Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
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Article history: Objective: To study the effects of Cydonia oblonga Miller (COM) total flavonoids (TF) from leaves and fruit
Received 23 July 2014 on the blood lipid and antioxidant potentials using hyperlipidaemic rat models.
Received in revised form Methods: Hyperlipidaemic rat models were created with high-lipid emulsion. Rats were distributed into
6 April 2015
normal controls, hyperlipidaemic models, and daily high (160 mg/kg), medium (80 mg/kg) and low
Accepted 19 April 2015
Available online 28 April 2015
(40 mg/kg) TF from leaves and fruit and simvastatin (5 mg/kg) groups. After four weeks, serum total
cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), low-density lipoprotein
Keywords: cholesterol (LDL), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), as well as hepatic
Cydonia oblonga miller superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were
Hyperlipidemic rats
Blood lipids
Results: Compared with the hyperlipidaemic model group, TF significantly reduced serum TC, TG, LDL-C
Oxygen free radicals
Antioxidant effect (P o0.01), ALT and AST (Po 0.01 or Po 0.05) and increased HDL-C (P o0.05 or P o0.01). TF also reduced
MDA (Po 0.01 or P o0.01).
Conclusion: COM total flavonoids can effectively regulate the metabolism of lipids, and remove oxygen
free radicals. This confirms its potential value in the prevention and treatment of hyperlipidaemia.
& 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
0378-8741/& 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
240 A. Umar et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 169 (2015) 239–243
2. Materials and methods poured into the oil phase and evenly mixed before adding distilled
water to 100 ml to produce the emulsion. The emulsion was
2.1. Preparation of total flavonoids of the COM fruit and leaf preserved at 4 1C in a refrigerator. It was thawed in a water bath
before use (Aslan et al., 2010; Ghule et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2012).
The fruit and leaves of C. oblonga Mill. (Quince, COM) were
collected in Kargilik, Xinjiang, and placed in a dry and well- 3.1. Animals groups and models.
ventilated room. They were confirmed by Professor Parida Abliz
from the department of bio-pharmacy of Xinjiang Medical Uni- Healthy adult male Sprague Dawley rats (weighing 240720 g)
versity and deposited in the herbarium of the Traditional Chinese were randomly divided into 9 groups of 10 rats: normal control
Medicine Ethnical Herbs Specimen Museum of Xinjiang Medical group, hyperlipidaemia model group, high (160 mg/kg), medium
University under number NO.TCMEHSM2013_100. After being (80 mg/kg) and low dosage (40 mg/kg) of total leaf COM flavo-
crushed into powder, fruit and leaves were extracted separately noids, high (160 mg/kg), medium (80 mg/kg) and low dosage
three times (one hour each time) with 65% alcohol (20 times the (40 mg/kg) of total fruit COM flavonoids, and Simvastatin (5 mg/
powder volume) under 60 1C, ultrasound. The filtered extracts kg). In a first stage, each group except the control group was given
were merged. The ethanol was recycled with a rotary evaporator intragastric high fat emulsion in the morning, 10 mL/kg. The
to collect the COM extract. The extract was further enriched and control group was given the same amount of 0.9% saline, for 21
purified to produce COM total flavonoid4 60%, measured by UV days. After the last administration, all groups were fasted for
spectrophotometry using rutin as reference. (da Silva et al., 2015) twelve hours, after which time blood was taken from vena
Final concentration was 65.36% for leaf extracts and 61.23% for caudalis to measure serum lipids. There was a significant differ-
fruit extracts. ence in serum TC and TG between the control group and the
model group, indicating successful establishment of hyperlipide-
2.2. Experimental animals mia. In the second stage, each group, except the control group, was
given high fat emulsion in the morning (intragastric administra-
Sprague Dawley SPF rats, male, weighing 240720 g, were tion of 10 mL/kg). The control group was given the same amount
provided by animal centre of Xinjiang Medical University, certifi- of 0.9% saline. Every afternoon, the low, medium and high dosage
cate number: SCXK 2003-0001. All animal experiments were groups were given 40 mg/kg, 80 mg/kg or 160 mg/kg of total
approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee (no. IACUC – flavonoids from COM fruit or 40 mg/kg, 80 mg/kg or 160 mg/kg
20130129016) of total flavonoids from COM leaves. The simvastatin group was
given 5 mg/kg intragastric simvastatin solution. The second stage
2.3. Reagents of administration lasted for 4 weeks, the rats were weighed on a
weekly basis for modification of administration.
