Mega Dungeon
Mega Dungeon
Mega Dungeon
BBEG Fight at Level 11 will total to Level 12 exact to start fresh on next Tier
XP per room
XP Per Obstacle
Off Track Encoutners reward Less XP
Learning Lore or finding hidden things rewards XP
Longer the heroes are out of the dungeon, the more backfill the DM will do
Backfill offers little to know xp/reward
Wandering monster tables are factional? And the actions the PCs take in the dungeon affect what kinds of wandering
Fixed encounters, random encounters, discoveries, and milestones. Those are the four ways to gain experience in o
My point is that actually changing the XP based on the difficulty of the encounter doesn’t change anything. Notice a
the XP Gained for quarter easy, quarter hard, half medium is exactly the same as if you just had all medium
In other words, as long as you build your encounters such that half are medium, a quarter are hard, and a quarter a
give out the same XP for every f$&%ing encounter and still get the same result.
And since we’re already breaking down things by tier, rather than by level, we don’t need that much granularity in th
level encounters are worth 50 XP for each PC that participated. All 2nd level encounters are worth 100 XP for each
5th level encounters are worth 250 XP for each PC.
Encounter Circumvent: Players avoid the encounter get 50% of expectex XP but get no more unless they defeat the e
Encounter XP Thresholds (Lowest *6, Hardest *4)
Level Easy Medium Hard Lowest Middle Highest
1 25 50 75 150 225 300
2 50 100 150 300 450 600
3 to 5 125 250 375 750 1,125 1,500
6 to 8 350 750 1,100 2,100 3,250 4,400
9 to 11 600 1,200 1,900 3,600 5,600 7,600
12 to 14 1,100 2,200 3,400 6,600 10,100 13,600
15 to 17 1,600 3,200 4,800 9,600 14,400 19,200
18 to 19 2,100 4,200 6,500 12,600 19,300 26,000
Level Days Enc+MS MS Enc XP per Enc/MS XP Gain Total XP Max XP For Tier
1 1 6 1 5 50 300 300 300
2 1 6 1 5 100 600 900 600
3 to 5 8 59 3 56 250 14750 15650 6500
6 to 8 7 50 3 47 750 37500 53150 34000
9 to 11 7 44 2 42 1,200 52800 105950 85000
12 to 14 6 35 3 32 2,200 77000 182950 140000
15 to 17 6 35 3 32 3,200 112000 294950 225000
18 to 19 4 22 2 20 4,200 92400 387350 305000
MS = Milestone
quarter are hard, and a quarter are easy, you can just
still get the same result.
need that much granularity in the XP system. All 1st
nters are worth 100 XP for each PC. All 3rd, 4th, and
r each PC.
no more unless they defeat the encounter where they get the other 50%
Assuming 1/6 Easy, 4/6 Medium, 1/6 Hard.
Lvl Level Base XP XP to Nxt Lvl Med Enc XP Avg Enc to Lvl ENC/Day Days Needed
1 0 300 25 12 6 2
2 300 600 50 12 6 2
3 900 1,800 125 15 6 3
4 2,700 3,800 125 31 6 5
Levels 1-11