249/A249M-14 "Specification for Welded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater,
Heat-Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Added UNSs S31727, S32053, S20153, S32615, N08800, N08810, and N08811. UNS
(2) Cr range was corrected, and the ASTM edition for this alloy was limited to -10a and
(3) Clarified that Supplementary Requirement S9 is mandatory when specified in the
Purchase Order.
SA-268 Revision Adoption of ASTM A268/A268M-10 - ASME has adopted ASTM A268/A268M-10
"Specification for Seamless and Welded Ferritic and Martensitic Stainless Steel Tubing for
General Service". Revisions to this specification include a revision to Supplementary
Requirement S1; added pneumatic leak test as an option to air-under-water.
SA-307 Revision Adoption of ASTM Specification A307-10 - ASME has adopted ASTM A307-10
"Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Strength". Revisions to
this specification include clarifications for stress relieving in 4.3.1 and 4.3.2.
SA-312 Revision Adoption of ASTM A312/A312M-13b - ASME has adopted ASTM A312/A312M-13b
"Specification forSeamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel
Pipes". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) ASME corrected the nickel content of UNS S30451 and the chemistry of UNS S31035
in Table 1.
(2) Added S38815, S31277, S31727, S32053, S31035, S20100, S20153, N08925, N08800,
N08810, N08811 and N08020.
(3) Added new manufacturing option of heavily cold worked. Changed tensile properties
for S35315 from 94 [650] and 39 [270] to 87 [600] and 38 [260] for seamless.
(4) Revised the wall thickness transition values for TP321H (UNS S32109) for the tensile
properties for seamless pipe from 3/16” to 3/8”.
(5) Revised chemistries for S31635, S31035, S32109, S34751, S31700 and S31254.
(6) Chemistries for S30451, S31002 and S31035 need to meet the SA-312 Table 1
chemistry requirements.
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SA-320 Revision Adoption of ASTM A320/A320M-11a - ASME has adopted ASTM A320/A320M-11a
"Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting for Low-Temperature Service".
Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Added hardness requirements for “L” Grades in Table 1.
(2) Added Nitrogen for Grades B8T and B8TA in Table 4.
(3) Revised title and replaced occurrences of “bolting material” with “bolting.”
(4) Clarified impact test requirements for carbide solution treated austenitic stainless steel
(5) Revised concerning number of impact and tensile tests required.
(6) Clarified certification and marking to reflect changes to Specification A962/A962M.
SA-325 Revision Adoption of ASTM A325-10 - ASME has adopted ASTM A325-10 "Specification for
Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength"". Revisions
to this specification include:
(1) Added Zinc/Aluminum Corrosion Protective Coating.
(2) Adds Table 5 for Tensile requirements for specimens machined from bolts.
SA-354 Revision Adoption of ASTM A354-11 - ASME has adopted ASTM A354-11 "Specification for
Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts, Studs, and Other Externally Threaded
Fasteners". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Table 1: added manganese requirements, as well as requirements for alloy steel with
boron added, and footnote A defining alloy steel.
SA-358 Revision Adoption of ASTM A358/A358M-14a - ASME has adopted ASTM A358-A358M-14a
"Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel
Pipe for High-Temperature Service and General Applications". Revisions to this
specification include:
(1) Revised lengthy subtitle to simply mandatorily invoke Supplementary Requirement S8
for Code fabrication of these shells for III and VIII-1.
(2) Corrected UNSs for S20910, S24000, S30600 and S34565.
(3) Corrected filler metal for S32100 and S20400.
(4) Added UNSs S31700, S31709, S32109, S34709, S20100, S20153, S31727, S32053,
S34751, N08800, N08810, N08811, and N08700.
(5) Made numerous editorial updates, clarified ordering requirements, moved heat treat
requirements from a paragraph to a Table 2, Note 2 was moved into 15.1 to make it
SA-437 Revision Adoption of ASTM A437/A437M-12 - ASME has adopted ASTM A437/A437M-12
"Specification for Stainless and Alloy-Steel Turbine-Type Bolting Specially Heat Treated
for High-Temperature Service". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Replaced “bolting materials” with “bolting.”
(2) Added reporting macroetch test for B4D to Section 4.
(3) Reversed the order of Sections 3 and 4.
(4) Clarified certification and marking to reflect changes to Specification A962/A962M.
(5) Dropped the discard requirement, (old Section 5), as it is being added to Specification
A962/A962M, and renumbered subsequent sections.
SA-449 Revision Adoption of ASTM A449-10 - ASME has adopted ASTM A449-10 "Specification for Hex
Cap cap screws, Bolts and Studs, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105/90 ksi Minimum Tensile
Strength, General Use". There were only minor editorial revisions to this specification.
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SA-450 Revision Adoption of ASTM A450/A450M-10 - ASME has adopted ASTM A450/A450M-10
"Specification for General Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Tubes".
Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Revised Section 24 to change the title and added new 24.2 to accommodate the
possibility of using a test method alternative to air underwater test (in accordance with
Specification A1047/A1047M).
(2) Changed scope of specification to be only for carbon and low-alloy steel tubes (deleted
stainless steels, which are covered by SA-1016/SA-1016M).
(3) Revised 18.1 (Flattening Test) to updated constant e for steels covered by updated
specification scope (carbon and low alloy
(4) Revised 21.1 (Flange Test) to delete austenitic grades due to updated specification
(5) Deleted 29.2 (Product Marking) which applied to austenitic tubes and renumbered
subsequent paragraphs.
(6) Revised 29.3 to update paragraph references after paragraph 29.2 deletion.
(7) Revised Table 5 – Flaring Test Requirements column headings due to updated
specification scope.
SA-450 Revision Adoption of ASTM A 450/A 450M-04a - ASME has adopted ASTM A450/A450M-04a
"Specification for General Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Tubes".
Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Paragraph 1.1 was revised to deleted standards that were discontinued or now reference
A 1016 as the general requirements specification. (96a -> 02).
(2) Deleted specifications are: A 161, A 200, A 209, A 213, A 226, A 249, A 250, A 268, A
269, A 270, A 271, A334, A 557, A 688, A 692, A 771, A 789, A 791, A 803, A 826, A
851. BOLD now referenced in A 1016. Others are discontinued.
(3) Added 25.5: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transition of CMTRs, C of Cs.
(4) Revised 5.2 - Heat Analysis (03 -> 04): Deleted defined testing for original and
secondary melting processes, focused on reporting of elements to meet specification
SA-453 Revision Adoption of ASTM A453/A453M-12 - ASME has adopted ASTM A453/A453M-12
"Specification for High-Temperature Bolting, with Expansion Coefficients Comparable to
Austenitic Stainless Steels". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Grade 668 (UNS S66285) added.
(2) Changed “bolting material” and “material and fasteners” to “bolting”.
(3) Clarified certification and marking to reflect changes to Specification A962/A962M.
(4) Clarified hardening treatment for Table 4 for Grade 660 Class.
(5) Added Section 7 [Chemical Composition] and renumbered subsequent sections.
(6) Clarified threading requirements para. 6.1.1.
(7) Clarified certification and marking to reflect changes to Specification A962/A962M.
(8) Revised to reflect changes to reference Specification A962/A962M.
SA-479 Revision Adoption of ASTM A479/A479M-13b - ASME has adopted ASTM A479/A479M-13b
"Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other Pressure
Vessels". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Added the following grades: UNSs S31050, S82441, N08700, N08800, N08810,
N08811, N08925, and N08926.
(2) Changed the nitrogen range and Table 14 S31254 from 0.18 – 0.22% to 0.18 – 0.25%.
SA-480 Revision Intent interpretation for Table A1.1 - The product analysis tolerances for tungsten given in
Table A1.1 have been revised to be identical to those published in Table 1 of SA-484. An
Intent interpretation on this subject [ II-A-15-02] was also approved: Question: Is it the
intent that, for grades with maximum tungsten contents greater than 2.00%, Table A1.1 of
SA-480 product analysis tolerances for tungsten are to be the same as those shown for
tungsten in Table 1 of SA-484? Reply: Yes
SA-480 Revision Adoption of ASTM A480/A480M-13b - ASME has adopted ASTM A480/A480M-13b
"Specification for General Requirements for Flat-Rolled Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel
Plate, Sheet, and Strip". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) S82121, S82122, S33550, N08925, S44537, S82012, and S82031 added.
(2) Section 6.3.1 added on grade substitution.
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SA-484 Revision Adoption of ASTM A484/A484M-13a - ASME has adopted ASTM A484/A484M-13a
"Specification for General Requirements for Stainless Steel Bars, Billets, and Forgings ".
Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Added UNSs S82441, N08810, N08811, N08925, and N08926.
(2) Added a new Annex A2 to adjust requirements for adding new grades that already exist
in other A01 or B02.07 specifications.
SA-537 Revision Adoption of ASTM A537/A537M-13 - ASME has adopted ASTM A537/A537M-13
"Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Heat-Treated, Carbon-Manganese-Silicon Steel ".
Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Phosphorus and Sulfur maximums were reduced to 0.025% maximum to reflect current
industry practice.
(2) Ordering information was revised to match current wording for pressure vessel plate
standards (redundancies relative to A20 information)
SA-540 Revision Adoption of ASTM A540/A540M-11 - ASME has adopted ASTM A540/A540M-11
"Specification for Alloy-Steel Bolting for Special Applications". Revisions to this
specification include:
(1) Revised “bolting materials” in the title, scope, and applicable sections to “bolting.”
(2) Dropped definition of "bolting material" now covered in A962/A962M.
(3) Updated scope section relative to supplementary requirements, use of SI units per Guide
A994 and added reference to Specification A962/A962M as indispensable for application of
the specification.
(4) Added macro etch to Section 4.
(5) Clarified certification and marking to reflect changes to Specification A962/A962M.
(6) Changed "HB" to "HBW" in Section 9.
(7) Added "symbol" and reference to A962 two marking Para. 17 - Product Marking.
SA-671 Revision Adoption of ASTM A671/A671M-14 - ASME has adopted ASTM A671/A671M-14
"Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower
Temperatures". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Grades CG100 and CH100 added. Removed reference to CE55 and CE60.
(2) Added quench temperature for CH100.
(3) Several grades listed in this specification are no longer produced, namely A517 C, D, G,
J, K, L and M; and A736 Gr. A Cl 2 (and hence removal of classes 60-63 in 5.3.5).
(4) A299 listed as Grade A. A537 is amended to reflect the proper Class of material, not
(5) A736 is amended to reflect the proper Grade and Class and Tables 1 and 2 amended to
list the grade, class and types properly and minimum tensile of 85 ksi.
(6) Table 2 revised to reflect the correct heat treatment for A353 and A553.
(7) Minimum tempering temperatures for A516 have been reduced to ASTM minimums.
(8) Specific temperature ranges have been added is appropriate to Table 2 and Note D
removed as redundant.
(9) Revised as dual unit specification.
SA-672 Revision Adoption of ASTM A672/A672M-14 - ASME has adopted ASTM A672/A672M-14
"Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate
Temperatures". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Removed reference to B55 (A515), and E55 and E60 (A442).
(2) A202 removed. A299 listed as Grade A.
(3) A537 listed as “Class” 1 and 2.
(4) A533 edited to "Cl 1".
(5) Table 2 revised to revise tempering temperatures for A516 and A537 to ASTM
SA-688 Revision Adoption of ASTM A688/A688M-12 - ASME has adopted ASTM A688/A688M-12
"Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Feedwater Heater
Tubes". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Added N08800, N08810, and N08811.
(2) Scope revised to add seamless product forms; mechanical testing identical to SA-213.
(3) Added pneumatic leak test in para.
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SA-736 Revision Adoption of ASTM A736/A736M-12 - ASME has adopted ASTM A736/A736M-12
"Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Low-Carbon Age-Hardening
Nickel-Copper-Chromium-Molybdenum-Colombium Alloy Steel". Revisions to this
specification include:
(1) Due to lack of use, Grade C CL 1 and 2, and Grade A CL 1 and 2 deleted. Appropriate
sections reflecting this change have been revised to reflect the single Grade A Class 3.
SA-738 Revision Adoption of ASTM A738/A738M-12a - ASME has adopted ASTM A738/A738M-12a
"Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Heat-Treated, Carbon-Manganese-Silicon Steel,
for Moderate and Lower Temperature Service". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Increased the maximum thickness of Grade E from 1.5 in (40 mm) to 2 in (50 mm).
SA-803 Revision Adoption of ASTM A803/A803M-12 - ASME has adopted ASTM A803/A803M-12
"Specification for Seamless and Welded Ferritic Stainless Steel Feedwater Heater Tubes".
Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Scope [Para. 1.1] revised to add seamless product form.
(2) Added pneumatic leak test option in 10.6.2.
SA-832 Revision Adoption of ASTM A832/A832M-10 - ASME has adopted ASTM A832/A832M-10
"Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel,
Chromium-Molybdenum-Vanadium". Revisions to this specification include editorial
revisions only.
SA-841 Revision Adoption of ASTM A841/A841M-13 - ASME has adopted ASTM A841/A841M-13
"Specification for Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels, Produced By Thermal-Mechanical
Control Process (TMCP)". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Grade G, Classes 9 and 10 added.This addition required changes to paragraphs 1.2, 1.3,
Table 1, and Appendix X1. The additional grades also required the addition of
Supplementary Requirements S55, S56, and S64 and Fig. X1.2.
(2) The definition of TMCP in the previous Scope paragraph, 1.2, has been deleted, since it
is redundant with the definition of TMCP in A941-10a, Terminology, which is referenced
by A841/A841M.
SA-1016 Revision Adoption of ASTM A1016/A1016M-13 - ASME has adopted ASTM A1016/A1016M-13
"Specification for General Requirements for Ferritic Alloy Steel, Austenitic Alloy Steel,
and Stainless Steel Tubes". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Added reference to A1047/A1047M pressure differential testing into 27.2.
(2) Corrected the heading on Table 5 to ensure the proper alloy groups were at the right
(3) Added “e” value for duplex stainless steels in 19.1.
(4) Added reference to A1058M in 2.1, 3.1, and section 18 which introduced a metric
version of property testing.
(5) Added Appendix A2 which introduced requirements for introduction of materials from
other A01 or B02.07 specifications.
SA/EN 10025-2 Errata Editorial Corrections - In the Title Page coversheet to SA/EN 10025-2, the term "EN
10025-2 04" was corrected to "EN 10025-2 2004" to indicate the correct year/edition of the
EN specification.
SA/EN 10028-2. Para. Errata Editorial Corrections - In para. 3.1 the reference to "100228-2" was corrected to
3.1 "10028-2".
SA/GB 713 Revision Editorial Correction to Coversheet - The intent of paragraph 1.4 of the coversheet was to
require plates 1.50 in. (40 mm) and over to be normalized for both grades Q245R and
Q345R. There was a missing comma that could lead to the misunderstanding that this
requirement applied only to grade Q345R.
SA/NF A 36-215 Errata Editorial Corrections to SA/NF A36-215 - (1) In Para 1.1, the phrase " this specification
are to be identified by" was inserted in the last line between words "by" and "this".
(2) In Para. 1.2, in the second line the word "ist" was correct spelled as "its".
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Part: B
Subpart/Table: Appendices
Appendix A Revision Sources of Standards - Updated Appendix A with new/changed addresses of organizations
that are sources of non-ASTM material standards.
Appendix A Revision Sources of Standards - Updated Appendix A with new/changed addresses of organizations
that are sources of non-ASTM material standards.
Appendix IV, IV-1500, Addition New Paragraph to Address Requirements for Welding Data - Requirements similar to
Table IV-1500 those for base metals are added for weld data for new alloys in new paragraph IV-1500.
Requirements similar to those for base metals are added for weld data for new alloys. Three
types of welding information are not required when a new base metal is requested for use in
welded construction in the ASME boiler and pressure vessel code; 1. data on weldability;
2. data on strength and toughness in the time-independent regime, and data on strength in
the time-dependent regime. Also Table IV-155-1 has been added containing an example of
a comparison of allowable stresses of base metals with composition similar to those of
selected welding consumables and the proposed new base metal.
Appendix IV, IV-800 Revision Time-Independent Properties - For time-independent properties, clarified the temperatures
at which data must be provided for various classes of alloys.
Appendix IV, Table Addition Revision to Appendix IV - Mandatory Appendix IV contains Guidelines on the Approval
IV-800-1 of New Materials Under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. In an effort to
improve the consistency and quality of data submitted to support requests for code cases for
new materials of construction, companies submitting request must now identify all the
ASTM test methods used to generate the material data based on Table IV-800-1. In
addition the data submitted must satisfy the units for reporting as given in Table IV-800-1,
including number of significant figures. Also as part of this revision is the use of the 0.2%
offset method to determine the yield strength and the recognition that some material
specifications permit a different method such as the 0.5% extension under load method to
determine the yield strength.
Code Case 2792 Addition SB-626 Flare Test Instead of Flange Test - This is a joint Code Case among Sections I,
II-B and VIII-1. It provides an exemption to the flange test required by SB-626 and instead
requires a [less severe] flare test per SB-751 or SA-370. It also limits the flare in
production to no more than 30 degrees.
SB-148, 5.1 Revision Editorial Correction to 5.1 Heat Treatment Temperature - The Metric tolerance range
corrected from "+ 10°C" to " + 28°C"
SB-209 Revision Adoption of ASTM B209-10 - ASME has adopted ASTM B209-10 "Specification for
Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) In Table 2, 5083-H32 and 5456-H32 removed maximum yield strength.
(2) Various changes made to alloys that are not used for B&PVC.
(3) Standardized and verified that the element limits listed in Table 1 as footnotes are not
included in the Total for Other Elements.
(4) Sections 4 and 9 revised to accommodate testing direction shown for 2124 in Table 3.
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SB-248 Revision Adoption of ASTM B248-12 - ASME has adopted ASTM B248-12 "Specification for
General Requirements for Wrought Copper and Copper-Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and
Rolled Bar". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Certification (Para. 14) and Test Report (Para. 15.) made mandatory.
(2) Numerous editorial revisions to the specification.
SB-249 Revision Adoption of ASTM B249/B249M-12 - ASME has adopted ASTM B249/B249M-12
"Specification for General Requirements for Wrought Copper and Copper-Alloy Rod, Bar,
Shapes, and Forgings". Revisions to this specification include the addition of Bismuth
Brass alloys C492500, C49255 and C49369, and making certification and test reports
SB-308 Revision Adoption of ASTM B308/B308M-10 - ASME has adopted ASTM B308/308M-10
"Specification for Aluminum-Alloy 6061-t^ Standard Structural Profiles". Revisions to this
specification include editorial revisions to sections dealing with sampling of material,
dimensional tolerances, and packaging.
SB-363 Revision Adoption of ASTM B363-14 - ASME has adopted ASTM B363-14 "Specification for
Seamless and Welded Unalloyed Titanium and Titanium Alloy Welding Fittings".
Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Editorial changes.
(2) Revised lengthy subtitle to simply mandatorily invoke Supplementary Requirement S5
for Code fabrication of Parts for VIII-1, when welded with filler metal.
(3) In Section 11.3 the manufacturer shall furnish the purchaser a certificate that the
finished fittings conform to the requirements of this specification. The certification shall
include a report of the test results.
SB-366 Revision Adoption of ASTM B366-10a - ASME has adopted ASTM B366-10a "Specification for
Factory-Made Wrought Nickel and Nickel Alloy Fittings". Revisions to this specification
(1) N08904 removed (moved to SA-182), and N10362 added.
(2) Revisions to Pars.,, and to require fittings made from
forging stock to be tension tested and meet specification mechanical properties.
(3) Corrects some metric heat treat temperatures.
SB-395 Revision Revision to References in SB-395/SB-395M-08 - ASME has adopted ASTM
B395/SB-395M "Specification for U-Bend Seamless Copper and Copper Alloy Heat
Exchanger and Condenser Tubes". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Editorially revised reference in 4.2.3 Ordering Information from 7.6 to 7.1.5.
SB-408 Revision Adoption of ASTM B408-06(R11) - ASME has adopted ASTM B408-06(R11)
"Specification for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Rod and Bar". Revisions to this
specification include:
(1) UNS N08890 added.
SB-462 Revision Adoption of ASTM B462-10e1 - (1)Added N10362. Cr; This Grade is currently covered
by Code Case 2648.
(2) From -10 to -10e1 the Cr content for N06022 was incorrectly published as "22.0 -
22.5"; this has been corrected to read "20.0 - 22.5".
SB-564 Revision Adoption of ASTM B564-11 - ASME has adopted ASTM B564-11 "Specification for
Nickel Alloy Forgings". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Added UNS N10362 and N06674.
(2) Heat sheet and "Solution Annealed" added to alloys in Table 2 in -06 edition.
(3) Added Note to Table 1 regarding min., max. and range of elements, and removed word
max. from appropriate elements.
SB-619 Revision Adoption of ASTM B619-10e1 - ASME has adopted ASTM B619-10e1 "Specification for
Welded Nickel and Nickel-Cobalt Alloy Pipe. Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Added UNS N10362.
(2) Si max. for N06059 was corrected.
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SB-622 Revision Adoption of ASTM B622-10 - ASME has adopted ASTM B622-10-12 "Specification for
Seamless Nickel and Nickel-Cobalt Alloy Pipe and Tube". Revisions to this specification
(1) Added new alloy UNS N10362.
(2) Revised Para. 1.3 identifying a metric conversion in parentheses as not standard.
(3) Para. 1.3 and 1.4 were switched with added words about customary to metric
conversion or metric is not considered standard.
SB-626 Revision Adoption of ASTM B626-10e1 - ASME has adopted ASTM B626-10e1 "Specification for
Welded Nickel and Nickel-Cobalt Alloy Tube". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Added new alloy UNS N10362.
The Si max. for N06059 was corrected in Table 1; changed from 0.010 to 0.10 max.
SB-861 Revision Adoption of ASTM B861-10 - ASME has adopted ASTM B861-10 "Specification for
Titanium and Titanium Alloy Seamless Pipe". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Increased the allowable hydrogen in Ti Grade 36 from 35ppm to 150 ppm.
(2) Increased the allowable hydrogen in Ti Grade 25 from 0.01252 0.015.
(3) The Chemical Requirements (Table 1) has been reformatted for improved utility; notes
were editorially revised and reorganized.
SB-862 Revision Adoption of ASTM B862-13a - ASME has adopted ASTM B862-13a "Specification for
Titanium and Titanium Alloy Welded Pipe". Revisions to this specification include:
(1) Added Grade 39 - UNS R54250 alloy. Note: This alloy is not approved for use in BPV
Code Construction.
(2) Added UNS numbers for alloys in Table 2.
(3) Combined standard numeric grade and corresponding H grade chemistry on a single line
in Table 2.
(4) Added metric equivalent UTS for H grades in Scope.
(5) Added Supplementary Requirement S2 for pipe welded with filler metal intended for
use in ASME Section VIII.
Part: C
Preface Errata Errata - Corrected Wording - (1) Deleted "xxx" previously found at the end of the line
starting with "In 1969";
(2) Inserted "Section II, Part C, contains material specifications, most of" at the beginning
of 7th paragraph.
SFA-5.01 Revision Adopted AWS A5.01/A5.01M:2013 - Adopted AWS A5.01/A5.01M:2013 "Specification
Welding Consumables - Procurement of Filler Metals and Fluxes" as
SFA-5.01/SFA-5.01M. This revision supersedes the AWS 2008 Edition. Significant
changes include:
(1) Changes to layout and wording to make the document more understandable and user-
(2) All solid metal products (GMAW, GTAW, SAW electrodes, consumable inserts, etc)
combined into one definition.;
(3) “Terms and Definitions” section expanded and “Identification” section deleted;
(4) Term “production schedule” defined as : A manufacturing campaign of a single lot
number produced by either a single manufacturing operation or a series of manufacturing
operations, a part of which is uninterrupted by the production of any other product or any
other lot number of the same product.
(5) 24 hour restriction on lot class C3 removed for consistency;
(6) Phrase “for each lot shipped” changed to “for each lot supplied” to explicitly permit
multiple shipments of the same tested product.
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SFA-5.1 Revision Adopted AWS A5.1/A5.1M:2012 - Adopted AWS A5.1/A5.1M:2012 "Specification for
Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding" as SFA-5.1/SFA-5.1M. This
revision supersedes the 2004 AWS Edition. Significant changes include:
(1) Addition of requirement to report boron (B) analysis when intentionally added or if
known to be present at levels greater than 0.0010%.;
(2) Update of rounding-off procedure to reference ASTM E29 or ISO 80000-1.
SFA-5.11 Revision Adopted AWS A5.11/A5.11M:2010 - Adopted AWS A5.11/A5.11M:2010 "Specification
for Nickel and Nickel Alloy Welding Electrodes for Shielded Arc Welding" as
SFA-5.11/SFA-5.11M. This revision supersedes the 2005 AWS Edition. Significant
changes include:
(1) Addition of filler metal classification ENiCrFe-13 and ENiCrMo-22; ENiCrFe-13 and
ENiCrMo-22 is assigned F-No. 43 in QW-432.
(2) Updated rounding-off procedure to comply with ASTM E29 or Rule A in Clause B.3 of
ISO 80000-1. This also required the minimum tensile strength for ENiCrMo-11 to change
from 585 MPa to 590 MPa.
SFA-5.16 Revision Adopted AWS A5.16/A5.16M:2013 - Adopted AWS A5.16/A5.16M:2013 , "Specification
for Titanium and Titanium-Alloy Welding Electrodes and Rods", as SFA-5.16/SFA-5.16M.
Replaces 2007 AWS Edition. The SFA document differs from AWS A5.16/A5.16M: 2013
in that Table 1 has been sorted by AWS classification, and UNS numbers have been
included in place of the numerical alloy designations.
SFA-5.22 Revision Adopted AWS A5.22/A5.22M:2012 - Adopt AWS A5.22/A5.22M:2012 "Specification for
Stainless Steel Flux Cored and Metal Cored Welding Electrodes and Rods" as
SFA-5.22/SFA-5.22M. Replaces 2010 AWS Edition. Significant changes to previous
(1)Addition of E2307TX-X alloy;
(2) Addition of requirement to report bismuth (Bi) analysis when intentionally added or if
known to be present at levels greater than 0.002%,
SFA-5.34 Revision Adopted AWS A5.34/A5.34M:2013 - Adopted AWS A5.34/A5.34M:2013 "Specification
for Nickel-Alloy Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding" as SFA-5.34/SFA-5.34M. This
revision supersedes the 2007 AWS Edition. Significant changes include:
(1) Addition of filler metal classification ENiMo13Tx-y; and,
(2) Updated rounding-off procedure to comply with ASTM E29 or Rule A in Clause B.3 of
ISO 80000-1.
SFA-5.4 Revision Adopted AWS A5.4/A5.4M:2012 - Adopted AWS A5.4/A5.4M:2012 "Specification for
Stainless Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding" as SFA-5.4/SFA-5.4M. This
revision supersedes the 2006 AWS Edition. Significant changes include:
(1) Addition of E2307;
(2) Update of rounding-off procedure to reference ASTM E29 or ISO 80000-1.
SFA-5.5 Revision Adopted AWS A5.5/5.5M:2014 - Adopted AWS A5.5/A5.5M:2014 "Specification for
Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Shielding Metal Arc Welding" as SFA-5.5/SFA-5.5M,
which supersedes the 2006 Edition. Substantive changes include:
(1) Reinstatement of E8015-B2;
(2) Addition of new filler metals E9018-B6, E90XX-B23, E90XX-B24, E90XX-B92 and
(3) Renaming of E90XX-B9 to E90XX-B91.
SFA-5.9 Revision Adopted AWS A5.9/A5.9M:2012 - Adoption of AWS A5.9/A5.9M:2012 "Specification
for Bare Stainless Steel Welding Electrodes and Rods" as SFA-5.9/SFA-5.9M. This
revision supersedes the 2006 AWS Edition. Significant changes include:
(1) Addition of E2307;
(2) Update of rounding-off procedure to reference ASTM E29 or ISO 80000-1.
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Part: D
Subpart/Table: Appendices
Appendices 1, 2 and 10 Revision Assignment of 90% Yield Criterion - Mandatory Appendices 1, 2 and 10 contain the basis
for establishing the design stress values published in Tables 1A,1B, 2A, 2B, 5A, 5B, and 3
and 4. Two sets of allowable stresses are provided for austenitic stainless steels and other
alloys based on either 2/3 yield strength criterion or the 90% Yield Criterion. The ASME
Section II materials committee has been reviewing which materials should have allowable
stresses based on the 90% yield criterion, and as a result of this work the Committee has
established a quantitative means for determining for which alloys only the 2/3 yield
criterion should be applied, and for which alloys the 90% yield strength criterion may or
shall be applied. The Committee has decided that only the 2/3 yield criterion should be
used for steels and nonferrous materials with a yield/tensile ratio of 0.625 and higher, and
that the 90% criterion may be used only for austenitic stainless steels and nickel and cobalt
alloys with a yield/tensile ratio of less than 0.65. Note (1) of Tables 1-100, 2-100(a),
10-100 have been revised to reflect this new definition. Also as part of this action, the
opening paragraph of 2-100 has been revised to remove any reference to nonnuclear
Appendix 2, 2-130, Revision Time-independent criteria revised - Revised Appendix 2, Paragraph 2-130 and Table
Table 2-100(c) 2-100(c), for the criteria for Table 4, to provide allowable stress criteria for materials with
strength not enhanced by heat treatment or cold work that are the same as the
time-independent criteria for Table 3. Revised values for such materials in Table 4
Appendix 5 Addition Revision to Appendix 5 - Mandatory Appendix 5 contains Guidelines on the Approval of
New Materials Under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. In an effort to improve
the consistency and quality of data submitted to support requests for code cases for new
materials of construction, companies submitting requests must now identify all the ASTM
test methods used to generate the material data based on Table A5. In addition the data
submitted must satisfy the units for reporting as given in Table A5, including number of
significant figures. Also as part of this revision is the use of the 0.2% offset method to
determine the yield strength and the recognition that some material specifications permit a
different method such as the 0.5% extension under load method to determine the yield
Appendix 5, 5-1500 Addition New Paragraph to Address Requirements for Welding Data - Requirements similar to
those for base metals are added for weld data for new alloys in new paragraph 5-1500.
Requirements similar to those for base metals are added for weld data for new alloys. Three
types of welding information are now required when a new base metal is requested for use
in welded construction in the ASME boiler and pressure vessel code; (1.) Data on
weldability; (2.) Data on strength and toughness in the time-independent regime; (3.) Data
on strength in the time-dependent regime. Also Table 5-1500 has been added containing an
example of a comparison of allowable stresses of base metals with composition similar to
those of selected welding consumables and the proposed new base metal.
Appendix 5, 5-800 Revision Time-Independent Properties - For time-independent properties, clarified the temperatures
at which data must be provided for various classes of alloys.
6061 aluminum alloy Revision Additional and revised values for 6061 Aluminum Alloy - New Tables U and Y-1 values
were developed for 6061 aluminum alloy. The corresponding Table 1B allowable stresses
were revised resulting in changes up to 29% increase and 9% decrease.
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Cu-Si Alloys Revision Re-evaluate the Cu-Si Alloy Data - As a result of a re-assessment of Cu-Si trend curves
for C65100, C65500 and C66100, US Customary allowable stresses went down only a
maximum of 0.2 ksi but Metric went down a maximum of 7.3%, and some values in US
Customary and Metric doubled. Manufacturers that use this material should carefully
review these allowable stress corrections for possible impact on existing designs.
SA-182, SA-240, Revision Replacement of N08904 SB Specs with SA Specs - This is part of a larger project. ASTM
SA-312, SA-403, UNS revised a while ago their definition of a ferrous alloy to an alloy with Fe as its major
N08904 element, which is the ISO definition. This reclassified many alloys with N08xxx UNS
numbers from nonferrous to ferrous. There is a slow transition in ASTM to move these
alloys, after which ASME adopts the new specifications. When the ASTM nonferrous
specification is adopted that no longer has the N08xxx alloy in it, then the revisions are
made in II-D and the construction Codes to reference the SA specification instead. As part
of this revision, the following changes in SB to SA specifications were made for N08504:
(1) SB-366 ----> SA-182 Forgings
(2) SB-625 ----> SA-240 Plate
(3) SB-673 ----> SA-312 Welded Pipe
(4) SB- 677 ----> SA-312 Seamles Pipe
(4) SB-366 ----> SA-403 Fittings
SA-213, Tables 1A, U & Addition Incorporation of Code Case 2328-1 - Added data for alloy S30432 (18Cr-9Ni-3Cu-Cb-N,
Y1 austenitic stainless steel tube SA-213 (SUPER304H).
SA-240, SA-479, UNS Addition Incorporation of Code Case 2418-1 - Stress lines have been added for SA-240 and SA-479
S32101 for UNS S32101 [ 21Cr-5Mn-1.5Ni-Cu-N] in Tables 1A, U and Y1 for VIII-1 applications.
SA-249, SA-312 UNS Revision Changes in Mechanical Properties in SA-249 and SA-312 - The mechanical properties for
S31254, Table 1A, U & UNS S31254 [20Cr-18Ni-6Mo] in the material specifications changed, so the properties in
Y1 II-D had to be revised. The material now has 2 sets of properties: >0.187" (5 mm) and ·
0.187" (5 mm), which are all increased from previous, and the allowable stresses are
correspondingly increased 1-4%. There is also a parallel change that is in process to limit
the ASTM editions in Table II-200-1.
SA-841, Tables 1A, 5A, Revision Increase the Maximum Thickness of SA-841 Plates - Increased the maximum thickness of
U, Y-1 SA-841, Grade A, Class 1 and Grade B, Class 2 plates from 2 inches (50 mm) to 4 inches
(100 mm) for use in Section VIII, Divisions 1, 2 and 3 construction.
SA-995, J93380 Addition Incorporation Code Case 2244-2 - SA-995 CD3MWCuN J93380 (cast UNS S32760)
duplex stainless steel castings added for VIII-1 use to 600F (316C).
SA/EN 10222-2 Revision Revision to SA/EN 10222-2 Stress Lines - The following revisions were made to the stress
lines for SA/EN 10222-2:
(1) The "Condition" was revised to match the specification designation; e.g. "NT" or "QT".
(2) The -30 to 40C value was corrected for 11CrMo9-10 in Table 1A.
(3) Values were added for 500 to 650C for 13CrMo4-5 in Table 5A.
(4) P280GH, P305GH, 13CrMo4-5, 11CrMo9-10 added to Table U
(5) P280GH, P305GH, 13CrMo4-5, 11CrMo9-10 added to Table Y1
SB-163, UNS N06025 Addition Incorporation of Code Case 2359-2 - Stress lines have been added to Tables 1B, U and
Y-1 for for Section I and VIII applications for SB-163, SB-166, SB-167, SB-168, SB-366,
SB-462, SB-516, SB-517 and SB-564 [ UNS N06025 Ni-25Cr-9.5Fe-2.1Al ] alloy.
SB-167 N06690 Revision Revision to Tables 2B, U, and Y-1 - SB-167 has different mechanical property
requirements depending on the condition and size of the tubular product being produced.
Hot worked annealed and cold worked annealed materials, either less than or greater than 5
inches diameter have different strength requirements. The stress lines in Table 2B were
revised to clarify the applicable condition and size ranges for this material.
Tables 1B, U & Y-1 Revision Stress Values for Alloys A95052, A95083, A95086 - Revised allowable stresses, and
tensile and yield strength values published. Allowables increased for some alloys at some
temperatures up to ~20%.
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Subpart/Table: Table 1B
Notes - General Addition General Note for cold working - A new informational note G33 is applied to copper alloys
Requirements, G33 to indicate that some materials have annealed allowables even though the material is
cold-worked. This is due to a lack of data to justify higher values.
SB-283 Revision Deletion of SB-283 TQ50 Stress Lines from Table 1B - Stress lines are listed for SB-283
C37700 and C64200 TQ50 temper. However, SB-283 does not include a TQ50 temper for
these alloys.
"T" Notes Revision Addition of Time Dependent Note - Added "T" Notes to lines where the allowable stress is
controlled by a time-dependent criterion for copper alloys. Also added a new Note for an
allowable stress value at 204C for C10200, C12000, C12200 and C14200 H80, and C12200
Subpart/Table: Table 3
Cu-Si Alloys Revision Correction to Bolting Stress Values - For C65500 and C66100, US Customary allowable
stresses went up or down only a maximum of 0.1 ksi, but Metric went down a maximum of
Subpart/Table: Table 4
various Revision Time-independent criteria revised - Revised Appendix 2, Paragraph 2-130 and Table
2-100(c), for the criteria for Table 4, to provide allowable stress criteria for materials with
strength not enhanced by heat treatment or cold work that are the same as the
time-independent criteria for Table 3. Revised values for such materials in Table 4
Subpart/Table: Table 5A
Notes G11, G12, H6 Revision Editorial Revision to Notes G11, G12, and H6 - With the re-write of VIII-2 in the E07, the
references to VIII-2 in the Notes needed to be revised.
SA-240, SA-479, Addition Incorporation of Code Case 2295-3 - Allowable stress values were added to Table 5A for
SA-789, SA-790, UNS SA-240, SA-479, SA-789, and SA-790 for UNS S32906 [29Cr-6.5Ni-2Mo-N] for Section
S32906 VIII, Division 2 applications.
SA-336 Addition Addition of SA-336 F91 - Added SA-336 F91 for VIII-2 use up to 1200ºF (649ºC); other
product forms of Grade 91 are already in this table. The maximum allowable stresses for
SA-336 F91 are the same as for SA-182 F91.
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SA-437 B4B. SA-437 Addition Addition of Ferrous Bolting Yield Strength Values - Incorporated yield strengths for
B4C, SA-540 B22 SA-437 B4B, SA-437 B4C, SA-540 B22 Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 and metric values for
Bolting SA-193 Grade B8MNA Class 1A (S31651).
Subpart/Table: Subpart 2
Table TCD Revision Correction of General Note (b) in Table TCD - The term "thermal expansion" is revised to
"thermal conductivity".
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Mandatory Appendix Revision Revised Bolting S_m Values - Mandatory Appendix III - " Basis for Establishing Design
III-2100 and III-2200 Stress Intensity Values and Allowable Stress Values" - Articles III-2100 and III-2200 were
deleted to reflect the revisions to the Design Stress Intensity Values for bolting. With this
change, design stresses (such as pressure stresses) will continue to use "S_m" based
allowables but services stresses (which include actual bolt loads) will utilize "S_y" based
Mandatory Appendix Revision Revised Bolting S_m Values - Mandatory Appendix XIII - "Design Based on Stress
XIII-1182 Analysis (for Vessels Designed in Accordance With Division 1, NC-3200 and Division 3,
WC-3200)" - Paragraph XIII-1182 was revised to reflect the revisions to the Section II
Appendix 2 "Basis for Establishing Design Stress Intensity Values for Bolting". Design
stresses (such as pressure stresses) will continue to use S_m based allowables but services
stresses which include actual bolt loads will utilize S_y based allowables. The previous
sentence "two times the stress values of Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 4", and "three
times the stress values of Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 4", were replaced by "the
yield strength values of Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table Y-1.".
Mandatory Appendix Revision Revised Bolting S_m Values - Mandatory Appendix XIV - "Design Based on Fatigue
XIV-1322 (b) Analysis (for Vessels Designed in Accordance With Division 1, NC-3200 and Division 3,
WC-3200)" - Paragraph XIV-1322(b) was revised to reflect the revisions to the Section II
Appendix 2 "Basis for Establishing Design Stress Intensity Values for Bolting". With this
change, design stresses (such as pressure stresses) will continue to use S_m based
allowables but services stresses (which include actual bolt loads) will utilize S_y based
allowables. The previous values of "2.7 S_m" and "2.0S_m" were replaced by "0.9 S_y"
and "2/3 S_y", respectively.
Mandatory Appendix Revision Editorial Revisions Mandatory Appendix XXI - Added Appendix title to its proper
XXI location and inserted metric equivalents.
Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Mandatory and Errata BPV-III, 2013 Mandatory and non-mandatory appendices - Errata on the BPV-III Design
non-mandatory Appendices
Mandatory Appendix Revision Deleted Article III-2000 - Deleted Appendix III, Article 2000 to reflect the revisions to the
III-2000 Section II Appendix 2 "Basis for Establishing Design Stress Intensity Values for Bolting"
and to avoid duplication of information. Design stresses (such as pressure stresses) will
continue to use "S_m" based allowables, but services stresses, which include actual bolt
loads, will utilize "S_y" based allowables. Changes are also reflected in Division 1,
NB-3230; Division 3, WB-3230; Mandatory Appendix XIII, and Mandatory Appendix
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Mandatory Appendix III Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix III - Section III Mandatory Appendix III was not updated
when stress tables were transferred to Section II, Part D, Appendices 1 and 2. With this
revision, references to Section II, Part D have been added and duplicate information
Mandatory Appendix VI, Revision Revised Title and Table VI-1132-1 - Revised Mandatory Appendix VI, Table VI-1132-1
Table VI-1132-1 as necessary to have the proper precision (number of significant figures) considering both
the US Customary and SI (metric) unit values. A minor change was also made to the
material thickness description in the penultimate line of the Table. In addition, the title
"Rounded Indications" was added to the Appendix.
