EMAT Integrated With Vertical Climbing Robot For Boiler Tube Inspection
EMAT Integrated With Vertical Climbing Robot For Boiler Tube Inspection
EMAT Integrated With Vertical Climbing Robot For Boiler Tube Inspection
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National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) has signed an MoU with Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) for design and development
of automated boiler tube inspection system for vertical water wall tubes. A vertical climbing robot has been developed for this purpose at
Division of Remote Handling & Robotics (DRHR), BARC. Recently, an Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) has been integrated
with the Robot and field trial tested at one of the NTPC’s power plants at Dadri, UP. The paper discusses working principle of EMAT, brings
out comparison with other methods of non-destructive testing (NDT), covering design detailing of vertical climbing robot. The typical tube
thickness measurement data acquired during plant inspection is also presented.
applications, inspection of boiler tubes (wall thickness Total force experienced by the charge also has electric field
mapping) requires customization. component, which is in the direction of field. Total force is
given by :
2.3 Tube inspection methods: A comparison
F = q/E + q.v B
Visual examination is placed above all the inspection
methodologies by the experts. However, this is qualitative Where, q is electric charge, E is electric field, v is velocity of
and heavily depends on the individual operator’s skill. field; q.E is electric force component
charge and B is magnetic
Various non-destructive testing (NDT) methods are available and q.v B q.v xB is magnetic force component. With
which are: Liquid penetration tests (PT), Magnetic particle varying magnetic field, eddy currents are generated in the
testing (MP), Eddy-current testing (EC) and Ultrasonic testing electrically conductive material and the Lorentz force is given
(UT), Radiography tests etc. Methods like PT and MP provide by B x J B .
temporary indications, depend on operator’s experience and In case of ferromagnetic materials, the magnetization
also require surface preparation. Conventional UT, not only leads to the dimensional changes in the magnetization
requires surface preparation, it also requires use of couplant direction, which is called as ‘Magnetostriction’. The
(to be applied between test object and the probe). Similarly, magnetostrictive force makes elastic deformation which
conventional EC method is not suitable for ferromagnetic generates ultrasonic waves in the metal. The magnetostrictive
materials, moreover it is qualitative in terms of thickness EMAT consists of a magnet that produces a bias magnetic
measurements. field and a sensor coil excited by high frequency alternating
Due to aforesaid limitations of conventional NDT current that produces alternating magnetic field. The driving
methods, advanced NDT methods like electromagnetic force of ultrasonic uses a high frequency vibration of
acoustics, remote field testing, magnetic flux leakage testing magnetostriction generated by the compound magnetic field.
have received more attention in the recent past. Magnetic Magnetostariction is a non-linear effect, when the bias
flux leakage testing equipment is bulky and data analysis magnetic field is much stronger than the alternating magnetic
with defect characterization is still a topic for researchers. As field, the magnetostriction function follows:
far as boiler tube inspection is concerned, electromagnetic
acoustics and remote field testing methods are gaining = SHT + dtH
Where is strain, T is stress, SH is elastic constant measured
at H = 0, d t is the inverse magnetostrictive stress constant
3. Electro Magnetic Acoustics (EMAT) and H is alternating magnetic field.
Electro-magnetic acoustics (EMAT) utilizes combination The EMAT based non-destructive testing method for
of static and dynamic magnetic fields to convert electrical inspection of boiler tube was jointly developed for the first
energy into acoustic energy. In case of conventional time by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Babcok &
ultrasonic testing, an electric field is applied to a piezoelectric Wilcox and McDermott Technologies (Formerly known as
crystal and converted into a mechanical pulse, generating B&W Research Division). This paper is limited to custom
sound waves. The sound wave generated in the piezoelectric developed Magnetostrictive EMAT used for boiler tube
crystal is imparted to the test object through a couplant thickness mapping. The system consists of Sensor assembly,
(applied between crystal and the test object) such as water, Power Box, Data acquisition and signal processing software
oil, grease, etc. Thus, while transmitting the sound waves with data display and the associated interfacing cables/cards.
from crystal to the test object, crystal is required to have a The sensor assembly consists of the EMAT (Magnet
shoe to match with the contour of test object, surface cartridge, Compliancy foam and the RF coil), Signal
preparation and a couplant to minimize the loss of sound conditioning electronics, Encoder (wheel driven) and Status
waves. These requirements of conventional UT limit its indicators (Lamps). PowerBox is a single channel instrument
application in scanning large areas like boiler tubes. An providing necessary excitation for EMAT and carry out real-
alternate technique of introducing sound waves directly into time signal processing. This has connectivity with the data
the test object using electromagnetics was first introduced acquisition and display through dedicated PC.
more than thirty years ago. With the advancement in
electronics and computers, commercially EMAT based system C. System features
for non-destructive testing was developed for field
application during 1990. There are two methods for generating (i) EMAT based magnetostrictive non-destructive method
sound waves through electromagnetic: Lorentz Force and custom built for boiler tube thickness measurements/
Magnetostriction principle. mapping (thickness range: 3.8 mm to 12.7 mm).
When an electric charge moves through a magnetic (ii) Pitch-catch sensor configuration and tube thickness is
field, there is a force on the charge, perpendicular to the derived from time-of-flight measurements with an
direction of the charge and perpendicular to the direction of accuracy of ± 0.127 mm.
the magnetic field. This force is called the Lorentz Force. The
direction of the force is given by Fleming’s Right Hand Rule. (iii) Couplant / special surface preparation is not required.
34 Badodkar et al. : Proceedings of the National Seminar & Exhibition on Non-Destructive Evaluation
B. Design challenges
The robot design to carry given payload, working at Fig. 3: Prototype robot with mock-up facility: Lab testing
desired scanning speed and operating onto the boiler tube
curved surface is a real design challenge. Various options base-plate and the arrangement is such that the belt is placed
like pneumatic and hydraulically operated vehicle were in between magnets and the boiler tube. The concept was
considered. However, these options could not be considered built through prototyping and lab trials. Fig. 1 describes
due to requirement of additional bulky peripheral equipments working of vertical climbing robot, Fig. 2 explains robot
(like compressors, etc.) and available uneven/curved tube manoeuvring external bend and Fig. 3 shows prototype robot
surface. In view of this electrically operated vehicle has been being function tested in lab using mock-up facility.
selected. In order to make simple and compact robot
assembly, rare earth permanent magnets are used for D. Technical data
adhesion of robot with the tubes.
Technical parameters of the prototype-I and II of the vertical
C. Description climbing robot are given in Table 1.
The vertical climbing robot consists of two sets of Table 1 : Technical parameters of Vertical Climbing Robot
pulleys coupled through a timer belt and driven by DC motors Prototype-I & II
through a gearbox. Permanent magnets are mounted on the
Sr. No. Parameter Prototype-I Prototype-II
1. Maximum payload
capacity 5 Kg 10 Kg
2. Maximum crawling
speed 70 mm/sec 120 mm/sec
3. Drive Motor PMDC geared PMDC geared
motor motor
4. Pulley (wheel) 22 L 100 32 L 100
5. Timer Belt 255 L 100 345 L 100
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