CWTS Handouts

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“RA 9163”


(d.) Civic Welfare Training Service” refers to programs or

AN ACT ESTABLISHHING THE NATIONA SERVICE activities contributory to the general welfare and the
TRAINING PROGRAM (NSTP) FOR TERTIARY LEVEL betterment of life for the members of the community
STUDENTS, AMENDING FOR THE PURPOSE REPUBLIC or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those
ACT NO. 7077 AND PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1706, devoted to improving health education, environment,
AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the
Section 1. Short Title – This Act shall be Known as the
“National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001” (e.) “Program component” shall refer to the service
component of the NSTP as enumerated in Section 4 of
Section 2. Declaration of Policy- it is hereby affirmed this Act.
the prime duty of the government to serve and protect
its citizen. In turn, it shall be the responsibility of all Section 4. Establishment of the National Service
citizens to defend the security of the State and in Training Program. – There is hereby established a
fulfillment thereof, the government may require each National Service Training Program, which shall form part
citizen to render personal, military or civil service. of the curricula of all baccalaureate degree course and
Recognizing the youth’s vital role in nation- is a requisite for graduation, consisting of the following
building, the State shall promote civic consciousness service components:
among the youth and shall develop their physical,
moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being. It (1.) The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC),
shall inculcate in the youth patriotism, nationalism, and Which is hereby made option and voluntary upon
advance their involvement in public and civic affairs. the effectivity of the Act;
In pursuit of these goals, the youth, the most (2.) The Literacy Training Service :and
valuable resources of the nation, shall be motivated, (3.) The Civic Welfare Training Service
trained, organized and mobilized in military training,
literacy, civic welfare and other similar endeavors in the The ROTC under the NSTP shall instill patriotism,
service of the nation. moral virtues, respect for rights of civilians, and
adherence to the Constitution, among others.
Section 3 .Definition of Terms – For purposes of this Citizenship training shall be given emphasis in all three
Act, the following are hereby defined as (3) program components.
follows: The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
(a.) “ National Service Training Program (NSTP)” is a (TESDA), in consultation with the with the Department
program aimed at enhancing civic consciousness and of National Defense (DND), Philippines Association of
defense preparedness in the youth by developing the State Universities and Colleges (PASUC), Coordinating
ethic of service and patriotism while undergoing Council of Private Educational Associations of the
training in any of its three (3) program components. its Philippines (COCOPEA) and other concern government
various components are specially designed to agencies, may design and implement such other
enhance the youth’s active contribution to the program components as may be necessary in
general welfare. consonance with the provision of this Act.

