Corpus Christi Catholic Church: December 10, 2017 - Second Sunday of Advent

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Corpus Christi Catholic Church

1415 W. Lies Road Carol Stream, IL 60188 630-483-4673

December 10, 2017 - Second Sunday of Advent

Mass Intentions Minister Schedules for Saturday, December 16
5:00 p.m. Mass LC: Leonard
Saturday, December 9 St. Juan Diego
5:00 p.m. Parishioners of Corpus Christi Lectors: Lelito, Sacco

Sunday, December 10 Second Sunday of Advent Host Greeters: J. Austria, C. & D. Lindelof, M. Salerno
7:30 a.m. Arleen Bowers ╬ Bill Bowers Extraordinary
J. & M. Tipton, B. & J. Yep, C. Leonard
Ministers of Eucharist
9:00 a.m. Mary Thiltgen ╬ Deacon Tom
Minister Schedules for Sunday, December 17
11:00 a.m. Ellen Boyer ╬ Betty & Family
Janice Penchoff ╬ Kevin & Laura Wiley & Family 7:30 a.m. Mass LC: Hartigan

Monday, December 11 St. Damasus I Lectors: Zayia, Smith

8:30 a.m. Pat Hackett SI Ambassadors of Mary Host Greeters: M. Nelson, M. Strawn
Tuesday, December 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe Extraordinary
P. Mamica
Ministers of Eucharist
8:30 a.m. Michael Ryan ╬ Terry & Dan Maloney
9:00 a.m. Mass LC: Laurila
7:00 p.m. Expectant Mothers
Lectors: Paris, Wachowski
Wednesday, December 13 St. Lucy
8:30 a.m. Lucille Delabadia ╬ John & Ida Dalabadia Host Greeters: K. & R. Mahrenholz, M. & Z. Mondrala
Olga Biggott ╬ Cynthia & Steve Sauer Extraordinary
Ministers of Eucharist
M. Czajkowski, K. Jatczak, C. King, K. Lambert
Thursday, December 14 St. John of the Cross
S. Levato
8:30 a.m. Ronald Hudec ╬ Russell & Karen Derring
11:00 a.m. Mass LC: Santos
Friday, December 15 Advent Weekday
8:30 a.m. Jim Tambirino ╬ Dora Gibellina Lectors: Williams, Williams

6:00 p.m. Parishioners of Corpus Christi Host Greeters: D. & T. Aspy, T. McNeil, A. Scherer
Extraordinary L. Achacoso, M. Sbertoli, P. Slizewski
Saturday, December 16 Advent Weekday Ministers of Eucharist
L. Sorensen, K. Williams
5:00 p.m. Joe & Josephine Paun ╬ Bill Bowers
Roger Simon ╬ Margaret & Don Dugo
Sunday, December 17 Third Sunday of Advent
7:30 a.m. Bob Pattyn ╬ Bill & Joan Durante Come pray the Pro-Life Rosary at
Corpus Christi on Tuesday mornings in
9:00 a.m. Alvaro Sievert Sr. ╬ Angara Family
the church after the 8:30 am Mass
11:00 a.m. John Sheehan Sr. ╬ Betty Sciortino
12:30 p.m.
Polish Mass
Special Intention Readings for the Week
Dec 9 Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-6; Mt 9:35 -- 10:1, 5a, 6-8

╬ Deceased SI Special Intention

Dec 10 Second Sunday of Advent
Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 85:9-14; 2 Pt 3:8-14; Mk 1:1-8
Dec 11 Is 35:1-10; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Lk 5:17-26
Dec 12 Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Jdt 13:18bcde,
Mass Intentions 19; Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47, or any readings from the
“In Memory Of ” Intentions When someone passes Common of The Blessed Virgin Mary, nos. 707-712
away, it is a tradition in the Catholic Church to have
them remembered at a Mass. This underscores our be- Dec 13 Is 40:25-31; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28-30
lief in the Communion of Saints. We believe that we are
still connected to each other and we can continue to Dec 14 Is 41:13-20; Ps 145:1, 9-13ab; Mt 11:11-15
pray for the deceased and their ultimate rest with God Dec 15 Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19
for eternity. If you wish to drop a request/donation
check into the collection basket please clearly label it Dec 16 Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16, 18-19; Mt 17:9a, 10-13
“Mass Intention” and include a contact name and phone
number. Please indicate if it is In Memory Of or a Special Dec 17 Third Sunday of Advent
Intention so we can process your request properly. Is 61:1-2a, 10-11; Lk 1:46-50, 53-54; 1 Thes 5:16-24; Jn
1:6-8, 19-28
Come, worship with us!
2017 Advent & Christmas Season Schedule
Advent Weekend Masses
Thru December 24
Saturday Vigil Mass at 5pm; Sunday Masses at 7:30am, 9am and 11am
Polish Mass 12:30pm on 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month