Cholesterol (Amresco, serial number 0391C426), hyocholic salt
(Beijing Ao-box biotechnology Co. Ltd. serial number 20120408), 3.2. Measurement of indices
Tween-80 (Tianjin Fuchen Chemical Reagents Factory, serial num-
ber 20120111), propylene glycol (Tianjin Fuchen Chemical General status: during the experiment, the rats were weighed
Reagents Factory, serial number 20120604), propacil (Shanghai on a weekly basis, and their appetite, behaviour, faeces, hair and
yuanye Bio-technology Co., Ltd, serial number AA0427LG13), total mortality were closely observed.
cholesterol (serial number 20130303), triglyceride (TG, serial After 4 weeks of intragastric administration and 12 h of fasting,
number 20130302), LDL-C (serial number 20130312) (ref) and the rats were weighed. Following anaesthesia with pentobarbital
HDL-C kit (serial number 20130303), ALT (serial number 201306) 1% i.p., blood was taken from the rat's abdominal aorta and placed
and AST kit (EF, serial number 201305) were all products of into centrifuge tubes free of anticoagulant for 10 min at 4 1C before
Shenzhen Mindray biomedical electronic Co.,Ltd. Elisa kit were a 15-minute centrifuge at 3000 r/min. Serum total cholesterol (TC),
used for SOD, MDA, SGH-Px, serial number: 201306, same provi- triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), low-
der. Simvastatin was purchased from MSD pharmaceutical com- density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), alanine aminotransferase
pany, Hangzhou, serial number 121098, state medical permit no. (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were determined by an
J10980272. automatic biochemistry analyser.
The abdominal cavity was opened and 0.5 g of tissue was
2.4. Equipment removed from the right hepatic lobe. The tissue was placed in a
pre-cooled PBS buffer and made into 10% homogenate at 4 1C,
BS-320 automatic biochemistry analyser (Shenzhen Mindray which was then centrifuged for 10 min at 3000 r/min. Afterwards,
biomedical electronic Co., Ltd.), Coda-KM-00025-00 microplate the clear supernatant liquid was isolated and optical density was
reader, TDL-5 A centrifuge (Shanghai fulgor analytic equipment determined with microplate reader after adjustment of wave
Co.,Ltd.) length and shade selection. The process was handled strictly
according to the instruction in the kit. Hepatic superoxide dis-
mutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and malondialde-
3. Methods hyde (MDA) were measured using an automatic biochemistry
High fat emulsion was prepared according to published methods
(Aslan et al., 2010; Ghule et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2012): in brief,
20 g of lard and 10 g of cholesterol were added into a 200 ml 4. Data processing and statistical analysis
beaker, then heated and molten (Abliz et al., 2014; Munshi et al.,
2014; Zanwar et al., 2014). One gram propacil was mixed and SPSS 16.0 was used for statistical analysis, all data of the
thoroughly stirred to use as oil phase; in another 200 ml beaker, experiment were expressed as mean 7sd. One-way ANOVA using
30 ml of distilled water and 2 g of hyocholic salt were added and the Least Squares method were used for comparison between
fully dissolved. Then 10 ml of propylene glycol and 10 ml of Tween- groups. The bilateral P values from the comparisons were con-
80 were blended as water phase; the water phase was slowly sidered statistically significant when P o0.05 or P o0.01.
