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Effect of Massage Therapy On Severity of Pain and Outcome of Labor in Primipara

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Effect of Massage Therapy on Severity of Pain and Outcome of Labor in


Article  in  Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research · January 2007


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4 authors, including:

Ameneh Safarzadeh Nahid Fathizadeh

pregnancy health research centre,Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Isfahan University of Medical Sciences


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Received: 2 Aug. 2006 Accepted: 21 Oct. 2006

Original Article

Effect of Massage Therapy on Severity of Pain and Outcome

of Labor in Primipara
N. Khoda Karami*, A. Safarzadeh**, N. Fathizadeh***

BACKGROUND: Labor pain is the most severe pain a woman experience in her life. The severity and duration of labor
pain is more, in primiparous women and may lead to undesirable psychological effects, lowered self-confidence and
anxiety. New supportive methods like massage therapy could change the labor into a pleasant and desirable experience.
Regarding this, the current study was fulfilled to evaluate the effect of massage therapy on severity of labor pain.
METHODS: It is a clinical trial on sixty women undergoing delivery in selected hospitals of Tehran. Target population
was all the women admitted in Mahdieh and Hedayat hospitals, Tehran, for delivery. The cases were primiparous
women with single fetus in the age range of 20 to 34 with cervical dilatation of four centimeters and less and gestational
age of 38 to 42 weeks. They were divided into massage therapy and control groups, randomly. Severity of pain was
measured in visual analogue scale (VAS) and the questionnaires were filled at the cervical dilatation of 4, 8 and 10 cen-
timeters. Massage therapy was done using effleurage method as a type of Swedish massage technique. The data was
analyzed using descriptive (frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation) and analytical (independent t-test and
chi square) statistical methods by SPSS software.
RESULTS: The results demonstrated that the mean of pain severity at the first stage of labor was significantly different
between the experiment group and the control group, at the start of active phase (p= 0.009), end of transitional phase (p= 0.014)
and end of the first stage (p=0.01). Also, the duration of the first stage of the labor was different in experiment and con-
trol group.
CONCLUSIONS: Massage therapy could be introduced as a new useful method during delivery; regarding its supportive
role. It is supposed that the results of the study would introduce massage therapy as a non-pharmacological intervention
during delivery to reduce the labor pain and causes a decrease in the number of cesarean sections, done to avoid the fear
and anxiety, induced by normal vaginal deliveries in young mothers.
KEY WORDS: Massage therapy, labor pain relief, primipara

IJNMR 2007; 12(1): 6-9

abor pain varies in severity and quality duced anxiety would affect the function of
in different women, but it is one of the respiratory, circulation and endocrinology
most severe pains a woman experience system, which would lead to an increase in
in her life. In primipara, it is more severe than number of dystocia. This would cause an in-
other pains such as pain induced by arthritis, crease in instrumental and manipulative de-
cancers or even labor pain in multiparous livery and even lower Apgar scores (3). Harm-
women (1). All cultures, know labor as a pain- ful effects of severe labor pain on mother and
ful process, but personal feeling toward it, re- fetus, especially in high risk pregnancies,
active behaviors and cultural perception of the makes labor pain relief, a must. Also, the du-
labor pain, is different in various cultures and ration of labor pain would affect the outcome
societies (2). Duration of labor pain and in- of pregnancy and complications of the labor.

* MSc, Department of Midwifery, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
** MSc, Department of Midwifery, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran.
*** MSc, Department of Midwifery, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
Correspondence to: Nahid Khoda Karami, MSc.
E-mail: [email protected]
Research Article of Vice Chancellor of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, No: 82313.