(b.) “Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)” is a Section 5. Coverage - Students, male and female,
program institutionalized under Sections 38 and 39 of of any baccalaureate degree course or at least two (2)-
Republic Act No. 7077 designed to provide military year technical vocational course in public and private
training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, education institution shall be required to complete one
train, organize and mobilize them for national defense (1) of the NSTP components as requisite for graduation.
Section 6. Duration and Equivalent Course Unit- Each
(c.) “ Literacy Training Service” is a program designed to of the aforementioned NSTP program components shall
train students to become teachers of literacy and be undertaken for an academic period of two (2)
numeracy skills to School children, out of school semesters.
youth, and other segments of society in need of their In lieu of the two (2) semester program for any of
service the components of the NSTP, a one (1)- summer
program may be designed, formulated and adopted by
the DND, CHED, and TESDA. The CHED and TESDA regional offices shall oversee and
monitor the implementation of the NSTP under their
Section 7. NSTP Offering in Higher and Technical jurisdiction to determine if the trainings are being
Vocational Educational Institutions – All higher and conducted in consonance with the objectives of this
technical-vocational institutions, public and private, Act. Periodic reports shall be submitted to the CHED,
must offer at least one of the program components; TESDA and DND in this regard.
Provided, that State universities and colleges shall offer
the ROTC component and at least one other Section 11. Creation of the National Service Reserve
components as provided herein; Provided, further, that Corps – There is hereby created a National Service
private higher and technical-vocational education Reserve Corps, to be composed of the graduates of the
institutions may also offer the ROTC if they have at least non-ROTC components. Members of this Corps may be
three hundred and fifty (350) cadet students. tapped by the State for literacy and civic welfare
activities through the joint effort of the DND, CHED and
In offering the NSTP whether during the semestral TESDA.
or summer periods, clustering of affected students from
different educational institutions may be done, taking Graduates of the ROTC shall form part of the
into account logistics, branch of service and Citizens’ Armed Force, pursuant to Republic Act No.
geographical considerations Schools that do not meet 7077.
the required number of students to maintain the
optional ROTC and any of the NSTP components shall Section 12. Implementing Rules – The DND, CHED and
allow their students to cross-enroll to other school TESDA shall have joint responsibility for the adoption of
irrespective of whether or not the NSTP components in the implementing rules of this Act within sixty (60) days
said school are being administered by the same or from the approval of this Act.
another branch of service in the Armed Forces of the These three (3) agencies shall consult with other
Philippines (AFP), CHED and TESDA to which schools are concerned government agencies, the PASUC and
identified. COCOPEA, NGOs and recognized students organizations
in drafting the implementing rules.
Section 8. Fees and Incentives – Higher and technical The implementing rules shall include the guideline
vocational institutions shall not collect any fee for any of for the adoption of the appropriate curriculum for each
the NSTP components except basic tuition fees, which of the NSTP components as well as for the accreditation
shall not be more than fifty percent (50%) of what is of the same.
currently charged by school per unit.
Section 13. Transitory Provisions – Students who have
In the case of ROTC, the DND shall formulate and yet to complete the Basic ROTC, except those falling
adopt a program of assistance and/or incentive to those under Section 14 of this Act, may either continue in the
students who will take the said component. program component they are currently enrolled or shift
to any of the other program components of their
Section 9. Scholarships – There is hereby created a choice; Provided, that in case he shifts to another
Special Scholarship Program for qualified students program component, the Basic ROTC course he has
taking the NSTP which shall be administered by the completed shall be counted for the purpose of the
CHED and TESDA. Funds for this purpose shall be completing the NSTP requirement; Provided, further,
included in the annual regular appropriations of the That once he has shifted to another program
CHED and TESDA. component, he shall complete the NSTP in component.

Section 10. Management of the NSTP components – Section 14. Suspension of ROTC Requirement – The
The school authorities shall exercise academic and completion of ROTC training as a requisite for
administrative supervision over the design, formulation, graduation is hereby set aside for those students who
adoption and implementation of the different NSTP despite completing all their academic units as of the
components in their respective schools; Provided, That effectivity of this Act have not been allowed to
in case a CHED or TESDA – accredited non-government graduate.
organization (NGO) has been contracted to formulate
and administer a training module for any of the NSTP Section 15. Separability Clause – If any section or
components, such academic and administrative provision of this Act shall be declared unconstitutional
supervision shall be exercised jointly with that or invalid, the other sections or provisions not affected
accredited NGO; Provided, further, That such training thereby shall remain in full force and effect.
module shall be accredited by the CHED and TESDA.
Section 16. Amendatory Clause – Section 35 of CWTS and LTS deal with civic enhancement while ROTC
Commonwealth Act No. 1, Executive Order No. 207 of focuses on defense or military preparedness. To
1939, Sections 2 and 3 of Presidential Decree No. 1706, understand further, section3 of Republic act No. 9163,
and Sections 38 and 39 or Republic Act No. 7077, as the program components of NSTP are defined as:
well as all laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations
and other issuances inconsistent with the provisions of Reserve Officer Training Course
this Act are hereby deemed amended and modified Refers to the program component institutionalized
accordingly. under sections 3 and 39 of RA No. 7077, designed to
provide military training to tertiary level students in
Section 17. Effectivity – This Act shall take effect fifteen order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for
(15) days after its publication in two (2) newspapers of national defense preparedness
national circulation, but the implementation of this Act
shall Literacy Training service
is the program component designed to train students to
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children,
out of school youths and other segments of the society
RA 9163 establishes the National Service Training in need of their service
Program or NSTP (for tertiary level students) amending
the purpose as stated on Republic Act No.7077 and PD Civic Welfare Training
No. 1706 Pertains to the program component or activities
contributory to the general welfare and the betterment
Republic Act No.7077 of life for the members of the community or the
otherwise known as the "Citizen Armed Forces of the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted
Philippines Reservist Act", was enacted by the 8th to improving health, education, environment,
Congress of the Philippines on 27 June 1991. The entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and moral of the
Reservist Act provided for organization, training and citizenry and other social welfare service.
utilization of reservists, referred to in the Act as "Citizen
Soldiers" --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Presidential Decree No. 1706 Boost Your Self Confidence