Simbang Gabi
Friday, December 15:
Mass at 6:00pm, followed by reception in Marian Hall

Sunday, December 24 (Fourth Sunday of Advent)

7:30am, 9am, 11am, (Saturday Vigil Mass at 5pm)

Christmas Eve Masses 4pm, 9pm (Polish) and 11pm

Carols ½ hour before each Mass
9pm Mass is in Polish – Pasterka

Monday, December 25, Christmas Day

Masses at 9am and 11am (No 7:30am Mass)
Carols ½ hour before each Mass

St. Stephen’s Day (Holy Szczepan)

Tuesday, December 26: regular morning Mass 8:30am
Evening Mass: 7pm (Polish)

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Saturday, December 30: Vigil at 5pm; Sunday, December 31: Masses 7:30am, 9am and 11am

Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God

Monday, January 1: 10:30am, 12:30pm (Polish)

Saturday, January 6: Vigil at 5pm; Sunday, January 7: Masses at 7:30am, 9am and 11am, 12:30pm (Polish)

Christmas Concert
Sunday, January 7: 3:30pm 5:00pm Dinner
This Advent,
we invite you and your children
to participate in our Giving Manger!
What is a Giving Manger?
The Giving Manger is a fun, interactive Advent tradition that helps families focus
on the true meaning of Christmas. It's a visual tool that reminds kids Whose birth-
day it is! It also helps them learn how to serve others and make sacrifices for the
Baby Jesus.

How does it work?

During the weeks of Advent leading up to Christmas, kids (and adults!)
can perform simple acts of generosity and kindness or offer up little
sacrifices. Each week an act of generosity or kindness is made, add a
piece of straw to the wooden manger in the Narthex when you come to
Mass on the weekend.

When Christmas arrives, there will be a cozy resting place for the newborn
King, and we as a Parish Family can place Baby Jesus in His manger!

With all the excitement of Santa Claus and presents, the true meaning of Christmas
can get blurred. But with the Giving Manger, your family can focus on and rejoice
in the birth of Jesus!
The St. Vincent de Paul Society Finance Update for the Weekend of
December 2 - 3, 2017
Upcoming Events:
Sunday Offertory $ 9,479.74
The St. Vincent de Paul Society is asking your
help to Adopt-a-Family in need this Christmas. Building Maintenance $ 1,405.00
New this year: We are partnering with Wayne
Township to shop for clothing and/or toys for
children, families, and individuals who are Debt to the Diocese as of 11/28/17 $ 7,975.31
struggling to make ends meet. We will continue
our support to our long-time partner Corpus
Christi Church in Chicago but only with gift Thank you for your continued support and
cards. Gifts and or gift cards are due back generosity. Your donations to the parish are
before the Masses on Dec. 16 & 17. If you or needed and greatly appreciated!
someone you know needs help, please call our
Confidential Help Line at: 630-585-4670.