Mandatory Appendix Revision Revised Bolting "S_m" Criteria and Values - Revised Appendix XIII-1182 to reflect the
XIIII-1182 revisions to the Section II Appendix 2 "Basis for Establishing Design Stress Intensity
Values for Bolting". Design stresses (such as pressure stresses) will continue to use "S_m"
based allowables, but services stresses, which include actual bolt loads, will utilize "S_y"
based allowables.
Mandatory Appendix Errata Errata - Corrected Notes - Previous "Note(4)" and "Note (3)" were incorrectly transposed.
XIII, Table XIII-1130-1 "Note (3)" is now indicated in the column "Origin of Stress", and "Note (4)" is now
correctly indicated in the column "Type of Stress"
Mandatory Appendix Revision Revised Bolting "S_m" Criteria and Values - Revised Appendix XIV-1322 to reflect the
XIV-1322 revisions to the Section II Appendix 2 "Basis for Establishing Design Stress Intensity
Values for Bolting". Design stresses (such as pressure stresses) will continue to use "S_m"
based allowables, but services stresses, which include actual bolt loads, will utilize "S_y"
based allowables.
Mandatory Appendix XI, Revision Replaced References to Asbestos Materials - The subject table contains gasket material
Table XI-3221.1-1 properties. Since asbestos gaskets are prohibited by regulation or are considered undesirable
because of safety concerns, asbestos has been replaced with a mineral fiber material.
Mandatory Appendix Revision Appendix XXIII Revised - Numerous revisions were made to Appendix XXIII to address
XXIII recent Section III revisions and additions, primarily to reflect references to requirements in
Divisions 3, 4 & 5. In addition, "Guides" were redesignated as "Supplements".
Mandatory Appendix Addition Incorporated HDPE Code Cases - Added Mandatory Appendix XXVI "Rules for
XXVI Construction of Class 3 Buried Polyethylene Pressure Piping", which incorporates the
requirements addressing construction of buried HDPE Class 3 piping previously found in
Code Case(s) N-755-2 (and N-808).
Nonmandatory Appendix Errata Section III Nonmandatory Appendix A Errata - Revise Appendix A
Nonmandatory Appendix Errata Nonmandatory Appendix A, Article A-8000 error corrections - Revise Article A-8000 in
A, Article A-8000 Appendix A as shown in the proposal file (removal of editorial errors)
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Revised Appendix D and General Notes - Added Appendix Title into correct location in
D the Appendix revised the General Note and Note (1) at the end of the Table to refer to
respective Section III Subsections and Divisions.
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Deleted Tables E-1210-1 and -2 - Tables E-1210-1 and -2 were deleted as they were
E duplicates of Tables XI-3221.1-1 and -2. Readers are now referred to Mandatory Appendix
Nonmandatory Appendix Errata BPV Section III, Nonmandatory Appendix F 2013 Edition - Revise appendix to correct
F various errata
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Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Revised Level D Threaded Structural Fastener Rules - The definition of high-strength and
F-1440 non high-strength fasteners in F-1440 was made consistent with the rules for Service Levels
A, B, and C in Subsection NG-3230. (1) In F-1440(c): "ultimate strength greater than 100
ksi (690 MPa) at operating temperature" was replaced with "specified minimum tensile
strength greater than or equal to 100 ksi (690 MPa)"; and (2) In F-1440(d): "ultimate
strength less than or equal to 100 ksi (690 MPa) at operating temperature" was replaced
with "specified minimum tensile strength less than 100 ksi (690 MPa)"
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Added F-1354.5(d) - Added "F-1334.5(d) - In Eqn. (21), replace '0.6S_y' with the smaller
F, F-1334.5(d) of '1.2S_y' or '0.7S_u'" to define the Level D allowable for the first term of the equation
and to be consistent with NF-3322.1(e) Eqn. 21.
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Revised Appendix F to Include Additional Limits - Revised Nonmandatory Appendix F,
F, F-1330 "Rules for Evaluation of Service Loadings with Level D Service Limits", paragraphs
F-1332 and F-1334, to address the appropriate positions presented by NRC Regulatory
Guide 1.124, "Service Limits and Loading Combinations for Class 1 Linear-Type
Supports", Revision 2, issued in February 2007.
Nonmandatory Appendix Errata BPV Section III, Nonmandatory Appendix G 2013 Edition - Revise appendix to correct
G various errata
Nonmandatory Appendix Addition Incorporated Code Case N-62-7 as Nonmandatory Appendix HH - Code Case N-62-7 was
HH updated and incorporated as new Nonmandatory Appendix HH - "Rules for Valve Internal
and External Items".
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Revised Appendix M - Moved the Appendix Title to the correct location in the document.
Nonmandatory Appendix Errata Errata - Corrected Nonmandatory Appendix O Cross-References - Numerous
O-1300 and O-1500 cross-references in paragraphs O-1300 and O-1500 were corrected.
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Revised Appendix R Title and References - (1) Inserted Appendix Title in the correct
R location; (2) Added Division 3, references of WC-2311(a)(7) and WC-2331(a)(2) to
paragraphs R-1110 and R-1200; and (3) Previous Class 2 reference of "NC-2331 (a) (2)"
was corrected to "NC-2331 (b)".
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Revised Appendix W-1000 - Updated Article W-1000 with a summary of materials and
W-1000 corrosion modes and added references applicable to multiple articles in Appendix W. New
subarticle numbers were also added.
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Updated Appendix W-2000 - Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), US Nuclear
W-2000 Regulatory Commission (NRC), industry, and literature references were updated. Article
W-2000 Topics include: Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC), General Corrosion, Pitting,
Crevis/Denting, Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC), Microbiologically
Induced Corrosion (MIC), Corrosion Fatigue & Crack Growth, and Flow Accelerated
Corrosion (FAC). New subarticle numbers were also added.
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Updated Appendix W-3000 - Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), US Nuclear
W-3000 Regulatory Commission (NRC), industry, and literature references were updated. Subjects
covered include:
Irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC), Thermal Aging Embrittlement, and
Radiation Embrittlement New subarticle numbers were also added.
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Updated Appendix W-4000 - Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), US Nuclear
W-4000 Regulatory Commission (NRC), industry, and literature references were updated. Subjects
covered include: Fretting and Wear, Thermal Fatigue, Vibration, Unstable Fluid Flow, and
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Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Foreword Revision Revised "Organization of Section III" - Added paragraph 9(d)(3) to "Organization of
Section III" to provide guidance on the use of nonmandatory appendices.
NCA-1140(a)(2) Revision Clarified Application of NCA-1140(a)(2) - For clarification to meet Regulatory
understanding and today's practice: (1) Inserted ", or" at the end of NCA-1140(a)(2)(-a); (2)
Inserted a comma between the words "docketed" and "or" in NCA-1140(a)(2)(-b); (3)
Inserted ", approved, " after "certified" in NCA-1140 (a)(2)(-c).
NCA-1282 Revision Clarified NCA-1282 - Revised text and definitions to clarify responsibilities of "NA" and
"NS" Certificate Holders with regard to the attachment of supports to building structure.
Text was added to allow attachment of supports to building structures to also be performed
during support fabrication by the "NS" Certificate Holder at the location authorized by their
Certificate. This revision was the result of an Intent Interpretation.
NCA-3841 Revision Revised NCA-3841 - (1) Revised NCA-3841(g) to include "any combination of the
activities specified in NCA-3851.2(a)(1) through NCA-3851.2(a)(6)."; (2) Deleted
NCA-3841(h), (i) & (j) as these activities are already included in NCA-3851.2. This action
aligns with the Committee on Nuclear Certification's action to revise QSC Holders' scope
statements to be consistent with the activities defined in NCA-3851.2(a)(1) through (a)(6).
NCA-3855.3 (b)(1) Revision Defined NCA-3855.3 (b)(1) Audit Frequency - Triennial audit frequency for approval of
suppliers is now defined in NCA-3855.3 (b)(1)
NCA-3855.5(a)(3)(-d) Revision Revised NCA-3855.5(a)(3)(-d) - NCA-3855.5(a)(3)(-d) was revised to require on-site
verification of compliance with the supplier's identification and traceability procedures at a
frequency commensurate with the schedule of production or procurement, but at least once
NCA-3862.1(b) Revision Revised NCA-3862.1(b) - Revised NCA-3862.1(b) to clarify requirements for source
material heat analysis on Certified Material Test Reports (CMTRs) for welding materials.
There are no requirements for source material heat analysis in any SFA specification. Code
required chemical analyses are product analyses of finished welding wire material, not the
heat analysis during the melting.
In the case of covered electrodes and flux-cored electrodes, SFA Specifications do not
specify any requirements for chemical composition of constituent core wire or sheath strip.
The only requirement for analysis of weld deposit applies to covered electrodes, and
flux-cored electrodes only require analysis of weld deposit.
Therefore, when a welding Material Organization issuing the CMTR purchases wire rods
(mill rod coils) from an approved supplier of source material, and performs all the tests and
chemical analysis required by the applicable welding material (SFA) specification (SFA and
specific material requirements of Section III (NB/NC/ND/NE/NF/NG-2400), attachment of
the test reports with the melting mill heat analysis from the source material supplier is not
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NCA-3920(c) Addition Added NCA-3920(c) - NCA-3820(c) allows a Certificate Holder to furnish metallic
materials when stated within the scope of their Certificate. With the addition of
NCA-3920(c), a Certificate Holder may now furnish nonmetallic materials when this is so
stated in the scope of the Certificate.
NCA-3970(g) Addition Added NCA-3970(g) - NCA-3820(c) allows for the Certificate Holder to furnish metallic
materials when stated within the scope of their Certificate. Addition of NCA-3970(g)
allows the same provision to a Certificate Holder for polyethylene materials.
NCA-4000 Revision Revised References to Incorporate Division 5 - Previous "Subsection NH" references were
revised to include Division 5 references to Subsection HB, Subpart B (HBB) as follows: (1)
NCA-4134.2 - Deleted reference to "NH-5520"; (2) Table NCA-4134.17-1, Item 6 -
Revised reference from "NH--7200" to "HBB-7200"; and (3) Table NCA-4124.17-1 -
"Subsection NH" deleted and replaced with "Division 5, Subsection HB, Subpart B
(referred to as HBB above)."
NCA-5121(a) Revision Revised NCA-5121(a) - (1) Revised NCA-5121(a) to remove previous first sentence; (2)
Changed "certified by ASME" to "accredited by ASME" in the remaining sentence to be in
agreement with ASME QAI-1.
NCA-8151 Revision Clarified NCA-8151 - Added a new requirement to NCA-8151 to clarify that, although the
Certificate may be extended to the field, the NS Certificate Holder is not permitted to
install component supports at their final location in the system. See NCA-1282.
NCA-8322 Revision Revised NCA-8322 - (1) Rules are now provided where the N Certificate Holder
subcontracts all final assembly and installation activities to an NA Certificate Holder at the
field site that holds the appropriate Certificate of Authorization for items NOT requiring a
pressure test. Previously, NCA-8322 provided provisions where the N Certificate Holder
may apply the Certification Mark with N Designator to a component in the field without
having the N Certificate of Authorization extended to a field site for items requiring a
pressure test; (2) Revised NCA-8322 by adding a new subparagraph (d) permitting
N-stamping of pumps tested in parts and joined by mechanical means at the location of a
subcontractor. Both revisions were the result of Intent Interpretations.
NCA-9200 Revision Added "Fabricator" to NCA-9200 - Moved the term "Fabricator" from ASME Section III,
Division 2 Mandatory Appendix D2-II-1000 "Glossary of Terms and Nomenclature" to
NCA-9200 "Definitions", and updated the term's previous "(NCA-3610)" reference to
Table NCA-7100-1 Revision Added Approved Years in "Other Acceptable Editions" - Revised Table NCA-7100-1 to
include previously approved (since 1980) of Dimensional Standards
Table NCA-7100-1 Revision Added MSS-SP-105 - Updated Table NCA-7100-1 to include MSS-SP-105, "Instrument
Valves for Code Applications", as referenced in NC/ND 3512.2. The current revision of
MSS-SP-105 (2010 edition) is added under the "ASME Section III Referenced Edition"
column and the 2005 edition of MSS-SP-105 under the "Other Acceptable Editions"
column. The 2005 edition is listed under the "Other Acceptable Editions" because this
edition is referenced in Code Case N-757-1. Both editions are acceptable for use.
Table NCA-7100-1 Revision Revised References to Incorporate Division 5 - Previous "Subsection NH" references were
revised to include Division 5 references to Subsection HB, Subpart B (HBB) as follows: (1)
All previous references to "NH" were deleted and replaced them with "HBB"; (2) '[Note
(5)]" was added under the column header "Subsection Applicability"; and (3) " NOTE" '(5)
HBB refers to Division 5, Subsection HB, Subpart B.' was added
Table NCA-7100-2 Revision Added Reference to PTC-25 - Added PTC-25 "Pressure Relief Devices" 2014 Edition to
Table NCA-7100-2.
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Table NCA-7100-3 Revision Updated Division 2 References - The effective Editions of over 30 Standards and
Specifications referenced in Section III, Division 2 were updated in Table NCA-7100-3.
Deleted "FED-STD-791C Lubricants, Liquid Fuels, and Related Products; Methods of
Testing Test Method 321.3 -- Oil Separation from Lubricating Greases (1986)" and
Replaced with "ASTM D 6184 Standard Test Method for Oil Separation from Lubricating
Grease (Conical Sieve Method) 1998 (2005)". Deleted "ASTM C 227", "ASTM C 289" and
"ASTM C 586". Added "ASTM C 1293 - Standard Test Method for Determination of
Length Change of Concrete Due to Alkalai-Silica Reactivity" and "ASTM C 1567 -
Standard Test Method for Determining the Potential Alkalai-Silica Reactivity of
Combinations of Cementitious Materials". Replaced "APHA-4500-5" 1985 Edition with
"APHA-4005-S[2]" 2012 Edition. Added 19 Referenced Standards from the American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (2), ACI (1) ANSI (1) , ASTM
(13) and PTI (2).
Table NCA-7100-3 Revision Added ASTM D 6184 - Deleted "FTMS 791C" reference and added the more current
"ASTM D 6184 1998 (2005)".
Table NCA-7100-3 Revision Added Division 2 References and Approved Edition Years - Editorial revisions for Section
III, III Division 2 references listed in Table NCA 7100-3.
Table NCA-7100-3 Revision Added ASTM Standards on Sulfate Concentrations. - Updated Table NCA 7100-3 to
include additional guidance for testing of sulfates now available in ACI 318-11 "Building
Code Requirements for Structural Concrete".
Table NCA 7100-3 Errata Errata for BPV III NCA Table NCA 7100-3 - Corrections to Table NCA-7100-3, added
missing approved AWS and ASTM standards
Tables NCA-7100-2 and Revision Accepted ASNT SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition - Incorporated acceptance of ASNT
NCA-7100-3 SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition.
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Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Organization Revision Revised "Organization of Section III" - Added paragraph 9(d)(3) to "Organization of
Section III" to provide guidance on the use of nonmandatory appendices.
NB-2126.1(e) Revision Revised Fin Tube Visual Examination Requirements - As the result of an Intent
Interpretation, NB-2126.1(e) was revised to define that visual examination personnel shall
be trained and qualified in accordance with the Material Organization’s Quality System
Program or the Certificate Holder’s Quality Assurance Program. The visual examinations
are not required to be performed either in accordance with procedures qualified to NB-5100
or by personnel qualified in accordance with NB-5500.
NB-2420, NB-2561(b)(2) Revision Revised Referenced Paragraphs - (1) In NB-2420 previous reference to "QW-192" was
revised to "QG-109"; (2) In NB-2561(b)(2), previous references to "NB-2561" and
"NB-2565", were changed to "NB-2565" and "NB-2566", respectively.
Figure NB-3643.3(a)-3 Errata Errata - Corrected Spelling - The previous word "inforcement" in the legend was corrected
to "reinforcement"
NB-3112.2(b) Revision Editorial Revisions - Changed previous references from "centigrade" and "Subsection" to
"Celsius" and "Article", respectively.
NB-3200 Revision Clarified Stress Intensities and Local Thin Areas - NB-3200 was revised to clarify the
definitions of Local Primary Membrane Stress and Local Thin Areas. Text was added to
NB-3213.10 giving examples of local primary membrane stress and new subparagraph
NB-3227.8 was added to provide requirements for local thin areas. Figures NB-3210.10-1
and NB-3227.8-1 were added to reflect the changed text.
NB-3215, NB-3221, Revision Incorporated "Hopper Diagram" Notes into Subparagraphs - (1) The technical content of
NB-3222, Figs. "Note (1)" of Figures NB-3221-1 and NB-3222-1 was rephrased and moved to
NB-3221-1 and subparagraphs NB-3221.1 and NB-3221.3; (2) The technical content of part of "Note (7)" of
NB-3222-1 Figure NB-3222-1 was rephrased and moved to subparagraphs NB-3215(b) and
NB-3222.4(e)(2); (3) "Endnote 10" was deleted as redundant.
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NB-3222.2 Revision Revised "Primary Plus Secondary Stress Intensity (Range)" - (1) The word "Range" was
added to the title of NB-3222.2; (2) The wording perviously found in Endnote 11 was
included in the text of the revised subparagraph and Endnote 11 was deleted; (3) A second
paragraph was added to incorporate the wording found in Figure NB-3222-1, Note (4)
[Note (4) remains unchanged in that Figure.]; and (4) The text of NB-3222.2 was reworded
for clarity.
NB-3223(b)(2), Revision Updated Design by Analysis Rules for Reversing Dynamic Loads - Revised Figure
NB-3224.7(b), NB-3222-1, NB-3223(b)(2), NB-3224.7(b) and NB-3225(b) to provide detailed design by
NB-3225(b) and Fig. analysis rules for reversing dynamic loads.This revision incorporates changes reflecting
NB-3222-1, EPRI testing and subsequent Section III Standards Committee work more than 20 years on
updating the Piping Seismic Design Criteria.
NB-3224.3 Revision Revised NB-3224.3 and Fig NB-3224-1 - NB-3224.3 was revised to reference only the
first 3 subparagraphs of NB-3228 related to methods for determining collapse load. As a
result, Figure NB-3224-1 was revised to be consistent with NB-3224.3 as follows: (1)
"Note(5)" was revised to include NB-3228.1, .2 or .3; and (2) In the body of the Figure
where "Note(5)" is referenced, the previous word "Limit" was replaced by the word
"Plastic" in two places.
NB-3226 Revision Revised NB-3226 - The previous word "vessel" was replaced with "component" in
subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c). This revision is to be consistent with NB-6221 and
NB-6222, which reference NB-3226 for components. This revision was the result of an
Intent Interpretation to allow the tolerance of 6% for pressure testing without recalculation
of resulting stresses for all Class 1 components. This action provides rules whereby the
testing organization can apply a tolerance above the 1.25 Design Pressure required test
pressure and ensure stresses are kept within Code requirements.
NB-3230 Revision Revised Bolting S_m Values - NB-3230 was revised in various places to reflect the
revisions to the Section II Appendix 2 "Basis for Establishing Design Stress Intensity
Values for Bolting". Design stresses (such as pressure stresses) will continue to use S_m
based allowables but services stresses (which include actual bolt loads) will utilize S_y
based allowables.
NB-3361 Revision Revised Paragraph Title - The previous word "or" in the title was changed to "and" to be
consistent with the contents of the paragraph and its referenced Figure.
NB-3600 Revision Editorial Corrections - Numerous editorial and stylistic revisions were made to correct
errors caused in text conversion processes. (1) In the equations of NB-3641.1, "P_y" was
corrected to "P x y"; (2) In NB-3653.2, in the text below the value of the temperature
distribution range "T(y)", the previous reference to "NB-3653.1(1)(11)" was changed to
"NB-3653.2(a)(11)". No other technical content was affected.
NB-3642.1 Revision Revised NB-3642.1(c) - NB-3642.1(c) was revised to refer to new Nonmandatory
Appendix GG - "Minimum Thickness for Pipe Bends". As a result, Table NB-3642.1(b)-1
and Endnote 28 were deleted.
NB-3652, NB-3652.4(a), Revision Clarified S_M and S_y Temperatures - (1) NB-3652 was revised to state that S_m is taken
NB-3655.2(a), at Design Temperature; (2) NB-3652.4(a), NB-3655.2(a), NB-3656(a)(2), NB-3656(b)(2),
NB-3656(a)(2), NB-3565(b)(3) and NB-3656(b)(4) were revised to state that S_m and S_y are taken at a
NB-3656(b)(2), temperature consistent with the load being considered. These changes were the result of an
NB-3565(b)(3) and Intent Interpretation.
NB-3653.6 Revision Revised Equation 13 - The moment "M_i" to be used in equation 13 has been revised to
the moment from equation 10 for the load set pair that exceeded equation 10, with the range
of thermal bending moment removed. This is consistent with NB-3228.5(a).
NB-3656(b)(3) Revision Clarified Definition of "M_E" - The definition of "M_E" was revised to include moment
"due to weight and the inertial loading resulting from reversing dynamic loads".
NB-3683.8 Revision Stress Indices for Branch Connections for r/R < or = 0.5 - Revisions were made to stress
indices C_2r, K_2r and stress intensification factor (SIF), i_r, for branch connections with
r/R < or = 0.5. The technical basis for these changes is found in Welding Research Council's
Bulletin WRC-436
Table NB-3217-1 Revision Revised Table NB-3217-1 - Table NB-3217-1 was revised to include secondary stresses
[Pressure Thermal Gradient Membrane and Bending stresses] for cladding.
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Table NB-3681(a)-1 Revision Revised Straight Pipe Stress Indicies - Table NB-3681(a)-1 was revised to replace the
previous value of "C_3" (1.0) with 0.6 and to insert a value for "C'_3" of 0.5, both for
"straight pipe, remote from welds or other discontinuities".
Figure NB-4244(a)-1(d) Errata Section III, Div 1, Subsection NB, Figure NB-4244(a)-1(d) - Revise Figure
NB-4244(a)-1(d) updated to include corrections for drawings
NB-4223.1 Revision Revised NB-4223.1 - The previous subparagraph "(a)" designation, and the text of
subparagraph (b) were deleted.
NB-4324 Revision Deleted Section IX Reference Paragraphs - "QW-200 and QW-301.2" at the end of the
sentence were deleted.
NB-4334.2(c) Revision Corrected Reference to NB-4335.2(b)(1) - Previous reference to NB-4335.2(b)(1) did not
exist and was corrected to NB-4335.2(b).
NB-5282(a) Revision Revised Section XI Reference - Previous references to "Table IWB-2500-1" was changed
to "IWB-2500".
NB-5500 Revision Accepted ASNT SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition - Incorporated acceptance of ASNT
SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition. The requirement for the Jaeger 1 near-vision acuity examination
is clarified.
NB-7111(b), NB-7738, Revision Changed References to PTC-25 - Removed Edition Year of PTC-25 in the referencing
NB-7746 paragraphs above.
NB-7611 Revision Corrected Reference - Reference corrected from "NB-7612" to "NB-7613".
Part: NC
Subpart/Table: Foreword
Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Organization Revision Revised "Organization of Section III" - Added paragraph 9(d)(3) to "Organization of
Section III" to provide guidance on the use of nonmandatory appendices.
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NC-5500 Revision Accepted ASNT SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition - Incorporated acceptance of ASNT
SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition. The requirement for the Jaeger 1 near-vision acuity examination
is clarified.
NC-2126.1(e) Revision Revised Fin Tube Visual Examination Requirements - As the result of an Intent
Interpretation, NC-2126.1(e) was revised to define that visual examination personnel shall
be trained and qualified in accordance with the Material Organization’s Quality System
Program or the Certificate Holder’s Quality Assurance Program. The visual examinations
are not required to be performed either in accordance with procedures qualified to NC-5100
or by personnel qualified in accordance with NC-5500.
Figure NC-3352-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Figure NC-3355(b)-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Figure NC-3358.1(a)-1 Revision Revised Notes - "General Notes" were moved from the body of the Figure and placed after
the Figure as "Notes". After sketches (a) and (b), "[Notes (1), (2), and (3)]" was added; after
sketches (c) and (d), "[Notes (1), (3), (4), and (5)]" was added. These revisions were to
conform with ASME's editorial style guide.
Figure NC-3673.2(b)-1 Revision Stress Indices for Branch Connections for r/R < or = 0.5 - Revisions were made to stress
index "B_2r" and stress intensification factor (SIF), "i_r", for branch connections with r/R <
or = 0.5. The technical basis for these changes is found in Welding Research Council's
Bulletin WRC-436
Figure NC-3862(a)-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Figure NC-3863-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Figure NC-3922.1-1 Errata Errata - Corrections to Figure NC-3922.1-1 - Several errors in Figure NC-3922.1-1 were
corrected. It appears that the errors were introduced when the figures were metricated. The
basis for the figure is API-620-1970.
Figure NC-3922.1-1 Errata Errata - Corrections to Figure NC-3922.1-1 - Several errors in Figure NC-3922.1-1 were
corrected. It appears that the errors were introduced when the figures were metricated. The
basis for the figure is API-620-1970.
NC-3200 Errata BPV Section III, Subsection NC (Class 2 Components), NC-3200 - Subsection NC Errata
NC-3351.4 Errata Errata - NC-3351.4 Corrected Endnote - NC-3351.4 previous reference to "Endnote 21"
for the definition of communicating chambers was corrected to "Endnote 23"..
NC-3432.1(c) Revision Changed Reference - Changed reference from previous "NC-1150" to "NC-1130".
NC-3441.9(a)(3) Errata Type K Pump Flanges Intent Interpretation & Revision - Corrrected errata
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Synopsis of the 2015 Edition of the ASME BPV Code
NC-3512.2 Revision Adopted Code Case N-757-1 Design Rules - Added standard design rules to NC-3512.2
for socket welded end and nonwelded end instrument, control, and sampling line valves,
NPS 1 (DN 25) and smaller. Such valves are not typically designed with body
subcomponents that meet the minimum wall thickness requirements of ASME B16.34.
Provisions from Code Case N-757-1 were incorporated to provide a means to design these
valves with body wall thicknesses less than the minimum requirements of a Standard Class
category butt welding end valve of ASME B16.34.
NC-3600 Revision Editorial Corrections - Numerous editorial and stylistic revisions were made to correct
errors caused in text conversion processes. Technical content is not affected.
NC-3642.1 Revision Revised NC-3642.1 - NC-3642.1(c) was revised to refer to new Nonmandatory Appendix
GG - "Minimum Thickness for Pipe Bends". As a result, Table NC-3642.1(c)-1 and
Endnote 28 were deleted.
NC-3647.2 Errata Errata to BPVC, Section III, Division 1, NC-3647.2 - Errata to BPVC, Section III,
Division 1, NC-3647.2
NC-3654.2(a) and Revision Deleted References to Eqn. NC-3653.1(b)(9b) - Equation NC-3653.1(b)(9b) was intended
NC-3655(a)(2) for use only with certain Level B Service Limits. Its use is not appropriate for Level C/D
evaluations, therefore its references have been deleted.
NC-3654.2(a), Revision Clarified "S_h" and "S_y" Temperatures - (1)NC-3654.2(a), NC-3655(a)(2),
NC-3655(a)(2), NC-3655(b)(2) and NC-3655(b)(4) were revised to state that "S_h" and "S_y" are taken at a
NC-3655(b)(2) and temperature consistent with the load being considered. These changes were the result of an
NC-3655(b)(4) Intent Interpretation.
NC-3655(b)(3) Revision Clarified Definition of "M_E" - The definition of "M_E" was revised to include moment
"due to weight and the inertial loading resulting from reversing dynamic loads",
NC-3900 Revision Corrected Metrication Errors - Approximately 50 errors in metric (SI) equations, values
or units were corrected.
NC-3911.1 Errata Errata - NC-3911.1 Corrected Endnote - NC-3911.1 previous reference to "Endnote 24"
for clarification of the term "above ground" was corrected to "Endnote 25".
Figure NC-4243.1-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Figure NC-4244(e)-2 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Figure NC-4266(a)-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Figure NC-4266(b)-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Figure NC-4267-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
NC-4223.1 Revision Revised NC-4223.1 - The previous subparagraph "(a)" designation and the text of
subparagraph (b) were deleted.
NC-6922 Errata Errata in BPVC Section III, Division 1, NC-6922 - Correct Errata in BPVC Section III,
Division 1, NC-6922
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Synopsis of the 2015 Edition of the ASME BPV Code
NC-7111(b), NC-7738, Revision Removed References to PTC-25 - Removed Edition Year of PTC-25 in the referencing
NC-7746, NC-7755, paragraphs above.
Part: ND
Subpart/Table: Foreword
Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Organization Revision Revised "Organization of Section III" - Added paragraph 9(d)(3) to "Organization of
Section III" to provide guidance on the use of nonmandatory appendices.
ND-2126(e) Revision Revised Fin Tube Visual Examination Requirements - As the result of an Intent
Interpretation, ND-2126.1(e) was revised to define that visual examination personnel shall
be trained and qualified in accordance with the Material Organization’s Quality System
Program or the Certificate Holder’s Quality Assurance Program. The visual examinations
are not required to be performed either in accordance with procedures qualified to ND-5100
or by personnel qualified in accordance with ND-5500.
ND-2360 Revision Corrected Reference - Corrected previous reference from "NCA-3853.3(c)" to
Figure ND-3325-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Figure ND-3673.2(b)-1 Revision Stress Indices for Branch Connections for r/R < or = 0.5 - Revisions were made to stress
index "B_2r" and stress intensification factor (SIF), "i_r", for branch connections with r/R <
or = 0.5. The technical basis for these changes is found in Welding Research Council's
Bulletin WRC-436
Figure ND-3673.2(b)-2 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Figure ND-3863-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Figure ND-3922.1-1 Errata Errata - Corrections to Figure ND-3922.1-1 - Several errors in Figure ND-3922.1-1 were
corrected. It appears that the errors were introduced when the figures were metricated. The
basis for the figure is AP-620-1970.
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Figure ND-3947-1 Addition Added Figure ND-3947-1 - Added Figure ND-3947-1 since it had been referenced in
ND-3947, but did not previously exist. The new Figure is taken from the corresponding one
in Subsection NC.
ND-3329.3(d)(5) Revision Corrected Reference - Revised ND-3329.3(b)(5) to correct the previous "ND-3356(c)" to
ND-3436(a) and Fig. Revision Deleted Fig. ND-3426(c)-1 - Reference to Figure ND-3436(c)-1 was added to
ND-3436(c)-1 subparagraph ND-3436(a) in 2011 addenda. This was an error, as there is no definition of
the "K" term in the Figure provided. ND-1130 gives jurisdictional boundary limits which
are broadly the same as those defined in ND-3436(c). Figure ND-3436(c)-1 was considered
redundant and was deleted. Paragraph ND-3436 has been restructured to exclude specific
boundary limits and now references ND-1130 via ND-3135.
ND-3512.2 Revision Revised ND-3512.2 - Added standard design rules to ND-3512.2 for socket welded end
and nonwelded end instrument, control, and sampling line valves, NPS 1 (DN 25) and
smaller. Such valves are not typically designed with body subcomponents that meet the
minimum wall thickness requirements of ASME B16.34. Provisions from Code Case
N-757-1 were incorporated to provide a means to design these valves with body wall
thicknesses less than the minimum requirements of a Standard Class category butt welding
end valve of ASME B16.34.
ND-3600 Revision Editorial Corrections - Numerous editorial and stylistic revisions were made to correct
errors caused in text conversion processes. Technical content is not affected.
ND-3642.1 Revision Revised ND-3642.1 - ND-3642.1(c) was revised to refer to new Nonmandatory Appendix
GG - "Minimum Thickness for Pipe Bends". As a result, Table ND-3642.1(c)-1 and
Endnote 28 were deleted.
ND-3654.2(a) and Revision Deleted References to Eqn. ND-3653.1(b)(9b) - Equation ND-3653.1(b)(9b) was intended
ND-3655(a)(2) for use only with certain Level B Service Limits. Its use is not appropriate for Level C/D
evaluations, so its references have been deleted.
ND-3654.2(a), Revision Clarified "S_h" and "S_y" Temperatures - ND-3654.2(a), ND-3655(a)(2), ND-3655(b)(2),
ND-3655(a)(2), and ND-3655(b)(4) were revised to state that S_h and S_y are taken at a temperature
ND-3655(b)(2), and consistent with the load being considered. These changes were the result of an Intent
ND-3655(b)(4) Interpretation.
ND-3655(b)(3) Revision Clarified Definition of "M_E" - The definition of "M_E" was revised to include moment
"due to weight and the inertial loading resulting from reversing dynamic loads",
ND-3900 Errata Corrected Metrication Errors - Approximately 50 errors in metric (SI) equations, values
or units were corrected.
Figure ND-4243-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Figure ND-4244(b)-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Figure ND-4245-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
ND-4223.1 Revision Revised ND-4223.1 - The previous subparagraph "(a)" designation, and the text of
subparagraph (b) were deleted.
ND-5500 Revision Accepted ASNT SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition - Incorporated acceptance of ASNT
SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition. The requirement for the Jaeger 1 near-vision acuity examination
is clarified.
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Synopsis of the 2015 Edition of the ASME BPV Code
ND-7111(b), ND-7738, Revision Removed References to PTC-25 - Removed Edition Year of PTC-25 in the referencing
ND-7746, ND-7755, paragraphs above.
Part: NE
Subpart/Table: Foreword
Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Organization Revision Revised "Organization of Section III" - Added paragraph 9(d)(3) to "Organization of
Section III" to provide guidance on the use of nonmandatory appendices.
NE-2110(b) Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-2110(b). They were incorrectly referenced
in the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number 11-487. ASME has
issued an Errata for these changes.
NE-2120 Title, and (a) Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-2120. They were incorrectly referenced in
through (c) the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number 11-487. ASME has issued
an Errata for these changes.
NE-2130 Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-2130. They were incorrectly referenced in
the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number 11-487. ASME has issued
an Errata for these changes.
NE-2150 Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-2150. They were incorrectly referenced in
the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number 11-487. ASME has issued
an Errata for these changes.
NE-2190(a) Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-2190(a). They were incorrectly referenced
in the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number 11-487. ASME has
issued an Errata for these changes.
NE-2311(a) and Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-2311(a) and (a)(1)(-d). They were
(a)(1)(-d) incorrectly referenced in the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number
11-487. ASME has issued an Errata for these changes.
NE-2331 Title,(a) and (b) Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-2331. They were incorrectly referenced in
the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number 11-487. ASME has issued
an Errata for these changes.
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NE-2332 and NE-2332.1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-2332 and NE-2333. They were incorrectly
Titles, NE-2332.2, Table referenced in the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number 11-487.
NE-2332.1-2 Title, Table ASME has issued an Errata for these changes.
NE-2500 and NE-2510 Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-2500. They were incorrectly referenced in
Titles the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number 11-487. ASME has issued
an Errata for these changes.
NE-2575.1, NE-2333, Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-2333 (Title), NE-2333.1 (Title) and
NE-2333.1 NE-2575.1 (first sentence). They were incorrectly referenced in the Subsection's "Summary
of Changes" under Record Number 11-487. ASME has issued an Errata for these changes.
NE-3100 and NE-3200 Revision Replaced Term "S_m1" with "S_m" - With the elimination of "S_m" from the definition of
"S_mc" definition, there is no longer a need for the separate "S_m1" term. Revisions were
made as follows: (1) The term "S_m1" was replaced "S_m" throughout NE-3000; (2) "S"
was changed to "S' " in NE-3133.2 and NE-3133.3 to eliminate conflict with use of "S" in
NE-3133.6; (3) Figure NE-3221-2 "Note (6)", corrected spelling of the word "rectangular";
(4) NE-3231 and NE-3232 were revised to make wording consistent; (5) Last sentence in
NE-3232.3(b)(1) was revised for clarity; (6) Revised NE-3236 wording for clarity; and, (7)
Added sentence to refer users to "S_m" values in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 4.
NE-3135(c) Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-3135(c). They were incorrectly referenced
in the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number 11-487. ASME has
issued an Errata for these changes.
NE-3221.1(b)(2) and Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-3221. They were incorrectly referenced in
(c)(2) the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number 11-487. ASME has issued
an Errata for these changes.
NE-3324.12(a)(2) Revision Corrected Reference - Previous reference to "ASME B36.10" was corrected to "ASME
NE-3325-1 and Errata Correction of Figure NE-3325-1 & clarification NE-3325.2(b) - Correction of Figure
NE-3325.2(b) NE-3325-1 and clarification of NE-3325.2(b)
NE-3352.4(d)(2)(-b) and Errata Corrected NE-3352.4(d)(2)(-b) and Fig. NE-4244(d)-1 - (1) Corrected erroneous figure
NE-4244(d)-1 reference in NE-3352.4(d)(2)(-b); (2) Corrected erroneous dimension label of "t_1" to "t_2"
in Figure NE-4244(d)-1, sketch (e).
NE-3352.4(e)(1) Revision Corrected Reference - Previous reference to "ASME B36.10" was corrected to "ASME
NE-3366.1(g) Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-3366.1(g). They were incorrectly
referenced in the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number 11-487.
ASME has issued an Errata for these changes.
NE-4122.1 Revision Corrected Reference - Corrected previous reference from "NCA-3866.6" to "NE-2150"
(Material Identification).
NE-4212 Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-4212, first sentence. They were incorrectly
referenced in the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number 11-487.
ASME has issued an Errata for these changes.
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NE-4311 Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-4311, first sentence. They were incorrectly
referenced in the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number 11-487.
ASME has issued an Errata for these changes.
NE-4429 Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-4429, Endnote. They were incorrectly
referenced in the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number 11-487.
ASME has issued an Errata for these changes.
NE-4432 Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-4432. They were incorrectly referenced in
the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number 11-487. ASME has issued
an Errata for these changes.
NE-4622.6 Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to NE-4622.6. They were incorrectly referenced in
the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number 11-487. ASME has issued
an Errata for these changes.
Table NE-4622.7(b)-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Editorial revisions to Table NE-4622.7(b)-1 Note (2). They were
incorrectly referenced in the Subsection's "Summary of Changes" under Record Number
11-487. ASME has issued an Errata for these changes.
Table NE-4622.7(b)-1 Errata Errata - Corrected Notes - (1) Previous "[Note(2)]" header in "Max. Reported Carbon, %"
column was corrected to "[Note(4)]"; (2) Previous reference to "Note (3)" in the third row
entry," P-No. 1", in the "Type of Weld" column was corrected to "Note (2)"; (3) Previous
reference to "Note (4)" in the row entry, "P-No. 1 Gr. 1 or Gr. 2", in the "Type of Weld"
column was corrected to "Note (3)"; (4) The following previous "NOTES" were corrected:
"NOTE (2)" was renumbered as "NOTE (4)", "NOTE (3)" was renumbered as "NOTE (2)"
and "NOTE (4)" was renumbered as "NOTE (3)".
NE-5500 Revision Accepted ASNT SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition - Incorporated acceptance of ASNT
SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition. The requirement for the Jaeger 1 near-vision acuity examination
is clarified.
NE-7111, NE-7727, Revision Removed References to PTC-25 - Removed Edition Year of PTC-25 in the referencing
NE-7735 paragraphs above.
Part: NF
Subpart/Table: Foreword
Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
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Organization Revision Revised "Organization of Section III" - Added paragraph 9(d)(3) to "Organization of
Section III" to provide guidance on the use of nonmandatory appendices.
NF-1132(a) and Figure Revision Revised Figure NF-1132 and Its References - NF-1132(a) and Figures NF-1132-1 and -2
NF-1132 were revised to clarify the jurisdictional boundary for the base plate. Intent Inquiry 13-832
clarified that the intent was to permit the Design Specification to designate whether a
surface mounted base plate is “building structure” or “Subsection NF”. The Figures were
further revised to have one figure per page, renumber the Figures as -1 through -4, and to
eliminate the designations of “Piping” and “Component Support” in the Figure titles.
NF-1132(d) Revision Revised NF-1132(d) - Revised first sentence of NF-1132(d) by removing the original first
clause and replacing it with: "The Design Specification shall designate whether surface
mounted base plates intended to receive loads transmitted by supports are to be within the
jurisdiction of NF or building structure" to clarify the jurisdictional boundary of a surface
mounted baseplate. Editorial changes were made to begin a new second sentence with the
word "Fully"; and "grout" was added s the second listed item in that sentence. This revision
was the result of Intent Interpretation III-1-13-39.
Table NF-2121(a)-1 Revision Revised to Eliminate Alternative Determination of "S_y" - The additional methods to
determine "S_y" when a material is not listed in Section II, Part D, Table Y-1 were
eliminated, since all material values are now available in Section II, Part D.
Figure NF-1132-1 sketch Errata EDITORIAL - Figure NF-1132-1 sketch (e) - Revise sketch (e) to reflect adding the word
(e) "Damper" to sketch.