otherwise known as the "National Service Law", was
signed by President Ferdinand Marcos on 8 August Confidence
1980. It made national service obligatory for all Filipino
citizens and specified three categories of national Building a successful business/ workforce requires a
service: civic welfare service, law enforcement service thick skin and unshakable confidence in your ability to
and military service. overcome obstacles.

The National Service Training Program ( NSTP) is defined Here are 10 things you can do to build up your self-
under Republic act No. 9163, section 3 as a program confidence.
aimed at enhancing Civic consciousness and defense
preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of 1. Visualize yourself as you want to be
service and patriotism while undergoing the ethics of “What the mind can conceive and believe it can
service and patriotism while undergoing training in any achieve.”
of its three program proponents. -- Napoleon Hill

 Visualization is the technique of seeing an image of

Since NSTP requires training, civic consciousness can be yourself that you are proud of, in your own mind.
enhanced by doing community immersion which is an  When we struggle with low self-confidence, we
integral part of Civic Welfare Training Service ( CWTS) have a poor perception of ourselves that is often
and Literacy Training Service (LTS) while defense inaccurate.
preparedness is enhanced through the Reserve Officer  Practice visualizing a fantastic version of yourself,
Training Course achieving your goals.
( ROTC).

Distinctive Feature of CWTS, LTS and ROTC

2. Affirm yourself
"Affirmations are a powerful tool to deliberately install “No one can make you feel inferior without your
desired beliefs about yourself." -- Nikki Carnevale consent.” -- Eleanor Roosevelt

 We tend to behave in accordance with our own  Desensitize yourself to rejection

self-image. The trick to making lasting change is to
change how you view yourself. 6. Set yourself up to win
 Affirmation are positive and uplifting statements “To establish true self-confidence, we must concentrate
that we say to ourselves. on our successes and forget about the failures and the
 These are normally more effective if said out loud negatives in our lives.”
so that you can hear yourself say it. We tend to -- Denis Waitley
believe whatever we tell ourselves constantly.
 For example, if you hate your own physical  Start by setting yourself small goals that you can
appearance, practice saying something that you win easily;
appreciate or like about yourself when you next  Make sure that you also keep a list of all your
look in the mirror. achievements, both large and small, to remind
yourself of the times that you have done well;
Affirm  Reflecting on the major milestones, projects and
goals you’ve achieved is a great way to reinforce
 To get your brain to accept your positive confidence in your skills.
statements more quickly, phrase your affirmations
as questions such as, “Why am I so good at making 7. Help someone else
deals?” instead of “I am so good at making deals.”
 Our brains are biologically wired to seek answers to  Helping someone else often enables us to forget
questions, without analyzing whether the question about ourselves and to feel grateful for what we
is valid or not. have. It also feels good when you are able to make
a difference for someone else.
3. Do one thing that scares you every day  Instead of focusing on your own weaknesses,
“If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world volunteer to mentor, assist or teach another, and
is too. Do not overestimate the competition and you'll see your self-confidence grow automatically
underestimate yourself. You are better than you in the process.
think.” --
T. Harv Eker 8. Care for yourself
“Self-care is never a selfish act -- it is simply good
 The best way to overcome fear is to face it head- stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on
on. By doing something that scares you every day earth to offer to others.” -- Parker Palmer
and gaining confidence from every experience, you
will see your self-confidence soar.  Self-confidence depends on a combination of good
 So get out of your comfort zone and face your physical health, emotional health and social health.
fears! It is hard to feel good about yourself if you hate
your physique or constantly have low energy.
4. Question your inner critic  Make time to cultivate great exercise, eating and
“You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it sleep habits.
hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what  In addition, dress the way you want to feel. You
happens.” -- Louise L. Hay have heard the saying that “clothes make the
man.” Build your self-confidence by making the
 Some of the harshest comments that we get come effort to look after your own needs.
from ourselves, via the "voice of the inner critic." If
you struggle with low self-confidence, there is a 9. Create personal boundaries
possibility that your inner critic has become “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to
overactive and inaccurate; be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life,
 Find opportunities to congratulate, compliment but define yourself.”-- Harvey Fierstein
and reward yourself, even for the smallest
successes.  Learn to say NO. Teach others to respect your
personal boundaries. If necessary, take classes on
how to be more assertive and learn to ask for what
you want. The more control and say that you have
5. Take the 100 days of rejection challenge
over your own life, the greater will be your self- Practice Self-Compassion
 Self-compassion involves treating yourself with
10. Shift to an equality mentality kindness when you make a mistake, fail, or
“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person experience a setback. Speaking to yourself harshly,
you are.” -- Marilyn Monroe won’t motivate you to do better. In fact, studies
show it tends to have the opposite effect.
 People with low self-confidence see others as  Rather than beat yourself up or call yourself
better or more deserving than themselves. Instead names, try speaking to yourself like you’d talk to a
of carrying this perception, see yourself as being trusted friend. Cut yourself some slack, laugh at
equal to everyone. They are no better or more yourself, and remind yourself that no one is
deserving than you. Make a mental shift to an perfect.
equality mentality and you will automatically see
an improvement in your self-confidence.
Embrace Self-Doubt

