Use This Template To Plan and Develop ALL Lessons

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Lesson Plan Template

Use this template to plan and develop ALL lessons
LESSON PLAN 1 Subject: sciences

Trainee: Mariam helal Topic or Theme: All kind of animals

Class:1/C Date & Duration:22/10/2019 time: 11:15

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on:

Time management by using timer

Students behaviour by using class dojo

Students engagement by using box animals

Students comprehension by using student’s attention

Unite: Animals

Lesson Outcomes: What are some types of animals?

Guide questions : What are the vocabulary words for the frist three lesson ?

Lesson focus :

I am working on how to increase surdents knowledge about Animals and how to classify some
different kinds of animals.

Links to Prior Learning

• K W L chart
• Last week, they learned about animals
• When they were in KJ, teacher read a story about animals
• Asking others from KJ
• Review the names of different animals.

21st Century Skills

Students will be able to enhance the following skills:

• Collaboration: Students will work together in both modelling and activities

• Social skills: Students learn how to communicate with each other and that strengthen their social
• Communication: Students collaborate with their partners in finding the right answer.
• Critical Thinking: all the student will think how to get the answer.

Key vocabulary

• Mammal
• Bird
• Reptile
• Amphibian
• Animals
• Different
• Types
• Classify

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

1-Students may face problems with activities 1-Give students steps and I translated in Arabic to know
such as they don’t know how to do the what they must do.
activity in a right way
2- Trying to control my pronunciation as soon as
2-Students may not understand my
possible and to review the rules of pronunciation
pronunciation in English. For example, I
pronounce the word in a different way, so perfectly.
they may be confused in understanding

Resources/equipment needed

Teacher Resources:

Class Dojo




Smart board

Animals toy



Plickers game

Students Resources:

Gloves for the begging

High level group number 1 and 2: four pictures and sentence

Mid-level group number 3 and 4: four picture and sentence, pencil and glue.

Low level group number 5: buckle, Pictures and circle with different types of animals

& Time
15 min Students will say Teacher will say

Students will answer to the teacher Before students come inside the classroom
‘Good Morning Miss Mariam ‘ teacher will say to the students group
number 1 come and set on the carpet
Group2, Group 3,4and 5

After that teacher will say to the students

Students will answer to the teacher ‘Good morning’ and will ask students how
are you today?
Teacher will take the attendance to know
Students will say yes when they listen who is here and who is not, and she will
their name write the number of the students on the

Teacher will sing with student’s song
Students will song with teacher before starting to engage students

5min for hook Teacher will start their lesson by using box
and inside the box some animals so the
students will wear gloves and put their
Students will guess what is inside the hand inside the box to guess what inside
box the box.

Teacher will ask the students what you

think inside the box.

Teacher will ask other students to come

Students will answer to the teacher and guess again what inside the box if the
students answer correctly, he or she will
figure out the animals and show the
students and put on the table.

After that teacher will ask the students

KWL chart what they know about animals,
what would to learn today and what we
learned today, and teacher will write
students answer on the board
Students will raise their hand to
answer the question Teacher will say to the students think and
talk with your partner to share idea with
your partner then raise your hand to

5 min explain Teacher will listen to students answer and

the vocabulary write what they said.
Students will now what the lesson
about Teacher will say to the students, today we
will learn about ‘What are some types of
animals’ to students know what the
lesson will be about
5 min
classify different Teacher will put on the smart board
kinds of animals classify table with four types of animals
for example Mammal, Bird, reptile and
amphibian and under each of these
types ,there is picture of description
Students will try to figure out the and teacher will translate the types of
answer to get point on the class dojo. animals in Arabic to students
understand and she will explain and
give example to students

Teacher will put before class starting

when the students outside of class
under each table of the student’s
different animals.
Teacher will say to the students check
under your table, you will see picture
of the animals
After that you must think one min with
your group where you must put this
animal and you must classify the
animals in the right group.

Teacher will give each group a poster

of classifying table and they must stick
the picture on the right place

After students finish the activity, the

teacher will say put all the poster and
materials on the middle of the table
and listen carefully.
After that Teacher will show each group a
model how to do it the activities to
understand from the carpet
Main activities
& Time
Students will: listen carefully to the Tr: Teacher will prepare the materials for
teacher instructions to know what the lesson on each table on classroom
15 minutes for they must do in their activities.
the activity Before starting the lesson, the teacher will
put the materials on each table
The will show and explain to students
while being on the carpet what they have
to do in their group and to show them
some examples.
For example:
High level (individual activity): Group 1 and
2 Teacher will give the students 4 pictures
of animals and one sentence on the card
for example ‘It is a …………. because so the
students will match the picture with
correct sentence.

Mid-level (individual activity): Group 3 and

group 4 teachers will give each of the
students 4 pictures o and 4 sentence and
the students must match with picture with
correct sentence.

Low level (pairs activity) Group 5 teachers

will give the students pictures and classing
circle so the students will take one buckle
of animals for example Ali takes one
buckles of animal like a forge he will put
the buckles in amphibian
Teacher will say to the students you have
15 min to finish your activity.

