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Biffi GIG/GIGS Direct Gas Actuators

Double Acting and Spring Return

BIFFI Direct Gas Quarter-turn Actuators
Output Torques to 6,500,000

Features and Benefits

• Separate gas and hydraulic cylinders prevent
commingling of gas and oil, eliminating any
possibility of oil release to the atmosphere
during the opening or closing cycle.
• Scotch yoke mechanism generates high
break torque for the actuation of quarter-turn
pipeline valves.
• Totally enclosed, weatherproof carbon
steel housing protects the critical internal
components against corrosive elements.
• Heavily chrome plated guide bar provides
support for the transverse forces generated
during rotation of the scotch yoke, ensuring
proper support of the piston rod and valve
• All load-bearing components supplied with
bronze or PTFE-graphite-bronze bearings,
eliminating the need for lubrication
maintenance and ensuring durable, smooth
• Electroless nickel plated cylinder wall
provides a smooth, long lasting sealing
surface for the piston seal, assuring maximum
sealing integrity and long service life.
• ISO 9001 certified design and manufacturing
process provides assurance of a quality
finished product.
• Integral manual hand pump provides a means
of cycling the valve when sufficient line
pressure is not available.
• Power gas consumption is significantly
reduced as there are no gas/hydraulic tanks
incorporated in the design.
• Independently adjustable ‘open’ and ‘close’
travel stops are located on center with the
piston rod thus eliminating sideloading to the
output shaft.
• Internationally recognized ISO 5211 mounting
patterns facilitate in-field interchangeability of
adaption hardware.

General Application Technical Data

Typically used for the local or remote Supply pressure : 150 to 1,500 psig
operation of quarter-turn ball, plug or butterfly (10.3 to 103 bar)
valves when using high-pressure gas as a Option : 1850 psig
supply media. Supply medium : High pressure gas
Temperature rating :
Standard range -20° to 210°F
(-30° to 100°C)
Optional range -65° to 300°F
(-54° to 150°C)
Angular rotation : 90 degrees ± 4
degrees at each end of
travel Pentair reserves the right to change the content without notice BIFRM-0005-EN-1403
Biffi GIG Direct Gas Actuators


22 16 15 11 6 5 4 10

23 21 20 24 12 9 7 3 2 8 1 20

Materials specification 17 16 19

Item Name Material Material standards

1 Housing Carbon steel ASTM A537 cl.1 +ASTM A283 gr D
2 Yoke Carbon steel API 5LX gr X52 (C<0.2%) +ASTM A537 cl.1
3 Yoke bushing Bronze ASTM B427 Alloy UNS No. C90800
4 Cover Carbon steel ASTM A283 gr D
5 Guide block pin Alloy steel AISI SAE 9840
6 Sliding block Bronze ASTM B427 Alloy UNS No C90800
7 Guide block Carbon steel ASTM A537 cl.1
8 Guide bar Alloy steel (Chromium plated) AISl SAE 9840
9 Guide block bushing Steel +Bronze +Teflon
10 Travel stop screw Carbon steel AISI SAE 1040 Piston seals
11 Cylinder head flange Carbon steel ASTM A283 gr D 18 20
12 Piston rod bushing Steel +Bronze +Teflon
13 Piston rod O-ring Nitrile rubber
14 Piston rod seal ring Teflon
14 15
15 Piston rod Alloy steel (Chromium plated) AISI SAE 9840
16 Piston Carbon steel ASTM A283 gr D
17 Piston O-ring Nitrile rubber
18 Piston seal ring Teflon
19 Piston guide sliding ring Teflon +Graphite
20 Cylinder tube Carbon steel (Nickel plated) API 5LX gr X52
21 End flange Carbon steel ASTM A283 gr D
22 Sealing washer PVC
23 Travel stop screw Carbon steel AISI SAE 1040
24 Tie rod Alloy steel AISI SAE 9840
25 Manual hydraulic hand Carbon steel ASTM A537 cl1 + A283 gr.D
pump/speed control Piston rod seals
module 13 12 11
PTFE is a registered trademark of E.I. duPont de Nemours & Company

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Biffi GIG Direct Gas Actuators