5 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence  Practice facing some of your fears that stem from a
lack of self-confidence. If you’re afraid you’ll
embarrass yourself or you think that you’re going
Benefits of Self-Confidence to mess up, try it anyway;
 The best way to gain confidence is by doing.
 When you believe in yourself, you’ll be more willing
to try new things. Whether you apply for a Perform Behavioral Experiments
promotion or sign up for a cooking class, believing
in yourself is key to putting yourself out there.  Try doing things that your brain tells you that you
 When you feel confident in yourself, you’re able to can’t;
devote your resources to the task at hand. Rather  Tell yourself it’s just an experiment and see what
than waste time and energy worrying that you happens.
aren't good enough, you can devote your energy to  You might learn that being a little anxious or
your efforts. making a few mistakes isn’t as bad as you thought.
 So ultimately, you'll perform better when you feel And each time you move forward you can gain
confident. more confidence in yourself.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others A Word From Verywell

 Researchers found that people who compared  Everyone struggles with confidence issues at one
themselves to others, experienced envy. And the time or another. But if your self-confidence issues
more envy they experienced, the worse they felt interfere with your work, your social life, or your
about themselves. It can be a vicious cycle; education, seek professional help.
 Pay attention to times when you compare your  Sometimes, low self-confidence stems from a
wealth, possessions, skills, achievements, and bigger issue, like a traumatic event from the past1.
attributes. Thinking that other people are better or At other times, it may be a symptom of a mental
have more will erode your confidence in yourself; health problem.
 When you notice you are drawing comparisons,  And it is possible to have too much confidence. If
remind yourself that doing so isn’t helpful. you’re overly confident in your abilities, you might
Everyone is running their own race and life isn’t a not take action.

