3160 Homework1
3160 Homework1
3160 Homework1
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stapled to the assignment.
A 30 cm diameter U-bend pipe section is hung vertically (i.e. flow enters above the exit). Find the
forces (x and z) applied to the U-bend to hold the pipe in place. Assume no head loss (friction and
minor losses can be ignored).
D=30 cm
Vol of water in bend = 0.10 m3
Weight of pipe bend = 500 N
a) A 14-in-diameter galvanized steel pipe (k = 0.0005 ft) carries 5 cfs of water at 70 F. Find the head
lost due to friction (in ft) in the pipe over a distance of 3 miles using the Moody diagram.
b) What diameter galvanized steel pipe would be required in the preceding example if a flow rate of 10
cfs was needed, while keeping the total frictional headloss at <50 ft?
c) Using the Colebrook equation, find the head lost due to friction (in ft) if the original 14-in-diameter
pipe in part A becomes heavily encrusted (k = 0.003 ft).
Problem 3 (40 pts)
a) Fill in the conceptual figure below, showing the relationship between head loss in a pipe due to
friction and velocity. Draw one line for laminar flow and one line for turbulent flow, assuming the same
pipe (roughness, diameter). Both axes use a linear scale, i.e. not logarithmic.
b) Validate this conceptual drawing by determining head loss for the following conditions. These
calculations will be repeated, so a spreadsheet may be the quickest way to calculate.
D = 0.1 m
L = 100 m
Kinematic viscosity = 1 x10-6 m2/s
Roughness (k) = 0.00026 m
c) Plot results from Part B to create a similar figure as in Part A (head loss vs. velocity).