Principles of Construction Electroless Nickel Plated Cylinders

Both the gas and hydraulic cylinder walls are
Biffi direct gas actuator incorporates the field electroless nickel plated and precision honed
proven scotch yoke design. The scotch yoke to ensure long lasting, trouble free service.
mechanism, yoke bearings, guide bar, guide This plating process provides an extremely
block, guide block bearing, guide block pin smooth and corrosion resistant surface for the
and sliding block are contained in the totally piston seals.
enclosed, weatherproof carbon steel housing.
Bearings are provided for each moving part. Guide Bar
The guide bar prevents the scotch yoke, piston All Biffi GIG direct gas actuators have a heavily
rods and valve stem from operating under chrome-plated guide bar that supports the
excessive loads. Biffi’s direct gas actuator transverse forces generated by the scotch
is designed and manufactured to ISO 9001 yoke while maintaining precise alignment of
standards. the piston rod and preventing sideloading to
the output shaft. This feature greatly increases
Separate Gas and Hydraulic Cylinders the cycle life of the actuator. This guide
Gas and hydraulic fluid cannot commingle bar technology was origi­n-ated by Biffi and
in the Biffi direct gas actuator. The gas and has proven to be the most effective way of
hydraulic fluid are contained in totally separate controlling the forces generated by a scotch
cylinders mounted on opposite ends of the yoke. The heavily chrome-plated guide bar
actuator housing. The actuator is cycled by also provides an excellent bearing surface
introducing gas directly from the pipeline to upon which the guide block travels.
the gas cylinder of the actuator. Movement
of the gas cylinder piston/piston rod is Seals
transmitted to the scotch yoke which, in turn, The piston and piston rod seals are made by
moves the piston/piston rod of the hydraulic teflon rings precharged by an o-ring made
cylinder. Check valves and adjustable orifices of the most suitable compound for the most
in the hydraulic circuit regulate the cycle severe working conditions.
speed of the actuator.
Yoke Design
Reduced Gas Consumption Valve torque requirements are the most critical
Introducing the power gas directly to the gas elements to consider when sizing an actuator.
cylinder of the actuator requires significantly The torque requirements of a typical pipeline
less power gas than systems using external quarter-turn ball valve can vary greatly as the
gas/hydraulic tanks. The Biffi GIG actuator is valve is moving from the closed to open or
also more compact and lighter than actuators open to closed position. The Biffi GIG direct
incorporating gas/hydraulic tanks as the GIG gas actuator is available with either a canted
actuator design does not require external gas/ or symmetric scotch yoke mechanism. The
hydraulic tanks. This feature also makes the actuator size is optimized by using the scotch
GIG actuator a more cost effective solution. yoke mechanism that will produce the proper
amount of torque at any point during the valve
Integral Manual Hand Pump stroke from 0 degrees to 90 degrees travel. The
Each Biffi GIG direct gas actuator is equipped torque output characteristics of each of these
with an integral manual hand pump and mechanisms are documented in this brochure.
hydraulic oil reservoir. When pipeline pressure
is not avail­able, the manual hand pump can be Mounting
used to safely and reliably open or close the ISO 5211 mounting pads utilize internationally
valve at its maximum torque requirement. recognized mounting patterns. The Biffi GIG
direct gas actuator can be pro­vided as part of
Speed Control a new ball, plug or butterfly valve and actuator
Independently adjustable opening and closing package or can easily be installed on existing
speed controls are built into the manual hand valves in the field.
pump module and are easily adjusted in the
field without the need for special tools. The Spring Return
speed at which the actuator cycles the valve is For critical emergency shutdown applications,
controlled by adjusting the oil flow rate in the the Biffi GIG is also available as a spring return
hydraulic circuit. Using the hydraulic circuit unit. With the spring contained in a welded
to control the cycling speed provides smooth cartridge, this design eliminates the need
operation and eliminates the possibility of for special spring compression tools during
power gas hydrating. assembly and disassembly, greatly increasing
worker safety.
Linear Travel Stops
The externally adjustable travel stops are on Actuator Control Components
center with the piston rod, eliminating side Since 1955, Biffi has been supplying the
loading to the scotch yoke. Located at either petroleum industry with the highest quality
end of the actuator, these travel stops provide actuators and control components and can
precise adjustment of the rotary output. accom­mo­date requirements from a basic
Both the ‘open’ and ‘close’ travel stops are local/manual control to a sophisticated line-
independently adjustable. break system.

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Biffi GIG Direct Gas Actuators
operating diagram

3 1


41 709
Electric connection
to microswitches PC PO
Fa Fc


623 Gas exhaust

610 801

Auxiliary gas
Pneumatic connection

Hydraulic connection
Gas supply

Item Description 1. Local control to open and to close
1 Double acting pneumatic actuator Press lever on valve 709-PO to open or
3 Hydraulic cylinder 709-PC to close with gas supply.
5 Manual override 2. Manual operation
R – Relief valve Select by the valve 5-D the opening or
P – Hand pump closing operation and actuate the hand
D – Hand operated directional control valve
pump 5-P
Fa – Unidirectional flow regulator (Opening operation)
The valve 5-D must be in “Remote control”
Fc – Unidirectional flow regulator (Closing operation)
position to allow the operation with gas
41 Electric microswitches (if specified)
610 Gas dehydrating filter/condensate separator
3. The operating diagram is drawn with control
623 Dust excluder with check valve
valves not actuated
709 Double 3/2 N.C. pneumatic pilot & hand operated/spring valve
PC - 3/2 N.C. Hand operated / Spring pilot valve (to Close)
PO - 3/2 N.C. Hand operated / Spring pilot valve (to Open)
DC - 3/2 N.C. Pneumatic pilot / Spring return valve (to Close)
DO - 3/2 N.C. Pneumatic pilot / Spring return valve (to Open)
801 Control valves enclosures with vent valve