Take Care of Your Body

 It’s hard to feel good about yourself if you’re

abusing your body. Skimping on sleep, eating an
unhealthy diet, and refraining from exercise will
take a toll on your well-being. Studies consistently
show physical activity boosts confidence.
20 Questions to Help Improve Your Self- “And then what?”
 Double down on the advantageous stuff and start
Self-awareness is one of the keys to personal success. eliminating the harmful stuff (as far as possible).
 Do more things that make you happy.
Greek philosopher Aristotle, who lived between 384–  Do more things that you’re good at.
322 BC, once said:  Avoid things that make you unhappy.
 Avoid things that you’re bad at.
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
“But how do you practice logos/reasoning?”
Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as a universal
answer to self-awareness. Everybody is different, and  Read philosophy. If you don’t know where to start I
the only person that can teach you self-awareness recommend readingThe Story Of Philosophy by
is you. Will Durant.
 Become neutral in discussions with people. Don’t
Becoming More Self-Aware just try to prove a point. Always try to reason from
different points of view.
You can accelerate the process of developing self-  Journal, and follow through on your
awareness by examining yourself consciously. thoughts. Always ask yourselfwhy? For example:
John made me mad. Why? Because he lied. Why?
Know yourself better……. Because he didn’t want to upset me. Why?
Because he cares about me. Conclusion: John is an
I started by answering these 20 questions: idiot who should learn that lying is not helpful.
 Talk. Talk. Talk. With friends, colleagues, mentors,
What am I good at? coaches. Just by vocalizing your feelings, you
What am I so-so at? discover new things about yourself. Especially
What am I bad at? when you talk to people who ask questions that
What makes me tired? make you think.
What is the most important thing in my life?
Who are the most important people in my life? Introspection is difficult because you must be honest
How much sleep do I need? with yourself. And most of us prefer to lie because the
What stresses me out? truth is scary.
What relaxes me?
What’s my definition of success? Practice self awareness consciously… PROMISE it will
What type of worker am I? improve your life massively!
How do I want others to see me?
What makes me sad? --------------------------------------------------------------------------
What makes me happy?
What makes me angry? LEADERSHIP
What type of person do I want to be?
What type of friend do I want to be?  “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to
What do I think about myself? do something you want done because he wants to
What things do I value in life? do it.”
What makes me afraid? – Dwight D. Eisenhower
 Leadership means different things to different
I’m a practical person and don’t like woo-woo questions people around the world, and different things in
like: “Who am I? What’s the meaning of life?” You are different situations. For example, it could relate to
what you repeatedly do, and YOU decide what meaning community leadership, religious leadership,
you give to life political leadership, and leadership of campaigning
Self-awareness is  The word "leadership" can bring to mind a variety
(1) the ability to translate your feelings into words and of images. For example:
(2) to give it meaning. A political leader, pursuing a passionate, personal
An explorer, cutting a path through the jungle for
the rest of his group to follow.
An executive, developing her company's strategy to This leadership is centered on subordinates’
beat the competition. contributions.
Communication is active upward and downward.
 Leaders help themselves and others to do the right it entails the following: fairness, competence, creativity,
things. They set direction, build an inspiring vision, courage, intelligence and honesty.
and create something new.
 Leadership is about mapping out where you need 3. Strategic Leadership Style
to go to "win" as a team or an organization; and This style is geared to a wider audience at all levels who
yet, want to create a high performance life, team or
While leaders set the direction, they must also use organization.
management skills to guide their people to the right
destination, in a smooth and efficient way. 4. Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership is all about initiating
 Leaders are people who do the right thing; change in organizations, groups, oneself and others;
managers are people who do things right. Transformational leaders motivate others to do more
than they originally intended and often even more than
they thought possible.;
They set more challenging expectations and typically
achieve a higher performance.

5. Team Leadership
Team leadership is about working with the hearts and
minds of all those involved.;
It also recognizes that teamwork may not always involve
trusting cooperative relationships.

6. Cross-Cultural Leadership
This form of leadership normally exists where there are
various cultures in the society.
One example of a cross-cultural leader in sports is
quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Mariota
His Hawaiian background caused him to be an
unpretentious player, in contrast to being a more
Types of Leadership aggressive one, yet he was still successful

