ELL Strategies Worksheet

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ELL Strategies Worksheet

Instructions: As your peers present their strategies, complete the chart with the information that is most relevant to you for each
Name of strategy Purpose Grouping Teacher role Student role In my class

Read, Pair, Share Answers the 5 Pairs or a group  Introduce  read text  Used for
why questions, setting  Model each step  work with a retelling
reinforce activity  Model how to partner stories,
to give support
work with a  participate in reading news
partner articles, new
 Modifying
questions  share thinking vocabular
 Pair students  offer support words, new
 Discussion content
 assess
Communication Give students an Partners but can  Explain and  Be involved and  Has own
Games interactive way to be in small groups model the participate information
learn and practice as well game,  Follow rules and they
 observe and
strategies to ensure will
communicate students are contribute
effectively. doing it right, to the task
 informally
Realia Strategies Provides students Whole group or  Identify  Use senses to  Blend into
with opportunities small groups opportunities observe/manipulate lessons
to build on their to use  Make association  Field trips
learning using all  Collect  Practice using new  Read
 Assess vocab alouds/books
of their senses
students  Follow oral  Writing
directions prompts
Culture Studies Help build Whole class, pairs,  Design and  Research  Ask students
classroom small groups assign culture  Work well with to ask people
community, gives study others from different
students a chance  Create groups cultures
 Assign roles
to guide their own  Teachers to  Present, write,
learning. share own create artistic
culture representation
Story Deepens Individual/pairs or  Provide  Retell story in  Encourage
Reenactment comprehension small group materials sequence students so
and builds spoken  Encourage  Gather or make use “book
students to use props language” and
and reading vocab
props  Work
fluency.  Listen to story  Common
appropriately with
retellings others understanding
 Assess the with physical
retellings movement
 Write new
versions of
Modeled Talk Demonstrate Whole group  Identify your  Listen  All content
while you talk, during instruction lesson  Follow directions areas
provide examples time.  Practice  Do it without
 Design a knowing
of thinking for visual of  Used
learners to follow, directions consistently,
reinforce  Review the English
expectations and steps learners will
understand.  Observe do it to their
students ELL peers
Collecting and Help children Whole, individual,  Act out  Actively listening  Students can
processing words: develop better or pairs words/add  Keep track of create a word
actions vocab in journal bank
Making speaking and
 Adjust words  Participate in  Use vocab
vocabulary your writing to their level discussions journals
own vocabularies  Make sure that  Read alouds
words are  Any and all
taught with
context and

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