Words How To Pronounce: / Fɜ ST Læŋɡwɪdʒ

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Topic 1: English in the world

Words How to pronounce

/ˌfɜːst ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/

/ˌsekənd ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/


/əˈfɪʃl ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/




phrasal verb

phrasal verb
Topic 2: Space travel

Words How to pronounce

/ˌmīīkrōī ˈɡravədeī /

/əˈstraä nəmeī /




Topic 1: English in the world

the language that yōu learn tō speak first as a child; the language
that yōu speak best

a language that sōmebōdy learns tō speak well and that they use fōr
wōrk ōr at schōōl, but that is nōt the language they learned first
a way ōf prōnōuncing the wōrds ōf a language that shōws which
cōuntry, area ōr sōcial class a persōn cōmes frōm
is a language given a special legal status in a particular cōuntry,
state, ōr ōther jurisdictiōn.
the fōrm ōf a language that is spōken in ōne area with grammar,
wōrds and prōnunciatiōn that may be different frōm ōther fōrms ōf
the same language
a persōn whō can speak twō languages equally well
fluent (in something) able tō speak, read ōr write a language,
especially a fōreign language, easily and well
nōt as gōōd at a language as yōu used tō be because yōu have nōt
used it fōr a lōng time

learn a language by practising it, rather than by learning it in a class

knōw just enōugh ōf a language fōr simple cōmmunicatiōn

Topic 2: Space travel

an impōrtant jōb, especially a military ōne, that sōmeōne
is sent sōmewhere tō dō
very weak gravity
the scientific study ōf the universe and
ōf ōbjects that exist naturally in space, such as the mōōn,
the sun, planets, and stars
prōviding cōnditiōns that are gōōd enōugh tō live in ōr ōn
height abōve sea level
a device sent up intō space tō travel arōund the earth, used
fōr cōllecting infōrmatiōn ōr cōmmunicating by radiō, televisiōn,
a piece ōf rōck ōr ōther matter frōm space that has landed ōn earth
everything that exists, especially all physical matter, including all
the stars, planets, galaxies, etc. in space
a vehicle used fōr travel in space
a large ōbject that mōves very fast by fōrcing ōut burning gases,
used fōr space travel ōr as a weapōn

a device fōr making ōbjects that are far away lōōk clōser and larger,
using a cōmbinatiōn ōf lenses, ōr lenses and curved mirrōrs
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