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GIG Local and Remote Control
operating diagram

3 1


41 Electric connection
Fa to microswitches


966 DC DO 623
Gas exhaust


Electric connection
to solenoid valve


Pneumatic connection Auxiliary gas

Hydraulic connection

Electric connection
Gas supply


1. Electric remote control to open and to close. Item Description

Energise solenoid valve 724-PO to open or 1 Double acting pneumatic actuator
724-PC to close the actuator during all the 3 Hydraulic cylinder
valve stroke. 6 Manual override
2. Local control to open and to close Press R – Relief valve
lever on valve 724-PO to open or 724-PC to P – Hand pump
D – Hand operated directional control valve
close with gas supply.
Fa – Unidirectional flow regulator (Opening operation)
3. Manual operation
Fc – Unidirectional flow regulator (Closing operation)
Select by the valve 5-D the opening or
41 Electric microswitches (if specified)
closing operation and actuate the hand
610 Gas dehydrating filter/condensate separator
pump 5-P
623 Dust excluder with check valve
The valve 5-D must be in “Remote control”
724 Double 3/2 N.C. solenoid valve with manual override
position to allow the operation with gas
PC - 3/2 N.C. Piloted solenoid valve, Manual override (to Close)
PO - 3/2 N.C. Piloted solenoid valve, Manual override (to Open)
4. The operating diagram is drawn with control
DC - 3/2 N.C. Pneumatic pilot / Spring return valve (to Close)
valves not actuated.
DO - 3/2 N.C. Pneumatic pilot / Spring return valve (to Open)
801 Control valves enclosures with vent valve
966 Terminals enclosure

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GIG Local and Remote Control - Low Pressure ESD to CLose
operating diagram

3 1

5 801
E.M. Electric connection
to microswitches 724
Fa Fc

PO PC 626



Pneumatic connection

Hydraulic connection

Electric connection


610 623
ESD device pilot T.E.
1. Electric remote control to open and to close. Electric connection
Energise solenoid valve 724-PO to open
Auxiliary gas to solenoid valve
or 724-PC to close the actuator during all
the valve stroke. Solenoid valves must be supply
de-energised at the end of the actuator Gas supply connection
2. Local control to open and to close
Press lever on valve 724-PO to open or 724-
PC to close with gas supply.
3. Emergency closing operation for Low Item Description
pressure 1 Double acting pneumatic actuator
The pressure to be controlled is connected 3 Hydraulic cylinder
to the pressure switch 7745 pilot. When the 7 Manual override
pressure decreases below the set point of R – Relief valve
pressure switch 745, a pressure signal pilots P – Hand pump
the valve 681 to inhibit opening operation D – Hand operated directional control valve
and the valve 724-DC controls the closing Fa – Unidirectional flow regulator (Opening operation)
operation. The pilot pressure has to increase Fc – Unidirectional flow regulator (Closing operation)
to normal value and the valve 681 must be 41 Electric microswitches (if specified)
manually reset before the opening operation 608 Gas filter/condensate separator
can be controlled. 623 Dust excluder with check valve
3. Manual operation 626 High pressure shuttle valve
Select by the valve 5-D the opening or 724 Double 3/2 N.C. solenoid valve with manual override
closing operation and actuate the hand PC - 3/2 N.C. Piloted solenoid valve, Manual override to Close
pump 5-P PO - 3/2 N.C. Piloted solenoid valve, Manual override to Open
Note: the valve 5-D must be in “Remote DC - 3/2 N.C. Pneumatic pilot / Spring return valve (to Close)
control” position to allow the operation with DO - 3/2 N.C. Pneumatic pilot / Spring return valve (to Open)
gas supply 745 N.O. pneumatic pressure switch (adjust. setting)
4. The operating diagram is drawn with 801 Control valves enclosures with vent valve
control valves not actuated, low pressure in 966 Terminals enclosure
the “ESD” device pilot line, no pressure in
the gas supply line

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GIG Local Control - LB Device with Gas Storage Tank
operating diagram