New Mattresses Until Christ Returns

Without the Corporate Mark-up Who shall we be and what shall we do while await-
Twin * Full * Queen ing this Second Coming? Surely not standing around
Delivery Available
being idle. No – at work! The Bible readings early
St. Vincent de Paul in Advent urge us to be at these works: giving com-
fort, straightening out pathways (both figurative and
THRIFT STORES real), repenting, living without spot or blemish.
213 Main St, West Chicago Saint Paul asks, What sort of person ought I be?
90 W Lake St, Addison How does my life point to the Second Coming of
Please Support Our Outreach Mission Jesus Christ? What one act of mercy will I do this
SVDP is a lay organization of men and women
who join together to grow spiritually, and who of-
fer person-to-person service to those in need with-
in our parish boundaries. We witness God’s love
by embracing works of charity and justice. If you Getting a new Smart
are in need of help, please call our confidential TV for Christmas?
hotline number: 630-585-4670.
Maybe you have a non-HD
flat screen that's languish-
ing in the basement? Cor-
Traveling Rosary Ministry pus Christi could use them
for our classrooms. We
The traveling rosary is a new ministry. We take would like to have wall mounted TVs in every
our group to those needing prayer. We pray for room. These do not have to be HD, but they do
the sick, unemployed, deceased or special have to be flat screens. If you have one to donate,
intention. Intentions may be kept private. please call the office at 630-483-4673 and let us
Those receiving prayer need not be Catholic. know. Thank you!
Please bring a candle and join us on the 1st
Sunday of every month at 7:00 pm. We meet in Moving? No longer have room
the church parking lot and process over. Please for your baby grand piano? Cor-
contact Sue Koeller with intentions at: pus Christi could use it for our
[email protected] church. Thank You!
Please Join the Filipino Simbang Gabi Celebration!
Corpus Christi Parish Filipino Community invites everyone to join the Simbang Gabi on Friday, December 15,
with Father Mark Jurzyk as celebrant. Mass will begin at 6 PM in the church. There will be a reception featur-
ing Filipino foods and lechon (roasted pig) at Marian Hall immediately after Mass.
For those who have never been to this celebration, the word Simba means Mass and Gabi means Evening.
Hence, Evening Mass.
To Filipinos, this tradition is a novena of Masses, starting on December 15 and ending on December 23, in prep-
aration for the birth of Jesus. In the Philippines, these Masses are held at 4 AM when church bells begin to ring
and summon everyone to go to church. Every Catholic, young and old, students, workers, homemakers, all
lock to the church that early for nine days.
In the year of 1500, when the Franciscan and Dominican friars arrived in the Philippines, their mission was to
peacefully convert its people to Catholicism. At that time, Filipinos were mostly ishermen or farmers. The ish-
ermen would be arriving from their ishing boats at dawn while the farmers would be getting ready to work in
the ields before the sun goes up. The missionaries decided to set up catechism classes at around that time to
catch the ishermen and the farmers and their families. They would ring bells and families would gather around
bringing their breakfast and listen to the preachers.
These gatherings became regular events, and evolved into the Simbang Gabi, as it is known today, when the
Filipinos embraced the faith and were baptized. The preachers celebrated Mass instead of simply doing cate-
chism classes.
If you visit any part of the Philippines at this time of the year, you will feel the faith illed enthusiasm and eager-
ness as every church in every town in the Philippines is crowded with devout Catholics, young and old, going to
Mass. Then when the Priest has given his inal blessing after Mass, the Filipinos will gather around market
stalls to enjoy special desserts and delicacies.
As many Filipinos settle in different parts of the world, they bring this tradition with them. Thus, in countries
like Australia, Spain, France, Italy, Japan, and Canada and in any part of the United States, the Simbang Gabi has
become well known and a reason for Filipinos to renew friendships, meet new people, enjoy the hospitality of
the various parishes, and most especially, strengthen each other’s Catholic faith.