Differentiation activities (Support)

The teacher will write the words in the board and translate them in Arabic.
Differentiation activities (Stretch) (extra activity)

For the students who finish the activity first I will give them a puzzle game and they have to
write under the picture it is a Mammal, Bird, reptile and amphibian they have to choose correct one.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion
15 min Students will listen to the teacher to Tr: After finishing the actives, the teacher
know what they must do in their will say to the students ‘tide your table
• Books books. and who will finish fast I will give him or
• Pencil her a class dojo point.
• Smart board
Teacher will review the lesson by using
their books.
Teacher will write on the board to the
students ‘Open page 105.
Teacher will show them how to answer
the question than she will let them to
work as a group. After finishing the
questions in the book, the teacher will ask
students what they learnt today and
teachers will write the answers on the
KWL Chart.

Homework From their books page number 109

Assessment Evaluation
Strategies: teacher will use plickers game to the students and teacher will explain how students
play plickers game.

The idea of the website ,the teacher will put a question on the board ,the students
will try to figure out the answer .Then ,they will put the answer sheet up ,the
teacher will take a scan all the students answer ,it will be shown on the screen
where the blue color refers to all students who answer the question .Lastly, the
teacher will show the students correct and wrong answer ‘5question’

This game to check students understanding because in the end of game the teacher
can see who understood the lesson and who did not.

☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment

This lesson was at Ahmed Bin Zayed primary school where the lesson provided to students was a science
lesson in two classes , 1 D and 1C . The start was after students came in from another class, I asked them
to stand a little at the door, then I asked them to come on the carpet, starting from group 1 to group 5.
Next, I made the daily routine. Then I started introducing the hook and the introduction for around 15
minutes, the activities 15 minutes and finally 15 minutes for both the assessment and the conclusion .in
this reflection, there is an overview bout the lesson.
This lesson aimed at addressing a certain standard or LO s that was,” What are some types of animals?”
In this class, there were no special needs. However, I followed a strategy that helped me in catering
learning through following the theory of ,” Vygotsky” where he mentioned that each student has a
different level and as a teacher I followed his strategy and that was shown in that students had the ability
to answer the questions and even do the activities .I used both types of reinforcement according to
Skinner positive and negative reinforcement and that was shown in the strategy and method of using “
Class Dojo” for the students who gad bad behaviour , I took out points from class dojo and that method
was effective as when the student finds himself deprived from points, he tries to exert more efforts to
improve himself or herself such as participating more in class and doing the instructions provided to
them . In addition, at the end of the week, I give students who participate in class along the whole week
and do the actives, I gave them an appreciation certificate as being the star of the week and also take a
picture and to be sent to his or her mother in the class Dojo. Regarding the activities, I followed
Vygotsky’s theory in Scaffolding method through which, I gave students some activities and I guided
them through more support and let them to go ahead for high, mid and low levels.
The place of the lesson as a whole occurred in the class in two areas where that started with the carpet
where I explained to them , the introduction , checking their prior knowledge as I brought a box that
included some animals and gloves and let one of the students to stand up and put his hand in the box and
touch the animals without looking and here how does he or she feels inside the box and around half of
them said chocolate, other said toys .Then I asked them about “ KWL chart “ then asked them what they
know about animals, about camels , students answered .correctly and they showed their opinions about
that . The second place , the table where I put a picture for each group under the table and asked them to
look under the table and asked check and classify the picture in the correct place . Really, students needed
to know their background about animals and here they showed that they know more animals at some of
them are found on their farm. In fact, there was a connection between this lesson and the next one as this
one was about mammals, reptiles, birds and amphibians and the next one was about just only comparing
between mammals and birds. Surely, this lesson addressed the outcomes where the outcome was
concerning the types of animals and they managed to know it.
The lesson provided was for grade one 1C and 1D in the school and inside the classroom where my own
aim in this lesson was aiming to control time management by using a timer, controlling students
behaviour by using class dojo, engaging students by using box animals and increasing students
comprehension by using student’s attention. Besides, in order to achieve my aim in helping students to
learn, so I explained the activities step by step, provided some words on the board and translated in
Arabic and included some pictures.
The students were widely excited because, I used a box and gave them the chance to imagine what was
inside the box and the activities were hand one activities and when I put the pictures under the table, they
liked that a lot. Even that made students engaged with the lesson a lot and even made them connected and
remained on the task. Even in the assessment, I used Plickers games where that as their first time to do
and engaged as I could see which one made right or wrong and finally, I can see and check the results.
Students responded effectively because did the activities correctly and they understood the game well and
the results positive where some students got A and surely because I explained everything to them in steps.
Al what I gave to students is related to their prior knowledge as they have animals on their farms and even
such animals are found in the Zoo , and even at home there are some pets as well.

Students understood the lesson well and that because when I asked them in the assessment they responded
effectively and that is a proof for their understanding. My teaching goals were met as The main goals was
introducing some animals to students or making students identify the animals where that was connected
with students understanding and the assessment was “Plickers games “ . Everything was ok but what
my MCT gave me a comment where I should make the pictures bigger and one picture for each student in
the group and that will be followed in the next lessons .

In the furred I will give too much attention to some areas such as using a timer, hands one
activities, using the book less as they understand the lesson from their hands-on activities than
using the book and that all for enhancing the lesson for the future. In fact, I will develop the use
of class dojo and the hook to be more engaged and even using online games a lot .Academically,
I will have to improve my own pronunciation to be able to introduce my lesson affectingly .

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