Of Truth - Fran. Summary
Of Truth - Fran. Summary
Of Truth - Fran. Summary
Bacon begins this essay by quoting Pilate who questions what is truth. Bacon says that truth is a belief
that affixes the mind and hinders free will in thinking and acting. The Greek philosophers who
questioned the possibilities of human knowledge are no longer there, but there are still some people
who question the same. Men undergo various difficulties to learn the truth but once he does so it
imposes a restriction on his thought and he wants to revert to lies. Bacon says that the love is a corrupt
yet natural tendency in human beings. Like the Greek philosopher Lucian, Bacon wonders what makes a
man love lies for it does not give delight as it does in poetry or does not allow profit as in business.
Truth is like daylight but it throws only as much light on the fallacies of the world as a candle light. Truth
is like a pearl which shows best in daylight but it cannot be like a diamond or carbuncle that can shine in
the dark. That means truth is unable to show itself in the face of a lie just as a pearl cannot be seen in
the dark.
A mixture of lie with truth adds pleasure. Here Bacon speaks about imagination. If a man hangs on to the
absolute truth and does not allow fancy, hopes or even doubt, he will be a melancholy person. Poetry
has often been accused of being false as it is filled with imagination. But it is only a shadow of a lie, a
reflection of reality which in itself is a reflection of the ideal. But it is not the lie that passes over the
mind but the lie that deeply sinks into the mind that hurts.
In spite of man’s efforts and judgements it is only truth that can truly define itself. The quest for truth,
the love of truth and the belief in truth is the only free will of human nature. Bacon compares truth to
light and brings in the biblical example of the god’s creation of light. On the first day God created light
and on the sixth day he created man whom he gifted the “light of reason”. Bacon quotes a poet who said
“no pleasure is comparable to the standing upon the vantage ground of Truth, and to see the errors and
wanderings ….in the vale below.” Bacon adds that such a man would looks upon the “errors and
wanderings” with pity and not with pride. If a man’s mind can “move in charity, rest in providence, and
turn upon the poles of truth” he will certainly find heaven on earth.
Truth is of utmost importance in civil life and in business. A bit of lie mixed with the truth is like making
an alloy of copper and gold or silver. It makes it easier to work with these metals but at the same time
makes it impure. Bacon compares falsehood to a snake crawling on its belly rather than walking on its
feet. There is no activity more shameful than being false and treacherous. In this context Bacon quotes
Montaigne who said that a liar is a man who is brave towards God and a coward towards men. Bacon
emphasizes on the wickedness of falsehood and treachery by saying that these are the qualities that will
be the cause of calling upon the judgement of God upon mankind.