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About the JFT-Basic

(Japan Foundation Test for Basic Japanese : JFT-Basic)

1. Objectives of the Test
To assess whether the test-taker has the Japanese language
proficiency to be able to engage in everyday conversation to a
certain extent and handle daily life without difficulties

Based on the Common European Framework of Reference for

Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR) and
the JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education (JF Standard)
*JF Standard: a framework for Japanese language education grounded on the
principle of using the Japanese language to facilitate mutual understanding
among people, developed by the Japan Foundation in accordance with the CEFR

The JFT-Basic is also used as a test to measure the level of Japanese
language proficiency needed to obtain the residency status of
“Specified Skill Worker (i)”
2. Target of the Test

Foreign nationals who are not native speakers of
(Foreign nationals about to reside in Japan mainly for work)

3. Testing Method

Computer-Based Testing (CBT)

Questions are set and answered on computers at test

Answer by looking at questions displayed on the screen

Answer based on audio played through the

3. CBT screen
Time remaining
Question number Name of examinee
Section name
Test name

Gray : Answered
Green : Currently
answering Display area for
Green : Unanswered test question and
With flag : Review needed answer choices

Tab: Section
Navigation to questions
using the Back and Next

Flag for
reviewing answer 5
3. CBT screen
Problems are displayed in English.

Click on the Your Language button to pop up a

You will hear two people talking about the New Year holidays at work.
What did the man do with his friend during the New Year holidays?
screen with the problem in your local language.
Understand the situation and setting before
answering the question.
Press the play button
to play the audio.

Answer by clicking on your choice.

The selected answer will change color.

4. Test structure
Section Category
Word Meaning
Script and Word Usage
(Around 15 questions) Kanji Reading
Kanji Meaning and Usage
Conversation and Grammar
60 minutes Expression
(Around 15 questions) Expression
*No time limit
for completing Comprehending Content (conversation)
each section Listening Comprehending Content
Comprehension (communicating at shops and public places)
(Around 15 questions)
Comprehending Content
(listening to announcements and instructions)
Reading Comprehending Content
(Around 15 questions) Information Search
4. Test structure
Script and Vocabulary
Purposes of the section
To test if the test-taker is able to read Japanese texts
used in everyday situations, and whether the test-taker
has the basic vocabulary and is able to use it.

Categories and their Purpose

Category Purpose of the Category
Word Meaning To test the meaning of a word.
Word Usage To test the usage of a word.
To test the hiragana pronunciation of a
Kanji Reading
word written in kanji.
Kanji Meaning and To test the meaning and usage of a word
Usage written in kanji.
4. Test structure
Conversation and Expression
Purposes of the section
To test if the test-taker is able to use the grammar and
expressions necessary for conversation in everyday

Categories and their Purpose

Category Purpose of the Category
To test if the test-taker can use the appropriate
grammar matching the context.
To test if the test-taker is able to use the
appropriate expression matching the context.

4. Test structure
Listening Comprehension
Purposes of the section
To test if the test-taker is able to listen to and
understand conversations, instructions, etc. in everyday
Categories and their Purpose
Category Purpose of the Category
Comprehending Content To test understanding of contents by listening to
(conversation) an exchange of information or social exchange.
Comprehending Content To test understanding of contents by listening to
(communicating at shops and
an exchange at a shop or public place.
public places)
Comprehending Content To test understanding of contents by listening to
(listening to announcements
instructions and announcements, audio media, etc.
and instructions)

4. Test structure
Reading Comprehension
Purposes of the section
To test if the test-taker is able to read and understand
letters, notices, explanations, etc. in everyday situations.

Categories and their Purpose

Category Purpose of the Category
Comprehending To test reading of a short and simple letter,
Content message, etc.
To test if the test-taker is able to find the
necessary information from an everyday
billboard, notice, information material, etc.