Figure NF-3232-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
NF-3300 Revision Revised NF-3300 to Include Additional Limits - Revised NF-3300 to address the
appropriate positions presented by NRC Regulatory Guide 1.124, "Service Limits and
Loading Combinations for Class 1 Linear-Type Supports", Revision 2, issued in February
NF-3311.1 Revision Revised to Eliminate Alternative Determination of "S_y" - The additional methods to
determine "S_y" when a material is not listed in Section II, Part D, Table Y-1 were
eliminated, since all material values are now available in Section II, Part D.
NF-3321.1(a) Revision Revised NF-3321.1(a) - NF-3321.1(a) was revised to read so that the requirements for
bearing type connection stress limits for Level D are treated the same as in Appendix
F-1334.10, where the actual limits are given.
NF-3322.6(e)(2) Errata NF-3322.6(e)(2) Errata - Revise Subsubparagraph NF-3322.6(e)(2) Equation 44 to delete
the SI Unit equivalent equation.
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NF-3615(b) Revision Revised NF-3615(b) - Revised NF-3615(b) to define application of loads on pipe clamps
supporting vertical piping. Riser clamps (clamps supporting vertical piping), if used with
rigid connections, can have the full pipe load transferred to one arm of the clamp when the
pipe moves, which is the reason for the statement in NF-3615(b). However, when the riser
clamp is used with spring supports, one arm never unloads and the load is taken up by both
spring supports.
Figure NF-4427-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Figure NF-4427-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
NF-5500 Revision Accepted ASNT SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition - Incorporated acceptance of ASNT
SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition. The requirement for the Jaeger 1 near-vision acuity examination
is clarified.
Mandatory Appendix Addition Added New Mandatory Appendix NF-I - Mandatory Appendix NF-I - "Additional
NF-I Material for Supports" was added. It incorporates Code Cases N-71 and N-249, including
welding requirements associated with S-Number materials. It also includes some updates to
the Code Case requirements and S/P-Numbers and the addition of metric (SI) tables.
Part: NG
Subpart/Table: Foreword
Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Organization Revision Revised "Organization of Section III" - Added paragraph 9(d)(3) to "Organization of
Section III" to provide guidance on the use of nonmandatory appendices.
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NG-3112.2(a) Revision Editorial Revision - Changed previous reference from "Subsection" to "Article".
NG-3222 Revision Corrected Reference - Corrected previous reference from "NCA-2142.2(a)" to
NG-5130 and Table Errata Errata: NG-5130 and Table NG-5111-1 - Errata Correction to NG-5130 and Table
NG-5111-1 NG-5111-1
NG-5500 Revision Accepted ASNT SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition - Incorporated acceptance of ASNT
SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition. The requirement for the Jaeger 1 near-vision acuity examination
is clarified.
Part: NH
Subpart/Table: Foreword
Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
List of Sections & Revision Notification Regarding Subsection NH - The 2015 Edition of Section III is the last edition
Special Notice in which Section III, Division 1, Subsection NH, Class 1 Components in Elevated
Temperature Service, will be published. The requirements located within Subsection NH
have been moved to Section III, Division 5, Subsection HB, Subpart B for the elevated
temperature construction of Class A components.
Beginning with the 2017 Edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Subsection
NH will no longer be published in Section III, Division 1. The 2015 Edition is being
published to include a change from the 2013 Edition that was approved by Section III
Standards Committee and some minor editorial revisions. Users are urged to consult
Division 5 for the latest requirements after July 1, 2015.
Organization Revision Revised "Organization of Section III" - Added paragraph 9(d)(3) to "Organization of
Section III" to provide guidance on the use of nonmandatory appendices.
Figure NH-3352-1 Revision Editorial Revision - The previous parenthetical note above "Category B Angle Joint" is
now referred to as "NOTE(1)" and the text was moved to the bottom of the Figure.
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NH-3112.2 (a) Revision Editorial Revision - Changed previous NH-3112.2(a) reference from "centigrade" to
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CC-2000 Revision Revised CC-2000 - Paragraphs CC-2243, CC-2430, CC-2440 and CC-2450 were
extensively revised . Scope of testing for grout mixtures was expanded. Requirements for
anchorage components, couplings, ducts and other components were also expanded.
Specific reference to the requirements presently found in specifications issued by the
Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI) were incorporated. Paragraphs and Tables were renumbered
to reflect text updates.
CC-2131.3.2-h Errata Code Errata CC-2131.3.2-h - Code Errata to fix transposition of numbers in an ASTM
designation in CC-2131.3.2-h
CC-2131.4 Revision Revised Personnel Qualification - Revised CC-2131.4 to indicate that personnel are
qualified using appropriate industry or laboratory standards. The previous "may" was
replaced by "shall" and an example of a standard that can be used, "...such as ACI
Laboratory Technician Certification Programs, Technician Levels 1 and 2" was added.
CC-2221, CC-2222, Revision Revisions to Improve Concrete Durability - Revisions were made to improve durability of
CC-2231 concrete and reduce long-term degradation due to alkali-silica reactivity and sulfate attack.
Revisions are as follows: (1) CC-2221.1: Removed references to "Type IP, Type IP (MS),
Type IP (HS), Type IP (MH), or Type IS (<70)(HS)" and replaced with "Type IS (>= 70)
blended cement shall not be used."; (2) CC-2221.3 Revised previous title and beginning of
sentence to now read "CC-2221.3 Class F - Fly Ash. Class F fly ash shall conform to the
requirements of..."; (3) CC-2221.4 Replaced "Ground-Granulated, Blast-Furnace Slag" with
"Slag Cement" and "ASTM C 989" with "ASTM C 989/C 989M"; (4) CC-2222.1(d)
Inserted new second and third sentences; (5) Deleted previous CC-2222.1(e) and inserted
new Table CC-2222.1-1. Remaining subsubparagraphs were renumbered; (6) CC-2231.2
Replaced last sentence with new reference to ASTM C 1218/C 1218M; (7) CC-2231.3
Retitled to "Resisting Alkali-Silica Attack" added limit of total alkalies to 0,6% and
reference to new Table CC-2231.3-1; (7) CC-2231.3.1 "Testing for Reactivity" added as
new subparagraph; (8) New Table CC-2231.3-1 inserted; (8) CC-2231.7.2 revised and
added reference to Table CC-2231.7.5-1; (9) Table CC-2231.7.2-1 several changes: (a)
Replaced "N/A" with "Table CC-2231.7.5-1" in "Air Contact" column; (b) Replaced all
previous values of "2.500" with "3.000" in 5 places; (c) Replaced all previous values of
"0.50" with "0.45" in 2 places; and (10) Table CC-2231.7-5.1 deleted all previous values for
"Exposure Class F1" and the title "Exposure Classes F2 and F3" so that only one column
remains without reference to exposure classes.
These multiple revisions incorporate new requirements for use of low-alkali cements,
air-entrainment in all concrete, minimum amounts of supplementary cementitious materials,
specified limits for known reactive materials within aggregates and a maximum 0.45 w/cm
ratio for all concrete.
CC-2231.3(a) Revision Revised CC-2231.3(a) - CC-2231.3(a) was revised to state "...0.6 percent (equivalent
sodium oxide)" "Total alkalies" not "water soluble alkali" are intended, as stated at the
beginning of the sentence. The words "(equivalent sodium oxide)" have been added.
CC-2310 Revision Added Mechanically Headed Deformed Bars - Revised paragraph CC-2310 and added
Figure CC-2310-1 to address mechanically headed deformed bars. The associate Code
revisions cover deformed steel reinforcing bars conforming to ASTM A706 and A615
Grade 60, in cut lengths, with a head manufactured from steel complying with Section
CC-2310 attached to one or both ends through mechanical means, for concrete
CC-2333.1, Revision CC-2333.1, D2-VIII-1430, and D2-VIII-1430-1 Revisions - This record has been
D2-VIII-1430, and developed to investigate increasing the carbon equivalent (C.E.) limit for reinforcing steel.
D2-VIII-1430-1 There is sufficient industry experience showing that C.E. in excess of 0.55% can be safely
welded, so there should be sufficient basis to revise the limit on maximum C.E.
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CC-2611, CC-2612 and Revision Editorial Revisions - (1) In CC-2611(a)(2), replaced "FGW" with "OFW" and "QW-492"
CC-2613 with "QG-109"; (2) In CC-2611(b)(6), replaced "FGW" with "OFW"; (3) In
CC-2612.1.1(b), deleted "QW-201.1" and the final sentence of the previous text version;
and (4) In CC-2613.1(d), replaced "QW-214.3" with "QW-462".
Figure CC-2521.1-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Figure CC-2521.1-1M Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Table CC-2231.7.1-1 Revision Revised Table - Updated Table CC-2231.7.1-1 to include additional guidance for testing of
sulfates that is now available in ACI 318-11 "Building Code Requirements for Structual
Table CC-2442-1 Revision Revised Table CC-2442-1 - Deleted "FTMS 791C" reference and added the more current
"ASTM D 6184 1998 (2005)".
Subpart/Table: CC-3000
CC-3422.1, CC-3424.5 Errata CC-3422.1, CC-3424.5 Appendix VIII, Subarticle VIII-1412 - To provide consistency
with ASTM 615, ASTM 706 and ACI 318M-08, 420 MPa will be used as the metric
equivalent to 60 ksi and 60,000 psi.
CC-3521.1.1 Revision Revised CC-3521.1.1 - CC-3521.1.1 was updated to incorporate the requirements
contained in the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reg. Guide 136 Rev. 3 and also to
align the requirements with ACI 349 and ACI 318 Codes. The change involves introduction
of new limits for tangential shear covered by orthogonal reinforcement.
CC-3532.1.2, CC-3532.4 Revision Added Mechanically Headed Deformed Bars - (1) Added clarifying references to
and CC-3533 CC-3532.1.2; (2) Added CC-3532.4 "Development of Mechanically Headed Deformed Bars
in Tension"; (3) Added subparagraph CC-3533.1(a)(4) to address mechanically headed
deformed bar, and renumbered previous subparagraph (a)(4) as (a)(5).
Subpart/Table: CC-4000
CC-4000 Revision Revised CC-4000 - Paragraphs CC-4280, CC-4464 and CC-4470 were extensively
revised . Requirements for anchorage components, couplings, ducts and other components
were expanded. System testing was also expanded. New requirements have been added for
grouting procedures, personnel qualifications and grouting records. Requirements for
examination have been modified. Specific reference to the requirements presently found in
specifications issued by the Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI) were incorporated. Paragraphs
were renumbered to reflect text updates.
CC-4330, CC-4331.3 and Revision Added Mechanically Headed Deformed Bars - (1) Added new subparagraph CC-4331.3
Table CC-4333-1 "Permitted Types of Mechanically Headed Deformed Bars Systems"; (2) Revised paragraph
titles and text throughout CC-4330; and (3) – Added verbiage to Table CC-4333-1 title and
column headers to address mechanically headed deformed bar.
CC-4333.4 Revision Added Column Reference(Not in Summary of Change) - Revised CC-4333.4 to
specifically refer to the column in Table CC-4333-1 headed "Minimum Single Mechanical
Splice or Welded Joint Tensile Strength" for Initial Splicer Qualification Tests
CC-4632.4 Revision Editorial Revision - In CC-4632.4 replaced "QW-300.2" with "QG-106.2".
Figure CC-4543.6-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
Figure CC-4543.6-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Revisions made by Editor to edit notes in Figures
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Subpart/Table: CC-5000
CC-5000 Revision Revised CC-5000 - Paragraphs CC-5240 and CC-5426 were revised to modify testing and
evaluation requirements for grouted tendon systems. Paragraphs were renumbered to reflect
text updates.
CC-5120 Revision Accepted ASNT SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition - Incorporated acceptance of ASNT
SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition. The requirement for the Jaeger 1 near-vision acuity examination
is clarified.
CC-5320 Revision Added Mechanically Headed Deformed Bars - Revised paragraph titles and text
throughout CC-5320 to reference mechanically headed deformed bars.
CC-5536 Revision Editorial Changes - Leak Testing requirements were listed in a bullet-type format for ease
of readability. There were no technical changes.
Table CC-5200-1 Revision Revised Table CC-5200-1 - The following revisions were made to Table CC-5200-1: (1)
The ASTM test method for measuring temperature (previously omitted) has been identified
(ASTM C 1064); (2) Testing frequencies for density (unit weight) of concrete have been
clarified; (3) Note (3), which defines what constitutes acceptable field experience for
reducing testing frequencies has been rewritten to correspond with established ACI 318
criteria of a satisfactory strength test record; and (4) Frequency of performing aggregate
moisture content tests (during concrete production) have been clarified.
Table CC-5200-1 Revision Revised Frequency in Table CC-5200-1 - Revised Table CC-5200-1 to delete "2" under the
"Frequency" column for concrete tests, in two places where the instruction reads " One set
of 2 cylinders…". The previous wording was incompatible with the need to cast 3 cylinders
(for each strength test) when 4 in. x 8 in. (100 mm x 200 mm) cylinders are used per
Mandatory Appendix Revision Deleted Definition of "Fabricator" - Moved the term "Fabricator" from ASME Section III,
D2-II-1000 Division 2 Mandatory Appendix D2-II-1000 "Glossary of Terms and Nomenclature" to
NCA-9200 "Definitions".
Mandatory Appendix Revision Editorial Revision - The Title of Article D2-II-1000 was changed to "Terms and
D2-II-1000 Definitions".
Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Organization Revision Revised "Organization of Section III" - Added paragraph 9(d)(3) to "Organization of
Section III" to provide guidance on the use of nonmandatory appendices.
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WA-3320(g)(2) Revision Deleted Reference - Deleted previous reference to "WA-3354" and renumbered remaining
Subpart/Table: WA-5000
Subpart/Table: WA-7000
Table WA-7100-2 Revision Accepted ASNT SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition - Incorporated acceptance of ASNT
SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition. The requirement for the Jaeger 1 near-vision acuity examination
is clarified.
Part: WB
Subpart/Table: WB-2000
Subpart/Table: WB-3000
WB-3200 Revision Deleted Expansion Stress, P_e, Requirements - Expansion Stress, P_e, requirements were
deleted. Associated references were deleted and stress limit definitions were updated
throughout WB-3200. The following is a list of revisions made in the text and referenced
figures: (1) Deleted previous WB-3213.18, WB-3213.19 and WB-3215(b)(4). Subsequent
WB-3215(b) subparagraphs were renumbered; (2) WB-3221.4 was revised to include
significantly more detail; (3) "Note (2)" was added to Fig. WB-3221-1; (4) "Expansion",
"P_e" and reference to "Note(1)" were deleted from the "Secondary" Stress Category in
Figure WB-3222-1. "Note (6)" was added. Under "Membrane plus Bending", "P_L" was
replaced by "(P_m or P_L)"; (5) WB-3222.4 was revised to include significantly more
detail; (6) WB-3222.6 was revised to reflect changes made to Figure WB-3222-1; (7)
WB-3222.7 was deleted; (8) WB-3224.1(c) was revised to provide more detail to address
other than solid rectangular sections; (9) Figure WB-3224.1-1 was revised. "Local
Membrane" was added as a Primary Stress category. "Peak" stress was separated from the
Secondary Stress category. "Note (4)" was added. The box below "Peak Stress" ("F") was
revised to "(P_m or P_L) + P_b + Q + F"; and (10) In WB-3245(b), the words "this
subarticle" were replaced by "WB-3220".
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WB-3221.1, WB-3222.9, Revision Numerous Editorial Revisions - Numerous editorial changes were made in WB-3000. The
WB-3232.4 and most significant include: (1) WB-3221.1 - the previous word "Loads" was replaced by
WB-3252.2 "Loadings"; (2) WB-3222.9(a), WB-3232.4(d), and WB-3252.2 - "service" was replaced by
"operation"; (3) WB-3222.9(e)(5) - In the "NOTE", the clause "for zero to 1000 cycles of a
stress difference variation" was deleted from the second sentence; (4) WB-3229.9(d)(2) - in
the clause "the S_a value corresponding to the curve may be used", the word "curve" was
replaced by "maximum number of cycles defined on the curve"; and, (5) WB-3232.4 - the
previous reference to "WB-3229.9(a)" was corrected to "WB-3222.11";
WB-3230 Revision Revised Bolting "S_m" Values - WB-3230 was revised to reflect the revisions to the
Section II Appendix 2 "Basis for Establishing Design Stress Intensity Values for Bolting".
Design stresses (such as pressure stresses) will continue to use "S_m" based allowables but
services stresses (which include actual bolt loads) will utilize "S_y" based allowables.
WB-3700 Revision Removed Weight Limit - WB-3700 was revised to remove weight limit wording
"weighing more than 1,100 lb (500 kg)" and replace it with "subject to energy-limited
dynamic effects".
WB/WC-3112.4 Errata Editorally Revise Section III, Division 3, WB/WC-3112.4. - Editorially Revise
WB/WC-3112.4 to read “SA-874 or SA/JIS G5504” in lieu of “SA-874 and SA/JIS
Subpart/Table: WB-4000
WB-4324 Revision Deleted References - Deleted previous references to "QW-201" and "QW-300.2".
WB/WC-4453.4(b)(2 Errata ASME BPV Code, Section III, Division 3, WB/WC-4453.4(b)(2) - Revise ASME Section
III, Division 3, WB-4453.4(b)(2) and WC-4453.4(b)(2) to correctly refer to Section V,
Article 4.
Subpart/Table: WB-5000
Part: WC
Subpart/Table: WC-2000
WC-2150 Revision Corrected Reference - Corrected previous reference from "NCA-3865" to "NCA-3856".
WC-2420 Revision Deleted Reference - Deleted previous reference to "QW-492".
WC-2432.1(d) Revision Revised References - Revised previous references from "QW-214.1" to "QW-214" and
"QW-214.3" to "QW-453".
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Subpart/Table: WC-3000
WB/WC-3000 Revision BPV Code, Section III, Division 3, WB-3000 and WC-3000 - Revise Division 3,
WB-3000 and WC-3000 based on the indicated errata in the proposal
WC-3200 Revision Editorial Revisions - Numerous editorial revisions were made. The most significant
include: (1) WC-3211.1(c) - Wording revised based on the strain-based acceptance criteria
of WC-3700; (2) WC-3211.3 - changed "any combination" to "combinations", deleted
"Section III, Class 1", and inserted ", including WC-3112.4," after the word "followed"; (3)
WC-3223.4(c) and WC-3224.4(c) revised previous references3 of "WC-3112.4(b)" to
"WC-3211.2(c)"; (4) WC-3259(b) - uppercase :C" corrected to lowercase "c" in the third
WC-3231(a) Revision Revised Reference - Revised previous reference of "WC-3219.2" to "WC-3219.1"".
WC-3700 Revision Added Clarification - WC-3700 was revised to add wording that strain-based acceptance
criteria apply "subject to energy-limited dynamic effects" rather than to specific weights.
Subpart/Table: WC-4000
WB/WC-4453.4(b)(2 Errata ASME BPV Code, Section III, Division 3, WB/WC-4453.4(b)(2) - Revise ASME Section
III, Division 3, WB-4453.4(b)(2) and WC-4453.4(b)(2) to correctly refer to Section V,
Article 4.
WC-4324 Revision Deleted References - Deleted previous references to "QW-201" and "QW-300.2".
Subpart/Table: WC-5000
WC-5500 Revision Accepted ASNT SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition - Incorporated acceptance of ASNT
SNT-TC-1A 2011 Edition. The requirement for the Jaeger 1 near-vision acuity examination
is clarified.
Subpart/Table: Foreword
Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Organization Revision Revised "Organization of Section III" - Added paragraph 9(d)(3) to "Organization of
Section III" to provide guidance on the use of nonmandatory appendices.
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HAA-1110 Revision Editorial Revision - Deleted "gas-cooled reactor and liquid" from HAA-1110 to refer
collectively to "high temperature reactors".
HAA-2120 Revision Editorial Revision - Deleted "gas-cooled reactor and liquid" from HAA-1110 to refer
collectively to "high temperature reactors".
Part: HB
Subpart/Table: Article HBA-1000
HBA-1110 Revision Editorial Revision - Deleted "gas-cooled reactor and liquid" from HBA-1110 to refer
collectively to "high temperature reactors".
HBB-1110 Revision Editorial Revision - Deleted "gas-cooled reactor and liquid" from HBB-1110 to refer
collectively to "high temperature reactors".
HBB-I-1000 and Revision Editorial Corrections Made for Clarity - Editorial Changes: (1) In HBB-I-1000, replaced
HBB-I-2000 "...the considerations listed below." at the end of the sentence with "Articles HBB-I-2000
through HBB-I-7000.; (2) In HBB-I-2000, last line, deleted the words "as described below".
HBB-3112.2(a) Revision Editorial Revision - Changed previous HBB-3112.2(a) reference from "centigrade" to
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Nonmandatory Appendix Addition New Nonmandatory Appendix HBB-Y - New Nonmandatory Appendix HBB-Y
HBB-Y "Guidelines for Design Data Needs for New Materials" was incorporated. Although other
Sections of the ASME Code cover elevated temperature service, Division 5, Subsection HB,
Subpart B is unique in providing explicit rules for evaluation of cyclic service and
providing allowable stress levels that are a function of the specified service life.
Subpart HBB Revision Incorporated Division 1, Subsection NH - Moved Division 1 Subsection NH to Division 5,
Subsection HB, Subpart B, including appropriate changes to Subsection NH references in
Subsection NCA and Section III Appendices, and deletion of existing Division 1,
Subsection NH. The focus of Subsection NH is elevated temperature service. It was
considered more appropriate to have the Subsection NH rules located under Division 5,
High Temperature Reactors.
Part: HC
Subpart/Table: Article HCA-1000
HCA-1110 Revision Editorial Revision - Deleted "gas-cooled reactor and liquid" from HCA-1110 to refer
collectively to "high temperature reactors".
HCB-1110 Revision Editorial Revision - Deleted "gas-cooled reactor and liquid" from HCB-1110 to refer
collectively to "high temperature reactors".
HCB-3310(c), Revision Added Term "S" - The term ",S," was inserted for clarity after the words "allowable stress
HCB-3400(d) and values" in HCB-3310(c), HCB-3400(d) and HCB-3510(c).
HCB-3634(a) Revision Revised Loading Conditions - HCB-3634(a) was revised by deleting the previous
reference to "specified Service Levels A, B, and C" and replacing it with "specified Design
and Service Loadings".
Mandatory Appendix Revision Revised Service Limits / Conditions - (1) Figure HCB-II-1000-I was completely revised to
Figure HCB-II-1000-1 incorporate Level D Service Limits; and (2) HCB-II-3000(d) was revised by deleting the
and HCB-II-3000(d) previous reference to "(or Service Condition C Temperature)." and replacing it with "or the
coincident Level C service condition temperature, as applicable.".
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Part: HF
Subpart/Table: Article HFA-1000
HFA-1110 Revision Editorial Revision - Deleted "gas cooled reactor and liquid" from HFA-1110 to refer
collectively to "high temperature reactors".
Part: HG
Subpart/Table: Article HGA-1000
HGA-1110 Revision Editorial Revision - Deleted "gas-cooled reactor and liquid" from HGA-1110 to refer
collectively to "high temperature reactors".
HGB-1110 Revision Editorial Revision - Deleted "gas-cooled reactor and liquid" from HGB-1110 to refer
collectively to "high temperature reactors".
HGB-3132 Revision Clarified Reinforcement for Openings - HGB-3132 was revised for clarity and to specify
the use of HGB-3200 methods for the evaluation of primary stress limits due to loadings
other than internal pressure difference.
Part: HH
Subpart/Table: Article HHA-1000
HHA-1110 and Revision Editorial Revisions - (1) In HHA-1110 the term "gas-cooled" was deleted; and (2) Deleted
HHA-1300 "gas-cooled reactor and liquid" from HHA-1300 to refer collectively to "high temperature
HHA-1120 Revision Editorial Revision - The following was added as the final sentence to paragraph
HHA-1120: "For reactor systems where the graphite is in contact with coolants other than
gas, the requirements for consideration of coolant interaction with graphite shall be
included in the Design Specification."
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HHA-3111(c) and Revision Editorial Corrections - (1) In HHA-3111(c), 3rd paragraph, 3rd sentence, corrected to
HHA-3142.2 read: "Interfaces between components of different classes shall be designed to ensure shall
be designed to ensure..."; and, (2) HHA-3142,2, the parenthetical expression for fluence
was corrected.
HHA-3140 Revision Editorial Revision - The following text was added as the second sentence to HHA-3140:
"The rules for oxidation in HHA-3141 and abrasion and erosion in HHA-3143 are specific
to high temperature gas-cooled reactors."
Mandatory Appendix Revision Editorial Correction - In HHA-II-3100(d), Eqn. 7 was corrected by inserting a slash "/"
HHA-II-3100 (division sign) immediately preceding the variable "m*".
Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Organization Revision Revised "Organization of Section III" - Added paragraph 9(d)(3) to "Organization of
Section III" to provide guidance on the use of nonmandatory appendices.
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Code Book: IV
Subpart/Table: Front Matter
Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Subpart/Table: Part HG
Figure HG-340.1 Revision Editorial Revision - A reference to new Note (1) was added to Figure Figure HG-340.1
that now consolidates all the notes that weren't numbered but previously available in the
2013 Edition of Section IV.
Figure HG-402.2 Errata BPV IV - Errata 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 - Several figures as well as paragraphs of
Section IV have been corrected to clarify that the appropriate designators [ such as H, HV
and HLW ] need to be stamped under the ASME Certification Mark while stamping.
HG-307.5 Revision Electric Immersion Heating Element Support Plates - This paragraph was modified to
allow electric element support plates to be supplied as a Manufacturer's standard pressure
part. This latest change provides boiler Manufacturers with a third option to choose from
in supplying these plates. The other two options are (1) designed to rules in Section IV, or
(2) be designed and constructed by "U" Certificate Holders in accordance with Appendix
HG-400.1 Revision Safety valve capacity for steam boilers - Paragraph HG-400.1(d) revised to remove the
requirement to base relief valve capacity on heating surface. Using heating surface to make
this determination is considered antiquated in the heating boiler industry. The more
appropriate way is to base the capacity on the maximum output of the boiler. This revision
is consistent with similar requirements in Section I for steam boilers. However, it should
be noted here that the appropriate way to express the capacity of a safety valve used on
steam is to base it on lbs of steam per hour (lbs/hr). Section IV has handled this as Btu/hr
for a long time. And even though using Btu/hr is not a precise way to record the relieving
capacity for steam service, it is still considered safe. Additionally, Table HG-400.1 was
deleted and it's contents relocated to Appendix A, Table A-100.
HG-400.2 Revision Safety relief valve capacity for hot water boilers - Paragraph HG-400.2(e) revised to
remove the requirement to base relief valve capacity on heating surface. Using heating
surface is considered antiquated in the heating boiler industry. The more appropriate way is
to base the capacity of hot water boilers on the maximum output in Btu/hr (kW). This
revision makes Section IV consistent with similar requirements in Section I for high
temperature water boilers.
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HG-402.2, HG-515 Revision Added reference to QAI-1 - For Manufacturers of boilers and safety valves, reference to
QAI-1 compliance was added for Certified Individuals (CI) to HG-402.2 and HG-515(n) .
With this revision, Manufacturers, whom apply the HV designator to safety valves or the H
designator to boilers, will now have their CI's qualified to the requirements of the latest
edition of QAI-1. The provision for following the latest edition of QAI-1 was added to
Mandatory Appendix 2. One significant issue with this change is documentation for CI's.
Part 8 of QAI-1 is where the CI requirements are found. And Part 8 requires compliance
with the National Board Rules for Certified Individuals (NB-383), which in turn requires
CI's to hold a National Board certificate and credential card.
HG-403 Revision Determination of heating surface - Although the concept of using heating surface to
determine relieving capacity of boilers was made nonmandatory (see Synopsis entries for
HG-400.1 and HG-400.2), retention of this paragraph was deemed necessary for inclusion
of the information on Manufacturer's Data Reports. HG-403 was reorganized to describe
better how and which surfaces are used to determine heating surface. Subparagraph (d)
dealing with extended surfaces was not needed since it is also included in the new
subparagraph (b).
HG-511 Revision Pneumatic testing of heating boilers - New paragraph HG-511 was added to permit the
pneumatic testing of boilers in lieu of hydrostatic tests. To provide for a safe test there are
some limitations placed on these tests such as, a limit on the calculated potential energy of
no more than 1,000 ft-lbs, a pressure limit of the greater of 1.1 x MAWP or 38 psi, and the
need for a pressure relief device. This new provision incorporates the requirements from
Code Cases 2604 (cast aluminum sections) and 2469-1 (heating boilers), which will be
annulled in 6 months. This new tests is allowed for heating boilers and cast aluminum
sections only.
HG-520.2 Revision Manufacturers with multiple shops - This change allows Manufacturers with multiple
plants or shops, that each have separate ASME Certificates of Authorizations, to transfer
fabricated parts between these locations without the need of Partial Data Reports. The QC
Manual must describe the controls for such transfer of parts between locations. These
provisions currently exist in Sections I and VIII Division 1. Also, an identical change was
made in Part HLW.
HG-530.1, HG-530.2 Revision Etching of Nameplate Information - Etching of the ASME Certification Mark was
permitted earlier for cast iron or cast aluminum boilers in HG-530.2. HG-530.1(b) and
HG-530.2 are now revised to allow the nameplate data, including the ASME Certification
Mark and "H" Designator, to be etched into the nameplate rather than physically stamped
for all Heating Boilers built to Section IV. Controls and provisions must be included in the
QC System. To accommodate this revision, HG-530.1 and HG-530 .2 were revised in
numerous places to reflect the change from "stamping" to "marking".
However, due to an oversight the title of HG-530 still says "Stamping" as opposed to
"Marking" in the 2015 Edition. In addition, the requirement for addressing process controls
in the Quality Control System, that was added to HG-530.1 under this action, did not
similarly get added to HG-530.2 for Cast Iron and Cast Aluminum boilers. Both of these
errors will be corrected in the 2017 Edition.
HG-531, HG-540.1, Revision Certificate of Authorization for "Parts" only - This new addition to the conformity
HG-540.4, HLW-602, assessment activities in the Code provides for a Manufacturer to obtain a Certificate of
Appendix K Authorization for the fabrication of boiler or water heater Parts without having to take any
design responsibility for the PART. This new Certificate type includes a scope limited to
manufacturing or assembling Parts. Such activities are recorded on a Partial Data report,
and the fabricated Part will have the new designator "PRT" applied beneath the ASME
Certification mark. The requirements for these Certificates have been included in new
subparagraphs HG-540.5(a) & (b). A description of Certificate scopes is found in
Nonmandatory Appendix K. And Partial Data Report forms H-4 and HLW-7 were revised
to recognize the PRT designator.
HG-570.4 Revision Multi Page Data Report Forms - Added new paragraph HG-570.4 to address requirements
for completing Data Reports with multiple pages. See Synopsis entry Mandatory Appendix
4 for the details of the requirements.
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HG-640 Revision References to nationally recognized standards - Revise Endnote 16 to include a reference
to CSD-1 and NFPA 85. These standards apply to controls and safety devices associated
with combustion systems, water level, pressure, and temperature control devices. Endnote
16 is referenced in HG-631 and HG-640.
Table HG-400.1 Revision Safety Valve Capacity Sizing - This Table was deleted in support of the revision to
HG-400.1(d). For future reference, the details of this Table can be found in Appendix
A-100 and the National Board publication, NBIC. Reference to the table is needed because
many existing boilers in operation today have their safety valve capacity based on heating
Subpart/Table: Part HF
HF-201 Revision Relaxation of water temperature limitation - For stainless steel plate the maximum water
temperature permitted is 210 deg. F. This change to HF-201(b)(1) is to restrict the
limitation to only those stainless steels where there is a concern for chloride stress
corrosion cracking. The affected materials are marked with Note 1 in Table HF-300.1 /
HF-204.4 Revision Laser Welded Fin Tubes - New paragraph HF-204.4 was added that incorporates Code
Case 2654-1, Laser Welding of Heat Transfer Fins. These rules are for supplying tubes with
extended heating surfaces (fins) that were attached by the laser welding process without
filler metal added. These finned tubes are supplied essentially as material. Any acceptable
tube material may be used with this revision, unlike the Code Case that restricted use to
SA-249 TP316L tube.
HF-207 Revision Metallurgical Phenomena with Stainless Steel - The guidelines for preventive measures to
be considered in designs using austenitic stainless steel, so as to avoid or mitigate various
metallurgical phenomena, are found in HF-207 and Section II, Part D, Appendix A. The
reference to this Appendix was corrected in HF-207 to broaden the applicability of the
Table HF-300.1 Revision Added CSA material - Added SA/CSA-G40.21 Grades 44W and 50W to the ferrous
material tables in Section IV. Grade 38W is also permitted via Note 2 of the Table. It has
been reported that Grades 44W and 50W are more readily available than Grade 38W. A
similar change was made to Part HLW.
Table HF-300.2 Revision Incorporation of allowable stresses for aluminum castings - This revision introduces
allowable stress for aluminum castings meeting SB-26, A1356 T6 temper into Tables
HF-300.2 and HF-300.2M. This material was part of Code Case 2800, which was
previously incorporated into Section IV in a previous edition. However, the allowable
stress for the material was inadvertently omitted at that time.
Table HF-300.2 Revision Revision to stress values for non-ferrous materials - This change makes corrections to the
allowable stress values for selected non-ferrous materials when used for high temperature
service. It was found that some of the allowable stress values in Table HF-300.2 / 300.2M
were only suitable for operation in the creep range, and it is the intent of the Code that
Section IV boilers are not suitable for operation in the creep regime. Also, the entire stress
line for SB-210, T6 temper for welded/brazed construction was deleted. The stresses for
"T6 wld" should be used instead.
Table HF-300.2 Revision Permission to furnace braze forged brass fittings - Forged brass fittings complying with
SB-283 UNS C37700, were prohibited from being welded or brazed. This change removes
the prohibition against brazing, by replacing Note 4 with Note 11 in the Tables. There is
also a corresponding Code Case 2791 which permitted early implementation of the change.
The Code Case will be annulled 6 months after the publication of this revision in the Code.
Table HF-300.2 Revision Added SB-543 Alloy C70600 welded tube - SB-543 Alloy C70600 copper-nickel welded
tube was added to Table HF-300.2 / HF-300.2M.
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Figure HW-740 Revision Editorial Revision - Figure HW-740 has been editorially revised by correcting a couple of
typographical errors.
HW-711, HW-712, Revision Furnace Attachments - In paragraph HW-712.1 and HW-712.2 wherever Figure HW-701.3
Figure HW-701.3 was referenced, it never specifically indicated which sketches applied. So these paragraphs
were revised to specifically indicate the appropriate sketches depending upon their
applicability to the configurations mentioned. Also, these paragraphs only referred to the
shell thickness t_s and not the furnace thickness. So changes were also made to address the
furnace thickness where it would apply. And Figure HW-701.3 was revised to include
reference to nominal furnace thickness t_f. Also, editorially revised HW-711.2 (c) to
correct the references Figure HW-701.3 sketches (e-1) and (e-2). Sketch (e) was removed.
Subpart/Table: Part HC
Article 2 Revision Tensile and transverse testing of cast iron - The paragraphs dealing with tensile tests and
transverse test for cast iron material were rearranged or renumbered within Article 2 to
provide consistency throughout the Article and to make needed corrections to some text.
The editorial Paragraph rearranging changes are:
Relocated HC-204 to HC-208
Relocated HC-205 to HC-204
Relocated HC-206 to HC-205
Relocated HC-207 to HC-206
Relocated HC-208 to HC-209
Relocated HC-209 to HC-211
Relocated HC-209(b) to HC-213(d)
Relocated HC-210 to HC-212
Relocated HC-211 to HC-207
Relocated HC-212 to HC-213
Relocated HC-213 to HC-214
Relocated HC-214 to HC-215
Renumbered Figure HC-205.1 as Figure HC-204.1
Renumbered Figure HC-206.1 as Figure HC-205.1
Renumbered Figure HC-210 as Figure HC-212
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Subpart/Table: Part HA
HA-404, HA-504 Revision Multi Page Data Report and Certificate of Conformance Forms - Added new
subparagraphs HA-404(a) and HA-504(e) to address requirements for completing Data
Reports or Certificates of Conformance with multiple pages. See Synopsis entry
Mandatory Appendix 4 for the details of the requirements.
HA-407 Revision Pneumatic testing of cast aluminum sections - New paragraph HA-407 was added to
permit the pneumatic testing of cast aluminum sections as an alternative to hydrostatic
testing. See Synopsis entry for HG-511 for details. This incorporates the requirements of
Code Cases 2604 (cast aluminum sections).
Figures HLW-415, 431.1 Revision Editorial Revision - These two figures have been editorially revised by explicitly spelling
out some of the individual sketch titles in Figure HLW- 415 and consolidating the notes in
Figure HLW- 431.1.
HLW-200 Revision Addition of polymide polymer lining for water heaters - Added new subparagraph,
HLW-200(j). This is incorporation of Code Case 2614 for use of polyamide polymer as a
lining substance for water heaters and storage tanks.
HLW-302 Revision Minimum thickness for shells - The paragraph was revised to allow cylindrical shells in
water heaters to be not less than 3/32" (2.5 mm) thick, provided no portion of the shell is
used as a heating surface. This is an incorporation of Code Case 2615.
HLW-431.6 Revision Attaching fittings with internal threads - Paragraph was revised to remove the limitation of
attaching fittings that only have internal threads. The Code now allows for attaching
fittings, by resistance welding, with either internal or external threads
HLW-504, HLW-601.4 Revision Multi Page Data Report Forms - Added new subparagraph HLW-504(a) and new
paragraph HLW-601.4 to address requirements for completing Data Reports with multiple
pages. See Synopsis entry Mandatory Appendix 4 for the details of the requirements.
HLW-601.2 Revision Manufacturers with multiple shops - Added paragraph (c), that allows Manufacturers with
multiple plants or shops, that each have separate ASME Certificates of Authorizations, to
transfer fabricated parts between these locations without the need use of Partial Data
Reports. The QC Manual must describe the controls for such transfer of parts between
locations. These provisions currently exist in Sections I and VIII Division 1. Also, an
identical change was made in Part HG.
Table HLW-300 Revision Added CSA material - Added SA/CSA-G40.21 Grades 44W and 50W to the ferrous
material tables in Section IV. Grade 38W is also permitted via Note 1 of the Table, but it
has been reported that Grades 44W and 50W are more readily available than Grade 38W. A
similar change was made to Part HF.
Subpart/Table: Appendices
A-100 Revision Section IV - New Non-mandatory Appendix A - A new non mandatory Appendix A is
added to Section IV basically comprising the contents of Table HG-400.1 that was deleted
as a part the revision made to HG-400.1(d).
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Mandatory Appendix 2 Revision Updated editions codes & standards referenced in Section IV - Paragraph 2-100 and Table
2-100 were revised to adopt the more current editions of various standards referenced
throughout Section IV. Some of the standards that were updated are B16.1, B16.5, and
B16.9 (among others). Also, new to the Table are several ASTM standards that deal with
testing methodology of metallic materials and specifications for coatings. DIN 443, Sealing
Push-in Caps was added as well.
Mandatory Appendix 4 Revision Multi Page Data Report and Certificate of Conformance Forms - This new Mandatory
Appendix 4, Guide To Manufacturer's Data Report Forms, replaces nonmandatory
Appendix L, which is deleted. This Appendix includes the listing of all Data Report Forms
in Section IV along with a line-by-line instruction for completing the Forms. Whereas the
instructions were guidelines before are now mandatory requirements.
A significant change to the Appendix is that addition of paragraph 4-200, which provides
detailed guidance about minimum information that needs to appear on the individual sheets
of multi-page Data Report forms. For Forms H-2, H-3, H-4, H-5, H-5A, H-6, HLW-6, and
HLW-7, each page shall contain as a minimum, the Manufacturers name and some form of
traceability to the first page of the Form. For example, Mfr's. Serial No., CRN, National
Board number, or ID number. These provision will allow a Manufacturer to generate Data
reports via electronic means, and print them as multiple pages rather than back-to-back.
No changes are made to Forms H-6, HC-1, HC-2, HA-1, HA-2, and HLW-8 which are
intended to be single page documents and will not have multiple pages.
Table A-100 Revision Table for estimating steaming capacity - This revision relocates Table HG-400.1, that was
used to determine the steaming capacity of boilers based on the type of fuel burned, to new
Nonmandatory Appendix A, Table A-100. This was done in conjunction with revisions to
HG-400.1 &HG-400.2. See the Synopsis entries for those paragraphs. In addition to this
relocation of the Table, some additional changes to it were made. The Table has been
reformatted to more easily accommodate US customary and metric units. Also, the Type of
Surface column was rearranged to provide fuel type and firing mode for both the boiler
heating surface and any waterwall surfaces. This new Table is up-to-date and more in line
with the same requirements in Section I, A-44.
Code Case 2791 Addition Permission to braze SB-283 forged brass - This new Code Case permits the brazing of
SB-283 forged brass fittings to SB-75 seamless copper tubing. Although both materials are
listed in Table HF-300.2/HF-300.2M for use in Section IV, the SB-283 forged brass is
prohibited from being used in welded or brazed construction.