632 645 A
3 1
A D L.B. device
B test pilot

608 41
F Electric connection
Fc E.M.
Fa to microswitches

681 Line break

device pilot D


610 623

Pneumatic connection
Gas exhaust
Hydraulic connection

35 32 Aux. Gas supply


Gas supply
connection Item Description
1 Double acting pneumatic actuator
3 Hydraulic cylinder
5 Manual override
R – Relief valve
P – Hand pump
D – Hand operated directional control valve
Fa – Unidirectional flow regulator (Opening operation)
Fc – Unidirectional flow regulator (Closing operation)
Notes 31 Reference tank for line break device
32 Gas storage tank
1. Local control: press lever on valve 709-PO
35 Relief valve
to open or 709-PC to close with gas supply
41 Electric microswitches (if specified)
2. Line break device operation: a rate of
608 Gas filter/condensate separator
pressure drop in the gas pipeline causes a
623 Dust excluder with check valve
differential pressure across the diaphragm
624 Check valve
of valve 645 trips and pilots the valve 681 to
625 Check valve with orifice for line break device
inhibit open operation and the valve 709-DC A – Check valve
causes the actuator to close. B – Low pressure vent valve
Be manually reset before the actuator can 632 Shuttle valve device
be reopened. The line break pilot has to be A – Check valve
connected to the pipeline (Downstream B – Low pressure vent valve
the valve) and the pressure intake has to D – Pressure gauge
be separate from the gas supply pressure E – 2/2 hand operated valve
intake F – Higher pressure shuttle valve
3. Manual operation select by the valve 5-D 645 2/2 N.C. Diaphragm pilot valve (adjustable)
the opening or closing operation and active 681 3/2 N.O. Pneumatic pilot/hand return valve
the hand pump 5-P 709 Double 3/2 N.C. pneum. pilot & Hand operated/spring valve
4. The valves 5-D must be in “remote control” PC - 3/2 N.C. hand oper./spring pilot valve (to Close)
position to allow the operation with gas PO - 3/2 N.C. hand oper./spring pilot valve (to Open)
supply DC - 3/2 N.C. Pneumatic pilot/Spring return valve (to Close)
5. The operating diagram is drawn with control DO - 3/2 N.C. Pneumatic pilot/Spring return valve (to Open)
valves not actuated. 801 Control valves enclosures with vent valve

Pentair reserves the right to change the contents without notice page 7
Biffi GIG Direct Gas Actuators


1. For dimensional data on yoke housing

accessory mounting refer to publication
K503 or K504.
2. The actuator is represented with standard
local control box.

Supply Connection

Adaptor Flange

Dimensions (inches)
Actuator Model A B C D E F G H K L M N Pneumatic Weight**
Connections (lbs)
0.3* - 75MHP 75 41.3 23.0 19.2 5.4 5.9 20.4 20.9 4.6 4.6 2.76 15.1 2.8 3/8 ” 146
0.3* - 100MHP100 43.0 23.0 18.5 5.4 5.9 21.2 21.8 4.9 4.9 2.76 15.1 2.8 3/8 ” 163
0.9* - 100MHP100 45.4 24.3 19.1 6.3 7.5 22.1 23.3 4.9 4.9 3.15 14.7 3.3 3/8 ” 192
0.9* - 135MHP135 50.8 25.0 19.1 6.3 7.5 24.8 26.0 6.3 6.3 3.15 15.4 3.3 3/8 ” 276
1.5* - 135MHP135 53.6 25.8 19.7 7.4 8.9 26.0 27.6 6.3 6.3 3.94 14.6 3.9 3/8 ” 366
1.5* - 175MHP175 58.5 26.9 21.4 7.4 8.9 28.5 30.0 7.7 7.7 3.94 15.8 3.9 3/8 ” 451
3.0* - 135MHP135 79.5 26.9 20.0 11.2 13.0 38.9 40.6 6.3 6.3 6.30 12.3 4.2 3/8 ” 550
3.0* - 175MHP175 84.8 28.0 21.7 11.2 13.0 41.5 43.3 7.7 7.7 6.30 13.4 4.2 3/8 ” 677
6.0* - 175MHP175 88.9 35.4 28.6 12.9 14.9 43.5 45.4 7.7 7.7 7.28 16.5 5.5 3/8 ” 1019
6.0* - 200MHP200 94.3 36.0 29.1 12.9 14.9 46.1 48.2 9.1 9.1 7.28 17.1 5.5 3/8 ” 1190
14* - 200MHP200 96.3 37.8 31.2 14.8 17.1 47.0 49.3 9.1 9.1 7.87 16.5 7.6 3/8 ” 1653
14* - 235MHP235 102.2 38.5 31.9 14.8 17.1 50.0 52.2 ø13.4 ø13.4 7.87 17.1 7.6 3/8 ” 1720
14* - 280MHP280 105.1 39.4 32.9 14.8 17.1 51.4 53.7 13.8 13.8 7.87 18.0 7.6 3/8 ” 1808
18* - 235MHP235 109.5 37.6 30.8 16.7 19.4 53.4 56.1 ø13.4 ø13.4 9.06 15.9 6.5 3/8 ” 1940
18* - 280MHP280 107.9 38.5 31.8 16.7 19.4 52.6 55.3 13.8 13.8 9.06 16.8 6.5 3/8 ” 2006
32* - 235MHP235 124.4 40.4 33.5 19.9 23.0 60.6 63.8 ø13.4 ø13.4 10.63 14.4 9.1 3/8 ” 3395
32* - 280MHP280 124.4 41.2 34.5 19.9 23.0 60.6 63.8 13.8 13.8 10.63 15.2 9.1 3/8 ” 3570
50* - 235MHP235 135.1 40.9 33.5 21.6 24.9 65.7 69.4 ø13.4 ø13.4 11.81 13.2 9.2 3/8 ” 3750
50* - 280MHP280 135.1 41.8 34.5 21.6 24.9 65.7 69.4 13.8 13.8 11.81 14.1 9.2 3/8 ” 3925
50* - 300MHP300 138.4 42.3 35.0 21.6 24.9 67.5 70.9 15.4 15.4 11.81 14.6 9.2 3/8 ” 4166
80* - 280MHP280 160.8 46.0 38.0 25.0 29.0 78.4 82.3 13.8 13.8 13.78 15.0 10.0 3/8 ” 5077
80* - 300MHP300 160.8 46.0 38.0 25.0 29.0 78.4 82.3 15.4 15.4 13.78 15.0 10.0 3/8 ” 5800
80* - 350MHP350 160.8 46.0 38.0 25.0 29.0 78.4 82.3 18.0 18.0 13.78 15.0 10.0 3/8 ” 6500