6 Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research Winter 2007; Vol 12, No 1.
Effect of Massage Therapy on Severity of Pain and … Khoda Karami et al

Increased duration of delivery is accompanied Chang and his colleagues in a study evalu-
by higher risk of infection, physical and men- ated the effect of massage therapy on labor
tal harms and death for baby and higher pain at delayed, active and transitional
probability of postpartum hemorrhage, infec- phases. He concluded that the massage ther-
tions, exhaustion, anxiety and psychosis (4). apy group, experienced lower level of pain at
Today, various pharmacological and non- all phases (12). Massage therapy during deliv-
pharmacological interventions are used to re- ery would lead to relaxation and conse-
lief the labor pain. Most of the analgesics have quently, a rapid and easy delivery (13). So, us-
side-effects for mother and baby (5). ing new supportive pain relief methods such
Pharmacological pain relief methods in- as massage therapy during delivery would
clude administration of narcotics, sedatives, change the delivery process into a desirable
inhaling analgesia, pudendal, paracervical experience, by providing an effective emo-
and spinal blockage and epidural anesthesia tional support. If this happens, labor induced
(6). Fetal respiratory depression is the side-
pain and anxiety and therefore, tendency to-
effect of pethidine as a common labor pain ward elective cesarean would be reduced. To-
relief; especially if it is used 2 to four hours day, the indication of many cesareans is not
prior to birth (7). Epidural anesthesia could saving the life and health of mother and baby,
lead to sympathetic blockage and conse- but it is performed to avoid labor pain (14).
quently, decreased maternal cardiac output, Regarding this, the current study was ful-
bladder distension, prolongation of second filled to evaluate the effect of massage therapy
stage of the delivery and catheter displace- on severity of labor pain and outcome of the
ment (8). To relief labor pain, nitroxide, also delivery in primipara. In the study, the out-
could be administered. It would not cause sec- come of the delivery was defined as the dura-
ond stage prolongation, but as all other anes- tion of first and second stage of delivery and
thesia drugs, would pass the placenta and also the type of delivery.
suppress fetal central nervous system (7).
An ideal labor pain relief method should Methods
meet the following criteria: having the least This is a clinical trial study of semi-experimental
possible side-effects for mother and fetus,
type which was carried out on 60 primiparous
having permanent effect, could be adminis-
women admitted for delivery in Hedayat and
tered easily, having appropriate sedative ef-
Mahdiyeh hospitals, Tehran in 2004. Target
fect without intervening the uterine contrac-
population was all the women admitted at
tures (9). Non-pharmacological pain relief ap-
mentioned hospitals during the time, the
proaches have different advantages such as
lack of side-effect for mother and fetus and study was carried out. Inclusion criteria were
also being pleasant for both of them. Some of primiparous women at the age range of 20- 35,
these approaches are muscle relaxation, respi- with single alive fetus and gestational age of
ratory techniques, hydrotherapy, music ther- 38 to 42 weeks. Cases were randomly allo-
apy, and massage therapy (2). Some cultures cated to one of the experiment and control
have used massage therapy as a pain relief groups. The control group received routine,
during labor, for hundreds of years (10). Mas- standard care without any intervention; while
sage therapy is a scientific art that implement the experiment group received massage ther-
systematic hand techniques on soft tissue, apy using effleurage technique during deliv-
muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia and ery. Effleurage technique is a kind of Swedish
uses hand, foot, knee and forearm in its tech- massage which was used by Professor Linda
niques (11). Massage would cause the endor- Kimber in England during delivery for the
phin release and reduce the ischemia by am- first time.
plification of local blood supply. All of these The massage is administered on sacrum,
would stimulate the sympathetic system and buttocks, shoulders, waist, foot and hand dur-
relax the skeletal muscles (2). ing different phases of labor. The severity of

Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research Winter 2007; Vol 12, No 1. 7
Effect of Massage Therapy on Severity of Pain and … Khoda Karami et al