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Code Book: V
Subpart/Table: Front Matter
Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Submittal of Technical Revision Alternative Web Address for Technical Inquires - In line 6(a), the alternative address for
Inquiries the online tool at http://go.asme.org/InterpretationRequest was added for submission of
inquiries to ASME.
Subpart/Table: Subsection A
Article 1 , Mandatory Revision Consolidated Glossary of Terms - Previous Mandatory Appendices containing Glossaries
Appendix I of Terms for Articles 2, and 5 - 14, inclusive were deleted, and terms were incorporated
alphabetically, by NDE method, into Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I. The "Scopes" of
each of the mentioned Articles (e.g. T-210, T-410, etc.) as well as T-1120, Tables of
Contents and Indexes were revised to reflect the glossary restructuring changes. As part of
the restructuring, I-130 was redesignated as I-121 (which includes I-121.1 through
Article 1 , Mandatory Revision Added Definition of "Examination" - A definition and reference for the term
Appendix I, I-121 “examination” has been added to Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I-121 as a general term.
The definition implies reference to "nondestructive examination", also defined in I-121, and
seeks to clarify its distinction with the term "inspection".
Article 1 ,T-120 and Revision Added Requirements for CR, DR, PAUT and TOFD Examiners - Section V Standards
Mandatory Appendix II Committee did not consider the 2011 Editions of ASNT SNT-TC-1A and CP-189 adequate
in covering the training, experience and examination requirements for personnel performing
computed radiography (CR), digital radiography (DR), phased array ultrasonic testing
(PAUT) and time of flight diffraction (TOFD) ultrasonic examination techniques. Since
NDE personnel can be qualified to methods other than RT and UT in the 2006 Edition of the
ASNT documents , it was decided to maintain the references to the 2006 Edition and
include the additional requirements.
T-120 was revised to define minimum requirements for qualification. A new subparagraph
T-120(g) was added and previous subparagraphs were redesignated. T-120(e)(1) and (2),
Endnote 3 were also revised. As a matter of editorial clean up, previous terms such as
"Manufacturer" and "Code User" were replaced with "organization" in this paragraph and
throughout Section V.
Article 1 Mandatory Appendix II was developed which details the new training, experience
and examination requirements for certification in the aforementioned new RT and UT
Article 10, Mandatory Revision Deleted Mandatory Appendix VIII - Terms and definitions previously located in this
Appendix VIII Appendix have been incorporated into Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I, I-121.7.
Article 11, Mandatory Revision Deleted Mandatory Appendix III - Terms and definitions previously located in this
Appendix III Appendix have been incorporated into Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I, I-121.8.
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Article 12, Mandatory Revision Deleted Mandatory Appendix III - Terms and definitions previously located in this
Appendix III Appendix have been incorporated into Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I, I-121.8.
Article 12, T-1224.1 Revision Revised T-1224.1 - In the last sentence, the previous phrase "and used for evaluation" was
replaced by "for interpretation and evaluation".
Article 13 Revision Reformatted Article 13 - Article 13, "Continuous Acoustic Emission Monitoring", and its
appendices have been reformatted to be consistent with the rest of Section V.
Article 13, Mandatory Revision Deleted Mandatory Appendix VII - Terms and definitions previously located in this
Appendix VII Appendix have been incorporated into Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I, I-121.8.
Article 13, T-1311 Revision Revised Reference Standards - T-1311 was revised to include the adoption of four ASTM
standards as SE-750, SE-1067, SE-1181 and SE-1139; as well as correcting the title of
Article 14, Mandatory Revision Deleted Mandatory Appendix I - Terms and definitions previously located in this
Appendix I Appendix have been incorporated into Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I, I-121.9.
Article 17, T-1710(c) Revision Revised T-1710(c) - A reference to definitions in Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I,
paragraph I-121.5 has been added.
Article 18 Addition Added Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry (APR) Examination - This new Article provides
requirements for examination of tubes by the Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry (APR). APR is
an examination method which can detect tube blockage, corrosion, through-wall defects and
other internal surface indications. The method works by sending a sound pulse down the
tube at the speed of sound in air and then analyzing the pattern of any reflections returning
to the receiving unit. This method is also addressed in new Code Case 2818 (Approved
December 2, 2014).
Article 19 Addition Added Guided Wave Examination (GWT) - Article 19 - "Guided Wave Examination for
Piping" - was added. GWT is a form of UT that uses much lower frequencies than
traditional UT, which enables the waveform to travel long distances. It is used for the
examination of basic metal piping configurations to find areas of changing pipe wall cross
section over a long distance from one sensor location. GWT is used to detect internal or
external service induced anomalies (typically corrosion, erosion). GWT systems consist of
a sensor that is mounted onto the pipe being examined and connected to an electronics
system that sends excitation pulses to the sensor so that guided waves are generated in the
pipe under examination. Once generated, the wave travels in the pipe wall and is scattered
by changes in the wall thickness caused by corrosion, welds, or other wall thickness
anomalies. The GWT sensor electronics allows these waves to be detected and recorded for
analysis. Most GWT systems operate in the pulse-echo mode, as well as in the pitch-catch
mode, similar to the conventional ultrasonics electronic systems. The basics of the GWT
system operations are discussed in Article 19 Nonmandatory Appendix A - "Operation of
GWT Systems".
Article 19 , Addition Added Nonmandatory Appendix A, Operation of GWT Systems - Added Nonmandatory
Nonmandatory Appendix Appendix A - "Operation of GWT Systems" to Article 19 - "Guided Wave Examination for
A Piping". This Nonmandatory Appendix provides general information regarding the
operation of guided wave examination (GWT) systems.
Article 2 , Mandatory Revision Revised Paragraphs IX-277.1(a), -277.3, -282 and -288 - Added that a 2% tolerance in
Appendix IX pixel intensity may be applied in the determination of "equal to" when judging image
brightness verified by measurement at the body of the IQI. References to IX-277.1(a),
-277.3, and -282 were added to IX-288(a).
Article 2, Mandatory Revision Added Alternative to Measuring Scale Comparator - Paragraphs VIII-287 and IX-287
Appendices VIII-287 and were revised to permit a dimensional calibration of the measuring function based upon a
IX-287 verifiable scanned pixel to be used as an alternative to a measuring scale comparator.
Paragraphs were renumbered as VIII-287.1, VIII-287.2, IX-287.1 and IX-287.2. Note:
These revisions are neither highlighted in the text as "{E15}}" nor appear in the "Summary
of Changes" (page xli). See "Record Number 14-639" under "List of Changes in Record
Number Order" (page xlv).
Article 2, Mandatory Revision Deleted Mandatory Appendix V - Terms and definitions previously located in this
Appendix V Appendix have been incorporated into Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I, I-121.1.
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Article 2, Mandatory Revision Replaced Term "Radiographs" - Editorial changes were made in the Title, throughout
Appendix VI Article 2, Mandatory Appendix VI and in paragraph VI-A-210 (Supplement A) to replace
"radiographs" and similar terminology with "radiographic film". "Radiographs" include
electronic images, therefore, the change clarifies that the Appendix applies only to the
digitization of radiographic film.
Article 2, Mandatory Revision Revised Paragraphs VIII-277.1(a), -277.3, -282 and -288 - Added in VIII-277.1(a) that a
Appendix VIII 2% tolerance in pixel intensity may be applied in the determination of "equal to" when
judging image brightness verified by measurement at the body of the IQI. References to
VIII-277.1, -277.3, and -282 were added to VIII-288(a).
Article 2, Mandatory Errata Errata - Corrected ASTM Specification Title - In VIII-210, 2nd paragraph, in the title of
Appendix VIII-210 ASTM E2007, "Computer" was corrected to "Computed" and a superfluous period was
removed from the sentence.
Article 2, T-224 Revision Revised T-224 - The first sentence of T-224 was revised to unambiguously specify that the
required identification is to appear on "each radiograph" rather than "the radiograph".
Article 2, T-231.2 Revision Revised T-231.2 Concerning SE-999 - T-231.2 was revised to more clearly reference
SE-999 as an option by changing the previous "shall be used as a guide" to "may be used as
a guide", and by the addition of the words: "except that Section 8.1 of SE-999 is not
Article 4, Figure Revision Revised General Note (b) - The previous value of "270 deg." in Figure T-434.3-1 "General
T-434.3-1 Note (b)" was revised to "75% of the circumference", since the former designation did not
express a length measurement.
Article 4, Mandatory Revision Revised Indication Limits Percentage of FSH - Previous indication limit ranges varied
Appendix II-440 from +/- 4% to +/- 16% of Full Screen Height (FSH). Current UT instruments are now
considered more accurate and reproducible, which prompted a change in the paragraph
II-440 table limits to +/- 5% FSH.
Article 4, Mandatory Revision Editorially Revised Figure - Previous "General Notes" have been restated as "Legend"
Appendix III, Figure entries and written in an equation style. For clarity within the Figure, "T_1 3/4" and "T_2
III-434.2.1(b) 3/4" have been rewritten as "T_1(3/4)" and "T_2(3/4), respectively.
Article 4, Mandatory Revision Revised IX-435.4 - An exclusion was added to Article 4, Mandatory Appendix IX,
Appendix IX-435.4 paragraph IX-435.4 to state that it does not apply to TOFD examinations for welds with the
same thickness and configuration as per Mandatory Appendix III-471.9. The exclusion was
added primarily because flaw orientation is not a major consideration when using TOFD.
Article 4, Mandatory Revision Revised Scanner Mechanism Essential Variable - Mandatory Appendix Tables VII-421
Appendix Table VII-421 and VIII-421 were revised to change "scanner [and] adhering and guiding mechanism" from
and Table VIII-421 a nonessential to an essential variable. Existing procedure qualifications will need to be
requalified, if the procedures do not already list this as an essential variable. [Note: The
word "and" only appears immediately after "scanner" in the Table VIII-421 version.]
Article 4, Mandatory Addition Added Mandatory Appendix X - UT Exam of HDPE - New Mandatory Appendix X -
Appendix X "Ultrasonic Examination of High Density Polyethylene" - describes the requirements for the
examination of butt fusion welds in High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe using encoded
pulse echo, phased array or Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) ultrasonic techniques. It is
based upon Code Cases N-755 and N-808
Article 4, Nonmandatory Addition Added Nonmandatory Appendix Q - New Nonmandatory Appendix Q - "Example of a
Appendix Q Split DAC Curve" - was added. Many ultrasonic calibrations have required, due to material
attenuation, surface finish, beam angle, and sound path distances, that a split
distance-amplitude correction (DAC) curve be utilized. Article 4 did not previously contain
the rules as to when a split DAC is required or an example on how to construct one. T-462.7
was changed to provide these rules.
Article 4, Nonmandatory Addition Added Nonmandatory Appendix R - New Nonmandatory Appendix R - "Straight Beam
Appendix R Calibration Blocks for Restricted Access Weld Examinations" - was added as an aid with
examples of straight-beam calibration blocks for alternate straight-beam examinations of
welds that cannot be fully examined from two opposite directions using the angle beam
technique (e.g., corner and tee joints) per T-472.2.
Article 4, T-434.3 Errata Errata - Added Missing Reference - T-434.3, the end of 2nd sentence was corrected by
adding the missing reference "T-434.1.7".
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Article 4, T-462.7 Addition Added "Split DAC Curves" - Many ultrasonic calibrations have required, due to material
attenuation, surface finish, beam angle, and sound path distances, that a split
distance-amplitude correction (DAC) curve be utilized. Article 4 did not previously contain
the rules as to when a split DAC is required or an example on how to construct one. This
change provides the rules, an example in new Nonmandatory Appendix Q, as well as the
definition of Split DAC curve in Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I-121.2..
Article 4, T-471.4.1 and Revision Revised T-471, Scanning Sensitivity and Recording Data - Revised paragraph to allow for
T-471.6 semi-automated or automated scanning to be performed at reference level if data recording
conditions are met. (1): T-471.4.1 revised - Added text so that when using semi-automated
or automated scanning to record data, the scanning level may be equal to the reference level;
and (2) Added new section T-471.6 that states recorded data shall not have thresholding and
shall be in an unprocessed form.
Article 5, Mandatory Revision Deleted Mandatory Appendix III - Terms and definitions previously located in this
Appendix III Appendix have been incorporated into Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I, I-121.2.
Article 6, Mandatory Revision Deleted Mandatory Appendix I - Terms and definitions previously located in this
Appendix I Appendix have been incorporated into Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I, I-121.3.
Article 6, T-621.1, Revision Revised Table References - Former "Table T-621" was redesignated as "Table T-621.1".
T-621.2 and Table Subparagraphs T-621.1 and T-621.2 were revised to indicate the new Table reference.
Article 6, T-621.3 and Addition Added T-621.3 and Table T-621.3 for Min/Max Time - (1) Paragraph T-621.3 entitled
Table T-621.3 “Minimum and Maximum Step Times” was added to require any penetrant procedure to
have time limits on various steps as provided in Table T-621.3. (2) Added new Table
Article 6, T-672 Revision Revised T-672 for Maximum Penetrant Dwell Time - T-672 was revised to provide a
maximum dwell time limit so that for any dwell time, the penetrant is not allowed to dry
during the dwell time. The following words were added: "The maximum dwell time shall
not exceed 2 hr or as qualified by demonstration for specific applications. Regardless of the
length of the dwell time, the penetrant shall not be allowed to dry. If for any reason the
penetrant does dry, the examination procedure shall be repeated, beginning with a cleaning
of the examination surface." NOTE: This change may necessitate revisions to existing PT
Article 6, T-673.2(b) Revision Revised Hydrophilic Emulsification - Revised T-673.2 (b) "Hydrophilic Emulsification" to
include options for using a pre-rinse before either immersion or emulsifier spray
emulsification and the direct use of water-emulsifier immersion and water-emulsifier spray
without a pre-rinse. Spray pressure limitations for water or water-emulsifier combinations
were provided as well as temperature limits for water baths, water spray, water-emulsifier
spray and water-emulsifier baths. Also, dwell times of various applications were limited
unless times are qualified.
Article 6, T-676.3 Revision Clarified Light Intensity Verification Requirements - The paragraph was revised to clarify
that light intensity (natural or supplemental) shall be measured using a white light meter
prior to the evaluation of indications or a verified light source shall be used. The
requirement to measure the light intensity of an unverified light source had not previously
been stated.
Article 6, T-692 Revision Removed Redundant Items from T-692 - Previous subparagraphs T-692(a), (d) and (h)
were removed as they were redundant with information contained in T-190(a). The T-692
subparagraphs were renumbered to accommodate the changes.
Article 7, Figure T-766.1 Revision Editorial Revision - The positions of the "General Notes" and "Notes" were inverted
relative to the previous version of Figure T-766.1. No technical changes were made.
Article 7, Mandatory Revision Deleted Mandatory Appendix II - Terms and definitions previously located in this
Appendix II Appendix have been incorporated into Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I, I-121.4.
Article 7, T-762 Revision Clarified Yoke Lifing Power Verification Frequency - The magnetizing power of
electromagnetic and permanent yokes shall now be verified daily before use. This is a
significant change from the previous yearly check for electromagnetic yokes. Note: This
change may necessitate revision of current MT procedures.
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Article 7, T-777.1 Revision Clarified Light Intensity Verification Requirements - The paragraph was revised to clarify
that light intensity (natural or supplemental) shall be measured using a white light meter
prior to the evaluation of indications or a verified light source shall be used. The
requirement to measure the light intensity of an unverified light source had not previously
been stated.
Article 7, T-793, Revision Removed Redundant Items from Article 7 - Previous paragraphs T-793, Mandatory
Mandatory Appendix Appendix I-791 and Mandatory Appendix III-1 were revised to remove redundant
I-791 and III-791 information contained in T-190(a). The subparagrphs were renumbered to accommodate the
Article 8, Mandatory Revision Deleted Mandatory Appendix I - Terms and definitions previously located in this
Appendix I Appendix have been incorporated into Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I, I-121.5.
Article 8, Mandatory Revision Revised "Nonmagnetic" to "Nonferromagnetic" - "Nonmagnetic" was changed to
Appendix VIII "Nonferromagnetic" in the title and paragraph VIII-810. Appendix VIII is similar to
Mandatory Appendix II which is for examining nonferromagnetic tubes in nuclear steam
Article 8, Mandatory Revision Revised Article 8, Mandatory Appendix VIII - Mandatory Appendix VIII - "Eddy Current
Appendix VIII Examination of Nonferromagnetic Heat Exchanger Tubing" - was revised to modify
calibration standard requirements, and to clarify instrument sampling rate, and acquisition
pull speeds. The previous calibration standard requirements might not have been able to be
fulfilled due to the age of heat exchangers in the field, because accurate records indicating
material grade or temper are not always available. The previously prescribed artificial flaw
requirements were thought to cause unnecessary costs to owners and vendors. Revised
paragraphs include: VIII-820, VIII-821.1, Table VIII-821, VIII-834.1, VIII-850,
VIII-862.1, VIII-862.2, VIII-864.1, VIII-864.2, VIII-864.4, Figure VIII-864.2, VIII-880.3,
VIII-890.3.1, VIII-890.3.2, and VIII-890.3.3.
Article 9, Mandatory Revision Deleted Mandatory Appendix I - Terms and definitions previously located in this
Appendix I Appendix have been incorporated into Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I, I-121.6.
Article 9, T-952 Revision Clarified Light Intensity Verification Requirements - The paragraph was revised to clarify
that light intensity (natural or supplemental) shall be measured using a white light meter
prior to the evaluation of indications or a verified light source shall be used. The
requirement to measure the light intensity of an unverified light source had not previously
been stated.
Table of Contents, Article Revision Use of "Through-Wall" and "Flat-Bottom" - In those places where "through wall" and "flat
4, Article 8, Article 17 bottom" were used in text, figures and callouts, they were replaced by the hyphenated terms
"through-wall" and "flat-bottom", repectively. See "Table of Contents"; Article 4, Table
D-490; Article 8, Figure VIII-864.2; and Article 17 Figures T-1762, T-1763.1(a) and
Various Revision Replaced the Term "Manufacturer" with "Organization" - In recognition that not all
organizations performing NDE in accordance with the requirements of Section V are ASME
Certificate Holders, manufacturers or fabricators, previous references to "Manufacturer",
"Fabricator", "Contractor", "Installer", "Code User" and "Assembler", were replaced with
the generic term "organization" where appropriate. "Endnote 4" (Article 1) was revised to
define the term "organization" as used in Section V.
Subpart/Table: Subsection B
Article 22, SE-1647 Revision Adopted ASTM E1647-09 as SE-1647 - Adopted ASTM E1647 - 09, "Standard Practice
for Determining Contrast Sensitivity in Radioscopy", as SE-1647. Previous ASTM Edition
was -03.
Article 22, SE-999 Revision Adopted ASTM E999-10 as ASME SE-999 - ASTM E 999-10 "Standard Guide for
Controlling the Quality of Industrial Radiographic Film Processing " is adopted as SE-999.
No technical requirements were affected; however T-231.2 was revised to more clearly
reference that the use of SE-999 is optional.
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Article 29, Addition Added SE-1118/SE-1118M as a Referenced Standard - ASTM E1118-89 was previously
SE-1118/SE-1118M referenced in Article 13, T-1311. ASTM E1118/E1118M-11 "Standard Practice for
Acoustic Examination of Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe (RTRP)" was adopted and
added to Article 29 as SE-1118/SE-1118M. It is referenced as SE-1118 in the current
Article 29, Addition Added SE-1139 as a Referenced Standard - Adopted ASTM E1139 "Standard Practice for
SE-1139/SE-1139M Continuous Monitoring of Acoustic Emission from Metal Pressure Boundaries" as SE-1139
and added the document to Article 29. It is referred to in T-1311(f) as SE-1139. The
document was previously referenced in Article T-1311 as ASTM E1139-92.
Article 29, Revision Adopted ASTM E1211/E1211M-12 as SE-1211/SE-1211M - Adopted ASTM
SE-1211/SE-1211M E1211/E1211M-12 "Standard Practice for Leak Detection and Location Using
Surface-Mounted Acoustic Emission Sensors" as SE-1211/SE-1211M. ASTM E1211-07
has been replaced by the 2012 Edition which is a dual SI - US Customary units
specification. It is referenced in T-1311(g) as SE-1211.
Article 29, Revision Adopted ASTM E650/E650M-12 as SE-650/SE-650M - Adopted ASTM E650/E650M-12
SE-650/SE-650M "Standard Guide for Mounting Piezoelectric Acoustic Emission Sensors" as SE-650/650M.
ASTM E650-97 (R2007) has been replaced by this combined units (US Customary and SI)
version. Minor editorial changes were made to "combined units" statements in the previous
Edition. The document is referred to SE-650 in T-1311(a).
Article 29, SE-750 Addition Added SE-750 as a Reference Standard - ASTM E750 was previously referenced in
Article 13, T-1311 as ASTM E750-88 (1993). ASTM E750-10 "Standard Practice for
Characterizing Acoustic Emission Instrumentation" was adopted and added to Article 29 as
SE-750 and is referenced as such in current T-1311(b).
Code Case 2818 Addition Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry (APR) Method - New Code Case 2818 - "Acoustic Pulse
Reflectometry (APR) Examination Method and Techniques That May Be Used for the
Examination of Heat Exchanger Tubing and Other Tubing and Piping" - was approved on
December 2, 2014 and addresses use of the APR method for the additional examination of
heat exchanger tubing and other tubing and piping to identify any blockage and internal
circumferential discontinuities that would not be found using circumferential eddy current
coils. APR is used for the detection of discontinuities open to or on the internal surfaces of
tubes and piping. Typical types of discontinuities that can be detected by this method are
cracks, corrosion pits, through-wall holes, wall loss and blockages. In principle, APR
involves sending a short duration pulse of an acoustic wave through the tube or pipe and
then analyzing any returned reflected signals from discontinuities or blockages of the tube
or pipe against the signal baseline from a discontinuity free tube or pipe. The initial phase
(positive or negative) of the returned reflection of the acoustic wave and its shape are
characteristic of the type and size of discontinuity that is detected and can be used to
estimate its size. Section V has added Article 18 - "Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry (APR)
Examination" - to the 2015 Edition.
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Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Subpart/Table: Introduction
Table U-3 Revision Updates to Reference Standards - The acceptable year/edition of a number of reference
standards were updated in Table U-3, including:
(1) ASME B16.5, changed from 2009 to 2013.
(2) ASME PCC-1, changed from 2010 to 2013
(3) ASME PTC 25, changed from 2008 to 2014
(4) ANSI/UL-969 " Marking in Labeling Systems", changed from 1995 to Latest Edition
Table U-3, Note (3) Errata Correction to Notes - In Note (3) to Table U-3, the reference to UG-117(f) was corrected
to UG-117(a).
U-1(g) Revision Revised Unfired Steam Boiler Data - Added U-1(g) "Vessels that Generate Steam" and
revised U-1(g)(1) to require maximum design steaming capacity to be recorded on the
nameplate and data report for unfired steam boilers.
U-2(a)(5) Revision User Responsibility - NDE - This action clarifies the user responsibility to consider
nondestructive examinations and the selection of applicable acceptance standards when
such examinations are beyond the requirements of the Code.
U-2(b), U-2(e) Revision Inspector Review of Design Calculations - This revision concerns clarification of the
Manufacturers and Authorized Inspector's responsibility as it relates to design calculations.
With regard to the Manufacturer, emphasis has been added concerning the Manufacturer's
responsibility for the preparation and accuracy of design calculations to show compliance
with the rules of Section VIII, Division 1. These words reflect a similar requirement in
Section I and PG 90.3.
The current requirement in U-2(e) VIII-1 states: "The Inspector has the duty of verifying
that the applicable calculations have been made and are on file at the Manufacturers plant at
the time the Data Report is signed.". What was lacking in the statement was the meaning of
the phrase "applicable calculations" in the context of the AI's responsibilities. The revisions
to paragraph U-2(b) in U-2(e) focus attention on the Manufacturer's responsibility for
producing calculations that comply with all applicable Code requirements, and that it is the
AI's responsibility to verify that the Manufacturer has met this obligation. In paragraph
U-2(e), the term "applicable design calculations" was defined as: "The term "applicable
design calculations" means that all pressure retaining components covered by the Code
stamping are supported by calculations and/or proof tests that comply with the requirements
of this Division. The method of verifying that applicable design calculations have been
made will vary with the individual Inspector and depend largely on the Manufacturer's
procedures for producing the design calculations and any subsequent quality checks
performed by the Manufacturer." This last statement recognizes that how an AI verifies
that the applicable design calculations are on file for a given Manufacturer will depend to a
large extent on how the Manufacturer produces their designs and how the Inspector
monitors the Manufacturer's quality program relative to design calculations.
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Subpart/Table: Part UG
Figure UG-118 Errata Correction to Nameplate Figure - There was a publication error in Fig. UG-118 in the 2013
Edition. The acronym "MAEWP" should not have been listed within the General Note, and
the phrase "maximum allowable external working pressure" was corrected to "maximum
allowable working pressure (external)".
Figure UG-118 Revision Revised Figure UG-118 - Nameplate Sample - This revision is a cleanup of Figure
UG-118 which depicts the form of stamping on an ASME nameplate. The changes include:
(1) The word "USER" has been added with an explanatory reference above the Certification
(2) A reference to paragraphs UG-116(a)(1)(a) and (b) has been added directly beneath the
U and UM Designators via Note (2).
(3) A reference to the specific paragraphs UG-116(b)(1), (c), (e), (f), (h)(1)(a) has been
added to the letters denoting the construction type (e.g. W, RT HT, etc) via Note (3).
Figure UG-30 Revision Editorial Revision to Figure - In Figure UG-30 [ Acceptable Methods of Attaching
Stiffening Rings] , A reference to Notes (1) and (2) are provided for variable " S " in the
upper left sketch.
Figure UG-34 Revision Editorial Revision - A reference to Note (1) was added to Figure UG-34 Sketches (j) and
(k), replacing the direct reference to Eq. (2) or (5) originally listed in brackets with the
Figure UG-36 Revision Editorial Revision - The definitions for " r_L" , " r_s" and alpha are now listed in Notes (1)
& (2) in Fig. UG-36.
Figure UG-37.1 Revision Editorial Revisions; Notes (1) & (2) - The General Note addressing consideration of
reinforcement material when the allowable stress of the nozzle divided by the allowable
stresses the vessel is less than 1.0, has been moved to Note (1) at the bottom of Fig.
UG-37.1, and the original Note (1) renumbered to (2).
Figure UG-84.1, Figure Revision Editorial Revision - The minimum energy requirement, C _v, which is based on an average
UG-84.1M of three specimens, now uses Note (1) to describe this requirement in the Figures.
UG-4(d) Revision Use of Unlisted Materials - Paragraph UG-4(d) was revised to remove any ambiguity
concerning the use of unlisted materials. Materials other than those allowed by the rules of
this Division shall not be used. Data for new materials shall be submitted to an approved by
the ASME Committee on Materials in accordance with Appendix 5 in Section II, Part D.
UG-11(b) Revision Editorial Correction to UG-11(b) - The reference to "Manufacturer" in the second sentence
of UG-11(b) was corrected to read "manufacturer", since this entity is not a certificate
UG-11(d) Revision Revised UG-11(d) - (1) UG-11(d)(4) was revised to require compliance to Part UB for
brazing operations;
(2) UG-11(d)(11)(d) was revised to require written certification to include brazing.
Historically, UG-11 has only addressed the term "welding" and has not included the term
"brazing". This revision clarifies that brazing is included in the rules of UG-11 for parts
fabrication and supply since UB-1(b) indicates that brazing is a group of welding processes.
UG-11(d)(5) Revision MTR for non-ASME Product Standard Parts - UG-11(d)(5) was revised to clarify that
standard pressure parts as defined in UG-11(d) (non ASME standard pressure parts) do not
require inspection, identification as required in UG-93(a) or UG-93(b), or Partial Data
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UG-19, UG-99(e) Revision Combination Unites with Dependent Chambers - The description of Combination Units
was expanded to include dependent chambers in UG-19(a) and UG-99(e).
(1) This revision expands the description of combination units to include dependent
chambers and supplements the description of Differential Pressure Design and Mean Metal
Temperature Design to show they are applicable to dependent chambers.
(2) In addition, the two hydrostatic test procedures for combination units in UG-99(e) have
been labeled as applicable to independent pressure chambers and dependent pressure
The common elements within a pressure vessel containing two independent chambers
[UG-99(e)(1)] are designed for the worst case loading condition that can occur when each
chamber is operating within its rated pressure range independent of each other. Conversely
the common elements within a pressure vessel operating with two dependent chambers
[UG-99(e)(2)] shall be designed for either a maximum differential design pressure expected
between adjacent chambers and/or a mean metal temperature.
UG-23 Revision Redesignated UNS N08904 from SA to SB Specification - UG-23 lists the Tables within
VIII-1 that contain the list of materials permitted for use. The listing for Table UHA-23 has
been revised to indicate that allowable stresses for high alloy bolting and other product
forms can be found in Section II Part D Tables 3, 1A and now 1B. The reason that Table
1B is listed is that ASTM has revised their definition of what constitutes a ferrous alloy.
Previously their definition was that a ferrous alloy was to have >/= 50% iron; today their
new definition ( which parallels the ISO definition) is that any alloy for which iron is the
predominant element, even if less than 50%, will be classified as ferrous. The results of
this definition change is that some alloys that were previously classified as nonferrous, such
as SB-674 N08904, are now classified as SA-249. N08904
UG-29(a), Step 2 (a) Errata Errata Correction - In the last sentence of Step 2 (a), the variable "I " was corrected to "I _s
UG-32 Revision Editorial Revisions - In the 2013 Edition, paragraph UG-32(b) was unused and listed as
"DELETED". This came about from a code revision that took place in the 2011 addenda.
In the 2015 Edition, the ASME editors elected to remove this empty paragraph (b), and
renumber all of the subsequent paragraphs in UG-32.
UG-32(g) and UG-47 Errata Errata - Various - (1) In UG-32(h) "alpha [greater than or equal to] 30 deg." was corrected
to "alpha [less than or equal to] 30 deg.";
(2) In UG-47, Eqn. (2), the lower case "p" to the left or the equals sign was corrected to
upper case "P".
UG-37(a) Revision Seamless Allowable Stress for Welded Pipe - The rules for calculating opening
reinforcement in UG-37 fundamentally assumes that both components of the assembly, the
nozzle and shell, are seamless and adjustments are made to the formulas with the "E1" value
to account for the presence of a weld, and the extent of examination. When a welded pipe is
used for a nozzle or a shell, the required thickness for the nozzle or shell should be
calculated as seamless, thereby requiring the use of these seamless product form allowable
stress from Section II, Part D. But for some welded pipe specifications, there is no
corresponding seamless product form. In these cases, the commercial software programs
would routinely divide the weld product form allowable stress by the factor 0.85 to produce
an equivalent seamless product form allowable stress. 0.85 is the traditional allowable
stress reduction factor between seamless and welded pipe and tube. However if for a given
pipe or tube specification stress lines are published in both welded and seamless product
forms, then the value from the seamless allowable stress line should be used in the
calculations. This revision to UG-37(a) will state in the definitions for S, t_ r and t_ rn : "
and, for shells fabricated from weld pipe or tubing, the allowable stress of the
corresponding seamless product form. If there is no corresponding seamless product form,
use the allowable stress for the welded product form divided by 0.85."
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UG-37(g), UG-37(h) Revision Telltale Hole in Reinforcement Pads - When the requirements for segmented
reinforcement pads were added in the 2009 Addenda, the requirement for telltale hole in
each segment was positioned at the end of the new paragraph, UG-37(h), which caused
confusion concerning whether or not the telltale holes were required if the welds in the
segmented pad were not examined. The paragraph was restructured such that the use of
telltale holes in segmented pads is handled in the same manner as non-segmented pads.
Further the purpose of the telltale hole [ ... to test for tightness of welds that seal off the
inside of the vessel ...] was removed from UG-37(g) since there was never any mandatory
requirement placed on the Manufacturer to do anything with the telltale hole, other than to
install the hole.
UG-40(e) Revision Opening Limits of Reinf. that Extend from Shell to Flat Head - Revised UG-40(e) to
clarify that material in tubesheets and flat heads shall not be used for reinforcement of
openings in adjacent shells or heads. Area in a tubesheet or flat head is not judged to be
effective for nozzle reinforcement (and the material is generally required to satisfy the
tubesheet or flat plate thickness). If the flat head or tubesheet contains an integral hub, then
this cylindrical hub material may be used as reinforcement.
UG-45 Revision Revised Definition of t_a - Modified the definition of t _a in UG-45 to include threading
allowance. t_a is defined as the minimum neck thickness required for internal and external
pressure, as well as consideration of external forces and moments. This action corrects an
oversight when UG-45 was re-written in the 2010 Edition.
UG-45, UG-53(j) Revision Delete Reference to Appendix L - The Note immediately following the definition t
_{UG-45 which provides a reference to Nonmandatory Appendix L for application of the
rules in UG 45 has been deleted. The reason is that all of the example problems previously
published in Appendix L are now published in ASME PTB-4. A similar reference to
Nonmandatory Appendix L was also removed with the deletion of UG-53(j).
UG-93(d)(3) Revision Surface Examination of Corner Joints - When a pressure part is to be welded to a flat plate
thicker than 1/2 in. (13mm) to form a corner joint under the provision of UW-13(e), the
weld joint preparation shall be examined before and after welding as defined in
UG-93(d)(3). The last sentence currently provides an exemption from this requirement if it
can be demonstrated that 80% or more of the pressure load is carried by stays, braces or
tubes instead of the flat plate. The problem is that the Code does not provide equations or a
design methodology to calculate the how much pressure load would be carried by braces,
stays or tubes. For tubesheets, determining the load on the tubes is not a trivial exercise
when you consider all of the multiple load cases that must be considered, including
consideration of differential thermal expansion. After much debate, the Committee decided
to remove this exemption and require the MT/PT examination for all Fig. UW-13.2 corner
joints with a flat plate thicker than 1/2 in. (13mm).
UG-100(e)(1) & (e)(2) Revision Editorial Correction to Pneumatic Test Rules - When Section VIII revised the pressure test
rules in the 2013 Edition to prohibit painting or coating the vessel prior to the pressure test,
the revision to UG-100(e) (pneumatic tests) incorrectly referred to the pressure test as a "
hydrostatic test, instead of a "pneumatic test". This mistake is corrected in the 2015
UG-116(a)(7) and Revision Revised Unfired Steam Boiler Data - UG-116(a) has been revised by adding Item (7), "The
UG-120(f) maximum designed steaming capacity" , which now has to be marked on the nameplate for
unfired steam boilers defined in U-1(g)(1). New paragraph UG-120(f) states that for
unfired steam boilers referenced in U-1(g)(1), its maximum designed steaming capacity
shall be recorded in the "Remarks" section of the data report. Original paragraph UG-120(f)
redesignated to UG-120(g).
UG-116(b)(1) Revision Adding Graphite as a Type of Construction - In the Text Box immediately following
UG-116(b)(1)," Graphite G" added as a Type of Construction.
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UG-129(e), UG-135(g) Revision Incorporation of Case 2367 - Rupture Disk Marking - The provisions of Case 2367-1
concerning the marking of rupture disk devices fully enclosed in a rupture disk holder or
system have been Incorporated into UG-129(e) and UG-135(g). In essence these rules
permit the rupture disk to be marked only with the lot number so long as a metal tag
containing all of the other required marking information listed in UG-129(e) is securely
fastened to the disk or when attaching the tag is impracticable the tag shall accompany the
disk following the requirements given in UG-135(g). UG-135(g) requires that following
the installation of the disk, the metal tag shall be sealed to the installation in a manner that
will prevent removal of the disk without breaking seal. Code Case 2367-1 will be annuled
effective January 1, 2016.
UG-129, UG-131 Revision Capacity Certification of PRD's - Numerous revisions have been made to the requirements
for capacity certification of PRD's. The following summarizes the changes:
(1) UG-129(a)(5)(-c) - the term "M^3/min" was corrected to " m^3/min"
(2) UG-129(d)(8)(-c) - the term "M^3/min" was corrected to " m^3/min"
(3) UG-131(d)(2)(-a) - The format of slope certification in UG-131(d)(2)(-a) has been
updated to mirror the flow factor incorporation. Redundant equations for rated capacity
based on set and overpressure are also removed from this paragraph.
(4) UG-131(d)(2)(-b) - for incompressible fluids the log-log plotting process in
UG-131(d)(2)(-b) is no longer used in the industry, and is replaced with the flow factor
capacity certification method.
(5) UG-132(e)(2) - The Note concerning experimentally determined coefficients has been
UG-131(e)(2) Revision Corrected SI Unit Conversion - Corrected metric unit for 1500 psig from "10.9 MPa gage"
to "10.3 MPa gage" in the NOTE.
UG-136(d)(2), Revision Pressure Testing Safety Relief Devices - Paragraphs UG-136(d)(2) [safety valves],
UG-136(d)(3), UG-137(d)(2) [rupture discs], and UG-138(d)(2) [pin devices] contain rules for pressure
UG-137(d)(2), testing pressure containing parts that make up these different types of relief devices. In the
UG-138(d)(2) current Code, these paragraphs are titled "Hydrostatic Pressure Test". These revisions
replace these titles with "Pressure Testing", to more appropriately recognize that either
hydrostatic or pneumatic test is permitted. Also in each of these three paragraphs, the
statement " There shall be no visible sign of leakage" was replaced with "Parts subject to
pressure testing shall not exhibit a sign of leakage" recognizing that other methods of
detecting leakage than by visual inspection is acceptable.
UG-138(c)(3) Revision Renewal Period for Pin Devices - The certification interval for rupture pin devices defined
in UG-138(c)(3) was changed from five to six years to maintain consistency with pressure
relief valves (UG-136(c)(3)) and rupture discs in UG-137(c)(3).
UG-140(b)(1) Revision Overpressure Protection by System Design - Paragraph UG-140, Overpressure Protection
by System Design, covers both the self-limiting case as described in UG-140 (a) (e.g., the
maximum discharge pressure of a pump or compressor) and the non-self-limiting case
described in UG-140(b). This revision incorporates the provisions of Case 2560 which
permitted the design of an overpressure protection system without the use of a pressure
relief device for a vessel that provides cooling air for a gas turbine. The revision to
UG-140(b)(1) strikes the last part of that sentence which states: "...unless the services are
critical to preventing the release of fluid that may result in safety or environmental
concerns", and instead adds three distinct conditions: "a) these services are critical to
preventing the release of fluids that may result in safety or environmental concerns, or b)
where failure or premature opening of the pressure relief device would result in an
unacceptably high probability of failure or damage to the vessel or other equipment in the
system, or c) where failure or premature opening of the pressure relief device would result
in significant operational upset(s)."
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Subpart/Table: Part UW
Figure UW-13.1 Revision Revisions to Notes in Figure UW-13.1 - All of the technical notes scattered throughout
Fig. UW-13.1 have been assembled into either a General Note or Notes (1) - (8) at the end
of the Figure.
Figure UW-13.2 Revision Revision to Notes in Figure UW-13.2 - General information placed within the Figure has
been moved to Notes (1) & (2) at the end of the Figure.
Figure UW-9 Revision Editorial Clean-up of Notes in Figure UW-9 - The explanatory information scattered about
Figure UW-9 has been organized into three General Notes, (a), (b) and (c).
Table UW-12 Revision Deleted General Note (a) of Table UW-12 - General Note (a) was deleted as it does not
serve any purpose in the current Code. Furthermore, it confused readers [especially those
not familiar with stress reduction factors of the pre-1986 Addenda] because an argument
could be made that this note provided an exemption or relaxation to the rules of UW-12(d)
and that was not its intent. Also, in previous Note (b), "E=1.0" has been changed to
UW-2(a)(4) Addition Common Elements H/X Subject to Lethal Service. - Paragraph UW-2(a)(3) addresses the
situation where only one chamber of a shell and tube heat exchanger contains a toxic
substance requiring compliance with the special construction requirements for lethal
service. This paragraph defines the conditions for the tubes necessary to exempt the other
chamber from having to comply with the Code lethal service requirements. What was
missing from this paragraph was any statement concerning the other common elements,
such as the tubesheet or internal floating heads. The addition of paragraph UW-2(a)(4)
clearly state that all elements in contact with a lethal substance shall be constructed to the
rules for lethal service.
UW-2(c)(4), UW-2(d)(2) Revision Revised References to Unfired Steam Boilers - Revised UW-2(c)(4) [ Unfired Steam
Boilers ] to replace reference to "U-1(g)" with "U-1(g)(1). Revised UW-2(d)(2) to correct
the reference to U-1(g) with U-1(h) for direct fired vessels.
UW-3(a), UW-11(a)(7) Revision Butt Welds in Tubesheets - Part UHX does not address the situation where there is a weld
seam within a tubesheet. There is precedence within Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2 that
flat plates used as closures and for non-circular vessels with a butt weld seam will have a
design joint efficiency defined based on the level of radiography. However due to the
complexity and multiple steps associated with tubesheet design in Part UHX, the
Committee elected to mandate full radiography for any butt weld seam within a tubesheet
regardless of the thickness of the tubesheet or the in-service condition. This requirement
was added as a new paragraph UW-11(a)(7), and the subsequent paragraphs and UW-11(a)
were renumbered. Also the butt weld seam in a tubesheet was added to the definition of a
Category A joint in UW-3(a).