1.* Dimensional data for canted yoke mechanism (C) or symmetric yoke mechanism (S) are
2.** Weight values are for complete actuator assembly as shown.

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Biffi GIG Direct Gas Actuators

Symmetric Yoke - Output Torque (Maximum Allowable Pressure 1500 psig)*

Actuator Model Max. Operating (**) Output Torque Output Torque Output Torque
Torque ( at 0° ( at 45° ( at 90° (
Closed To Open To Close Open
0.3S - 75MHP 75 26100 24.4 24.5 13.8 22.6 28.1
0.3S - 100MHP100 26100 44.5 43.8 25.2 41.3 50.0
0.9S - 100MHP100 69600 51.5 50.6 29.1 47.8 57.9
0.9S - 135MHP135 69600 94.4 92.5 53.5 87.6 106.0
1.5S - 135MHP135 130500 130.0 127.0 67.4 101.0 122.0
1.5S - 175MHP175 130500 220.0 214.0 115.0 172.0 207.0
3.0S - 135MHP135 261000 212.0 207.0 112.0 170.0 206.0
3.0S - 175MHP175 261000 359.0 350.0 190.0 289.0 347.0
6.0S - 175MHP175 522000 419.0 408.0 222.0 339.0 407.0
6.0S - 200MHP200 522000 544.0 535.0 288.0 440.0 533.0
14S - 200MHP200 1044000 604.0 593.0 315.0 473.0 572.0
14S - 235MHP235 1044000 860.0 822.0 448.0 673.0 793.0
14S - 280MHP280 1044000 1230.0 1170.0 638.0 960.0 1130.0
18S - 235MHP235 1566000 989.0 945.0 515.0 775.0 912.0
18S - 280MHP280 1566000 1410.0 1340.0 733.0 1100.0 1300.0
32S - 235MHP235 2610000 1146.0 1100.0 605.0 923.0 1090.0
32S - 280MHP280 2610000 1630.0 1550.0 862.0 1310.0 1540.0
50S - 235MHP235 3480000 1270.0 1220.0 673.0 1030.0 1210.0
50S - 280MHP280 3480000 1810.0 1730.0 958.0 1460.0 1720.0
50S - 300MHP300 3480000 2100.0 1980.0 1110.0 1691.0 1968.0
80S - 280MHP280 6525000 2139.0 2036.0 1131.0 1722.0 2021.0
80S - 300MHP300 6525000 2476.0 2337.0 1310.0 1994.0 2320.0
80S - 350MHP350 6525000 3422.0 3181.0 1811.0 2756.0 3158.0