All Are Invited to our 2nd

State of Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship
Annual Special Needs Mass Receive up to 100% of Catholic School Tui on
All are invited to a special Mass to pray for and
celebrate the lives of the members of our The State of Illinois has created a new way to fund
community with special needs. scholarships for children who choose to a end
What: Special Needs Mass Catholic schools through the “Invest in Kids Act.”
When: Sunday, January 21st at 11:00 am Scholarships offered through this program have the
Where: Corpus Christi Catholic Church poten al to cover up to 100 percent of tui on and
1415 West Lies Rd. Carol Stream. eligible charges for next school year.
The Empower Illinois Scholarship Gran ng Organi-
How to Get Involved: za on will be opera onal and will have applica on
◦ Attend the Mass.
◦ Invite your family and friends. informa on around December 15, 2017 and an ci-
pates accep ng applica ons
If you know someone who is a member of the January 2, 2018. These dates
special needs community and would like to serve as are subject to change. Visit
a greeter, altar server, lector, or to take up the gifts, for up
please contact Debbie at [email protected] -to-date details.
or 630-788-6382.
This Week at Corpus Christi Please pray for our sick listed below...
Saturday 12-9-17 Retired Religious Collection Michael Allred Nate Hart Cyndi Murray
Christmas Dinner Sign-up & Mark Aruno Alan Hartzell Carole Naughton
Collection for Corpus Christi East in Chicago Beth Aurelio Mark Herwaldt Catherine Nieds
Second Sunday of Advent Eden Aurelio Deborah Henke Joan Notaro
Sunday 12-10-17
Retired Religious Collection Phyllis Barone Adam Hennig Kathy O’Connor
Christmas Dinner Sign-up & Asuncion Baldwin Ann Hillenburg Dan Olson
Collection for Corpus Christi East in Chicago Timothy Benner Olga Hobin Donald Ott
10:00 a.m. SVDP/Genesis Patty Bednarcyk Terry Hyland David Pamment
2:00 p.m. Bible Study Julie Bondi Betty Atarola Janet Parnell
6:00 p.m. PMT (Peer Ministry Team) Barb Borkowski MaryAnn Isenegger Carol Pasker
7-9:00 p.m. DTS (Dead Theologians Society) Bill Bowers Ed Jablonski Janet Paulsen
Bud Brown Joe Jackson Tom Pedrick
Theresa Bull Bob Jackson Teresa Powlle
Monday 12-11-17 3:30p.m. - 8:15 p.m.RE/YM Camille Burns Nicki Jackson Ann Rada
6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. RCIA Angelo Campagnola Josie Janisch Ron Raleigh
Leonnel Carrasco Jeanine Jensen Mike Rito
Tuesday 12-12-17 Our Lady of Guadalupe Pat Cassin Norvette Johnson Kylor Rice
1:00 p.m. Staff Meeting Elena Castro Donald Kaderabek Shirley Rickert
3:30p.m. - 8:15 p.m.RE/YM Carmella Karczewski
Pat Clarida Marion Riola
7:00 p.m. Mass
Bernadette Connors Walter Keefe Joel Rivera
7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus
Amanda Conrardy Michele Kibble Mary Roberts
Wednesday 12-13-17 9:30 a.m. Bible Study Lois Conroy Jerry Kish Sr. John Rossi
4:45 - 8:00 p.m. R.E. Fred Creath Judy Klimek Sandy Rovner
6:00 p.m. Youth Choir Maria Elena Cruz George Kodidek Angie Rudnicki
7:00 p.m. Adult Choir Sheila Cunningham Gene Koeppe Casey Sadowski
7:00 p.m. Respect Life Committee Marsha Curley Rick Kornovich Dolores Salerno
7:00 p.m. Parish Council Mary Lou Lara
Ted Dedic Martin Salerno
Thursday 12-14-17 7:00 p.m. Cantor Practice Russ Deering Edward Latham Rosa Maria Santos
7:00 p.m. Guitar Group Dan Dinatale Nello Lucchesi Jill Sauer
Joseph DiSerio Irene Maligranda/Bieg Gwen Scandora
Friday 12-15-17 6:00 p.m. Simbang Gabi Mass Lillian Marzano
Eric Dodrill George Schlung
7:00 p.m. Simbang Gabi Reception
Josh Dominas Anna McNamara Eugenia Schaul
7:00 p.m. Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament
7:00 p.m. Bible Study Michael Drager Teri Miceli Anthony Scornaienchi
Sylvia Eddy Gina Michelle Jose Sievert
Saturday 12-16-17 9:00 a.m. Deliver dinners to Resurrection Lucena Escano Mary Jean Milice Jim Sima
Josephine Fritz Bob Miller Jean Simonetta
Sunday 12-17-17 Third Sunday of Advent
Pancake Breakfast Candy General Bill Mills Mickey Simonetta
10:00 a.m. Genesis Paul Gerace Larry Miller Casey Sliwa
10:15 a.m. P/K Program Sarah Greco Roger Miller Lorraine Standiford
2:00 p.m. Bible Study Gary Grieger Rosemary Miller Ida Stanek
Karen Groshart Josephine Miller Michael Straube
Kenneth Grandowski Sally Millon Bob Strawn
Barbara Groves James Miner Joe Storino
Clarence Groves Marsha Minott Marie Storino
Join us on Tuesday Joe Gromada Carmen Mirandola Joe Stuchel
Veronica Gumarang Kathy Morris Mike Tkaczuk
Join us for the celebration Jeff Guzman Felisa Mortel Jennifer Trzeciak
Bob Hajdich Christina Moscatello Josephine Uy
of Our Lady of Guadalupe Eleanor Hamilton Pam Murphy Kim Walsh
on Tuesday, December Frank Haraf Angeline Murray Rich Williams
12, 2017 at 7pm. Fr. Mark Dr. Dan Haraf David Yurik
will be celebrating Mass Debbie Harrison
and we will have a small * Bold denotes parishioner
reception afterwards hosted
by the Missionaries of the In Loving Remembrance
Blessed Sacrament. Fred E. Creath Juanita Jalove
We hope you can join us. Maureen Farrell Ron Lapso
May they Rest in Peace
Magic g the
Tony of