5. Summary of linguistic competence and levels
Indicator of level:
Competence in accomplishing various kinds of tasks using Japanese,
which follows the CEFR framework adopted by the JF Standard as a
Japanese language proficiency scale

Assesses sufficient Japanese

proficiency at the A2 level

Six levels of Can-do

5. Summary of linguistic competence and levels
Summary of linguistic competence required for A2 level (Comparison with adjacent levels)
Level Summary of linguistic competence
・Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly
encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
・Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is
B1 spoken.
・Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can
describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and
explanations for opinions and plans.
・Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most
immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment).
A2 ・Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of
information on familiar and routine matters.
・Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and
matters in areas of immediate need.
・ Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most
immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment).
A1 ・Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of
information on familiar and routine matters.
・Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and
matters in areas of immediate need.
The CEFR Global Scale: Common Reference levels 13
6. Test result notification
Test result notification period and method

The total score and assessment results will be

displayed on the screen at the end of the test.
On the day
of the test

The test-taker can download the official

Within 5 business notification of assessment results from the
days after taking registration website after
the test logging in.

6. Test result notification
How to view the notification of
assessment results
Examinee information
・Face Photo ・Registration Number ・Name
・Nationality ・Date of Birth ・Sex

Test information
・Test Location ・Test Date

Total Score


Percentage of correct
answers for each section

(Notification of assessment results)

Sample Questions
1-1 Script and Vocabulary Word Meaning
Test the meaning of a word.

Look at the illustration and choose the correct word.

1-2 Script and Vocabulary Word Usage
Test the usage of a word.

Read the sentence and choose the word that fits in ( ) the most.

1-3 Script and Vocabulary Kanji Reading
Test the hiragana pronunciation of a word written in kanji.

How do you write the underlined kanji word in hiragana?

Choose the correct one.

1-4 Script and Vocabulary Kanji Meaning and Usage
Test the meaning and usage of a word written in kanji.

Read the sentence and choose the kanji word that fits in ( )
the most.

2-1 Conversation and Expression Grammar
Test if the test-taker can use the appropriate grammar matching the context.

Mei-san is asking Emi-san about baby gifts.

Read the dialog and choose the phrase that fits the most.

2-2 Conversation and Expression Expression
Test if the test-taker is able to use the appropriate expression matching the context.
Two people are talking during lunch break at work.
Read the dialog and choose the expression that fits the most.

3-1 Listening Comprehension Comprehending Content (conversation)
Test understanding of contents by listening to an exchange of information or social exchange.

You will hear two people talking about the New Year holidays at work.
What did the man do with his friend during the New Year holidays?

3-2 Listening Comprehension
Comprehending Content (communicating at shops and public places)
Test understanding of contents by listening to an exchange of information or social exchange.

You will hear a man asking a store staff about products at the
convenience store.
Which one can the man eat/drink?

3-3 Listening Comprehension
Comprehending Content (listening to announcements and instructions)
Test understanding of contents by listening to instructions and announcements, audio media, etc.

You will hear an officer talking about what to do in case of fire at

an emergency drill at work.
(1) What do you do first when a fire occurs?
(2) Where do you evacuate?

4-1 Reading Comprehension Comprehending content
Test reading of a short and simple letter, message, etc.
You are reading a town's public information magazine.
Answer questions (1) and (2).

(1)フェスティバルに 行った 人は (2)ホアさんは スピーチコンテストに 参加して

何が できましたか。 どう 思いましたか。
歌と おどりを 見ること スピーチの けいけんが なかったけど、うまく いった
がっきを 買うこと 自分の スピーチを わらわれて、かなしかった
アクセサリーを 作ること 日本人の 英語の スピーチが 上手で、びっくりした

4-2 Reading Comprehension Information search
Test if the test-taker is able to find the necessary information from an everyday
billboard, notice, informational material, etc.
Kumaru-san received instructions on medicines at the pharmacy.
Look at the instructions and answer questions (1) and (2).

(1)セキドミカプセルは 1回に (2)飲んだ 後、ねむくなるかもしれないのは

いくつ 飲みますか。 どれですか。
2つ ネツナレ錠
3つ セキドミカプセル
Correct Answers
Section Category Correct Answer(s)
Word Meaning わらいます
Script Word Usage なれて
Vocabulary Kanji Reading すいどう
Kanji Meaning and Usage 光って
Conversation Grammar あげよう
Expression Expression また こんど

Comprehending Content

Listening Comprehending Content

Comprehe (communicating at shops and public
nsion places)
Comprehending Content (1) (2)
(listening to announcements and
(1) 歌と おどりを 見ること
Reading Comprehending Content
(2) スピーチの けいけんが なかったけど、うまく いった
nsion (1) 2つ
Information Search
(2) ネツナレ錠

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