UW-5(b)(2), UW-18(d) Revision Editorial Corrections - (1) The reference to "S-Number" in the first and second sentence of
UW-5(b)(2) was editorially corrected to read "P-Number".
(2) The phase "the allowable" was corrected to read "the maximum allowable" in two places
in UW-18(d).
UW-11(e) Revision Incorporation Code Case 2270, UT of EBW - In the 2013 Edition, paragraph UW-11(e)
requires all welds made by the electron beam process to be ultrasonically examined
independent of the thickness of the material or the weld. Code Case 2270, which was first
approved in March of 1999, provided an alternative to this rule whereby welds made by the
electron beam process that do not exceed 1/4 inch (6 mm) in thickness would be exempt
from the UT examination if they are subsequently examined by magnetic particle or liquid
penetrant examination. This revision incorporates the provisions of Code Case 2270 into
paragraph UW-11(e).
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UW-12(d) Revision Added Weld Joint Type No. 8 - Paragraph UW-12(d) considers seamless vessel sections
and heads to be equivalent to welded parts of the same geometry in which all Category A
welds are Type No. 1. To design these vessel sections and heads with a joint efficiency, E,
equal to 1.0, the spot radiography requirements of UW-11(a)(5)(-b) must met. The last
sentence in UW-12(d) lists those joint Types for which volumetric examination is not
possible in order to satisfy UW-11(a)(5)(-b). Missing from this list was joint Type No. 8,
which is now being added as part of this revision.
UW-21(c), UW-21(d) Revision Weld Joint Details for Socket & Slip-on Flanges - (1) Paragraph UW-21(c) was added to
and Figure UW-21 UW-21 to more clearly define the nomenclature in Figure UW-21;
(2) New Paragraph UW-21(d) provides the option to size the attachment welds for B16.5
flanges that are designed per Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 2 in lieu of using the
pressure-temperature ratings from B16.5. Fillet welds sized per Appendix 2, Fig. 2-4
sketches (3) and (4) generally require a smaller throat dimension for the outer filler weld
than that required per Fig. UW-21.
(3) The "General Note" was removed from Figure UW-21 because all the nomenclature is
now defined in paragraph UW-21(c),
UW-27(a)(4) Revision Added UW-27(a)(4) to Include Hybrid Welding. - For clarity, it is explicitly
acknowledged that hybrid welding, as defined in Section IX, using processes already
accepted for Section VIII, Division 1 construction [UW-27(a)(1)-(3)], is acceptable for
Section VIII construction. Per Section IX, hybrid welding is defined as when two or more
welding processes are used in the same weld pool.
UW-28, UW-29, UB-31 Revision References to Section IX Part QG - In the 2013 Edition, the Section IX standard was
reorganized with the introduction of a new Part QG, - General Requirements. This change
affected many references to Section IX within the construction codes such as Section VIII,
Division 1. References were corrected in paragraphs UW-18, UW-29 and UB-31.
UW-40(c), UW-40 (f) Revision Addition of Alloy S31266 - High-strength super austenitic alloy S-31266 can be used in
highly corrosive environments and has been added to Section VIII, Division 1 for product
forms SA-182 (forgings), SA-240 (plate), and SA-358 (pipe). New Table UHA-32-7 has
been added providing heat treatment rules for this material (P No. 45). A reference to Table
UHA-32-7 has been added to paragraphs UW-40(c) and (f).
UW-53 Revision Rules for UT Examination - In the 2011 Addenda, the option to substitute UT examination
for RT examination was introduced in paragraph UW-51(a)(4). The technical rules for UT
examination were published in Section VIII, Division 2 Paragraph 7.5.5, and a reference to
this paragraph was directly made from UW-51(a)(4). But at the time that this change took
place, UT examination was already permitted within VIII-1 via paragraph UW-53, and the
addition of paragraph UW-51(a)(4) was not recognized in UW-53. This action corrects that
oversight by adding a reference to UW-51(a)(4) within paragraph UW-53. Note that the UT
examination addressed by UW-53 and Appendix 12 is based on a workmanship acceptance
criteria, while the UT examination covered by VIII-2 7.5.5 is based on a fracture mechanics
acceptance criteria.
Subpart/Table: Part UB
Figure UB-14 Revision Editorial Revision to Figure General Notes - The two General Notes in Figure UB-14 were
moved to the bottom of the Figure as Notes: (1) & (2).
UB-3(b) Revision Revised References to Unfired Steam Boilers - Revised UB-3(b) to incorporate new
reference to U-1(g)(1) for unfired steam boilers.
UB-31 Revision References to Section IX Part QG - In the 2013 Edition, the Section IX standard was
reorganized with the introduction of a new Part QG, - General Requirements. This change
affected many references to Section IX within the construction codes such as Section VIII,
Division 1. References were corrected in paragraphs UB-31.
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Figure UCS-66.1/ 66.1M Revision Editorial Revision to Notes on Figure - Information presented on the X and Y axis of the
Figures has been relocated to NOTES: (1) & (2).
Table UCS-23, Fig. Revision Added SA/EN 10028-2 Grade 10CrMo9-10 - Added SA/EN 10028-2 Grade 10CrMn9-10
UCS-66 to Table UCS-23, and to Figure UCS-66, NOTE (3)(a), if normalized and tempered.
Table UCS-23, Table Revision Withdrawal of Specification SA-202 - SA-202 material was removed from Tables UCS-23
UCS-56-3 and UCS-56-3. ASTM withdrew A202 without replacement due to lack of use or
production in 2004.
Tables UCS-56-3 & 56-4 Revision PWHT Exemption - 4 in. OD Limit - An exemption from PWHT is given for P-No, 4 Gr.
Nos. 1,2 [Table UCS-56-3] and P-Nos. 5A, 5B Gr. No. 1, and 5C Gr. No. 1 [Table
UCS-56-4] in General Notes (b)(1) for circumferential butt welds in pipe that meet a
number of conditions including a limit on the maximum nominal outside diameter of 4 in.
(100mm)(DN 100). This 4 in. limit on the maximum nominal outside diameter has been
removed, aligning VIII-1 with PWHT requirements within B31.1 and Section I for these
same P-Nos. Concerning the technical justification for removing this size limit, the
Committee concluded that thickness is the more applicable controlling "size" variable.
UCS-6(b)(2) Revision Revised References to Unfired Steam Boilers - Revised UCS-6(b)(2) to incorporate new
reference to U-1(g)(1) for unfired steam boilers.
UCS-66(a) Revision Editorial Correction to UCS-66(a) - Renumbered paragraphs to eliminate, "orphaned"
paragraphs. Additionally, added metric conversion for, "4-inch" [ 4 in. (100mm)]
consistent with x-axis of Figure UCS-66M.
UCS-66(f), Fig. UCS-66 Revision Material with Yield Strength > 65 ksi - The essence of this revision concerns the
requirement in UCS-66(f) which reads: "Unless specifically exempted in Fig. UCS-66,
materials having a specified minimum yield strength greater than 65 ksi (450 MPa) must be
impact tested." The Committee has decided that there should be no exemption from impact
testing for a carbon and low alloy steel material with an SMYS > 65 ksi (450 MPa).
Manufacturers should make note of this change, as it is possible that material that was
otherwise exempted from impact testing per Fig. UCS-66 would now require to be impact
tested. In addition to this change, Note (3)(a) of Fig. UCS-66 changed the listing of
"SA-533 Grades B and C" to "SA-533 Types B and C Class 1".
UCS-85(e) Revision Exemption to Heat Treatment of Test Specimens - Paragraph UCS-85 contains
requirements for heat treatment of test specimens whenever thermal treatments of the
material during fabrication exceeds 900°F (480°C). This paragraph also contains a number
of exemptions from this heat treatment of test specimens, including paragraph UCS-85(e)
which addresses non-welded prefabricated or preformed pressure parts. With the revisions
to paragraph UG-11 in the 2011 Addenda, the reference to UG-11(a) within UCS-85(e) was
corrected to read: "... shall apply to standard nonwelded items such as described in
UG-11(c) and (d)."
Table UNF-23.3 Revision Deleted UNS N08904 from SB-366, SB-625 & SB-673 - Revised Table UNF-23.3 to
remove alloy UNS N08094 from specifications SB-366, SB-625 and SB-673. [ Also see
entry under UG-23 ]
Table UNF-23.3 Revision Reassigned UNS N08904 to SA-249 - Revised Section VIII, Division 1 Table UNF-23.3
to reassign UNS N08904 from SB-674 to SA-249. [See entry under UG-23 for further
information concerning this revision].
Table UNF-79 Revision Revised Table UNF-79 to Add Austenitic Nickel Alloys - Added austenitic nickel alloys
N06601, N06625, N06690 and N06022 used in the creep range to Table UNF-79.
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Table UHA-23 Revision Addition of SA-789, SA-790 & SA-815 UNS N32101 - This action adds additional
product forms for UNS N32101 [ 21Cr-5Mn-1.5Ni-Cu-N) austenitic-ferritic duplex
stainless steel to Table UHA-23 for Section VIII, Division 1 use. This material was
previously available via Case 2418-2.
Table UHA-23 Revision Addition of SA-403 N08904 - SA-403 fittings made from alloy N08904
(21Cr-26Ni-4.5Mo) has been approved for use within Section VIII, Division 1.
Table UHA-23 Revision Reassigned UNS N08904 to Several High Alloy Specifications - Revised Table UHA-23
to add alloy UNS N08904, Type 904L, to SA-182, SA-240 and SA-312. Also note that there
is publishing error in Table UHA-23 in the 2015 Edition whereby the listing of UNS
N08904 SA-240 was incorrectly listed under SA-217. The allowable stress for SA-240
N08904 is published in Section II, Part D. This mistake will likely be corrected by errata at
the next ASME Section VIII meeting the first week of August, 2015. See entry under
UG-23 for more information.
Table UHA-23 and Table Revision Incorporated Code Case 2367 for UNS S32205 Material - (1) Added UNS S32205 Duplex
UHA-32 Stainless Steel. (Higher strength version of S31803) to Table UHA-23 for SA-182, SA-240,
SA-479, SA-790, and SA-815.
(2) Postweld heat treatment requirements for alloy UNS S32205 were added to Table
UHA-32-4, Note (1). With these revisions, Code Case 2637 will be annulled as of January
1, 2016.
Table UHA-23 and Table Revision Added New Alloy UNS S32101 - (1) Revised Table UHA-23 to include alloy UNS
UHA-32-4 S32101 to SA-240 product forms plate and strip and SA-479 bar;
(2) Revised Table UHA-32-4 to include postweld heat treatment requirements for UNS
S32101. This is a partial incorporation of Code Case 2418-1.
Table UHA-23, Table Revision Addition of Alloy S31266 - High-strength super austenitic alloy S-31266 can be used in
UHA-32-7 highly corrosive environments and has been added to Section VIII, Division 1 for product
forms SA-182 (forgings), SA-240 (plate), and SA-358 (pipe). New Table UHA-32-7 has
been added providing heat treatment rules for this material (P No. 45). Note that a code
case [ Case 2831] has also been approved for this material. Also revisions were made to
several paragraphs in Part UHA to properly address new Table UHA-32-7.
Table UHA-23, Revision Added J93380 Grade 6A - Code Case 2244-2 has been Incorporated, adding a commonly
UHA-32-4 used duplex stainless steel casting, UNS J93380 Grade 6A to Tables UHA-23 for SA-995
and UHA-32.4.
Table UHA-32-2 Revision PWHT Based on Material Nominal Thickness - The text of General Note (a) in Table
UHA-32-2 [ P-No. 7] applies an exemption to PWHT based upon "plate thickness at the
welded joint", which is not how PWHT requirements are normally determined. To be
consistent with terminology used in UW-40(f) for determining PWHT requirements, the
phrase "plate thickness at the welded joint" was replaced with "nominal thickness".
UHA-51(h)(2) Revision Production Impact Tests of Austenitic SS - A reference to UG-84(i) was added as a
reminder where the procedural requirements for production impact tests can be found. Also
the reference to "(a)(4)" was changed to "(a)(3)" reflecting other revisions that have been
made to UHA-51(a).
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UHA-51, UHA-51(a), Revision High Alloy Toughness Requirements - These revisions to UHA-51 were made to primarily
UHA-51(c), address the impact test temperature for MDMT's colder than -320°F (-196°C). Rules for
UHA-51(f)(4) impact testing materials with MDMT's colder than -320°F (-196°C) were published in
UHA-51(a)(4), however two other paragraphs in UHA-51, UHA-51(c) and UHA-51(f)(4),
define the impact test temperature, but failed to recognize the provisions given in
UHA-51(a)(4). For example in UHA-51(c) ( Required Impact Testing when Thermal
Treatments Are Performed) impact tests are required at the colder of 70°F (20°C) or the
MDMT, whenever thermal treatments within the temperature ranges listed for the following
materials are applied. But if the vessel being designed has an MDMT colder than -320°F,
as written UHA-51(c) would have required testing at this MDMT, which is next to
impossible. The revisions made to these UHA-51 paragraphs now would allow testing in
accordance with UHA-51(a)(4) which for certain filler metals would allow testing at -320°F
even for MDMT's colder than this temperature. The following summarizes the revisions
made to the UHA-51 paragraphs:
(1) UHA-51 - Sentence added stating that as an alternative method to impact tests, ASTM
E1820 J1c tests are allowed when the MDMT is colder than -320°F (-196°C).
(2) UHA-51(a) - This paragraph has been restructured with the addition of a new
subparagraph (a)(2) which states: "When the MDMT is -320°F (-196°C) and warmer,
impact tests shall be performed at the MDMT or colder, and the following requirements
shall be met:". With the addition of this paragraph, existing paragraphs UHA-51(a)(2)
,(a)(3) and (a)(4) have been renumbered to UHA-51(a)(2)(-a), UHA-51(a)(2)(-b), and
UHA-51(a)(3) respectively.
(3) UHA-51(c) - The first sentence was revised by making a reference to UHA-51(a) for the
test temperature.
(4) UHA-51(f)(4) - In subparagraphs (-a), (-b) and (-c) a reference to UHA-51(a) for the
definition of the test temperature has been added.
UCI-2(b) Revision Revised References to Unfired Steam Boilers - Revised UCI-2(b) to incorporate new
reference to U-1(g)(1) for unfired steam boilers.
UCL-11(f) Revision Added Cladding Alloy-to-Cladding Alloy Welding - UCL-11(f) was added as the result of
an Intent Interpretation. UCL-11(f) requires that welding of cladding material used in
design calculations shall be made by a Manufacturer holding a Certificate of Authorization.
The plate is to have the cladding joints made by a Manufacturer, receive volumetric
examination (per UW-51 or UW-53), and be provided with a Partial Data Report and
Certification Mark prior to bonding to the base material.
Table UCD-23 Revision Revised Table UCD-23 - (1) Changed "Class" to "Grade" in Header of 2nd Column;
(2) Added "60-40-18" as Grade to 1st row;
(3) Added entry for "SA-395 Grade 65-45-15" in 2nd row.
UCD-2(b) Revision Revised References to Unfired Steam Boilers - Revised UCD-2(b) to incorporate new
reference to U-1(g)(1) for unfired steam boilers.
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UHT-6(b)(2) Revision Specimen Location for Forgings - The the words "using the procedure in SA-350 for
forgings and in SA-352 for castings" was deleted from UHT-6(2)(b). As stated, it was not
clear just exactly what part of the procedures given in SA-350 and SA-352 should be used.
This phrase was replaced with the following sentence: "Specimen location for forgings shall
be the same as specified in SA-350 for location of impact test specimens (Paragraph
7.2.3)." With respect to castings, the sampling requirements are defined in ASTM E208
Para. 8.4.
Figure ULW-17.1 Revision Editorial Revision - - Sketch description and letter designators were rearranged.
- General Notes that were between sketches (e) and (f) and at the bottom of the Figure were
changed to General Notes: (a) and (b).
Figure ULW-17.2 Revision Editorial Revision - - Sketch description and letter designators were rearranged.
- General Notes and Notes revised.
Figure ULW-17.4 Revision Editorial Revision - The note that was between sketches (a) and (b) moved to Note (1),
previous Notes renumbered.
Figure ULW-22 Revision Editorial Revision - The note that was under sketch (b) was changed to Note (1).
Figure ULW-54.1 Revision Editorial Revisions - Moved the commentary/note and reference to UW-51 that was under
the "Judged - " line in the sketch to a new Note (1) at the bottom of the Figure.
Numerous Paragraphs, Revision Addition of Type 316 SS to Part ULT - This action concerns the incorporation of Code
Tables ULT-23 & Case 2401 which allowed the use of Type 316 stainless steel in Part ULT. The allowable
ULT-82 stresses and minimum tensile strength requirements for Type 316 is identical to Type 304
stainless steel. The revisions made to Part ULT involve replacing all references to Type
304 with Types 304 and 316. As part of this action, Code Case 2401 has been annulled.
ULT-57(a) Revision Update Paragraph Reference - The reference to UW-11(a)(7) in paragraph ULT-57(a) has
been changed to UW-11(a)(8).
ULT-115 Errata Update to Paragraph Reference - A reference to paragraph UG-116(a)(4) was added to the
end of ULT-115(a)(2).
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Tables UHX-13.4-2, Revision Min/Max Range of Operating Pressures - This revision concerns the operating load cases
UHX-13.8.4-1 and that must be considered in the design of fixed and floating tubesheets. Currently Tables
UHX-14.6.4-1, UHX-13.4-2, UHX-13.8.4-1, and UHX-14.6.4-1 assumes that the range of operating
UHX-14.3 pressure is from zero to a positive pressure P_{tox} or P_{sox}. The assumption that the
minimum pressure is zero instead of a more realistic case, such as negative (vacuum)
operating pressures required this revision. The tables were revised introducing new
variables P_{sox,min}, P_{sox,max}, P_{tox,min}, P_{tox,max}. The Nomenclature was
also revised to include these new variables.
Tables UHX-8.1 & Revision Load Case Designations for W* - Table UHX-8.1 was updated for the calculation of the
UHX-17, UHX-17, tubesheet effective bolt load. The original four Loading Case columns (1,2,3,4-7) were
Nomenclature UHX-18.2 replaced with four Design Loading Cases columns (1,2,3,4), and a column for Operating
Loading Cases (1-4). Similarly Table UHX-17 was updated to reflect four Design and four
Operating load cases. Corresponding revisions were also made to the text of UHX-17.
UHX-1, UHX-10, Revision Revised Paragraphs which refer to U-2(g). - References to paragraph U-2(g) have been
UHX-16 and UHX-17 deleted in paragraphs UHX-10(c), UHX-16, UHX-17(a), UHX-17(b). There is a new
paragraph, UHX-1(b), which is applicable for situations that UHX may not address [e.g.
H/X configurations or details]. In these cases, U-2(g) shall apply.
UHX-11.3 Nomenclature, Errata Errata - Various - (1) In the definition of r_o Figure UHX-11.1 sketch (b) was corrected
UHX-11.5.1(b) to Figure UHX-11.1 sketch (a).
(2) In UHX-11.5.1(b), the text in brackets [see Figure UHX-11.1(d))] was corrected to read
[see Figure UHX-11.1 sketch (d)].
UHX-11.3, Errata Errata in UHX-11 - (1) UHX-11.3: in the definition of "r _o" the "sketch (b)" was
UHX-11.5.1(b) corrected to "sketch (a)";
(2) UHX-11.5.1(b): "[see Figure UHX-11.1(d)]" was corrected to "[see Figure UHX-11.1
sketch (d)]"
UHX-13.5.9, Errata Corrections to Equations - (1) UHX-13.5.9 Step 9 - The equation for sigma_{t,2} in
UHX-13.9.3(b)(3), (a)(1)(-b) was corrected as follows: the term "F_t , min" was changed to: "F_t , max".
UHX-14.5.7 (2) UHX-13.9.3(b)(3) - For Configurations b and c, the phrase "If sigma_s - S _{PS,s}"
was changed to "If sigma_{s} < S _{PS,s}"
(3) UHX-14.5.7 Step 7 (b) - In the calculation of sigma, the term in the denominator "(h-h
'_{g})2" was corrected to: "(h-h '_{g})^2".
UHX-19.3.2(c), Revision Recording Op. Press. & Temp. on MDR for Fixed Tubesheets - It has come to the
UHX-19.3.2(d), Form Committee's attention that code users have been filling out incorrect operating temperatures
U-5 or pressures for fixed tubesheet heat exchangers on Form U-5 of the Manufacturers Data
Report. In UHX-19.3.2(c) the Design/Operating Metal Temperatures has been described as:
"For each condition, the temperature at which the allowable stress was taken for the shell,
channel, tube, and tubesheet shall be listed. Any metal temperature between the MDMT
and the listed temperature is permitted provided the resulting axial differential thermal
expansion is within the listed range." The following sentence was added to UHX-19.3.2(d):
" Within the listed range of operating temperature and pressure, any combination of shell
and tube axial mean temperatures is permitted provided the resulting axial differential
thermal expansion is within the listed range". Form U-5 was cleaned up as part of this
Figure UIG-36-1 Revision Editorial Revision - The note regarding No counterbore was moved to Note (1) at the
bottom of the Figure.
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Form CCQ and Form Revision Revised Forms CCQ and CPQ - Added the line "Certified by" including the "Date" to
CPQ Form CCQ (Certified Cement Qualification Form) and Form CPQ (Cementing Procedure
Qualification Form). The line already appears on Form CMQ (Certified Material
Qualification Form).
Form CMQ Revision Revised Form CMQ - The tensile strength values (room temperature and maximum
material temperature) shown on the Form CMQ (Certified Material Qualification Form)
have been corrected to match the values in Table UIG-6-1. Previous values of "2600 (17.2)"
and "2000 (13.8)" are corrected to "2000 (13.8)" and "1600 (11.0)", respectively.
UIG-3 Revision Deleted UIG-3(b) - The reference to the nonexistent paragraph UIG-3(b) has been deleted.
The definition of "graphite part" has been added.
UIG-23 Revision Revised UIG-23 - UIG-23 was completely revised to remove inconsistencies. UIG-23(b)
previously stated that the compressive value used in design shall be the average value at the
design temperature stated on the Form CMQ (Certified Material Qualification Form).
Tensile strength is a property tested at elevated temperature. Compressive strength is not.
UIG-116(b) Revision Editorial Revision - In UIG-116(b), added the words "and U Designator" after
"Certification Mark"
Appendix 2, 2-13(a)(2) Errata Correction to Equation for Alpha_r - In the calculation of alpha _r, the variable "H^2" in
the denominator should be "K^2 " .
Appendix 1-4(c) Errata Errata - Deletions to 1-4(c) - Deleted last sentence and equation to 1-4(c) [ellipsoidal head
calculations] which corrects an error in the 2013 Edition.
Appendix 12, 12-1(b) Revision NDE Procedure Qualification Requirements - In the 2013 Edition, Section V added new
paragraph T-150(d) to include requirements for written NDE procedure qualification.
Paragraph 12-1-1(b) contains the word "qualifications", which has caused some to believe
that this invokes a requirement for NDE procedures to be qualified in accordance with
T-150(d) of Section V, Article 1 when conducting ultrasonic examinations. The use of the
word "qualifications" in 12-1(b) was only intended to refer to examination personnel
qualifications and certifications. The addition of T-150(d) and the generic reference to
T-150 from within 12-1(c) has caused some unintended consequences. This is been
corrected by removal of the words "and qualifications" in 12-1(b). An intent interpretation
has also been published on this subject as follows: Question: Is it the intent of paragraphs
8-1(b) and 12-1(b) to require qualification of examination procedures in accordance with
paragraph T-150(d) of Section V, Article 1? Reply: No.
Appendix 13-8(h)(4) Errata Corrected Equation (31) - Mandatory Appendix 13-8(h)(4), Equation (31) was corrected
by replacing the previous equals ("=") sign between the second and third terms with a plus
("+") sign.
Appendix 13-9(a) and Revision Noncircular Vessels with Multiple Chambers - The description of Combination Units was
13-12(a) expanded to include dependent chambers in UG-19(a) and UG-99(e). As a result, the word
"independent" was deleted from Appendix 13-9(a) and 13-12 Whether multiple chambers
operate independently or dependently affect the design of the common elements, as well as
the manner in which the pressure test is conducted. Please review UG-99(a) for more
Appendix 13, 13-7 Errata Correction to Equations for Unreinforced Rectangular Vessels - In Eq. (1) for the
calculation of membrane stress in the short-side plates the variable "H" was corrected as
errata to "h". In Eq. (2) for the calculation of membrane stress in the long-side platesthe
variable "h" was corrected to "H". Manufacturers should take special note of these
corrections to Equations (1) and (2).
Appendix 13, Figures Revision Editorial Cleanup of Notes in Figures - Technical information scattered about these two
13-14(a) & 13-14(b) Figures has been organized into Notes located at the bottom of the Figures.
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Appendix 14, 14-3(e)(2) Errata Correction to Calculation of Z1 - In the rules for integral flat heads with a large, single,
circular, centrally located opening given in Appendix 14, an error in the equation for Z1 in
14-3 (e) (2) was corrected. In the denominator for the equation, the expression "K_2" was
corrected to "K^2".
Appendix 17, Figure 17-2 Errata Figure for Two Dimpled Plates - In the 2013 Edition, Figure 17-2 incorrectly depicted a
dimpled plate welded to a flat plate as "Two Dimpled Plates". This Figure was corrected to
depict two dimpled plates welded together.
Appendix 1, 1-10(b) Step Errata Correction to Eq. 31 - In Appendix 1, 1-10 [Alternative Method for the Design of
7 Reinforcement for Openings in Cylindrical and Conical Shells Under Internal Pressure], a
correction was made to Eq. 31 in 1-10(b) Step 7: the expression "t _{eff } =1" was
corrected to "t _{eff} = t".
Appendix 1, 1-10(b)(1) Errata Correction to Equation R_{eff} - In Eq. (27) for the calculation of R_{eff}, the number
Step 5 Eq. 27 "21" in the denominator was corrected to "2". Manufacturers and designers should take
note of this significant publishing error.
Appendix 1, Figure 1-6 Revision Editorial Cleanup of Notes - The technical note concerning head and skirt of different
thicknesses for the details given for a loose type flange and integral type flange have been
reproduced as Note (1) and relocated to the bottom of the Figure. Existing Notes (1) and
(2) have been renumbered to (2) and (3).
Appendix 26, 26-1(a), Revision Revised Paragraphs which refer to U-2(g). - Paragraph 26-4.1(f) was deleted and replaced
26-1(b) with new paragraph 26-1(b). Paragraph 26-1(b) provides a general reference to U-2(g) for
those bellows expansion joint designs that differ from those covered in this Appendix. The
language in this paragraph is written to be consistent with similar paragraphs in Appendix 5
and Part UHX.
Appendix 26, 26-2(e) Revision Fatigue Consideration Above Max. Temperature Limit - A second sentence was added to
26-1(e) addressing the design of expansion bellows above the maximum temperature limits
given in Table 26-2. The addition of the sentence clarifies that bellows expansion joints
may be used on Section VIII, Division 1 vessels operating above these temperatures so long
as the effects of time-dependent behavior (creep and creep-fatigue interaction) is considered
in accordance with U-2(g). Prior to this revision, it was only via Interpretation VIII-1-07-03
that a Code User would know that it is permissible to construct a heat exchanger with an
Appendix 26 bellows for design temperatures greater than 800°F.
Appendix 26, 26-2(e), Revision Maximum Design Temperature - Paragraph 26-2(e) was revised to state that the design
Table 26-2 rules in Appendix 26 are valid for design temperatures up to the values listed in Table 26-2.
Above these temperatures the effects of time-dependent behavior (creep and creep-fatigue
interaction) shall be considered in accordance with U-2(g). Design temperatures for
nonferrous and high alloy materials are listed in Table 26-2 .
Appendix 26, 26-3, Revision Added Shear Stress in Bellows under Torsion Load - Paragraph 26-4.3 was added to
26-4.3, Forms 26-1 and address torsional loads in bellows. Torsional loads usually generate high shear stresses that
26-1M can be detrimental to the bellows life. The EJMA Standard proposed a rule limiting the
shear stress due to torsion to 0.25 times the allowable stress and gives formulas for
calculating this shear stress. These formulas have been validated by FEA analyses on
U-shaped bellows and on one toroidal bellows. Corresponding additions were included in
"Nomenclature" (Paragraph 26-3) [ G _b, L_{dt], M_z, theta_z, tau_z ], as well as Forms
26-1 and 26-1M to include "Design Torsion" data.
Appendix 26, 26-6.4.2 Revision YS Value to Check In-Plane Stability of Unreinforced Bellows - This action corrects a
mistake in 26-6.4.2. When checking an unreinforced bellows for in-plane stability (buckling
check) the yield strength of the material is needed. Table Y-1 of Section II, Part D is called
out as a reference in 26-6.4.2 for material yield strength values. When yield strength values
are not listed in Table Y-1 for a particular material/temperature combination, then
UG-28(c)(2) Step 3 shall be used to acquire the needed yield strength value.
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Appendix 26, 26-7.3.2, Revision Collar membrane stress due pressure and editorial revisions - (1) Paragraph 26-7.3.2 -
Table 26-10.1 When the membrane stress due to pressure in the collar of reinforced bellows was last
revised, the modulus of elasticity of the bellows material was improperly used for the
elasticity of the collar. The equation has been corrected.
(2) Definition of r_m could have be misinterpreted as D_m/2. A formula has now been
(3) There are minor terminology differences between Div. 1 and Div. 2. There have been
several editorial changes in order to harmonize the rules for thin expansion joints in the two
(4) In Table 26-10.1, the variable for " Convolution Inside Diameter" revised to D _b.
Appendix 2, 2-13(b), Errata Correction to Variable Alpha_r - (1) In the Nomenclature for the calculation for reverse
Table 2-14 type flanges in 2-13(b), the variable "H" in the definition of Alpha_r, was corrected to "K"
as errata.
(2) In Table 2-14 for Flange Rigidity Factors, the variable "g^2_o" was corrected to
Appendix 31, Table 31-1 Revision Added EN 10028-2:2008 Grade 10CrMo9-10 - Added EN 10028-2 Grade 10CrMn9-10 to
Table 31-1 under "Nominal Composition 2-1/2Cr-1Mo".
Appendix 39, 39-2 Revision Corrected Equations - (1) In the Equation for P, the expression " p - p_a " was corrected
to " p_a - p_i "
(2) In the two equations of Appendix 39-2 for the coefficient of permeability, k(L), the
term in the numerator was corrected from "1" (the number one) to the letter " l " (script
lower case "L"). The term was corrected based on DIN standard 51 935:1993-08 from
which these equations were taken.
Appendix 5, 5-1(c) - (f) Revision Revised Paragraphs which refer to U-2(g). - Paragraphs 5-1(c), (d), (e) & (f) address
details of design and construction for flanged-and-flued or flanged-only expansion joints
that are not explicitly covered in Appendix 5. Each of these paragraphs have previously
referenced U-2(g), but in this revision they have been rewritten and now only subparagraph
(f) makes reference to U-2(g).
Appendix 8, 8-1(b) Revision NDE Procedure Qualification Requirements - In the 2013 Edition, Section V added new
paragraph T-150(d) to include requirements for written NDE procedure qualification.
Paragraph 8-1(b) contains the word "qualifications", which has caused some to believe that
this invokes a requirement for NDE procedures to be qualified in accordance with T-150(d)
of Section V, Article 1 when conducting liquid penetrant examinations. The use of the word
"qualifications" in 8-1(b) was only intended to refer to examination personnel qualifications
and certifications. The addition of T-150(d) and the generic reference to T-150 from within
8-1(c) has caused some unintended consequences. This is been corrected by removal of the
words "and qualifications" in 8-1(b). An intent interpretation has also been published on
this subject as follows: Question: Is it the intent of paragraphs 8-1(b) and 12-1(b) to require
qualification of examination procedures in accordance with paragraph T-150(d) of Section
V, Article 1? Reply: No.
Appendix 9, Figures 9-5 Revision Editorial Cleanup of Figure Notes - Technical information scattered throughout these
& 9-6 Figures has been organized in to Notes placed at the bottom of the Figures.
Appendix A, Figure A-2 Revision Editorial Cleanup of Figure Notes - Technical information place within the Figure has
been consolidated into NOTES: (1) & (2) at the bottom of the Figure.
Appendix JJ, Fig. Revision Correction to Impact Test Flow Chart - The reference to UHA-51(a)(4) in the bottom left
JJ-1.2-1, Fig. JJ-1.2-1 box of Fig. JJ-1.1-1 was corrected to UHA-51(a)(3). Similarly the reference to
UHA-51(a)(4) in General Note (a) was corrected to UHA-51(a)(3).
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Appendix L, Fig. L-11.3 Revision Caution Note on H/X Nameplate Example - Paragraph UHX-19.2.2 requires that a
cautionary note the placed on the ASME Nameplate for heat exchangers utilizing fixed
tubesheet. Appendix L contains several facsimiles of nameplates for different types of
vessels, and in Fig. L-11.3 for a shell and tube exchanger with fixed tubesheets, the Caution
Note, taken from UHX-19.2.2, was revised to reflect the use of Form U-5 to document the
design and operating conditions considered in the design of the heat exchanger.
Appendix R, Introduction Revision Update of Paragaph Reference - The reference to Table UHA-32.6 was updated to Table
UHA-32.7 in the Introduction paragraph.
Appendix S, S-1 Revision Deletion of Hydrostatic Test Factor - Appendix S contains design guidance for bolted
flanged assemblies. When the margin on ultimate tensile strength was changed from 4 to
3.5 in 1998, the hydrostatic test factor was correspondingly changed from 1.5 to 1.3 in
UG-99. However this change was not also made in Appendix S. Upon review by the
Committee, it was decided to delete reference to the hydrostatic test factor in Appendix S,
but the suggested bolt stress during the pressure test was kept at 1.5 times the design bolt
stress value. Also a reference to ASME PCC-1 was added as guidance on bolt torque and
troubleshooting flange leakage.
Appendix W, Form U-1P Revision MDR for Plate Heat Exchangers - The ASME Pressure Vessel Committee has a Task
Group on Plate Heat Exchangers working on rules specific for the construction of plate heat
exchangers (PHE). As part of this effort, a Manufacturers Data Report Form U-1P that
applies specifically to PHEs has been produced , and is more applicable to PHEs than Form
U-1. For example Form U-1P requires specific information regarding the end plates, and
the heat transfer plates, including the maximum plate count for the frame assembly, and the
quantity of plates in the PHE as tested and shipped.
Appendix Y, Figures Revision Editiorial Cleanup of Figure Notes - The notes on these Appendix Y Figures have been
Y-3.2, Y-5.1.1, Y-5.1.2, editorially reorganized into a combination of GENERAL NOTES and NOTES.
Appendix Y, Y-6.1 Errata Correction to Eq. 7 - In the calculation for the flange moment due to flange-hub
interaction, Eq. 7 was corrected by adding a minus sign in front of the expression.
2286-4 Revision Revised Mathematical Symbols - The following corrections were made to mathematical
(1) Paragraph 3.2, third line, corrected "(lambda)[sub c] < 0.15" to "lambda_c > 0.15";
(2) In Equation (3-3a), replaced "less than" symbol ("<") with "less than or equal to"
symbol "(·)";
(3) Paragraph 3.2.2, corrected "(lambda)[sub c] < 0.15" to "lambda_c > 0.15";
(4) In Equation (3-8b) corrected by adding the "less than or equal to" symbol "(·)" between
"100" and "D_o / t".
Case 2590-3 Revision Subcontracted Diffusion Welding Services - Case 2590-3 permits the use of
non-certificate holders for welding and brazing utilizing special welding processes and
equipment. This revision to Case 2590-3 adds diffusion welding to the other list of welding
processes [electron beam welding, laser beam welding, vacuum furnace brazing] currently
covered by the code case. Note that diffusion welding (or otherwise called diffusion
bonding) is permitted per Section VIII, Division 1 per Appendix 42 and Case 2621-1, and is
limited to the construction of microchannel heat exchangers.
Note that ASME has developed a new Part Certificate of Authorization for manufacturers
looking to perform code fabrication without any design responsibility. When and if Section
VIII recognizes manufacturers holding the new Part Certificate, then Case 2590-4 will be
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Case 2684-2 Revision Extend Scope of Case to Include VIII-1 - Case 2684-2 permits the use of
47Ni-23Cr-23Fe-7W. UNS N06674 alloy seamless pipe and tube, and forgings in the
construction of advanced ultra-supercritical boilers to Section I. This action revises the case
to now include use of the material in Section VIII, Division 1. Two new paragraphs were
added to the case to address specific requirements from Part UNF, including the postform
heat treatment rules of UNF-79.
Case 2792 Addition SB-626 Flare Test Instead of Flange Test - This is a joint Code Case among Sections I,
II-B and VIII-1. It provides an exemption to the flange test required by SB-626 and instead
requires a [less sever] flare test per SB-751 or SA-370. It also limits the flare in production
to no more than 30 degrees.
Case 2794 Addition Use of Solution Annealed Ni-24 Fe-23 Cr-6 Mo-3 (UNS N06845) - Code Case 2794
permits the use of solution annealed Ni-24 Fe-23 Cr-6 Mo-3 Cu, UNS N06845 material for
seamless condenser and heat-exchanger tubes. This material was developed for use in
acidic environments up to 450°C (842°F).
Case 2795 Addition Use of PTFE Material for Flue Gas Heat Exchanger Tubes - Code Case 2795 permits the
use of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) to be used for flue gas heat exchanger tubes. Material
selected for excellent performance in a corrosive environment. The PTFE specification is in
conformance with ASTM D4895-10, classification I/4/B or I/3/D. The primary application
for this material is heat recovery from boiler flue gases.
Case 2807 Addition Exemption to Post-Bend Heat Treatment per UCS-79 - In the 2013 Edition, revisions to
UCS-79 clarified that bends in pipe and tube produced via cold forming that exceed the
fiber elongation limits given in UCS-79(d) require a post-bending heat treatment. Although
not a new requirement, previous UCS-79 language was commonly misunderstood relative
to pipe and tube bends. One contributing factor to Code users overlooking this requirement
was the fact that UCS-79 did not contain the equation to calculate the fiber elongation in
pipe and tube bends. Upon publication of the new and improved UCS-79 in the 2013
Edition, many manufacturers protested the need to heat treat bends in small diameter pipe
and tube. This led to the development of Case 2807, which provides an exemption to
post-bend heat treatment for bends in carbon and low alloy steel pipe and tube. The
limitations given in the Case are taken from Paragraph 129.3 of B31.1. For P-No. 1
material, the nominal wall thickness shall not exceed ¾ in ( 19 mm), with no limit on
diameter. For all other carbon and low-alloy steel, the nominal outside diameter shall be
less than 4.5 inches (114 mm), and the nominal thickness shall be less than 1/2 inch (13
mm). In all cases the design temperature shall be less than or equal to 650°F (345°C).
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1.2.5 Revision Combination Units with Dependent Chambers - The description of Combination Units was
expanded to include dependent chambers in 4.1.8 and 8.1.3. As a result, the word
"independent" was deleted from paragraph 1.2.5.
Table 1.1 Revision Update to Reference Standards - The following reference standards have been updated:
(1) B16.5 - Changed from 2009 to 2013 Edition.
(2) ASME PTC-25 - Changed from 2008 to 2014 Edition.
(3) The reference to SNT-TC-1A was corrected to " ASNT SNT-TC-1A"
(4) ASME PCC-1 - Changed from 2010 to 2013 Edition.
(5) ANSI/UL-969 - Changed from 1995 Edition to Latest Edition.
Subpart/Table: Part 2 Revision Environmental Factors - Consideration in Fatigue - The calculation for allowable fatigue
design cycles using the welded fatigue curve method in Annex 3-F, paragraph 3-F.2.2(c)
requires application of a factor of 4.0 for fluid environment unless there is justification to
use an alternate value. This factor was included in the 2007 re-write of the Division 2 Code
based on concerns that the new welded fatigue method (Structural Stress Method) was not
conservative as related to the existing smooth bar methodology. The factor of 4.0 in the
original Code smooth bar fatigue method was intended to reflect the effects on an industrial
atmosphere in comparison with an air-conditioned lab, and not the effects of a specific
coolant. This revision removes the recommended value of 4.0 for an environmental factor
when performing a fatigue evaluation using the structural stress method, and instead
provides guidance concerning the environmental modification factor, f_E, which is typically
a function of the fluid environment, loading frequency, temperature, and material variables
such as grain size and chemical composition. The environmental modification factor, f_E,
shall be specified in the Uses Design Specification.