Join us for our Christmas concert followed by a

special Christmas dinner with family, friends
and good food!
50/50 Raffle
$1 / ticket
$5/ 6 tickets

Our Religious Education children will join our

choir for a few songs.
My family would like to attend the Christmas dinner.
Name __________________________________
# of Adults ________ ($12/each)
# of Children ________ ($7/each)
Please make checks payable to Corpus Christi.
Please return to the office by January 3rd.
The Knights of Columbus in collaboration with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and other Catholic
organizations are raising awareness, prayers, and support for Persecuted Christians in the Middle East.
Christian families are now returning to their homes in ruins and need the help of their fellow Christians.
Nationally, the Knights of Columbus are helping to raise funds to rebuild the predominately Christian
town of Karamles, Iraq that was destroyed by ISIS. Since 2014, the Knights of Columbus Christian Refugee
Relief Fund has committed more than $17 million for humanitarian assistance primarily in Iraq, Syria, and
the surrounding region. You can find more about the efforts to aid persecuted Christians, as well as make
a tax-deductible donation, at 100% of all donations will be used on behalf of
Christians in the Iraq and Syria. Please stop by the Knights of Columbus table in the Narthex to pick up a
flyer and prayer card. The Knights of Columbus Corpus Christi Council thank you for your support and
prayers for those who have suffered for their faith and who so desperately need our help and solidarity.

Upcoming Events

• Next Council Mee ng: Tuesday December 12th 7pm Parish House basement.
• Breakfast with Santa & Keep Christ in Christmas Contest winner: Sunday December 17th 8:00 am – 11:30 in Mari-
an Hall. Admission cost is “Free will offering”. You won’t have a be er breakfast anywhere else!
• 5th Sunday Rosary: Sunday December 31st – details to follow
• January 2018 Council Mee ng: Tuesday January 9th 7pm Parish House basement.
• NFL Championship Sunday Fundraiser: Sunday January 21, 2018 in Marian Hall.

Membership has its Privileges – Invita on (please read)

Gentlemen of the Parish, we invite you to make a New Year’s resolu on to invest at least 24 hours in 2018 to fur-
ther support the Knight’s of Columbus by becoming a member. As a member, you will enrich your faith, support
the Church and spread the love of Jesus Christ through the various acts of service and support we do throughout
the year. Your me is valuable, as is ours. God gives us 24 hours a day and with just 1-2 hours a month, your th-
ing of me will reward you and your family ten-fold.

We are always ready and will find the me to meet with you and discuss the Knight’s of Columbus.
If interested in becoming a Knight, please contact a current Knight you know or Membership Director John
Threlkeld [email protected] or 630-335-3708.

Picture yourself in a future Community or Church Service opportunity!

SAVE 30% with your online order

Order Papa John’s online any me now through May 31, 2018 at the Carol
Stream and St. Charles Papa John’s Pizza stores using online code: KNIGHTSCC to
save 30% off regular prices. Papa John’s will donate 10% to the Knights of Colum-
bus Corpus Chris Council. Proceeds go toward Council outreach support efforts and
Corpus Chris Church.
This is only valid with online orders.
Religious Education Youth & Young Adults
Students in Grades P/K-9 Information
RE (Grades P/ K-6) PH: 630-483-4222
RE e-mail address: [email protected]

