Intergumentary System: Skin Hair Nails Exocrine

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Intergumentary System

 Skin
 Hair
 Nails
 Exocrine

 The skin performs six primary functions which include protection

obsorption, secretion, regulation, and sensation.

 The main layer of skin stratum, corneum, stratum lucidum,

stratum spinosum, and stratum germinatium

“The seven function of the skin”

 Protection. Microorganism, dehydration, ultraviolet light

mechanical damage.
 Sensation. Sense pain temperatures touch deep pressure.
 Allows movement. Allows movement muscles can flex and
body can move.
 Endocrine. Vitamin D product by your skin.
 Excretion……
 Immunity……
 Regulate Temperature……
“Intergumentary Disease”

They treat common conditions, such as acne and warts,

chronic, skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis and
more serious disease like skin cancer.


The skin cancer can affect our all body skin cause a
disease in our intergumentary system, skin is a big part of
our body and the skin protect our different organs.

Group 3

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