New subparagraph (4) was added to 2.2.2(f) dealing with the consideration of corrosion
fatigue when defining the design fatigue life in the User's Design Specification. It is the
user's responsibility to define the environmental modification factor to be used in the
fatigue calculations of Annex 3, 3-F.2 based on experience or testing. If because of a lack of
experience it is not certain that the chosen stresses are low enough, it is advisable that the
frequency of inspection is increased until there is sufficient experience to justify the factor
Table 2-D.3, Form A-1 Errata Corrections to Data Report Form - Under Section 20. of Form A-1, the last column for
Bolting calls for "Bolting Material"; this was corrected to" "Washer Material" in two
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2-F.1(h), Fig. 2-F.1 Revision Revised Figure UG-118 - Nameplate Sample - This revision is a cleanup of Figure 2-F.1
which depicts the form of stamping on an ASME nameplate. The changes include:
(1) The word "USER (when inspected by a user's inspector as provided in paragraph 2 –
4.1) " has been added above the ASME certification Mark
(2) The parenthetical expression beneath the phrase "Letters Denoting The Construction
Type" has been replaced with "[see paragraphs 2-F.1(h), (i), (j) and 2-F.4(s)]"
(3) In 2-f.1(h) the word "included" has been replaced with "Mark under the certification
Mark and U2 designator".
Annex 2-I, Title Errata Identify as Normative Annex - Annex 2-I , Establishing Governing Code Editions and
Cases for Pressure Vessels and Parts, contains mandatory requirements, and therefore this
Annex is considered a "Normative Annex". The word "Normative" was added to the Title
of the Annex.
Subpart/Table: Part 3 Revision Impact Test Requirement for SA/NF A36-215 Grade P440 NJ4 - The provisions of Code
Case 2562 permitting the use of NF A36-215 Grade P440 NJ4 material for VIII-2
applications have been Incorporated into Section VIII, Division 2. In paragraph (a)
a statement was added that the provisions for impact test exemption in paragraph
through shall not apply for SA/NF A36-215 Grade P440 NJ4.
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Synopsis of the 2015 Edition of the ASME BPV Code, Revision Material with Yield Strength > 65 ksi - The essence of these revisions concerns the
Steps 2 & 3,, requirement in which stated: "Unless specifically exempted in Figure 3.7 (for,, parts not subject to PWHT) or Figure 3.8 (for parts subject to PWHT and four non-welded, parts), materials having a specified minimum yield strength greater than 450 MPa (65 ksi)
& (2), Fig. 3.7 shall be impact tested." The Committee has decided that there should be no exemption from
impact testing for a carbon and low alloy steel material with a specified minimum yield
strength great than 450 MPa (65 ksi). Manufacturers should make note of this change, as it
is possible that material that was otherwise exempted from impact testing per Figs. 3.7 or
3.8 would now require to be impact tested. There were several other cleanup revisions to
carbon and low alloy steel impact test rules, that are summarized below:
(1) (a) - In Steps 2, 3 and 5, a reference to (b) concerning materials with
an Sy > 450 MPa (65 ksi) has been added. These revisions make it clear that the MDMT
corresponding to the temperature at which materials with a specified minimum yield
strength greater than 450 MPa (65 ksi) were tested may be further lowered its material
stressed to the value lower than the code allowable stress limit.
(2) (d) - The first two sentences dealing with applying a low stress exemption to
components such as flat heads, covers, tube sheets and flanges were rewritten to be
consistent with VIII-1 rules in UCS-66(b)(1)(b).
(3) (a) - The first sentence was rewritten to clarify that the stress ratio defined in (a) step 4 shall be used to determine the reduction in the MDMT temperature.
(4) (a) - The reference to Figure 3.12 and 3.13 were replaced with a reference to the
stress ratio defined in (a) step 4.
(5) (c)(1) & (2) - These two sentences were rewritten replacing the references to
Figures 3.12 and 3.13 with the reference to the stress ratio defined in (a) step 4.
(6) Notes for Figures 3.7, 3.7M, 3.8, 3.8M (f) - The listing of "SA-533 Grades B and C"
was replaced with "SA-533 Types B and C Class 1"; Also General Note (g) was deleted. Revision Specimen Location for Forgings - To be consistent with similar requirements in
UHT-6(b)(2), the following sentence has been added to "Specimen location for
forgings shall be the same as specified in SA-350 for location of impact test specimens
(Paragraph 7.2.3)."
3.11.4 Revision Update to Impact Test Reqm'ts for High Alloy Steel - Numerous revisions were made to
paragraph 3.11.4 to bring the toughness requirements for high alloy steels in sync with the
requirements of UHA-51 in VIII-1. Below is a summary of the changes to this paragraph.
(1) - Requirements were added to the end of this paragraph concerning the
number of specimen sets, andthat the specimens shall be subjected to the same thermal
treatments as the part or vessel that the specimens represent.
(2) (b) - This paragraph has been divided into two paragraphs, (b) & (c), covering
the situation when the MDMT is -196°C and warmer, and for the case when the MDMT is
colder than -196°C.
(3) (b)(1) & (b(2) - These paragraphs which provide requirements when the
MDMT is colder than -196°C have been deleted and replaced by thru (c)(3).
The information now published in VIII-2 matches the requirements given in UHA-51(a)(3).
(4) - This paragraph concerns impact tests when thermal treatments are performed.
The first sentence was revised to state that impact tests are required at the test temperature
in accordance with This change allows testing to be conducted at -196°C when the
MDMT is colder than this temperature, if all of the conditions stated in (c) are met.
(5) - the term "Heat Affected Zones" was replaced with the acronym HAZ in two
(6) - This paragraph containing the listing of several austenitic
chromium-nickel stainless steels has been deleted, and the subsequent paragraphs
(7) - A reference to for how to conduct impact tests was added in several
locations in this paragraph.
(8) - The rules for production impact test plates were completely rewritten to be
consistent with the rules given in UHA-51(h) of VIII-1. Errata Errata - Corrected Reference - In paragraph, the previous reference to "UG-92"
was corrected to "7.2.2".
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Synopsis of the 2015 Edition of the ASME BPV Code Revision Added Cladding Alloy-to-Cladding Alloy Welding - Paragraph was added as the
result of an Intent Interpretation. requires that welding of cladding material used
in design calculations shall be made by a Manufacturer holding a Certificate of
Authorization. The plate is to have the cladding joints made by an ASME Manufacturer,
receive volumetric examination (7.5.3 or 7.5.5), and be provided with a Partial Data Report
and Certification Mark prior to bonding to the base material.
3.3.7 and 3.6.6 Revision Added rules for clad tubesheets - Added 3.3.7 & 3.6.6 to provide rules for clad tubesheets
when the tubes are to be strength welded to the cladding.
Figures 3.12, 3.12M, 3.13 Revision Editorial Changes to Notes in Figures - All of the Notes published under Figure 3.13M of
and 3.13M the 2013 Edition of VIII-2 have been reproduced and published within Figures 3.12, 3.12M,
3.13 and 3.13M..
Figures 3.3, 3.3M, 3.4, Revision Editorial Changes to Notes in Figures - All of the Notes published under Figure 3.4M of
3.4M the 2013 Edition of VIII-2 have been reproduced and published within Figures 3.3, 3.3M,
3.4 and 3.4M.
Table 3-A-3, Table 6.15 Revision Addition of Alloy S31266 - High-strength super austenitic alloy S31266, commonly used
in highly corrosive environments, has been added to Section VIII, Division 2 for product
forms SA-182 (forgings) and SA-240 (plate). The material has been added to Table 6.15
providing heat treatment rules for this material (P No. 45). Note that a code case [ Case
2831 ]has also been approved for this material. Also revised table references in
Table 3.1 Revision Added SA/EN 10028-2 Grade 10CrMo9-10 - Added SA/EN 10028-2 Grade 10CrMn9-10
to Table 3.1.
Table 3-A.1 Revision SA-542 Types C and D - The nominal compositions for Types C and D were reversed in
table 3-A.1. The nominal composition for Type C is 3Cr-1Mo-1/4V-Ti-B, and for Type D
2 1/4Cr-1Mo-1/4V.
Table 3-A.3 Addition Incorporation of Code Case 2295-3, UNS S32906 Alloy - The provisions of Code Case
2295-3 permitting the use of austenitic-ferritic (duplex) stainless steel UNS S32906
(29Cr-6.5Ni-2Mo-N) for a Div. 2 construction have been incorporated into Section VIII,
Division 2. This material has been added to Table 3-A.3 in product forms SA-240 (plate,
sheet, strip), SA-479 (bar), SA-789(seamless tube) and SA-790 (seamless pipe)
Table 3-A.3 Revision Incorporated Code Case 2367 for UNS S32205 Material - Added UNS S32205 Duplex
Stainless Steel. (Higher strength version of S31803) to Table 3-A.3 for SA-182 Gr. F60,
SA-240 Gr. 225, SA-789, and SA-790. With this revision, Code Case 2637 will be annulled
as of January 1, 2016.
Table 3-A.6 Addition Incorporation of Code Case 2728 - UNS N08825 Forgings - The provisions of Code Case
2728 permitting the use of SB-564 Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy
UNS N08825 Forgings for VIII-2 construction have been Incorporated into Section VIII,
Division 2 with the addition of this material to Table 3-A.6.
3-F.1.1(c), Table 3-F.3 Addition Update to Table 3-F.3 - Coefficients for Fatigue Curve - Austenitic-Ferritic Stainless
Steels have been added to the list of materials covered under Table 3-F.3 Coefficients for
Fatigue Curve 110.2.1.
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Synopsis of the 2015 Edition of the ASME BPV Code
3-F.2.2 Revision Environmental Factors - Consideration in Fatigue - The calculation for allowable fatigue
design cycles using the welded fatigue curve method in Annex 3-F, paragraph 3-F.2.2(c)
requires application of a factor of 4.0 for fluid environment unless there is justification to
use an alternate value. This factor was included in the 2007 re-write of the Division 2 Code
based on concerns that the new welded fatigue method (Structural Stress Method) was not
conservative as related to the existing smooth bar methodology. The factor of 4.0 in the
original Code smooth bar fatigue method was intended to reflect the effects on an industrial
atmosphere in comparison with an air-conditioned lab, and not the effects of a specific
coolant. This revision removes the recommended value of 4.0 for an environmental factor
when performing a fatigue evaluation using the structural stress method, and instead
provides guidance concerning the environmental modification factor, f_E, which is typically
a function of the fluid environment, loading frequency, temperature, and material variables
such as grain size and chemical composition. The environmental modification factor, f_E,
shall be specified in the Users Design Specification (UDS)., 4.1.13, Revision Primary + Secondary Stress Limit - In the design of conical sections, fixed tubesheet's
4.18.15(d), 4.20.7 and flanged-and-flued expansion joints, a check on primary plus secondary stress is carried
out. In the current rules of a Div. 2 this limit on primary plus secondary stress points to
Part 5, . This revision adds a definition for SPS in identical to that given
in VIII-1, and which will be referenced throughout Part 4 wherever primary plus secondary
stress limit is checked in the design of a component.
(1) - New paragraph defining primary plus secondary stress and limits
(2) 4.1.13 Nomenclature - SPS added
(3) 4.3.13 - For definition of SPS, reference to "" replaced with "".
(4) 4.18.15 Nomenclature - All definitions for SPS revised to change reference to
"" with "".
(5) 4.20.2(f) - Paragraph deleted
(6) 4.20.7 Nomenclature - Definition for SPS revised to point to
4.1.8 Revision Combination Units with Dependent Chambers - The description of Combination Units was
expanded to include dependent chambers in 4.1.8. For vessels containing multiple
chambers, depending on whether these chambers operate dependently or independently will
affect the design of the common elements as well as the manner in which the pressure test is
Part 4, Errata Correction to Paragraph Numbering - In subparagraph (h) should be
and the subsequent subparagraphs renumbered.
Table 4.2.1 Revision Butt Welds in Tubesheets - Part 4.18 does not address the situation where there is a weld
seam within a tubesheet. There is precedence within Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2 that
flat plates used as closures and for non-circular vessels with a butt weld seam will have a
design joint efficiency defined based on the level of radiography. However due to the
complexity and multiple steps associated with tubesheet design in Part UHX, the
Committee elected to mandate full radiography for any butt weld seam within a tubesheet
regardless of the thickness of the tubesheet or the in-service condition. As part of the
revisions needed to make this change, the butt weld seam in a tubesheet was added to the
definition of a Category A joint in Table 4.2.1.
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Table 4.2.3 Revision Revised Descriptions of Material Type 3 - The designations of SA-372, In Table 4.2.3
under the description for "Material Type 3", “SA-372 Type IV & V” has been changed to
“SA-372 Grade D & Class 70 of Grade E, F, G, H and J”. An Intent Interpretation was
written to effect this revision. Errata Correction to Equation 4.3.43 - In the calculation of sigma_3, the following correction was
made: "sigma_3 = sigma _r - 0.5P" was changed to "sigma _3 = sigma _r = 0.5P" .
4.3.13, Fig. 4.3.8 Revision Length of Conical Shell - The length of the conical shell, which is used to check the stress
at the cone-to-cylinder junction (with or without a knuckle) is incorrectly defined in VIII-2.
The definition of L_c in 4.3.13 was changed from "projected length of a conical shell" to "
length of the conical shell, measured parallel to the surface of the cone." The corresponding
conical transition details given in Figure 4.3.8 were corrected to reflect this revision to the
definition of L_c. Addition Credit for Reinforcement Material in Flanges & Flat Heads - New paragraph
introduces requirements concerning material that may be considered to have reinforcement
value. Excess material within studding outlet type flanges and the straight hubs of forged
nozzle flanges may be considered to have reinforcement value, however other bolted
flanged material within the limits of reinforcement shall not be considered to have
reinforcement value. Further with the exception of material within an integral hope, no
material in a tubesheet or flat head shall be credited as reinforcement for an opening in an
adjacent shell or head. These requirements are identical to those published in UG-40(e) of
VIII-1. With the addition of this paragraph, original paragraph was renumbered to Errata Correction to Equation 4.5.2 - In Eq. 4.5.2 the term " 0.75" was corrected to " 0.75 * d_st
". Manufacturers should take note of this significant correction. Revision Telltale Hole in Reinforcement Plate - The purpose of the telltale hole [ ... to test for
tightness of welds that seal off the inside of the vessel ...] was removed from
since there was never any mandatory requirement placed on the Manufacturer to do
anything with the telltale hole, other than to install the hole. Also, details concerning the
vent hole [ maximum diameter 11mm (7/16 in) and use of straight or tapered threads] were
added. Errata Correction to Equation 4.5.53 - In Equation 4.5.53, the variable "f_n" was corrected to
"f_N". Errata Errata - Corrected Equation (4.6.15) - In paragraph Equation (4.6.15), upper case
"T" was corrected to lower case " t ".
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Synopsis of the 2015 Edition of the ASME BPV Code Revision Rules for Calc. Max Permissible Gaps for Layered Vessels - The equation for variable
K_c [Eq. 4.13.7] was corrected as follows: " K_c = sqrt {4 * (S_a)/(3 * S_m) + 0.25
}^0.5 ". This correction to Equation 4.13.7 was also published as an early implementation
Code Case, Case 2806. Errata Correction to Equation 4.15.26 - In the calculation of sigma _{6,r}, the following
correction was made: the term in the numerator "K _5 * Q * k" was corrected to: "- K _5
*Q * k" .
Table 4.16.7 Errata Correction to Calculation of Variable K _ {CD} - In the equation for the calculation of
variable K_ {CD}, the term " 1.05" was corrected to "0.105" as errata., Form A-4 Revision Recording Op. Press. & Temp. on MDR for Fixed Tubesheets - It has come to the
Committee's attention that code users have been filling out incorrect operating temperatures
or pressures for fixed tubesheet heat exchangers on Form A-4 of the Manufacturers Data
Report. In paragraph the Design/Operating Metal Temperatures has been
described as: "For each condition, the temperature at which the allowable stress was taken
for the shell, channel, tube, and tubesheet shall be listed. Any metal temperature between
the MDMT and the listed temperature is permitted provided the resulting axial differential
thermal expansion is within the listed range." The following sentence was added to " Within the listed range of operating temperature and pressure, any
combination of shell and tube axial mean temperatures is permitted provided the resulting
axial differential thermal expansion is within the listed range". Form A-4 was cleaned up as
part of this action.
4.18.15(d) Revision Primary + Secondary Stress Limit, SPS - In 4.18.15 Nomenclature, all definitions for SPS
revised to change reference to "" with "".
4.18.15, Tables 4.18.8 Revision Min/Max Range of Operating Pressures - This revision concerns the operating load cases
and 4.18.9 that must be considered in the design of fixed and floating tubesheets. Currently Tables
4.18.8 and 4.18.9 assume that the range of operating pressure is from zero to a positive
pressure P_{tox} or P_{sox}. The assumption that the minimum pressure is zero instead of
a more realistic case, such as negative (vacuum) operating pressures required this revision.
The tables were revised introducing new variables P_{sox,min}, P_{sox,max},
P_{tox,min}, P_{tox,max}. The Nomenclature was also revised to include these new
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4.18.1(b), 4.18.4, 4.18.11, Revision Revised Paragraphs which refer to Part 5 - The following revisions were made concerning
4.18.12 references to Part 5:
(1) 4.18.1(b) - This new paragraph contains the general rules for the situation where 4.18
does not cover the common types of shell-and-tube heat exchangers and their elements.
Designs that differ from those covered in 4.18 shall be in accordance with Part 5, design by
analysis rules.
(2) 4.18.4 - This paragraph has been deleted with the addition of new paragraph 4.18.1(b).
(3) 4.18.11 - The phrase "as applicable" was added to the end of the paragraph.
(4) - The first sentence of this paragraph has been broken up into two
paragraphs, (a) & (b).
(5) - Paragraph deleted. Errata Correction to Equations & Paragraph References - (1) Step 7 (b)(2) - In the
calculation of sigma , the variable "u*" was corrected to "mu*" .
(2) Step 10 (a)- The reference to Eq. 4.18.122 was corrected to Eq. 4.18.123.
(3) Step 10 (b) - The reference to Eq. 4.18.122 was corrected to Eq. 4.18.123., Tables 4.18.5 & Revision Load Case Designations for W* - Table 4.18.6 was updated for the calculation of the
4.18.6, Nomenclature tubesheet effective bolt load. The original four Loading Case columns (1,2,3,4-7) were
4.18.15 replaced with four Design Loading Cases columns (1,2,3,4), and a column for Operating
Loading Cases (1-4). Similarly Table 4.18.5 was updated to reflect four Design and four
Operating load cases. Corresponding revisions were also made to the text of
Figure 4.18.4 & 4.18.11 Errata Correction to Configuration d Title - In Sketch (d) of Figure 4.18.4 and 4.18.11the caption
was corrected to read "Tubesheet Gasketed with Shell and Channel".
4.19.1(b), Revision Revised Paragraphs which refer to Part 5 - Paragraph was deleted and
subsequent paragraphs renumbered. Paragraph 4.19.1(b) provides a general reference to
Part 5 for those bellows expansion joint designs that differ from those covered in this
Appendix. The language in this paragraph is written to be consistent with similar
paragraphs in 4.18 and 4.20.
4.19.2(e), Table 4.19.1 Revision Maximum Design Temperature - Paragraph 4.19.2(e) was revised to state that the design
rules in Part 4.19 for bellows expansion joints are valid for design temperatures up to the
values listed in Table 4.19.1. Design temperatures for nonferrous and high alloy materials
are listed in Table 4.19.1. With the addition of Table 4.19.1, subsequent Tables have been
renumbered. Where the design temperatures exceed the limits given in Table 4.19.1, the
designer has the option to invoke 4.19.1(b) which essentially sends you to Part 5 to perform
an alternative design analysis. Presently Part 5 does not offer a creep-fatigue design
solution, however if the designer can demonstrate that a fatigue analysis is not required
based on experience with comparable equipment [Para.] , then the bellows
expansion joints may be used at temperatures exceeding the limits in Table 4.19.1.,, Revision Added Sheer Stress in Bellows under Torsion Load - Paragraph was added to
4.19.11, Forms 4.19.1 address torsional loads in bellows. Torsional loads usually generates high shear stresses that
and 4.19.2 can be detrimental to the bellows life. The EJMA Standard proposed a rule limiting the
shear stress due to torsion to 0.25 times the allowable stress and gives formulas for
calculating this shear stress. These formulas have been validated by FEA analyses on
U-shaped bellows and on one toroidal bellows. Corresponding additions were included in
"Nomenclature" (Paragraph 4.19.11) as well as Forms 4.19.1 and 4.19.2 to include "Design
Torsion" data. Also cautionary information has been added to para. concerning
the presence of torsional loads, and a reference is made to when torsional loads are
present or expected.
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Synopsis of the 2015 Edition of the ASME BPV Code,, Tables Revision Collar Membrane Stress Due to Pressure - (1) Table 4.19.2 and Nomenclature: Definition
4.19.2, 4.19.7 & 4.19.9 of r_m could have be misinterpreted as Dm/2. A formula has been added.
(2) There have been editorial additions (from the nomenclature) in the Tables in order to
clarify which stresses are being calculated.
(3) There are minor terminology differences between Div. 1 and Div. 2. There have been
several editorial changes in order to harmonize the rules for thin expansion joints in the two
NOTE: With the publication of maximum design temperatures in Table 4.19.1, the design
equations originally published in Table 4.19.1 "Stress Calculations and Acceptability
Criteria for U-shaped Unreinforced Bellows Subject to Internal Pressure" are now
published in Table 4.19.2.
4.20.1(b),, Revision Revised Paragraphs which refer to Part 5 - The content of paragraph 4.19.3(e) addresses
4.20.3(f) loads on expansion joint flexible elements when attaching to connecting parts. The
reference to Part 5 was removed from this paragraph. Paragraph 4.20.3(f) was deleted and
replaced by 4.20.1(b). Paragraph 4.20.1(b) provides a general reference to Part 5 for those
flanged-and-flued expansion joint designs that differ from those covered in this Part. The
language in this paragraph is written to be consistent with similar paragraphs in 4.18 and
4.20.7 Revision Primary + Secondary Stress Limit - (1) 4.20.2(f) - Paragraph deleted
((2) 4.20.7 Nomenclature - Definition for SPS revised to point to
Part 4, 4.20.2(d) Errata Length Limit for Intermediate Outer Shell Element - The length limit for intermediate
outer shell element in 4.20.2.(d) was corrected from "sqrt (0.5 *R * t_f)" to "0.5 * sqrt(R *
Annex 4-E Addition Tube Expanding Procedures & Qualification - This revision adds an informative
(nonmandatory) Annex to Part 4 addressing tube expanding procedures and qualification.
These same requirements are currently published in Appendix HH pf Section VIII, Division
1. It is important that qualified procedures and personnel be used to expand tube joints,
since their strength is required to maintain the pressure boundary between the shell side and
tube side chambers of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger.
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Subpart/Table: Part 5,,, Revision Local Failure Check - These revisions to Part 5 concern clarifications on performing a
5.3.2, 5.3.3, Table 5.4 local failure check, and specifically whether or not this check is required when the design of
a component is based on Part 4 the rules. It is not necessary to evaluate protection against
local failure per paragraph 5.3 if the component design is in accordance with Part 4 (e.g. the
component wall thickness is based on the design rules of Part 4, and weld details are per
4.2). Further clarifications were made when a local failure check is performed following
either an elastic analysis per 5.3.2 or an elastic-plastic analysis per 5.3.3. In the case of an
elastic analysis, the local failure check is based on setting a limit on triaxial stress less than
or equal to 4S; for an elastic-plastic analysis, the local failure check is based on satisfying a
local strain limit. Finally in Table 5.4, Load Combinations and Load Factors for a Limit
Load Analysis, the check on Local Criteria is changed from " Per Table 5.5" to "See
Paragraph"., Eq. 5.10 Revision Error in Eq. to Calculate Strain Limit Damage from Forming - An error has been corrected
in, Eq. 5.10 in the calculation of strain limit damage from forming, D_{epsilon
form}. In the denominator, the term "0.67" has been corrected to " 1/3". This mistake was
identified via a comparison with ASME PTB-1.
Part 5, Step 6 Errata Correction to Eq. 5.6.2 - The variable "m_SS" was corrected to "m_ss" in Eq. 5.6.2 as
Subpart/Table: Part 6
6.10, Table 6.1 Revision Correction to Forming Strain Eq. for Dished Heads - The equation in Table 6.1 for
calculating the forming strain in one piece heads (known as the Bouhelier Equation) has
contained an error since it was first published in the 2007 Edition of a Div. 2. The term
D_o in the denominator should have been D_f, which is the final outside diameter of the
head. This equation is used to determine whether or not post-form heat treatment is
required when the calculated strain exceeds certain limits. The net result of this error is that
the strain calculated for all formed heads would be below the limit, and therefore many
heads would never receive the needed post-form heat treatment. The committee took action
to correct the equation as well as some cleanup in the Nomenclature. But they also issued a
Code Case (Case 2804) to immediately publish the correct equation, as well as issued a
Special Notice to all Certificate Holders and AIA's. Note that when calculating the strain
using the equation in Table 6.1, one uses the starting and ending diameters of the
component as opposed to the starting and ending radii as is the case in the VIII-1 equation. Revision Include Hybrid Welding. - For clarity, it is explicitly acknowledged that hybrid welding,
as defined in Section IX, using processes already accepted for Section VIII, Division 2
construction [see Table 6.5], is acceptable for Section VIII construction. Per Section IX,
hybrid welding is defined as when two or more welding processes are used in the same
weld pool. Revision References to Section IX Part QG - In the 2013 Edition, the Section IX standard was
reorganized with the introduction of a new Part QG, - General Requirements. This change
affected many references to Section IX within the construction codes such as Section VIII,
Division 2. The references to QW-201 and QW-300 were corrected to QG-106 paragraph
Table 6.10 Revision Withdrawal of SA-202 - In 2004 ASTM withdrew material specification A 202 [Standard
Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Chromium-Manganese-Silicon ]
This action removes reference to SA-202 from Table 6.10, Requirements for Postweld Heat
Treatment for P-No, 4 Group 1,2.
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Table 6.15 Revision Incorporated Code Case 2367 for UNS S32205 Material - Postweld heat treatment
requirements for alloy UNS S32205 were added to Table 6.15. With this revision, Code
Case 2637 will be annulled as of January 1, 2016.
Table 6.15 Revision Addition of Alloy S31266 - High-strength super austenitic alloy S31266, commonly used
in highly corrosive environments, has been added to Section VIII, Division 2 for product
forms SA-182 (forgings) and SA-240 (plate). The material has been added to Table 6.15
providing heat treatment rules for this material (P No. 45). Note that a code case [ Case
2831 ]has also been approved for this material.
Table 6.21 Revision U-Shaped and Unreinforced & Reinforced Bellows - Note (1) was added to Table 6.21
providing a reference to Figure 4.19.1-1 for the definitions of dimensions q, w, and D_b.
Table 6.5. Table 6.15 Revision Impact Test Requirement for SA/NF A36-215 Grade P440 NJ4 - The provisions of Code
Case 2562 permitting the use of NF A36-215 Grad P440 NJ4 material for VIII-2
applications have been Incorporated into Section VIII, Division 2. In Table 6.5, SA/NF
A36-215 Grade 440 NJ4 has been included with SA-841 as one of the materials for which
electrogas and electroslag welding is not permitted. In Table 6.15, postweld heat treatment
rules are explicitly given for SA/NF A36-215 Grade P440 NJ4 material.
Tables 6.10, 6.11 Revision PWHT Exemption - 4 in. OD Limit - An exemption from PWHT is given for P-No, 4 Gr.
Nos. 1,2 [Table 6.10] and P-Nos. 5A, 5B Gr. No. 1, and 5C Gr. No. 1 [Table 6.11] for
circumferential butt welds in pipe that meet a number of conditions including a limit on the
maximum nominal outside diameter of 100mm (4. in). This 100mm limit on the maximum
nominal outside diameter has been removed, aligning VIII-2 with PWHT requirements
within B31.1 and Section I for these same P-Nos. Concerning the technical justification for
removing this size limit, the Committee concluded that thickness is the more applicable
controlling "size" variable.
Subpart/Table: Part 7 Revision UT Examination of Electron Beam Welds - This revision to paragraph incorporates
the provisions of Case 2270 which waives the requirement for ultrasonic examination of
welds made by the electron beam welding process if the welds were thin (1/4 inch (6 mm)
or less) and if the surface was examined by either the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant
examination methods. Revision Automated or Semiautomated UT - When the provisions of Code Case 2235 were
incorporated into a Div. 2 paragraph, the explicit statement as to the use of
"automatic computer-based data acquisition" from paragraph (d) of the Case somehow was
not reproduced within This revision adds recognition of automated or
semiautomated ultrasonic examination to paragraphs and
"Automated ultrasonic examinations" and "semi-automated ultrasonic examinations" are
defined in Section V Article 5 Appendix III, Glossary of Terms for Ultrasonic Examination
within paragraph III-540. Revision Mandatory UT Examination of SAW Welds in 2 1/4Cr-1Mo-1.4V - A revision was made
to paragraph to clarify that in addition to the UT requirements of 7.5.5, for SAW
welds in 2 1/4Cr-1Mo-1/4V vessels, additional ultrasonic examination is required in
accordance with Annex A of API Recommended Practice 934-A may be used as
a guide in the selection of the examination specifics. and Revision Clarified Acceptance Criteria for Flaws - Paragraphs and have been
editorially modified to clarify the definition of "a" (for surface flaws) and "2a" (subsurface
flaws) per Figures 7-11 through 7-15, and to clarify the application of the "a" values listed
in the flaw acceptance tables, No technical changes to the acceptance criteria were made.
Figure 7.11 Sketch (b) Errata Errata Correction - In Sketch (b), the callout for " a " for corrected as errata.
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Table 7.2 Revision Corrections to NDE Table 7.2 - Table 7.2 provides the extent of NDE (either volumetric or
surface examination) for all of the different types of weld joints permitted in a Div. 2 as a
function of material grouping. For the entries corresponding to joints in nozzles, the
thickness size limit, "t ", as presented in the Table is incorrect, and should have been listed
as " t_n ". This correction was made to six entries. Also Note (19) was added. Note (19)
reads: " The terms "d" and t_n " are defined as follows: d = inside diameter of the opening;
t_n = nominal thickness of the nozzle wall.
Table 7.2 Revision Butt Welds in Tubesheets - Part 4.18 does not address the situation where there is a weld
seam within a tubesheet. There is precedence within Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2 that
flat plates used as closures and for non-circular vessels with a butt weld seam will have a
design joint efficiency defined based on the level of radiography. However due to the
complexity and multiple steps associated with tubesheet design in Part UHX, the
Committee elected to mandate full radiography for any butt weld seam within a tubesheet
regardless of the thickness of the tubesheet or the in-service condition. A row was added to
Table 7.2 listing butt welds in flat tubesheets as a Category A joint Type (1), and requiring
100% volumetric examination (RT or UT) for all Examination Groups. Also new Note 20
has been added Examination Groups 3a and 3b stating that all Category A welds in a
tubesheet shall be Type(1). Note that the Weld Joint Efficiency listed for the different
Examination Groups ( 1.0 or 0.85 ) do not apply to these butt joints in tubesheets since a
joint efficiency, E, is not used in any of the design equations in Part 4.18.
Table 7.4 Revision NDE of Layered Vessels - It has been brought to the Committee's attention that the NDE
requirements for layer vessels as given in Table 7.4 are not consistent with the requirements
as specified in paragraph 7.4.11. Research has shown that the NDE requirements of layer
vessels as stated in paragraph 7.4.11 are identical to those previously published in AF-810
of Section VIII, Division 2, 2006 Addenda. Further, there is no evidence that as the 2007
Edition of VIII-2 was being prepared that there was to be a change in the NDE requirements
for layer vessels. To correct this problem, an Intent Interpretation
[VIII-2-2013-RN15-1140] was published, which states: Question:Where there are conflicts
between Table 7.4 and paragraph 7.4.11, is it the intent that the requirements of 7.4.11 shall
take precedence? Reply: Yes.
Subsequent revisions to Table 7.4 were made to align this table with the requirements as
given in 7.4.11.
Subpart/Table: Part 8 Revision Pressure Testing Combination Units - The description of Combination Units (vessels with
multiple chambers) was expanded to include dependent chambers in 4.1.8. As such the two
pressure test procedures for combination units in have been labeled as applicable to
independent pressure chambers and dependent pressure chambers.The common elements
within a pressure vessel containing two independent chambers [], such as the
tubes and tubesheet in a shell and tube heat exchanger, are designed for the worst case
loading condition that can occur when each chamber is operating within its rated pressure
range independent of each other. Conversely the common elements within a pressure vessel
operating with two dependent chambers [] shall be designed for either a
maximum differential design pressure expected between adjacent chambers and/or a mean
metal temperature. Note that heat exchangers designed as dependent chambers must satisfy
the supplementary marking requirements given in Part 4.18 Para.
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Table 3-A.1 Addition Addition of SA-336 F91 Forgings - SA-336 Grade F91 forgings has been added as a
permitted material for VIII-2 construction with the addition of the material to Table 3-A.1.
Also an early implementation Code Case, Case 2815, has also been approved.
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Table KG-141 Revision Update Reference Standards - Reference to the following standards was made to Table
(1) ASME B16.5 changed from the 2009 Edition to the 2013 Edition.
(2) ASME PTC-25 changed from 2008 Edition to the 2014 Edition.
(3) BS- 7910 changed from the 2005 Edition to the 2013 Edition.
(4) ANSI/UL-969 changed from the 1995 Edition to Latest Edition.
(5) SNT-TC-1A corrected to "ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
Table KG-141 Revision Reference to ACCP - The reference to the ASNT Central Certification Program was
corrected to "ACCP-CP-1 Rev. 8".
Subpart/Table: Part KM
KM-100(c) Revision Revised KM-100(c) - Mandatory Appendix F, "Approval of New Materials Under the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code", was deleted in its entirety with the 2015 Edition.
KM-100(c) was revised to directly reference Section II, Part D, Appendix 5.
KM-100(c) Revision Revised KM-100(c) - Revised paragraph KM-100(c) to address materials identified with a
specification not permitted by Division 3, but which meet a different specification that is
permitted by Division 3. This change parallels that made previously to Section VIII, Div. 2,
paragraph, and is essentially identical to paragraph UG-15 of VIII-1.
KM-211.2 Revision Update to datum point of test locations of Q&T forgings - Revision adds clarification to
better define the location of the datum point for tension tests specimens in quenched and
tempered forgings. The revision also adds a statement that the designer defines the datum
point locations for the forging manufacturer.
KM-211.2(c), Revision Test Methods for Large Forgings - The last sentence of KM-211.2(c) describing the test
KM-211.2(e) specimen location for large forgings has been deleted, and replaced with new paragraph
KM-211.2(e). KM-211.2(e) now permits selection of the test specimen location according
to KM-211.2(a), (b), (c) or (d) for large forgings that require testing at each end.
KM-506, KM-506 Revision KM-506 allows filament materials preimpregnated with resin - Code Case 2579 allowing
Tables, KF-1216 the use of filament materials preimpregnated with resin (a.k.a. "prepreg material) has been
incorporated into the book. New KM-506(b)(2), New Tables KM-506.1 and KM-506.4
address the controls for "prepreg" material since the current rules for resin are not
appropriate. Paragraphs KF-1216 (b)(4) and (b)(8) have been revised to better account for
normal practices for the prototype volumetric expansion tests using this type of material.
Table KM-506.1 redesignated as KM-506.2 and Table KM-506-2 redesignated as
Tables KM-400-1 and Revision Corrections to Table KM-400.1 for SA-231 & SA-232 - A number of errors were
KM-400-1M identified in Table KM-400.1 for SA-231 and SA-232 wire material, primarily with the
Specified Minimum Tensile Strength and material thickness. Also the material was
rearranged in the Table in order of increasing tensile strength. Also Note 22 was revised to
reference SA-231 and SA-232, and Note 23 has been deleted.
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Tables KM-400-1 and Revision Added SA/EN 10025-2, Grade S355J2+N; editorial revisions - (1) Added SA/EN 10025-2,
KM-400-1M Grade S355J2+N normalized carbon steel plate to Tables KM-400-1 and KM-400-1M.
(2) The thickness limit for 74 ksi Specified Minimum Tensile Strength SA/EN 10025-2,
Grade S355J2+N normalized carbon steel plate was incorrectly shown as “<= 0.12 in.”.
The value is now correctly shown as “< 0.12 in.”.
(3) This revision incorporates Code Case 2524, which will be annulled as of January 1,
Tables KM-400-1/M Revision Update to Nominal Composition Column - The nominal composition designation for
SA-841 Grades A & B were changed to "Carbon Steel" in accordance with Section II, Part
D, Nonmandatory B "Developing Nominal Composition Designations for ASME Code
Subpart/Table: Part KD
Figure KD-1121 Revision Editorial Revisions - Moved the note regarding the length of required taper that was
between each sketch and added it to a new General Note at the bottom of the Figure.
Figure KD-320.2 and Revision Editorial Revisions - Scientific notation for the Number of Cycles was corrected (e.g.
KD-320.2M 1.E+01 to 1.0E+02)
Figure KD-320.7 and Revision Editorial Revisions - Scientific notation for the Number of Cycles was corrected (e.g.
KD-320.7M 1.0E+01 to 1.0 E+02 - added space between 1.0 and E)
Figure KD-700 Revision Editorial Revisions - "Bracket and Lug Attachments" added to both sketch (a) and (b).
Figure KD-850 Revision Editorial Revisions - Moved the note regarding reference to Fig. KD-700 out of each
sketch and added it to a new Note (1) at the bottom of the Figure.
Figures KD-1260.1 and Revision Editorial Revisions - Moved the note showing the equations for KTS and KTN at Point C
KD-1260.2 to a new General Note at the bottom of the Figures.
KD-120, KD-121, Revision Clarification and reference corrections in KD - The wording in KD-120, KD-121 and
KD-630, KD-8 and KD-9 KD-630 has been revised in order to clarify and emphasize the elastic-plastic methods.
KD-632 has been revised and redesignated as KD-634. References in KD-8 and KD-9 have
also been revised in conjunction with the linear elastic analysis rules moving to Appendix
KD-141(a) Revision Revise Leak-Before-Burst Mode of Failure - KD-141 (a) has been revised to remove
previous criteria and add reference to the failure assessment diagram of API-579-1/ASME
FFS-1. The paragraph is now in alignment with Article KD-4 "Fracture Mechanics
Evaluation" methodology.
KD-221.1 and KD-221.2 Revision Clarified Text - Restructured text in KD-221.1 and KD-221.2 to clarify which equations
to use for calculating design pressure for open-end and closed-end monoblock cylinders.
KD-221.1 and Mandatory Revision Remove Reference to II-D Table U-2 - Paragraph KD-221 provides the design procedure
Appendix 1 for shells under internal pressure. In the definition of S_u [tensile strength at design
temperature] the reference to Table U-2 has been deleted since this Table contains tensile
strength values for wire product forms only. Mandatory Appendix 1 nomenclature has also
been updated.
KD-231.4, Table Errata Corrections to Equations in KD - (1) In Equation KD-231.13, the term "m^2" was
KD-420.1 corrected to "m_2";
(2) Two equations in Table KD-320.1 General Note (d)(6) [ 103ksi < S_a < 207 ksi and
71 ksi > S_a > 35.7 ksi ] have been corrected by errata.
KD-232.3(d) Revision Correction to Nomenclature - The definitions for two variables in KD-232.3(d) [
D_{epsilon,k} [strain limit damage] and delta epsilon_{peq,k} [equivalent plastic strain
range] were revised.
KD-323 Revision Correction to Eq. KD-323.1 - Equation KD-323.1 for calculating K_e was corrected.
Paragraph added at the end of KD-323 regarding the use K_e = 1.0 if using this alternative
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KD-502, KD-522.1, Revision Corrections to Autogrettage Calculations - The following revisions/corrections were made
KD-522.2 to Article KD-5 "Design Using Autofrettage":
(1) KD-502 - The definition of M, the wall overstrain ratio, was relocated from KD-522.2 to
(2) KD-522.1 - In Eq. (2), the "+" symbol in the numerator of the first term after the equal
sign was corrected to a minus (-) sign.
(3) KD-522.2 - In Eq. (1) the two constants [1.0388 and 0.6307] were combined into a
single constant [1.6695].
(4) KD-522.2 - The definition of M and Y were deleted since they were already defined in
KD-522.1 Eq. (2) Errata Correction to Eq. (2) of KD-522.1 - In KD-522 for the calculation of residual stresses
between the bore and elastic-plastic interface, an error in Eq. (2) was corrected as follows:
In the first term after the equal sign, the "+" symbol in the numerator was corrected to a "-"
KD-601, KD-621 through Revision Revised Article KD-6 - Threaded Components - KD-601 has been revised to incorporate
KD-629 all the provisions that apply to threads in general;
(1) Elastic-plastic rules for threaded components were added.
(2) KD-627 renumbered to new KD-622.
(3) KD-623 revised to specify the rules for linear elastic analysis and the requirements for
(4) KD-628 renumbered to new KD-624,
(5) Paragraph KD-629 has been deleted as those rules have been retained in the reorganized
Article KD-6.
KD-1311 Revision Correction to Paragraph Reference - The reference to KG-521(b) in KD-1311 was
corrected to "KG-522(a)"; this relates to the laminate procedure specification.
