01-Solution & Colligative Properties - Theory-Final
01-Solution & Colligative Properties - Theory-Final
01-Solution & Colligative Properties - Theory-Final
Solution & Colligative properties
“A solution is a mixture in which substances are Liquid Solid Salt in water, sugar in water.
intermixed so intimately that they can not be observed Solid Gas Adsorption of gases over metals;
as separate components”. The dispersed phase or the hydrogen over palladium.
substance which is to be dissolved is called solute, Solid Liquid Mercury in zinc, mercury in gold,
while the dispersion medium in which the solute is
Solid Solid Homogeneous mixture of two or more
dispersed to get a homogenous mixture is called the metals (alloys), e.g., copper in gold,
solvent. zinc in copper.
Solubility Among these solutions the most significant type of
solutions are those which are in liquid phase and may
“Solubility of a substance may be defined as the be categorised as, (1) Solid in liquid solutions, (2)
amount of solute dissolved in 100gms of a solvent to Liquid in liquid solutions and (3) Gas in liquid
form a saturated solution at a given temperature”. A solutions.
saturated solution is a solution which contains at a
Methods of expressing concentration of solution
given temperature as much solute as it can hold in
presence of dissolveding solvent. Any solution may Concentration of solution is the amount of solute
contain less solute than would be necessary to saturate dissolved in a known amount of the solvent or solution.
it. Such a solution is known as unsaturated solution. The concentration of solution can be expressed in
When the solution contains more solute than would be various ways as discussed below,
necessary to saturate it then it is termed as (1) Percentage : It refers to the amount of the
supersaturated solution. solute per 100 parts of the solution. It can also be called
as parts per hundred (pph). It can be expressed by any
Kinds of solutions of following four methods,
All the three states of matter (gas, liquid or (i) Weight to weight percent
solid) may behave either as solvent or solute. Wt.of solute
% w/w 100
Depending on the state of solute or solvent, Wt.of solution
mainly there may be following nine types of binary Example : 10% Na2CO 3 solution w/w means
10g of Na2CO 3 is dissolved in 100g of the
Solven Solute Example
t solution. (It means 10g Na2CO 3 is dissolved in
Gas Gas Mixture of gases, air. 90g of H 2O )
Gas Liquid Water vapours in air, mist.
Gas Solid Sublimation of a solid into a gas, (ii) Weight to volume percent
smoke. Wt.of solute
Liquid Gas CO2 gas dissolved in water (aerated % w/v 100
Volumeof solution
Liquid Liquid Mixture of miscible liquids, e.g., alcohol
in water.
153 Solution and Colligative properties
Vapour pressure
Vapour pressure
Here, C = concentration of solution in moles per NaCl are isotonic then, but
litre Urea and (dissociat
e) 1 2
NaCl or CaCl2 (anhydrous) are used to clear (1) Colligative properties Number of particles
snow on roads. They depress the freezing point of water Number of molecules
and thus reduce the temperature of the formation of (in case of non-electrolytes)
Depression in freezing point is determined by
Number of ions
Beckmann’s method and Rast’s camphor method. Study (In case of electrolytes)
of depression in freezing point of a liquid in which a non- Number of moles of
volatile solute is dissolved in it is called as cryoscopy. solute
Important relations concerning depression in
freezing point.
Mole fraction of solute
(1) Depression in freezing point is directly (2) For different solutes of same molar
proportional to the lowering of vapour pressure. concentration, the magnitude of the colligative
properties is more for that solution which gives more
Tf p0 p
number of particles on ionisation.
(2) Tf K f m (3) For different solutions of same molar
Kf concentration of different non-electrolyte solutes, the
where molal depression constant or
magnitude of the colligative properties will be same for
cryoscopic constant; m Molality of the solution (i.e., all.
no. of moles of solute per 1000g of the solvent); (4) For different molar concentrations of the same
Tf Depression in freezing point solute, the magnitude of colligative properties is more
for the more concentrated solution.
1000 K f w (5) For solutions of different solutes but of same
(3) Tf or
m W percent strength, the magnitude of colligative property
is more for the solute with least molecular weight.
1000 K f w
m (6) For solutions of different solutes of the same
Tf W percent strength, the magnitude of colligative property
161 Solution and Colligative properties
is more for that solute which gives more number of Since colligative properties are inversely
particles, which can be known by the knowledge of proportional to molecular masses, the Van’t Hoff’s factor
molecular weight and its ionisation behaviour. may also be written as,
Abnormal molecular masses Observedvalueof colligative property
Molecular masses can be calculated by measuring i
any of the colligative properties. The relation between Calculatedvalueof colligative property
colligative properties and molecular mass of the solute assumingnoassociation or dissociation
is based on following assumptions.
(1) The solution is dilute, so that Raoult’s law is
obeyed. No. of particl
n or dissociati
(2) The solute neither undergoes dissociation nor No. of particl
n or dissociati
association in solution.
Introduction of the Van’t Hoff factor modifies the
In case of solutions where above assumptions are equations for the colligative properties as follows,
not valid we find discrepencies between observed and
Relative lowering of vapour pressure
calculated values of colligative properties. These
anomalies are primarily due to PAo PA
(i) Association of solute molecules. iXB
(ii) Dissociation of solute molecules.
(i) Association of solute molecules : Certain Elevation of boiling point, Tb ikbm
solutes in solution are found to associate. This
eventually leads to a decrease in the number of Depression in freezing point, Tf ikf m
molecular particles in the solutions. Thus, it results in a inRT
decrease in the values of colligative properties. Osmotic pressure, ; iCRT
Colligative property From the value of ‘i’, it is possible to calculate
massof solute degree of dissociation or degree of association of
therefore, higher values are obtained for substance.
molecular masses than normal values for unassociated Degree of dissociation ( ) : It is defined as the
molecules. fraction of total molecules which dissociate into simpler
(ii) Dissociation of solute molecules : A molecules or ions.
number of electrolytes dissociate in solution to give two i1
or more particles (ions). Therefore, the number of solute ; m= number of particles in solution
particles, in solutions of such substances, is more than m 1
the expected value. Accordingly, such solutions exhibit Degree of association ( ) : It is defined as the
higher values of colligative properties. Since colligative fraction of the total number of molecules which
properties are inversely proportional to molecular associate or combine together resulting in the formation
masses, therefore, molecular masses of such of a bigger molecules.
substances as calculated from colligative properties will i 1
be less than their normal values. ; m = number of particles in
1/ m 1
Van’t Hoff’s factor (i) : In 1886, Van’t Hoff
introduced a factor ‘i’ called Van’t Hoff’s factor, to
express the extent of association or dissociation of
solutes in solution. It is ratio of the normal and observed
molecular masses of the solute, i.e.,
In case of association, observed molecular mass
being more than the normal, the factor i has a value
less than 1. But in case of dissociation, the Van’t Hoff’s
factor is more than 1 because the observed molecular
mass has a lesser value than the normal molecular
mass. In case there is no dissociation the value of ‘i’
becomes equal to one.