The Church of Christ
The Church of Christ
The Church of Christ
A Study Guide On
The Church Of Christ
Dr. Joseph Speciale
1) Past
2. The foundation of this false religious group is built upon the works
and beliefs of four men, Barton Stone, Thomas Campbell, Walter
Scott, and Alexander Campbell
Believed all Christians should unite on the basis of faith in Christ and
that the divisive doctrines and practices of denominationalism should
be abolished
Came out of "Kentucky Revival" convinced that salvation had little to
do with church affiliation and that "deeds are more important than
Established churches brought disciplinary action against him and his
followers prompting him to reorganize under the name "Christian"
Popularized the term restoration, meaning the restoration of the New
Testament church
Related faith more to the mind than to emotions
Stressed the importance of repentance, faith, and baptism for
2) Present
5. The name "Church of Christ" is not used to designate a denomination,
but rather to indicate that the church belongs to Christ
8. The motto of the Church of Christ is, "Where the Bible speaks, we
speak; where the Bible is silent, we are silent"
1) Assertion
2) Answer
1. The church, as the body of Christ, is an ORGANISM, not an
organization (1 Cor 12:13; Eph 1:23; 3:6; 5:30-32)
1) Assertion
3. One must hear, repent, believe, confess, be baptized, and live a good
life to be saved
"Immersion and regeneration are two Bible names for the same act" (A
History of Baptists, John T. Christian, p.431)
"To get into Christ one must hear the Gospel, believe it, repent, confess
and be baptized into Christ. This puts one into Christ and he is thereby
born again" (How To Understand the Bible, A.G. Hobbs, p.19)
"We need to realize we've sinned. Sin is doing anything God doesn't
want us to do. But we need to understand…there is nothing we can do
to make our sin okay. We need to believe Jesus is the Son of God...and
trust him as our Savior. Faith in Jesus comes only through studying the
Bible, the word of God. Because Jesus died, was buried…and was
raised from the dead…we can have hope. We must repent! Repent is a
Bible word that means to recognize we are going in the wrong
direction…and start going in another direction. We must turn our backs
on sin…then walk with God. We must be immersed (baptized) in water.
When we have the courage and willingness to admit we have sinned and
confess that Jesus is the Son of God…We are told to be buried in water,
for the forgiveness of sins. When this happens, we are instantly made
clean, born again and added to God's family…the church." (One Nation
Under God, The Churches of Christ of America, p.6)
2) Answer
The one saving baptism is the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:5;
Rom 6:3-4; 1 Cor 12:13; Gal 3:27; Col 2:12-13)
Baptism is a "figure" of salvation (1 Pet 3:21)
Jesus Christ did not baptize anyone with water (John 4:2) but with the
Holy Ghost (John 1:33)
Jesus Christ promised the thief on the cross that he would be with him
that day in paradise and he was never baptized (Luke 23:43)
Ananias called Paul a brother before he was baptized (Acts 9:17-18)
Paul made a distinction between the gospel and baptism and said
Christ did not send him to baptize (1 Cor 1:14-17)
Paul credited the gospel as the means of salvation not baptism (1 Cor
4:15; 15:1-4)
1) Assertion
"To get to Heaven one must be faithful till death (Rev 2:10). Therefore
we must continue rooted and grounded and growing in the faith, being
faithful till death." (Eugene Smith)
"As the Bible teaches that the Christian can be lost, it likewise tells him
how to remain saved." (The Bible Is Right, Hugh W. Davis)
2) Answer
The born again Christian HATH (present tense) everlasting life (John
3:36; 5:24; 6:47; 1 John 5:12-13)
We are graven upon the palms of the Lord's hands (Isa 49:16) and no
man can pluck us out (John 10:27-29)
We are kept by the power of God through faith (not works) (2 Tim
1:12; 1 Pet 1:5; 4:19; Jude 24)
We are sealed with the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption (Eph
1:14; 4:30) and he bears witness with our spirit that we ARE (present
tense) the children of God (Rom 8:16)
NOTE: A lady who had been saved out of the Church of Christ said she
confronted her Church of Christ preacher and asked him what would get
her lost again if she could be saved and then lost. He said, "Falling into
sin." She responded, "Then would I have to be baptized again?" He
said, "No." Why would God require baptism to be saved the first time,
but not the second time?
1) Assertion
1. The Lord's Supper must be observed every first day of the week to be
"And upon the FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK, when the disciples
came together to BREAK BREAD…" (Acts 20:7)
"To live up to the Bible one must worship as taught in the Bible. The
New Testament Church met on the first day of the week to break bread
(Acts 20:7). No church is living up to the Bible that does not do
likewise. (What Difference Does It Make? A.G. Hobbs)
"So we follow the approved example of the church at Troas and meet
upon the first day of the week to break bread in order that we may be
approved of the Lord. Every week has a first day- so we meet on the
first day of the week. Therefore, every Lord's day we proclaim the
Lord's death till he come." (The Lord's Supper, A.G. Hobbs, p.19)
"The Lord's Supper is part of the worship and edification in all our stated
meetings." (Alexander Campbell)
2) Answer
The "breaking of bread" is to "sit at meat" (Luke 24:30; Acts 2:46);
the Lord's Supper is not mealtime (1 Cor 11:22,34)
There is a difference between KEEPING the seventh day and
OBSERVING the first day (Exo 20:8; Acts 20:7); the seventh day is
called the Sabbath, the first day is not called the Lord's Supper day
1) Assertion
"Furthermore, the church of the New Testament did not use mechanical
music in worship, but vocal music-singing." (What Difference Does It
Make? A.G. Hobbs)
2) Answer
1) Assertion
"There is no doubt that Jesus will come again and that the saints will be
caught up to be with Him. That it will be a secreting away of the saints
is in question for the following reasons: There is to be nothing secret
about Christ's coming for His saints (1 The 4:16,17; 1 Cor 15:52); When
Jesus comes again the world will be destroyed (2 Pet 3:8-13)" (Is There
Going To Be A Rapture? Delton Haun, p.4-5)
"There is to be one resurrection of those in the graves to one
judgment…The faithful are not raised up until the last day" (Is There
Going To Be A Rapture? Delton Haun, p.5)
"The Bible certainly does not teach that there will be a 1000 year period
AFTER the second coming of Christ…the day of the Lord means the
day of his coming." (The Rapture, Tribulation, and Pre-Millennialism,
Grover Stevens, p.1)
2) Answer
1. The Church of Christ fails to distinguish the Rapture from the Second
Coming (i.e.- the Revelation)
3. Jesus Christ will reign on this earth for 1000 years (Rev 20:3-7)
The Church of Christ is rarely, if ever, listed among the religious groups
that preach a false gospel. Yet, their gospel of baptismal regeneration is
just as heretical as the gospel of the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons.
Their twisted and contorted doctrine is the result of failing to make a
distinction between salvation and rewards, churches and the church, the
church and the kingdom, relationship and fellowship, faith and works,
and backsliding and apostasy.