Table KD-230.3 and Errata Errata - Various - (1) Table KD-230.3, first column heading, the previous word
KD-430(a) "Temperature" was replaced by the word "Pressure"
(2) In KD-430(a), Equation (1), previous "delta_K" was corrected by replacing with
"delta[K]" (no subscript).
Subpart/Table: Part KF
Figure KF-825.4(a) Revision Editorial Revisions - Moved the commentary/note and reference to KF-825.4 that was
under the "Judged - " line in the sketch to a new Note (1) at the bottom of the Figure.
Subpart/Table: Part KR
KR-161 Revision Manufacturing Design Range for Rupture Discs - The cautionary note "Users are
cautioned that certain types of rupture disks have manufacturing ranges that can result in a
marked burst pressure greater than the specified burst pressure." was relocated from
KD-110 Definitions to KR-161.
KR-400 Revision Clarified Stamping Requirements - Revisions to KR-401 add that stamping may be on the
valve itself and delete reference to KS-130 which is not appropriate for pressure relief
devices. Added a requirement for corrosion resistant nameplate, the stamping of "Certified
By", and nameplate attachment by acrylic adhesive from KS-130. Clarified KR-401(g) and
added review by ASME Designated Organization when stamping method other than ASME
issued stamp is used.
KR-523, KR-531 Revision Corrected Equations - Revised the constants in the equations for "C" in KR-523.3 and
KR-531 so that they are in agreement with Figures KR-523.3 and KR-523.3M. Also
deleted the units from the equations and Figures.
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Part KR Revision Updated rules for rupture disks - Divisions 1 and 2 incorporated new rules for the capacity
certification of rupture disks (RD) several Edition/Addenda ago. This revision incorporates
these new rules into this Division. However, the typical manufacture of a rupture disk
assembly usually includes two Manufacturers (holder and rupture disk) which is not
permitted in Division 3, except for a very limited scope. In addition to adding the technical
rules, various areas of the book (KR, KS, Appendix 2, and Appendix C, Form A-5 and
Table A-100.4) were revised in order to accommodate the use of two different
Manufacturers of these components.
Part KR, Appendix 2 Revision Updated rules for rupture disks - Editorial revisions to paragraph KR-402 and Appendix 2,
2-124(a). KR-402 revised to "KR-402(a) through (j)" and 2-124(a), "devices" was changed
to "valves"
Subpart/Table: Part KE
Figure KE-301-1 Revision Editorial Revisions - The word "aspect" in the first column was fixed. Previously shown
as As-pect. Justification fixed in General Note (b) so that indication was not hyphenated.
KE-112.1, Appendix B, Revision Reference to ASNT SNT-TC-1A - Endnote 13, which provides information concerning
B-100(d) SNT-TC-1A, has been deleted since the information in this Endnote is currently presented
in Table KG-141. Also all references to SNT-TC-1A in KE-112.1 were changed to "ASNT
SNT-TC-1A". The title to ASNT SNT-TC-1A was deleted from B-100(d).
KE-301(f) Revision Central Certification Programs - A sentence was added to KE-301(f) stating that as an
alternative to fulfilling the examination and demonstration requirements of the employer's
written practice, a Manufacturer may use a national or international central certification
program such as the ASNT Central Certification Program (ACCP).
Subpart/Table: Part KT
KT-312.1, KT-312.2 Revision Revised Coefficient Factors of Hydro Upper Limit Pressure - The coefficient factor of
upper limit pressure of the sphere for hydrostatic test in KT-312.1 and KT-312.2 was
changed from "2.309" to "1.732". The value is now consistent with KD-221.3, where it is
expressed as sqrt (3). An Intent Interpretation was issued to effect this revision.
Subpart/Table: Part KS
KS-132(c) Revision Remove Reference to Fig. K-132M - The reference to Figure K-132M in KS-132(c) was
deleted since that Figure no longer exists.
Appendix 6, 6-3 Figures Revision Editorial Revisions - The notes that were under the Random Rounded and Isolated
Indication sketches were moved to Notes with reference to the applicable Note in each
Appendix 6, Figure 6-2 Revision Editorial Revisions - The Maximum Group Length and Spacing column format was
changed to Notes (1) and (2).
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Appendix 9 Revision KD-240 and KD-250 moved to Mandatory Appendix 9 - There have been high pressure
vessels designed using linear elastic analysis where it would have more appropriate to use
elastic-plastic methodology. The Committee decided to move the linear elastic analysis
from KD-240 and KD-250 to a Mandatory Appendix with the desire to have designers opt
to use an elastic-plastic methodology in lieu of a linear elastic analysis. All references
within the book to KD-240 and KD-250 changed to refer to the Mandatory Appendix 9
Appendix 9, 9-100 Revision When Is Linear Elastic Analysis Permitted? - The rules for Linear Elastic Analysis were
moved from Part KD to Mandatory Appendix 9. A sentence was added to 9-100 stating that
the linear elastic rules given in Appendix 9 may only be used when permitted by
Appendix A, A-100(c) Revision Reference to Forms CRPV-1A & CRPV-2A - In 2010 Edition Cases 2390 and 2579
containing rules for the construction of composite reinforced pressure vessels were
incorporated into Section VIII, Division 3. At the time this took place, new data report
Forms CRPV-1A and CRPV-2A were added to Appendix A; however a reference to these
forms was not made in paragraph A-100(c). This action corrects this oversight.
Appendix F Revision Deleted Nonmandatory Appendix F - Nonmandatory Appendix F - "APPROVAL OF
was revised in the 2004 Edition to simply indicate, "See Section II, Part D, Appendix 5."
Since the only reference to Appendix F in Division 3 is in KM-100(c), Nonmandatory
Appendix F was deleted entirely and a direct reference to Section II, Part D, Appendix 5
was added to KM-100(c).
Appendix L, Figure Revision Editorial Revisions - "General Note" changed to "Note (1)".
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Code Book: IX
Part: Appendices
Subpart/Table: Article V
Mandatory Appendix E Revision Reaffirmed SWPSs - The following AWS "Carbon Steel to Austenitic Stainless Steel"
Standard Welding Procedure Specifications (SWPSs) have been reaffirmed in 2013 "(R13)"
and included in Mandatory Appendix E: GTAW B2.1-1/8-227:2002 (R13), GTAW
B2.1-1/8-228:2002 (R13), SMAW B2.1-1/8-229:2002 (R13) and GTAW / SMAW
Combination B2.1-1/8-230:2002 (R13)
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Editorially Revised Nonmandatory Appendix K - (1) Replaced the terms "manufacturer,"
K "contractor," and "fabricator" with "organization" in several places (K-200); (2) Added
parenthetical "(PWHT)" and "(WPS)" after the first use of each term; (3) The term "brazed"
was added to the first sentence of K-200 to make it clear that the Appendix is not limited to
welded and fused products. In that same paragraph, the sentence starting with the word
"Accordingly. . ." was split into two shorter sentences and corrected grammatically; (4) In
the last paragraph of K-200, the term "WPS" was replaced by "procedures" to reflect that
this Appendix also refers to procedures for welding, brazing, and fusing; and, (5) In the last
section of K-303, "Recommended Wording - Temper Bead Welding," the term "welding
procedures" was made more specific to state "Temper bead welding procedures".
Nonmandatory Appendix Addition Added Nonmandatory Appendix L - Added Nonmandatory Appendix L - "Welders and
L Welding Operators Qualified Under ISO 9606-1:2012 and ISO 14732-2013". Section IX
was asked by the Japan Welding Engineering Society (JWES) to issue guidance in the form
of a nonmandatory appendix on conducting tests that satisfy ISO 9606-1:2012, ISO
14732:2013, and ASME Section IX for the qualification of welders and welding operators.
Other ISO TC-44 members from Europe also requested this guidance and therefore this
Appendix was published for the benefit of industry.
Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Submittal of Technical Revision Alternative Web Address for Technical Inquires - In line 6(a), the alternative address for
Inquiries the online tool at http://go.asme.org/InterpretationRequest was added for submission of
inquiries to ASME.
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Introduction Revision Revised Terminology - All previous occurrences of the term "fusing machine operators"
were replaced with "fusing operators". This change was also reflected in the Definitions of
Part: QB
QB-351.1(b)(3), Addition Added Brazing Filler Metal Essential Variable - (1) Added brazing filler metal essential
QB-403.3, QB-403.4 variable QB-403.3 - " A change from mechanically fed or manually fed filler metal to
preplaced filler metal and vice versa" to new subparagraph QB-351.1(b)(3). This revision
more closely aligns Part QB with variables listed in AWS B2.2-2010 “Specification for
Brazing Procedure and Performance Qualification" and clarifies rules with respect to filler
metal product form and its effect upon qualification.
(2) Added brazing filler metal essential variable QB-403.4 - " A change from preplaced
filler metal to mechanically fed or manually fed filler metal".
QB-410.1, QB-411 Revision Revised QB-410 and QB-411 - Upon review of AWS B2.2 "Standard for Brazing
Procedure and Performance Qualification", QB-410.1 was revised to include additional
methods for preparing the base metal, and QB-411 "Brazing Time" was added as a Brazing
Data paragraph with new variable QB-411.1.
Tables QB-252 through Addition Added Brazing Filler Metal Variables - (1) Added brazing filler metal essential variable
QB-257 QB-403.3 to Tables QB-252, QB-253, QB-254, QB-255, QB-256, QB-257. This revision
more closely aligns Part QB with variables listed in AWS B2.2-2010 “Specification for
Brazing Procedure and Performance Qualification" and clarifies rules with respect to filler
metal product form and its effect upon qualification;
(2) Added brazing time nonessential variable QB-411.1 to Tables QB-253, QB-254,
QB-255, QB-256, QB-257.
Part: QF
Subpart/Table: Article XXI
QF-100, various Addition Added New Process - Electrofusing - Part QF, QF-100 Articles were revised to
incorporate requirements for procedure and performance qualification testing for
electrofusion of polyethylene piping using socket-type and saddle-type electrofusion
fittings. Electrofusion of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) is a new plastic fusing process
for joining HDPE piping with fittings or couplings. The process utilizes fittings and
couplings that have an embedded heat source with power being supplied by a separate
power supply. In addition, the previously used term "fusing machine operators" was
replaced with "fusing operators".
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QF-142 Revision Revised QF-142 for Testing Fused Pipe - Revised QF-142 to include size and specimen
length requirements for fused pipe. The referenced Elevated Temperature Sustained
Pressure Test (ASTM D3035-08 and F714-10) is for pressurizing pipe without fused joints
contained within them. Requirements have now been specified for using this test method in
testing fused joints. The stated criteria will ensure that adequate pup lengths are provided
between the joint and the end caps. Additionally, these ASTM specifications permit testing
pipe in compression-type fixtures, with end caps held on by through-bolts. This is not
appropriate for testing fused joints, as the joint is required to see maximum pull pressure,
therefore, free-end closures (e.g. fused end caps) on the ends are now required.These
requirements are also being included in Code Case N-808 and the new Section III
Mandatory Appendix on HDPE.
QF-200, various Addition Added New Process - Electrofusing - Part QF, QF-200 Articles were revised to
incorporate requirements for procedure qualification testing for electrofusion of
polyethylene piping using socket-type and saddle-type electrofusion fittings. Electrofusion
of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) is a new plastic fusing process for joining HDPE
piping with fittings or couplings. The process utilizes fittings and couplings that have an
embedded heat source with power being supplied by a separate power supply. In addition,
the previously used term "fusing machine operators" was replaced with "fusing operators".
Tables QF-202.2.2 - "Electrofusion Procedure Qualification Test Coupons Required",
QF-222.1 - "Electrofusion Material Combinations" and QF-255 - "Fusing Variables
Procedure Specification Polyethylene Electrofusion" were added.
QF-300, various Addition Added New Process - Electrofusing - Part QF, QF-300 Articles were revised to
incorporate requirements for performance qualification testing for electrofusion of
polyethylene piping using socket-type and saddle-type electrofusion fittings. Electrofusion
of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) is a new plastic fusing process for joining HDPE
piping with fittings or couplings. The process utilizes fittings and couplings that have an
embedded heat source with power being supplied by a separate power supply.In addition,
the previously used term "fusing machine operators" was replaced with "fusing operators".
Figure QF-464 Revision Revised Figure QF-464 for Clarity - Fig. QF-464 contained dimensions in mixed numbers
and decimals These were corrected to eliminate confusion which results when dimensions
shown with two decimal places imply a level of precision that is not required for
non-critical dimensions. The "General Notes" were revised to maintain consistency with the
revised dimensions. The horizontal lines previously shown under the fusion bead implied an
existing surface which is not actually present after machining. The horizontal lines were
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Forms QF-482, QF-483 Revision Revised FPS and Fusing PQR and FPQ Forms - (1) Forms QF-482, 483 and 484 were
and QF-484 redesignated as QF-482(a), 483(a) and 484(a), respectively;
(2) "Cross-sectional area of the fused joint" is a variable to be documented during
qualification of fusing procedures and was added to Forms QF-482(a) and QF-483(a). In
addition, the variable "Hydraulic Hose Length" was changed to "Hydraulic Extension Hose
Length" on both forms;
(3) Forms QF-482(b), 483(b) and 484(b) were added to accommodate the inclusion of the
Electrofusion process.
QF-400, various Addition Added New Process - Electrofusing - Part QF, QF-400 Articles were revised to
incorporate requirements for procedure and performance qualification testing for
electrofusion of polyethylene piping using socket-type and saddle-type electrofusion
fittings. Electrofusion of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) is a new plastic fusing process
for joining HDPE piping with fittings or couplings. The process utilizes fittings and
couplings that have an embedded heat source with power being supplied by a separate
power supply. In addition, the previously used term "fusing machine operators" was
replaced with "fusing operators". Forms QF-482(b), 483(b) and 484(b) were added as well
as Figures QF-466 through QF-470.
QF-401 Revision Deleted Definitions of Variables - Because of the addition of new paragraph QG-105.2,
which is the definition of "essential variables (performance)" copied from the previous
QW-401.2, paragraphs QF-401.1, QF-401.2 and QF-401.3 were deleted.
Part: QG
QG-100(a) Revision Revised Terminology - The term "fusing machine operators" was replaced with "fusing
operators". This change was also reflected in the Definitions of QG-109.2.
QG-100(d) Addition Added Effective Date of Section IX - When the Foreword was previously revised, some of
the rules were removed, in particular, the effective date of the new Edition of the Code
Book. The following was added as new paragraph QG-100(d): "New editions to Section IX
may be used beginning with the date of issuance and become mandatory 6 months after the
date of issuance."
QG-100(e) Addition Added Effective Date of Code Cases in QG-100(e) - Paragraph was added to "Scope" to
establish the effective date of Section IX Code Cases. Only Code Cases specifically
identified as being applicable to Section IX may be used. At the time a Code Case is
applied, only the latest revision may be used. Code Cases that have been incorporated into
Section IX or have been annulled shall not be used for new qualifications, unless permitted
by the referencing Code. Qualifications using the provisions of a Code Case remain valid
after the Code Case is annulled. The Code Case number shall be listed on the qualification
QG-105.2 Revision Revised Definitions of Variables - Previous paragraph QG-105 "Essential Variables" was
split into QG-105.1 "Essential Variable (Procedure)" and new paragraph QG-105.2, which
is the definition of "Essential Variables (Performance)" copied from the former QW-401.2.
All variable definitions are now found in Part QG for the convenience of the reader. The
remainder of QG-105 was renumbered. The definitions for "essential variables
(procedure)", "essential variables (performance)", and "nonessential variables (procedure)"
were deleted from Article IV Welding Data (QW-401.1, QW-401.2, and QW-401.4), since
they are now redundant and QW-401.3 "Supplementary Essential Variables" was revised. In
Article XXIV Plastic Fusing Data, QF-401.1, QF-401.2 and QF-401.3 were also deleted.
QG-105.3 Revision Revised Definition of "Nonessential Variables" - The definition of "nonessential
variables" was revised for clarity and to reassert that they must be addressed in procedure
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QG-106.1(a) and Revision Revised QG-106 - Revised QG-106.1(a) and QG-106.2(a) to clarify that welders who
QG-106.2(a) produce test joints for performance and procedure qualification shall be under the full
supervision and control of the organization during the production of the test joints. For
many years, Section IX has explicitly required organizations to "have full supervision and
control" of the welders during the qualification of welders and procedures to ensure that the
organization had a sufficient knowledge of welding technology and Code requirements to
ensure personnel follow competently written procedures during qualification and
production. Wording in Part QG from 2013 was considered insufficient to ensure the level
of control and responsibility needed by the organization for compliance with Section IX. An
Intent Interpretation was approved to support this revision.
QG-106.2 Revision Revised QG-106.2 - Revised QG-106.2 to insert verbiage (previously present in the 2011
and earlier Editions in Article III) stating that the reason for requiring the qualifying
organization to exercise supervision and control of welding personnel during performance
qualification was to ensure that they determine that the welders and welding operators they
employ are capable of developing the minimum requirements specified for an acceptable
QG-109.2 Revision Revised and Added Definitions - (1) The definition of "bare electrode" was revised to
include "feeding or electrical contact"; (2) Definitions of terms related to the newly
incorporated HDPE Electrofusion process (Part PF) were added.
Part: QW
Subpart/Table: Article I
QW-124, QW-133 Addition Added "Special Positions" Definitions - QW-124 and QW-133 were added which define
"Special Positions" as those which fall outside of existing definitions in QW-120 thru
QW-123 and QW-130 thru QW-132. Note (1) in Table QW-461.9 was also modified to
define Special Positions (SP) and sends the reader to existing paragraph QW-303.3.
QW-171 Revision Revised QW-171 and QW-172 - Revised QW-171.1 and QW-172.1, the Charpy V-notch
impact tests and drop weight test paragraphs, to permit use of other referencing Code
requirements (e.g. UG-84) for test procedure and apparatus requirements.
Subpart/Table: Article II
QW-220, QW-221, Revision QW-220 - Hybrid Welding Procedure Variables - Two Hybrid welding processes were
QW-222, QW-223, introduced into Section IX in 2013. Additional requests to include other hybrid processes
Tables QW-268, QW-269 were being introduced for consideration by Section IX Committee. Rather than developing
and QW-269.1 variables for separate "hybrid" processes, general rules were established for qualifying a
combination of processes. As a result, previous paragraphs QW-220 [Hybrid Welding
Procedure Variables], QW-221 [Essential Variables for Hybrid Welding] were
rewritten,Tables QW-268, QW-269, and QW-269.1 were deleted, and new paragraphs
QW-222 [Welding Process Restrictions], and QW-223 [Test Coupon Preparation and
Testing] were added.
Table QW-257.1 Revision Deleted QW-404.45 and Added QW-404.23 - Reference to QW-404.45 was deleted in
Table QW-257.1 and replaced by a new essential variable, QW-404.23 (filler metal product
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Table QW-267 Addition Added FSW Essential Variables - The use of filler metal has been proposed for use in
Friction Stir Welding (FSW) joints with wide root gaps. This action provides additional
variables to address procedure qualification variables for the use of preplaced filler metal.
(1) Revised Table QW-267 to add QW-404.14 as an essential variable for addition or
deletion of filler metal;
(2) Created a new essential variable QW-404.55 requiring requalification of the WPS when
the thickness or width of preplaced filler strips (when used) is increased over that used in
qualification; and, (3) Created a new essential variable QW-404.56 requiring requalification
of the WPS for a change to another type or grade of preplaced filler metal.
Table QW-269 and Revision Editorial Change in "Brief of Variables" for QW-404.23 - Reference to QW-404.23 in
QW-269.1 "Brief of Variables" of Tables QW-269 and QW-269.1 is editorially revised to read "Filler
metal product form" for consistency with the QW-404.23 Brief of Variables referenced in
the remaining Tables QW-255, QW-255.1, QW-256, QW-256.1, QW-257 and QW-259.
Tables QW-254.1 and Addition Added New Essential Variable QW-404.57 - While considering revisions to QW-409.26 to
QW-258.1 include a formula for calculating heat input when using strip filler metal, an additional
essential variable, QW-454.57, was added to limit the maximum strip width to that
qualified. This applies to both Hard-Facing Overlay and Corrosion-Resistant Overlay for
SAW (Table QW-254.1) and ESW (Table QW-258.1).
Tables QW-260 and Revision Editorial Revisions - The following editorial revisions were made:
QW-265 (1) Table QW-260 - Entry for QW-410.5, changed " cleansing" to "cleaning";
(2) Table QW-265 - Entry for variable QW-406.7, added "14°C".
QW-322.1 Errata Errata - Corrected Wording - QW-322.1(a)(1) and (a)(2): Inserted the words "or
participating" after "qualifying". Also inserted the phrase ", as identified in QG-106.3,"
after the word "organizations(s)".
QW-361.1(d) Revision Revised QW-361.1(d) - Revised the previous phrase "hybrid-laser GMAW" to ""hybrid
welding using laser" to accommodate reference to any hybrid process using lasers.
Subpart/Table: Article IV
Figure QW-461.1 Revision General Notes Clarified - General Notes were broken down as General Notes (a), (b), and
(c) for clarity.
Figures QW-466.1 and Revision Revised Figs. QW-466.1 & 466.2 for Al Weldments - Added "General Note (b)" to Figure
QW-466.2 QW-466.1 and "General Note (e)" to Figure QW-466.2 recommending that aluminum
weldment bend test specimens be bent using a wrap-around fixture (Figure QW-466.3).
This coincides with text found in AWS D1.2/D1.2M:2008. This recommendation was
added, since aluminum bend specimens do not test well in rolller type test fixtures.
QW-401 Revision Deleted Definitions of Variables - Because of the addition of paragraph QG-105.2, which
is the definition of "essential variables (performance)" copied from the previous QW-401.2,
the definitions for "essential variables (procedure)", "essential variables (performance)",
and "nonessential variables (procedure)" were deleted from Article IV Welding Data
(former QW-401.1, QW-401.2, and QW-401.4), and the former QW-401.3 "Supplementary
Essential Variable (Procedure)" subparagraph was revised and renumbered as QW-401.1.
Previous subparagraph QW-401.5 was renumbered as QW-401.2. Its wording was
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QW-403.3 Revision Revised QW-403.3 - QW-403.3 was divided into subparagraphs (a) and (b). QW-403.3(a)
was clarified and addresses full penetration single-sided welds without backing.
QW-403.3(b) addresses all other welds (i.e. with backing). The revision was made to
clarify that this paragraph applied to welds with and without backing.
QW-404.35 Revision Revised QW-404.35 - Revised QW-404.35 to expressly allow a higher digit in the impact
test temperature of a flux/wire classification (testing at a lower temperature) to be used
where a flux/wire classified at a higher test temperature was qualified. This is similar to
what is stated in QW-404.12(e) for SMAW. An Intent interpretation was drafted to support
this revision.
QW-404.45 Revision Deleted QW-404.45 - QW-404.45, which contained the undefined term "fabricated wire"
was deleted. The deleted variable was replaced by QW-404.23.
QW-404.55 and Addition Added FSW Essential Variables - The use of filler metal has been proposed for use in
QW-404.56 Friction Stir Welding (FSW) joints with wide root gaps. This action provides additional
variables to address procedure qualification variables for the use of preplaced filler metal.
(1) Created a new essential variable QW-404.55 requiring requalification of the WPS when
the thickness or width of preplaced filler strips (when used) is increased over that used in
qualification; and, (2) Created a new essential variable QW-404.56 requiring requalification
of the WPS for a change to another type or grade of preplaced filler metal.
QW-404.57 Revision Added New QW-404.57 Essential Variable - While considering revisions to QW-409.26 to
include a formula for calculating heat input when using strip filler metal, an additional
essential variable was identified as needed to limit the maximum strip width to that
qualified. This applies to both Hard-Facing Overlay and Corrosion-Resistant Overlay for
SAW (Table QW-254.1) and ESW (Table QW-258.1).
QW-409 Revision Revised QW-409 for Clarity - Revised QW-409 to remove the phrase "over that qualified"
and similar references, and to replace these with "qualified". The intent was to remove
ambiguity and make the text consistent with other QW-409 text. See QW-409.1, .5, .6, .7,
.15, .19, .23, .26 and .29.
QW-409.1 Revision Revised QW-409.1 - Variable was revised to clarify that the highest heat input of a
multi-process weld would govern.
QW-409.26 Revision Editorially Revised QW-409.26 - Added "strip filler" explanation and editorially revised
"heat input" equation for readability.
QW-410.64 Revision Editorial Revisions - Variable QW-410.64, revised "thickness" to "thicknesses".
QW-410.78, QW-410.79, Revision Deleted Hybrid Variables - QW-410.78, QW-410.79, QW-410.81, QW-410.82,
QW-410.81, QW-410.82, QW-410.83, QW-410.84 were deleted as they no longer apply because of the deletion of
QW-410.83, and Tables QW-268, QW-269 and QW-269.1.
QW-423.1 Revision Revised QW-423.1 - The table in QW-423.1 was revised to address welder qualifications
for unassigned base metals. Section IX had not previously provided clear guidance if a
welder needed to be qualified for welding unassigned metals to themselves or to another
material, and the chemical composition of the unassigned base metal is not similar to an
assigned base metal. The guidance is analogous to what is provided in QW-424.1 for
qualification of WPS's used to join unassigned base metal.
Table QW-432, Table Revision Added F-No. 26 - Revision reflects the new aluminum filler metal classifications added to
QW-433, Figures the 2012 edition of AWS A5.10. A new F-number (F-No. 26) was established and added to
QW-462.2, QW-462.3(a), Table QW-432. References to F-Numbers in Table QW-433, and Figures QW-462.2,
and QW-466.1. QW-462.3, and QW-466.1 were revised to include F-No. 26. F-No. groupings were
adjusted to improve grouping efficiency.
Table QW-442 Errata Errata - Removed Significant Digits - In Table QW-442, the second "zero" after the
decimal place, in several "Analysis %" entries for Cr, Ni and Si, was deleted.
Table QW-461.9 Addition Revised Note (1) - Added "SP" - QW-124 and QW-133 were added which define "Special
Positions" as those which fall outside of existing definitions in QW-120 thru QW-123 and
QW-130 thru QW-132. Note (1) in Table QW-461.9 was modified to define Special
Positions (SP) and sends the reader to existing paragraph QW-303.3.
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Table QW/QB-422 Errata Errata - Corrected Numerous Entries - The following corrections were made to Table
(1) ISO 15608 Group entries for A/SA-249 S43932; A356 Grades 2, 8 & 9; A618 Grades
1a & 1b (4 places); A/SA-656 (all grades); A/SA-859 (2 places); A/SA-1010 (2 places);
SA/AS 1540 Grade PT490; B/SB-366 N06035 and N06210; B/SB-462 N06035 B/SB-564
N06035, N06210 and N10665, B/SB-574 N06022, N06035 and N06210; B/SB-575
N06022, N06035 and N06210; B/SB-619 N06035 and N06210; B/SB-622 N06035 and
N06210; B/SB-626 N06035 and N06210; B/SB-653 R60702; B/SB-956 (2 places); SA/IS
2062 (3 grades) ;SB/EN 1706;
(2) Deleted "Type or Group" entries for A/SA-479 (previous "2205" and "S34565"),
A/SA-789 (previous "S32205"), A/SA-790 (deleted "S" from previous "S32205"), A 978
Grade 2205, A 928 Grade 2205, SA/AS 1548 (replaced both "PT430" references with
"PT460" and "PT490", respectively.);
(3) Added "UNS No." to A/SA-859 (2 places);
(4) "Minimum Specified Tensile, ksi (MPa)" MPa values corrected for A/SA-656 (all
entries), API 5L (Grade A, all Grades X52, all Grades X65, all Grades X80); and (5)
"Product Form" deleted "and shapes" for A633 (all entries), replaced "/" with "&" for
MSS-SP-75 (all entries), B/SB-96 C65500 replaced "sht" with "sheet", B/SB-152 replaced
"plt, sht" with "Plate, sheet", B/SB-688 and B/SB-690 replaced "4.8 mm" with "5 mm".
Table QW/QB-422 Revision Revised Alloy UNS S32101 for SA-240 - Revised QW/QB-422 to change the plate
thickness from 0.25 in. (6 mm) to 0.187 in. (5 mm), as revised in Code Case 2418-1, for
SA-240 UNS 32101.
Table QW/QB-422 Revision Revised ISO 15608 Ti Groups - ISO 15608 Group / Subgroup numbers were revised for
B/SB-265,-338,-348,-363,-367,-381,-861,-862 and the UNS number for B/SB-367 was
corrected to "R52550"
Table QW/QB-422 and Revision Added A/SA-182, A/SA-240 and A/SA-358 UNS S31266 - Assigned P-Number 45
Appendix D (Brazing P-No. 102) to UNS S31266 Superaustenitic Stainless Steel. Added A/SA-182,
A/SA-240 and A/SA-358 UNS S31266 to Table QW/QB-422 and Appendix D. For
consistency with the current and past practice, the P-Number 45 “A/SA-“ material
specifications are listed in both the ferrous and nonferrous sections of Table QW/QB-422.
Table QW/QB-422 and Revision Added A/SA-403 WP S31726 - Added A/SA-403 WP S31726 as P-No. 8 Group No. 1
Appendix D (Brazing P-No. 102) to QW/QB-422 and Appendix D.
Table QW/QB-422 and Addition Added UNS N10362 - Added UNS N10362 for B/SB-366, 462, 564, 574, 575, 619, 622
Appendix D and 626 as P-No. 43 (Brazing P-No. 111). This action incorporates Code Case 2648 into
Table QW/QB-422 and Appendix D.
Table QW/QB-422 and Revision Added A/SA-403 N08904 - Added A/SA-403 N08904 to QW/QB-422 and Appendix D.
Appendix D Section II replaced N08904 SB Specifications with SA Specifications in Table 1B.
Table QW/QB-422 and Revision Added UNS N08367 - Added UNS N08367 for specifications A/SA-182, A403 and
Appendix D A/SA-479 in Table QW/QB-422 and Appendix D.
Table QW/QB-422 and Revision Added ASTM A860 - Added ASTM A860 seamless and welded fittings as welding P-No.
Appendix D 1, Groups 1, 2 or 3, as applicable (Brazing P-No. 101). These fittings are used with API 5L
X seamless and welded pipe and tube.
Table QW/QB-422 and Revision Added ASTM A694 Grades F48 and F50 - At the request of ASME B31.3, ASTM A694
Appendix D Grades F48 and F50 were added to Table QW/QB-422 and Appendix D as welding P-No 1
Group 1 (Brazing P-No. 101) materials.
Table QW/QB-422 and Revision Added SB-564 N06025 - Section II (Part B) has incorporated Ni-25Cr-9.5Fe-2.1Al Alloy
Appendix D (UNS N06025) from Code Case 2359-2. Section IX has added B/SB-163, -166, -167, -168,
-366, -516, -517, and -564 N06025 to Table QW/QB-422 and Appendix D as welding P-No.
43 (Brazing P-No. 111).
Table QW/QB-422 and Revision Deleted SA-202 Grades A and B - ASTM withdrew specification A202 without
Appendix D replacement. SA-202 Grades A and B have been deleted from Table QW/QB-422 and
Appendix D.
Table QW/QB-422 and Revision Added ASTM A928 - Added ASTM A928 to Table QW/QB-422 and Appendix D as
Appendix D Welding P-No. 10H (Brazing P-No. 102). There is an ASME B31.3 ballot to add this
material to its Tables A-1/A-1M.
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Table QW/QB-422 and Revision Added A/SA-213 (UNS S30432) - As a result of the incorporation of Code Case 2328-1
Appendix D into Sections I and II (Part D), A/SA-213 (UNS S30432) was added to QW/QB-422 and
Appendix D as welding P-No. 8 Group No. 1 (Brazing P-No. 102). Minimum specified
tensile was corrected to "86 (595)" from "85 (590)". "3Cu" was added to nominal
composition (previously "18Cr-9Ni-Cu-Cb-N").
Table QW/QB 422 and Errata Errata - Corrected References - (1) In Figure QW-462.2 (1a) and (2) corrected "QW-422"
Figure QW-462.2 with "QW/QB-422"; and, (2) Corrected the minimum tensile strength in Table QW/QB 422
for A929 Grade 2205 material from "90 (620)" to "95 (655)" ksi (MPa).
Subpart/Table: Article V
QW-500 Revision Revised QW-500 - QW-500 was revised to remove references to the "Foreword" and
"Addenda" and insert "QG-100".
Subpart/Table: Appendix B
Forms QW-482 through Revision Revised Wording - (1) Replaced the previous words “should be recorded” with “should be
QW-485 specified” on Form QW-482; (2) Previous references to “Groove”, “Weld”, “qualified” and
position examples were removed, and the word “Position” was replaced with “Position(s)”
since either single or multiple positions (for groove or fillet welds) could be addressed in a
single PQR, WPQ, WOPQ or SWPS (Forms QW-482 through QW-485).
Code Case 2143-2 Revision Revised Code Case 2143-1 to Include Alloy 52i - Added Alloy 52i covered electrode UNS
W86056, its chemical analysis (to Table 1) and mechanical properties (to Table 2), as F-No.
43 for both welding procedure and welder performance qualifications. Case was approved
April 1, 2014.
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Code Book: X
Subpart/Table: Front Matter
Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Subpart/Table: Part RD
RD-1174.2, RD-1188.5 Revision Corrections to symbols. - Figure RD-1174.2 was changed in the 2013 Code but there was
and Appendix AD publishing error. Also there were incorrect subscripts for sigma RD-1188.5 equation (16),
as well as a subscript in equation 18 that should be a superscript (X squared) in the
denominator. These errors in RD-1188.5 appear to have been there since at least the 1986
Edition with no one noticing. The changes in Nonmandatory Appendix AD correct values
and tables. The incorrect values have been in the book for several decades.
Subpart/Table: Part RR
RR-110, RR-112 and Revision Several Pressure Relief Device paragraphs revised - In order to be consistent with current
RR-130 Section VIII, Div. 1 rules, changes to RR-110 have added several types of pressure relief
devices. RR-112 has updated reference paragraph to UG-140. RR-130(c) has been deleted
because it is possible for a fire or other heat source to reduce the properties of laminates
before the vessel internal pressure activates a PRD.
Subpart/Table: Part RS
RS-200, RS-201, RS-202, Revision Adoption of ASME CA-1 Standard - The separation of conformity assessment from
RS-203 and RS-204 technical requirements of the book sections has been endorsed by the TOMC and S&C
The new ASME CA-1 Standard has been developed by the C-CAR Standards Committee to
uniformly address conformity assessment requirements of the ASME BPV Construction
Code Sections. ASME CA-1-2013 is the currently accepted version referenced in Table 1.1
of Section X. The paragraphs of RS-20x have been now significantly revised by removing
the conformity assessment requirements and by making reference to ASME CA-1 wherever
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Subpart/Table: Forms
Figure Q-115.1 Revision Editorial Revisions - The following Notes were moved to the "Notes" section on the
second page of the Figure::
- Note in sketch (b) regarding bonded filler pads. Now "Note 1".
- Equation for L and the nomenclature in sketches (c) and (d). Now "Note 2"
- Notes in sketches (c) and (d), renumbered to Notes 3 and 4.
Case 2745-1 Revision Air added to allowable fluids. - Revision adds air to the list of permissible fluids in
paragraph (a) for Class III vessels with nonload-sharing liners.
Case 2820 Addition New Appendix 8 Code Case permitting drilling fluids - New Code case permits the use of
composite pressure vessels designed and constructed per Mandatory Appendix 8 for Class
III vessels with nonload-sharing liners for drilling fluids or other general fluids.
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Code Book: XI
Part: Div. 1
Subpart/Table: Foreword
Foreword Revision Deleted Subtitle and Added Footnote - The previous parenthetical subtitle was deleted and
the ANSI Disclaimer was added as a footnote to the Foreword. Also recognition of the
Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) has been added to the Foreword. As
a result of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganization that took place in 2009,
the"BPV Main Committee" was replaced by TOMC, which has responsibility for technical
consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development
Submittal of Technical Revision Alternative Web Address for Technical Inquires - In line 6(a), the alternative address for
Inquiries the online tool at http://go.asme.org/InterpretationRequest was added for submission of
inquiries to ASME.
Subpart/Table: IWA
- The term “evaluation” was found to be used inconsistently throughout Section XI.
"Analytical Evaluation" was added as a newly defined term in the IWA-9000 "Glossary".
Two instances of “flaw evaluation” were corrected in IWA-1400.
IWA-2212(c) and Table Revision Clarified VT-2 Procedure Examination Requirements - IWA-2212(c) was added and
IWA-2211-1 Table IWA-2211-1 was revised to clarify for VT-2 there are no illumination, distance, and
resolution demonstration requirements, and that the angle of view requirements for direct
visual in Section V only apply to VT-1 examination.
IWA-2310, IWA-2350, Revision Updated Referenced ANSI/ASNT Documents - (1) In IWA-2310(a), added reference to
IWA-2360 ANSI/ASNT CP-105. In addition, references to obsoleted documents "SNT-TC-1A" and
"ANSI N45.2.6" were deleted; (2) In IWA-2350, added new first sentence: "Limited
certification provisions of ANSI/ASNT CP-189 do not apply." and in the sentence
beginning with the word "Topics", the phrase "ANSI/ASNT CP-189, Mandatory Appendix
VI, and or Mandatory Appendix VII" was replaced by the word "applicable"; and (3) Added
new subparagraph (c) to IWA-2360
IWA-3000 Revision New Definition of "Analytical Evaluation" use in IWA-3000 - The term “evaluation” was
found to be used inconsistently throughout Section XI. "Analytical Evaluation" was added
as a newly defined term in the IWA-9000 "Glossary". This action also encompasses
revision of all uses of this term to reflect the definition under the purview of the Subgroup
on Evaluation Standards which includes IWA-3000.
IWA-4150(a) Revision Revision of IWA-4150 with Incorporation of CC N-532-5 - Revised IWA-4150(c) by
adding the penultimate sentence: "However, a Repair or Replacement Plan shall be prepared
for rerating activities as defined in IWA-4331(d), whether or not there is accompanying
physical work." IWA-4331(d) requires completion of a Form NIS-2 for rerating, with the
exception of rerating component supports.
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IWA-4621, IWA-4651 Revision Clarified Peening Requirements for Surface Properties - (1) Revised IWA-4621(c) and
and IWA-4652 IWA-4651(g) and added IWA-4621(d) and IWA-4651(i) to clarify that peening for
enhancing surface properties of completed temper bead welds is not prohibited; and, (2)
Eliminated peening as a qualification variable in former IWA-4652(b)(12) and redesignated
the remaining subparagraphs. Code Case N-770 is incorporating peening for the purpose to
mitigate stress corrosion cracking in Alloy 82/182/600 materials. A concern existed that the
Code restrictions on peening for in-process distortion control could be interpreted to restrict
peening of wetted surfaces of completed welds for purposes of surface stress improvement.
IWA-4660 Revision Revised Underwater Welding Requirements for CC N-516-4 - Based on changes
incorporated into Code Case N-516-4: (1) Added "LBW: to IWA-4661(d) and (e); (2) In
IWA-4662.1, reference to applicable impact test requirements of the Construction Code was
added; (3) IWA-4664, revised (relaxed) filler metal testing requirements based on AWS
D3.6:2010 "Code for Underwater Welding".
IWA-5213 Addition Clarified Class 2 and 3 Pressure Test Hold Time Requirements - Added IWA-5213(a)(4)
to clarify pressure testing holding time requirements for specific Class 2 and 3 components
connected to the Class 1 system by permitting utilization of the Class 1 holding time
IWA-5246 Addition Incorporation of CC N-805 for Pressure Test Requirements - Added IWA-5246 defining
pressure test requirements for inservice inspection (ISI) classed portions of the Reactor
Vessel Head Flange Leak Detection piping. This change incorporates the requirements
given in Code Case N-805 - “Alternative to Class 1 Extended Boundary End of Interval or
Class 2 System Leakage Testing of Reactor Vessel Flange O-ring Leak Detection System”.
IWA-6200 Revision Revision of IWA for Incorporation of CC N-532-5 - (1) Revised IWA-6211(c) and
IWA-6211(d), IWA-6230(a) and IWA-6230 (b) to incorporate "Form OAR-1", and revised
titles of the latter two subarticles; (2) Deleted IWA-6240 "Summary Reports"; (3) added
IWA-6211(e) to provide greater clarification that “All Form NIS-2s associated with
repair/replacement activities performed during the current reporting period, shall be
completed prior to completion of Form OAR-1”; (4) IWA-6220, "Abstract of
Examinations", was replaced with Code Case N-532-5 Repair/Replacement Certification
Record requirements in Section 1; (5) IWA-6230(a) was clarified by deleting reference to a
summary report that reflected the requirements of the deleted section IWA-6211(c). The
revised IWA-6230(a) states a preservice inspection report shall be prepared prior to
commercial service; and (6) IWA-6230(b) was also clarified to include both preservice and
inservice examinations performed following commercial service on Form OAR-1.