pain was measured in both groups before any they are willing to use the massage therapy in
intervention at the cervical dilatation of 4 cen- next deliveries. The data was gathered from
timeters (the start of active phase) and also Azar to Bahman, 1382.
after applying massage therapy. Also, the se- The validity and reliability of the question-
verity of pain was assessed at 8 and 10 centi- naire was approved by content validity and
meters (start of transitional phase and after equivalence test, respectively. Finally, the data
first stage of delivery) and compared with the was analyzed using chi square, t-test and de-
control group. Severity of pain was assessed scriptive analysis methods, by SPSS software.
using visual analogue scale (VAS) which is a
ten centimeter line. The right and left ex- Results
tremes of the line are noted as pain-free and Findings of the study indicate that there are
the most severe pain, respectively. The par- no significant statistical differences in severity
ticipants were asked to score their pain by of pain before intervention between the
marking the line. A questionnaire containing groups. In contrast, the mean score of severity
17 items was also used to gather the data. It of the pain at cervical dilatations of 4, 8 and 10
contained items on demographic data and centimeters was significantly different be-
properties related to the process of delivery. tween the groups (P= 0.009, P=0.014 and P=
Finally, the participants were asked to express 0.01, respectively) (Table 1).
their idea about the intervention and also if

Table 1. comparison of the mean of labor pain scores at the first stage of delivery after massage therapy

Minimum Maximum Mean SD Independent T Df p

Experiment 3.5 9 7.22 0.83

2.978 58 0.004
Control 4 10 7.94 1.02

In addition, the duration of first and sec- Discussion

ond stages of the delivery was assessed and Results of the study demonstrated that the
compared by chi square test. It was demon- mean score of severity of the labor pain in
strated that the duration of first stage of deliv- mentioned cervical dilatations were lower in
ery was 264.16 and 362.5 minutes, in experi- experiment group. Chang and his colleagues
ment and control group, which was signifi- demonstrated that the massage therapy group
experienced less pain in delayed, active and
cantly different. (p< 0.001) 6.6% and 33.3% of
transitional phases and 26 out of 30 partici-
the massage therapy and control group, re-
pants noted that they found massage therapy
spectively, experienced first stage of the deliv-
useful, supportive and relaxing during deliv-
ery more than 420 minutes.
ery (12). Linda Kimber, also, demonstrated that
Using independent t-test, it was shown that 87% of women received massage therapy dur-
the duration of second stage of the delivery ing delivery had a good feeling about it; and
was not significantly different between the as the massage as applied by their husbands,
groups (p=0.157). Mean duration of the sec- it had a supportive role in reducing the labor-
ond stage was 37.16 and d30.50 minutes in induced pain and anxiety. These women rec-
experiment and control group, respectively. ommended it to other women, and are willing
Using chi square test, no significant differ- to take it in their next pregnancies (15). The
ences were noted regarding the type of outcome of delivery was defined as the dura-
delivery. tion of first and second stages of delivery and

8 Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research Winter 2007; Vol 12, No 1.
Effect of Massage Therapy on Severity of Pain and … Khoda Karami et al

also, the type of delivery. Our findings dem- process (18). It seems that at present study, the
onstrated a lower mean duration of the deliv- continuous presence of the researcher at the
ery in experiment group. Other studies indi- bedside played the role of a supporter and
cated that massage therapy would lead to re- reduced the fear of women in both groups by
duction of delivery duration (16). emotional support. Other studies indicated
The duration of second stage of the deliv- that the presence of supportive person at bed-
ery was the same in the groups. Brenda dem- side, without any pharmacological and non-
onstrated that the advantages of complemen- pharmacological interventions would reduce
tary therapies (such as massage therapy, mu- the rate of instrumental deliveries and cesar-
sic therapy, etc) are mainly targeted toward ean sections. Regarding the results of the
the latent phase of first stage of the delivery, study and similar studies in other countries,
and the efficacy of the therapies in second massage therapy could be introduced as a
stage is controversial (17). new effective method during delivery. Also,
Findings demonstrated that most partici- topics related to non-pharmacological, sup-
pants of both groups underwent normal vagi- portive therapies during delivery could be
nal delivery. Kallus and his colleagues noted added to midwifery curriculum. It is recom-
that presence of a supportive person at the mended that classes on pregnancy and apply-
bedside, during delivery would reduce the ing massage therapy techniques be delivered
need for instrumental delivery, caesarian sec- for pregnant women and their husbands. This
tion and other intervention such as oxytocin would help thems to reduce the labor pain to
induction and even accelerates the delivery a tolerable level.

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Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research Winter 2007; Vol 12, No 1. 9

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