No Class
Upcoming Events There will be no RE/YM Classes from December 21st
12/17 Pancake Breakfast with Santa – January 6th.
12/21-1/6 NO CLASS – Christmas Break
1/7 3:30pm – Christmas Concert Retreats
4:45pm – Christmas Dinner Confirmation I – March 10th at Corpus Christi
Confirmation II – January 12th & 13th (for those who
did not attend in November)
Confirmation II – March 3rd at St. Patrick’s in St.
Christmas Concert with Charles.
Mark your calendars for our DTS
Annual Christmas concert on All students in grades 9-12 are invited to Dead The-
January 7th at 3:30pm. This ologians Society. The group meets every Sunday
year we will be including our evening from 7-9pm. They share the faith, some
RE students who have begun practicing some snacks and a lot of fun. Bring a Friend!
songs. The students have received a form
indicating whether they would like to participate. Service Opportunities for Youth
Please return it to the RE office ASAP. Confirmation I and II students are required to com-
plete two (2) service projects each year. The fol-
lowing are some upcoming service opportunities for
Christmas Dinner our students:
Pancake Breakfast – 12/17 AM shifts
Please join us for a special family Christmas P.A.D.S. – Wednesday, 12/20 – 6-8pm
dinner following the Christmas Dinner – 1/7 – 3:15-5:00pm
concert. Our menu will Please have your student sign up on the available
feature Sporty’s chicken sheets during class time.
tenders and an ice cream
sundae bar, as well as Camp Wow Registration
other delights! Our event Camp WOW registration for Campers is now open.
will be highlighted by the magic of Tony Application forms are on the wicker table outside the
Venetico! THIS EVENT WILL RAISE FUNDS Youth Ministry Office. Please contact Michael Bone
FOR OUR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION with any questions, 630-483-4226.
Mark your calendars! Encounter is a new initiative
Good Deeds by and for young adults. The first evening will be
held on December 16th at 7pm in the Meiley-
Ashlin – made my bed Swallow Theater at North Central College in Naper-
Brenna – set the table ville. Bring a friend!
Mollie – took out the trash
Jessica – washed the dishes
Rylee – said “Happy Birthday” to
my friend
Jason – helped dry the dishes
Dylan – cleaned up the dishes after dinner
Julie – helped
Courtny – listened to my Grandmother
Christian – helped in a charity car wash
Keelie – made my bed
Pastor Rev. Mark Jurzyk 483-4673 [email protected]
Chief Stewards 2017
Worship Commission Staff Liaisons:

Adoration Pauline Murphy 231-6722

Art & Environment Denise Palash 297-2898 [email protected]
Extraordinary Ministers Norb & Sharon Reinhard 293-1323 [email protected]
Guitar Group Debbie Molinaro [email protected]
Host Greeters Mike Strawn 293-9440 [email protected]
Lectors Nancy Parod 408-1431 [email protected]
Sacristans Pat Mamica 372-6747 [email protected]

Administration Commission Staff Liaison:

Dan Sledz 483-4673 [email protected]
Finance Brett Gossen 293-0749 [email protected]

Faith Formation Commission Staff Liaisons:

Mary Lou Conroy 483-4222 [email protected]
Michael Bone 483-4226 [email protected]

Sacramental Formation Rev. Mark Jurzyk 483-4673 [email protected]

Baptism Prep Deacon Tom Thiltgen 690-4357 [email protected]

Marriage Prep. Deacon Bill Thomas cell: 309-4948 [email protected]
R.C.I.A. Deacon Tom Thiltgen 690-4357 [email protected]

Peace & Social Outreach Commission

St. Vincent de Paul Jennifer Hoffman [email protected]

Emergency Outreach Maria Panopoulos 372-1938 [email protected]
Ministers of Care Maria Panopoulos 372-1938 [email protected]
P.A.D.S. Bridget Writt 588-0747 [email protected]
Prayer Network Karen Mahrenholz 372-8520 [email protected]
Children of Mary Debbie Barnes 483-3577 [email protected]
Transitional Housing Fran Splitgerber 483-7754 [email protected]
Respect Life Debbie Barnes [email protected]

Social Commission Staff Liaison:

Elizabeth Mazur 483-4673 [email protected]
Birthday Cards (Co-chair) Cookie Slobodecki 372-6802 [email protected]
Birthday Cards (Co-chair) Tina Slobodecki 372-0129 [email protected]
C.C.W. Lynn Bierman 205-4910 [email protected]
Energizers Olga Hobin 497-1479 —
Hospitality Elizabeth Mazur 483-4673 [email protected]
Knights of Columbus Frank Cerwin 682-4741 [email protected]