IWA-9000 Revision Changes to Definitions - (1) The term “evaluation” was found to be used inconsistently
throughout Section XI. "Analytical Evaluation" was added as a newly defined term in the
IWA-9000 "Glossary"; and, (2) the previous terms "text information" and "unit of data
storage" were deleted..
Table IWA 1600-1 Revision Updated Referenced Standards - (1) The following referenced document revision dates or
indicators were updated: ASME RA-S (now ASME/ANS RA-S) from "2002 with
RA-Sa-2003 and RA-Sb-2005 Addenda" to "2008 with RA-Sa-2009 and RA-Sb-2013
Addenda", ASTM E29 from "2008" to "2013" and ASTM E1921 from "2011" to "2013";
(2) Updated Edition of ANSI/ASNT CP-189 from 1995 to 2006; and, (3) Added
ANSI/ASNT CP-105 ["ASNT Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of
Nondestructive Testing Personnel"] 2006 Edition to Table IWA-1600-1.
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Subpart/Table: IWB
Figure IWB-2500-12 Revision Revised Figure IWB-2500-12 for Bolts with Integral Heads - (1) Renumbered previous
Figure IWB-2500-12 as "(a)". Edited dimensions D_B and D_S to read "Depth = D_B" and
"Depth = D_S", respectively. Moved "point M" to a location at the base of the threads.
Rotated dimension line "D_S" at the top of the stud to show the minor diameter; (2) Added
Figures IWB-2500-12(b) and (c) for two types of bolts with integral heads; and, (3) Revised
statement at the far right of each figure by removing previous reference to "reactor vessel".
Statement now reads “Exam. surface for studs when removed (L-M); exam. volume
Figure IWB-2500-8(f) Addition New Figure IWB-2500-8(f) for Double -Groove Welded Joints - (1) Figure IWB-2500-8
Illustration (f) was added as a double-groove alternative configuration for NPS 4 (DN 100)
or larger; and (2) General Notes (a) through (c) were added and the original "General Note"
was revised and designated as "(d)".
IWB-3000 through Revision Revise "Evaluation" to "Analytical Evaluation" in IWB-3000 - The term “evaluation” was
IWB-3700 found to be used inconsistently throughout Section XI. "Analytical Evaluation" was added
as a newly defined term in the IWA-9000 "Glossary". This action also includes
encompasses of all uses of this term to reflect the definition under the purview of the
Subgroup on Evaluation Standards which includes IWB-3400-3700 (except IWB-3522).
IWB-3100 Revision Revision of IWB-3100 for Incorporation of Code Case N-532-5 - Deleted reference to
"IWA-6230" in paragraphs IWB-3112(a) and IWB-3132.1.
IWB-3142.4 Revision IWB-3124 Revised Requirements for Limitation of Leakage - Clarified that IWB-3142.4,
Analytical Evaluation, cannot be used to accept through-wall or through-weld leakage in
Class 1 components. Paragraph was restructured as (a) and (b).
IWB-3400 to 3700 Revision New Definition of "Analytical Evaluation" use in IWB-3000 - The term “evaluation” was
found to be used inconsistently throughout Section XI. "Analytical Evaluation" was added
as a newly defined term in the IWA-9000 "Glossary". This action also encompasses
revision of all uses of this term to reflect the definition under the purview of the Subgroup
on Evaluation Standards which includes Figure IWB-2500-X.
IWB-3514 Revision Revised IWB-3514 for Analytical Evaluation of SCC Materials - Additional guidance was
provided to use analytical evaluation when the acceptance standards of IWB-3514 are not
applicable due to the material being susceptible to stress corrosion cracking (SCC). Added
new subparagraph (b) and redesignated previous subparagraph (b) as "(c)". The last
cross-reference in IWB-3514.1(a) was revised from "IWB-3514(b)" to "IWB-3514(c)"
Table IWB-2500-1 (B-A) Revision Revised Table IWB-2500-1 (B-A) Items B1.30 and B1.40 - To understand how Notes (3),
(4) and (5) work together for Items B1.30 and B1.40, the word "or" was added between the
Notes shown in the last column of Table IWB-2500-1 (B-A). This revision was the result of
an Intent Interpretation.
Table IWB-2500-1 (B-O) Revision Extent of Examintion for IWB-2500-1(B-O) Item B14.10 - Added note to Table
IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-O, Item No. B14.10, that provides alternative extent
of examination requirements. For Boiling Water Reactors (BWR), interferences exist for
performing the housing to flange weld due to the insert and withdraw control lines for each
control rod drive (CRD). This limitation exists for the housing to flange weld regardless of
examination method performed, surface or volumetric, and limits the examination coverage
to less than 90%. New Code Case N-825 and this revision provide alternative extent of
examination requirements to the scheduled “10% peripheral CRD housing welds”.
Tables IWB -2500-1 Revision Clarified Bolting Diameter Dimensions - (1) Added "General Note" reference to "Table
(B-G-1) and (B-G-2) IWB-2500-1 (B-G-1)" and (2) Added "General Note " reference to "Table IWB-2500-1
(B-G-2)" The respective "Notes" state: "Bolting diameter is defined as the smaller of the
minor thread diameter of the portion of the bolting that is under tension or the bolting shank
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Subpart/Table: IWC
Figure IWC-2500-4(a), Revision Clarified Nozzle-to-Vessel Volumetric Exam Requirements - Revised Figures
(b), (c), and (d) IWC-2500-4(a), (b), (c), and (d) to clarify requirements for Class 2 nozzle-to-vessel
volumetric examinations. This clarification was needed because the examination volume
could not be accurately determined using the Figures when the angle between the nozzle
and the vessel is other than 90 degrees.
Figure IWC-2500-6 Revision Revised IWC-2500-6 for Types of Bolts with Integral Heads - (1) Renumbered previous
Figure IWC-2500-6 as "(a)". Added threads to the Figure. Added the words "as measured
from the thread root" every place where the dimension "1/4-inch" is indicated; and, (2)
Added Figures IWC-2500-6(b) and (c) for two types of bolts with integral heads.
IWC-1221 and Revision Clarified Exemption for Normally Dry Lines - Clarified IWC-1221(d) and IWC-1222(d)
IWC-1222 exemptions for normally dry, open-ended piping which is not sufficiently at risk to require
examination. This revision was associated with Intent Interpretation 14-132.
IWC-3000 through Revision Revise "Evaluation" to "Analytical Evaluation" in IWC-3000 - The term “evaluation” was
IWC-3700 found to be used inconsistently throughout Section XI. "Analytical Evaluation" was added
as a newly defined term in the IWA-9000 "Glossary". This action also encompasses
revision of all uses of this term to reflect the definition under the purview of the Subgroup
on Evaluation Standards which includes IWC-3400-3700 (except IWC-3516).
IWC-3100 Revision Incorporated Code Case N-532-5 - (1) Deleted reference to IWA-6220 in paragraph
IWC-3112(a); and, (2) Revised reference from "IWA-6230" to "IWA-2220(b)" in paragraph
IWC-3514 Revision Revised IWC-3514 for SCC Materials - Additional guidance was provided in new
subparagraph (b) to use analytical evaluation when the acceptance standards of IWC-3514
are not applicable due to the material being susceptible to stress corrosion cracking (SCC).
Previous subparagraph "(b)" was redesignated as "(c)". The last cross-reference in
IWC-3514.1(a) was revised from "IWC-3514(b)" to "IWC-3514(c)"
IWC-5222 Revision Clarified VT of Class 2 Open Ended Piping - Clarified the guidance for visual examination
of Class 2 open ended piping in IWC-5222(a) and (b) and added new subparagraph
Table IWC 2500-1 (C-D) Revision Clarified Bolting Diameter Dimensions - Added "General Note" reference to Table
IWC-2500-1 (C-D). The new "Note" states: "Bolting diameter is defined as the smaller of
the minor thread diameter of the portion of the bolting that is under tension or the bolting
shank diameter.
Subpart/Table: IWD
IWD-3000 through Revision Revise "Evaluation" to "Analytical Evaluation" in IWD-3000 - The term “evaluation” was
IWD-3700 found to be used inconsistently throughout Section XI. "Analytical Evaluation" was added
as a newly defined term in the IWA-9000 "Glossary". This action also encompasses
revision of all uses of this term to reflect the definition under the purview of the Subgroup
on Evaluation Standards which includes IWD-3400-3700 (except IWD-3511).
IWD-5222 Revision Revised VT Exams of Class 3 Open Ended Piping - Clarified the guidance for visual
examination of Class 3 open ended piping in IWD-5222(b) and (c).
Table IWD-3410-1 Errata Errata - Corrected Acceptance Standard - The previous Acceptance Standard "IWB-3510"
was corrected to "IWD-3510"
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Subpart/Table: IWF
Figure IWF-1300-1(e) Errata Errata - Corrected Illustration (e) - The label for left-side circled part "D" in Figure
IWF-1300-1 illustration (e) was corrected from "integral" to "nonintegral".
IWF-1230 Revision Revised IWF-1230 to Clarify Exam of Support Exemptions - IWB/C/D/E-1220 exempt
welds or portions of welds that are inaccessible, for a number of reasons, from examination.
However, it was unclear whether the intent of IWF-1230 allows supports attached to this
piping to be exempt from examination, even if portions of these supports are accessible for
examination. This action clarifies the requirements. This revision is the direct result of an
Intent Interpretation.
IWF-1300(e) Revision Revised IWF-1300(e) for insulation removal requirements - Revised IWF-1300(e) to
clarify insulation removal requirements for support examinations. An Intent Interpretation
was adopted to support this change.
IWF-3122.1 Revision Incorporated Code Case N-532-5 for Reporting Requirements - Revised last sentence from
"Verified changes of conditions from prior examinations shall be recorded in accordance
with IWA-6230" to "Confirmed changes in conditions from prior examinations shall be
recorded in accordance with IWA-4100(i)".
Subpart/Table: IWL
IWL-3221 Revision Tendon Test Requirements for "Acceptance by Examination'" - The following revisions
were made to IWL-3221.1 - Tendon Force and Elongation: (1) In subparagraph (b) the
previous wording "95% of the predicted force" was changed to "the lower limit force, which
is the greater of 95% of the force predicted for that tendon at the time of measurement or
the minimum design prestress force for that tendon group."; (2) In subsubparagraph (b)(1)
the previous wording "90% and 95% of the predicted force" was changed to "95% and
100% of the lower limit force"; and, (3) the previous wording "95% of the predicted
force(s)" was changed to "the lower limit force" in subsubparagraphs (b)(2), (b)(3) and
These changes specifically address the design lower limits for tendon prestress forces when
evaluating tendons for acceptance following periodic tendon testing, and eliminates the
possibility of inadvertent acceptance of a tendon prestress force that is below minimum
design without verifying that the average force of the subject tendon and its adjacent
tendons are above minimum design. This is especially relevant as a containment approaches
its original design life or is proposed for extended life.
Mandatory Appendix Revision DM welds Demonstration Requirements Appendix I-3200(c) - Revised Mandatory
I-3200(c) Appendix I-3200(c) to remove demonstration requirements and refer the user to revised
requirements in Mandatory Appendix VIII, Supplement 10 ["Qualification Requirements
for Dissimilar Metal Piping Welds"].
Mandatory Appendix II Revision Code Case N-532-5 Incorporation for Owner's Reports - (1) Revised Title of Appendix
from "Owner's Report for Inservice Inspections" to "Owner's Record and Report"; (2)
Deleted previous Form NIS-1 and replaced with new "Form OAR-1 Owner's Activity
Report"; (3) Previous Table II-1 was revised and retitled as "Guide for Completing Form
NIS-2", Form NIS-2 was revised and Table II-2 was revised and retitled as "Guide for
Completing Form OAI-1"; and (4) "OAR-1 Table 1" and "OAR-1 Table 2" were added.
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Mandatory Appendix III, Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix III for Cast Austenitic Welds - A new Mandatory Appendix
III-1100(b) and III, Supplement 2, "Welds in Cast Austenitic Materials",which includes the requirements of
Supplements 1 and 2 Code Case N-824, was created specific to cast austenitic welds.The current Appendix III,
Supplement 1 was modified to exclude cast materials. References to Supplements 1 and 2
now appear in III-1100(b)
Mandatory Appendix IV, Revision Revised Appendix IV Supplement 2, for Flaw Size Detection - Appendix IV, Supplement
Supplement 2, 1.0(d)(2) 2, 1.0(d)(2) ["Qualification Requirements for Surface Examination of Piping and Vessels"]
was revised to add the option for qualification of an eddy current procedure with flaws 1/16
in. (1.5 mm) or less in length. Recent work has shown that current technology is capable of
reliably detecting flaws of such a size. While such a sensitive procedure may not be
necessary in all cases, a procedure so qualified could essentially be used for all of the
preservice and inservice surface examinations on the same material type without
Mandatory Appendix I, Errata Errata - Removed Reference - In Mnadatory Appendix 1, Supplement 11, subparagraph
Supplement 11 (a), the previous reference to "Supplement 12" was deleted.
Mandatory Appendix Revision Added Search Unit Cable Manufacturing Tolerances - Subsubaragraph
VIII-2100(d)(3) VIII-2100(d)(3)(-b) was changed to "maximum length, +1 ft (300 mm) to allow for
manufacturing tolerances;"
Mandatory Appendix Revision Revised to Allow Specimens Cut from Full Scale Test Piece - Added new paragraphs
VIII-3100 Mandatory Appendix VIII-3110(b) and VIII-3120(b) to provide directions on how the
qualification test specimens may be segments of full-scale mock-ups or separate specimens
cut from full-scale segments, provided that sample security is maintained. Subsequent
VIII-3110 and VIII-3120 subparagraphs were renumbered.
Mandatory Appendix Revision Revised Supplement 10 for Dissimilar Metal Welds - Revised Mandatory Appendix VIII,
VIII, Supplement 10 Supplement 10 to address single side qualifications for dissimilar metal welds where the
base material on each side of the weld is ferritic material. Paragraph 2.2 was revised to
define flaw location for these configurations and paragraph 3.0 (b) was added to describe
single-side qualifications if no austenitic base material exists. Other revisions include
changing "may" to "shall" in 3.2(b), 3.2(c), 3.3(a) and 3.3(b).
Mandatory Appendix Errata Errata - Corrected Cross-reference - In Mandatory Appendix VIII, Supplement 12,
VIII, Supplement 12 paragraph 3.0(a)(3), the previous Cross-Reference "Supplement 2.1 3(b)" was corrected to
"Supplement 2.1 3(c)".
Mandatory Appendix Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix VIII Supplement 14 - 3.3(b) - Added requirement that flaws
VIII, Supplement 14 in ferritic material for depth sizing qualification must be circumferentially oriented.
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Revised K_I Calculation Methods - Nonmandatory Appendix Article A-3000 was
A-3000 completely revised to update the methods to allow for nonlinear stress variation and add the
calculation of the fracture mechanics coefficients for cylindrical geometries. This action
improves the accuracy of the methods, reduces conservatism inherit in the original
linearization method for subsurface flaws and provides fracture mechanics coefficients
specifically for cylindrical geometries.The revision permits the future expansion of the
methods to other flaw geometries.
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Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Modified RT_KIa Correlation - When RTT_0 was included in Appendix A for indexing
A-4200 the K_Ic and K_Ia reference curves, the same correlation between RTT_0 and RT_NDT
was applied based on Code Case N-629. It has been recently determined with new test data
that the correlation equation in Code Case N-629 is not correct for K_Ia and can be
non-conservative based on evaluation of these additional toughness test results . There is a
difference between correlations for K_Ic and K_Ia such that the K_Ia index approach
needed to be modified to correct the prediction method. Code Case N-629 is pending
annulment and Code Case N-851 was issued on November 5, 2014. The latter Code Case
has a separate (correct) correlation for K_Ia (called RT_KIa) as well as separate index
parameters RT_T0] and RT_KIa. Nonmandatory Appendix A-4200 adds the same
corrected correlation for RT_KIa. The correlation for K_Ic (called RT_T0) is unaffected.
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Changes to Definitions - (1)The term “evaluation” was found to be used inconsistently
A-9000 throughout Section XI. "Analytical Evaluation" was added as a newly defined term in the
IWA-9000 "Glossary". This action also encompasses revision of all uses of this term to
reflect the definition under the purview of the Subgroup on Evaluation Standards which
includes Nonmandatory Appendix A. (2) The definition of "flaw evaluation" was deleted.
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Added Definition of "Analytical Evaluation" - The term “evaluation” was found to be used
C inconsistently throughout Section XI. "Analytical Evaluation" was added as a newly defined
term in the IWA-9000 "Glossary". This action also encompasses revision of all uses of this
term to reflect the definition under the purview of the Subgroup on Evaluation Standards'
which also includes Nonmandatory Appendix C. The Appendix was revised in at least 38
places to accommodate the new term.
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Rewrite of Nonmandatory Appendix D "Conditioning of Welds" - Nonmandatory
D Appendix D has been rewritten and retitled as "Conditioning of Welds That Require
Ultrasonic Examination".Research has found that having the weld crown above the base
material can distort the UT signal / response. This revised Appendix provides the Owner
guidance when making a new weld to reduce the weld crown flush with the base material.
Appendix D revisions: (1) reduce the weld crowns and weld roots (if accessible) to enhance
surface examinations to ensure a better response to volumetric examinations, and (2)
establishes weld crown configuration consistent with Mandatory Appendix VIII qualified
Nonmandatory Appendix Errata Errata - Corrected Data - (1) In paragraph E-1300, the cross-reference in "K_Ic" was
E corrected from "Article A-9000" to "IWA-9000"; (2) In Table E-2, "Note (2)" was revised
by changing the previous word "evaluation" to "analysis"; and, the ninth entry in the second
column was corrected from "Article A-9000" to "IWA-9000".
Nonmandatory Appendix Errata Errata - Corrected Equations - (1) In G-2110, the second (SI) equation was corrected from
G, G-2110 and G-2223 "+ 19 deg C" to "+ 19.4 deg C"; and (2), In G-2223, Equation (3), the previous second plus
sign "+" was corrected to a less than sign "<"
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Added Definition of "Analytical Evaluation" - The term “evaluation” was found to be used
H inconsistently throughout Section XI. "Analytical Evaluation" was added as a newly defined
term in the IWA-9000 "Glossary". This action also encompasses revision of all uses of this
term to reflect the definition under the purview of the Subgroup on Evaluation Standards'
which includes Nonmandatory Appendix H.
Nonmandatory Appendix Errata Errata - Editorial Corrections - (1) In K-4322, penultimate sentence, "safety factor" was
K, K-4322 and K-4331 corrected to :structural factor"; and, (2) In K-4331, missing parentheses and SI units were
restored to several equations.
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Incorporated Code Case N-532-5 - Revised Nonmandatory Appendix L, paragraph
L, L-4300(a) L-4300(a) to address the Owner's Activity Report reporting provisions in IWA-6230.
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Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Revised Nonmandatory Appendix M - (1) Added the following sentence to the end of
M, M-1000, M-2200, M-1100 SCOPE: “This Appendix provides guidance, however if used, all provisions of the
M-2500 Appendix are mandatory.”; (2) In M-2200 MODEL VERIFICATION, added the words “at
least one of” to the sentence that previously read: “The verification process for the model
shall include test results from the following testing methods”. This change was made
because it is not always possible to implement each of the four test methods; and, (3) In
M-2500 MATHEMATICAL MODEL ACCEPTANCE, the words “within the greater of ±1
in. (25 mm) or 10% of the metal path” were added to the last sentence. This change is
consistent with the qualification acceptance criteria included in paragraph 3.6a of ASME
Section XI, Appendix VIII, Supplement 5, "Qualification Requirements for Nozzle
Examination from the Outside Surface", for examination procedures, equipment, and
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Updated PRA Requirements for RI-ISI Programs - The US Nuclear Regulatory
R, R-1300 Commission has endorsed Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) technical adequacy
guidance for RI-ISI programs contained in EPRI TR-1021467-A. R-1300 was updated to
reflect this guidance, for the methodology contained in Supplement 2, while still allowing
flexibility for Owners outside the USA. This is similar to the apporach taken for Code Case
N-716-1. Previous R-1320 has been renumbered to R-1330.
Nonmandatory Appendix Revision Revised Examination for PWSCC or IGSCC - Revised Nonmandatory Appendix R, Table
R, Table R-2500-1, Table R-2500-1, Table R-S2-1, and Paragraph 4.1 of Supplement 2 ["Risk Informed Selection
R-S2-1 and Supplement 2 Process - Method B"] to define examination for Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking
(PWSCC) or Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC) susceptible locations in
accordance with the existing PWSCC or IGSCC inspection program, respectively, when the
only degradation mechanism present at the location is PWSCC or IGSCC.
Subpart/Table: Endnotes
IWA-1400(a) Revision Revised Endnote 1 for Code Class Determination - IWA-1400(a) Endnote 1 was revised so
as not to direct users to Code Class determination guidance different than what currently
exists in their licensing basis and to allow IWA-1400(a) to be applied by international users
not governed by US law 10CFR50.
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Subpart/Table: Part TG
TG-300, TG-140, Revision Review of TG-300 and "Legal Jurisdiction" terminology - Article TG-3 deals with the
TS-200.5, TS-200.7, Responsibilities and Duties of the Owner, Manufacturer, and Inspector. Appendix XV –
1-4.6(j)(3), 1-4.8, Rules of Mass Production of Pressure Vessels, incorporates a requirement that the
3-1.5(c)(2), 3-1.7(f)(3), Manufacturer's Quality Manual and Procedures be sent to the Jurisdiction ("Competent
XIII, XV-4, E-1, E-2, Authority" ) for review and acceptance and references TG-300, but the connected
E-6, E-8, H-1, H-3.2 & requirement does not appear in TG-3. A new paragraph was added to TG-300 addressing
H-5.1. the responsibilities and duties when vessels are manufactured under the provisions of
Mandatory Appendix XV requiring the Manufacture’s QC procedures and QC System
Manual to be reviewed and accepted by the competent authority. The "Legal Jurisdiction"
terminology replaces Jurisdictional Authority on the following Paragraphs: TG-100.3,
TG-120.3, TG-140, TG-300, TS-200.5, TS-200.7, 1-4.6(j)(3), 1-4.8, 3-1.5(c)(2), 3-1.7(f)(3),
XIII, XV-4, E-1, E-2, E-6 and E-8. Also editorial changes consisting of "Competent
Authority" made lowercase. Note: New paragraph inTG-300 is missing publication in the
2015 Edition by error. It will be corrected in a future Errata.
TG-440(c) and Article Revision TG-440(c), TP-2 and ASME's Codes and Standards Policy - Existing language in
TP-2 TG-440(c) and TP-2 that references using the National Board Stamp have been found to be
in conflict with ASME's Codes and Standards Policy 59(b). The language of the paragraphs
were revised to eliminate the existing conflict by allowing the User to either hold a valid
Owner/User Certificate of Authorization issued by the National Board of Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Inspectors or the equivalent recognized by the Competent Authority and the
Owner/User Inspector holds a valid NB Owner/User Commission or equivalent recognized
by the Competent Authority. Article TP-2, "Competent Authority" was made lower case.
Subpart/Table: Part TD
Figures TD-420, TD-500, Revision Editorial Revision - Figure TD-420, TD-500 and TD-640 are editorially revised by
TD-610.7, TD-640 consolidating the notes at the bottom of the figure. TD-610.7 are editorially revised by
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Subpart/Table: Part TW
Figures TW-130.5-1, Revision Editorial Revision - Figures TW-130.5-1, TW-130.5-2, TW-130.5-3 and TW-140.2-1 are
TW-130.5-2, TW-130.5-3 editorially revised by numbering and/or consolidating the notes at the bottom of the figure.
and TW-140.2-1 TW-130.5-3 Note (3) was rearranged.
TW-100.1 Revision Revised Service Restriction to Modal Appendix - First sentence revised. Paragraph
TW-100.1 establishes the basis for the modal appendices to provide directions for
construction. Lethal Service rules are not defined in Section XII, but United Nations Hazard
Classification for Flammable Gas (2.1), Toxic Gas (2.3), and Toxic Materials (6.1) have
been introduced instead. As a consequence, under Section XII, rules are imposed that if
built to Section VIII, Division 1, would not be imposed. For example, a propane vessel built
to Section VIII, Div. 1 is not required to be built in accordance with UW-2(a) for Lethal
Service requiring full PWHT and full Radiography. Under Section XII and due to the
classification of these vessels to (2.1) Flammable Gas, PWHT and full radiography would
be required.
Subpart/Table: Part TR
TR-100 through TR-130 Revision Article TR-1 General Requirements & pressure-relief devices - Revisions to Section XII
Article TR-1 General Requirement were made to bring consistency to general
requirements and definitions for pressure-relief devices (PRD) with those in Section VIII,
Division 1 and PTC-25.
(1) Paragraph TR-100(a) was extensively revised to assign responsibilities to the user,
manufacturer, or designated agents with regards to identification of possible overpressure
scenarios, method of overpressure protection for each identified scenario, proper
installation prior initial operation, selection and sizing of PRD’s based on intended service
(2) Additional requirement in Paragraph T-130 (a) to address accessibility of PRD for
testing, replacement and repairs were added.
(3) Paragraphs TR-130(b) to T-130(f) were extensively revised to provide specific PRD
installation requirements to prevent relieving capacity reduction or flow restriction when
single or multiple devices are installed and to facilitate drainage.
(4) TR-130(e) and TR-130(f) were renumbered to TR-130(g) and TR-130(h) respectively.
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TR-200, TR-210.3, Revision Revisions to Article TR-2, TR-3 and TR-5 - Part TR was revised to harmonize these
TR-300, TR-310, requirements for pressure relief devices (PRD) with the requirements of Section VIII, Div.
TR-310.3, TR-310.4, 1 and other applicable sections of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel codes.
TR-310.6, TR-320, TR-200(b) -Impose responsibilities to the Manufacturer or Assembler for initial valve
TR-310.3, TR-310.4, spring adjustments and providing a valve data tag with set pressure, capacity and date.
TR-320.6, TR-510, TR-200(c) -Set pressure tolerances revised. Customary units are now in parenthesis.
TR-520, TR-530, TR-540 TR-210.3 (a) -Replaced “capacity certification testing” to “Capacity Certification”
TR-210.3 (b) -Replaced “(including capacity tests)” to “including capacity”.
TR-210.3(c) -The Manufacturer or Assembler permission to apply the TV Code Symbol
Stamp expires on the 6th anniversary of the date initially granted and not on the 5th
TR-210.3(c)(1) -Additional requirements to PRDs having adjustable blowdown
construction were incorporated for the positioning of the control elements for a blowdown
typical of production methods.
TR-210.3(c)(2) -Adjustment to blowdown PRD’s with adjustable blowdowns shall be
made to meet performance condition repeating the operational and capacity tests when such
valves exhibits a blodown exceeding 7% of the set pressure or 3 psi. whichever is greater.
TR-210.3(c)(3) -Added “pressure relief” in front of “valve” in two places.
TR-210.3(c)(4)(d) -Specific conditions were established for Assemblers transferring
original and unmodified pressure relief parts to other Assemblers. New Paragraph (e)
establishes specific conditions for the Assemblers who wants to convert original finished
parts to valve springs. New Paragraph (f) adds the markings requirements for the
Manufacturers and final Assemblers consisting of both names and the Code Symbol Stamp
of the final Assembler.
TR-300(a) -Added last sentence prohibiting the use of fusible plugs as a sole overpressure
protection device.
TR-300(b) -It references Paragraph TR-310.5(b) for establishing the burst pressure of non
reclosing PRD’s. Establishes burst pressure tolerance of ±15 kPa (±2 psi) for marked burst
pressures up to and including 300 kPa (40 psi) and a tolerance of ±5% for marked pressure
above 300 kPa (40 psi).
TR-310.3 -Added “and pressure parts” between “holders” and “shall”.
TR-310.4(c) -Changed “fifth” to “sixth” and “5” to “6”.
TR-310.4(c)(3) -Added “or exceed” between “meet” and “the performance”.
TR-320- Requirements for pin devices were revised extensively. New Paragraphs
TR-320.1, TR-320.2, TR-320.3, TR-320.4, TR-320.5, TR-320.6 were added.
TR-510- This paragraph provides marking requirements for valves with a minimum size of
DN 15 (NPS ½), location of marking in accordance with TS-130 and a list of the minimum
required markings.
TR-510(a) -Revised “Manufacturer or Assembler” to “ Manufacturer and the Assembler”
TR-510(c), (d), (e) - Provides a list of the minimum required markings, size in DN or NPS,
set pressure, certified capacity for valves certified on water or air or other fluids per the new
mandatory Appendix XIX.
TR-510(g) -Rules for establishing the application of the Certification Mark with TV
Designator for the pilot of a pilot operated valve were added. A metal tag is permitted for
valves smaller of DN 15 (NPS ½). Paragraphs (h) and (i) were added.
TR-520(a) -An acceptable Manufacturer’s abbreviation is now permitted. TR-520(e) to
TR-520(h) and TR-520(j) complete update. TR-520(k) Changed “(a), (b), and (e)” to
“(a),(b),(e),(j), and (k)” New paragraph TR-520.1.
TR-530 -Revision addresses specific rules for the marking and certification of pin devices
and includes a list of required markings.
TR-540 -Establishes the marking requirements for valves installed in combination with
rupture disks devices and provides a list of required markings.
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TR-210.1, TR-210.2, Revision Revisions to Article TR-2 and Article TR-3 - Part TR was reviewed and revised to
TR-310.1 and TR-310.2 harmonize these requirements for pressure relief devices with the requirements of Section
VIII, Division 1 and other applicable sections of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
codes.The following changes were made to update ASME Section XII with the applicable
information within the current revision and addenda of ASME Section VIII Division 1:
TR-210.1(a) to (j) – Updated in its entirety to make it consistent with UG-136 of Section
VIII, Division 1.
TR-210.1(b) – Removed “,unless a design of equal or greater spring compression has been
tested and meets the acceptance criteria of Article TR-4”
TR-210.1(b) – Added 2nd paragraph, equation, and 3rd paragraph
TR-210.1(c) – Updated in its entirety
TR-210.1(d) – Previously TR-210.1(c), added “pressure relief” in front of valve
TR-210.1(e) – Updated in its entirety
TR-210.1(f) – Updated in its entirety
TR-210.1(g) – Updated in its entirety
TR-210.1(h) – Updated in its entirety
Added TR-210.1(i)
Added TR-210.1(j)
TR-210.2(a) – Updated in its entirety
TR-210.2(b) – Updated in its entirety
TR-210.2(c) – Updated in its entirety
TR-210.2(d) – Updated in its entirety
TR-210.2(e) – Previously TR-210.2(d)
TR-310.1(b) – Updated in its entirety
TR-310.2(a) – changed “consistent” to “the control of”
TR-310.2(b) – Updated in its entirety
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TR-210.4, TR-310.5, Revision Revisions to Articles TR-2, TR-3 and TR-4. - The following changes were made to update
TR-400 and TR-410 ASME Section XII with the applicable information within the current revision and addenda
of ASME Section VIII Division 1:
TR-210.4 - Updated. TR-210.4 prescribes rules and exemptions for production testing by
Manufactures and Assemblers for hydrostatic testing or pneumatic testing of pressure-relief
valve’s shells and definition of valve shells.
TR-310.5 - Added “the” between “program for” and “application”.
TR-310.5(a) - Updated in its entirety. Prescribes new and more clear rules for the pressure
containing parts of rupture disk devices and enumerates the list of conditions for pressure
test requirements and exemptions. The hydrostatic test to pressure containing parts shall be
tested at least 1.5 times the design pressure of the parts. The use of pneumatic test is
optional under established conditions.
TR-310.5(b) - Replaced “that quantity of disks manufactured of a given material
specification at the same time, of the same size, thickness types, heat, heat-treatment
condition, and manufacturing process).” with “those disks manufactured of a material at the
same time, of the same size, thickness, type, heat, and manufacturing process including heat
TR-310.5(b)(2) - Updated in its entirety, renumbered, and TR-310.5(b)(2)(-c) was removed
and incorporated into TR-310.5(b)(2).
TR-310.5(b)(3) , TR-310.5(b)(3)(a) and (b) - Updated in its entirety, renumbered, and
TR-310.5(b)(3)(-b) was removed and incorporated into TR-310.5(b)(2).
TR-400(a) through (c)- Renumbered and Updated in its entirety for clarification and
inclusion of specific rules for capacity certification of rupture disks or pin devices for the
applicable media.
TR-400(d)(2)(-a) - Was TR-400(c)(1) - Added “kPa, psig” to equation . Added “that
additional devices be tested at the rate of” between “shall require” and “ two”. Removed
“additional devices be tested”. Changed “maximum” to “limit”.
TR-400(d)(2)(-b) - Was TR-400(c)(2) - Updated the equations in their entirety.
TR-400(e) - Was TR-400(d), changed “(c)” to “(d)”.
TR-400(e)(1) - Updated in its entirety.
TR-400(e)(2) - Updated text and equations in their entirety.
TR-400(e)(3) and TR-400(e)(4) Updated in its entirety.
TR-400(e)(5) - Changed “valves” to “devices”
Added TR-400(e)(6) and TR-400(e)(7).
TR-400(f) - Originally TR-400(e).
TR-400(f)(2) - “Designee” changed to “designated organization”.
TR-400(f)(3) - Complete update.
TR-400(g)(3) - Originally TR-400(f)
Added TR-400(h) through TR-400(q).
TR-410(a) - Updated in its entirety.
TR-410(a)(1) through TR-410(a)(4) – Changed all instances of “rupture disk” and “rupture
disc device” to “nonreclosing pressure relief device”.
TR-410(a)(4) - Changed “represent the assembly of the actual design” to “be arranged to
duplicate the combination assembly design”.
TR-410(a)(4)(-a) - Updated in its entirety.
TR-410(a)(4)(-b) - Updated in its entirety. It prescribes the test procedures for
pressure-relief devices tested individually and nonreclosing pressure relief devices in
combination. Note that the test pressure for capacity determination for the individual
pressure-relief device (without the nonreclosing device) shall be the greater of 10% or 20
kPa (3psi) above the valve set pressure. For the combination capacity test the test pressure
shall be the greater of 10% or 20 kPa (3psi) above the valve set pressure duplicating the
individual valve capacity test as required by TR-410(a)(4)(-b)(-1).
TR-410(a)(4)(-c) - Updated in its entirety. Introduces the term “activation components” as a
replacement for “rupture disks”.
TR-410(a)(4)(-e) - Changed “rupture disk” to “nonreclosing pressure relief device”.
TR-410(a)(4)(-f) - Updated completely for clarification.
TR-410(b) and TR-410(b)(1) - Updated in its entirety for clarification.
TR-420 - Removed and incorporated into T-410(a) as a nonreclosing PRD.
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TR-510, TR-510(g), Revision Clarification of stamping requirements - (1) Stamps other than those issued by ASME
TR-520(j), Fig. TR-510 would be permitted which addresses issues raised by the new larger stamp size. Controls
and Fig. TR-520 are maintained by requiring oversite by ASME Designated organization. TR-510: Adds
metal as nameplate material and reference to Appendix XI for adhesive attachment.
(2) Placement of Designator has been clarified in TR-510(g) and the use of alternate
marking methods is allowed provided the acceptance by the ASME Designated
(3) Deletion of figure TR-520. In Figure TR-510 the word “Valves” was replaced with
TR-550 and Appendix I-1 Revision Use of the TV and TD Designators in accordance with CSP-53 - Changes for Section XII
article TR-5, adding a new paragraph TR-550 to define responsibilities, duties and
qualifications of the CI for application of the code symbol stamp with TV or TD designator.
Paragraph added to Appendix I-1 requiring the TV or TD Certificate Holders to address the
duties of the Certified Individual in their Quality Control System. Supplementary
Instructions for the Preparation of Manufacturer's or Assembler's Certificate of
Conformance were added in Table C-2 with the inclusion of Forms TV-1 and TD-1.
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Subpart/Table: Part TS
TS-110, TS-200, Revision Section XII - Parts Fabrication Stamp - Under the present ASME system, companies that
Mandatory Appendix I-5, only fabricate boiler or pressure vessel parts and do not take design responsibility, have no
Forms T-2A, T-2B and option but to obtain the Code symbol stamp and designator appropriate to their operation
T-2C, Nonmandatory (i.e., S, U, U2, U3, H, or T) before they can manufacture parts. The problem with requiring
Appendix D these organizations to obtain the appropriate certification is they need to have a full
demonstration at the time of the ASME Audit (Joint Review). Many of these companies do
not have design capability and the work they do is normally only fabrication to print. They
will have no Code design responsibility and they do not select materials. If they perform
NDE, PWHT, or welding, it is normally with procedures approved and in some instances
provided by the responsible Certificate holder. Since design, or control of subcontracted
design, is required for the associated Certificates of Authorization, these companies are
unnecessarily being required to demonstrate activities that are outside of their established
ASME has now introduced a new program to compliment and expand the existing B&PV
product certification program in providing an option for part fabricators without design
capabilities to obtain ASME certification for the scope of activities actually performed.
Organizations that do not perform code design as part of their service would not be required
to demonstrate activities that are not part of their core competencies. This new program
allows organizations fabricating parts to essentially build to a print provided by the
purchaser. The new certificate program will also recognize authorization to fabricate parts
for multiple Code Sections based on demonstrated capabilities. The scope of activities for a
parts fabricator would be limited to the supply of materials, materials forming, welding,
NDE, and heat treating. Complete design requirements would be provided by the purchaser.
All requirements of the Code will need to be met for the services actually provided.
Individual Construction Codes will need to first adopt and implement this new program in
their Code Book Sections for the "PRT" certificate holders to be able to supply parts in
accordance with those code requirements. Section I, Section IV and Section XII have
already implemented this new program but Section VIII has not yet adopted it.
Section XII Paragraphs TS-110, TS-200, Mandatory Appendix I-5, Forms T-2A, T-2B and
T-2C, and Nonmandatory Appendix D have been revised to address the new "PRT"
certification program. A new paragraph in Mandatory Appendix I-5 is added specifically to
address manufacturers of parts who do not perform or assume any design responsibility for
the parts they manufacture. Forms T-2A, T-2B and T-2C were revised to include the new
"PRT" designator which are the data reports in Section XII required to be furnished by the
"PRT" certificate holder when supplying parts to Section XII Transport Tanks
Subpart/Table: Part TP
TP-100, TP-200, TP-500, Revision "Competent Authority" - In several places the term "Competent Authority" was revised to
TP-600 "competent authority" in lowercase.
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Appendix 1-1.4(a), Revision Modal Appendix 1 Allowable Stress Criteria - Paragraphs 1-1.4(a) was replaced with the
1-1.4(c)(3), 1-1.4(d)(11) expended and clarified rewrite and the incorporation of descriptive charts and figures. Due
and Mandatory Appendix to the complexity noted in 1-1.4(a) that could lead to possible misinterpretations it was
III-2 resolved by the Committee to update and rewrite 1-1.4(a) and use descriptive charts and
figures for clarification. Nonmandatory examples for methods establishing allowable stress
were incorporated to the paragraph. Paragraph 1-1.4(c) was revised to clarify the dynamic
load condition “C” and to allow a vertical load increase of 42% for Categories 406, 407 and
412 tanks. Paragraph 1-1.4(d)(11) was deleted. Reference to "Mill Test Reports" are made
in this and other paragraphs of Section XII and to that effect the definition of Mill Test
Report was added to Mandatory Appendix III-2. Note: Paragraph 1-1.4(d)(11) appears to be
published by error. It will be corrected in a future Errata.
Appendix XIX Revision New Mandatory Appendix XIX - Capacity Conversions For PRD's - A new Mandatory
Appendix XIX - Capacity Conversions For Pressure-Relief Devices, was created after
extensive revisions to Article TR-1 through TR-5 were made. These revisions were based
on changes and updates to ASME Section VIII, Division 1 Mandatory Appendix 11. The
new Mandatory Appendix XIX is a reproduction of Section VIII, Division 1 Mandatory
Appendix 11 except for the removal of references and equations associated with steam.
Liquid, gas or vapor needs to be addressed by TR-1 through TR-5 but not steam.
Code Case 1750 Revision Section XII - Inclusion of Section XII in CC1750 - Code Case 1750 contains materials for
valves that are not included in Section II-D. The Code Case included Sections I, VIII Div.1
and X. The Code Case was revised to include Section XII to use these materials.
Code Case 2235 Revision Revision to Table 3 in Code Case 2235 - In response to revisions to the subsurface flaw
values in Table 2 of Code Case 2235, changes were required for Table 3. In addition,
typographical errors to the surface flaw columns were also addressed in this revision.
Code Case 2235-9 Revision Addition of Section XII and Revision to Code Case 2235-9 - Code Case 2235-9
Fracture Mechanics theory indicates that critical flaw length increases as the critical flaw
depth decreases for given flaw shape, applied stress and material toughness. A user of the
CC 2335 informed that the above flaw behavior is reversed after certain flaw length for
subsurface flaws those are specified in Table 2 of CC 2235. This behavior was confirmed
after conducting fracture analyses. To correct this error, the allowable subsurface flaw sizes
has been increase in Table 2, Page 2 of the code case.
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