Canted Yoke - Output Torque (Maximum Allowable Pressure 1500 psig)*

Actuator Model Max. Operating (**) Output Torque Output Torque Output Torque
Torque ( at 0° ( at 45° ( at 90° (
Closed To Open To Close Open
0.3C - 75MHP 75 26100 38.4 39.1 13.5 18.8 22.0
0.3C - 100MHP100 26100 70.2 69.7 24.8 34.3 39.3
0.9C - 100MHP100 69600 81.2 80.6 28.6 39.7 45.4
0.9C - 135MHP135 69600 149.0 147.0 52.7 72.7 83.1
1.5C - 135MHP135 130500 188.0 187.0 66.4 92.0 105.0
1.5C - 175MHP175 130500 320.0 314.0 113.0 156.0 177.0
3.0C - 135MHP135 261000 312.0 309.0 110.0 152.0 174.0
3.0C - 175MHP175 261000 529.0 520.0 187.0 258.0 293.0
6.0C - 175MHP175 522000 619.0 608.0 218.0 302.0 343.0
6.0C - 200MHP200 522000 804.0 797.0 283.0 392.0 449.0
14C - 200MHP200 1044000 878.0 871.0 310.0 429.0 491.0
14C - 235MHP235 1044000 1250.0 1210.0 441.0 611.0 680.0
14C - 280MHP280 1044000 1780.0 1710.0 628.0 870.0 966.0
18C - 235MHP235 1566000 1440.0 1390.0 507.0 702.0 782.0
18C - 280MHP280 1566000 2050.0 1970.0 722.0 1000.0 1110.0
32C - 235MHP235 2610000 1690.0 1630.0 595.0 825.0 918.0
32C - 280MHP280 2610000 2400.0 2310.0 848.0 1170.0 1300.0
50C - 235MHP235 3480000 1880.0 1810.0 661.0 916.0 1020.0
50C - 280MHP280 3480000 2670.0 2570.0 942.0 1300.0 1450.0
50C - 300MHP300 3480000 3090.0 2950.0 1090.0 1510.0 1660.0
80C - 280MHP280 6525000 3151.0 3030.0 1132.0 1539.0 1707.0
80C - 300MHP300 6525000 3649.0 3478.0 1310.0 1781.0 1960.0
80C - 350MHP350 6525000 5043.0 4734.0 1811.0 2462.0 2668.0


1. 0° is fully closed position (clockwise) 90° is fully open position (counter-clockwise)

2. Output torques listed are minimum values and are for general reference only. Consult local
distributor or Biffi for verification of output torques under specific operating conditions.
3. * Maximum allowable pressure is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully
stroked actuator against the actuator travel stops.
4. For models requiring greater torques than shown, contact your local representative.

IMPORTANT: The maximum supply pressure allowed by the actuator along the full stroke cannot
generate torques exceeding more than 10% the values of column (**).
For higher pressure values, please contact your local representative.

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Biffi GIGS Direct Gas Actuators


1. SST = Spring Start Torque

SRT = Spring Run Torque
SET = Spring End Torque
2. Spring torques listed are minimum values
and are for general reference only. Consult
local distributor or Biffi for verification of
output torques under specific conditions.
Supply Connection 3. Dimensions ‘A’ and ‘B’ and ‘Weights’ are
(To Open) identical for canted yoke or symmetric yoke
4. * Refer to page 4 for ‘D,’ ‘G’ and additional
dimensional data.
To select the correct data, compare first
numbers and last numbers of the actuator
model on this page with the identical model
numbers on page 4.
Example: 0.9C-0200-100 CL (pg 6)
0.9C-100MPH100 (pg 4)
5. ** Weight values are for complete actuator
assembly as shown.

