Boquila Trifoliata
Boquila Trifoliata
Boquila Trifoliata
microenvironment into stem cells (Fig- Dev. 15, 2755–2766
Haberlandt's Plant Ocelli
ure 1). This mechanism has far-reaching 7. Suzaki, T. et al. (2008) Functional diversification of CLAV- In 1905, Gottlieb Haberlandt elaborated
implications; in the maize SAM, for exam- ATA3-related CLE proteins in meristem maintenance in rice. the concept of plant ocelli [1] according
Plant Cell 20, 2049–2058
ple, feedback signalling of ZmFCP1 from 8. Nardmann, J. and Werr, W. (2006) The shoot stem cell
to which the upper epidermal cells of
young leaf primordia might have conse- niche in angiosperms: expression patterns of WUS ortho- many leaves are shaped like convex or
logues in rice and maize imply major modifications in the
quences for the asymmetry of cell divi- course of mono- and dicot evolution. Mol. Biol. Evol. 23,
planoconvex lenses capable of bringing
sions that release daughter cells for 2492–2504 convergence of the light rays on the
differentiation into the PZ, which might 9. Sarkar, A.K. et al. (2007) Conserved factors regulate sig- light-sensitive subepidermal cells (Fig-
nalling in Arabidopsis thaliana shoot and root stem cell
relate to the alternate leaf phyllotaxy. A organizers. Nature 446, 811–814 ure 1). This concept, although favoured
more important consequence is the 10. Dolzblasz, A. et al. (2016) Stem cell regulation by Arabi- by Francis Darwin [2] and strongly sup-
dopsis WOX genes. Mol. Plant. 9, 1028–1039
potential to increase yield, because the ported by experiments performed by Har-
11. Yadav, R.K. et al. (2011) WUSCHEL protein movement
fasciated ear phenotype of weak fea3 mediates stem cell homeostasis in the Arabidopsis shoot old Wagner [3], was almost completely
alleles in hybrid maize backgrounds led apex. Genes Dev. 25, 2025–2030 forgotten. What evidence is there that this
to enhanced yield traits. This has espe- is something more than just a brilliant
cially exciting implications for agriculture, hypothesis? First, as a rule, the most
particularly if weak orthologous fea3 superficial layer of cells lacks active green
mutations could increase sink strength chloroplasts that would obviously interfere
in rice grains and other cereals. The study Forum with the optical lens-like features of the
of Je et al. also nicely epitomises the utility
of using parallel model species; in this
Vision in Plants via epidermal tissue. With the exception of
guard cells, which are the only cells within
case, the conceptual mutual transfer of Plant-Specific Ocelli? a leaf's epidermis containing chloroplasts,
knowledge between the maize and ara- this feature is well known in numerous
bidopsis studies, which will benefit further Frantisek Baluška1 and plants. This phenomenon it is not easy
from extending analyses to other Stefano Mancuso2,* to rationalise. Leaf epidermal cells would
species. be perfectly suited for photosynthesis as
Although plants are sessile organ- they receive optimal amounts of light. Sec-
Acknowledgements isms, almost all of their organs ond, upper epidermis leaf cells may act as
W.W was supported by the Excellence Cluster on move in space and thus require a lens focusing sharp images in cells with
Plant Sciences (CEPLAS), EXC 1028, and the Deut- the right focal length [1].
plant-specific senses to find their
sche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through WE
1262/11-2 and Sonderforschungsbereich 680 (SFB
proper place with respect to their Evolution of Plant Ocelli
680 A5). neighbours. Here we discuss recent Two recent reports are bringing this con-
studies suggesting that plants are cept back into the spotlight of scientific
Institute of Developmental Biology, Cologne Biocenter, able to sense shapes and colours inquiry. The prokaryotic cyanobacterium
University of Cologne, 50674 Cologne, Germany
via plant-specific ocelli. Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 measures
*Correspondence: [email protected] (W. Werr). light intensity and colours via several pho- Motto toreceptors to control type IV pilus-driven
The more I study nature, the more I movements [4]. Small cells of Synecho-
1. Schoof, H. et al. (2000) The stem cell population of Arabi- become impressed with ever-increasing cystis use directional light sensing to
dopsis shoot meristems is maintained by a regulatory loop force with the conclusion, that the contri- measure their precise positions with
between the CLAVATA and WUSCHEL genes. Cell 100,
635–644 vances and beautiful adaptations slowly respect to a light source. The cells act
2. Losick, V.P. et al. (2011) Drosophila stem cell niches: a acquired through each part occasionally as microlenses to navigate their move-
decade of discovery suggests a unified view of stem cell
varying in a slight degree in many ways, ments towards light. More precisely, a
regulation. Dev. Cell 21, 159–171
3. Galli, M. and Gallavotti, A. (2016) Expanding the regulatory with the preservation or natural selection high-resolution image of the light source
network for meristem size in plants. Trends Genet. 32, of those variations which are beneficial to is projected on the cell edge opposite to
4. Je, B.I. et al. (2016) Signaling from maize organ primordia
the organism under the complex and ever- the light source, triggering movement
via FASCIATED EAR3 regulates stem cell proliferation and varying conditions of life, transcend in an away from the focussed spot [4]. On
yield traits. Nat. Genet. 48, 785–791
incomparable degree the contrivances a higher level of cellular complexity,
5. Bommert, P. et al. (2005) thick tassel dwarf1 encodes a
putative maize ortholog of the Arabidopsis CLAVATA1 and adaptations which the most fertile dinoflagellates – single-celled eukaryotes
leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase. Development imagination of the most imaginative man – assemble chimeric ocelloids from plas-
132, 1235–1245
could suggest with unlimited time at his tids and mitochondria [5,6]. This dinofla-
6. Taguchi-Shiobara, F. et al. (2001) The fasciated ear2 gene
encodes a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein that disposal. (Charles Darwin) gellate ocelloid shows a remarkable
of the light
information about their environmental set-
ting through vision-based inputs.
Although this might sound improbable, Red light
and UV-B
and the authors of the two papers pre-
ferred not to entertain this possibility, phot1
there are several lines of evidence that
seem to support Haberlandt's concept Cortex Epidermis
of plant-specific vision via plant ocelli. (rena-like) (lens-like)
Masters of Plant Mimicry
The most fascinating aspect of the B.
trifoliata leaf mimicry is that vine leaves
Figure 1. Schematic View of Plant Ocelli. (A) In the upper epidermis, cells of many leaves are shaped like
mimic all of the diverse morphological fea- convex or planoconvex lenses to allow the convergence of light rays on the light-sensitive subepidermal cells.
tures of different leaf shapes and sizes of Epidermal cells are predicted to express light-sensing molecules on their inner faces (red dots). The light-sensing
various host trees. Ernesto Gianoli and role can also be accomplished via plastoglobuli in epidermal amyloplasts (not shown) and subepidermal
Fernando Carrasco-Urra recorded up to chloroplasts (pink dots). The cuticle is proposed to act as a cornea-like structure while cytoplasm-dense
epidermis cells serve as the lens-like component of Haberlandt's plant leaf ocelli. (B) Root apex ocelli comprise
three different host plants supporting a lens-like epidermal cells and subepidermal cells expressing the blue-light photoreceptor phot1, which has a
single plant of B. trifoliata [7]. One polar subcellular distribution. For more details see [1,9].