Leadership style is the way a person uses power to 7. Facilitative Leadership

lead other people; An effective facilitative leadership involves monitoring
Research has identified a variety of leadership group dynamics, as well as offering process suggestions
styles based on the number of followers. and interventions to help the group stay on track.
The most appropriate leadership style depends on
the function of the leader, the followers and the 8. Laissez-faire Leadership
situation. Laissez-faire leadership gives authority to employees.
According to research, this kind of leadership has been
1. Autocratic Leadership consistently found to be the least satisfying and least
In this leadership the leader holds all authority and effective management style.
responsibility. Delegating is necessary.
In this leadership, leaders make decisions on their own
without consulting subordinates. 9. Transactional Leadership
They reach decisions, communicate them to This is a leadership style that maintains or continues the
subordinates and expect prompt implementation. status quo.
An autocratic work environment normally has little or
no flexibility. 10. Coaching Leadership
Coaching leadership involves teaching and supervising
2. Democratic Leadership followers. A coaching leader is highly operational in
In this leadership style, subordinates are involved in settings where results/performance require
making decisions; improvement.
Commitment and Passion
11. Charismatic Leadership Your teams look up to you and if you want them to give
The charismatic leader manifests his or her them their all, you will have to be passionate about it
revolutionary power. too;
Charisma does not mean sheer behavioral change. It If they feel that you are not fully committed or lacks
actually involves a transformation of followers’ values passion, then it would be an uphill task for the leader to
and beliefs. motivate your followers to achieve the goal.
Charismatic leaders tend to have powerful personalities
and attract huge followings. Good Communicator

12. Visionary Leadership Until you clearly communicate your vision to your team
Most great and successful leaders have some sort of and tell them the strategy to achieve the goal, it will be
vision for where they are going. very difficult for you to get the results you want.
However, there are those who are highly visionary in Simply put, if you are unable to communicate your
their leadership message effectively to your team, you can never be a
good leader.
A good communicator can be a good leader.
Top 10 Leadership Qualities That Make Good Leaders Words have the power to motivate people and make
them do the unthinkable.
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and If you use them effectively, you can also achieve better
shows the way.” results.
Irrespective of how you define a leader, he or she can
prove to be a difference maker between success and Decision-Making Capabilities
failure. Decisions taken by leaders have a profound impact on
A good leader has a futuristic vision and knows how to masses.
turn his ideas into real-world success stories A leader should think long and hard before taking a
decision but once the decision is taken, stand by it.

Honesty and Integrity Accountability

Dwight D. Eisenhower once said, “The supreme quality “A good leader takes little more than his share of the
of leadership is unquestionably integrity. blame and little less than his share of the credit.”
Without it, no real success is possible, no matter Make sure that every one of your subordinates is
whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an accountable for what they are doing.
army, or in an office.”
Delegation and Empowerment
Confidence You cannot do everything;
As a leader, you have to be oozing with confidence, It is important for a leader to focus on key
show some swagger and assertiveness to gain the responsibilities while leaving the rest to others.
respect of your subordinates; By that, it means empowering your followers and
you should be confident enough to ensure that other delegating tasks to them.
follow your commands. If you continue to micromanage your subordinates, it
If you are unsure about your own decisions and will develop a lack of trust and more importantly, you
qualities, then your subordinates will never follow you. will not be able to focus on important matters, as you
should be.
Inspire Others Delegate tasks to your subordinates and see how they
Probably the most difficult job for a leader is to perform.
persuade others to follow.
It can only be possible if you inspire your followers by Creativity and Innovation
setting a good example. In order to get ahead in today’s fast-paced world, a
When the going gets tough, they look up to you and see leader must be creative and innovative at the same
how you react to the situation.; time.
As John Quincy Adams puts it, “If your actions inspire Creative thinking and constant innovation is what makes
others to dream more, learn more, do more and you and your team stand out from the crowd.
become more, you are a leader.” Think out of the box to come up with unique ideas and
turn those ideas and goals into reality.
Understanding the problems of your followers and
feeling their pain is the first step to become an effective
Even that is not enough until you work hard and provide
your followers with the suitable solution to their


To become a good leader, you must have all these

qualities but if you lack some of these qualities, then
you might struggle to make the mark in the world of
leadership. You will have to set a good example for
others to follow. That is where your commitment,
passion, empathy, honesty and integrity come into play.
Good communication skills and decision-making
capabilities also play a vital role in success and failure of
a leader. Lastly, innovation and creative thinking, as well
as the futuristic vision, are a couple of key traits
which make a leader stand out

Sarmad Hasan -February 13, 2017

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