Adaptor Flange

Spring Torque and Dimensions - Spring to Close

Actuator Model Spring Torque ( Actuator Model Spring Torque ( Dimensions (inches) Weight **
Canted Yoke SST SRT SET Symmetric Yoke SST SRT SET øA B (lbs)
0.3C-0150- 75 CL 6980 3810 6470 0.3S-0150- 75 CL 4956 3805 8142 7.0 24.6 176
0.3C-0150-100 CL 6810 3750 6390 0.3S-0150-100 CL 4779 3717 8054 7.0 24.6 185
0.9C-0200-100 CL 8950 4980 8540 0.9S-0200-100 CL 6284 4956 10798 9.6 26.0 324
0.9C-0200-135 CL 8640 4870 8390 0.9S-0200-135 CL 6107 4868 10621 9.6 26.0 366
0.9C-0350-100 CL 17500 9550 16240 0.9S-0350-100 CL 12302 9559 20445 11.8 28.1 399
0.9C-0350-135 CL 17190 9440 16090 0.9S-0350-135 CL 12125 9382 20268 11.8 28.1 441
0.9C-0400-100 CL 23470 11710 19160 0.9S-0400-100 CL 16197 11771 24074 11.8 25.5 388
0.9C-0400-135 CL 23160 11600 19000 0.9S-0400-135 CL 15931 11683 18321 11.8 25.5 430
0.9C-0700-100 CL 31180 16250 27090 0.9S-0700-100 CL 21684 16258 34076 11.8 26.6 437
0.9C-0700-135 CL 30860 16140 26930 0.9S-0700-135 CL 21507 16108 33899 11.8 26.6 479
1.5C-1100-135 CL 45750 28060 49960 1.5S-1100-135 CL 32925 27084 55495 16.0 29.8 769
1.5C-1100-175 CL 45290 27890 49730 1.5S-1100-175 CL 32571 26907 55230 16.0 29.8 811
1.5C-1200-135 CL 62490 34060 57870 1.5S-1200-135 CL 44609 33368 64346 12.8 33.8 710
1.5C-1200-175 CL 62030 33890 57650 1.5S-1200-175 CL 44255 33191 64081 12.8 33.8 752
3.0C-2000-135 CL 99630 51370 85220 3.0S-2000-135 CL 70630 50716 96375 16.0 48.6 1360
3.0C-2000-175 CL 98870 51100 84840 3.0S-2000-175 CL 70099 50450 96475 16.0 48.6 1424
6.0C-2500-175 CL 148200 74130 121400 6.0S-2500-175 CL 104441 73551 138075 14.0 62.1 1832
6.0C-2500-200 CL 148000 74040 121200 6.0S-2500-200 CL 104441 73463 138075 14.0 62.1 1949
6.0C-3800-175 CL 221600 103300 164100 6.0S-3800-175 CL 155777 103566 187641 20.0 69.3 2963
6.0C-3800-200 CL 221300 103200 164000 6.0S-3800-200 CL 155777 103566 186756 20.0 69.3 3080
14C-5400-200 CL 320200 157100 255100 14S-5400-200 CL 227470 155777 284117 20.0 63.6 4410
14C-5400-235 CL 319900 157000 254900 14S-5400-235 CL 227470 155777 284117 20.0 63.6 4542
14C-5400-280 CL 318270 156400 254200 14S-5400-280 CL 225700 154892 283232 20.0 63.6 4652
14C-8300-200 CL 418100 203000 328100 14S-8300-200 CL 296508 201802 365546 20.0 65.9 4519
14C-8300-235 CL 417700 202900 327900 14S-8300-235 CL 296508 200917 365546 20.0 65.9 4652
14C-8300-280 CL 416100 202300 327100 14S-8300-280 CL 295623 200917 364661 20.0 65.9 4762
18C-9600-235 CL 562100 310600 530600 18S-9600-235 CL 403605 305359 592131 22.0 89.0 5754
18C-9600-280 CL 560300 309900 529700 18S-9600-280 CL 402720 304474 591246 22.0 89.0 5842
18C-9800-235 CL 695300 390700 672200 18S-9800-235 CL 498311 381478 747909 22.0 89.0 6526
18C-9800-280 CL 693500 390100 671300 18S-9800-280 CL 496541 380593 747024 22.0 89.0 6614

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Biffi GIGS Direct Gas Actuators


1. SST = Spring Start Torque

SRT = Spring Run Torque
SET = Spring End Torque
2. Spring torques listed are minimum values
and are for general reference only. Consult
local distributor or Biffi for verification of
output torques under specific conditions.
3. Dimensions ‘A’ and ‘B’ and ‘Weights’ are Supply
identical for canted yoke or symmetric yoke Connection
models. (To Close)
4. Refer to page 4 for ‘E,’ ‘F’ and additional
dimensional data.
To select the correct data, compare first
numbers and last numbers of the actuator
model on this page with the identical model
numbers on page 4.
Example: 0  .9C-0200-100 OP (pg 7)
0.9C-100MPH100 (pg 4)
5. ** Weight values are for complete actuator
Adaptor Flange
assembly as shown.