Parish Pastoral Commission

Andrew Jalove Madeline Dedic
Darius Matonis Maria Panopoulos
Debbie Molinaro Norb Reinhard
Jeannine Bukowski Pat Blackman
John Achacoso Tim Aspy
Laura Wiley Tony Molinaro **
Lourdes Achacoso **Commission Coordinator
In case of an Emergency... Mass Schedule
Should an emergency arise, please call the General Parish Office Phone
number and leave a message. Messages will be checked Weekends: Saturday 5:00 p.m.
and forwarded to the appropriate person and your Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m.
phone call will be returned. Weekdays: Mon. thru Fri. 8:30 a.m.
Holy Days: 8:30 a.m., 7:00 p.m. day of; no vigil
Parish Website Sacraments
Parish Address Sacrament of Baptism - Baptisms take place throughout the
1415 W. Lies Road Sundays of every month except during Advent and Lent.
Carol Stream, IL 60188 Parents are expected to attend “Welcome Your Child”
baptismal preparation workshop offered on the second Sunday
of every other month. We encourage expectant parents to make
Pastoral Staff baptismal arrangements six months in advance in order to best
accommodate everyone involved. Please call the Parish House
General Parish Office Phone Number: 630-483-4673 to schedule your “Welcome Your Child” class, and the date for
General Parish Office Fax Number: 630-483-4679 your child’s Baptism. Classes are at 10:00 am in Marian Hall.
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Corpus Christi welcomes you
Mrs. Mary Lou Conroy, Director of Religious Education PK-6th ext. 104 to partake in the Sacrament of Reconciliation every Saturday
Mr. Michael Bone, Director of Youth Ministry, 7-8th Grades ext. 110 from 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. in the Church, or by contacting
Mr. Robert Fulda, Director of Liturgical Music ext. 107 Father Mark at the Parish House Office at 630-483-4673 for an
appointment. Communal Reconciliation is celebrated
Ms. Gina Gallo, Parish Secretary ext. 100 seasonally at Advent and Lent.
Ms. Elizabeth Mazur, Director of Mission Advancement ext. 105
Sacrament of Marriage - Couples considering marriage are
Mr. Dan Sledz, Finance Director ext. 108 required to personally contact the pastor, Father Mark, six
months before planning a wedding date. Either the bride,
Parish Staff E-mail addresses: groom, or their parents must be registered parishioners for at
least six months before calling to set a date.
Rev. Mr. Tom Thiltgen, Deacon— [email protected]
Rev. Mr. Bill Thomas, Deacon— [email protected]
Ms. Gina Gallo, Parish Secretary— [email protected]
Mr. Michael Bone, Director of Youth Ministry—[email protected] Pastoral Life
Ms. Elizabeth Mazur, Director of Mission Advancement Adult Faith Inquiries (RCIA) - Anyone considering becoming
[email protected] a Catholic, or would like more information about the Catholic
Mrs. Mary Lou Conroy, DRE—[email protected] faith, please contact the Parish House Office.
Mr. Dan Sledz, Finance Director—[email protected]
Communion Calls - Communion for shut-ins is available.
Please call Maria Panopoulos at 630-738-7395 to make

Parish Mission Statement

We are Parish Registration and Office Hours
A Community of Christian believers We would like to extend a warm welcome to all newcomers and
Who embrace the Word of God, visitors. We invite you to come to the Parish House Office to
Who proclaim its message to all, register during our office hours which are:
With a welcoming spirit
As prayerful and sacramental people Monday through Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Empowered by unity, Thursday & Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Parish Offices are closed Saturday and Sunday.
We extend ourselves
Seeking to recognize the needs of others Consult the bulletin for holiday closings.
And responding with compassion by Please call the Parish Office
Gratefully sharing our blessings. (630) 483-4673 with any questions.
We gather as
To celebrate and become a source of hope
And inspiration to all.
St. Vincent de Paul Confidential Assistance:
If you are new to the parish or have simply not yet become a registered parishioner kindly complete the information
below and place it in the donation basket so we may contact you to set up a time to welcome you in person. Please
call the parish office at 630-483-4673 or email us at [email protected]

Name _ ___________ Phone ( ) _________

Address ______________________________________________

City_______________________ Zip Code__________________


Remember to check out our parish

webstore. It’s a great way to buy,
Graduation or wedding gifts while
supporting the parish.

Counseling available as an affiliate of the Central DuPage Counseling Center

507A Thornhill Dr. Carol Stream, IL 60188 ~ Counseling services are available to our parishioners.
You may contact Jack Berkemeyer at 630.752.9750.

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