A. Umar et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 169 (2015) 239–243 241
5. Results and fruit had substantially lower serum AST (P o0.05). All dosage
groups of total flavonoids had lower ALT, and the effects of high
5.1. General status dosage group of leaves and medium and high dosage group of fruit
were especially noticeable. (P o0.01)
There was no noticeable difference in weight or habitus
between treatment groups. The model group exhibited signs of 5.5. Effects on the metabolism of oxygen free radicals
diarrhoea and appetite loss.
compared to the control group, serum SOD and GSH-Px in the
5.2. Changes of lipid contents on the 20th day hyperlipidemic model group were significantly lower (P o0.01),
while MDA was considerably higher (P o0.01); Compared with the
6 rats from the control group and 2 rats from each of the hyperlipidemic model group, serum SOD and GSH-Px in medium
treatment groups were randomly picked after 20 days and the and high dose total flavonoids rose significantly (P o0.05 or
changes of TC and TG were determined. Compared with the Po 0.01), while levels of MDA in all dosage groups dropped
control group, levels of TC and TG rose substantially (P o0.01). considerably. (P o0.01) (see Table 4).
The result indicated that the establishment of a rat models was
successful (see Table 1).
6. Discussion
5.3. Serum TC, TG, HDL-C and LDL-C concentrations
Hyperlipidemia is an important cause of cerebral and cardio-
vascular disease (Fert-Bober and Sokolove, 2014; Gao et al., 2014;
Compared with the control group, the serum TC, TG and LDL-C
Kim et al., 2014). Early prevention and treatment of hyperlipide-
levels of model rats increased considerably (P o0.01), while level
mia is important to reduce the occurrence of cerebral and
of HDL-C significantly lowered (P o0.01); after treatment, the high
cardiovascular diseases (Montori et al., 2014; Sniderman et al.,
dosage group of COM leaves and all three dosage groups of COM
2014). Hyperlipidemia is also involved in non-alcoholic steato-
fruit had significantly lower levels of TC; all dosages groups of
hepatitis (NASH), coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes,
COM leaves and high dosage group of the fruit had considerably
etc., all common life-restricting diseases. Research has indicated
lower levels of TG; levels of LDL-C were reduced by high dosage
that every 10% drop in the serum cholesterol can lower the
group of COM leaves and medium and high dosage group of COM
mortality rate of coronary heart disease patients by 13%, and total
fruit (P o0.01), while levels of HDL-C were increased in all
case fatality rate by 10% (Dhoble et al., 2014; Iversen et al., 2009;
treatment groups. (P o0.05 or P o0.01) (see Table 2).
Lee et al., 2014; Qiu et al., 2011). Regular use of a lipid-lowering
agent can have health benefits at the population level. C. oblonga is
5.4. Effects on rat serum ALT and AST
commonly used in Xinjiang, both as a cooking ingredient, and as a
traditional medicine. In the latter situation, it is used to prevent
As shown in Table 3, ALT and AST were significantly higher in
and treat cardiovascular disease. We have already shown that COM
the model group than in the control group. Compared to the
can lower blood pressure, presumably through an interaction with
model group, high total flavonoids dosage groups of COM leaves
the renin-angiotensin system (Zhou et al., 2014c; Zhou et al.,
2014), and that it interacts with blood platelets and thrombotic
Table 1
Serum lipids in rats during model establishment.
events. (Zhou et al., 2014a) The third aspect of the exploration of a
traditional medicine used for cardiovascular prevention is evi-
Group n TC (mmol/L) TG (mmol/L) dently the effect on lipids. We have shown that crude COM leaf
extracts reduced lipid concentrations in a rat model of hyperlipi-
Control group 6 1.157 0.46 0.34 70.19
demia (Abliz et al., 2014). In the present paper we wished to study
Model group 6 5.157 0.78n 0.49 70.05n
the effects of the flavonoids from the leaves and fruit, on the same
TC: total cholesterol rat model.
TG: triglycerides The experimental hyperlipidaemic was induced by daily admin-
Po 0.01 compared with the control group. sitration of high fat emulsion, using chleolate into the emulsion to
Table 2
Total Cholesterol (TC), HDL-C and LDL-C after 4 weeks (Mean 7 sd, n ¼10).
Table 4
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