Spring Torque and Dimensions - Spring to Open

Actuator Model Spring Torque ( Actuator Model Spring Torque ( Dimensions (inches) Weight **
Canted Yoke SST SRT SET Symmetric Yoke SST SRT SET øA B (lbs)
0.3C-0150- 75 OP 12000 3180 3580 0.3S-0150- 75 OP 7346 3451 4425 7.0 24.6 176
0.3C-0150-100 OP 11850 3120 3500 0.3S-0150-100 OP 7257 3451 4336 7.0 24.6 185
0.9C-0200-100 OP 15260 3890 4260 0.9S-0200-100 OP 9293 4336 5222 9.6 26.0 324
0.9C-0200-135 OP 14980 3770 4110 0.9S-0200-135 OP 9116 4159 5045 9.6 26.0 366
0.9C-0350-100 OP 29050 7540 8370 0.9S-0350-100 OP 17702 8319 10267 11.8 28.1 399
0.9C-0350-135 OP 28770 7420 8210 0.9S-0350-135 OP 17524 8142 10090 11.8 28.1 441
0.9C-0400-100 OP 34430 9713 11400 0.9S-0400-100 OP 21153 10523 14250 11.8 25.5 388
0.9C-0400-135 OP 34150 9600 11240 0.9S-0400-135 OP 20976 10444 14073 11.8 25.5 430
0.9C-0700-100 OP 48560 13160 15030 0.9S-0700-100 OP 29739 14338 18675 11.8 26.6 437
0.9C-0700-135 OP 48280 13050 14870 0.9S-0700-135 OP 29562 14250 18410 11.8 26.6 479
1.5C-1100-135 OP 88220 20350 20990 1.5S-1100-135 OP 60540 23278 25756 16.0 29.8 769
1.5C-1100-175 OP 87800 20170 20760 1.5S-1100-175 OP 60275 23101 25490 16.0 29.8 811
1.5C-1200-135 OP 102900 26640 29520 1.5S-1200-135 OP 70719 29650 35846 12.8 33.8 710
1.5C-1200-175 OP 102500 26460 29280 1.5S-1200-175 OP 70453 29473 35581 12.8 33.8 752
3.0C-2000-135 OP 151500 41300 47350 3.0S-2000-135 OP 102671 45582 57708 16.0 48.6 1360
3.0C-2000-175 OP 150800 41020 46960 3.0S-2000-175 OP 101786 45228 57177 16.0 48.6 1424
6.0C-2500-175 OP 215500 60380 70530 6.0S-2500-175 OP 145156 66205 85854 14.0 62.1 1832
6.0C-2500-200 OP 215300 60280 70400 6.0S-2500-200 OP 145156 66116 85677 14.0 62.1 1949
6.0C-3800-175 OP 293200 87750 107100 6.0S-3800-175 OP 198262 95590 130109 20.0 69.3 2963
6.0C-3800-200 OP 293000 87660 107000 6.0S-3800-200 OP 198262 94705 130109 20.0 69.3 3080
14C-5400-200 OP 454200 129600 153300 14S-5400-200 OP 313325 141616 184985 20.0 63.6 4410
14C-5400-235 OP 453900 129500 153100 14S-5400-235 OP 312440 141616 184985 20.0 63.6 4542
14C-5400-280 OP 452500 128900 152300 14S-5400-280 OP 311555 141616 184100 20.0 63.6 4652
14C-8300-200 OP 583200 167900 199800 14S-8300-200 OP 401835 183215 240747 20.0 65.9 4519
14C-8300-235 OP 582900 167800 199600 14S-8300-235 OP 401835 183215 240747 20.0 65.9 4652
14C-8300-280 OP 581400 167200 198800 14S-8300-280 OP 400950 183215 239862 20.0 65.9 4762
18C-9600-235 OP 926500 234300 255800 18S-9600-235 OP 624616 261104 308899 22.0 89.0 5754
18C-9600-280 OP 924900 233600 254800 18S-9600-280 OP 633731 260219 308014 22.0 89.0 5842
18C-9800-235 OP 1173900 292200 315600 18S-9800-235 OP 805441 328372 384133 22.0 89.0 6526
18C-9800-280 OP 1172200 291500 314600 18S-9800-280 OP 804555 327487 383248 22.0 89.0 6614

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Biffi GIG Direct Gas Actuators

Mechanical Data Notes

Actuator Model Gas Consumption Hand Pump Strokes 1. All values are based on one direction of
(cu-in) travel, i.e. open to close or close to open.
0.3* - 75MHP 75 49 40 2. * Mechanical data for canted yoke
0.3* - 100MHP100 85 70 mechanism (C) or symmetric yoke
0.9* - 100MHP100 98 80 mechanism (S) are identical.
0.9* - 135MHP135 171 150
1.5* - 135MHP135 213 180
1.5* - 175MHP175 342 300
3.0* - 135MHP135 342 290
3.0* - 175MHP175 580 490
6.0*- 175MHP175 671 400
6.0*- 200MHP200 854 520
14* - 200MHP200 915 580
14* - 235MHP235 1281 800
14* - 280MHP280 1831 1140
18* - 235MHP235 1525 900
18* - 280MHP280 2136 1300
32* - 235MHP235 1770 1080
32* - 280MHP280 2502 1500
50* - 235MHP235 1953 1200
50* - 280MHP280 2746 1700
50* - 300MHP300 3173 1930
80* - 280MHP280 3203 1983
80* - 300MHP300 3701 2251
80* - 350MHP350 5037 3063

Stem Acceptance Dimensions for Insert Bushings (inches) Notes

Housing Max. Stem Diameter Max. Stem Diameter Square Maximum 1. The listed maximum acceptance values are
Size With Square Key With Rectangular
Stem Stem applicable for stems with keyway parallel or
(Key Dimension) Key (•) S† Protrusion** perpendicular to the flow line and for square


stems with diagonal parallel with the flow

0.3 2.05 (0.55) 2.16 1.81 2.52 4.72 line.
0.9 2.60 (0.63) 2.75 2.16 3.03 5.51 2. • Key according to UNI6604 or
1.5 3.34 (0.71) 3.54 2.87 4.06 7.08 DIN 6885 sh.1 or BS4325 part 1
3.0 4.72 (1.26) 5.12 4.09 5.78 7.48 or ISO 773 or equivalent.
6.0 5.90 (1.41) 6.69 5.23 7.40 9.48 3. † S max: maximum external diameter in
case of rounded edge.
4. ** Without adaptor flange.
5. Insert bushing not utilized in actuator sizes
larger than 6.0.
6. For mounting details refer to publication
K503 or K504.
7. Bore and key machining available on

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